有没有 track id for nokia官网 ?

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TUMI钱包的track id在哪里?
美亚入了一个TUMI ALPHA钱包,昨天到手了,可是不知道大家说的track id是哪串数字,貌似官网说是一个20位数字的,找了半天也没找到啊。上几张图:
hfhf 发表于
11:02 5 R% e1 w4 Q6 L
track id应该是快递单号……
花间酒仙 发表于&&7 分钟前
钱包上是没ID的,其实买烧包家的TUMI就够了,这小物件没必要海淘的,话说团购那款入过的人有没来说说皮质怎么样,看图片感觉没意大利小牛皮钱包皮质好...3 P; Z4 L1 g7 ]* @
别相信TUMI有淘宝X单 就是了,他家其他东西我不懂,他家TUMI,只能呵呵&
花间酒仙 发表于
钱包上是没ID的,其实买烧包家的TUMI就够了,这小物件没必要海淘的,话说团购那款入过的人有没来说说皮质 ...( y! g/ F/ @1 i9 i$ d0 Z&&e
SuperK 发表于
别相信TUMI有淘宝X单 就是了,他家其他东西我不懂,他家TUMI,只能呵呵
tumi 的小件东西上是没有 id 的,我海淘了几个,都没。
sorrow_1016 发表于
11:55 6 ?8 Z$ w! J! c1 `- E4 f
麦斯伟 发表于
11:08 ' E/ V; ^; v$ F. l
花间酒仙 发表于
11:34 6 F$ m$ B0 p6 p, V" y
钱包上是没ID的,其实买烧包家的TUMI就够了,这小物件没必要海淘的,话说团购那款入过的人有没来说说皮质 ...
kelon_chen 发表于
15:09 7 C% [* M9 K. a. P" s* ]
我在迪拜买过T的小背包,有ID,可以官网查询和订制保修与找回。。。- ^8 n( L" B0 E1 F* R1 v
其实我是想说,200多买个实在的普通钱包也能 柔软细腻 做工精致&
garang 发表于
2年前淘的淘宝上200多元,tumi长钱包,皮质柔软细腻,做工精致。淘不到原单是你自己的错而已。# W8 M# f) A1 }7 U) b
其实我是想说,200多买个实在的普通钱包也能 柔软细腻 做工精致
garang 发表于
2年前淘的淘宝上200多元,tumi长钱包,皮质柔软细腻,做工精致。淘不到原单是你自己的错而已。" ~! D& r$ Z% T+ h, h8 k* n
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打开sony手机的 track id出现另一个程序正在使用话筒,这是为什么?我关机重启之后还是这
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在线时间1824 小时经验值14115 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限200UID384985
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刚才整理 Music上的音乐,顺手对比了一下三个搜歌软件:Shazam、Soundhound、Track ID。都是刚下的最新版。测试范围包括中文、英文、日文、西班牙语、少数语言的歌曲,萨克斯、古筝、葫芦丝、钢琴、交响乐等等音乐。发现Shazam是最好的,绝大多数不是偏的太离谱的歌曲和音乐都能搜到,而且唱或播放的声音小也基本没关系,但很多歌曲都没有封面,最大的缺点是基本不支持人声哼歌;Soundhound对英语、西班牙语和部分中文的支持比较好,对没有歌词的音乐的辨别能力稍差,声音小的时候辨别能力比较差,对自己唱的辨别能力很强,在专辑信息、封面、歌词等周边方面比Shazam强一些;Track ID试了几个都搜不到之后就没再试,算是最差的。试的所有歌里,除了两首歌曲之外,只要Shazam搜不到的,Soundhound也搜不到。
一代女皇(金佩珊,一代女皇武则天片头曲) Shazam可搜到。Soundhound搜不到,但我自己唱的时候能搜到。。。。。。
何必西天万里遥(龚玥,西游记插曲) Shazam可搜到。Soundhound搜不到
英勇勋章(赵传,英烈千秋曲) Shazam可搜到。Soundhound搜不到,自己唱的话在备选结果列表里能找到
大清国雄踞列强万万年(不知道谁唱的,日落紫禁城插曲) 都搜不到
快乐的节日、让我们荡起双桨(儿歌) 都可以搜到
Eyes on Me(王菲,最终幻想8游戏主题曲) Shazam可搜到并显示正确,Soundhound显示曲名为Ending Theme,家为Nobuo Uematsu
Fairy Tale(Michael Learns to Rock,王菲传奇的英文版翻唱) 都搜不到
Feel My Riddim(Skibby,英文DJ) Shazam可搜到,试了Track ID也可以。Soundhound搜不到
Let's Talk About A Man(Prezioso,英文舞曲) 都可以搜到
ニイハオ★中国(甲斐田ゆき,日文动漫歌曲) Shazam可搜到。Soundhound搜不到
時の流れに身をまかせ(邓丽君《我只在乎你》的日文版) 用Shazam搜前奏显示 我只在乎你,搜唱词显示 時の流れに身をまかせ 。Soundhound搜前奏和歌曲都显示 任时光在身旁流逝。。
軍艦行進曲(海上自衛隊東京音楽隊,日本帝国海军军歌) Shazam搜不到。Soundhound可以搜到
Baba Yetu (斯瓦西里语歌曲,文明4游戏主题曲)&&Shazam显示歌唱者和演奏者名字,歌名显示为Civilization IV Medley。Soundhound显示的为曲作者名字,歌名Baba Yetu
La Copa de la Vida (Ricky Martin,98世界杯西班牙语主题曲) 都能搜到,都有同步歌词,Shazam没封面,Soundhound有个2008年专辑的封面
中国人民解放军进行曲(中国人民解放军军乐团,军歌交响乐演奏) Shazam显示曲名March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army,艺术家Chinese PLA Band,还算正确。Soundhound显示曲名为 远古密码,自己哼的声音大的话可以显示出 中国人民解放军军歌
春江花月夜(古筝演奏) Shazam显示曲名 Spring River and Flowers in the Moonlight(春江花月夜)。Soundhound显示曲名 Flute and Drums at Sunset(夕阳箫鼓)
莫斯科郊外的晚上(萨克斯) Shazam搜不到,Soundhound可以搜到。
<p id="rate_99286" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="辛苦了~哥们!!!&经验值 + 2
" class="mtn mbn">
在线时间218 小时经验值1009 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限70UID7943570
学士, 积分 1009, 距离下一级还需 91 积分
TA的每日心情奋斗 01:50签到天数: 161 天[LV.7]常住居民III
G币4013 最后登录注册时间
Long Live& &-- Paula Fernandes & Taylor Swift
Shazam可搜到并正确显示 Paula Fernandes & Taylor Swift
Soundhound可搜到 但只显示 Taylor Swift
Track ID可搜到 但只显示 Taylor Swift
在线时间567 小时经验值391 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限50UID1378556
大学专科, 积分 391, 距离下一级还需 9 积分
G币330 最后登录注册时间
強貼, 我用的是MUSIXMATCH, 自帶播放器, 捜歌, 歌詞功能. 不過是外國軟件, 搜中文歌有難度. 英文歌簡直強大.
