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你可能喜欢Keep a dream journal. Keep it close by your bed at night, and write down your dream immediately after waking, or the emotions and sensations you experience right when you wake up. This will train you to remember more of your dreams, which is important for lucid dreaming. Plus, there's not much point in controlling your dreams if you forget the experience before the morning.
Alternatively, keep a recording device by your bed.
You might remember more of your dream if you stay still for a few minutes concentrating on the memory before you start writing.
Use reality checks frequently. Every few hours during the day, ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" and perform one of the following reality checks. With enough practice, you'll start following the habit in your dreams as well, cluing you into the fact that you're dreaming.
Pinch your nose, close your mouth and test whether you can still breathe.
Simply look at your hands and feet. These are often distorted in dreams when you inspect them closely.
Read a page of text or the time on a clock, look away, then look back again. In dreams, the text or time will be blurry or nonsensical, or will be different each time you look.
Attempt to push your index finger straight through the opposite palm. Really expect it to go through, asking yourself whether your dreaming or not both before and after attempting. During a dream, your finger would pass straight through your opposite palm, and asking yourself the question twice will increase your chances of realizing this is not normal.
Repeat "I will be aware that I'm dreaming" each time you fall asleep. Each night as you fall asleep, repeat to yourself "I will know I'm dreaming" or a similar phrase until you drift out of consciousness. This technique is known as Mnemonic Induction to Lucid Dreaming, or MILD. Mnemonic induction just means "using memory aids," or in this case using a rote phrase to turn the awareness of your dreaming into an automatic habit.
Some people like to combine this step with a reality check by staring at their hands for a few minutes before they go to sleep.
Learn to recognize your personal dream signs. Read through your journal regularly and look for recurring "dream signs." These are recurring situations or events that you may notice in your dreams. Become familiar with these, and you may recognize them while you dream, and therefore notice that you're dreaming.
You probably know some of these already. Common dream events include losing your teeth, being chased by something large, or going into public without clothes on.
Drift back to sleep when awakened from a dream. When you wake up and remember your dream, write it down in your dream journal, then close your eyes and focus on the dream. Imagine that you were in the dream, noticed a dream sign or reality check, and realized it was a dream. Hold on to this thought as you drift back to sleep, and you may enter a lucid dream.
Note that most lucid dreams occur while the person is fully asleep, usually because he notices a bizarre event and realizes he's in a dream. This is just an alternate trigger that starts off about 25% of lucid dreams.
Consider purchasing a light alarm. Go online and purchase a light-based, instead of a sound-based alarm, or even a specialized "DreamLight" designed to induce lucid dreaming. Set it for 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after you fall asleep, or set it to go off every hour if possible. While sound, touch, or other stimuli during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep can also make a dreamer aware of the fact he's dreaming, one study shows that light cues are most effective.
You don't want to actually wake yourself up (unless you try the Wake Back to Bed method below). Keep the light alarm more than arm's reach away from your bed, and/or cover it with a sheet to dim the light.
Know when lucid dreams most commonly occur. Lucid dreams, and vivid dreams in general, almost always occur during REM sleep, the deep sleep phase characterized by Rapid Eye Movement. The first REM phase typically occurs ninety minutes after you first fall asleep, with additional phases roughly every ninety minutes afterward. The goal of this method is to wake up during a REM phase, then fall back asleep and continue the dream aware that you are dreaming.
You won't be able to time your phases exactly unless you visit a sleep lab or have a very dedicated night owl watching your eyelids all night. More realistically, just keep repeating the method below until you catch yourself in REM phase.
. There are many ways to increase the amount of REM sleep you get, as described in the linked article. One of the most effective, and the one that causes REM sleep to appear at regular times, is to stick to a daily sleep schedule and to sleep long enough that you wake up well-rested.
This can be difficult to balance with the step below, which interrupts your sleep in the middle of the night. If you have trouble falling back asleep, try a different method instead, or limit your attempts to once or twice a week.
Wake up in the middle of the night. Set one alarm to go off either 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after the time you fall asleep. You're more likely to be in REM sleep during these times, although it's difficult to predict in advance. The six or seven hour times are the most likely to work, because later REM phases last longer, and are more likely to contain vivid or lucid dreams.
Stay awake for a while. Write down your dream if you were having one, make yourself a snack, or just get up and walk around for a while. Your goal is to get your conscious mind active and alert, while your body is still full of sleep hormones.
One study shows that staying awake for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes gives the highest chance of a lucid dream.
