我的家乡是惠州名胜 简单一点不要太复杂的语法 . 随便的介绍一下惠州名胜的特色或者名胜就好.

The city of Xi'an was the first Chinese city to open up its doors to the Ancient world,not in 1980 under the "Open Door" policy but in fact during the Tang dynasty when Xian blossomed as the first stop on the Silk Road.Many dynasties kept the city beautiful and magnificent.More than two hundred and seventy palaces and temples,for example,were built in the Qin dynasty,in the Han dynasty the "Three Han Palaces",namely Changle,Weiyang,Jianzhang Palaces,and numerous other palaces and watch towers were built.In the City of Chang'an of the Sui and Tang dynasties,luxurious palaces sprang up like tree,of which Taiji,Daming and Xingqing Palaces and the forbidden garden of the Tang dynasty to the north of the town were very large.Now,from these architectural sites people still can imagine the general picture of what Chang'an City was like,then.All the emperors of the Qin,Han,Tang and other dynasties had their magnificent mausoleums built.Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum at the foot of Lishan Hill in Lintong county,for example,is the earliest example of a grand mausoleum for an emperor in ancient China.The twelve emperors of the Western Han dynasty were mostly buried on the plateau to the north of the Weihe River.Their tomb-mounds were man-made and quite imposing,but emperors of the Tang dynasty began to have their bombs constructed into hills.They are scattered in the counties to the north of the Weihe River and called the "Eighteen Tang Mausoleums".In front of these mausoleums were erected huge stone carvings,while inside them were exquisite funeral objects and colorful murals,a feast for one's eyes.Some of the monasteries and Buddhist pagodas constructed in many dynasties have remained well preserved,including the most famous ones,as the Big Wild Goose (Da Yan) Pagoda in Ci'en Temple and the Small Wild Goose (Xiao Yan) Pagoda in Jianfu Temple.The bronze wares of ancient China are an important example of the splendid culture that reflect this slave society.Feng and Hao in the Xi'an area,which were the capitals of the Western Zhou dynasty,have been acclaimed as "the Home of the Bronze wares",as a wealth of bronze items unearthed from there,over the years.It was quite popular to put up stone tablets in front of tombs to record the merits and achievements of the departed,in many dynasties,and a great deal of stone tablets and calligraphy data remain to this day.So Xi'an is also famous for being "the Home of Calligraphy".The most famous site is the Terracotta Army,built to protect the Emperor Qin Shi Huang,whose Mausoleum lies close the warriors.Both these sights are to the east of Xian.
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