help me erinnnnnn,thanks,QQ137536844

What is the MBR? MBR stands for Master Boot Record and it’s the first sector of your hard drive that basically tells the BIOS where to look for the operating system on your computer.
If, for any reason, the MBR becomes damaged or corrupt, then the operating system will be unable to load. You will normally see error messages like:
Error loading operating system
Missing operating system
Invalid partition table
These messages are definitely not fun, especially if you are not familiar with computers. Most people would automatically assume their computers are dead! However, that’s not true. Being in IT myself, these errors are actually preferably to other types of Windows errors. Why?
Well, it’s actually fairly easy to fix the Master Boot Record in XP and Vista. All you have to do is load up the Recovery Console and run a simple command. All of your data, applications, settings, etc are still intact on the drive and once the MBR is fixed, the computer will load normally.
So how can you repair your damaged MBR? Here are the steps to follow:
1. First, restart your computer with the Windows XP setup disk in the CD drive. If you don’t have your original disk, borrow one or download a ISO image from a torrent site.
2. When prompted, boot from the CD drive by pressing any key. If Windows loads automatically, you will first have to enter the BIOS setup and change the order of the boot devices to start with the CD drive.
3. Once the setup loads, you will see the option to press R to repair a Windows installation.
4. Once the Recovery Console loads up, you will have to type in a number that corresponds to your Windows installation. This is normally just 1. Press Enter and then type in the Administrator password.
5. Now at the prompt, type in fixmbr. Your damaged MBR will now be replaced with a new master boot record and your computer should now be able to boot properly. Note that you may also want to run the fixboot command to repair the boot sector with a new one.
Also, make sure you only use these commands on a system with one operating system installed. If you have more than one operating system installed, fixmbr and fixboot could mess up everything.
Fix MBR in Vista
In Vista, the procedure to fix the master boot record is a bit different. You have to start up Vista in the Recovery Environment and then run the bootrec command. Here’s how.
1. First, load up the Windows Vista disc in your drive and press any key to boot from the disc.
2. Choose the language, time, currency, etc and click Next. Now click on Repair Your Computer.
3. Choose the operating system to repair and click Next. When the System Recovery Options dialog comes up, choose the Command Prompt.
4. Now type bootrec.exe and press Enter. This will rebuild the boot configuration data and hopefully fix your problem. You can also run the command with switches to fix just the master boot record (/fixmbr), the boot sector (/fixboot), or rebuild the entire BCD (/rebuildbcd).
If you are still having trouble with loading Windows, post a comment and I’ll see if I can help! Enjoy!
Eh.. I'm getting &Element Not Found& errors on trying to fix server 08 with this method..英语翻译1.I know ,you want have a good girl ,but you can't say &Who can help me'.yes or no 2.No,i wang have a good girl,so i said &Who can help me&.I'm a chinese boy,so i holp you say chinese.thanks!3.In fact,this world is a lot of good girls,do you have found the eyes of the_百度作业帮
英语翻译1.I know ,you want have a good girl ,but you can't say "Who can help me'.yes or no 2.No,i wang have a good girl,so i said "Who can help me".I'm a chinese boy,so i holp you say chinese.thanks!3.In fact,this world is a lot of good girls,do you have found the eyes of the
1.I know ,you want have a good girl ,but you can't say "Who can help me'.yes or no 2.No,i wang have a good girl,so i said "Who can help me".I'm a chinese boy,so i holp you say chinese.thanks!3.In fact,this world is a lot of good girls,do you have found the eyes of the 4.I no hui English dan shi I hui han yu look dong this jv hua shuo ming you da nao you wen ti.5.I will not Korean,English only.Our Chinese firms that do not
我知道,你想找到一个好女孩,但你不能说“谁能帮助我' 是不是?不,我想找到一个好女孩,所以我说“谁能帮助我”我是中国男孩,所以我希望你说中国话,事实上,这个世界上有很多好女孩,你找到…… 我不会英语,但是我会汉语,看懂这句话的说明你大脑有问题!(我C,你大脑才有问题!)
1 。我知道,你想有一个良好的女孩,但你不能说“谁可以帮助我' 。是或否? 2.不 ,我王有一个良好的女孩,所以我说: “谁可以帮助我” 。 我是一个中国男孩,所以我希望你说汉语.谢谢 ! 事实上,在这个世界上是一个很大的好女孩,你有没有发现,眼睛的我无法辉英语石丹i辉韩愈研究董本合资企业华烁明你大铙,你文钛。 我不会韩国语,英语只。我们...