Concentrate on the dream and fall asleep again. Close your eyes and fall asleep again. If you remember the dream you were having, recall it and fall back asleep, imagining yourself continuing the dream. Even if this takes quite a while to happen, you've got a decent chance at a lucid dream.
Try other concentration techniques. If your mind wanders while trying to "catch" the dream, or if you don't remember the dream at all, instead try focusing on the movement of your fingers. Use a pattern of small movements, such as "index finger up, middle finger down, middle finger up, index finger down." Repeat this rhythmic movement until you fall asleep.
. Before going to sleep, meditate in a quiet, dark room. Taking a meditation training course may give better results, but to start out, just pay attention to your breathing, or imagine ascending or descending stairs. The goal is to stop thinking and enter a quiet, comfortable state, and from there slip into a lucid dream.
Keep in mind that "Wake Induced" lucid dreams are rarer and more difficult than dreams that become lucid after you're already asleep.
There are many meditation guide videos online specifically designed to help you lucid dream.
Prolong a lucid dream as it starts to fade. One common experience among first-time lucid dreamers is waking up due to the excitement of having a lucid dream! Usually, you'll get some warning beforehand as the dream feels "unstable" or you begin to notice sensations from the real world. These techniques can help you keep the lucid dream going:
Spin your dream body around or fall backward. Some people report that this helps, although the reason is unknown.
In the dream, rub your hands together. This can distract you from the sensations of your actual body.
Continue doing whatever you were doing before the dream became unstable, asserting that you are still in the dream. This is much less effective than the techniques above.
Listen to binaural beats. If you send a different sound frequency to each ear, your brain will interpret the two sound waves' overlapping pattern as an audio beat even though no beat is included in the sound. This definitely changes the brain's electrical activity, but so far scientists are unsure whether this can actually stimulate lucid dreaming. There are many websites out there with collections of binaural beats, so it's easy to try it out if you can sleep with ear buds in. Most would-be lucid dreamers use beats that mimic Theta brain waves, which occur in REM sleep, but some swear by Gamma or Alpha beats instead, or a progression through several types.
Binaural beats can come with soothing background music, or just the beat itself.
. Gamers report a much higher rate of lucid dreaming than the general population. While more studies need to be done, it's possible even a couple hours a week could increase your chances of a lucid dream. The type of game played does not appear to make a difference.
Consider taking galantamine. Galantamine, a drug synthesized from the snowdrop plant, may be the most effective drug for inducing lucid dreaming. Take 4 to 8 mg in the middle of the ni taking it before bed can worsen sleep quality and cause unpleasant dreams. Due to this possibility and the unpleasant side effects listed below, galantamine is only recommended as an occasional supplement.
Talk to a doctor first if you have any medical issues. Galantamine can worsen existing conditions such as asthma or heart problems.
This drug also increases the chance of sleep paralysis, a harmless but often terrifying experience of being awake for several minutes without being able to move your muscles.
Consider the occasional vitamin B supplement. Vitamin B5 or Vitamin B6 supplements can increase dream vividness, weirdness, and emotional intensity, which can lead to lucid dreaming. However, you may need to take a dose of 100 mg for this effect to be noticeable. This dose is much higher than recommended for daily intake, and if you take it regularly over a long period of time, it can lead to unwanted side effects. Use this only for a special lucid dreaming occasion, and at your own risk.
Check with your doctor first if you are taking any medications, or if you have a disorder involving bleeding, the stomach, the intestines, or the heart.
This drug sometimes causes people to wake up in the night, so it may be counterproductive if you're a light sleeper.
What do you do if the dream turns into a nightmare?
wikiHow Contributor
If you have a lucid nightmare, then you can use your lucid "powers" to destroy it. Or, just walk away. You could also wake yourself up if you wanted to. But lucid nightmares can be good -- you can conquer the nightmare, then ask it what it represents and why it scares you. Then you can conquer your fears.
How do you fly in a lucid dream?
wikiHow Contributor
It takes work. But expectations are key, and as long as you are positive, as long as you know you can fly, you will. Remind yourself that it is a dream and that anything is possible. It took me quite a few dreams to be able to fly, but practice makes perfect. And take it one step at a time -- bounce along the ground, moonwalk, hover, or do assisted flying (use a jetpack or something) first.
Can I dream an entirely different world and walk around? And can I wish to meet anyone in my dreams?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, you can. You can do anything in a lucid dream. To go to another world, imagine yourself being there, and create a portal. You could also turn away and imagine your new world being there when you turn back. For a person, imagine them being there when you turn a corner, or imagine them stepping out from behind a door or from a portal. Expectations are key, so you must honestly expect that to happen.
