Pairedearly readss是什么

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因为inner distance= 180 ± 50 - 100*2 ,同时可能出现测通【inner&=0】或者没有测通【inner >0】的两种情况
发生overlap的fragment记录 6198(≈62%)
(比对过滤掉overlap小于18bp的记录,故真实overlap length范围应该为1~100)
-r/--mate-inner-dist &int>
This is the expected (mean) inner distance between mate pairs. For, example, for paired end runs with fragments selected at 300bp, where each end is 50bp, you should set -r to be 200. The default is 50bp.
-i/--min-intron-length &int>
The minimum intron length. TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs closer than this many bases apart. The default is 70.
-I/--max-intron-length &int>
The maximum intron length. When searching for junctions ab initio, TopHat will ignore donor/acceptor pairs farther than this many bases apart, except when such a pair is supported by a split segment alignment of a long read. The default is 500000.
统计下看多长的占得reads数最多 就将r设置成这个长度
可是结果insert size没有偏向性(即,没有再期望范围集中)
应该大部分是reads之间没有inner size,而是重叠20bp
-r/--mate-inner-dist 和-i/--min-intron-length 都要设置负数了么?
I don't know the mate inner distance (-r/--mate-inner-dist) for my paired reads, what value should I use?
The default value should work fine in most cases, for typical RNA-Seq PE experiments, because TopHat allows some variance for this distance internally.
TopHat makes use of the mate inner distance information in several places - for instance, when finding splice sites and fusion break points. This information is also taken into account when choosing the best candidate alignments for paired reads in the final stage of TopHat (tophat_reports). If you want to find a good approximation of this distance for your reads you can try running Bowtie2 on a small sample (subset) of the paired reads (both mates) and
taking a look at their mapped positions (we hope to add this automatic fragment length detection in a future version of TopHat). The SAM output of Bowtie2 for paired reads is especially helpful as the 9th field in the SAM alignment lines should show the estimated fragment length, from which you should subtract twice the read length to get the value of the &inner distance& that can be used with the -r parameter (obviously large absolute values for that field should be ignored as for this estimate we only want to consider mates aligned to the same exon).
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研究方向与兴趣: JavaEE-Web软件开发,
生物信息学, 数据挖掘与机器学习, 智能信息系统
目前工作: 基因组, 转录组, NGS高通量数据分析, 生物数据挖掘, 植物系统发育和比较进化基因组学
一步跑完的脚本:./ SOAPdenovo all -s lib.cfg -K 29 -D 1 -o ant &&ass.log 四步单独跑的脚本: ./ SOAPdenovo pregraph-s lib.cfg -d 1&&-K 29 -o ant&pregraph.log./ SOAPdenovo contig -g ant -D 1 -M 3&contig.log./ SOAPdenovo map -s lib23.cfg -g ant&map.log./ SOAPdenovo scaff -g ant -F&scaff.log 2 参数说明& & -s&&STR& &&&配置文件& & -o&&STR& &&&输出文件的文件名前缀& & -g&&STR& &&&输入文件的文件名前缀& & -K&&INT& &&&输入的K-mer值大小,默认值23,取值范围 13-63& & -p&&INT& &&&程序运行时设定的线程数,默认值8& & -R& && && & 利用read鉴别短的重复序列,默认值不进行此操作& & -d&&INT& &&&去除频数不大于该值的k-mer,默认值为0& & -D&&INT& &&&去除频数不大于该值的由k-mer连接的边,默认值为1,即该边上每个点的频数都小于等于1时才去除& & -M&&INT& &&&连接contig时合并相似序列的等级,默认值为1,最大值3。& & -F& && && & 利用read对scaffold中的gap进行填补,默认不执行& & -u& && && & 构建scaffold前不屏蔽高覆盖度的contig,这里高频率覆盖度指平均contig覆盖深度的2倍。默认屏蔽& & -G& &INT& & 估计gap的大小和实际补gap的大小的差异,默认值为50bp。& & -L& && && & 用于构建scaffold的contig的最短长度,默认为:Kmer参数值×2 3 使用方法及示例1)示例SOAPdenovo_Release1.0/SOAPdenovo all -sData/HCB.lib -K 25 -d&&-o test2) 输入文件configFile (配置文件内容如下,非程序生成,需要软件使用者自己配置)#maximal read length (read的最大长度)以“#”开头的行是注释内容max_rd_len=50& &#该值一般设置的比实际read读长稍微短一些,截去测序最后的部分,具体长度看测序质量[LIB]& && && &&&#文库信息以此开头 avg_ins=200& &&&#文库平均插入长度,一般取插入片段分布图中给出的文库大小reverse_seq=0& &#序列是否需要被反转,目前的测序技术,插入片段大于等于2k的采用了环化,所以对于插入长度大于等& & 于2k文库,序列需要反转,reverse_seq=1,小片段设为0asm_flags=3& &&&#该文库中的read序列在组装的哪些过程(contig/scaff/fill)中用到& && && && && & 设为1:只用于构建contig;& && && && && & 设为2:只用于构建scaffold;& && && && && & 设为3:同时用于构建contig和scaffold;& && && && && & 设为4:只用于补洞短插入片段(&2K)的设为3,同时用于构建contig和scaffold,长插入片段(&=2k)设为2,不用于构建contig,只用于构建scaffold,454single 长reads只用于补洞。rank=1& && && &&&#rank该