您可能关注的推广回答者:  Hello    There is a problem for my computer as I cannot type chinese here today, the windowns will be closed if I type. I don’t know why.    I think tomorrow it can be ok, such as one day off, one day ok.    it is funny that the notebook also like people which need free days??    And also if I type chinese, it will be like this way&今 天 又 是 头 晕 脑 账 的 一 天&    I mean there is a bland beteween each words.  Who know what is the problem and help me to solve??  My book’s brand is Dell--1420.    Thanks so much.  :)  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  Thanks, It is vista.  
  My computer type is DELL D630 as we don’t have such problems, initially,we usage Vista system while the windows system being loaded into computer, there was some trouble always just like waht you said. However we changed the system from Vista into XP, it seem to be okay.
  Vista system貌似有好多问题
  重装吧 换xp吧
  Thanks for you message, I will contact with Dell company to ask for it, thanks.  
  兄弟,what r u talking about?    呵呵,怪不得你发的那贴总是每字之间都有一个空格呢。
  i 服了 u
  Hey, I am a girl.  :)  
  throw this one, buy new one.
  如果是王码五笔,在网上搜的:     问题一,只要输入汉字,每个汉字中间就自动多出一个空格。解决方法,安装Office2007之后,问题会解决。    问题二,在IE7中,输入汉字,它会令IE直接关闭重启,解决办法,进行IE的工具,Internel选项,安全,把“启用保护模式”选项去选。  
  it is easy. reinstall the system.
  不一定是系统问题  换个输入法试试,不会用的是全拼哈,好像全拼遇到过  按搜狗试咯
  Sorry, i am too bad at computer, please link my QQ no
for help me, thanks.    Reminding I hope could get a master who can handle it well,:0) thanks.    :))  
  That’s easy, u can take a hammer and try to hit your keyboard, and say &don’t to be funny& loudy, then it will be Okay.
  or you can also try to use the hammer hit on your head and it also would help to totally resolve the problem.
  先确认一下是否是输入法的问题  多换几种输入法试试看  我知道紫光输入法是有问题的,清理自定义字库可以解决
  VISTA我装的是搜狗拼音 没啥问题
hey,such a nice girl~~    
Do you want onsite service? \
回复日期: 23:30:00
      先确认一下是否是输入法的问题    多换几种输入法试试看    我知道紫光输入法是有问题的,清理自定义字库可以解决    --------------------------------------------    mine is 王码五笔
  Many funny people :)
  1。选用新的输入法;  2。重装系统  3。换电脑
  old not go, new not come
  Dear summerwaj,    I am very glad to see you that you create such a nice subject in English.    For your problem, I think it’s not about your system. it’s about your input language. Could you tell me which kinda input language you used ?     On the shortcut of your input language, there is a icon like sun. you can click on it and then it will be changed into another icon like moon. After this operation, when you type chinese, the blank between the words will become byte as before the blank stand for a word.    Thanks so much.  yours sincerely
回复日期: 00:03:00    Dear,  Thanks for your answer and reminding,  I did that as you said, but no useful, still is the same as before.    
  try a new one!
  This is a new one when I bought it on May  
  Dear summerwaj,    I think it’s not big deal right now. without chinese input language, we can also chat in English.    besides I am enjoying this moment so that I can practise my English more and more.    It’s fine. lol.  
  Haha, But you know here is Tianya, there are many people will say how a chinese girl would like to show english well.    :)))      And also to tell you truth that I would like to talk in chinese as it is easy.    Hehe.  
  see see~
回复日期: 23:22:00
      That’s easy, u can take a hammer and try to hit your keyboard, and say &don’t to be funny& loudy, then it will be Okay.       作者:lasersword
回复日期: 23:27:00
      or you can also try to use the hammer hit on your head and it also would help to totally resolve the problem.    =========举报,这里发现2个坏人, 尤其是后者~~~~~~~~~~ :p
  LZ只是不能输入中文,并不是不能看,  回帖的那些为虾米一定要用英文呢?    看不懂英文写得解决方法    
  我还以为我电脑除乱码了!    还好
  English, not Chinglish. Definitely we understood you, but I don’t think a foreigner will understand your issue. Another suggestion, if you have any question, don’t hesitate to find a solution in internet. My friends always say: google or baidu is good.
  most of of the time, it’s because some chinese font library in the OS has crashed. u can just try 酷狗 here /pinyin/  or google /pinyin/.
most of the time, it will resolve the problem except for some guys have RP problem. 哈哈
  hello.    I read about your message,I wanna say,the problem is amazing.My notebook is Dell too.It was my mistake to choose Dell.I think It is time for us to choose Chinese brand.    Maybe some years later,the default language of Chinese computer will be Chinese.If the same proble happen again,you could type in Chinese anyway.    Did you find the reason now?I will monitor here.because my computer has same problem.    
