take a 40 -one minute stand's walk 这种形式对吗

1.&I'm spending time with my friends.
& &我将和我的朋友们一起共度时光。
&& spend …on sth \in doing sth&&&
&& I spend four hours on my homework every evening.
&& He spent 2,000yuan buying the TV set.
2.&relaxing 令人放松(指事)&&&&&&
&& I want to have a relaxing vacation.
&& relaxed& 感到轻松(指人)&&&&&
&& I'm relaxed after the vacation.
3.&sports camp 运动野营
4.&go + V-ing&&
&& go fishing\go shopping\go hiking\go camping\go swimming\go boating\
&& go sightseeing\go bike riding
5.&have a good ( great\nice\wonderful) time ==enjoy oneself& 过得愉快
6.&show sb sth=show sth to sb&&
&& He showed me his pictures.== He showed his pictures to me.
7.&take a long vacation& 度长假
8.&think about + sth\ doing sth& 思考,认为
&& What do you think about this movie?
&& I'm thinking about going to Beijing.
9.&decide on sth 决定某事&&& decide on doing sth = decide to do sth决定做某事
10.&something different 不同的事&& something important 重要的事(不定代词的定语应该后置)
&&& anything& nothing
12. plan to do sth&&& 计划作某事
13. leave for sw&& 离开去某地
&&& He is leaving for shantou& tomorrow.
14. take sth with sb& 随身携带…
15.can't wait to do sth 迫不及待作……
16.Hear sb do th 听到某人做某事 hear sb doing sh 听见某人正在某事
17.show sb. Sth.=show sth. to sb.出示某物给某人看
&&& give me the book=give the book to me 给我书,
&&& pass me the cup=pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我,
&&& sell me the house=sell the house to me 把房子卖给我
&&& buy me a book =buy a book for me 给我买书,
&&& make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕
18. have a good time=have fun= have a wonderful time= enjoy oneself 玩得愉快
19. rent videos&& 租录像带& .
&& &take walks=go for a walk散步去散步
&& &vacation plans 假期计划&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&
&& &make a movie 拍一部电影
20.Leave& sp 离开某地&& leave for sp 离开说话的地点前往某地。
21.Ask her about her plans 向她询问她的计划ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事
22.forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事,forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事
23.do some sewing 做缝纫活the famous movie star 著名的影星
24.how about=what about…….怎么样
25.don't worry(about sth./sb.)别着急(为某人/事担心
26.around the world= all over the world世界各地,全世界
1.What are you doing for vacation?
2.Thank you for doing sth
3.What's …like?&
& What's the weather like?=
& How's the weather?
& What's your father like?
4.What do you think about \of …?
5.doing sth. takes sb. Some time/ money
& =It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb. spends dome time/money (on sth.)
& =sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.=sth. costs sb. some time/money
& =sb. pay some money for sth.
& 花费某人多少时间/金钱做某事/某人花费多少金钱/时间做某事
1. 现在进行时表示将来时---- 表示意图,安排或打算。
&& 常见的动词有go \come\ leave\fly
&& I'm going
&& She is leaving tomorrow.
&& He is flying to Beijing next week.
&& I'm going camping.
&& How long are you staying/
&& in + 早、午、晚/ 季节/月份/年、月
&& in the morning \afternoon evening
&& in spring \winter\ autumn\summer
&& in 2006 \in September
&& at + 具体时间
&& at night \noon
&& at this time of year
&& on + 具体某一天
&& on the 1st
&& on June the 3rd
&& on the morning of Sep 1st
&& on Sunday morning
3.sound 后接形容词&&& sound like后接名词
&& sound& interesting&&& sound like a good idea
4. problem通常指等待解决或者决定的问题,尤其指比较困难的问题,常与动词solve(解决)搭配。
&& question通常指主观对某事迷惑不解,而提出问题等待回答,常用动词ask(问) answer (回答)搭配。
5. about 关于& 指内容不那么正式,含有随便谈论的意味。Eg :He knows nothing about it 。
&& on 指的内容为正式或是学术的。Eg :He has written lots of booke on art china。
Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?
1.go camping&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去野营
2.go shopping&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去购物
3.go skateboarding&&&&&&&&&&&&去滑滑板
4.go swimming&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去游泳
5.go boating&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去划船
6.go skating&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去滑冰
7.go hiking (in the mountains)去山上徒步旅行/远足
8.go climbing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去登山
9.go fishing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&去钓鱼
10.go bike riding / cycling&&&骑自行车旅行
11.go sightseeing&&&&&&&&&&&&&去观光
12.visit my grandma / cousins / my friends in Hong Kong&拜访我的祖母/堂兄弟/香港的朋友
13.spend time with friends&&&&和朋友度过
14.babysit her sister&&&&&&&&&照顾她的妹妹
15.relax at home&&&&&&&&&&&&&&在家休息
16.go to sports camp&&&&&&&&&&去运动野营
17.go to the beach&&&&&&&&&&&&去沙滩
18.for vacation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&度假
19.go to Tibet for a week&&&&&去西藏一个星期
20.go away&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&离开
21.(for) too long&&&&&&&&&&&&&太久
22.how long&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&多长(时间)
23.have a good time / have fun&&玩得开心
24.get back to school / home&&&&回学校/回家
25.stay for three weeks&&&&&&&&&呆三个星期
26.take walks / take a walk&&&&&散步
27.rent videos&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&租录像带
28.a famous French singer&&&&&&&一个著名的法籍歌手
29.take a long vacation&&&&&&&&&度长假
30.take vacations in Europe&&&&&在欧洲度假
31.think about / of&&&&&&&&&&&&&考虑&/&思考
32.something different / interesting / important&&一些不同的/&有趣的/&重要的东西
33.spend time in the beautiful countryside&&&&&&&&在美丽的乡村度过
34.forget all the problems&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&忘记所有的问题
35.sleep a lot&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&多睡觉
36.can't wait&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&迫不及待
37.a good place to go sightseeing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&一个观光的好地方
38.leave for Italy / Greece / Spain / Europe&&&&&&离开/出发去意大利/希腊/西班牙/欧洲
39.places to visit in China&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&在中国参观的地方
40.plan my vacation to Italy&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&计划去意大利度假
41.the first week in June&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&六月的第一周
42.leave for …&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&离开/出发去…
43.rent videos to sb.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&租碟片给某人
&&&rent videos from sb.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&从某人那租碟片
1. show sb. sth.&让某人看某物
&&&= show sth. to sb.&把某物给某人看
&&&He showed me a postcard from Hong Kong yesterday.