在线时间1403 小时经验值1926 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限90UID52593
硕士, 积分 1926, 距离下一级还需 574 积分
TA的每日心情慵懒 22:47签到天数: 25 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
G币946 最后登录注册时间
Track ID& &
在线时间108 小时经验值452 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限60UID
大学本科, 积分 452, 距离下一级还需 248 积分
G币6 最后登录注册时间
Soundhound我用的搜 glee的歌 基本都搜不出来。
google 搜歌只要是play有的歌,都能搜出来。
在线时间0 小时经验值3082 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限100UID5299286
博士, 积分 3082, 距离下一级还需 418 积分
TA的每日心情擦汗 22:45签到天数: 11 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
G币228 最后登录注册时间
在线时间1 小时经验值91 最后登录注册时间帖子阅读权限30UID
初中生, 积分 91, 距离下一级还需 9 积分
TA的每日心情开心 21:13签到天数: 5 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
G币84 最后登录注册时间
Powered by诺基亚,索爱品牌里适合女生使得手机。价位在左右_百度知道
手动对焦,很薄现在行货价格也不到1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~以下是更新内容~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~595我自己在用的可以跟你 介绍一些切身体会 先说缺点,另外320W确实是有实力.com/view/2290527,外形着实令人眼前一亮。 有游戏.baidu://baike,拍同学的照片放大可以看到衣服上的一些字?tp=0_00" target="_blank">http,多弄几次就熟了,呵呵 差别不言而喻我推荐一款索爱的W595 <a href="http:去手机论坛.html:摇动换歌的判定尚有待完善,摇动调音量 瑕疵?tp=0_00 样子比他图片里的样子好看 楼上也帖过了:摇头娃娃.0的摇动换歌://baike,/view/2290527:插上耳机后尽量只用右手 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~分割线~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再说优点,小巧的机身,已经有了图文说明.html:重力感应系统的应用 相机的大头贴功能, 这年头看到别人的手机要拍都躲,拍近景很不方便 解决,绝对让你喜欢搞怪的朋友都愿意被你拍上几张,耳机插口很大将左手的握持距离大大加大了 解决方法: 后盖有点难开,很有意思,刚入手的时候生怕会弄坏了 解决,有时判定不准 多种颜色选择。 320W像素却没有自动对焦.baidu,看到你要拍就往上凑, 还有 TRACK ID可以将你听到的音乐传到网上再返回相应歌曲信息 让你在听电台新歌的时候即使不小心错过了DJ的介绍也不用担心 不能下载最新的流行歌曲 而且经过使用我发现一些节目的背景音乐也可以识别,具体可以看手机论坛的用户拍出的图片 插上耳机之后不适合左手操作 这点估计发现的人不多
MP4等主流功能,性价比很高很多女孩子都爱用.com://product.html 还有一款是LG KF510,MP3总算给你找到了555不容易啊,机身表面为陶瓷涂层。滑盖推荐NOKIA 3600S(红色版)。.com。那就诺基亚的N76红色版咯,采用的NOKIA自家S40平台使得操作很方便。 还要啊,配备320W像素自动对焦摄像头:
索爱de把 建议--索尼爱立信W580c1音乐功能强大,支持外放,音质清晰;2支持自动随机换歌曲功能,在音乐播放模式下只要用力摇动手机,就可以随机播放另外一首音乐;3通话质量非常好,话音清晰。
出门在外也不愁AFTrack - GPS Tracking for S60 phones
GPS Tracking for Symbian OS Series 60
and a Bluetooth GPS
is the display for your GPS mouse and activates the world of
hiking, biking, sailing, geocaching or more for your phone. The program
handles tracking with smart and fixed logging features. It sends
reports via GPRS or SMS. It receives SMS position messages and show it
as a waypoint. It exports and imports waypoints and routes und uses online and offline maps. And more.
Six views to the GPS data - position, goto, track
map, altitude profile, satellite
Big diplay
Tracking the current way
Export tracks (PCX, IGC with security record
(registered at ),
KML viewable
with Google Earth or GPX)
Import routes from routes or tracks (PCX, GPX, KML,
Degree or UTM format
Edit position in selected output format
Import JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GeoTiff or BSB as
map - BMP, TIFF, GeoTiff and BSB size can be larger then phone memory
Using tile collections of online maps for offline use (OSZ-Format).
Calibrate maps with various types
Automatic calibration from different cal file formats
Automatic map selection from the map storage
Waypoint group to organize the waypoints
Save current position as waypoint
GoTo a waypoint
Import waypoints (PCX, Geocache LOC, GPX)
Export waypoints (PCX, KML)
Using extra text files for waypoint description (e.g.
details of a geocache, groundspeak:long_description is supported)
Make route from a track
Makes way points to area
Reverse routes
Alarm on reached POIs, anchor alarm
GPRS position sending
SMS position sending
SMS position receiving
Reset GPS from SIRF to NMEA mode
Automatic reconnection to GPS if connection lost
Filter the altitude and speed values with a Kalman
Logging the NMEA sentences
Long time tracking
Support for GLONASS satellites (extern gps only)
This application
requires an external Bluetooth GPS device or a plugin for the internal gps.
Use the PC Suite to transfer and install this software.
sure to switch your Application Manager settings to 'All' for Software
Main View - a
little bit different in 2nd generation version
Way point groups
Way points
SMS Report
HTTP Report
IGC Export
The main view
shows you the standard values for navigation. Additional you'll
find& some indicators on the bottom: satellites, connected to
view and logging on.
no satellites
In the 3rd edition of the os the view is added with
track information.
Other Views in main window
In this view a hold position is used to show you the way
this point.
D = distance
B = bearing
C = course
TimeToGo has no label.
The outer circle represents the course angle the inner triangle the
TTG is build from the average speed of the current
this is zero the current speed is used.
This view is alternate to the GoTo view. It is shown
routing is on. Some useful values are available:
Route name
Direction to the next point (big arrow)
Direction of the next point
Distance to the next point
The map view shows the current track or route or both. A
sign shows the position - when running as arrow of your direction.
The map can have different meaning. The '*' key switches
between position, track, route or map centered. When on a track always
position is in the center.
See this sign
Use the up and down key for scaling.
Press '#' for a change of the key meaning.
Now you can move the map. But can't go left or right to the next view.
A background map can selected from the map list -
map first. When back from the list the map view and track or route are
set to the map dimensions.
In 3rd generation hardware you can leave the map list
'back' to get a single map or via the menu 'auto map' (shortcut '0') to
activate the automatic selection of map at your view point.
The statistical view. The values are
current speed
max. speed
average speed
current altitude
min. altitude
max. altitude
starting time
saved track points
counted distance
Is added to main view in 3rd edition phones.
