That old man-------selling vegetables soup

-- 穷二代富二代第17-18集穷二代富二代第17-18集剧情介绍浏览 550发布日期: 00:00:01文章来源:在线观看:无关键字:穷二代富二代第17-18集剧情介绍这是一篇关于穷二代富二代第17-18集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清穷二代富二代第17-18集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看  《穷二代富二代》分集介绍第十七集  乔冠军此时在田家农庄和田家菜老总田玉忠谈判,他想让田老板的大棚免洗蔬菜进入超市。田玉忠是个精明的商人,知道他的蔬菜价值,和乔冠军锱铢必较,谈判很艰苦,双方都没有让步的意思。孟珠打来电话,讲了涂凤兰把雨燕带走和乔枫的变化。乔冠军赶紧中止了谈判,准备回去。田玉忠眼看煮熟的鸭子飞了后悔不迭。自从和乔冠军谈判后,他中断了和几个老客户的合同,如果他的蔬菜送不进冠军连锁超市,他的公司将面临一场灾难。他的女儿、正在重点学校上高中的田笑听了父亲介绍的情况后,主动请战,要把这一单生意拿下,条件是要提成。她的母亲徐蕾担心她乱来,田笑说她的目标是乔枫,只要把乔枫从网瘾中解救出来,治好乔冠军的心病,让乔冠军让利应该不难。田玉忠相信田笑有这个实力,田笑的学习成绩一直名列前茅。田玉忠在自己的农庄为乔冠军设宴送行,徐蕾和田笑作陪。田玉忠介绍说,因为生女儿的时候日子太苦,所以才给她取名田笑。徐蕾夸女儿,到哪儿她都能给人带来欢笑。乔冠军苦笑着不置可否,在田笑的追问下,他讲了乔枫的情况,并大叹养儿难的苦经。田笑表示想去见乔枫,帮他戒除网瘾,重新把精力集中到学习上来。乔冠军不大相信她有这个实力。田笑趁机说,如果她做到了,他在合同上能否让一步。乔冠军当即表示可以,签了合同,以备忘录的形式记下了这个特别条款。乔冠军眉头舒展,和田玉忠痛快地喝了几杯。酒酣耳热之际,乔冠军对田笑赞不绝口,表示情愿用乔枫来换田笑。田玉忠说不用换,只要把田笑收做儿媳就行。乔冠军的实力要比田玉忠大五倍,结为儿女亲家是个不错的选择。乔冠军没有贸然答应,徐蕾让田笑先认了干爹。田家三口来乔家做客,田笑既然认了乔冠军,也要认孟珠。她的嘴很甜,人又勤快,孟珠了解了事情原委之后,对田笑喜欢得不行,恨不得马上就由干妈转为婆婆。但在乔枫那里,她碰了钉子。  雨燕回去后给乔枫打来电话,叮嘱他努力学习,再次约定报考商学院,在同一所大学相会。雨燕的电话让乔枫有了学习的愿望,但一拿起书他又烦躁起来,只能去打游戏。就这样,看书、打游戏,打游戏、看书,相互交叉着撕扯着他的心。他情绪低落,唉声叹气,认为自己无可救药了。就在这时,田笑出现在他身边,住在了乔家。田笑很聪明,首先和乔枫玩在了一起。她故意让乔枫教她玩电脑游戏,然后把着电脑玩起没完,不给乔枫玩的机会,让乔枫很无奈,只能去看书学习。可是面对书本,他还是静不下心来。田笑说他这样学习等于没学,索性就不要学了,让乔枫带着她去吃喝玩乐,每天都要疯玩到半夜。  《穷二代富二代》分集介绍第十八集  乔枫被田笑牵着鼻子转来转去,由被动到主动,低落的情绪不见了,但也不看书了。乔冠军让田笑把乔枫的精力引导到学习上来,田笑表示她想先帮他戒除网瘾,然后再说学习的事。乔冠军认可了她的安排。她问乔枫学习上有什么难处。乔枫说了一大堆不会做的难题。田笑曾在全国获得过竞赛好成绩,在水平上比乔枫高一筹,乔枫的所面临的问题,对她来说根本不算什么。面对难题,她二话不说,拿过来就做,无论多难的题都迎刃而解,把乔枫给震住了。她让乔枫玩游戏时一次玩个够,对游戏产生逆反心理。在此基础上,她带乔枫玩她擅长的游戏,骑马、打高尔夫,使乔枫有了新的追求和刺激。但很快,田笑的强势让乔枫的自尊心受到伤害,他有了不舒服的感觉,对雨燕的思念占据了他的内心世界。  孟珠试探着问乔枫对田笑的感觉,乔枫明确表示田笑是个好女孩,但和自己没关系。乔冠军要乔枫向田笑看齐,乔枫却要求田笑离开他家,理由是给他的压力太大。田笑说他没出息,至少应该把压力变动力。在乔冠军的要求下,田笑以按课时收费的形式辅导乔枫。乔枫时常走私,田笑要他配合自己,否则她的讲课费拿得不仗义。乔枫说在想一个女孩,不见到她,他无论如何学不下去。田笑在无意中看到雨燕和乔枫的合影,她认出雨燕就是在她家农庄避过雨的那个农村姑娘。她不明白乔枫何以会思念她。田笑的好奇心被挑了起来,说她也想见见这个女孩。乔枫表示母亲不让他见,田笑说那就不让母亲知道。她向孟珠提议,带乔枫去她家农庄看看,换个环境,对乔枫的学习也许会有好处。孟珠本来就赞同他们交往,马上就同意了。乔冠军倒有些担心,田笑表示,如果乔枫的学习成绩没有提高,她情愿不要提成的钱。乔冠军考虑的不是钱,而是乔枫的前途和冠军超市的前途,田笑表示这些可以包在她身上。田笑所表现出来的强势让乔冠军有些隐隐的不安,孟珠倒不觉得什么,认为女人强势未必不是好事。关键是,自从田笑来了之后,乔枫发生了很大变化,开始学习马术和高尔夫,原来这些都是他拒绝的。乔冠军最后答应乔枫和田笑去田家农庄。  致远从城里来陪爷爷奶奶过春节,路过米桥镇来看雨燕,见雨燕和涂凤兰忙得团团转,便主动搭把手跟着忙活。雨燕和致远还像过去一样亲密无间,谈学习,谈生活,谈未来,致远为雨燕一家终于摆脱贫困感到由衷高兴,对雨燕买的一堆好书羡慕不已。雨燕大方地让他挑选几本,作为对他帮忙的酬劳。章同林看在眼里,愁在心上,对涂凤兰说,致远要不是本家人该多好。涂凤兰听出话里有话,一问才得知杜六打上了雨燕的主意。涂凤兰索性让致远冒充雨燕的对象,带上两瓶酒来找杜六,言明女儿心气高,有自己的前程,也有了在城里读书的对象,请杜六不要再打女儿的主意。杜六表示他要和雨燕交了朋友,会有天大的好处。涂凤兰任他说得天花乱坠,最后还是拒绝了。