&&&= He showed a postcard to me from Hong Kong yesterday.
2. send sb. sth.寄给某人某物
&&&= send sth. to sb.&寄某物给某人
&&&My friends sent me a letter just now.
&&&= My friends sent a letter to me just now.
3. think about / of sth. / doing sth.考虑某事/考虑做某事
&&&He often thinks about going to Europe for vacation.
4. decide on sth.&决定某事
&&&decide to do sth.决定做某事
&&&They will decide on the case(案件) tomorrow.
&&&He decided to go sightseeing at last.
5. plan to do sth.&计划做某事
&&&She planned to go to Greece for vacation.
6. forget to do sth.&&忘记去做某事
&&&= forget doing sth.忘记做过某事
&&&Don't forget to close the door when you leave the classroom.
&&&= I forget going to Spain before.
7. remember to do sth.&&记得去做某事
&&&= remember doing sth.记得做过某事
&&&Remember to bring your book here tomorrow.
&&&He remembered calling you just now.
8. finish sth./finish doing sth.&完成某事/完成做某事
&&&Do you finish your homework?
&&&When did you finish doing your homework?
9. need to do sth.需要做某事
&&&We need to go home early.
10.leave for +地名&&离开/出发去…
&&&leave A for B&&&&离开A地去B地
&&&My parents and I are leaving (here) for Beijing tomorrow.
&&&My uncle will leave Beijing for Tokyo tomorrow.
11. have a good time / have fun&&玩得开心
&&&&enjoy oneself
&&&&We had a good time / had fun last night.
&&&&= We enjoyed ourselves last night.
&&&&I hope you can have a good time / have fun.
&&&&= I hope you can enjoy yourself / yourselves.
1. What are you doing for vacation?&你假期打算做什么?
&&&I am babysitting my sister.我打算照顾我的妹妹。
2. Where is he going?&&他要去哪?
&&&He is going to Italy.&他打算去意大利。
3. When is he going?&他什么时候要去?
&&&He is going on the 11th. / in December.&他打算11号去/12月去。
4. Who is she going with?&她打算和谁去?
&&&She is going with her parents.&她打算和她的父母亲去。
5. How long are they staying in Tibet?&他们准备在西藏呆多久?
&&&They are staying for three weeks.&他们打算呆三个星期
6. That sounds interesting.&那听起来有趣。
&&&look(看起来), sound(听起来), feel(感觉起来), taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来)…
7. I don't like going away for too long.我不喜欢离开太久。
&&&like to do sth. / like doing sth.&喜欢做某事
8. I know there are many people there&(who speak French.)&我知道那儿有许多说法语的人。
&&&Who speak French&为定语从句,用来修饰先行词people的。
&&&I know the girl(&who comes from Spain in his class.)&我认识他班里那个来自西班牙的女孩。
&&&Do you know the man&(who is fishing)?&你认识那个正在钓鱼的人吗?
9. He planned to have a very relaxing vacation.他计划度过一个轻松的假期。
&&&plan to do sth.&计划做某事
10.I just finished making my last movie.我刚制作完了我最后的一部电影。
&&&finish doing sth.&完成做某事
11.I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.&我听说泰国是个观光的好地方。
&&&a good place to go sightseeing&一个观光的好地方
12.I want to ask you about places to visit in China.我想问你有关可在中国参观的地方。
&&&want to do sth.&想做某事
&&&ask sb. about sth.&问某人有关某事
13.I am planning my vacation to Italy this weekend.我打算这个周末去意大利度假。
&&&plan my vacation to Italy&计划去意大利度假
&&&= plan to go to Italy for vacation
14.What should tourist take with them?&游客必须带什么(在身上)呢?
&&&take sth with sb.&带某物在身上/随身带某物
&&&It's going to rain. Please take an umbrella with you.&就要下雨了。请带上一把雨伞。
&&&They take some money with them.他们随身带着些钱。
What are you doing for vacation?你打算/准备/计划假期做些什么?
I am going sightseeing.我打算/准备/计划去观光。
这里用了“现在进行时&be doing”的结构来表示在最
1. I am visiting him tomorrow.我明天要去拜访他。
2. He is leaving for Italy in three days.他三天后要出发去意大利。
3. Are they coming this afternoon?他们今天下午会来吗?&
1.babysit v&&&临时照顾 babysit–babysitting -&&babysits –babysat
babysit=look after&
(1)–What’s she doing for vacation?&&假期她打算干什么?
&&&&-She’s babysitting her sister.她打算照看她妹妹。&&&&&
&&&&&babysit 用现在进行时表示将来发生的动作。
&&&&&向这样的词还有come&&go&&leave &start&&stay&&arrive&&visit&&do&&fly&&plan etc.
(2)&&What are you doing for vacation?&&I'm leaving for Macao next week.&
&&&&&你假期打算干什么? 我打算下周动身去奥门。
(3)How long is he staying in&&Shanghai? He’s staying there for two days.