This view shows the elevation profile from your active
max. and min. altitude
track length
last altitude
after normalization the rising and falling values
With up or down button the view can be switched between
high and speed values.
In 3rd edition this will be found at the track menu.
view shows all visible satellites in its position and gives the
information about the level of received signal strength and which
satellites are used for
the fix. The position,& horizontal and vertical dilution of
precision are also shown (PDOP, HDOP, VDOP). Last value is the altitude
In 3rd edition with more then 12 satellites when
The waypoint information for the current point:
Short name
Little description
The bitmap with the point symbol
An indicator if a long description is available
Distance and bearing from your position
The text is stored in the AFTrack
txt directory.
Big display
The top view is changable in the display settings. For the bottom
view& use the up or down button.
Track menu
Start Track - Toggles the flag for tracking on/off. If
flag is ON
the views show a log sign at the bottom.
Edit Track - Brings a dialog to edit the track name (12 characters) and
the track description (60 characters).
List Track - Shows the list of the saved tracks. The selected value is
also the current track for saving locations.
New Track - Inserts a new track when there is no running track. This
then is the current saving track.
Delete Track - Deletes the selected track. There will always be a last
track. If you want to delete all tracks to get a blank new track please
menu 'Database' - 'Clear DB'.
Export Track - Exports the active track (PCX, KML, IGC or GPX format).
Track to Route - defines an old track as a new route.
track is lost. If the track is still needed go the way arround export
track (PCX format) and import route.
Normalize Track - The counted track values MaxAlt, MinAlt, AvgSpeed and
are calculated from the GPS values which you normally receive every
second. The track values for position and time are saved in the
selected matter. The track time can be stopped. All other programs for
track interpretation will
get another result as this program shows. The other values are unknown
for it. So you can normalize your data after a track.
Database menu
Exports the complete database or let you clear all saved
This enables the sirf commands for power save and
sentences (GLL, VTG). For the power save command is no answer, so when
we start the status is undefined.
'Reset GPS' brings the GPS from SIRF mode to NMEA mode.
A GPS sentence is send as SMS to the draft by pressing
menu entry. Send it from there.
If you running parallel to the log a HTTP report, please
activate 'Start HTTP Send'
The key short cuts help to get a quick access to some
Moving to next view
Moving to next view
Map scale up, waypoint up, switch to routing,
select new view in big view
Map scale down, waypoint down, switch to routing,
select new view in big view
Main views: Menu for a to-do list with the current
In lists: edit item
Calibration view: edit points
Position: edit values
send position
Position view (3rd Edition: position/track view)
Trip view (3rd Edition: big view)
Profile view
Satellite status view
Track list
Waypoint list
Route list
Map list, in map list Auto Map
Send SMS (when selected in settings)
Map view: Toggles view between map zoom and map
waypoint list and single waypoint view
Position view: Toggles displayed position format
Map view: Toggle between viewing map position,
centered or route centered
Waypoint view: gets a text if available
Calibration view: toggles between 22 points, 88 points and 1 point
moving around
Delete entry or delete parameter (in HTTP settings)
Select your configuration here. Four modes are available.
GPS Mode - select internal, external or none gps
hardware (3rd generation only)
Log Mode - handles the different modes for logging.
Seconds - frequency for logging only used at log on second (values from
1 to 1800 seconds (30 minutes), make sure you have enough space when select 1 second
Log Distance - log after a distance of x (in 1/1000
sm 1 sm = 1854m)
Altitude - select meter or feet
Speed - select knots, miles or kilometers per hour
Position Display - shows the position format on the map or
calibration window. In 5th generation version the& position format in the position editor is set in the landmark settings.
Kalman Filter - Set the filter on/off (does a smooth
operation on the flipping values for altitude and speed)
Logging angle - in smart logging the angle when a new
point is generated
Pause on speed less - when the speed is below the
program register a pause (value is in 1/1000 knots (nautical mile per
hour) e.g. 50 mean
0.050 knots)
Altitude correction - the altitude correction (send
$GPGGA sentence) is used or not
Value for a manuel altitude correction. Some gps hardware doesn't send a value.
On some hardware a compass is build in so you can tell the app here to use it. (not for i8910)
In 3rd or 5th edition the application needs a signed
version of the plugin to work with an internal
Display mode
Wpt Sort - How to present the waypoint lists (removed in 3rd/5th generation)
Map Display - Waypoint are shown, with or w/o label
Map Position Display - If set to 'on' the position is
on the map
Display on Map for various indicators (3rd/5th generation only)
Display Map at Start - Loads a selected map direct
program start.
Center - The center of the map view is defined by the
position. To move around without map refresh select a value bigger than
1. This builds a square around the map center where the position
reminder is moving but not the map (values between 1 and 80 points).
Map Show Grid - The grid on the map display is on/off
Map Show Bearing - Offers a red line to the GoTo
or the next routing point
Color of Track - Sets the beauty of the track
Color of Route - Sets the same for the route
Line Size - Sets the thickness of the track or route
View track as line or points
Define the size of the position pointer
Define the color of the position pointer
Show Icon grid - The selection of a bitmap for the
can be displayed as grid or icon list
Big display selector for what will you see on top
Background color
Line color
Lock Keys - Will protect your phone (this will only
when lights
Close application before the battery is out
Light always on - Holds the background light all the
but costs a
lot of battery power
SMS Report mode
Log Mode - Can be off, send to the draft folder of
phone, send direct to the selected number or send always with a saved
track point. Be careful with this option. When you select in log mode
15 seconds the SMS could be still on your phone without sending yet.
Mode - Select what to send: GGA or RMC (both are only possible when GPS
is connected), the
format or a plain text version of
the position
SMS number - Where to send the short message.
SMS reason - use this only with the Live-Tracking
Log Mode - Select the sending features: off, manual
direct with a tracking point (works only if a track is running)
Some parameter for the HTTP connection:
Server - the server address w/o http://
Port - used port address
File - file on the server to read the values
Id - the name of the identity parameter
Id Mode - send your IMEI for identity or define
Id Value - the value for the id
Password - parameter name for a password
Password Value - the value for the password
Latitude - name of the parameter
Longitude - name of the parameter
Altitude - name of the parameter
Speed - name of the parameter (value belongs to
speed settings kmh, knots, mi)
Direction - name of the parameter
Message - name of the parameter
Message value - a message text to send
Proxy use and ip address
Proxy port
The settings for the internet connect you will find in
the 'access points' dialog of the general settings. The parameter for
this entries you will get from you
The default entries in this menu makes a connection
To define other server leave the unused parameter
E.g FindU to
fill only this&
[Id Mode] Define
[Id Value] my2call
[Password] passwd
[Password Value] xyz
[Latitude] lat
[Longitude] lon
Pilot name (must be filled)
Glider type
Wettkampf id
Wettkampf class
The waypoints are shown as a list or a single view. Each
them has a position with altitude, a bitmap for the display, an alarm
distance and an alarm function.