有个老人要在超市门口卖菜,在门口拉琴的章谷升心善,就让他快点卖,卖完好走。不料杜六带人过来,上来就要罚超市的钱。致远和他们理论,涂凤兰介绍说他就是姑爷,杜六让手下先把致远抓起来。涂凤兰说他是来报复的,雨燕揭露他多次企图调戏她的事。杜六恼羞成怒,骂他们是刁民。正在这时,在旁边已观看一会儿的田笑忽然发话了,说在超市外面送东西是不是就不罚钱了。杜六借坡下驴说送东西不罚。田笑掏出两百元给了卖菜的老人,对围观的人说排子车上的东西是超市为答谢新老客户免费送给大家的,可以随便拿。话音刚落,围观的人群就一拥而上抢上了。杜六也抢,被别人嘲弄。乔枫给他们做了介绍,雨燕认出田笑,将致远向她做了介绍,乔枫对致远的上次相帮表示感谢。穷二代富二代相关剧情穷二代富二代第17-18集英文剧情Poor second generation rich second generation diversity introduced 17 sets
Qiao family farms hotan dishes there old total Tian Yuzhong talks at this time in history, he wanted to make field boss of greenhouse disposable vegetables into the supermarket. Tian Yuzhong is a shrewd businessman, know his value of vegetables, and qiao bean, hard negotiations, both sides are no concessions. Meng Zhu called and told the TuFengLan take swift and Qiao Feng changes. Qiao hurriedly suspended talks, ready to go back. Tian Yuzhong see cooked ducks fly second. Since and qiao talks, he interrupted and a few old customer contract, if his vegetables to send not into the supermarket chain, his company will face a disaster. His daughter, is the key school in high school field laughing after listening to a about father, well-documented actively, to have this with a single business, condition is to commission. Her mother brendee worried about her smart, says her goal is Qiao Feng field a smile, as long as the Qiao Feng free from Internet addiction and cure pain in the neck of qiao, let qiao and benefits should be easy. Tian Yuzhong believe tian smile have this strength, tian smile was at the top grades. Tian Yuzhong in his farm to see qiao feasting and off, brendee hotan by a smile. Tian Yuzhong says, because the day when a daughter too hard, so we named her field. Where brendee kua daughter, she can bring laughter to the person. Qiao was noncommittal with a wry smile, pressed in the field of laughter, and he spoke Qiao Feng situation, and raise big sigh for a difficult things. Tian said, want to go to see Qiao Feng, Internet addiction for him, to concentrate to learn. Qiao not believe she has the power. Tian smile the chance to say, if she did, he can make a step on the contract. Qiao can immediately said, signed the contract, in the form of a memo to write down the special terms. Qiao eyebrows stretch, hetian jade loyal happily for a few drinks. Price-reasonable, tian qiao smiles full of praise, said to use Qiao Feng for tian smile. Tian Yuzhong say dont change, just take tian smile do daughter-in-law. Qiao strength five times larger