&&&&&他将在上海呆多久啊? 呆两天。
(4)What’re your parents doing next week? They’re visiting my grandparents.
2. camp&&v&宿营&&露宿&&&go camping&&去宿营&&&&sports camp 运动野营
&(1) What&&are his parents doing for vacation?-They’re going sports camp.
(2)-Where are you going&&this Sunday? –I'm going to Qianshan
&&&&&-What are you doing there? – I'm going camping.
&&&&&&&这个星期天你打算去哪儿? 我打算去千山。 你去那干什么? 我去野营。
3. plan n&&v 计划&&规划&&方案 n 计划&&方案&
&&(1) Can you tell me your vacation plans? 你能告诉我你的假期计划吗?
&(2)What a good plan it is!多好的计划呀!
&&&&&&v. 计划&&*&&&plan to do sth.计划做某事&&
&&(3) He plans to buy a T-shirt for his father.他计划给他父亲买一件T恤衫。
&(4)Tony is planning to visit his friends in Beijing.托尼计划看望他北京的朋友。
4. Tibet 西藏&
&&(1) I'm going to Tibet for a week.我打算去西藏呆一周。
&(2)Mr.Green is leaving for Tibet next month.格林先生打算下个月去西藏。
5. hike&&v 徒步旅行&&&远足&&&go hiking&&去远足
(1)Children plan to go hiking next Sunday. 孩子计划下周去远足。
(2)-What’s the girl doing for vacation ? – She's going hiking in the mountains.
6.Hong Kong 香港&&&San Francisco&&&旧金山(美国加利福尼亚州西部港市)&&Hawaii (美国)夏威夷&
&(1) –What's Jim doing for vacation? –He's visiting his pen pal in Hong Kong.
&&&&&&&吉姆假期打算干什么? 他打算去香港看望他的笔友。
(2)San Francisco is a good place to visit . 旧金山是参观的好地方。
(3)Surfing is one of the world’s most popular water spouts.冲浪是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。
&&&&&It first started on the islands of Hawaii.它早起源于夏威夷岛。
(4)Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. 夏威夷岛以它美丽的海滩而著称。
7. away&adv&向远处,离开&be away 离开&be away from 离开………………是leave的延续性动词。
(1)表示距离&&&His house is ten kilometers away&&from school.他家离学校十公里远。
(2)-How long were you away from school last year? – For less than two weeks.
&&&&&去年你多久不在学校? 不到两周。
8.get back&&&&&拿回&&&取回 返回get back from&&从…拿回
(1)When did his father get back to&&Shanghai ? Last month.他父亲是什么时候返回上海的?上个月。
(2)When did Hong Kong get to&&China ? In 1997. 香港是何时回归祖国的?是1997 年。
(3)I'll get back my bat from Tom’s house&&&this afternoon.
9. send&&v 送, 寄, 派遗——sent(过去式)
&&*&send sb. sh. 送给某人某物
&&(1) His friend often sends him e-mails on the Internet.他的朋友在网上常给他发电子邮件。
&(2)I'll send a gift to her on the thirteenth birthday.&在她的第十三个生日将送给她一个礼物。
&&* send sb. to sp. = take sb. to sp.&&送某人去某地
&(3)The boys sent the man on the motorbike to the hospital yesterday.
&&*&send for&某人去请
&&(4) One day&&his mother was ill in bed , so she sent for a doctor.
&&*&send up&&发射&
&&(5)When did China send up its first man –made satellite ? 中国是什么时候发射第一颗人造卫星的?
10. bike n 自行车
&&&&take&a&bike 骑自行车
&&&&by bike 是方式状语,而take a bike&&是动宾词语&&
&&&&by&take a&bus&乘汽车by&take a train&&乘火车
&&&&by air&&= by plane 乘飞机&&&
&&&&go&&to … by bike = take a bike to … = ride to 骑自行车去……
&&&&go to …by train= take a train to = go to&&…on a train&&&乘火车去……
&&&&go to&&… by&&air&&= go&&to&&…by plane = fly&&to ……乘飞机去……go bike riding 骑自行车旅行
&(1) How do you usually&&come to school ?&&&I usually&come&by&bike.
&&&&&你通常怎样到校? 我通常骑自行车。
(2)His father takes a train to work every day .=&&His father goes to work by train every day .
&&&&&=His father goes to work on the train every day. 他父亲每天乘火车去上班。
(3)Mr.Smith&went to&Hong Kong by air.= Mr.Smith went to Hong Kong by plane.
&&&&&=Mr. Smith flew to Hong Kong. 史密斯先生是乘飞机去香港的。
11. sightseeing&&&n&&观光,游览&&&go sightseeing 去观光
(1) How about your sightseeing in Hong Kong?你的香港之旅怎么样?
(2) What’s he doing for vacation ? He's going sightseeing and bike riding.
12.rent&&v&租用,出租&rented&&* rent sth. from sb. 向某人租借某物* rent ….to …把…租借给…….
&&&rent …… for sb.&&替某人租给…….
&&(1)They rented a house from Mr, Smith 他们向史密斯先生租了一间房。
&&(2)She rented a flat to the students. 她把公寓租给了学生。
&&(3)I rented a room for my friend. 我替我的朋友租了一间房。
13.famous&&adj&&著名的,出名的&be famous for&&某人以某种知识技能或特征出名或以某种特产而出名&&
&&&be famous as 某人以某种身分出名或以什么样的产地或地方而出名
&&(1) Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity .爱因斯坦以他的相对论而闻名。
&(2)The&&area is famous for its green tea, 这个地区以绿茶而出名。
&(3)He is famous as a great scientist. 他以一位伟大的科学家劳动者著称。
&(4)The area is famous as a green tea producing place. 这个地区是产绿茶的地区。
14.take a vacation&度假
&&(1) Xiao Ming is taking a vacation with his parents in Dalian next year.