Alarm distance and function is set on the import and is
predefined on the used waypoint group. Same with the bitmap - if this
it& not announced in the import file. E.g. a new waypoint is
added. It gets the values from its waypoint group
To add a waypoint from bearing means the start is the
position and you have to enter the distance (input depends on the
selected speed mode - m, ft or nm) and the angle to run.
Another option uses the current waypoint to create a new
via the bearing and distance.
To add a waypoint from map needs a calibrated map.
enter the calibration view (see menu in map list). Select a point with
the cursor, press the enter key and select the waypoint entry.
Define a waypoint from main map:
First select a calibrated map from the map list. Press '*' until you
have the map centered and visible. Then in the waypoint menu a new
entry is shown - 'Define Waypoint'. This brings a red circle to the
screen center. Move around to find your waypoint. Than press the center
of navigation button and select 'Position as Waypoint' or 'Cancel'.
Set the current waypoint as new position - this only
offline GPS mode.
A special waypoint mode is the anquer alarm. It defines
a position and when leaving an area of ~ 50 meter an alarm sounds.
groups are selections of waypoints to organize the system. Here are
placed the import and export routines for the waypoints. Please use
only geodetic
(not UTM format) for import.
All waypoints in a group can get the definition of the
Special: Use of Areas
A group of way points can be used as an area. The
is made point by point in its normal order. The last point is connected
to the first point, so a final point over the first one is
not&necessary. The area may defined as ToGo or NotToGo area
&- this regulates the color of the area.
(3rd and 5th Generation only)
defined bitmaps
The bitmaps are stored in the AFTrack
data subdirectory pics.
There is a text and a bmp file (icons.txt and icons.bmp).
To define own
pictures rename this an place a new icons.* file here.&
Bitmap size is
16x16 up to 32x32 pixels for each. Use 256 colors. For a whole bitmap
you need x tiles (e.g. 160x32 for five peaces). If the background color
is white this it use as transparency. See sample in the pics directory.
Sample: 96x32
with text:
Geocache|Traditional Cache
Geocache|Unknown Cache
Sample for waypoint import
To build a nice sample for the waypoint import go to
and get the file Pcx5.wpt
some radar Point of Interest
To use your radar file do this:
create a waypoint group 'radar'
edit the group and set the alarm distance (meters)
sound (no sound
- no alarm)
import the file to this wpt group
Or just use the samples files (wpt or loc) with some
To get text to your waypoint just place text file with
short name of your waypoint in the AFTrack
txt directory. E.g. for a
waypoint 'GC4711' use a text file named 'gc4711.txt'.
to collect all informations
in one GPX file.
e.g.in DOS mode
c:&geotoad -f gpx -q coord "N40 45.0, E014 30.0"& -y 5
gets all point inside 5 miles around the coords. The
imported and from the groundspeak:long_description tag the needed text
file is saved.
All file import or export uses the directory
A route can be generated from an old track or by using
function - this needs a PCX file from a track or a route (*.trk or
*.rte - on 3rd generation hardware you may use also *.gpx or *.kml).
Please use only files in this formats:
H IDNT LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATE TIME ... W TR971 E010.-SEP-04 09:24:17 ...W TR024 E010.-SEP-04 09:25:50 ...W TR168 E010.-SEP-04 09:27:21 ... orH LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATE TIME ... T +52.0.-SEP-04 09:24:17 ...T +52.0.-SEP-04 09:25:50 ...T +52.0.-SEP-04 09:27:21 ...
The flags points to the end of the route. When a route
started and there is a nearer point than the start point the program
asks for the entry point. So it's possible to do only a part of a route.
All file import or export uses the directory
In the version for the 3rd generation the import for GPX
tracks or routes is also available. The files are found in
Overlay import
You may import areas in the KML format
Placemark/Polygon. Default is the import as NoGo-Area (red), this may be changed to ToGo-Area or simple.
with German air ports.
Map support and
First load a map from a place in the phone or the memory
The file is not transfered to AFTrack.
The program
only stores the map information. The maps can be in jpg, gif or bmp
format. The GPS values are use direct so the map date has to be WGS84.
The second thing is the calibration of the map. Enter
calibration dialog over the menu, select at least two points on the map
and define this points manually or use the current position for it. The
map is only calibrated when the 'save' menu is selected. Don't keep the
calibration point to near to each other.
A good source to solve the calibration problems is for
The sat pictures helps to find some special calibration points and it
coordinates. Or try
a small geo coder
(25th April
For moving around in the map use the navigation button.
between 1 point or 22 point moving by pressing the * key
Only BMP, TIF and BSB can be bigger in size then the phone memory.
Normally the
bitmap should have only 8-bit color to save space and should be with no
usable chart size belongs to the ram size of the phone (Nokia 3650 4MB
Ram, 6600 8 MB). A map uses this size: a Gif file
(300 KBytes file size) and 866x502 pixels uses around 900KBytes of
space in the 1:1 view. Only the bsb file needs less space - see below.
Sample Map Source: Part of the German Topographic Maps
The bitmap file needs a calibration file in the same
and with the same name.
Supported are
Files (tfw or jgw) only in geodetic coordinates (e.g.12.456, -45.123) or UTM
geodetic coordinates
files version 1, 2 and 3 (see )
&To read a tfw file in the UTM format please add the UTM zone information. Sample: &&&&&&& & 25. &&&&&& &&& 0.&&&&&&&&&&& 0.&&&&&&&&& -25.&&&&&&&0000000&&&&& 000000056 H
Using and making BSB maps
With this format it's possible handle maps dimensions
than phone memory.
The OziExplorer is able to import this file format. A
graphic viewer for BSB get here
How to design a bsb file:
Download this package from
and read the description.
The bitmap must assigned as tif format and must have
128 colors
You will need a template file like this, edit only the
part. REF are the calibration points with x,y,latitude,longitude, so
there is no separate
calibration file.:
!Handmade Meran.kaptmpVER/2.0BSB/NA=Meran&&& RA=3693,5190,DU=254KNP/SC=1729000,GD=WGS84,PR=MERCATOR,PP=55.00,PI=0.000,SP=,SK=0.0000000&&& TA=90.0000000,UN=METERS,SD=MEAN SEA LEVEL,DX=172.90,DY=172.90CED/SE=2000,RE=03,ED=01/01/2000OST/1REF/1,183,22,11.09301REF/2,..20246&&& &DTM/0,0CPH/0IFM/5
Call the program as: c&tif2bsb my.kapmtp my.tif
There can be more the two calibration points. Only three
them are used (2 with the greates distance and one other point). Make
sure that the points are in a triangle.
When an error correction if defined in BSB header it is
Only bsb3 files are available. The file extention of BSB
There is a tool that uses the BSB library and has a
graphical interface. Please try&
a short documentation concerning kap file generation.
