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姿势水平,一天翻译一篇。。。不一定是生物学的 ,所以有时候我会贴到别的吧有兴趣的朋友能来我贴吧 :薛定锷
December 1, 2008Solar-Powered Sea SlugA sea slug can carry on photosynthesis for months at a time by eating algae and savingthe tiny organelles that the single-celled organism uses to convert sunlight to energy.Cynthia Graber reports[The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.]It may look like just another animal. But one kind of lowly sea slug actually has the solar powerabilities of a plant. Bizarre but true, the sea slug carries out photosynthesis. This finding waspublished in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Usually, plants perform photosynthesis by way of tiny organelles called plastids. Plastidsconvert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into usable nutrients. Then animals eat the plants.But the sea slug goes about it slightly differently.It has at least one gene necessary for photosynthesis—so far it’s the only animal known withthis ability. But it needs some help, the gene itself isn’t enough. So sea slugs eat algae. Theyslit open the organisms and suck out the cytoplasm. The slugs digest most of the algae, butthose plastids remain whole and undigested. And then the plastids keep on doing what theydo, which is convert sunlight to usable energy. Once the sea slug has eaten enough algae,and gained enough plastids, it can live off just sunlight for up to nine months. When it comesto energy, this slug needs no plug.—Cynthia Graber
这个是音频上面是原文可能有些问题很大希望 希望各位大神能指出!
我翻译下,有更好的翻译求推荐solar-powered adj.太阳能的 sea slug n.海参 bizarre adj.奇异的photosynthesis.光合作用 (以前我问大部分中国人光合作用怎么说他们总是yy个什么the sun effect)它比较难念我把音标标出啦吧[,fəʊtə(ʊ)'sɪnθɪsɪs]published v.出版proceedings n.《会议录》 小百科:是在波士顿的美国文理科学院(1943年弗兰克当选为该院院士)的支持下(而不是任何大学),学会利用科学院的《会议录》(Proceedings) 作为学会的若干出版物。这些联系不是偶然发生的,而是欧洲人促进科学的统一和美国人类似的倾向之间的共生的另一个实例。academy n.学院 里面有个叫kehan academy是个很好的教程希望大家可以去看看organelles n.细胞器 perform v.执行plastids n.色素体 convert v.转变 n.改变宗教信仰者 这文章里面当然是转换dioxide n.二氧化物 carbon大家都知道是碳 加上二氧化物就是 二氧化碳。。。CO2usable adj.可用的 这个简单吧use + able 去e 其实我觉得英语里e 好可怜。老是被去nutrient adj.n 营养的 营养物adv. 些微地 algae n.藻类 ['ælɡədʒiː] 这个发音我自己觉得乖乖的。。。。slit v.n 撕裂organisms n.生物体cytoplasm n.细胞质digest v.消化undigested adj.未经消化的gain n.收获 有句话是这样说的:no pain no gain.没有付出就没有回报很纯正的美式发音希望大家可以学到很多知识和发音。这样这文章阅读就基本没难度了。可能有时候会插点别的吧。毕竟这个杂志是一个月一本
有种看到专业书的赶脚!好幸胡!!!~= ̄ω ̄=
oh,各位亲对不起!楼主表示各种压力,我竟然翻译错了这篇文章的主角sea slug!sea slug:裸鳃亚目(nudibranchia)软体动物 裸露软体动物海蛞蝓(Sea slug)是海洋中软体动物门腹足纲中后鳃亚纲动物的统称。海蛞蝓它们不像其他的软体动物有著厚重的外壳,它们的贝壳已退化变得薄和小。。好可爱啊!!!sea cucumber 海黄瓜是 海参楼下这个黑色的才是海参!额。。。我记得以前我学经济学的时候老师是叫sea slug是黑色的= =是我错了还是老师有问题?不过没关系十分感谢楼上的朋友指出问题。
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Researchers have developed a heat sensor that can detect temperature changes of just ten thousandths of a degree Ccomparable to the sensitivity of pit vipers. Christopher Intagliata reports.
A Pacific Northwest housing boom is encroaching on songbird habitat, forcing the birds to fand their mates.
A thin film coating can chill a vat of water to 15F cooler than its surroundings,anthe sun's infrared rays. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Women rate a man they see with an attractive woman as more desirable than an unattached man. Erika Beras reports.
The low-oxygen waters of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico result in smaller shrimp, and a spike in large shrimp prices. Christopher Intagliata reports.
The amphibians' saliva is what'shear-thinning fluid,sometimes thick, sometimes thin and flowing. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Charles Platkin, Director of the New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College, published tips on what it would take to burn off the calories we typically consume during the Super Bowl.
Arctic heat waves melt sea ice, which promotes more warming and even more ice loss. In other words,s a or in this case, an anti-snowball effect. Julia Rosen reports.
Nomadic jellyfish and poisonous puffer fish are the poster children of an invasion of non-native species into the Mediterranean, with environmental and economic costs. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Nomadic jellyfish and poisonous pufferfish are the poster children of an invasion of non-native species into the Mediterranean, with environmental and economic costs. Christopher Intagliata reports.
The critically endangered birds have done well in captive breeding, meaning they may be ready once more for wild living, and the repertoire of calls associated with it. Jason G. Goldman reports.
The cichlid, a small fish, has one of the most incredible visual systems known--which allows it to adapt to differently colored environments. Jason G. Goldman reports.
When LSD binds to serotonin receptors, closed behind it, locking it in place for hours, and explaining its long-lasting effects. Christopher Intagliata reports.
The six-legged savants appear to use celestial cues and three forms of memory, as they blaze a trail back to the nest. Karen Hopkin reports.
Sunscreen or beach umbrellas alone were unable to completely pso researchers suggest combining the methods instead. Christopher Intagliata reports.
A study examines the effects of a high-sugar diet on the lifespan of fruit flies. Another studie appetite-suppressing pathways may be similar to ours. Karen Hopkin reports.
A common pesticide additive, known as an 'inert' ingredient, could be one of the causes of the die-offs beekeepers have observed in their hives. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Chemists have synthesized the most complex molecular knot ever, using a strand just 192 atoms long. The advance could lead to new tougher materials. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Using algorithms developed for human speech recognition, researchers decoded which bats in an experimental colony were arguing with each other, and what they were arguing about. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Researchers think Mars may have experienced a series of climate cycles, which ets surface with river valleys and lake basins. Julia Rosen reports.
Competition between older female orcas and their adult daughters when they can breed simultaneously may cause the matriarch to enter menopause.
Some predators are attracted to the food in bird feeders, and end up targeting nestlings too. Jason G. Goldman reports.


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