than Tian Yuzhong, married daughters in-law is a good choice. Qiao did not rashly promised, brendee let tian smile first to recognize the andie. Tian Gusan visiting jstars, tian smile since recognize the qiao, also want to recognize Meng Zhu. And her mouth is very sweet, people hard, after Meng Zhu understand things wrong, of tian laugh like no, cant wait to from a dopted mother to her mother-in-law. But in Qiao Feng there, she touched a nail.
Swift after return to Qiao Feng called and told him to study hard, agreed to enter oneself for an examination business school, again meet in the same university. Swift phone let Qiao Feng have the desire of learning, but picked up the book he annoyed, can only go to play games. In this way, reading, playing games, playing games, reading, cross each other tore at his heart. Sigh, he depressed, feel hopeless. At that moment, tian smile appeared on his side, living in the jstars. Tian smile is very smart, and first Qiao Feng play together. She deliberately Qiao Feng taught her to play computer games, then put the computer play, not play, give Qiao Feng Qiao Feng very helpless, can only go to read a book learning. But in the face of the book, he is still not the heart to. Tian smile to say he didnt learn such learning is equal to, just dont learn, let Qiao Feng took her to eat, drink, and be merry, crazy play until midnight every day.
Poor second generation rich second generation diversity introduced 18 sets
Qiao Feng by tian smile took the nose, from passive to active, low moods disappeared, but also not reading a book. Qiao let tian smile Qiao Feng energy to study, tian said she wanted to help him first Internet addiction, and then repeat study. The arrangement of qiao approved by her. What she asked Qiao Feng learning difficulty. Qiao Feng said a lot of problems wont do. Tian smile has won the race across the country, on the level is higher than Qiao Feng, Qiao Feng problems, simply nothing for her. Facing problems, she promptly, bring them here will do, no matter how hard the problem is solved, the Qiao Feng to shock. When she let Qiao Feng play a play enough, rebellious attitude on the game. Based on this, she took Qiao Feng she is good at games to play, horseback riding, golf, make Qiao Feng had new pursuit and stimulation. But soon, the strength of the field laughing let Qiao Feng self-esteem is hurt, he had the uncomfortable feeling, thoughts of swifts occupied his inner world.