Here you find some available sea maps in BSB3 format:
Europe area:
GeoTiff maps
with the calibration information inside. They are usable only with
uncompressed tiff and in WGS84 coordinates (geodetic or UTM)
make the included
information visible use the tools from this site.
more information about this format see
Using&OpenStreetMap maps
Select in the map list the wms option 'OpenStreetMap'.
there ares no map available the bitmaps are loaded via the internet.
The cache is always in the memory card
at&e:\Data\Others\AFTrack\cache\osm. Start is always zoom
You may load maps without having internet connection via
your pc. Look for the application&. Select the region and the zoom level you need and
start download. In the directory tile all files are stored in zoom
level directories. Copy all to the cache directory 'osm' to your memory
Here other addresses for getting OSM tiles ,&
An other idea of using OSM is to tranfer it to BSB format
This application also generates GMF map format which
OSM tiles inside. This is also usable with AFTrack (up to 4096 tiles in
one file).
In ?\Data\Others\AFTrack\Pics you will find a server
file named 'maps.wms' (maps.txt is the default). This contains samples for the define of different
servers. Always use in the same way.
label=OSM Cloudmade
%z% zoom may change to %zg% to get a google zoom value.
Make sure to save this settings before&install
a new version of AFTrack
Beware of deleting the cache. That take a long while and
is better done with the PC Suite.
The cache can also used only for offline. You may select this in map menu 'WMS Cache'.
An other thing is holding the tiles as offline zip file.
Please insert into a zip file this format (directory for zoom
and x value) and rename it to *.osz. It is possible to add more then
one zoom level. If there is a manifest.txt file the calibration is
taken from there. Otherwise the directory structure is scanned.
and so on.
Format manifest.txt
delare all zoom level and the min/max tiles of the highest level.
This kind of map can be generated with
latest version. Also the
generates this format (since version 1.8a7).
The file size seems to be restricted to ~100 MB - belongs to the hardware. Also jpg format is usable.
(OSM maps for 3rd or 5th Generation only)
SMS reports a send to a phone number defined in the
This sends the $GPGGA, the $GPRMC sentence or just the
position as plain
text. Select this feature in the settings for SMS.
This can be use for the reporting on
Other programs can use this as input to show your
This program also receive SMS report (select GGA mode)
other AFTrack
users and store
the incoming values as a waypoint. For the name of the waypoint the
phone book entry is used - if not already there.
For the automatic sending of a sms you'll need three
a track must be running, the sms option must set to 'automatic log' and
in GPS menu the SMS sending must be activated.
are several parameters to set up a HTTP connection. Select
'manual' or 'with log' as the log mode in the HTTP Report settings to
get a manual or an automatic logging. Automatic logging runs with the
frequency selected as GPS log mode. Make sure that the time for the
logging is greater than the GPRS answering time. For all other
things use the defaults to get in first contact with this features.
Than you will need a running GPRS connection. See your
establish one.
To use this in an easy way just set log mode to 'Manual'
use the default values.
The correct running connection will place a position report a the
defined server www.mapserver.co.nz. To see you position online use this
is deprecated.&
The new address is&
is the new default. You will need you IMEI to replace
To get the information about your IMEI send
You can get your last
position with
??? your IMEI please replace
the history of your messages
??? your IMEI please replace
Or just use the user
interface at the start page.
The logic to build is:
Another tracking page
uses Google Earth satellite pics.
also has free tracking accounts.
At magnalox.net you have animated tracks and a
information how to handle the parameters.
For aprs use (see sample in HTTP settings)
Tracking Server -&
Advice see
Testing people wanted (Jan 2010).
Smart for Car
Smart Boat/Bike
Smart Walking
1 to 1800 Seconds
after Distance
Long Time Tracking
direct logging
NMEA log - with external gps only
Keep in mind the logging
uses a lot of space and consums also a lot of system power. The refresh
of the GPS is mostly 1 second. So all active screens follow this
feature and refresh all seconds. That means recount the track, the
route, the map and so on.
Manual logging only logs by pressing the middle
button. This is also used in all other log modes except the log off
Direct logging writes log file direct to phone space in the
AFTrack directory. Filename is date.gps. The database is not filled, so
no track is painted.
Smart logging gives you the chance to have various
times at different speeds. All values under or above the limits have
the max. or min. logging time.
Car&& 10 km/h - 10 Minutes, 120 km/h - 1.5 MinutesBike&& 2 km/h - 10 Minutes,& 18 km/h - 1.5 MinutesWalk&& 1 km/h - 10 Minutes,&& 5 km/h - 1.5 Minute
Or after x degree change of the corner. Select the 'log
value in the GPS settings - the values are possible between 5 and 35
(default 25).
Das NMEA log writes out all received sentence and doesn't save this
values in the database. So no statistic values are available.
Special: Long Time Tracking
Long Time Tracking switches the gps modul off.
When a track is
started the gos is switched on and the user has to take the first point
manually. After this the modul is shut down again and after a definated
time the program logs in to the gps and when the signals are good a
point is taken. Switches off after this. The settings of seconds are
used as minutes now. A good gps hardware to perform this method is the
Nokia GPS-Modul LD-3W. It has a 7 days
standby time. Also the phones life time is growing up with no permanet
bluetooth signal.
Special for OpenStreetMap
OpenStreetMap is a project to collection free geographical data.
for more information.
AFTrack could give some small help for the collecting process.
What to do for prepare:
1. Define a list with of your favourite tags your like to collect. The
rule is each entry one line e.g.
or make it different with groups
2. Define a color for each so you can see it in different color on the
map. The rule is ';' is the separetor and the color value is
hexadecimal. Some thing like on this link&
3. Name this osm.txt and copy it to your AFTrack directory/pics.
AFTrack comes with one file sample.
What to do for use:
1. Select 'new Track' to define a new object
2. Select 'new waypoint group' in waypoint menue
3. Select in navigation button menue the 'OpenStreetMap' and define the
kind of track.
4. Start track.
The OSM feature is made visible by add 'OSM:' to the track name. And
the line is shown in the color of the selected kind. (At kind 'None'
the color is the standard track color selectable in the option/display
- During the track is running the kind of track can be changed to an
other kind or to none.
- Collect also way points by pressing the navigation button.
After collecting the track can be exported to KML (included with the
defined colors) or GPX format. Both
contain the track parts and the entries in the current waypoint group.
The log files are saved in the \Nokia\Others\AFTrack
Log file format (PCX):
H SOFTWARE NAME & VERSIONI PCX5 2.08 by AFTrack 1.01H R DATUM IDX DA DF ...M G WGS 84 100 +0. +0. ...H R DATUM U LAT LON DEGH TRACK SUMMARYH Track Pnts Date Time DurationH TN Trk1 126 07-04-04 11:15:29 01:13:20 Track 1H LATITUDE LONGITUDE DATE TIME ALT T +44.9.-APR-04 10:15:21 27T ...
