
sn:na413xwg希捷官网查询为不过我用crystaldiskinfo硬盘检测工具检测到的结果却是而电脑硬件显示为(下边的WDC西数是我自己电脑的硬盘,sony是光驱)真是搞不懂为什么crystaldiskinfo检测显示为富士通的硬盘。跟店家联系,店家说:“希捷的移动硬盘 里面盘芯不一定都是希捷的”希望高手帮咱辨别一下真伪,真的像店主说的那样么???我的移动硬盘是正品的么???给分不高,还望见谅!我用HD tune pro检测显示为
seagate backup 3.0这些检测结果都不一致用seatools检测结果为:--------------- SeaTools for Windows v1.2.0.8 --------------- 17:00:38产品序列号: 产品型号: Seagate Backup 3.0型号: MARSHALMAL2500SA-T54序列号: 92TYTAV8T固件版本: AX001U短驱动器自检 - 启动
17:00:38短驱动器自检 - 检测通过
17:02:32识别 - 启动
17:02:42SMART: 不支持48-bit Address feature set supported: 假最大的LBA: 主机保护区域功能: 不支持强制电源管理: 不支持请高手给咱指点一下,咱这块移动硬盘是正货么??还有,移动硬盘上的sn和pn有没有可能假造??就是假的盗用了正品的序列号
我也中了 我次奥
用这个软件:SEATOOLS 查看你的希捷移动硬盘是否是正品!这个软件是官方的检测工具!百度一下就有了 检测的时候插上硬盘 然后打开软件 如果他的序列号是和你的
SN码一致 那你就不要担心了!参考网站:顺便说下楼主的希捷是睿品升级版皓月银吗(我的是黑的)如果是 注意第三方检测软件类似HDtune 他能检测出你的硬盘的内盘实际序列号我今天上网找了一天这方面的资料发现大多数人都说要三码合一! 有很多人用这个工具检测出来的SN和外壳的SN不符合 可是我觉得有蹊跷 因为客服回答两码合一即可!结合前两年的新闻 才知道 三星的移动硬盘生产部门已经被希捷收购了!可想而知 那里面的内盘可能就是三星的!难怪和外面的SN不符合。可是你要是用SEATOOLS检查就会发现是一致的!我看了下SEATOOLS日志发现 所谓的SN 就是“产品序列号” 而那个HDtune检测出的是“序列号” 在日志里也存在 不过标识是序列号!差俩字啊 !区别真大!我就不多解释了 你懂得!所以说东西算是正品的也给保 不过这质量就有点折扣之嫌!我把我的SEATOOLS日志粘贴出来让那些说三码合一的人不要老说是假的!--------------- SeaTools for Windows v1.2.0.10 --------------- 20:33:47产品序列号: NA76MN13(这是SN)产品型号: Seagate BUP Slim BK型号: STHN-M101MBB序列号: S30CJ9CF239098(这是HDTUNE检测的序列号 在这里SEATOOLS也有)固件版本: 2BA30001短检测类 - 启动
20:34:56短检测类 - 检测通过
20:36:42识别 - 启动
天猫 给淘宝淘了保护费 挂羊头卖狗肉 太正常了 假货不奇怪 呵呵
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或大姐姐们的豪宅:美亚直邮SEAGATE 希捷 5T 移动硬盘,重点说说保修事项_开箱晒物_什么值得买
大姐姐们的豪宅:美亚直邮SEAGATE 希捷 5T 移动硬盘,重点说说保修事项
&因为自己混MT(今天负荷过重无法连接) TTG HDSky(貌似挂了),也开始缓慢的收集各种原盘,1080P电影,所以自然而然的硬盘满了(还有某些河蟹物&),从此开始物色新的硬盘本想着支持各个PT站的合作商家,从他们那里买,还能直接拷原盘,但是居然的都找不到,去x宝看了一圈,略贵,还都是绿盘遂没事逛张大妈时各种盯梢跟硬盘有关的推送,于是,在推了多次希捷的睿翼5T后,果断美亚直邮入了。不过那时是年关,大概17号到的国内并通关完成,不过过年那几天你们懂的,年后上班不久就拿到货了快递送来的时候咱在上班,所以喊的朋友帮忙验货的,所以箱子已经开了,不过里面的美帝空气还在&盒子正面一年保修标识,这个稍后重点说&撕开包装膜&后,里面就是这三货,本体,电源和数据线单独一个小箱,还有说明书多语言说说明书,卖往美帝的货有中文还是蛮地道的本体还有一层膜&,不过有点脏,这个应该不影响吧N多散热洞洞(密集恐惧症患者顶得住吗&),这里是电源接口和扁形USB3.0接口,这货没有配独立的电源开关,不够意思底部的标识之前的值友都说很容易拆,但是我搞了好久都拆不开(3.5寸盘也就那样),咱就放弃了&,拆开后也没有慢扫,直接就用了插上电脑,显示为4657G,其中的鸡贼算法相比各位都懂了PCIE 1X转接的USB3.0接口速度,原生3.0接口应该可以更快保修查询,这个我是自己手动去的官网查的,硬盘里自带的那个注册程序很坑爹,完全不能用其实,说这么多我主要想说的是关于这个美亚直邮硬盘的保修这是硬盘里的warranty文件的一小段,欧洲是2年,美帝居然是1年&首先,咱打过电话去希捷的客服,希捷中国肯定是不会给保修的,这一点很明确。其次,中亚对这种只有货物的保修,是不知道怎么处理(是的,咱也打过客服问过,都是说不清楚)最后,别着急,作为负责任的良心公司,美亚还是会负责的:30天内都是可以退换的。但是咱肯定不满足30天的时限,所以咱果断去跟客服邮件聊天了前方低能英语出现&&ME:02/11/15 03:13:44如何保修和售后?May i ask you amazon if there has been non-human failure with my hard disk, how
is the Warranty Policy? And who will be responsible for it?
? Thank youAmazon:日 20:20 Hello, I understand your concern and I'm more than happy to help you
with this issue. I've checked the order #我的订单号,人工加码 and see
that this order has been ordered , so we take complete
responsibility of the item if the item is within the return window as per amazon
policy. I see that the item is covered under the amazon's return policy
you still have time till Sunday, March 29, 2015 (47 days left). Normally
at this situation, I either create a replacement or a refund but, I'm not sure
how you would like to proceed. Please write back to us whether you would
like us to replace the item or refund, so that we can help you precisely.
渣翻译:我们已经盯上你的这个货物了,我们会负责,可以退换,是否需要退换?ME:具体是这货是卖到中国的,如何保修Thank you for answer me. But I do not meant about amazon's return
policy. Because it has three year’s time for the warranty and
after-sales. This services is provided by Seagate Company when I buy its