Tried Meng Zhu asked Qiao Feng field feeling, for smile Qiao Feng smile made it clear that tian is a good girl, but has nothing to do with myself. Qiao to tian Qiao Feng smile look, Qiao Feng asked tian smile to leave his home, the reason is that the pressure is too big for him. Tian smile saying his worthless, should at least put the pressure into motivation. At the request of the qiao, tian smile to charge in the form of counseling Qiao Feng by session. Qiao Feng smuggling, often to cooperate with his field a smile, or take her JiangKeFei not battle righteousness. Qiao Feng said to a girl, dont see her, he no matter how to learn. Field laugh inadvertently see swift and Qiao Feng group photo, she identified swift as farm evaded the rain of the rural girl at her home. Why she didnt understand Qiao Feng will miss her. Tian smile curiosity was picked up, said she also would like to see the girl. Qiao Feng said mother wouldnt let him see, tian smile to say that is not to let mother know. She was offered the Meng Zhu, Qiao Feng visit her family farm, change the environment, is good for Qiao Feng learning may be. Meng Zhu would agree with them, immediately agreed. Qiao pour some worry, tian laughing, said if Qiao Feng grades didnt improve, she would rather not to commission of money. Qiao is not money, but the future of the future and champion supermarket Qiao Feng, tian said these can pack in her smile. Tian smile exhibit strong let qiao some faint uneasiness, Meng Zhu dont think what, strong woman not necessarily is not a good thing. The point is, since the field after laughing, great changes have taken place Qiao Feng, begin to learn riding and golf, and these are the original he refused. Qiao finally promised Qiao Feng hotan laughter to the family farm.
Zhiyuan, come from the city to celebrate the Spring Festival with grandma and grandpa, passing m bridge town to see swift, swift and TuFengLan busy around, followed busy active a hand. Swift and zhiyuan, also like the past intimate that talk about learning, talk about life, talk about the future, zhiyuan, feel happy for a swift finally get rid of poverty, the envy of swifts to buy a bunch of good books. Swift and let him pick a few, as reward for his help. ZhangTongLin see in the eye, the sorrow in the heart, and said to TuFengLan, zhiyuan, if it werent for the family. Recognized HuaLiYouHua TuFengLan, ask learned du six with swifts idea. TuFengLan simply let zhiyuan, pretend to be the object of the swift, take two bottles of wine for six, du said the daughter really high, have their own future, is also a way to study in the city, please du six dont hit her daughters idea. Du six said he made friends with swift, there will be a big benefit. TuFengLan as he spoke, finally refused. An old man selling vegetables at the gate of the supermarket, in the doorway of the violin ZhangGuSheng heart good, let him hurry to sell, sell in good condition. Only to bring people from du six, come up to the supermarket. Zhiyuan, and their theory, introduces TuFengLan says hes in-laws, du six zhiyuan, lets catch up. TuFengLan said he is to revenge, swift revealed he repeatedly tried to molest her. Du six become angry from embarrassment, they were unruly. At that moment, have to watch for a while by field smile suddenly yelled, said outside to send things in the supermarket are not fined. Du six borrow slope under the donkey said to send things off the hook. Tian smile took out two hundred yuan to the old man selling vegetables, say to the bystanders to the things on the large handcart is a new and old customers thanks to the supermarket for you free of charge, can take. The words sound just fell, the crowd of onlookers piled on to rob. Du six also rob, mocked by others. Qiao Feng gave them an introduction, swift recognized field to laugh, is presented, the reach to her Qiao Feng thanks to reach last time running. 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情Political advisors call for improvement to urban management - Xinhua |
Political advisors call for improvement to urban management
BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- China's national political advisors called for improved legal and institutional arrangement for "chengguan", or urban management authority during a bi-weekly consultation session on Thursday.
According to a statement issued after the session, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) agreed that the law enforcement practices of chengguan were not always standardized, or supported with proper legislations.
They suggested the review of relevant laws and regulations, standardizing procedures, the drafting of a code of conduct, supervision measures, as well as improving the way the public can lodge complaints.
The session was presided over by Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.
Chengguan has been the subject of public ire for long, mostly because of the reckless conduct of its officers in some cases, but also because its operation is not based on clear legislation nor regulated by a national authority.
In December 2014, two urban management officers in central Hubei Province were removed from their posts for dragging an old man through the street. The man had been selling vegetables behind a van without an official permit.
[Editor: Song Miou]
Political advisors call for improvement to urban management
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BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- China's national political advisors called for improved legal and institutional arrangement for "chengguan", or urban management authority during a bi-weekly consultation session on Thursday.
According to a statement issued after the session, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) agreed that the law enforcement practices of chengguan were not always standardized, or supported with proper legislations.
