
ALLPlayer - Download
ALLPlayer 6.8
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Multimedia player for almost any video format
ALLPlayer is a powerful media player that as the name suggests, can play just about any format.
Great codec support
Similar to VLC media player, ALLPlayer is ideal for playing stubborn video files that won't play in your usual video player. It supports subtitles and plays just about anything and if it can't play a file, it will try to download the appropriate codec from the ALLPlayer website.
If you need subtitles for a film, it will even try and download those as well although this function is very hit and miss. An unusual subtitle feature is an automatic voice recognition system that actually reads the subtitles for those who are visually impaired although again, it's not very accurate.
Feature rich, but hit and miss
One thing to be aware of is that ALLPlayer is based on DirectX which is notorious for being a backdoor for trojans and other malware. DirectX has been much improved and tightened-up since the bad old days though and this shouldn't be an overriding concern if you're thinking of using ALLPlayer.
There are tons of other features in ALLPlayer including an attractive iTunes style Coverflow browser, support for Dolby, and it even previews incomplete AVI files such as those that are downloading. The interface isn't as polished as VLC media player's version 2 release but this is a relatively minor drawback to a solid media player.
Well rounded media player
ALLPlayer is an excellent multi-format media player that's packed with features.
ALLPlayer supports the following formats
Most popular formats such as DivX, XviD, MP3, and AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, M2TS, MPG, MPEG, RMVB, WMV, QuickTime, MOV, FLAC, APE etc.
built-in codecs to play any audio/video files (with support for 4K and UHD)
playing movies and TV series from torrents (just drag and drop torrent file)
internet radio stations
automatic download of matching subtitles
ALLPlayer remote app for smartphone or tablet (for Android OS)
ALLPlayer supports the following formats
Most popular formats such as DivX, XviD, MP3, and AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, M2TS, MPG, MPEG, RMVB, WMV, QuickTime, MOV, FLAC, APE etc.
Matching subtitles downloader
Voice recognition for subtitles
Plays almost any format
Great alternative to VLC media player
Subtitles matching doesn't always work
Subtitle voice recognition poor
Interface a bit dated
ALLPlayer - FREE Video player with support for torrent streaming and subtitles.
Happy with your video player? ... just try ALLPlayer 6! * built-in codecs to play any audio/video files ( with support for 4K and ULTRA HD) * playing movies and TV series from torrents (just drag and drop torrent file) * internet radio stations * automatic download of matching subtitles * ALLPlayer remote app for smartphone or tablet (for Android OS)All functions are easily accessible, the exact moment they are needed, and with automatic and free codecs updates can you play any video or audio files.One of the biggest advantages of the program is cooperation with the best subtitles servers (eg opensubtitles.org) and downloading matching subtitles in multiple languages. In case, there are not subtitles yet, you will be notified when they are available.Unprecedented in other players function is to play torrents of movies and series with matching subtitles without downloading it to the local disk.
&Great video player with video streaming and subtitles downloading.&
Great for streaming video from torrent network. Just drag and drop *.torrent file to ALLPlayer window and watch movie or tv serie with matching subitles [no need to download whole video first]
torrent streaming
matching subtitles
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Basic video player for MKV container files
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Basic video player for MKV container files
Choose MPG and MKV Player and play media files in .mpg and .mkv really convenient!