不足够时,可以将多个档的数据合在一起构建scaffold。这里说的数据量够与不够是从该档的测序覆盖度和物理覆盖度两个方面来考虑的。pair_num_cutoff=3 #可选参数,pair_num_cutoff该参数规定了连接两个contig或者是pre-scaffold 的可信连接的阈值,即,当连接数大于该值,连接才算有效。短插入片段(&2k)默认值为3,长插入长度序列默认值为5map_len=32& && &&&#map_len该参数规定了在map过程中 reads和contig的比对长度必须达到该值(比对不容mismacth和gap),该比对才能作为一个可信的比对。可选参数,短插入片段(&2k)一般设置为32,长插入片段设置为35,默认值是K+2。
q1=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fastq_read_1.fq#read 1的fastq格式的序列文件,“/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fastq_read_1.fq”为read的存储路径q2=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fastq_read_2.fq#read 2的fastq格式的序列文件,与read1对应的read2文件紧接在read1之后)f1=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fasta_read_1.fa#read 1的fasta格式的序列文件f2=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fasta_read_2.fa#read 2的fasta格式的序列文件q=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fastq_read_single.fq#单向测序得到的fastq格式的序列文件f=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/fasta_read_single.fa#单向测序得到的fasta格式的序列文件p=/path/**LIBNAMEA**/pairs_in_one_file.fa#双向测序得到的一个fasta格式的序列文件SOAPdenovo参数详解SOAPdenovo is a novel short-read assembly method that can build a de novo
draft assembly for the human-sized genomes. The program is specially designed to
assemble Illumina GA short reads. It creates new opportunities for building
reference sequences and carrying out accurate analyses of unexplored genomes in
a cost effective way.
System Requirement
SOAPdenovo aims for large plant and animal genomes, although it also works
well on bacteria and fungi genomes. It runs on 64-bit Linux system with a
minimum of 5G physical memory. For big genomes like human, about 150 GB memory
would be required.
Release 1.0 Only precompiled binary version available now. ()
Download the SOAP
There are one executable file “soapdenovo”, one demo configure file
“example.contig” and this readme file.
How to use it
1. Configuration file
For big genome projects with deep sequencing, the data is usually organized
as multiple read sequence files generated from multiple libraries. The
configuration file tells the assembler where to find these files and the
relevant information. “example.config” is an example of such a file. The
configuration file has a section for global information, and then multiple
library sections. Right now only “max_rd_len” is included in the global
information section. Any read longer than max_rd_len will be cut to this length.
The library information and the information of sequencing data generated from
the library should be organized in the corresponding library section. Each
library section starts with tag [LIB] and includes the following items:
avg_insThis value indicates the average insert size of this library or
the peak value position in the insert size distribution figure.
reverse_seqThis option takes value 0 or 1. It tells the
assembler if the read sequences need to be complementarily reversed. Illumima GA
produces two types of paired-end libraries: a) forward-reverse, generated from
fragmented DNA ends with typical insert size less than 500 b)
forward-forward, generated from circularizing libraries with typical insert size
greater than 2 Kb. The parameter “reverse_seq” should be set to indicate this:
0, forward- 1, forward-forward.
asm_flags=3This indicator decides in which part(s) the
reads are used. It takes value 1(only contig assembly), 2 (only scaffold
assembly), 3(both contig and scaffold assembly), or 4 (only gap closure).
rd_len_cutoffThe assembler will cut the reads from the
current library to this length.
rankIt takes integer values and decides in which order
the reads are used for scaffold assembly. Libraries with the same “rank” are
used at the same time during scaffold assembly.
pair_num_cutoffThis parameter is the cutoff value of
pair number for a reliable connection between two contigs or pre-scaffolds.
map_lenThis takes effect in the “map” step and is the
minimun alignment length between a read and a contig required for a reliable
read location.