They suggested the review of relevant laws and regulations, standardizing procedures, the drafting of a code of conduct, supervision measures, as well as improving the way the public can lodge complaints.
The session was presided over by Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.
Chengguan has been the subject of public ire for long, mostly because of the reckless conduct of its officers in some cases, but also because its operation is not based on clear legislation nor regulated by a national authority.
In December 2014, two urban management officers in central Hubei Province were removed from their posts for dragging an old man through the street. The man had been selling vegetables behind a van without an official permit.May 22, 2016 by
Pulling weeds
Like an inconstant gardener
Annoyed with the bloom
After the last rains.
A hundred seeds
For every weed
Secretly finding soil
When you look away.
Or rubbing sticks
Like a lazy camper
Making some heat
But no fire.
Takes constancy.
Lighting the fire
Takes intensity.
Life will flutter by
When your mind
Is a butterfly
So look within.
To die daily
Will kill desire,
Light the fire,
And burn weed’s seeds away.
May 16, 2016 by
When sadness
For suffering everywhere
Washes over you
Bathe in your tears openly
Without fear.
The scorched and busy won’t notice
So keep working, crying.
Streaming tears may
Extinguish an inferno
Burning your family.
Or water a seed
For a future tree
Where some One
May find some shade.
April 25, 2016 by
They say its caught
Not taught
Like wild yeast
In the Bread of Life
Unlocking that which
Was Always There
But inaccessible, indigestible
Now bubbling through this dough
Tightening my voicebox
Squeezing salt from my eyes
Spilling over my head
Like the destroyer of worlds
What breeze of Blessing
Blew my way
For Mysterious R
Pulsing Joy?
Moving everywhere
Myself unmoved
Rooted through ripples
Searching for home
May all the sick
Catch this bug!
May the drunks of the world
Taste the Wine Sublime!
A few months ago, I received an invitation to attend an event at The White House.
I’m an ordinary guy with no special achievements, accolades, or accomplishments, so I was struggling to find some purpose in this unusual serendipity.
My noble friends convinced me to turn the invitation into a celebration of ordinary, everyday acts of kindness, and I absolutely loved the idea!
I asked friends to perform an act of kindness and share the story with me so I could compile them into a little booklet to present to Michelle Obama.
Despite the very short timeline, dozens of stories started streaming into my inbox.
Though I felt warmed by every kind act, it was impossible to put every story into the final compilation, and that was perfectly OK, since the kindness had already benefitted those who performed it, received it, and were touched by its ripples.
Below are some of the moving, simple, extra-ordinary acts of kindness that happen every day and all around us which got shared with the First Lady.
And what a blessing it was for me to hear all these wonderful stories, and become the instrument that delivered them to the President’s wife!
Tonight some friends and I got together and hosted a visitor, who is touring the U.S. after spending the last several years on humanitarian projects in Kenya, Rwanda, and India. After hearing his inspiring reflections, we were led in a closing reflection where he handed each of us a little notecard with a quote on it.
My quote read:
“Things don’t have to change the world to be important.” -Steve Jobs
I thought it was a beautiful insight and, after being inspired by many stories of goodness rippling out into the world, I decided to anonymously share this little quote with some people in the neighborhood. So, I took a couple rose-colored lilies, some hershey’s kisses, and the little notecard with the Steve Jobs quote and arranged them in front of the door across the street. I placed a smile card beside it, just for a little extra explanation.
Then I tiptoed away. I hope they bring smiles to the neighbors when they open the door! But regardless of their reaction, this little act brought smiles to my face and warmth to my heart, which is a little extra warmth added to the world. ?
I had to take a bus to meet my husband in a different part of town. After buying my ticket, i asked the bus conductor to keep the change & use it again some else’s ticket, especially when they can’t find the right change (always a battle on buses in bangalore :-))
We were super hungry later that evening, and while looking for a place to eat, we stopped to buy some lemon from a road-side bandi-wala. My husband started a conversation with the old man selling vegetables, who was also smoking a bedi (local cigarette). He then went to a near-by restaurant, packed some hot pulao. He gave this to the old man and made him promise to try to give-up smoking. He agreed with a smile.