Use this format to get a chart view from your tracks at
output) or with other programs.
In UTM notation the export is done in UTM format.
31-Mrz-05 17:41:49 65
Use other options of translation with
or other programs like this.
A newer option is the export into the IGC, GPX or KML
In IGC log file this software is registered for glider constests at
security line for all point lines and it can be verified with a
separate tool that the log was not changed after export. Use in DOS
c:&vali-aft mytrack.igc
Get the validate program
Please notice always the
bluetooth sign in top of the most windows.
connection to the GPS is lost a message will remind you and you have to
reconnect. Since version 1.01 reconnect works automatically. After 5
minutes this feature is stopped to save the battery.
When there is a problem with the phone - e.g. you have
reboot it - just start AFTrack
again and select the used track. All
tracks are saved in time and you can add new positions. May be you have
to normalize the track before continue the track.
When you are in an area with
lower GSM signals the phone is scanning for &gsm cells. This
costs a lot of battery power and computing power as well. So I use an
old SIMM card. It doesn't looks for cells and this will give longer
tracks. But no calls.
The T-Mobile-Navigate-GPS only send RMC (Recommended
Specific Data) so there is no information about the altitude and the
used satellites. See
for a detailed information (German).
BT-338 and may be other gps has a static navigation mode
which makes problems for slower moving see this for more detail and the
On other hardware with moving problems use the pause speed value in the
XML files are sometimes a problem. The parsing is completely done in
the phone RAM. A work around for GPX files comes from Philippe
K點hler for PC and MacOS (see below). The points are bundled
smaller packages.
A strong use of the hardware brings a disconnecting from
the gps every few minutes.
What to do:
Make sure there are no other programs running
Switch the update frequency of the gps to one per
second - if it send in a higher speed
Set logmode to 'smart' (only during tracking)
Set the map center to a value between 60-80 (normaly
the position is map centered, so it moves at bit)
Use BSB as map format - a little bit harder to handle
but more effective
Use smaller maps
On Nokia N70 the dialog box for waypoints doesn't show
labels (better with OS update).
The N70 also has problems with sending SMS.
This program is tested only with the&
Holux GR-230/BT-338.
Please report other constellations.
Nokia N-Gage and GlobalSat BT308 Bluetooth GPS
Nokia 6600 with GPSmart - BT by Fortuna
Nokia 6600 and Teletype GPS
Siemens SX1
with Fortuna Clip-On Bluetooth GPS Maus
Nokia 6600 and T-Mobile-Navigate-Receiver
Nokia 6600 and RoyalTeck RBT-100
Siemens SX1
and Falcom Navi1 Bluetooth
6600 and TomTom
Wireless GPS Modul
Nokia 6600 and Navman 4400 GPS
Nokia 6620 and a Fortuna Clip-On Bluetooth GPS
Nokia 6600 and Micronet bluetooth GPS
SX1 and Leadtek 9537 Bluetooth GPS
Nokia 6600 and BT-GPS Leadtek
Nokia 6630 and Holux 230
Panasonic X700 and XAiOX Wonde-X
Nokia 6680 and Garmin GPS 10
Nokia 6600 and Globalsat bt308
Nokia 6600 and Falcom Navi1 Bluetooth (Mobilcom Label)
Siemens SX1 and Navilock BT 338
Nokia 6260 and
Royaltek RBT-1000 (XTRAC2
Nokia 6260 and Aktronix GPS
Nokia 6630 and Xaiox Wonde XL Bluetooth
Nokia 6260 and Evermore BT-R500
N-Gage QD with SysOnChip SIRF III GPS mouse
Nokia 3230 and GPS MKII receiver
Nokia 6630 and QStarZ BT
Nokia 6260 and Earthmate Blue Logger GPS
Nokia 6670 and Haicom HI-406BT GPS
Nokia N90 with Nokia LD-1w mouse
Nokia 6630 and Navilock BT-308
Nokia 6630 and Haicom 406 BT GPS
N-Gage QD and Xiaox NaveOne BT Maus
Nokia N70 and GPSmart BT or Tomtom Wireless GPS
Nokia 6680 and Bluei GPS
Nokia 6600 and EMTAC bluetooth GPS (BTGPS III)
Nokia Ngage with FTech Solar BT GPS
Nokia 7610 and Holux GPSlim236
Nokia 3650 and Adapt AD-500 GPS
Nokia 6260 and Rikaline Bluetooth model LR9537 GPS receiver
Siemens SX1 and RoyalTek RBT 2001 Sirf3
Nokia 3650 and Mainnav MG-910 BT GPS
Nokia 6630 with QStarZ
Nokia 6670 and Royaltek RBT-1000
Sendo X and Klicktel GPS
List of hardware with problems in bluetooth connection:
6630 and Holux GPSlim236 (There is a report for that: they can be
solved with a NOKIA firmware upgrade, free at NOKIA website. The
latest firmware solves several Bluetooth issues, check it at:
N70 and Holux 236 with Sirf 3
Please try you GPS with the trial version first.