&&&&&&明年小明将和他的父母去大连度假。= Xiao Ming'll&spend his holiday in Dalian next year.
&&(2) What are you doing for vacation? –I’m taking a vacation .假期你打算干什么? 我打算度假。
15.Greece&&希腊&&Spain 西班牙&&&Europe 欧州
&&(1) Mr, Miller is&&leaving for Europe tomorrow.。明天米勒将动身去欧州。
&(2)All the boys are going to Spain for vacation. 所有男孩打算去西班牙度假。
&(3)He thought about going to Greece or Spain .他考虑是去希借还是西班牙。
&(4)What’s Spain&&like ? = How’s Spain ? 西班牙怎么样?
16. lake&湖&&near the&lake在湖附近&&by&the lake在湖边&&in&the lake在湖里&&the Great Lakes五大湖&
(1)Children are playing by the lake .孩子在湖边玩耍。
(2)The Great Lakes are famous ,so people like going sightseeing there.
17.countryside n 农村&&&乡村&&&&in&&the&&countryside&&在乡下
(1)His uncle likes living in the countryside. 他叔叔喜欢住在乡下。
(2)Living in the countryside is more&&interesting than living in the city.
18.nature n大自然&&&自然界&&&keep&&the balance of&&nature&&保持生态平衡&
&&(1) I love nature because&it's very beautiful. 我喜欢大自然因为它很美丽。
&(2)It's important for us to keep the balance of the nature. 对我们来说保持生态平衡是重要的。
19. forget v 忘记- forgot –forgetting&&&反义词&&remember&
&&*&forget to do sth,&&忘记要做的事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过的事
&(1)I forget to turn off the light when I left the room.我离开房间时我忘了关灯了。
&(2)-I went to&&the movies last night. What about you ?
&&&&&–I didn't go because I&&didn't forget seeing it.
&&&&&&&我昨晚去看电影了。你呢? 我没去因为我记得我看过。
20.finish v 完成 finish doing sth.做完某事&&&
&&(1) I finished playing baseball,&&&then&&I went to see the movies.我打完棒球,然后我去看了电影。
&(2)He&left the classroom after he finished the cleaning it.
&(1)Many tourist come to Hainan every year 许多游客每年去海南。
&(2)What should tourists take with them?游客应随身携带什么?
Unit 1☆&句子1. 问频率1. How often do you exercise?&&&Once a day.2. What does she usually do on weekends?&&&&She usually watches TV.3. How many hours do you sleep?&&&&Nine hours.☆&核心知识1. 表频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never2. once a week 一周一次,&&&twice a year 一年两次&&&three times a week 一周三次&&&four times a month 一个月四次3. all, most, some, no4. be good for sth./ doing sth. 对什么有益&&&be bad for sth./ doing sth. 对什么有害5. want to do sth. 想要做某事&&&want sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事6. as for 至于7. try to do sth. 尽量做某事8. of course = certainly = sure 当然9. look after = take care of 照顾10. keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康11. exercise = take exercise = do sports 锻炼12. although = though 虽然13. be the same as 与什么相同&&&&be different from 不同14. how often 多久一次15. most of the students = most students16. get good grades 取得好成绩17. some advice 中的 advice 是不可数名词18. keep/ be in good health 保持健康19. shop = go shopping = do some shopping 购物20. surf the internet 上网21. a lot of = lots of 许多22. health n. healthy adj.&&&&healthily adv., unhealthy adj.23. different adj. difference n. 可数☆&熟读&&&P1 1b , P 2 2a G.F, P3 3, P5 3a 3b
Unit 2☆&句子1. 看病用语① What`s the matter (with sb.)? 怎么了?= What`s the trouble (with sb.)?= What`s wrong (with sb.)?= Is there anything wrong (with sb.)?② I`m not feeling well. 我觉得不太舒服。= I`m feeling ill/ sick. = I feel terrible/ bad.= I don`t feel well③I have a stomachache 我胃痛= I have got a stomachache&&&= There is something wrong with my stomach= My stomach hurts= I have (got) a pain in my stomach④ When did it start? 什么时候开始的?⑤ You should drink more water. 表建议&&&You shouldn`t eat more.2. That`s a good idea. 好主意。&&&That`s too bad. 太糟糕了。3. I have no idea. = I don`t know. 我不知道。4. I`m sorry to hear that. 听到此事我很难过。☆&核心知识1. 身体各部位名称 P7 1a2. 情态动词 should 与 shouldn`t 表建议3. have a cold/ stomachache/ toothache/ fever/ sore throat4. see a dentist/ doctor5. soon 一会儿6. feel 觉得,get 变, stay 保持, keep 保持,&&&sound 听起来是系动词,常和形容词连用。如:feel happy, get tired, stay / keep healthy7. lie down 躺下8. for example 例如9. too much 太多+不可数名词&&&too many 太多+可数名词&&&much too 太+形容词10. stressed out 压抑;筋疲力尽11. It`s + 形容词 + to do sth. 做某事怎么样。12. a few 一些,修饰可数名词 &&&&a little 一些,修饰不可数名词&&&&few 少许,修饰可数名词,表否定&&&&little 少许,修饰不可数名词,表否定13. at the moment = now 此刻,常和现在进行时连用14. neck and neck 并驾齐驱,齐头并进15. I think so. 我认为如此。16. tooth n. 复数形式 teeth☆&熟读&P7 1a, P8, P9 3a,&&&P10 1a 形 1b 建议, P11 4, P12 2☆&写作 看病