In the meanwhile I decided to buy some flowers for the lady from whom i bought some fruits. Across the road there were a few ladies selling flowers near a temple. When i bought and paid for the flowers (jasmine), the sweet lady who sold me the jasmine also gave me a couple of roses and some tulsi leaves. I was tagged! Kindness comes in all forms. I took the jasmine flowers back to the fruit-bandi lady & she was happy to take the flowers home.
Earlier that morning (before i got your email) i had a wonderful time planting trees with some kids in their school. My husband & I sponsored the saplings as a wedding gift for our friend, and i was lucky to actually go do the planting in this school with the super enthusiastic and smart kids. The kids will take care of the plants ?
My wife’s friend has a rental house in Santa Rosa and some new tenants
with three little girls are moving in on Monday. The house has a broken heat exchanger in the heating system so it’s not working at this time.
The house if not heated gets extremely cold so I’ve been asked to go figure out a solution.
sure I’m not going to be able to fix the broken heat exchanger that could cost thousands so I’m bringing up some portable electrical heaters so the children don’t freeze there tootsies off.
This should buy them some time until the proper people can fix the problem.
The charity that I pour my heart and soul into sent out a request to please send birthday cards to a terminally ill (fighting cancer) boy named Kiandon who is turning 5 this weekend. This truly touched my heart so I forwarded the message in a private message to about 15-18 of my girlfriends and asked the same. One of my friends knew of a children foundation through her church to spread joy to other terminally ill children. They send Joy Jars all over to these kids to cheer them up. My friend put a request in to have one sent to Kiandon. Point being… people come together by just one act of kindness (me asking my friends to help) and now this little boy will get tons of birthday letters from many people from the charity I help with in addition to a Joy Jar!!!!
It makes me so happy that we can bring joy and happiness to this little boy who is fighting cancer.
The weather got really cold here all of a sudden.
We have been feeding some stray cats and imagined how hard it must be for them to endure such extreme cold without any shelter.
In honor of the Obama’s, we created a covered area with warm blankets for them to take refuge.
Michelle, You are an inspirational woman. The time and devotion you put into healing the world is something I look up to greatly. Your kindness in looking out for the health of the future generation, your international presence as a strong woman, and your extremely supportive role as a wife are all amazing qualities that you exude so well. Women all around the world look up to your grace, style, and personality. I am so proud of all that you are doing, and you should be proud of you too!
I’m currently in China and we just finished our mission yesterday. Over 15 volunteers came together from around the world and we performed surgery on 87 patients, fixing their cleft lip or palate. One of my favorite stories from the trip is about an 18 month old girl whose cleft lip we repaired. Her 26 year old mother had an unrepaired cleft lip and we decided to perform surgery on her too! When we told her that she could also have surgery, she was speechless! Mom and baby came back a week after surgery and both were doing amazing ?
About 9 months ago my friend and colleague Susan B. contacted me wanting to support the unfolding of my documentary film “Money & Life” ().
She lives in Bethesda, Maryland and I live in Ashland, Oregon.
She got together with her two colleagues Myra J. and Steven L. and the three of them proposed an advanced screening of the film-in-progress in the DC area.
I said “yes” to this kindness.
Over the next 9 months they did all the work to arrange and promote the screening.
Susan even sent me a check for my flight to get there.
It dawned on me a few weeks before the screening that I would be flying into DC the day after the 2012 election and that we would be screening two nights after the election.
While not consciously intended, it felt serendipitous and auspicious.
As I few across the country on November 7th, I reflected on the founding of this country on the principles of Freedom.
And how, at the heart of it, my film is really about the reclaiming of our innate freedom to know who we are at the core, to regenerate our innate creativity as human beings, to remember what we care about and give the gift of our lives to That.
I called on the ancestors and Lady Freedom to be present with me and us for the screening.
Susan picked me up from the airport that night.
She took me to her home and fed me and tucked me in. The screening took place at the Lyceum in Alexandria the next evening, November 8th.
About 100 people attended, more than anticipated.
We watched the film and had a most generative, inspiring and heartfelt dialogue for almost 2 hours after the viewing.
Everyone stayed for the conversation, because you could feel we are all hungry for it.
We are hungry for a revolution of love.
Hungry to come together to create a more beautiful world because collectively our hearts tell us it is possible.
Hungry to live more deeply and actually into the dream and destiny of America.
That night we could all feel and taste the probability!