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新秀丽 (Samsonite) ,一个拥有百年历史、享誉世界的箱包品牌。新秀丽(Samsonite) 不只是专业的制造商,只要是包包,都能包的好好的。新秀丽 (Samsonite) 以高科技人工技术及先进原料,努力研究及发展新产品并重新定义耐用性、多功能性、合乎人体工学的设计及安全标准。
随着公司业务的不断扩大,施威德的四个兄弟也随之加入。为了纪念此时此刻,五位兄弟站在一块木板上拍下了合影,而木板下面正是他们公司生产的箱子,尽管这五个人的重量超过450公斤,但是下面的箱子却完好无损。不过,新秀丽正式作为公司的商标名称使用则是在1941年。那时,施威德公司推出了一款名为“Samsonite Streamlite”的全新箱包。这款箱包从设计到用料、做工都进行了大胆的尝试,整个箱面采用了特殊处理过的纤维材料,并用石磨打磨出粗糙的效果,整体效果看上去就好像真皮一样。
极品;Casual系列有荧光色、黑色网点及磨砂银色等,以色彩鲜艳取胜;Business Case是以深色为主的硬箱型公文包;Travel为多种间格的旅游包,以纤维制成,没有重量负担;American Tourister主要是面向年轻人及其家庭的平价旅行箱;Sammies是针对儿童推出的旅游小背包,多有可爱的造型。
Executive Leather系列
Aero-PC Harbour旅行箱
Business ATTACHEStreamlite旅行箱系列
Profline DLX FL旅行箱系列B-Lite 旅行箱系列
Urban Leather系列
Quadrion Pro系列
Santiago I系列Panda系列
Curv 是一种热塑性复合材料,由来自德国的百年企业 Propex Fabrics 公司生产
,它将轻盈与坚韧的特性史无前例地完美融合。Curv 技术将一层层的合成纤维压缩为一张合成片,如同压缩三明治一般制造出自行加固的物料,这很像电影中钢铁侠的超薄金钛合金盔甲,在不牺牲强度的前提下尽可能的缩小体积,最终找到二者之间平衡;同时采用热成型的方法制成旅行箱其他细小零部件,有些重要部件甚至并不能引起人的主意,但最终能把所有部分巧妙的组合成一支完整的 Cosmolite 旅行箱。Curv 特有的分子组合,令旅行箱像美国队长的盾牌一样轻松抵御强烈撞击,并极大程度上防止磨损。更令人惊喜的是,Curv 复合材料在零度以下的抗冲击性能完胜 PP、abs、铝镁合金等材质,为您在寒冷气候下的出行提供无忧保障。
2008年,Curv 首次运用在 Samsonite Cosmolite 系列中,一经推出便即刻成为遨游世界的旅行家常伴身旁的不二之选,一举摘得2010年“红点设计奖”最佳设计奖,Curv 技术也由此闻名于世,成为超级材质的代名词。
科技感与实用性被提到同样高度,使其成为兼顾大气与细节的旅行箱典范。打开 Cosmolite 系列产品可以发现其内部拥有一套强大高效的行李整理体系,可伸缩交叉的固定带保护私人物品的安全稳固,高密度尼龙材质制成的拉链条轻盈而润滑,独立口袋夹层让各类小物件都井井有条,这些周到的细节做到了之前所有旅行箱都几乎不可能做到:让整理行李变成一件愉快的事。除此之外,稳重的双栏杆、无限灵动的万象轮、光滑闪耀的金属质感外壳,淋漓尽致地展现出Cubelite 系列尊贵优雅的设计理念。
Pixel Cube设计灵感来源于以点构成画面的电视映像原理。产品表面光滑而带有均匀圆点,外观设计极具未来感。随箱还附赠特殊切割圆点贴纸,持有者可按照其喜好将贴纸填入圆形凹点,利用排列组合的不同产生个人化的趣味,借此发挥个人独到创意。这款箱子被亲切的称为“点子箱”。
Skywheeler DLX旅行箱系列
Aero-PC Harbour旅行箱
Skywheeler 2旅行箱系列
Aeris Comfort旅行箱系列
Bright Lite旅行箱系列
Hommage II旅行箱系列
X’ion 2旅行箱系列
Pro-DLX 3旅行箱系列
Pro-DLX 08 Travel旅行箱系列
Sahora Travel 旅行箱系列
Profline DLX FL旅行箱系列
B-Lite 旅行箱系列
Freeminder Flex旅行箱系列
Executive Leather系列
睿智、原创、具代表性。Samsonite Executive Leather系列为阅历丰富、眼光独到的商务人士推出上乘的产品。出于讲究生活品味、时刻追求时尚的意大利设计师之手,本系列形式各样的商务公文包具备极强的功能性、灵巧而实用的特征。秉承Samsonite一贯的优秀品质,融合Samsonite创造完美商务包的高端科技,全面提升及优化本系列的实用性,令商务人士在每一次的旅程中都可轻松自如,有条不紊。
Pro-DLX 08系列
Urban Leather系列
Pro DLX F系列
Quadrion Pro系列
Pro-Tect SPL 3系列
Aramon 2系列
Wander以其外观时尚,功能创新,设计精美,与Samsonite 产品为人称道的坚固耐用完美结合。
Santiago I系列
Aero-PC Harbour旅行箱
Viktor & Rolf旅行箱系列
Business ATTACHE
Aero-PC Harbour旅行箱
2014年2月,Samsonite新秀丽宣布,将与韩国知名电视演员(Soo-Hyun Kim)和香港当红艺人(杨颖)签约,双双出任新秀丽形象大使,代言极具流行风格的商务休闲包品牌新秀丽Red红标系列。[5]
(全球航空协会)唯一注册认可的行李箱制造商。更拥有一千多项的专利发明和产品上市前“六大特殊测试”(翻滚/轮子/把手/坠落/拉链/锁头测试),产品每年都获得欧洲IF Design Awards,Red Dot.Red Dot Best of the Best等国际性设计大奖。
2005年,新秀丽又偕同新任执行总裁Marcello Bottoli先生(曾任品牌的执行总裁),和新任创意总监、设计师Quentin Mackay先生,把新秀丽的产品创新推上更新的高度。在未来的发展中,新秀丽将继续秉承品牌实用性及灵活性的优点,以时尚及摩登的外型取代一向给人“稳重及保守”的外型,并且将不同的创新材质及科技融入设计里,令普通的行李箱摇变为高科技产品,使产品及形象提升至更高层次。
