
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health
& Lifestyle report.
Coloring is an activity that children worldwide have long
enjoyed. With a picture already made for them, kids simply choose a
crayon, pencil or marker of their favorite color and fill it
But why should children get to have all the
Now they don't.
More and more adults are enjoying relaxing hours of
This is thanks to a new book craze in the United States
and in other countries around the world & an
adult coloring book craze. In December, five of the top ten
best-selling books in the United States were coloring books made
for adults.
They're fun but are coloring books good for
Artist Trina Lucido creates coloring books. To find
inspiration for her drawings, she says she doesn't have to look
"One day I saw a beautiful leaf and &
boom! & I did a whole page on leaves. So, some
came from sketchbooks. Some were just one-word inspiration and some
I just saw something on the ground and that was my inspiration that
Trina Lucido's latest coloring book contains 40 pages
filled with hand-sketched drawings of flowers, birds and geometric
shapes. It also has spaces to journal & in other
words, to write about what you're doing or thinking. Journaling has
long been an exercise in many types of therapy.
Lucido says the “big idea” behind her latest book is to
help encourage people do something creative.
"It's called Color, Write and Create. I wanted to do
something that would encourage people to be creative. When I do art
journaling, people see my journals and (they go), ‘Oh my gosh! I
wish I were creative.' And that makes me sad because I think
everybody is creative. So the idea behind this book, the big idea
is to encourage people to be creative..."
Lucido says the positive feedback from her customers is
encouraging. She says that many of her customers are buying the
coloring books for others who are sick or having
Lucido adds that the act of coloring becomes almost
healing, or as she says, “therapeutic.”
“Something else I heard from people, they are buying these
for people who are either ill or going through a rough time, and
they feel that this is something that kind of helps them, almost
therapeutically. "
Art therapy experts have said in several articles (add
link) that coloring can reduce stress by focusing you on a simple
task. When you are filling in a flower with a vibrant purple color,
you focus on the flower and not on your troubles.
Experts add that coloring can bring out your imagination
and can take you back to your childhood.
Psychologists add that coloring activates your brain in a
healthy way. The shape and form of the drawings activate one side
of the brain, while the color and texture of the drawing material
activates the other.
Coloring also exercises a person's fine motor skills. But
people drawn to coloring books probably are not thinking of
exercising their fine motor skills.
Susan Jackson is a big fan of Lucido's coloring
Jackson stands in a local store in the Washington, D.C.
area. She holds one of Lucido's coloring books in her hands. As she
flips through the book, she says she is drawn to their beauty and
authenticity. Sitting down and coloring, Jackson adds, relaxes her
and just makes her feel happy.
"Oh, it is very relaxing. Any stress just sort of falls
away. It frees your mind. And it's not as daunting as trying to
fill a blank page. The pictures, I think, are just happy. They just
make me feel happy. I love her little birds. There is just
something about them. They make me smile. So I'm saving the bird
pictures to the very end, I think."
For now, there is strong demand for adult coloring books.
That fact keeps Lucido happy and busy.
I'm Anna Matteo.
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