The evening even generated $1,000 for Money & Life in proceeds!
And it generated so so so much more for me in the intangible realms, confirming profoundly why I have stuck with this film for 4 long years!
Susan’s kindness (and Myra’s and Steven’s) in producing this event, allowed me to give my gift of the film and my presence to these 100 people.
We were all impacted and the ripples are already moving out.
The three of us met for lunch at Union Station before I hopped on the train that would take me down to Virginia to visit with my family.
We marveled together in reflection of the screening and sensed into possibilities for the Spring when the film is released.
And I gave thanks to them for their great generosity.
As my train left the station and the pinks of the twilight sky were lighting up the Washington Monument, the Capitol Building and the reflecting pond, I received the email from my friend Rahul (who is in the film) with the invitation to share a story of kindness that he could take to Diwali at the White House (just a week after the screening).
I smiled while staring out the window watching the heart of DC recede from view as the train snaked its way Westward.
It’s impossible to pinpoint the origination of this act of kindness, because it was the kindness of my friend Tesa who introduced me to Susan, and it was the kindness of my friend Brock who introduced me to Tesa and it was the kindness of his sister Jenna that introduced me to him and so on.
In the end, it traces all the way back to the heart of the Creator.
And the ripples of this act of kindness palpably connect the past with the future in the present.
We can never know the true reach of a simple act of kindness.
May the ripples of this one flow out in the kindness with which it was gifted.
We knew our neighbors were going to be gone the entire day and we knew their dog was cooped up at home feeling all alone.
In honor of Michelle, Malia, and Sasha, we decided to take him for a great walk.
He was much happier! ?
We started a small in-house garden at our home by planting fruit trees in our front yard and nurturing soil for our soon to be vegetable patch. ? Happy Diwali. ?
I know a person who has
a niece who is building a house for the family. She is totally stressed since money is tight and she has a son studying engineering in a foreign country. She is unable to meet his misc. expenses of daily living. Her uncle steps in and pays the expenses for two years to the huge relief and appreciation of his niece. His only condition is when the student graduates and works, he does the same for another deserving struggling student.
We adopted Rico, our golden retriever, from a shelter 6 years ago.
He has become such an integral part of our family and we can’t imagine our lives without him.
We are very sadden by how people and animal suffering from the devastation caused by Sandy. In particular, we know that many pet owners like us would be devastated much more by the losses and/or injuries of their pets than by any material losses.
So, we, as a family (including Rico), made a small donation to the Humane Society of New York, in the hope that we can help animal lovers like us to cope with this difficult time, and to be re-united with their pets.
I have been hosting “Friday gatherings” in our neighborhood park for two years now. It has been so beautiful to witness this gathering unfold. As we live on a very busy street, it is often hard to get to know your neighbors. Two springs ago, our family walked the neighborhood sharing a hand made invitation to come and gather at the park, and bring a seasonal dish to share and yourselves. We gather for a few hours over dinnertime. From the start, we had a great turnout! Some Fridays we would have close to 30 people, of all generations. The children would all play together, and the adults had leisurely time for conversation and music! A few friends (who adopted our neighborhood gatherings) came with ukulele’s and guitars. Some Fridays, we would have maybe 6. It didn’t matter, each gathering had it’s own gifts and blessings. Over time, I noticed that our neighbor across the street was not attending. He had a brain hemorrhage a few years back, and is restricted to a wheelchair. He is a kind, soft spoken man. On Fridays, I would walk across the street to his house and invite him, and he would always politely decline. So with your inspired invitation, I called him and asked if I could bring him dinner. He lives alone and was so grateful for the thought and company! We had a lovely long chat and I was no happy to be reconnected with him again. It is a beautiful reminder to never forget the simple gesture of a kind act.
A friend called me last week, his friend had called him in desparation and my friend asked if I could help her. She had been an alcoholic for years during and after a violently abusive marriage. Following this period after she managed to leave the marriage, she had stayed sober for four years. However over the last year she had started drinking again to the point that last week she had lost control over her finances after spending it on alcohol and could not pay her mortgage, ended up in hospital after passing out drinking and could not go into work. She contacted my friend last week in a cry of desparation and said she needed help because she wanted to stop this downward spiral that was destroying her life.