  So many funny guys.haha
  vista is an advanced system.change it to xp.or,u will got more problem.
  wo kao
回复日期: 00:12:00
  哈哈 ,今 天 终 于 又 可 以 输 入 中 文 了 ,但 还 是 有 空 格 的 .:))    天 涯 真 是 牛 人 多 啊 , 看 热 闹 的 人 更 多 ,不 就 是 用 英 文 打 了 几 行 字 嘛 ,述 说 了 一 下 我 电 脑 的 毛 病 嘛 ,为 什 么 天 涯 的 BOSS们
老 是 要 在 这 里 冷 嘲 热 讽 呢??  讲 英 文 又 怎 么 啦 ,这 跟 SHOW 一 点 关 系 都 没 有 ,只 是 因 为 打 不 了 中 文 啊 .英 语 好 与 不 好 ,老 外 明 白 与 不 明 白 ,这 又 有 什 么 要 紧 , 因 为 我 不 是 外 国 人 , 我 也 是 在 学 习 中 啊 ,并 且 本 人 也 非 英 语 专 业 ,何 必 这 样 讥 讽 人 呢 .:))     P.S--感谢 那 些 真 诚 给 过 建 议 及 帮 助 的 人 ,谢 谢 .    PP.S-暂 不 能 确 定 是 否 是 DELL机 子 不 好 ,可 能 的 确 是 VISTA系 统 的 原 因吧 .现 在 已 联 系 DELL客 服 ,会 有 工 程 师 上 门 了 解 情 况 ,查 清 什 么 原 因 后 再 做 回 复 .    在 此 谢 谢 各 位, 你 们 的 帮 助 和 讥 讽 我 全 部 照 单 收 了 ,呵 呵 .  :))            
  Chinese upstairs are all very niu b,admire to death.
  If somebody solves you problem via QQ  I think a love story will begin   haha,these words just funny..  
  英文学习帖,鉴定完毕。。。  为啥我全部能看懂捏?按照常理,我应该都看不懂才对啊。。。  呵呵。。。  PS, DELL的机器极其之烂,有感。。。
  不过Dell肯定不会愿意给你装正版的xp系统,所以你还是得来这里找个电工帮你装个盗版的玩玩。  期待看你的下一帖
回复日期: 06:52:00
      English, not Chinglish. Definitely we understood you, but I don’t think a foreigner will understand your issue. Another suggestion, if you have any question, don’t hesitate to find a solution in internet. My friends always say: google or baidu is good.    --------------同志啥叫CHINGLISH你懂不懂啊?!!哈哈哈
  Dear summerwaj,    I am glad to see you that you could type in Chinese finally.unfortunately,there is still a blank between two Chinese words.I think it is acceptable.What have you done for your computer?    Please advise me,because my computer can only be typed in English up to now.looking forward to your information.    Thanks so much.  yours sincerely  
  you such poor girl!  Let me tell you the fastest way to solve this problem which I’ve faced some days ago. if your room is on 10F or higher, you can just open your window and throw it out off there. But if you leave under a 10F, you should first find a place that is higher enough, than do what I said. after this, go downstairs and check it out. You will supprisingly find if all ok! That is fantastic, but surely it works! Remember, next time, try it this way!
  you such poor girl!    Let me tell you the fastest way to solve this problem which I’ve faced some days ago. if your room is on 10F or higher, you can just open your window and throw it out off there. But if you leave under a 10F, you should first find a place that is higher enough, than do what I said. after this, go downstairs and check it out. You will supprisingly find it all ok! That is fantastic, but surely it works! Remember, next time, try it this way!
  Dear summerwaj,      Have you had lunch?I just had it.  Does your computer work well?    Hoping to hear from you soon!    Yours affectionately  Jimmy.
  Dear summerwaj,        I am very glad to see you that you create such a nice subject in English.        For your problem, I think it’s not about your system. it’s about your input language. Could you tell me which kinda input language you used ?         On the shortcut of your input language, there is a icon like sun. you can click on it and then it will be changed into another icon like moon. After this operation, when you type chinese, the blank between the words will become byte as before the blank stand for a word.        Thanks so much.    yours sincerely    -----------------------------  Good.
