软件行业的同济大学本科生网 大学四年有那些比较重要事要做

中国普通建筑大学生的潜力和可塑性 – 脑洞大开,多元软件技术展现大胆城市遐思。
来源:Gooood“中国学生可以做得很棒,希望借此机会让广大国内学生有信心。” ——课程指导教师申江海“Chinese student could do well. Seeing these impressive student works, they should be confident about themselves.” ——Project instructor Bear Shen&教学理念Teaching Philosophy河北工业大学建筑与艺术设计学院建筑学四年级专业课高层设计由申江海和李德新老师所带的小组旨在通过发散创意思维,多元的软件技术进行课程设计,设计的题目、场地、内容学生自选,老师不对学生的设计思路进行限制,并完全进入每位学生自己设置的设计逻辑中一同讨论开展设计。希望藉此来最大化发挥学生的设计创意和设计技能水平。该组学生最后所有的主题都不同,有城市寄生、漫画宅男梦想城市、核泄漏后重建、海底、空中、游戏意境、城市高密度更新、城市复合工厂、社会制度等等脑洞大开的想象和逻辑推理,并且运用了多种软件和表现手法来完成最终成果。The team of architecture course grade4 high-rise building design by tutors -Bear Shen and Dexin Li in Hebei University of Technology aims to divergent creative thinking, multi software technology curriculum design. Students chose topic, site and concept of design by themselves without any limit , tutors discuss with students about the project design together with the concept logical of the students , aim to maximize the students’ innovation. and design skills.In the last, students have very different creative and exiting themes: Parasitic architecture, Homeboy dream city, Reconstruction after nuclear leakage, The bottom of the sea, In the air, Game conception, High density city renew, City factory, Social system etc with variety of software and methods.&学生成果Student Work1.中寄生怪&Parasitic monster in city——A new city growing from the city’s leftover space学生:王佳欣&Student: Jiaxin Wang人们从没有停止过向城市索取更多的空间。基于日本城市中的问题,考虑一种寄生建筑的形式被放置在城市的畸零地块中。从中生长。畸零地块常常是无人使用的消极空间等,由于各种因素导致空间利用十分困难。应当采用具备小体量、灵活性的特征的建筑形式,与城市畸零地块的契合使寄生成为可能。People have never stopped asking for more space in the city. Based on the problems in the Japanese cities, consider the form of a parasitic building that is placed in the city’s distortion field. It grows out of the distortion field.The rest of the space is abandoned private land that increased the difficulty of reusing because of factors such as poor accessibility, irregular or too narrow plots. Adopting the architectural form with the characteristic of small body quantity and flexibility make it possible to live with the rest space of the city.▼局部剖面图,&Section日本的流浪者数量众多,同时房屋租赁情况十分普遍,青年人有很大的租房需求,除了租房以外还可以申请租金和其他成本相对便宜的公营住宅(UR都市机构等等)等形式。从这个角度出发引申思考在将来的城市,这种租与住的住宅将发展到极致。城市与住宅是被统一管理的,人们社会进入共享的状态。There is a large number of homeless people in Japan.At the same time,home renting are common. Young people are in a huge demand for housing. In addition to renting, they can also apply for rent and other costs (the gift deposit for the landlord) and relatively inexpensive public housing (the UR metropolitan organization, etc.). From this point of view, it is thought that in the future, this kind of rented and residential will develop to the extreme. Cities and houses are managed together .People are in a shared state.▼城市鸟瞰图,City Bird View&2.共生海屋&Symbiotic sea house学生:曹继伟Student: Jiwei Cao随着科技技术的发展,越来越多的资源被开采,在人类享受便捷的生活的时候,大量的垃圾被制造,环境遭到破坏。人们在尽情的使自己的周边环境看起来完美,实际上地球上的很多的生物的生存环境受到了严重的破坏。那么当人类与动物生存在同一种环境下,是不是就会改变对自然环境的态度呢?海洋生物是海陆空三个分层中唯一一个满足在垂直分层上有多种生物并存并且可以自由穿梭的场所。因此萌生了在海洋中建立高层建筑的想法,它不仅仅是建筑满足日常所需,更重要的是一种唤起人们的保护自然意识。With the development of science and technology, more and more resources are being exploited. When humans enjoy a convenient life, a lot of rubbish is made and the environment is destroyed. People are enjoying their own surrounding environment looks perfect, in fact, the living environment of many of the earth’s living has been severely damaged. So when the human and animal survival in the same environment, is it will change the attitude of the natural environment? Marine life is the only one of the three layers of land, sea and air to meet the vertical stratification of a variety of biological coexistence and free shuttle place. So the initiation of the idea of building high-rise buildings in the ocean, it is not only the building to meet the daily needs, more importantly, a call to protect people’s natural consciousness.