
One hundred pages in one day?(Oh,come on!)You will never make it.为什么不能用(Up to you)翻译一下
come on 是&算了吧&的意思?
up to you表示的是“都由你决定”及类似的意思。
这里的come on不是平常“加油”的意思,我这样翻译一下,你看你能明白吗?这是一个人说的一句话~“一天看一百页?算了吧,别开玩笑了,你不会成功的。”
在西方人的生活中,come on是个使用率很高的交际用语,但不是每次都要翻译成我们学的“加油”的意思,有时间的话看看《穿普拉达的女王》,这部电影出现的come on每次的意思都不同。
make it是固定的惯用法,翻译成成功做了某事。
这里的oh,come on体现了一种不相信的口吻。“哦,得了吧你”。up to you, &随你便“,表达不出这种口吻。
一天读一百页?哎,算了吧!你是做不到的。up to you靠你,凭借你意思不同阿~
up to you 表示这取决于你题目说“一天一百张?”诙谐的表示你不可能完成的所以只是无奈地鼓励---&加油“
100页的一天? (哦,加油! ) ,你绝对不制作那个
会努力工作的; (3)想在暑假找一份工作,是一名学生,也可以学到更多东西。 假如你叫Tom Green, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yours,根据下列提示完成一封求职信,因为既可以为自己挣钱(make money)。 Dear Sir,信的格式已经给出。 (1)今年16岁; (4)想当一名酒店的服务员; (2)现在在一家饭店任打扫清洁的兼职工作(part-time jo昧軤弟度郗道辊乱b)书面表达
Yours.But I want to practice more.Because I can make money by myself and learn more things 嫂家扁救壮嚼蝶室from it.I am sixteen years old and I am a student nowDear Sir,so I want to get another job.I have a part-time job at a restaurant as a cleaner,My name is Tom Green.And I want to be a waiter in the wine house and I will try my best to work
ear sir,I will try my best to忝埂忿簧莜毫击怯 work if you can give me this opportunity,now I am apply to be a waiter in your hotel,to get more practical experience and make more money ,I want to get a holiday job.it is a part time job,now I work as a cleaner in a restaurant now.I am Tom and at the age of sixteen,I am glad to know you that you will employ some waiters.thanks Yours
The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying ___ here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as
much 请问这题选什么 我想选D 可是 感觉少了一个as 望解释 麻烦大家加一下Q
我有问题 以后向大家询问!谢谢大家
这题选D。为什么这样说呢?A、B、C的语法表达不对。忘记语法的回去看看书。用排除法剩下D。选D的意思是,我在这里要付三倍这么多的租金。as相当于so。three times so much,三倍这么多。你觉得少as,但如果要加as,句子就要改为这样:I‘m paying three times as much as home .而不是here。明白了吗?谢谢采纳。对我英语的一种肯定。
QQ 63加一下我的 向您请教 谢谢
D. three times as much .....I am paying three times as much here. 其实是I am paying three times as much as I pay at home here. 其中as I pay at home 省略掉
Most people go in and out of your life.But only true frends leave footprints in your heat.We will remeber the people when we look back on our younger years.They went to school with us.They made us laugh.And they made our lives much better.
Some people may be thinking about you right now.They may be wishing that you were with them.That's the great thing about friendship.You always feel loved and cared about.
There are some things about friendship.Let's look at them together.
Always appreciate the friends that you have.
A friendship could last forever.
Good friends are hard to find,hard to leave,and hard to forget.
When you feel sad and you're afraid to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
True friendship never finishes.
Good friends are like stars.You don't always see them,but you know they are always there.
What do you think about friendship?You can write to me and tell me what you think.My e-mail is :.Looking forward to hearing from you!①which kind of people can we remember?_____________________________________②Who may be thinking about you?______________________________③What is the friendship?______________________________④What will you do when you feel sad and you are afraid to look ahead?___________________________________________________⑤Where can you say out your ideas if you want?__________________________________________【帮帮忙啊,只在不会,我打字打得好辛苦,帮帮忙啊T~T】
Friends are the kind of people we can remember.Your best friends.Something that could last forever.Look at your firends who are standing beside you.Send an email to&.望采纳!