    Shift another input language..........        
  l hope that there are more subject in english in tianya in the futher
回复日期: 23:37:00
      作者:ctnr 回复日期: 23:30:00           先确认一下是否是输入法的问题      多换几种输入法试试看      我知道紫光输入法是有问题的,清理自定义字库可以解决        --------------------------------------------        mine is 王码五笔    装极点五笔吧,很好用,可以打五笔也可以用拼音
  貌似LZ是老师……    俺想问下,能教俺学英语不?
  an zhi dong zhong wen de
han yu ping yin ,suo yi zhi neng yong zhe ge hui fu ni
dian nao ying gai shi
shu ru fa fang mian de
wen ti ,hui fu yi xia jiu
ke yi le ,hen
jian dan de
,nan dao hai yong de zhao yong ying wen na me gao shen de
dong xi lai gou tong ma
?wo kan shang mian de
fen ren dou
nao can ,hai na me xiu ,kan bu xi guan .jiu
xie le shang mian de
  haiyou a ,you qi kan bu xiguan de shi shangmian de sm han sm feng de
nage ,bijiao
exin ,maosi ziji jiu shi hai gui hai dai yiyang de
juese .you benshi ni qu zuo tong sheng chuan yi qu na qu na ji qian kuai yi fen zhong de
shou ru ya ?wo kan louzhu ye shi
louzhu shi
youdian xiao
cm ,jiushi xiande you dian guo ,my bawo du,guo l huo jiu
hui juede bu hao
,ting exin de .
  so I know Dell sucks ...
  我电脑也碰到过这样的情况,。  后来那个谁帮我弄好了,
  天涯的GG们,    本MM 从 来 都 没 想 过 在 天 涯 上 发 了 个 求 助 电 脑 的 问 题 的 事 情,会 引 起 这 么 多 人 不 满, 为 什 么 会 这 样呢???  唉,真 弄 不 懂 这 哪 是哪 啊??? 不 就 是 用 ENGLISH 描述 了 一 下 电 脑 的 毛 病 情 况 嘛,就 算 说 得 有 点CHINESE STYLE, 那 也 是 我 个 人 的 事 情 啊,你 们 范 不 着生 闷 气 吧,就 算 你 心 里 有 气,有 种 就 当 着 本 小 姐 的面 来 冲,别 像 个 黄 鼠 狼 似 的 在 我 背 后 放 屁,男 人 不像 个 男 人,爷 们 不 像 个 爷 们, 众 口 悬 河 的 欺 负 一 个MM 算 什 么 呢? 自 己 不 觉 得 自 己 很 可 笑,像 个 小 丑吗???    晕,说 风 凉 话 & 讽 刺 & 嘲 笑 的 GG 们 请 反 思 一 下 自 己的 心 态 是 不 是 有 点 变 型 了 啊??自 己 是 不 是 稍 微 的有 点 不 正 常 人 啊???
不 要 还 在 自 鸣 得 意 哦 ….. … 嘻嘻.---MM 只 是 稍 微 提 醒 一下,无 则 加 免
嘛,对不,GG们.--:):)    我 知 道 我 打 下 这 些 字 的 时 候, GG 们 应 该 又 会 加 快扔 砖 头 的 速 度,不 过 没 关 系,  本 小 姐 照 单 全 收,
但 有 一 个 小 小 要 求, 如 果 你 是个 爷 们,像 个 男 人 的 话 就 请 站 到 本 小 姐 面 前 来 骂那 些 话, 骂 赢 了 本 小 姐 请 你 吃 饭 .    但 请 记 得 别 写 在 这 个 贴 子 上,懂 吗 ?    谢谢哦.  )    
回复日期: 13:20:00
      Dear summerwaj,          Have you had lunch?I just had it.    Does your computer work well?        Hoping to hear from you soon!        Yours affectionately    Jimmy.    ----------------------------------------  Jimmy,  今 天 出 门 了 ,现 在 才 回 复 .:)    谢 谢 , 这 个 问 题 还 没 有 解 决 ,今 天 可 以 输 中 文 ,我 想 明 天 应 该 就 只 可 能 输 英 文 了 .   不 过 没 有 关 系 ,因 为 我 的 DELL电 脑 是 三 年 的 金 牌 保 修 卡,已 经 联 系 过 DELL了 ,会 在 国 庆 假 后 派 工 程 师 来 解 决
    说 实 话 我 还 是 不 想 说 DELL不 好 ,因 为 除 了 这 个 小 毛 病 ,其 它 性 能 都 非 常 的 好 .我 以 前 用 的 是 联 想 的 本 本 ,如 果 让 我 在 两 者 推 荐 的 话 还 是 DELL,因 为 联 想 起 动 时 的 声 音 躁 声 很 大 ,很 容 易 发 热 甚至
到 烫 人 的 程 度
,并 且 出 现 问 题 后 客 服 一 般 都 是 否 定 :不 可 能 吧 ?不 会 出 这 样 的 问 题 吧 之 类 的 话 ,让 人 心 情 一 下 子 就 不 好 了 ,让 你 聚 理 据 争的 来 说 明. 然 后 换 任 何 东 东 都 得 付 钱 ,而 且 还 要 自 已 汗 流 满 面 的 挤 车 提 到 华 强 北 客 服 服 务 那 里 ,等 他 们 检 测 少 说 也 要 二 小 时 ,太 累 了 .伤 神 ,还 有 点 小 伤 心 .    