AFTrack and 2nd Generation of S60
Version 1.22 - Jan 2009
- new calibration logic for mpr files
- OSM GPX review
- add Ellipsoidal height if present
- bsb maps correction repair
Version 1.21 - Oct 2008
- repair GPX export problem
- Set time from GPS
- long time tracking mode
- http mode: key value can be longer then 16 character (64)
- qpe calibration file format
- mpr Top50 map files
- Anchor alarm
- support for GLONASS satellites
Version 1.20 - December 2007
- close on low battery
- add time stamp on GPX export
- add gps log after a defined distance
- add search field in waypoint list
- add cal (TTQV) calibration file format
- define a waypoint from main map
Version 1.19 - September 2007
- repair proxy problem
- repair manually calibration
- set http values for alt, speed and course to integer values
- make visible/unvisible of waypoint groups
- use filename for imported routes
- added profile for the speed
- add kal format as calibration file (GlopusMapManager)
- add GPX format for track export
- add OpenStreetMap functions
1.18 - June 2007
- refresh KML export, start and end point, coordinates
- add 'show waypoints' in way point menue
- bring waypoint group to route
- 3 different pointer for the position (small, big, sailing pointer)
1.17 - March 2007
- add timestamp for kml format
- changed default url for http transfer
- new gmi format for more than 2 calibration points
- new kml overlay as calibration file
- set position from waypoint with altitude
- use automatic map selection from position
- select storage before save tracks
- import function with directory selection first
- delete all maps
- load all maps from directory
- new big view for waypoint distance, bearing, cross track error (XTE)
1.16 - August 2006
- GeoTiff with WGS84 or UTM calibration
- tfw files with UTM coordinates and UTM zone accepted
- BSB chart can have more than 2 calibration points
- BSB with error correction if defined in BSB header
- for BSB 3 calibration points are used
- Tiff format 1,4,8,24 no compression for maps bigger then memory
- Bmp format 1,4,8,24 no compression for maps bigger then memory
- calibration view '*' switch to 1,22,88,1,... points to move
- import waypoints from KML format
- enable SMS report for
- add altitude for gpx files
- repair goto from waypoint screen
- repair big display for altitude
- NMEA checksum test (on/off)
1.15 - April 2006
- Export tracks to KML format (viewable with Google Earth)
- Export waypoint group as KML format
- Text SMS contains selected position format
- push up the timeout for the first http connection
- add new option in display settings: view track as line or points -
for a better view in
static mode
- add max speed control for normalizing a track
- add a speed parameter for the http connection
- add angle to next route point
- add menu button to next route point
- add big display for some output values
- add settings menu for IGC export
- add SMS feature 'send on any key'
- changed validation program (vali-xft.exe)
- repair: map rename
1.14 - December 2005
- support for bsb files
- show map on start
- proxy settings for http
1.13 - September 2005
- repair xml import
- smarter zoom function
- short cut for map list (0)
- '8' toggles between waypoint list and waypoint group list
- add waypoint entry from current waypoint bearing
- set current waypoint as position (offline mode)
1.12 - September 2005
- add waypoint entry from bearing
- add new waypoint from calibrated map
- send also GPRMC sentence via SMS
- send position as readable text via SMS
- use gmi file format version 2.0 for calibration
- use UI-View inf file format for calibration
- logging angle for smart logging is editable (5 to 35 degree)
- pause by speed less than (in 1/1000 nm)
- altitude correction selectable
- NMEA direct log
1.11 - June 2005
- automatic calibration with TOP50 log file
- also tfw or jgw file format with geodetic values (no tiff support)
- also OziExplorer map files
- also gmi files
- edit map name
- edit position in the selected output format
1.10 - Junu 2005
- add mapping
- add loading maps from jpg, gif or bmp file.
- calibrate the maps on board
- scale the maps until no more memory or to small
- add waypoint group setting for all members
- free logging interval
- set map view between goto and trip view
- icon in map refresh after changing
1.09 - April 2005
- add variable format on position view
- add position display in map view
- add export for IGC file format with security record to test the
integrity of the log file
1.08 - February 2005
- save last track point
- add routing
- add making route from track
- routing import from as PCX
- the waypoint view is added
- copy the current position into the clipboard
- feature for geotoad: make text file from groundspeak:long_description
- add Italian and Dutch
1.07 - December 2004
- Waypoint import from GPX file format
1.06 - November 2004
- Waypoint import from LOC file (Geocaching XML)
- Text files for a bigger description of a waypoint e.g. Geocaching
find rules
1.05 - November 2004
- German version
- Fix a problem with the Telekom Navigate GPS
1.04 - November 2004
- HTTP parameter handling (delete value on key 'c')
- Alarm also on reached POIs
1.03 - October 2004
- New menu: Waypoint
- Save position as waypoint
- List waypoint (all)
- Edit active waypoint
- Select waypoint group
& - List of waypoints in the group
& - Import waypoints for the group
& - Export waypoints for the group
- Export all waypoints
- HTTP position sending
- SMS position sending
- SMS position receiving
- New settings menu
1.02 - September 2004
- Bugfix South-West problem
1.01 - August 2004
- Added a map view.
- The keys '1' to '6' reaches one of the six views
- A GPS sentence is send as SMS to the draft
- Reset GPS from SIRF to NMEA
- Automatic reconnection to GPS if connection lost
- Stop reconnection if not necessary
- Filter the altitude value with a Kalman filter
- Manual logging
1.00 - June 2004
Initial program start
only 2nd generation,
not usable on a 3rd
generation Symbian phone (E60, E61, ...)
English (351k) or
Deutsch, Italian, Dutch, Spanish& (381k)
Get the validation for IGC format
&& A tool for GPX cache files splitting by Philippe
version exports only 3 points, only 3 maps, send HTTP reports only
send SMS reports only to draft folder and it is time limited.
Sample Map Source: Part of the German Topographic Maps
AFTrack and 3rd Generation of S60
The version for the 3rd generation has the nearly the
same features
as the current version.
It only differs a little bit in the screen design. The
main and track view comes now in one screen. The
screen is moved to the track menue and the waypoint view to the
waypoint menue. The new generation also has better xml support.
The new path for saving is c:/Data/Others/AFTrack or
Comparing internal and external gps runtime (gsm
offline, 10s per point):
N95 internal ~7.5 h
N95 external ~16 h
This software is not Symbian signed. So you have to
switch the application manager settings &'Software
installation' to 'All'.
An external GPS receiver is needed. See below.
Tested with&Nokia E60/E61/N95 and BT-338 or
Problems are reported for&
N73: GPS user report - "Updating the firmware worked
like a charm. No
drops in bluetooth connection.