▼局部人与动物共生效果图,Partial human and animal symbiosis effect▼局部人与动物共生剖面图,Partial human and animal symbiosis section▼局部人与动物共生效果图,Partial human and animal symbiosis effect&3.回到未来&– 九龙城寨的废墟幻想&Back to the future&– fantasy in wasteland of Kowloon Walled City学生:段韵竹Student: Yunzhu Duan九龙城一直以来都被当做游戏和建筑等爱好者追求的圣地,然而在1993年,这个著名的九龙城寨被政府拆毁,并被改为九龙城公园,昔日令人神往的高密度天堂不再。在九龙城的原有历史轴线中,它1993年被拆除,后改作公园,保留了部分历史建筑,而那些最具有生活气息的建筑则被拆毁。我的建筑是基于这样的一条历史轴线,但重新创造出了一个平行时空,在这个平行时空,九龙城在被拆毁之前,该超高层就建立在其上,以一种生长的方式向下延伸,并将那些原本该被拆除的建筑吞噬,吸纳居民的同时,也把绿化蔓延到了城中,最后,还是形成了一个公园,结果不变而过程完全不同。In the correct historical timeline,Kowloon Walled City was demolished by the government around 1993.And after that,this place has become a park called Kowloon Walled City Park,where citizens can gain a high-quality garden to do some exercises or those public activities.While I give it a new timeline,it’s about parallel space, a totally different story from right now.This architecture complex was built before demolishing this city,and as a result the existence of this complex would replace those existed old buildings,and spread a greening mechanism to crate a new park,replace the park of the current timeline.▼家具图解,furniture diagram▼部分家庭单元图解,diagram of family system▼家庭局部剖面,family system section▼局部效果图,Partial symbiosis effect&4.Factory?/The Lost Amusement Park学生:刘雅冰Student: Yabing Liu▼立面图——迷失游乐园与工厂共生体,Lost elevation, amusement park and plant symbionts重庆工业发展面临的最大的问题就是产业结构老化和工业布局不合理。在工业的40个行业大类中,重庆有39个大类。门类齐全的工业结构造成长期以来的财力、物力、人力的分散,制约了合理经济规模的形成,行业管理体制也存在弊端:行业之间自成体系,关联度低。优势行业之间难以通过合理分工实现优势互补,重复建设,严重浪费资源、资金,同时导致了严重的污染。Like the rest of the old industrial base, chongqing industrial development of the biggest problems is the aging of the industrial structure and industrial layout is not reasonable.In the industry of 40 kinds, chongqing has 39 kinds .All kinds of industrial structure caused the financial and material resources, human dispersion of long, restrict the formation of reasonable economy, industry management system also has disadvantages: industry between sui generis, correlation degree is low.Is difficult to through the reasonable division of labor between advantage industry realize the complementary advantages, redundant construction, serious waste of resources, capital, and caused serious pollution.▼“循环体”工厂中的“迷失游乐园”,A “lost” loop body “factory in amusement park”&5.“鬼镇·内城”&– 日本核辐射避难所设计Ghost Town· Inner City&– Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Refuge学生:赵丽玲Student: Liling Zhao日本福岛核辐射泄露事件:2011年3月,里氏9.0级地震导致福岛县两座核电站反应堆发生故障,其中第一核电站中一座反应堆震后发生异常导致核蒸汽泄漏。于3月12日发生小规模爆炸,或因氢气爆炸所致。由于核辐射的灾难性影响使得周边城镇成为了名副其实的“鬼镇”,在那里生活的日本居民的生存遭到很大程度的威胁。该设计针对于这个问题为周边居民,事故处理人员提供一个活的希望,提供一个生的避难所。Fukushima nuclear leak in Japan:In March 2011, an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale caused a nuclear reactor failure at two nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture, including a nuclear reactor in the first nuclear power plant that caused an abnormal nuclear leak after an earthquake. A small explosion occurred in March 12th, or was caused by a hydrogen explosion. Because of the disastrous effects of nuclear radiation, the surrounding town has become a veritable “ghost town”, where the survival of Japanese residents has been greatly threatened. The design, for this problem, provides a living hope for surrounding residents, accident handlers, and provides a shelter for life.▼建筑整体效果图,Building overall renderings▼内部局部透视图,Internal local perspective&6.巴别之塔-发现自我之旅BABEL journey of self-discovery学生:王子禛Student: Zizhen Wang本次选址在朝鲜,通过探讨高层设计在宗教史上的起源而提炼出巴别之塔的概念,巴别塔,或称通天塔《圣经·旧约·创世记》第11章宣称,当时人类联合起来兴建希望能通往天堂的高塔;上帝让人类说不同的语言,使人类相互之间不能沟通,人类自此各散东西。