去年我姐姐在一家医院当护士。My sister___ ___ajapanese nursee in a hospital last year.

Chinese Nurse Resigns, Bidding Farewell to Her FlorenceNightingale
Each May 12, on International Nurses Day, nurses in Chinese
Nightingale Pledge,”
written inhonor of the English social reformer
of modern nursing.
This month, anonline medical magazine published a resignation
letter from a nurse, YanXiaobing, describing the harsher side of
hospital life in China. The&letter
on the WeChat account&of
the magazine, Medical World, drew more than half a million page
viewsin just four days, said Zheng Juhua, an editor at the magazine
who confirmedMs. Yan’s identity but said she had declined to
provide further details.
Rather thancelebrating their profession, nurses and doctors
complain of&physical
like a&knife
attack by a patient on a nurse&in
the southwestern city of Kunming in early June. Driving the
violenceare patients’ rising costs and unrealistic expectations,
and staff shortagesputting a strain on services. Many patients and
their families are convincedthat medical practitioners are corrupt
and blame them when services areinadequate or costly, or operations
fail. In fact, medical personnel tend to bepoorly paid, and to
survive, some turn to hongbao, the red envelope containinga bribe
from a patient.
The reality ofworking nurses today is far removed from the “angels
in white” of popular lore,Ms. Yan writes. Following is a
translation of her letter:
It is just a fewdays into June, and already there are violent
incidents against medical staffacross the country. It’s sad. But
fortunately I’ll soon be spared the fear,because I’m leaving this
profession. From now on I’ll no longer need to worknight shifts, be
constantly on the alert, hurry to change IV bags, do endlesshealth
examinations or work night shifts with a bulging waistline like
mypregnant “sisters.”
I graduated fromnursing school in 2012 and have been working in a
provincial, tertiary level-Ahospital [a large, top-rated general
hospital]. I think many people areoverjoyed when they first enter a
tertiary level-A hospital, as are theirfamilies. But after a while
most people lose their way: Am I going to do thisall my
We perform endlesshealth examinations every month. Exhausted after
a day of work, we can barelyopen our eyes. But we still have to
study, and take exams from time to time,every month. The exam
questions are weird, with many of them having nothing atall to with
nursing. Of course, if the leaders think they do, they do.
Itdoesn’t matter anyway.
When our ownfamily members fall ill, or when we ourselves do, we
still have to work. Whenour family members get sick, they blame us
for taking little time to care forthem and being concerned only
about work.
When we get sick,our department will say it’s short of people and
ask us to “hang in there.” Afew months ago, there was information
on the Internet about a hospital nursewho had asked for sick leave
because she was running a fever, but she wasturned down by her
superiors. She ended up&dying
of a brain herniation.
I have no ideawhether the leaders in her department were held
responsible, because the worldsoon forgot. We are ordinary people,
after all, not angels. If you die, no onewill remember you. [The
information about the nurse who died was in a letterpublished on
DoctorPDA, a WeChat account for medical workers that is
authorizedby the&Chinese
Medical Doctor Association.]
Even moreridiculous is the perverse system that praises medical
staffers for workingwhile ill. The leaders in our department are no
exception. I remember one timea nurse asked for sick leave. Our
leaders actually said, “One should not quit abattle because of
minor injuries. Look at her [indicating a third person].
Shecontinued working with an intravenous drip in her hand. If you
ask for sickleave like this, everyone else will do the same. You
should just hang inthere.”
Later, that nursesuffered consequences — chest pain and shortness
of breath. I really don’tunderstand, what did they mean by “if you
ask for sick leave like this”? Can weonly ask for sick leave when
we are dead? We’re not angels. We are human beingsmade of flesh and
blood. We are not Iron Men.
From the beginningof my internship I provided care for my patients,
washing their faces, feet andhair, trimming their nails and
cleaning their bodies while they lay in bed.These were things
anyone with a primary school education could do just as well.Our
leaders never seemed to notice that we were busy, and they gave
thosethings a beautiful name: quality nursing. A few days ago, my
mother wept as Iwas trimming her nails and washing her hair and
feet, because she had justrealized that her daughter washed the
hair and feet of strangers in thehospital.