How can you have a dream with a specific person in it?
wikiHow Contributor
Imagine him or her in the lucid dream, and he should appear after a while. If it doesn't work, try to visit the place you normally see him in real life, and he should be there.
Will you feel the sensations of the actions you are doing in a lucid dream?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, you often will.
How do I stop myself waking up as soon as I realize it's a dream?
wikiHow Contributor
If you feel the dream falling apart, picture your dream self rubbing her hands or spinning around. If you wake up anyway, shut your eyes and try to return. This is a common problem for new lucid dreamers, but it gets easier with practice.
Why would I want to lucid dream? What are the benefits?
wikiHow Contributor
Benefits of lucid dreaming vary depending on what you're seeking. A main reason is the sheer enjoyment of it. Another is the sense of regaining control that comes from it, which can feel empowering, especially if you feel disempowered in waking life. It can also help y for example, if you're scared of being in front of a lot of people, you can lucid dream giving a public talk in front of people without fear and with plenty of confidence.
Is there anything I should not do during sleep paralysis?
wikiHow Contributor
Don't freak out. Freaking out or worrying will make it worse. Remember that any hallucination you see is not real. In sleep paralysis, either try to move or go back to sleep. Going back to sleep in a state of sleep paralysis is an easy way to lucid dream, but you can start to move again by taking it one step at a time, starting with wiggling a finger or something, if you don't want to.
Does it matter where I'm sleeping? Like, do I have to be sleeping on a bed?
wikiHow Contributor
No, it doesn't matter. As long as you can sleep there, then you can dream there too. Write a little symbol on your hand while you're awake, and when you're dreaming you won't see the symbol and you'll know you're dreaming.
Does lucid dreaming have any psychological benefits for people going through depression?
wikiHow Contributor
It is quite possible, depending on what you're seeking to dream about. Lucid dreaming lets you feel free and without worries, and puts you in the locus of control, something that the helplessness and despair accompanying depression often removes from you. This sense of control can be empowering and could actually lead to a sense of greater mental control upon waking, which might carry through into your day. So it's worth giving it a try.
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Lucid dreaming is a skill that must be learned, but even people who lucid dream regularly may only do so once or twice a month. Be patient and continue using these techniques, and the chance and frequency of lucid dreaming will gradually increase.
If you sometimes get "false awakenings" while dreaming, get in the habit of performing a reality check (such as trying to read a book) as soon as you wake up. Otherwise, a false awakening can turn a lucid dream into an ordinary one.
When you do lucid dream, consider waking up intentionally after a few minutes. This increases your chance of remembering the dream.
Do not drink any fluids for one hour prior to sleeping. The last thing you want is to wake up from successfully lucid dreaming just because you had to use the bathroom.
If you find the dream is not going how you want it to, "close your eyes" for a bit in the dream, then open them forcefully. Repeat until you wake up.
If you think you are losing control, shout out what you want to happen next very loudly until you regain control or it happens.
Another way to do reality checks while you're in the dream is to look at a clock, look away, and then look back. If the hands are extremely different then you know you are dreaming.
When you've decided to sleep, start a story in your head. Eventually, this would drift off into a dream and you can take it from there. However, this method usually works with people who play games.
Another way to really check is to pinch yourself. Even though it's stereotypical, pinching yourself while asking yourself "Am I in a dream?" can help you to gain Lucidity.
For reality checks, look at how you are dressed a few times. Usually it will change with each glance.
Lucid dreaming can cause sleep paralysis, in which you remain conscious and aware of your surroundings during the transition from sleep to wakefulness, but are not able to move your muscles. This is harmless, but often terrifying, especially as it can be accompanied by hallucinations of a strange presence in the room. Some muscles are often less affected than others, so concentrate on wiggling your toes or swallowing and stay calm until the hallucinations stop.
If you get very excited during your lucid dream, you might wake up suddenly. To try to return, shut your eyes and concentrate on your dream. If you are caught partway through waking up, but still "in" your dream self, spin around or rub your hands, which allows you to regain the dream.
Lucid Dreaming: Psycho physiological Studies of Consciousness during REM Sleep] In Bootzen, R. R., Kihlstrom, J.F. & Schacter, D.L., (Eds.) Sleep and Cognition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1990 (pp. 109-126)
LaBerge, Stephen Levitan, Lynne. Validity established of DreamLight cues for eliciting lucid dreaming. In Dreaming, Vol 5(3), Sep 1995, pp.159-168.