Unit 3☆&句子1. What are you doing for vacation?&&&&&I`m visiting my grandmother.2. When are you doing?&&&I`m going on Monday.3. That sounds nice/ interesting.4. 问多长时间 How long are you staying?&&&For four days.5. Can I ask you some questions?☆&核心知识1. 现在进行时表一般将来时 常用的动词有:&&&is/ am/ are going&&&is/ am/ are leaving&&&is/ am/ are coming2. take walks = go for a walk 散步3. some 一些, any 一些(多用于否定句和疑问句)4. sing v. singer n.5. take a vacation = take vacations = go on vacation6. think about 考虑7. something different 不同的某物8. plan to do sth.计划做某事9. spend time 度时光10. finish doing 完成做某事11. a lot 许多12. need to do sth. 需要做某事13. go camping 去野营&&&&&go shopping 去买东西&&&&go swimming 去游泳&&&&go boating 去划船&&&&go skating 去溜冰&&&&&go walking 去散步&&&&go climbing 去登山&&&&go fishing 去钓鱼&&&&go hiking 去徒步远足 go dancing 去跳舞&&&&go sightseeing 去观光14. do some shopping 买东西&&&&do some washing 洗衣服&&&&do some cooking 做饭&&&&do some reading 读书&&&&do some speaking 训练口语15. How about …? = What about …? ……怎么样?16. go back, come back, get back 回来17. tour n. tourist n.☆&写作&P17 3a 假期计划☆&熟读 P14 GF, P15 3a, P16 1a, P 17 3a
Unit 4☆&句子1. How do you get to school? I ride my bike.2. How does he get to school?&&&He takes the train.3. 问多长时间 How long does it take?&&&It takes about 10 minutes.4. 问路程 How far is it ?&&&How far is it from home to school?&&&It is about 10 kilometers.5. Don`t worry.☆&核心知识1. by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by boat, by car, by train&&&(乘坐……车,放在句尾)2. take the taxi/ train/ bus/ subway/ car3. ride a bike 骑自行车4. walk to + 地点 走到……5. have a quick breakfast6. how long 多长时间 how far 多远&&&how often 多长时间一次&&&how much, how many 多少7. get to school 到校 get home/ there/ here&&&get to = arrive in/at = reach 到达8. leave for 离开去……9. first, next, then, last10. depend on 依靠,靠……决定11. around the world = all over the world 全世界12. take sb. to + 地点 把某人送到某地&&&It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.&&&花费某人多少时间/金钱做某事。&&&&take 可译为:花费、送(带)、搭☆&熟读 P20 2c 2d G.F., P21 3a 3b, P23 3a, P24 2
Unit 5☆&句子邀请用语1. Can you come to my party?= Would you like to come to my party?肯定回答:Sure, I`d love to.否定回答:I`m sorry. I can`t. I have to do my homework.2. Maybe another time.3. Thanks for asking (inviting). 谢谢邀请。&&&问星期 What is today? It is Monday?&&&What day is it today? It is Monday.☆&核心知识1. 情态动词 can 与 can`t2. I`d love to 我非常乐意3. I`m sorry 对不起  4. write soon 尽快回信5. would like sth. 想要某物&&&would like (love) to do sth.&&&想要做某事;愿意做某事6. have a piano lesson 上一堂钢琴课7. Keep quiet! 请保持安静!&&&keep + 形容词,表示“保持某种状态”8. the day after tomorrow 后天 &&&the day before yesterday 前天9. invite v. invitation n. 邀请☆&写作 P29 3a 关于拒绝邀请的回信☆&熟读&&&P25 1a 1c, P26 2b 2c G.F, P27 4, P29 3a 3b 4
Unit 6☆&句子1. Tina is taller than Paul.2. Tom is more athletic than Sam.☆&核心知识1. 形容词副词的比较级、最高级 2. as … as 与……一样,&&&not as/ so … as 与……不一样3. look the same 看起来一样4. both :be + both, both + 实义动词5. a little, much, even, far 可修饰比较级6. be good at sth./ doing sth. 擅长于……7. make sb. do 迫使某人做某事8. be important for sb. 对某人来说很重要9. in some ways 在某些地方10. more than = over 超过;多于☆&熟读&P32 G.F, P33 3a, P35 3a☆&写作&P33 3a&&&描写人物
Review of Units 1--Unit 6☆&熟读&P 39 4 5, P 40 7 8Unit 7☆&句子&&&How do you make a banana milk shake?&&&问数量1. How many bananas do we need? We need 5.2. How much yogurt do we need? One cup.☆&核心知识1. 量词 a cup of, a bottle of, a piece of,&&&&&&&a bowl of, a pair of, a box of,&&&&&&&a slice of, a teaspoon of2. 连词 first, next, then, finally3. turn on 打开, turn off 关上, turn down 关小4. cut up 切碎5. mix up 混合6. add … to … 把……加到……上☆&熟读&&&P41 1b, P42 2c G.F., P 43 3a, P45 3a☆&写作&&&写一篇制作食物的步骤
Unit 8☆&句子1. Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did. No, I didn`t.2. Were there any sharks?&&&Yes, there were. No, there weren`t.3. What else did you do? 你还做了些什么?☆&核心知识&&&一般过去时1. hang out 闲荡2. have a good time 过得愉快3. late adj. / adv. 迟&&&4. take a class 上课5. luck n. lucky adj. luckily adv.6. see you soon 盼望很快见到你7. in the future8. at the end of …在……的最后9. have fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣10. go for a drive 开车兜风11. visit v. 参观, visitor n. 参观者☆&写作&P49 3a 和P51 3a&&&记叙一天所做的事☆&熟读&P47 1b, P48 2b G.F., P 49 3a, P51 3a
Unit 9☆&句子1. When was he born ? He was born in 1895.2. How long did he hiccup? For 5days.3. When did he start hiccupping?&&&He started hiccupping in 1922.☆&核心知识&&&&一般过去时1. be born 出生2. start doing = start to do 开始做某事&&&begin doing = begin to do3. too …to 太……而不能做某事4. violinist 小提琴家, violin 小提琴&&&pianist 钢琴家,piano 钢琴5. well-known adj. 著名的6. at the age of … 在……岁7. take part in 参加 某种活动、比赛、项目&&&join 参加 某个组织 成为其中一员8. because of+名词 因为9. 70-year adj. 70年的10. usual adj. 寻常的, unusual adj. 不寻常的☆&写作 P55 3a 和 P57 3a 描写人物☆&熟读&P53 1b,&&&P54 2c G.F, P55 3a, P56 2b 2c, P57 3a