此故事试图为世上出现不同语言和种族提供解释。从巴别塔的故事中可以提炼出人们想表达自我的名,后来的历史多次证明了这一点,人们多次尝试建立巴别塔,不论是建筑艺术还是社会制度,想要传扬人的名,巴别塔上传扬的都是霸王君主的名,而这名是用无数人民的生命和牺牲造就的,他们只是无名英雄罢了,无人纪念,也只有在这种众人的狂欢以及君主成为偶像的幻象中默默无闻甚至是悲惨地死去。The high-level design site in North Korea。By exploring the concept of high-level design in the history of religion and refining the concept of the Tower of Babel, the Tower of Babel, or the Babel “The Old Testament o Genesis” Chapter 11 declared that when humans were together to build hope To heaven’ God let man speak different languages, so that human beings can not communicate with each other, the human since the scattered things. This story attempts to provide an explanation for the emergence of different languages and races in the world. From the story of the Tower of Babel can be extracted from the people want to express their own name, and later history has repeatedly proved this point, people have repeatedly tried to build the Tower of Babel, whether it is architectural art or social system, want to spread the name of people , The Babel is the name of the king of the monarch, and this name is built with countless people’s lives and sacrifices, they are just nameless heroes, no one to commemorate, and only in this crowd of carnival and monarchs become idols The illusion of silence and even tragic death.▼效果图,renderings&7.アニメ町&Animation City学生:陈智晟Student: Zhisheng Chen&日本二次元文化正随着网络与科技的发展迅速传播,与之伴随的是蓬勃的动漫产业与线下交流活动,还有御宅族的激增。二次元文化与三次元生活激烈碰撞,产生出了创造的灵感,一个建立在动漫世界、包含一切二次元的超高层建筑。建筑设计在设定有《天空之城》飞行石悬浮能力的世界,从下至上依次是动漫展示会场、垂直电车站、御宅族自宅、动画工作室与象征名作与力量的天空之城。处处展现梦幻的同时又不可实现的痛苦感。Second element culture is rapidly spreading with the development of the network and technology, accompanied by the more and more animation industry and Comic Market, as well as the otaku of the surge. The Second element culture collides with the life of the third element, creating a creative inspiration, a Skyscrapers built in the cartoon world, containing all the Second element. Architectural design In the world where&the Castle in the Sky&flying stone is suspended, the city of the sky is followed by the animation exhibition hall, the anti-gravity tram stop, the otaku house, the animation studio and the symbolic masterpiece and power. Everywhere show the dreamlike and not achievable at the same time.▼局部立面图,Partial facade&8.幻境Dreamland学生:李然&Student:Ran Li当工作越来越忙碌,更多的身体和精神疲劳,灯红酒绿的大城市中,我们需要一个风景如画的地方,像梦一样美丽,可以自我发泄,回归自我。定位:综合功能酒店首先,每年的旺季由于“镜”的形成,游客增多,需要大量食宿。第二,游客大多是跟着旅行团,其实相对来说自驾更好玩,但很难找到方向,还有卫生间、住宿问题和车辆问题,需要补给站。第三,设计需要一种自我放空的氛围。玻利维亚乌尤尼盐(乌尤尼盐湖)位于乌尤尼附近的玻利维亚镇的西南部,是世界最大的盐沼,被称为“天空之镜”。它长约250公里,南北宽100公里,面积10582平方公里。它富含岩盐和石膏。When work more and more busy, more physical and mental fatigue, under the big city scene of debauchery, we need a place with picturesque scenery, as beautiful as a dream, can be self venting, return to the truth.Program: Comprehensive function HotelReasons for site selection:First, When the annual peak season becomes, due to the “mirror” formation, tourists increase, it needs a large number of accommodation.Second, visitors mostly will have a group ,but I think free travel will be more fun, but it is difficult to find the direction, as well as bathrooms, accommodation issues and vehicle problems, the need for supply stations.Third, the design needs an atmosphere of self emptying.Bolivia Uyuni salt marsh (Salar de Uyuni) is located in the southwest of Bolivia near the town of Uyuni, is the world’s largest salt marsh, known as “the mirror of the sky”. It is about 250 kilometers long and has a width of 100 kilometers from north to south, covering an area of 10582 square kilometers.▼建筑故事剖面图及简单平面图,Building story section and simple floor plans▼建筑层次解析,Analytic hierarchy of Architecture&9.天 空 蜂 巢&Sky hive学生:胡天远Student: Tianyuan HuEND&
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