Robert Waggoner, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, (Needham, MA: Moment Point Press) pp. 269-270
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"I read this article a year ago and it helped become a lucid dreamer. It came to the point where it was a choice. I would fall asleep and always come to a point where I would decide if I went with the flow or "built an aqueduct". I did it so much it became boring. I stopped and forgot. Now this article is helping me regain my control. For if you control your dreams, you control your life. It will take time, but you will learn."..."
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Kaylee Blevins
"I have been trying to lucid dream for a while, but I have also been wondering what you can do when you lucid dream. The FAQs at the bottom were definitely helpful! I also loved how you provided alternatives. Your advice was very helpful, and I will try using it. I would really like to thank you for making this article, it helped me so much!"..."
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"All tips are very helpful."
Rigby Krystal
"This article has helped me understand what a Lucid Dream is and how you can dream."
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Austin Davis
"Both of the first two methods worked great for me! I haven't tried any of the additional methods, but I had been doing the first method before I stumbled across this page. I also try to interact with my real self if I need to wake up. It's my go-to wakeup."..."
"I use the technique of trying to push my finger through a wall, mirror or other hand to see if I am having a lucid dream. I also do it 2 to 3 times a day while awake. It especially helps if you're having nightmares as you can then change your dream."..."
Lily Nonya
"I'd been trying to start lucid for a while so I could be a little more aware of my extremely bizarre dreams. This article has given me some great things to try and the reasoning behind them. I've heard of some of these before. Hope this helps. "..."
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Angel Hombach
"What helped me the most was realizing something bizarre was happening that would never happen in real life. Then I looked down at my arm that always has a black hair tie on it, and the hair tie was orange. That's how i knew I was in a dream."..."
"These are things I already knew, but I needed a refresher. Also, if you are "conscious" in a dream, meaning you can somewhat think but don't know you are in a dream, try seeing if the situation is impossible in real life."..."
"I just heard of this, and it really caught my attention, so I decided to read about it.
The whole article was helpful, and I will surely go over it a number of times until I become a master lucid dreamer."..."
Rusydi Amin
"When I was a kid, I thought in dreams you can do anything. I tried hard, and then it doesn't work. I lost hope, and then I found out about lucid dreams. It worked the first time I slept. I'm happy now."..."
Jack Royalton
"One thing that really helped me is the one about making a story. It actually transitioned (slowly) into a dream!
I used my powers to create a giant cheeseburger, and my crush made out with me!"..."
Eliah Mimon
"I've been very interested in lucid dreaming and this gave me more than enough info to keep trying and experimenting, with the addition of some nice illustrations and conclusive paragraphs."..."
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"Everything helped, it was great. I am a natural lucid dreamer. I've been doing it since I was 6-7, now I'm 12. When I was younger, my dreams were all nightmares. These tips helped, thanks."..."
"It is just a slight thing, but reminding myself that it's just a dream really works. I had four dreams in a night and the last one felt so strange that I consider it's just a dream."..."
Katie Stillman
"I was glad to see the signs of lucid dreaming.
I have been doing it since a child.
I have a town I always go to in my dreams, and I can talk to my dream self with my real self. "..."
Shiann Liston
"I wanted try this since I've never done it before, and I thought it was cool. Reading this article helped me learn how to do LD so that I could actually do it in real life."..."
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"I had dreams all my live without training, I thought I was crazy, so I didn't tell a lot of people.
I can dream whatever I want, and go back the next day if I want to. "..."
Kuldeep R.
"It took me about a month and a half to learn to lucid dream, but these methods are most effective and are good for practice. Thanks for your tips, wikiHow."..."
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"This was very helpful. I've had a lucid dream before but could not get back to it. I plan on using the techniques in the future."..."
"I recently had a lucid dream.
It really shook me up because I was almost paralyzed, but now I know it comes with the package."..."
Todd Stevens
"Awesome. I've been close for quite awhile. I'm hoping these techniques expand my spatial reasoning. Thanks much, happy zzz's."..."
Will Blakeston
"These tips helped me so much.
I am nearly having them every night, which has helped relieve stress from the everyday world."..."
"I loved how the writer of this article gave you the directions so simply, and how some of the instructions were really easy."..."
"I've heard of this method once, and I wanted to try it out. The step that helped the most for me was the dream journal."..."
"This article contained information on so many of the various things one needs to know about to perform lucid dreaming."..."
"I performed mainly reality checks and have thus far had 1 short lucid dream. I hope to have many more. Thanks! :)"
Tori Gordon
"I love how it was detailed so simply, so it was easy to understand. I was able to lucid dream in about 2 weeks!"
"Playing games is the best method for me, because I can actually make a story before drifting off to sleep."
"It may take of few tries, but I believe if I persist with your techniques, I will be able to lucid dream."}


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