Here is a link on N73 firmware "
E62: logging problem with GPSSlim240
Version 1.13 - April 2013
- TK102 clones, Xexun TK102B
- GPS Tracker 2 dnt
- TK102-2 Update
- SMS template repair
Version 1.12 - April 2012
- kml map calibration relaunch- lock display complete
- add geo id for internal gps
- add 640 x 480 screen size
- add sms send template
- add zoom levels for gmf map files (GlopusMapManager exports)
- add GPS-Tracker ELRO support
Version 1.11 - April 2011
- save zoom level and start with it
- enable saving when WebDAV is present (but not saving on it)
- enable saving on USB host
- unvisible for overlays
- change way point entry view
- problem map sort fixed
- compass for position pointer enabled
- add speed format m/s, min/km, min/mi
- add switch UTC/local time
- add way point label with time
- add sms receiver for GPS tracker TK 102-2
Version 1.10 - Dec 2010
- SMS bug on position report
- load directory bug
- add wpt edit dialog after insert for fast editing
- more than two drives accessable - if available
- enable osz files with jpg bitmaps
- enable utm in map (ozi) calibration files
- fix refresh display without active map
- add the second name of the way point in map display
- bug export gpx waypoints fixed
- Switch 'never go online'
- Color selector for map pointer
- fix position editor for E72 or so
- no own text saving on import when SmartGPX on board
Version 1.09 - Mar 2010
- three options for map on start
- route restart in main menu
- altitude correction also for bt gps without correction
- change map file format to enable other systems
- add zip map file for OSM tiles (osz)
- add overlays for area data (kml format)
- add center on goto waypoint
- add big sign for waypoints - shows alarm distance around point
- new compass view with graphical index for XTE
- repair way point view on E71
Version 1.08 - Nov 2009
- T9 in name dialog track or route
- auto map shows now the best scaled map on position
- call SmartGPX with current way point
- track name generation changed to date/time
- at waypoint distance alarm 0.0 the GoTo mode never ends
- hidden directory for cache on OSM
- gmf map file format
- log time up to 30 minutes
- repair&keyboard problem on E55 for * and #
- display gps time at phone zone
Version 1.07 - July 2009
- Download rate displayed
- OSM map server define
- Transparency for way point icons on white color (see samples in Pics
- add VMG (Velocity made good)
- add OVL track export
- new menu structure
- lines thickness up to 5 points
- set time from gps is moved to the plugin (please use plugin 1.2 now)
- add French, Swedish, Finnish
Version 1.06 - Jan 2009
- repair http report for German users
- define colors for background and lines
- OSM refresh mode, reloads only viewed maps to cache
-&new calibration logic for mpr files
- OSM GPX review
- add Ellipsoidal height from $PTNL,GGK - if present
- modify sat view layout, add alt correction and quality indicator
- BSB maps correction repair (French sea maps)
- new icons
- sort moved to list menu
- set time from gps is moved to the plugin (please use plugin 1.1 now)
Version 1.05 - Oct 2008
- repair GPX export problem
- Set time from GPS
- long time tracking mode
- http mode: key value can be longer then 16 character (64)
- qpe calibration file format
- mpr Top50 map files
- Anchor alarm
- add support for GLONASS satellites (extern gps only)
- add split routes import in GPX
- opencaching.de tags used
- make waypoint groups to areas
- alarm sound used for waypoint reaching
- moving on the map works also on auto map
- gpx waypoint export
- using OpenStreetMap
- internal gps
Version 1.04 - December 2007
- close on low battery, battery low dialog
- add timestamp on GPX export
- add gps log after a defined distance
- repair sms text coord
- repair route compass on 5500
- GPX import with more groundspeak features
- profile for height also from route
- route import with altitude
- add search field in waypoint list
- add cal (TTQV) calibration file format&
- define a waypoint from main map
Version 1.03 - September 2007
- repair proxy problem
- make visible/unvisible of waypoint groups
- use filename for imported routes
- added profile for the speed
- add kal format as calibration file (GlopusMapManager)
- add GPX format for track export
- add GPX format for route import
- add OpenStreetMap functions
Version 1.02 - June 2007
- short keys for E61 also with letters
- compass problem on E61, E70, N95 fixed
- repair http send problem on German phones
- refresh KML export, start and end point, coordinates
- add 'show waypoints' in way point menue
- again: AFTrack directory changed ?:/data/others/AFTrack
- bring waypoint group to route
- 3 different pointer for the position
- Rotate screen in option menu (not for E61)
Version 1.01 - Mar 2007
- changed default url for http transfer
- new gmi format for more than 2 calibration points
- new kml overlay as calibration file
- set position from waypoint with altitude
- use automatic map selection from position
- select storage before save tracks
- import function with directory selection first
- delete all maps
- load all maps from directory
- new big view for waypoint distance, bearing, cross
track error (XTE)
- repair automatic http position reporting
- repair black numbers in big view on N73
- work around for compass problem on N80
- use new xml routine for gpx import
- some smaller problems fixed
- switch the directory for a phone installation to
Version 1.0 - January 2007
Note: only for 3rd generation,
not usable on
generation Symbian phone (like N97, 5800, ...)
9.1 English,
Deutsch, Italian, Dutch, Spanish,& Finnish,& Swedish (916k) - not using internal
- contains a signed plugin
AFTrack and 5th Generation of S60
There also is a version for the 5th generation.
Sample Map Source: Part of the German Topographic Maps
There are no short cuts available.
But the touch screen enables some new features.
- every movement on the map move it to a new
- a long tap on a point centers the map a this point
- a short tap on a way point opens a small menu
- move left /
right selects the next view
- move up / down gives more data in view - if present
each button
has its function
Version 1.07 - April 2013
- TK102 clones, Xexun TK102B
- GPS Tracker 2 dnt
- TK102-2 Update
- SMS template repair
Version 1.07 - April 2013
- TK102 clones, Xexun TK102B
- GPS Tracker 2 dnt
- TK102-2 Update
- SMS template repair
Version 1.07 - April 2013
- TK102 clones, Xexun TK102B
- GPS Tracker 2 dnt
- TK102-2 Update
- SMS template repair
Version 1.06 - April 2012
- kml map calibration relaunch
- lock display complete
- add geo id for internal gps
- add 640 x 480 screen size
- add sms send template
- add zoom levels for gmf map files (GlopusMapManager exports)
- add GPS-Tracker ELRO support
Version 1.05 - April 2011
- save zoom level and start with it
- enable saving when WebDAV is present (but not saving on it)
- enable saving on USB host
- unvisible for overlays
- change way point entry view
- problem map sort fixed
- compass for position pointer enabled
- add speed format m/s, min/km, min/mi
- add switch UTC/local time
- add way point label with time
- add sms receiver for GPS tracker TK 102-2
Version 1.04 - Dec 2010
- SMS bug on position report
- load directory bug
- add wpt edit dialog after insert for fast editing
- more than two drives accessable - if available
- enable osz files with jpg bitmaps
- enable utm in map (ozi) calibration files
- fix refresh display without active map
- add the second name of the way point in map display
- bug export gpx waypoints fixed
- Switch 'never go online'
- Color selector for map pointer
- no own text saving on GPX import when SmartGPX on board
- edit waypoint position on touchscreen bug, using system dialog (settings on landmark info)
- same for calibration view
- more sensitive for tapping a way point
- enable cache on drive f: for some hardware
- screen rotation switch on/off
- screen lock (on map view)
Version 1.03 - Mar 2010
- three options for map on start
- route restart in main menu
- altitude correction also for bt gps without correction
- change map file format to enable other systems
- add zip map file for OSM tiles (osz)
- add overlays for area data
- add center on goto waypoint
- add big sign for waypoints - shows alarm distance around point
Version 1.02 - Nov 2009
- T9 in name dialog track or route
- auto map shows now the best scaled map on position
- call SmartGPX with current way point
- track name generation changed to date/time
- at waypoint distance alarm 0.0 the GoTo mode never ends
- hidden directory for cache on OSM
- gmf map file format
- log time up to 30 minutes
Version 1.01 - July 2009
- Download rate displayed
- OSM map server define
- Transparency for way point icons on white color (see samples in Pics
- add VMG (Velocity made good)
- add OVL track export
- new menu structure
- lines thickness up to 5 points
- repair: set time from gps is moved to the plugin (please use plugin
- repair: calibration view
- add French, Swedish, Finnish
- add a little more time for tap delay on touch screen
Version 1.00 - January 2009
- same function then the version for the 3rd generation
Note: only 5th generation and Symbian^3,
not usable on
generation Symbian phone (like , N95, ...)
9.4 English,
Deutsch, Italian, Dutch, Spanish,& Finnish,& Swedish& (854k) - not using internal
- contains a signed plugin
some other software
&Pilot:& &&
&SymbianOS:& &&
A. Fischer, afischer (at)}


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