The assembler accepts read file in two formats: FASTA or FASTQ. Mate-pair
relationship could be indicated in two ways: two sequence files with reads in
the same order belonging to a pair, or two adjacent reads in a single file
(FASTA only) belonging to a pair. In the configuration file single end files are
indicated by “f=/path/filename” or “q=/pah/filename” for fasta or fastq formats
separately. Paired reads in two fasta sequence files are indicated by “f1=” and
“f2=”. While paired reads in two fastq sequences files are indicated by “q1=”
and “q2=”. Paired reads in a single fasta sequence file is indicated by “p=”
item. All the above items in each library section are optional. The assembler
assigns default values for most of them. If you are not sure how to set a
parameter, you can remove it from your configuration file.
2. Get it started
Once the configuration file is available, a typical way to run the assembler
is:./soapdenovo all -s config_file -K 25 -R -o graph_prefix
User can also choose to run the assembly process step by step
as:./soapdenovo pregraph -s config_file -K 25 [-R -d -p] -o
graph_prefix./soapdenovo contig -g graph_prefix [-R -M 1 -D]./soapdenovo
map -s config_file -g graph_prefix [-p]./soapdenovo scaff -g graph_prefix
[-F -u -G -p]
3. Options:-s STR configuration file -o STR output graph file prefix -g STR input graph file prefix -K INT K-mer size [default 23, min 13, max63] -p INT multithreads, n threads [default 8] -R use reads to solve tiny repeats [default no] -d INT remove low-frequency K-mers with frequency no larger than [default 0] -D INT remove edges with coverage no larger that [default 1] -M INT strength of merging similar sequences during contiging [default 1, min 0, max 3] -F intra-scaffold gap closure [default no] -u un-mask high coverage contigs before scaffolding [defaut mask] -G INT allowed length difference between estimated and filled gap -L minimum contigs length used for scaffolding
4. Output files
4.1 These files are output as assembly results:
a. *.contig contig sequences without using mate pair information
b. *.scafSeq scaffold sequences (final contig sequences can be extracted by
breaking down scaffold sequences at gap regions)
4.2 There are some other files that provide useful information for advanced
users, which are listed in Appendix B.
5.1 How to set K-mer size?
The program accepts odd numbers between 13 and 31. Larger K-mers would have
higher rate of uniqueness in the genome and would make the graph simpler, but it
requires deep sequencing depth and longer read length to guarantee the overlap
at any genomic location.
5.2 How to set library rank?
SOAPdenovo will use the pair-end libraries with insert size from smaller to
larger to construct scaffolds. Libraries with the same rank would be used at the
same time. For example, in a dataset of a human genome, we set five ranks for
five libraries with insert size 200-bp, 500-bp, 2-Kb, 5-Kb and 10-Kb,
separately. It is desired that the pairs in each rank provide adequate physical
coverage of the genome.
APPENDIX A: an example.config
# maximal read lengthmax_rd_len=50
[LIB]# average insert sizeavg_ins=200
# if sequence needs to bereversed reverse_seq=0
# in which part(s) the reads are usedasm_flags=3
# use only first 50 bps of each readrd_len_cutoff=50
# in which order the reads are used while scaffoldingrank=1
# cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection (default
# minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location (default
# fastq file for read 1q1=/pathfastq_read_1.fq
# fastq file for read 2 always follows fastq file for read
# fasta file for read 1f1=/pathfasta_read_1.fa
# fastq file for read 2 always follows fastq file for read
# fastq file for single readsq=/pathfastq_read_single.fq
# fasta file for single readsf=/pathfasta_read_single.fa
# a single fasta file for paired readsp=/pathpairs_in_one_file.fa
# cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection# (default 5 for large
insert size)pair_num_cutoff=5
# minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location#
(default 35 for large insert
Appendix B: output files
1. Output files from the command “pregraph”
a. *.kmerFreqEach row shows the number of Kmers with a frequency equals
the row number.
b. *.edgeEach record gives the information of an edge in the pre-graph:
length, Kmers on both ends, average kmer coverage, whether it’s
reverse-complementarily identical and the sequence.
c. *.markOnEdge & *.pathThese two files are for using reads to solve
small repeats
e. *.preArcConnections between edges which are established by the read
f. *.vertexKmers at the ends of edges.
g. *.preGraphBasicSome basic information about the pre-graph: number of
vertex, K value, number of edges, maximum read length etc.
