
> 清纯马尾校服美女校园写真图片
发布时间: 11:36
& & 当日子成为旧照片当旧照片成为回忆,我们成了背对背行走的路人,沿着不同的方向,固执的一步一步远离,没有雅典,没有罗马,再也没有回去的路。
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备案编号:The first book in an exciting new series for boys.
On Saturday, March 2nd, I had the very great pleasure of signing copies of KISSED at Magnolia's Bookstore. I think I've signed my books at the store since I first began to write. The staff have been incredibly loyal over the years, but they're not the only ones. Last Saturday's signing saw some old, and some new fans show up at the store. Not only that, they brought their own stories.
Yikes! I've been ... KISSED. Not a bad way to start 2013, huh?
Seriously, though, Happy New Year everyone! And please allow me to introduce my newest title (the name of which you surely know by now). It's a collection of three of my fairytale retellings, Belle, Sunlight and Shadow, and Winter's Child.
It's November. How on earth did that happen? What happened to August, September, and October along the way? I don't know what you've been doing, but I've been writing like mad. Net result: 2013 will see some out-of-the-box works from me. Here's a snapshot of what's upcoming.
So, I've just filled out the questionnaire. That would be the Award Submission Author Questionnaire to be precise, recently sent to me by my wonderful editor at Simon & Schuster, Annette Pollert. As an author with a work published in 2012, I answer the questions so that the marketing dept. can determine whether or not there are any awards for which my book might be eligible. I've actually done pretty well with this in the past. Several of my Once Upon a Time titles have received positive recognition from the American Library Association. Nice. But the process sort of got me wondering. What would a questionnaire look like if I made up the questions? Only mine would be for my readers, of course.
Featured Book
Boys Camp #1, Zack's Story
The first book in an exciting new series for boys about summer camp, leadership, friendship, and above all, fun!
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