with my mum,dad,brotherdear mum and dadsister的问句

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你可能喜欢Vernon: You WAS here and you WAS smooching with my brother!
I've been training with Jimmy and my brother this week in California.
He attended school with me and my brother and had a strong personality.
I still remember he always went fishing with me and my elder brother on saturday.
On saturday, we did a podcast with my brother and his girfriend.
I now have a relationship with my parents and brother that means everything to me.
It's about my relationship with my parents and my older brother.
I'm with my brother and little children.
Then I played with my brother and my little sister.
In the afternoon, I'm going shopping with my brother and sister.
I should go to the good God with my brother and my bishop.
Then I'll play in the wave pool and on the water slide with my brother.
Today, I lost a bet with my brother and had to kiss his butt.
I'm going to dinner tonight with my brother and sister-in-law.
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.
I stood beneath an orange sky With my brother and my sister standing by.
I live with my mom and my two brother and sister…
Hot very hot today, with my brother and my father said to Nanxi swimming.
My father, my mother and my brother are talking with each other.
How can I survive a day with my younger brother and sister?
More and more, I agree with my little brother.
I share a room with my little brother and I have a little sister too.
Today, I was on MSN with my friend and my 9 year old brother.
Listen…anyone with any ties to me and my brother is in dangerous.
My yong brother and my old brother played snow with me.
My brother and I watched that garden with longing, from a distance.
In fact, I am husband and wife with 66 , WG is my younger brother, …
He took me and my brother and my mum with him all the time.
He took me and my brother and my mum with him all the time.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Wrote a forum earlier this year about how I was suffering from depression and other stuff that was playing on my mind about my dad and how he use to be violent with my mum and me and my brother and sister. I have since took the advice and told my councellor about these things only last week. I have been feeling much better and was depression free for a good few months up until the past few weeks. I'm in year 10 and have had 5 GCSE's, I never cope well with exams and so the weekend before I got really low Nd self harmed again. I got through my mAths exam, but bottled out of my history one and on the following Tuesday I self harmed again, it was really bad and the bottom f my leg was covered in cuts. I told my mentor who got me an emergency appontment with my counsellor. When I saw my councellor I decided to tell her about the nightmares and how my dad use to be violent and that I was having flashes of it. She had to tell the social services but since my mum and dad have split and he doesn't live with us, they're not going to interfere.
I was happy about that, but I am still feeling really low and am reluctant to tell anyone what I'm feeling. Everything playing up on my mind again, about my mum and dads split and stuff that has happned, I don't want to be depressed again. I feel really insecure all the time, whereas bedew when I was I'll with depression it was different. I have this fear of being abandoned by everybody, and have never felt so paranoid and insecure. I'm barely going o school and am not that close with my best mate Anymore. I just know that people are out to hurt ne and leave me. I have never felt so worthless. I hate my body, I want to be beautiful. I can't stand my self, but at the sAme time I just want to be loved. I don't honk that I'm normal and I dnt honk this is just depression this time ?? I get confused between wha is real and what isn't and see people hurting me in my head when they don't and I have a&&right temper, just like the other night my mum frowned at something and I instantly thought she was judging me and flew off on one. Is this depression again or smething else?
My moods drastically change from one to the other? I find it hard to find a stable relationship with anyone, one minute they're perfect the next I don't want to be around them. One minute I like the way I look and can see my strengths and what I'm good at and the next thing m strengths are different and I feel ugly. I have long and bad epsods of feeling nothing but emptyness?? What is wong with me?
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Check out this link:
I don't know a lot about this but what you write sounds quite a bit like this disorder.
Frequently the result of being abused as a child causes or contributes to it.
See the forum here to learn more if you think this helps.
Check out this link:
I don't know a lot about this but what you write sounds quite a bit like this disorder.
Frequently the result of being abused as a child causes or contributes to it.
See the forum here to learn more if you think this helps.
Thanks. Not sure what to do though if it is this or somethig else :/
Thanks. Not sure what to do though if it is this or somethig else :/
Well I should have added earlier ... please do whatever you can to get professional counseling.&& You mentioned seeing a counselor at school so that's the best place to start.
If you have a close family doctor then go to that person and explain the things you stated here.
Hopefully the doctor can refer you to a good therapist skilled with situations just like yours.
They will talk with you and maybe perform some tests and only a medical professional can make a proper diagnosis for you.
The fact you came here looking for answers is a really positive thing and shows you recognize you may need some help.&&There are others that know what you are going thru and have had experiences you can learn from.
Well I should have added earlier ... please do whatever you can to get professional counseling.&& You mentioned seeing a counselor at school so that's the best place to start.
If you have a close family doctor then go to that person and explain the things you stated here.
Hopefully the doctor can refer you to a good therapist skilled with situations just like yours.
They will talk with you and maybe perform some tests and only a medical professional can make a proper diagnosis for you.
The fact you came here looking for answers is a really positive thing and shows you recognize you may need some help.&&There are others that know what you are going thru and have had experiences you can learn from.
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Wrote a forum earlier this year about how I was suffering from depression and other stuff that was playing on my mind about my dad and how he use to be violent with my mum and me and my brother and sister. I have since took the advice and told my councellor about these things only last week. I have been feeling much better and was depression free for a good few months up until the past few weeks. I'm in year 10 and have had 5 GCSE's, I never cope well with exams and so the weekend before I got really low Nd self harmed again. I got through my mAths exam, but bottled out of my history one and on the following Tuesday I self harmed again, it was really bad and the bottom f my leg was covered in cuts. I told my mentor who got me an emergency appontment with my counsellor. When I saw my councellor I decided to tell her about the nightmares and how my dad use to be violent and that I was having flashes of it. She had to tell the social services but since my mum and dad have split and he doesn't live with us, they're not going to interfere.
I was happy about that, but I am still feeling really low and am reluctant to tell anyone what I'm feeling. Everything playing up on my mind again, about my mum and dads split and stuff that has happned, I don't want to be depressed again. I feel really insecure all the time, whereas bedew when I was I'll with depression it was different. I have this fear of being abandoned by everybody, and have never felt so paranoid and insecure. I'm barely going o school and am not that close with my best mate Anymore. I just know that people are out to hurt ne and leave me. I have never felt so worthless. I hate my body, I want to be beautiful. I can't stand my self, but at the sAme time I just want to be loved. I don't honk that I'm normal and I dnt honk this is just depression this time ?? I get confused between wha is real and what isn't and see people hurting me in my head when they don't and I have a&&right temper, just like the other night my mum frowned at something and I instantly thought she was judging me and flew off on one. Is this depression again or smething else?
My moods drastically change from one to the other? I find it hard to find a stable relationship with anyone, one minute they're perfect the next I don't want to be around them. One minute I like the way I look and can see my strengths and what I'm good at and the next thing m strengths are different and I feel ugly. I have long and bad epsods of feeling nothing but emptyness?? What is wong with me?
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