2. Output files from the command “contig”
a. *.contigContig information: corresponding edge index, length, kmer
coverage, whether it’s tip and the sequence. Either a contig or its reverse
complementry counterpart is included. Each reverse complementary contig index is
indicated in the *.ContigIndex file.
b. *.ArcArcs coming out of each edge and their corresponding coverage by
c. *.updated.edgeSome information for each edge in graph: length, Kmers
at both ends, index difference between the reverse-complementary edge and this
d. *.ContigIndexEach record gives information about each contig in the
*.contig: it’s edge index, length, the index difference between its
reverse-complementary counterpart and itself.
3. Output files from the command “map”
a. *.peGradsInformation for each clone library: insert-size, read index
upper bound, rank and pair number cutoff for a reliable link. This file can be
revised manually for scaffolding tuning.
b. *.readOnContigRead locations on contigs. Here contigs are referred by
their edge index. Howerver about half of them are not listed in the *.contig
file for their reverse-complementary counterparts are included already.
c. *.readInGapThis file includes reads that could be located in gaps
between contigs. This information will be used to close gaps in scaffolds.
4. Output files from the command “scaff”
a. *.newContigIndexContigs are sorted according their length before
scaffolding. Their new index are listed in this file. This is useful if one
wants to corresponds contigs in *.contig with those in *.links.
b. *.linksLinks between contigs which are established by read pairs. New
index are used.
c. *.scaf_gapContigs in gaps found by contig graph outputted by the
contiging procedure. Here new index are used.
d. *.scafContigs for each scaffold: contig index (concordant to index in
*.contig), approximate start position on scaffold, orientation, contig length,
and its links to others.
e. *.gapSeqGap sequences between contigs.
f. *.scafSeqSequence of each scaffold.
SOAPdenovo拼接参数详解 ----个人经验
How to set K-mer size?The program accepts odd
numbers between 13 and 127. Larger K-mers would have higher rate of uniqueness
in the genome and would make the graph simpler, but it requires deep sequencing
depth and longer read length to guarantee the overlap at any genomic
7) Data Preparation Module generates necessary data
for SOAPdenovo to run "map" and "scaff" steps from Contigs generated by
SOAPdenovo or other assemblers with various length of kmer.
-g [string] Prefix of output.-K [int] Kmer
length.-c [string] Input Contigs FASTA. (Filename cannot be
prefix.contig)2. config文件中的一个重要参数reverse_seq
option takes value 0 or 1. It tells the assembler if the read sequences need to
be complementarily reversed.Illumima GA produces two types of paired-end
libraries: a) forward-reverse, generated from fragmented DNA ends with typical
insert size less than 500 b) forward-forward, generated from circularizing
libraries with typical insert size greater than 2 Kb. The parameter
“reverse_seq” should be set to indicate this: 0, forward- 1,
RF: first read of fragment pair is sequenced as
anti-sense (reverse), and second read is in the sense strand (forward);
FR: first read is in the sense strand
(forward);second read of fragment pair is sequenced as anti-sense (reverse)”
其实这个参数就算设置正确,还是存在一个很严重的问题,因为在illumina mate-pair
-M mergeLevel(default 1,min 0, max 3): the strength
of merging similar sequences during
used Dijkstra’s algorithm to detect bubbles, which is similar tothe
‘‘Tour-bus’’ method in Velvet.We merged the detected bubblesinto a single
path if the sequences of the parallel paths were very that is, only
had a single base pair difference or had fewerthan four base pairs
difference with &90% identity.
config文件里的asm_flag参数1 (reads only used for
contig assembly), 2 (only used for scaffold assembly) and 3 (used for both
contig and scaffold assembly).
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${a.selfIntro|escape}{if great260}${suplement}{/if}
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{list a as x}
{if !!b&&b.length>0}
{list b as y}
{list d as x}
{list a as x}
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{list a as x}
{list a as x}
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