Unit 10☆&句子1. What are you going to do when you grow up?&&&I`m going to be an actor.2. How are you going to do that?&&&I`m going to take acting lesson.☆&核心知识1. be going to 是一般将来时① 表将要发生的动作或存在的状态。② 常和将来的时间连用。如:&&&next day/ week/ month / year …&&&in the future, in 20 years, tomorrow,&&&the day after tomorrow 等2. grow up 长大3. at the same time 同时4. read v. reader n. 读者5. somewhere interesting 有趣的地方6. save money 存钱7. maybe 也许8. get good grades 取得好成绩9. keep fit = keep healthy10. 时间状语从句&&&&由 when, after, before, as soon as, not…until, while, since 等词引导。注:当主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时&&&&&&&&I will be a teacher when I grow up.☆&写作 P61 3a 如何实现自己的梦想☆&熟读&&&P59 1b 1c, P60 GF., P 61 3a 3b, P62 1a 1b, P63 3a
Unit 11☆&句子  表请求句子以及回答1. Could you please sweep the floor?&&&Yes, sure. Sorry, I can`t. I have to go out.2. Could I please go to the movies?&&&Yes, you can. No, you can`t. I have to go out.☆&核心知识1. could you please … 你能……吗?/请你干……,好吗?2. need to do sth.3. hate doing/ to do sth. 讨厌做某事4. do the dishes 洗餐具5. sweep the floor 清扫地板6. stay out late 晚归7. make one`s bed 铺床8. fold one`s clothes 叠衣服9. take out the trash 倒垃圾10. invite sb. to do./ somewhere&&&&邀请某人做某事/到某地11. take care of = look after 照顾12. forget to do 忘记去做某事13. help n. (不可数) help v.14. have a test 休息15. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物(借入)16. agree 同意 disagree 不同意☆&写作 P69 3a 请求帮助的信☆&熟读&P65 1a 1b, P66 2c G.F., P67 3a 4, P68 1a, P69 3a
Unit 12☆&句子1. What is the best clothing store? Jason`s.☆&核心知识1. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级2. love v. 喜爱 lovely adj. 美好的,令人愉快的3. south n. southern adj.&&&north n. northern adj.&&&east n. eastern adj.&&&west n. western adj.4. close to 靠近;接近5. music n. musician n. musical adj.6. lead v. 指挥,指导 leader n. 主唱人 指挥者☆&写作 P76 2 介绍一个旅游景点☆&熟读&P71 1b, P72 2c G.F, P73 3a, P75 3a, P76 2
1. I have to b______my sister because my mother is ill.
2. The Black family are going to Hawaii for a v________.
3. I'm going h _____&&&in the mountains next Sunday.
4. This story s _____&&interesting.
5. What's your p _______ for your summer holiday?
1. Why not go _______(boat) on the river with me?
2. Are you ______(go)______(hike) this Sunday?
3.-Look!What ______the boys ______(do)?
&&-They _______(fly) kites.
4. We often _______(help) Granny Li_____(do) the housework.
5. I'm learning how_______ (drive) a car.
6.-What ______they ________(do) for next vacation?
&&-They are ________(relax) at home.
7. She's _______(babysit)her sister this Sunday.
8. When _______you _______(go) away last night?
9. We plan _______(visit) Tibet next year.
10. How about ________(stay)at home this evening?
1. He is going to stay in Hong Kong&for a week.(对画线部分提问)&
2. They are going to&Beijing&next month(对画线部分提问)
&&&_____&&_____&&they _____next month?
3. She is going&in December.(对画线部分提问)
&&&_____&&_____&&she ______ ?
4. I hope you will have a good: time there.(改为同义句)
&&&I hope you will _____&&_____ there.
5. I'm going shopping with&my mother.(对画线部分提问)
&&&_____&&______&&______&&going shopping _____ ?
&&&We're ____&&_____ next week.
&&_____&&_____&&_____&&____&&in the______ ?
&&___&&_____&&______&&______ when you_____&&____&&_____
&&We're going to Hong Kong and____&&_____ and we’re _____&&_____&&three weeks.
&&&_______ is he going_____ ?
1. Yesterday my father f ______to lock the door when he left home.
2. Some people like to live in cities. but others 1ike to live in the c______
3. I met an American t_______ in the Summer Palace yesterday.
4. I like going bike r_______&&.And you?
5. We are t_____ a long vacation this summer.
6. They r_______ a room from Mrs White.
7. Liu Dehua is a f ________ singer and actor.
8. She is l_______ Shanghai for Beijing next month.
9.We should love n _______ and protect it.
10. Classes begin at 7:40 in the morning and f______ at 5:00 in the afternoon.
1. I planned_____ (take)walks with my mother after dinner.
2. Last night, he couldn't_____(sleep) well.
3. I want ______ (learn) more about Spain.
4. Let's______ (relax) here.
5. They ______ (have)a picnic next Sunday.
6. How______ (be) the weather yesterday?
7. My grandfather likes going______(fish) on Sunday.
8. After I finished______ (go) shopping,I cooked at home.
9. Hurry up, Jack!Your brother_______(wait) for you over there.
10.How often______ your parents_____ (go) to see your grandparents?