回复日期: 23:22:00
      That’s easy, u can take a hammer and try to hit your keyboard, and say &don’t to be funny& loudy, then it will be Okay.    ------------------------------  this guy is so funny.haha...
  如果你现在用的系统不是出厂时的VISTA,我敢打包票上门的工程师会挑你这个刺  VISTA是个畸形儿,这是微软自己都默认的,如果有可能的话,还是换用XP吧,毕竟这是经过多年NNN多人检验过基本是最适合个人的桌面系统。
  Dear summerwaj,    I am very glad to see your answer for fact,my computer has no problem,I was just kidding with you.  I am sorry for that.    I hope your computer could be are you!Have a good dream!        Yours friend  Jimmy.
  take the dell computer
hang on you neck ,it can be type in chinese and take it down ,it will be type in enlgish ,go try it
  qie !kan
yiwen ganjue
gaoya renshi ,huan hui zhongwen yi kan ,hehe ,ye
yi pofumajie
juese ,xiexie ni luo.  benlai
bu renshi yingwen de ,kan l kan
yong DELL diannao de
xiang bangmang chu dian li de
kan lai wanquan meiyou biyou l ,shunbian jie ge se de
xiangfa dou meiyou le .
  建议重装操作系统,而且不要装Vista,别当微软的小白鼠,Vista不是一个成功的操作系统。  有条件的话,不要用Dell,更不要用联想的手提,IBM不错,Sony还行。
  Dear summerwaj,      How are you?Does your computer work well now?            Yours friend    Jimmy.
  半角和全角的转换  需要把全角转换成半角,及输入法显示“弯月”及“;& 即可
  我 的 也 是 出 现 空 格 了 , 真 是 晕 倒 , 我 也 是 VISTA的 系 统 , 但 不 是 DELL的 , 是 联 想 的 。 怎么回 事 呢 ? 好 像 用 五 笔 就 不 行 , 拼音输入是 正 常 的 , 是 输 入 法 出 问 题 了 , 还 是 中 病 毒 了 ? ? ?
  这是个啥场合?  秀场?  I WANT SUN LOU-PIG!
  gain over!
  Dear Mr.or Ms.,    Very nice to hear from you!  I am the one of guy who used and is using English to reply the post.In a way,I am sorry to disturb you!you have a bright mind because you could see what we are thinking about,that is great!    As you proposed that we’d better type in Chinese,we got the same thing to use English,which is freedom!this is not show!  We can do what we like inside the law.can you agree on this?  Thanks.  Jimmy
  Dear Summer WAJ,     Your English is good,I hope I could be your friend.  Is that possible?    Have a good day!    Best regards  Chris
  wo ye hui yingyu oh yeah
  zai da ying wen
wo ke yao fa bi sha le!!!!
  Effective the most direct way : reinstall the system!
  Morons overloaded......  
  my choice was HASEE (神舟),haha, which never encountered such stupid problems, and economical as well. I think it’s time for us to switch our focus on Chinese brand other than still hanging for exotic products.Good Luck!
  O~~~shit!  I just 看懂几个 word。  Fuck English,but 我看得懂很多person在装 between A and C。  意淫is innocence,我只喜欢Dear MM和Dear My 妲玲。
  how much your computer ?  because i got it   


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