该公司上半年北美洲销售增加27.7%至2.39亿美元,亚洲则升21.3%至3.25亿美元。不过,欧洲及拉丁美洲销售净额分别下跌2%及2.2%。该公司主席兼行政总裁Tim Parker表示,能带来鼓舞作用。他对下半年宏观经济情况乐观。如若撇除汇兑影响,销售净额增长达18.2%。
幅上扬25.6%,纵然内地经济出现放缓迹象,该公司亚太区及中东区总裁Ramesh Tainwala预料,下半年有轻微放缓,但不会出现大幅度增长,但亦预期会有发展。
2006年,Samsonite已将总部迁至时尚之都 —— 英国伦敦,同时设立了全球创意中心。Samsonite正经历着令人激动的转变时期,尊贵产品系列Samsonite Black Label的陆续推出将Samsonite带入了崭新的纪元。将继续秉承品牌实用性及灵活性的优点,以时尚及的外型取代一向给人“稳重及保守”的旅行箱外型。
随着消费者收入的提高,及财富的增长,消费者对体现与众不同的个人品味,卓尔不凡的产品的需要日益提高, Samsonite 将不同的创新材质及科技融入设计里,使产品从单纯的“旅行箱公司”升华至“充满理想的旅行解决方案”的品牌。
美国著名箱包制造商新秀丽国际有限公司日正式在挂牌交易,开市价13港元,较发售价跌逾10%。 新秀丽招股价范围原定13.5港元至17.5港元,之后收窄为14.5港元至15.5港元,最终以招股价范围下限14.5港元定价。 这次国际配售6.04亿股,公开发售6712万股新股。按发售价14.5港元计算,新秀丽募集资金净额约为14.34亿港元。
新秀丽国内最大的竞争对手有:专业的帆布拉杆箱品牌《URBANWAVE 》,旅行综合品牌《Dewar的沃》,pc+abs新秀品牌中文《》ribenito
2.扫描验证码官方网站查询 材质鉴别: pc+abs材质,边缘偏硬,箱体材质有弹性,软硬得当,碰撞白印可80度高温均匀烘烤下自动消除恢复原有摸样。 logo防伪:箱子表面有品牌logo字样,日本ribenito (艾蝶尔)或官方网站上logo标识。
企业信用信息Apps downloaded, like never before
As if it doesn't take a lifetime to download an 80-MB app, the cost of downloading it makes it even worse. That's where Mobogenie bails you out.
Select free apps and games from the store and install them on to your phone... at no data charges at all! Sounds like magic? It is.
Manage and edit contacts easily
If it's difficult to edit hundreds of your contacts on the phone, get Mobogenie to do the task. From adding new numbers to editing existing data to simply deleting unnecessary contacts...
Mobogenie helps make it as easy as pie.
Download the best videos,music and photos on the web
You've had the same old videos and music for ages, and now it's time you treated yourself to something new. Choose from the best and the latest and download them to your Android device, all to be enjoyed on the go.
sktop manager for your inbox
We know how the texts pile up, dotted with ads, notifications and what not. Tidy up your inbox using Mobogenie's managerial skills.
You can also use it to send texts to not one but several people at one go. It couldn't get more awesome than that!
Back up and restore with one click
Put away that constant worry of losing your Android phone or fear of switching to another. Simply entrust Mobogenie to back up your data with a single click! And if you want to restore this data to your phone or to another Android device, breathe easy.
Restoring data is a click away for Mobogenie.
When you connect your Android device to Mobogenie for the very first time, a 'Mobogenie Phone Daemon' is installed on your phone. Please note that it is absolutely necessary to enable a smooth connection and management of the device the next time you use Mobogenie.
However, the application does not store or make any use of your personal data.
What's New:
Android version updated 2.7.14
PC version offer support for Android 5.0
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