mobile hard disk product in my county, China. So, what I want to know is
that when the mobile hard disk transport to my county(补充,才发现自己拼错了,少了个r&), who can provide the three
year’s warranty and after-sales when the mobile hard disk was broken of its own
malfunction but not my mistakes. Thank you (囧,我自以为会有3年保修就胡诌上去了)Amazon:Hello, I understand your concern that you would like to know about the
warranty of the item. I will surely help you with this. I've researched
as per your concern and would like to inform that many of the items offered on
our website are covered by a manufacturer's warranty. This information should be
available in the owner's manual for the product. However, if the mobile
hard disk will be broken after 30 days, so you'll need to contact directly to
the &Seagate& (manufacture). So that they can help you then and there. The manufacturer may require a proof of purchase, such as an invoice,
before they'll send you a replacement part. You can view and print an invoice
for your orders through Your Account If you need any further assistance so I'd request you to please contact
us over the phone and ensure that we'll definitely help you then and there. To contact us, please go to
and sign in. You will be asked to enter your phone number in the Phone tab, and
we'll call you. Contacting us through the website ensures that we have your
account information ready when we call. If you can't access this
feature, here are our customer service phone numbers: - U.S. and Canada:
1-866-216-1072 - International: 1-206-266-2992 We're available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. I hope this information helps you! We look
forward to seeing you again soon.渣翻译:你需要联系希捷公司(废话,劳资在中国怎么联系?)ME:果然沟通不畅。。。but the question is that seagate would not provide warranty and after-sales
because the mobile hard disk i brought from you was sell to u.s, not to chinaAmazon:Hello, I'm sorry to hear your about the problem with your order and
seagate couldn't assist you. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
cause to you in this case. I've forwarded your message to our
appropriate department to make sure this does not happen any more. To
help you with this, I've checked the order #再次人工打码我的订单号 and see that
this order has been ordered , so we take complete responsibility
of the item. Normally at this situation, I either create a replacement
or a refund but, availability for Seagate Expansion USB 3.0 5TB Desktop External
Hard Drive (STBV5000100), and can confirm that it's now back-ordered. I'm sorry
about this delay--we certainly didn't expect this would happen. Please
write back to us you would like to have refund, so that we can help you
precisely. Please visit the following link to provide the information we
requested: We look forward to seeing you soon.Best regards,Rowsath H. 渣翻译:我们还是会对你订单的货物负责,我们可以给你退款(其实我不是很看的懂&)ME:妈蛋你们还是不能理解我的意思,再问maybe you do not understand what i had said in before-mails. i brought the
mobile hard disk from you, of cause i want to use it without problem. but
not always smooth sailing. if something problem with the mobile hard disk of its
own malfunction, how can i fix the problem,
me? and i , they said they had no idea about that one thing
to& China. Amzon:Hello, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused. First, please
allow me to extend a sincere apology for any frustration this matter has caused.