&&&I want to______ you_____ his ______&&_____
&&&_____&&______&&&the_____ in your place?
&&&I can't _____&&_____&&_____&&my present.
&&&I _____ Suzhou is a _____&&____&&____&&_____&&_____ .
&&&Please_____&&_____&&this plan.
Self Check
1. -When are you going? -I'm going_____ May 1st.
&&&A. over&&&&&&&B. for&&&&&C. on&&&&&&&&&D. to
2. - ________ is he staying?&-He's staying for two months.
&&&A. How much&&&&&B. How often&&&&&C. How long&&&&&D. How old
3. - ______ are you doing for vacation, Jack?
&&&-I'm going to Tibet for a week.
&&&A. What&&&&&&B. When&&&&&C. How&&&&&&D. Who,
4. - I'm flying to Hainan Island for my vacation this summer.&&- Wonderful!&&_______
&&&A. Have a good time.&&&&B. I hope so.&&&&C. Why not?&&&&D. With pleasure.
5. He is____&&his younger sister this evening.
&&&A. look at&&&&&&&&&B. look after&&&&&&C. babysitting&&&&&&&D. babysiting
6. - How long are you staying in Britain?&&&- ______
&&&A. In a week&&&&&&B. For a week&&&&C. Once a week&&&&D. A week ago
7. Mary is going ______ December, and she's staying_______ three weeks.
&&&A. for&&&&&B. for&&&&C. at;in&&&&&&D. in;on
8. Her teacher her an interesting book yesterday.
&&&A. gives&&&&B. gived&&&&&&C. send&&&&&&D.sent
9.- _____ did his cousin leave Jinan?&-Two days ago.
&&&A. How long&&&&B. How often&&&&&&C. When&&&&D. What time·
10.Please show ________ your books.
&&&A. We&&&B. our&&&&&&C . ours&&&&&&&D. us
11.-How's the weather there?&&&&- ______
&&&A. It's good.&&&B. Sunny&&&&&C. There's a beautiful park.&&&&D. The beach is beautiful.
12. I want to cook ______ for my parents.
&&&A. anything different&&&&&&&B. different anything
&&&C. something different&&&&&&D· different something
13. I finished_______ my homework about two hours ago.
&&&A. to do&&&&&B. doing&&&&&&&C. does&&&&D. to doing
14. All the students plan to have a very&&_____ vacation.
&&&A. relax &&&&B. relaxing&&&&&C. relaxed&&&D. relaxes
15. The summer vacation is coming. You can ask her_____ her plans.
&&&A. for&&&B.at&&&&&C. in&&&&D. about&
16. You can forget _____ problems when you come back.
&&&A. your all&&B. all your&&C. the all&&&&&D. all you
17. Ben wanted to go to Spain, but finally decided______Canada.
&&&A. on&&&&&&&&B. at&&&&&&&&C. in&&&&&&&D. about
18. Why not think about______ to Greece?
&&&A. went&&&&&&B. going&&&&&C. to go&&&D. goes
19.-We are going to the Great Wall. - Have a good_______
&&&A. fun&&&&&&&B. time ,&&&&C. wish&&&&&D. photo
20. - Don't forget ______ the windows when you leave. -I won't.&
&&&A. close&&&&&B. closing&&&C. to close&&&&D.closed
21.-We are going to Beijing for vacation.
&&&&-That_______ nice.
&&&&A. sounds&&&&&&B. hears&&&&&&&C. listens&&&&&&&D. listens to
22. Can you finish_&&&the book in about a week?
&&&&A. read&&&&&&B. reading&&&&&&C. to read&&&&&&&&D. reads
23. I have a new Watch. I'll show______ .
&&&&A. you it&&&&&&&B. it you&&&&&&&C. it to you &&&&&&D. it with
24.-How about _____ fishing there?
&&&&-That's a good idea.
&&&&A. go&&&&&&&&&B. going&&&&&&&&C. to go&&&&&&&&D. goes
25.-What does your mother want you to do? -She hopes _____ a doctor.
&&&&A. me to be&&&&&&&&B. I can be&&&&&&&&C. me being&&&&&&D. I be
&&&&A woman is going shopping. She is going by boat "Oh,dear! Look!My basket is in the&&&&1_______!”
&&A boy sees the basket. He says,"Don't worry! I can 2_______it!I'm good at swimming.”He takes off his shirt andshoes. "Look.3_______my shirt and shoes please!"he says and jumps&&&4_______the water.
&&&A 5_______sees the basket. "I can go by basket!"It thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy&&&6______in the river.“Where's&&the&&basket?" he&&calls. “It's over there! "calls the woman. "It's behind you!It's 7______ that duck!"The boy gets to the basket,"Go away! "he says to the, duck. The duck 8 _____ out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. "Oh, thank you!"says the woman.