我自己答的,有错误的可能:We will remember true friends.Friends may be thingking about you.(They may be wishing that you were with them.)It's something that&could last forever.You can look beside you and your best friend will be there.To e-mail address :
1We will remeber the people when we look back on our younger years.2The people who may be wishing that you were with them3I think
a friendship could last forever.True friendship never finishes.4I can look beside me and my best friend will be there.5
看你打字这么辛苦,我来帮助你。这篇文章通篇都在讲友谊。人们来了又走,只有真朋友会记住你,你伤心的时候也只有真朋友会和你在一起。就是这么个意思。回答这些题目,从原文里找就可以了。①which kind of people can we remember?答:We will remeber the people when we look back on our younger years. (They went to school with us. They made us laugh. And they made our lives much better.) ②Who may be thinking about you?答:Some people (good friends) may be thinking about you right now. They may be wishing that you were with them. ③What is the friendship?答:friendship is: thinking about you from time to time,
always love and care about you, never finishes (last forever), hard to find and hard to leave and forget, always there.④What will you do when you feel sad and you are afraid to look ahead?答:When you feel sad and you're afraid to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friend will be there. ⑤Where can you say out your ideas if you want?答:.
We will remeber the people when we look back on our younger years.Some people who& may be wishing that you were with them3.Always appreciate the friends that you have.&&& A friendship could last forever.&&& Good friends are hard to find,hard to leave,and hard to forget.&&& When you feel sad and you're afraid to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.&&& True friendship never finishes.&&& Good friends are like stars.You don't always see them,but you know they are always there4.When you feel sad and you're afraid to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.5.The places where they are像这类题最好做,答案全在原文。
1. true friends2.your friends3.Some people may be thinking about you right now.They may be wishing that you were with them.That's the great thing about friendship.You always feel loved and cared about.4.you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.5.只供参考
Most people go in and out of your life.But only true frends leave footprints in your heat.We will remeber the people when we look back on our younger years.They went to school with us.They made us laugh.And they made our lives much better. 很多人在我们的人生中出现(单词意思为 进进出出,我改成出现比较容易理解)。但是只有真正的朋友才会在你心中留下(深刻的)脚印,每当我们回忆自己的童年的时候就会想起这些人,他们和我们一起上学,让开心,他们使我们的生活变得更加美好。
Some people may be thinking about you right now.They may be wishing that you were with them.That's the great thing about friendship.You always feel loved and cared about. 有些人也许现在在想你,他们也许很希望和你在一起,你会一直关爱和关心对方,这就是友谊最珍贵的东西。
There are some things about friendship.Let's look at them together.
Always appreciate the friends that you have.
A friendship could last forever.
Good friends are hard to find,hard to leave,and hard to forget.
When you feel sad and you're afraid to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.当你感到伤心不敢向前看的时候,你可以看看一直(陪伴)在你身边的那些最好的朋友。
True friendship never finishes.
Good friends are like stars.You don't always see them,but you know they are always there.
What do you think about friendship?You can write to me and tell me what you think.My e-mail is :.Looking forward to hearing from you!好朋友就像星星一样,你没有一直在看着他们,但你知道他们一直在那。你是怎么看待友谊的呢?你可以写下来告诉我关于你的想法。我有邮箱是: 期待您的来信!①which kind of people can we remember?我们可以记住什么样的人?_____________________________________②Who may be thinking about you? 谁也许在想你?______________________________③What is the friendship? 什么是友谊?______________________________④What will you do when you feel sad and you are afraid to look ahead?当你感到伤心并不敢向前开是你会怎么做?___________________________________________________⑤Where can you say out your ideas if you want?如果你愿意,哪里可以让你你说出你的想法?__________________________________________ 就这样 希望你自己去理解


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