I see that our previous replies have not appropriately addressed your concerns
and I hope that I can be of some help now. I understand your concern
regarding the Seagate Expansion USB 3.0 5TB Desktop External Hard Drive that you
recently purchased , I'm glad to help you. Since you have
purchased the item
we are responsible for any problem with the
External Hard Drive. You can return the item for a full refund or get the item
replaced. Please be assured that we are always here to take care for any
concerns of our valuable customers like you. If you need further
assistance in this, feel free to contact us. We are glad to help you anytime.
Everyone of us here is trying to solve our customer's problem as quickly as
possible. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Best
regards, Praveen P.渣翻译:我们注意到你的问题了。我们负责与硬盘的任何问题。你可以返回该项目全额退款或获取退换。(貌似是有保修和售后的意思?)ME:继续问具体的保修细节thank you for answering me again and again. something i want to say is that
my english is just so so, so i understand little about your responsibilities.
would you tell me when the mobile hard disk broken, can i
take it away and offer the warranty and affter-sales? or i had to send it to
by myself? however, if i did by myself, do i pay the express cost
? forgive my poor english. thank you.Amazon:Hello, If any problem with the mobile hard disk please return it to
and we will pay the return shipping charges.
responsible& for the items& purchased
. If you need
further help here are our customer service phone numbers: - U.S. and
Canada: 1-866-216-1072 - International: 1-206-266-2992 We're
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.& We look forward to seeing you again
soon.渣翻译:货物出问题了泛厂Amazon将会是免费,需要服务的话可以联系劳资。ME:再再再次问时间什么的firstly, thank you for answering me once more. i understand you this time
totally. do i have three year's warranty and after-sales with the seagate
mobile hard disk? that's my latest question. tkanksAmazon:Hello, I understand that you're concerned about the warranty of your
purchased &Seagate Expansion USB 3.0 5TB Desktop External Hard Drive&. I'll
surely help you. I'm sorry the warranty information for this product
isn't listed on our website. Many of the items offered on our website are
covered by a manufacturer's warranty. This information should be available in
the owner's manual for the product. If you need information about a
warranty before placing an order, you can contact the manufacturer, Seagate.&
You can contact them at Customer Service: 1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Website: && The manufacturer may require a proof of purchase, such as an invoice,
before they'll send you a replacement part. You can view and print an invoice
for your orders through Your Account If you've contacted the manufacturer and they can't help, please send
us a summary of that correspondence and we'll work on another solution. Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested: 一个amazon网址If you're having further concerns, please visit the contact
page below and give us a call, chat in, or write to us so we can help you right
away. I hope this information helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Best regards, Manish R.渣翻译:具体的保修时间你需要去希捷那里了解(因为没有序列号是无法查询具体的保修时间的,我后来打电话去希捷中国问过了,后来东西到了之后用序列号才查了上面某图显示的一年保修)经过上面咱的渣英语和渣翻译,想必大家对美亚直邮的移动硬盘的售后已经有一个比之前大家所说的没有保修有了不同的答案,虽然实际操作(为了1000块钱要跨过沟通一般人也搞不来,而且重要的是数据,是吧)的时候可能会出现骨感的现实&,但是,这种有还是比没有的好,是不?对了,总结一下这货的优点与槽点,这样日西单的通过概率会更大&先说槽点:1,少了独立的电源开关键2,启动的时候会突然声音变大和抖动,不过都是几秒钟的事3,1年质保,还有玄而又玄的美亚提供售后4,3.5寸盘,外置电源,移动不方便,不过2.5寸盘也很难到达这个容量吧5,塑料外壳且易脏,轻微指纹收集器优点:1,便宜,折合不到200R/T2,算是有保修3,不是很重,塑料外壳手感还行
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