&&&"Not at all.”says the boy.“ 9 _____ you pass me my shirt and shoes,please? ""Yes,here you are. Oh! What's in the basket? It's the duck's 10 ______ !’,
1. A. river&&&&&&&&B. boat&&&&&&&&&&C. ship&&&&&&&&&D. shop
2. A. clean&&&&&&&&B. carry&&&&&&&&&C. do&&&&&&&&&&&D.&&get
3. A. after&&&&&&&&B. at&&&&&&&&&&&&C. for&&&&&&&&&&D. on
4. A. to&&&&&&&&&&&B. into&&&&&&&&&&C. up&&&&&&&&&&&D. in
5. A. cock&&&&&&&&&B. hen&&&&&&&&&&&C. duck&&&&&&&&&D. chick
6. A. is fishing&&&B. is swimming&&&C. is playing&&&D. is flying
7. A. next&&&&&&&&&B. under&&&&&&&&&C. on&&&&&&&&&&&D. behind
8. A. climbs&&&&&&&B. comes&&&&&&&&&C. jumps&&&&&&&&D. walks
9. A. Are&&&&&&&&&&B. Do&&&&&&&&&&&&C. Would&&&&&&&&D. Will
10.A. meat&&&&&&&&&B. hair&&&&&&&&&&C. leg&&&&&&&&&&D. egg
&&&&Tom will take a vacation. He' s traveling(旅行)to other cities. But Tom needs money for traveling, so he decides to get a job on the summer vacation. Some of his friends work in shops for a few hours every week and the others help farmers on farms,but Tom likes neither of these jobs. He takes a job painting(刷油漆)yellow lines down the middle of a highway(高速公路).
&&&&On his first day he paints ten miles and his boss says,“keep it up and I’11 give you more money.”The next day Tom does five miles, and the boss says,“Well , five miles isn’t as good as ten,but keep up the good work.” The third day Tom paints only one mile. The boss calls Tom in and says,“First day you do ten miles, then you do five miles, then you do one mile, you’re not doing the work,so I have to let you go.
&&&&As Tom walks away from the office,he says to himself. "But it is not my fault(过错).Each day the paint can(油漆罐)is farther away from me.”
1. Tom decides to get a job because_.
&&&A. some farmers need help&&&&&&&&&&&B. he wants to get some money
&&&C. some of his friends work in shops&&&D. he doesn’t need to go to school
2. From the story we know that Tom’s job is______
&&&A. different from all his friends’&&&B. the same as all his friends’
&&&C. different from some of his friends’&&&D. the same as some of his friends’
3. On his first day of work Tom does_.
&&&A. too much&&&&&&B. a little better&&&&&C. rather badly&&&&&&&D. very well
4. Tom has to leave at last because_____
&&&A. he says something to the boss
&&&B. he is not doing his work
&&&C. he is called(被叫)into the office
&&&D. he paints only one mile on his third working day
5. Why does Tom paint only one mile on the third day? Because_.
&&&A. he wastes(浪费)too much paint
&&&B. he is very far away from the paint can
&&&C. he doesn’t like the job at all
&&&D. he gets too tired
1. Vanessa is______ (take)long vacation in Japan.
2. You'll be______ (relax) when you get back from your vacation.
3. Kate just finished______(write) a letter to her grandfather in the country.
4. Mike _______(think) about for a moment and decided to take it.
5. I _______(hear) he returned from Wuhan yesterday.
6. There are many _______in the river and I want to go______(fish) there.
7. Are they going_______ (shop) this Sunday?
8.-When ______your sister_____(come) back?
&&&&-Next Sunday.
9. My mother often feels tired after_______(walk).
10. The story sounds______ .I am _______ (interest) in it.
1. How's the weather there?(改为同义句)
&&____&&____ the weather _____ there?
2. We're going shopping on Sunday.(改为同义句)
&&We are going to____&&____&&_____&&on Sunday.
3. We are going to Wuhan on&September the 15th.(对画线部分提问)
&&____&&____&&you going to Wuhan?
4. Her sister is staying there&from July 15 to August 20.(对画线部分提问)
&&____&&_____ is her sister staying there?
5. What are you doing for vacation? (relax at home)(根据提示写答句)
Hi, Zhang Peng!I hope all is going well.
Hope to see you soon!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Sincerely yours,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ma Lin
1. babysit&&&2. vacation&&&3. hiking&&&&4.sounds&&&5. plan
1. boating&&&&2. hiking&&&&3. are flying&&&&4. do/to do
5. to drive&&&6. relaxing&&&&7. babysitting&&&&8. go&&&&9. to visit
10. staying
1. How long is he going to stay in Hong Kong?&&&2. Where are&&going
3. W going&&&4. enjoy yourself&&&&&5. W with
1. going camping&&&&2. What/ How. mountains
3. Sget back home&&&&&4. staying for
1. forgot&&&2. countryside&&&&3. tourist&&&&4. riding&&&&5. taking
6. rented&&&&&7. famous&&&&8. leaving&&&&9. nature&&&&&10. finish
1. to take&&&&2. sleep&&&&3. to learn&&&&4. relax&&&5. are having/ will have
6. was&&&&&&&&7. fishing&&&&&8. going&&&&9. is waiting&&&&&10. go
1. English study&&&&2. H weather&&&&3. wait to open
4.good place to go sightseeing&&&&&5. think about
Self Check
III.阅读理解1-5 B A D D B
1. taking&&&&&2. relaxed&&&&3. writing&&&&4.thought&&&5. heard
6. fish/fishing&&&&7. shopping&&&&8. is/coming/come&&&&9. walking
10. interested
1. W like&&&&2. do some shopping&&&3. When are&&&&4. How long
5. I'm relaxing at home.
&&&Hi, Zhang Peng !&&I hope all is going well.
&&What's your plan for the coming summer holiday? Some of my classmates would like going bike riding. Can you come with us?
&&We are planning to ride to the mountains around our town.&&We hope to get away from)our school life and get near to the nature and breathe the fresh air. We think in that way we can relax ourselves. We'll start at 8:00 next Sunday morning. If you can come, please let me know and we'll wait for you at 7:50 in front of our school.We should take some food and drinks with us. We hope to have a picnic in the mountains.
&&Be sure to come and I'm sure we'll have a good time.
&&Hope to see you soon.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Sincerely yours,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ma Lin


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