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Janet Yancey-Wrona PhD1,*, Brian Dallaire PharmD1, Edward Bilsky PhD1,2, Brad Bath3, John Burkart3, Lynn Webster MD3, Dan Magiera PhD4, Xiaoxia Yang PhD5, Mitch Phelps PhD5 andWolfgang Sadee PhD1,5DOI:&10.1111/j.11.01279.x
Pain Medicine pages , Author Information1
AIKO Biotechnology, Portland, Maine2
Department of Pharmacology, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine3
Lifetree Clinical Research, Salt Lake City, Utah4
Molecular MS Diagnostics, Cranston, Rhode Island5
Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, and College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA*Janet Yancey-Wrona, PhD, AIKO Biotechnology, Inc., 2 Union Street, Suite 501, Portland, ME 04101, USA. Tel: 207-317-0960; Fax: 207-773-9095; E-mail: . Publication HistoryIssue online: 14 DEC 2011Version of Record online: 28 NOV 2011
CrossRef1Arzneimitteltherapie in der Palliativmedizin, 2015, 2Victoria Barnett, Robert Twycross, Mary Mihalyo, Andrew Wilcock, Opioid Antagonists, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2014, 47, 2, 3413Howard S. Smith, Andras Laufer, Opioid induced nausea and vomiting, European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014, 722, 674Mellar Davis, Harold W Goforth, Pam Gamier, Oxycodone combined with opioid receptor antagonists: efficacy and safety, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 2013, 12, 3, 3895Yunyun Yuan, Orgil Elbegdorj, Jianyang Chen, Shashidhar K. Akubathini, Feng Zhang, David L. Stevens, Irina O. Beletskaya, Krista L. Scoggins, Zhenxian Zhang, Phillip M. Gerk, Dana E. Selley, Hamid I. Akbarali, William L. Dewey, Yan Zhang, Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of 17-Cyclopropylmethyl-3,14&-dihydroxy-4,5&-epoxy-6&-[(4&-pyridyl)carboxamido]morphinan Derivatives as Peripheral Selective & Opioid Receptor Agents, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 55, 22, 101186Richard J. Bodnar, Endogenous opiates and behavior: 2011, Peptides, 2012, 38, 2, 463is iife fair600
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PN-ISO 690:2012
Chicago (Autor-Data)
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Dobro i z?o w dramacie poznania (W kr?gu inspiracji Karola Wojty?y - Jana Paw?a II)
Tre?? / Zawarto??
Pe?ny tekst:
Good and Evil in the Drama of Cognition (Within the Range of Inspirations by Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II)
J?zyki publikacji
A human being, says Wojtyla, fulfils himself himself through performing good actions and he destroys both his essence and his existence (becoming, &fieri&) through doing evil actions. Therefore it is of utmost importance to cognize what is good and what is evil. Aou whole experience tells us that it is not easy because lying (not telling the truth) is an immanent property of evil: evil lies about itself that is good and it lies about good that it is evil. Having observed this immanent property of evil, we make an attempt to find some forms and sources of evil&s lies about good and evil. Finally, following the thought of John Paul II, we point out to a realistic philosophy of being as a basis for effective coping with the problem.
Byt ludzki, jak powiada Wojty?a, spe?nia si? poprzez czynienie dobra, a niszczy zarówno swoj? istot?, jak i istnienie (stawanie si?, &fieri&), poprzez czynienie z?a. St?d ogromna waga poznania, czym jest dobro i z?o. Ca?e nasze do?wiadczenie podpowiada nam, ?e nie jest to ?atwe, poniewa? k?amstwo (nieprawda) stanowi immanentn? w?asno?? z?a: z?o k?amie, mówi?c, ?e jest dobrem, a dobro – z?em. Dostrzeg?szy t? wewn?trzn? cech? z?a, podejmujemy próby okre?lenia form i ?róde? k?amstwa, które jest udzia?em z?a. W końcu, pod??aj?c za my?l? Jana Paw?a II, zwracamy si? ku realistycznej filozofii bytu, by na jej gruncie skuteczne zmierzy? si? z problemem dobra i z?a.
S?owa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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