I remember when Iwas doing my internship, I often came across
perverted middle-aged men who weretoo fresh. One time, in the
department of endocrinology, a middle-aged man witha gold necklace
who was swarthy, fat and bald said he felt lonely and asked usto
“play” with him. We ignored him, so he went to our supervisor and
Another time, oursupervisor used an electronic blood pressure gauge
to measure the bloodpressure of a skinny old man who had
final-stage lung cancer. The old man’sarms were far too thin for
the device to measure his blood pressure properly.His family grew
furious: “What kind of a nurse are you? What’s the point ofyou? So
stupid! I say your hands can only hold a penis!”
It was a femalefamily member who said that. Can you
When I firststarted working, my wage was 800 renminbi [about $130]
a month. Now it’s alittle over 1,000 renminbi. Can you imagine what
kind of a life it has been? Ihad started working, but I still had
to live off my family. I would earn 50renminbi for a night shift of
10 hours. That’s five renminbi an hour. Did Ispend so many years
studying for so little money and such hard physical labor?All for
less than a housemaid? Is this how an angel lives? Some patients
andtheir families have no respect for us. Some even make passes at
us in public.Is this how an angel lives?
Night shifts,checkups, theory examinations, exhausting work, little
rest and low pay. We cantake all that. But the most frightening
thing is the threat to our safety. Themedical environment has
become worse and worse in recent years. Now, someonewith a knife
can just walk into a hospital and attack a nurse. Police
officersonly rushed to stop that attacker after he had struck her
four or five times.[Ms. Yan is referring to the attack on the
Kunming nurse and reports that,although there were plenty of people
nearby, no one went to her defense.] Iwant to ask, officers, were
you eating feces?
The frequentreports of violence against medical staff, I think,
have broken every medicalworker’s heart. Even more heartbreaking is
the fact that many people in oursociety applaud such incidents!
Ordinary people vent all their anger againstdoctors and nurses.
They think doctors and nurses are to blame for the expenseand
difficulty of seeing a doctor. Society’s trust in medical workers
iscompletely gone, with many people drawing up wills seeking
financialcompensation even before they undergo surgery.
Recently, a personI studied with, who worked as a doctor in a
tertiary level-A hospital’s ear,nose and throat department,
resigned. The news was hotly discussed in my Weixin“moments” [a
WeChat discussion channel] for two days.
Afterward, I had along chat with him. He said there is a saying in
the stock market: “Thegreatest heroes are those who take the shares
that are unwanted by the state”[a form of self-sacrifice for the
state]. But in the medical world, this wouldbe: “The greatest
doctors are those who deal with problems unwanted by
If you act like abulletproof angel, you should be prepared for tens
of thousands of arrowspiercing your heart. If you can’t take it,
don’t pretend you can, or you’ll bestruck by lightning. [According
to a traditional belief in China, people wholie will be struck by
I admired hiscourage back then. Today, finally, I handed in my own
resignation. I want tolive a stable, simple life, without having to
be on call all the time, one inwhich I can wake up naturally, walk
my dog after work and take time off onweekends. To the great “Lady
With a Lamp,” Florence Nightingale, I say: In yourtime, you were a
saint. But this is my time. I’m going back to being me.
Nightingale Pledge)。
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2015届英语总复习book1 unit3
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   医疗事故造成患者死亡的,参加丧葬活动的患者的配偶和直系亲属所需交通费、误工费、住宿费,参照有关规定计算,计算费用的人数不超过2人。满意答案咨询电话: (云南-迪庆)帮助网友:26称赞:0医疗事故的责任分类
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2) 主要责任,指医疗事故损害后果主要由医疗过失行为造成,其他因素起次要作用;
3) 次要责任,指医疗事故损害后果主要由其他因素造成,医疗过失行为起次要作用;
4) 轻微责任,指医疗事故损害后果绝大部分由其他因素造成,医疗过失行为起轻微作用。满意答案咨询电话: (河南-郑州)帮助网友:18999称赞:39本律师有十年办医疗纠纷的经验,医疗纠纷比较复杂,适用的法律关系也有选择,为了更好的维护当事人的合法权益,建议直接委托律师处理,需要法律服务时请联系本人


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