He called me and asked me if I could help her. He knows that I have trained in a counseling method which clears big emotional blocks which hold people back in different ways. Of course I said I would help.
I met her and she was in an emotionally bad state but she had hit rock bottom and reached a point where she wanted to stop her out of control drinking. She also had no money left over this month and said she could not pay me for my time. So I offered to help her for free. We met every night after work this last week and we spent hours each night clearing up the underlying emotional issues which were making her reach for the alcohol. She is an incredible person who has been through a painful journey and the alcohol had become a coping mechanism. By the end of the week we had worked on and dissolved many emotional issues and she said she felt clearer, lighter and in control. She has not felt the need to reach for alcohol. I will continue to work with her until she clears the underlying pain and dissolves the destructive habit. She is a beautiful inspirational light and I am blown away by her strength, tenacity and incredible journey every time I meet her. This story is dedicated to her light. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with her.
I gave 3 30-40 minute counseling sessions to help people going through major/difficult life transitions free of charge.
I built a winter animal shelter to help protect two rescue cats from cold weather.
This past weekend I attended the Homecoming football game, and game day celebrations were in full swing with even more alumni than usual joining in and returning to their alma mater.
The stadium was packed with fans, and the student section was full of Trojan spirit. However, with more people and more celebrations, there also tends to be more chaos.
As the game went on, a young lady in the seat in front of me began feeling sick. After sitting down for a while, she vomited. Her friends gathered up their things and escorted her out of the stadium. They left behind a small mess on the floor as well as on the jeans and jacket of a young man who was sitting in front of them. When his friends and he realize what had happened they all sort of froze in disbelief and disgust. Then more and more students around them started staring, and some of the young man’s friends actually began to laugh and tease him while he staring, and some of the young man’s friends actually began to laugh and tease him while he struggled to figure out how to react and what to do.
As I saw this scene develop, I grabbed my bottle of water from my bag and reached a couple rows below me to offer it to him. My friend also had a small towel that she had gotten for free earlier that day that she did not want. So I also took this and handed it to him. He thanked me and began to clean himself off with the help of a couple of his friends. My friends saw what I had done and soon after donated their bottles of water to the cause as well. The young man and his friends finished wiping his jeans and jacket and poured the rest of the water on the mess on the floor that the other group had left behind. They thanked my friends and I one more time and quietly left their seats.
Although it is very unfortunate that situations like these occur, especially to innocent bystanders just trying to enjoy their afternoon, I am very proud of my friends for offering help and support in curbing further embarrassment for the young man and preventing it from becoming a big scene. When unexpected life events occur, we should do what we can to extend a caring, consoling, and kind hand to fellow Trojans, and to fellow human beings.
Last night a homeless man in a thin soiled jacket approached us for spare change to buy food.
We popped into a nearby store and bought him snacks, warm socks, and t-shirts.
He gave us a hug.
I think we got the better end of the deal.
Michael was asking for money – just like so many less fortunate people in San Francisco. He approached me on a Sunday afternoon when I was basking in the sun on park bench.
My first reaction was to want to say no – it’s a San Franciscan reflex – we get approached no less than 3 times a day for money.
For some reason, my reflex paused this time.
Perhaps it was because I was a captive audience with no intention of moving from my perfect seat on a glorious weekend afternoon. Or perhaps it was because the very sun that held me captive had melted my heart just enough to let me hear someone’s story.
So I said nothing and simply listened.
Michael and his wife Alicia lived in a housing project in the city.
He was selling a newspaper for a $1 donation that is printed by the homeless coalition and supports those less fortunate.
Michael told me that he needed help putting something in his refrigerator and that he was trying do this honestly. He had hit tough times but refused to sell drugs or live dishonestly – there was an earnestness and honesty in his voice that surprised me.
I invited Michael to sit down next to me as I told him that I wanted to help him but didn’t feel comfortable giving him cash.
I asked him how else I could support him and he suggested a gift card for Safeway.
Perfect I said, give me your address and I’ll send you a gift card. So he did. And then I did.
3 weeks later I rode my bicycle to Michael and Alisha’s apartment in the city.
The man at the front desk of the housing project confirmed that Michael and Alicia lived in apt 209 but that they weren’t home at the time.
I borrowed a scrap of paper and scribbled a quick note reminding him of our conversation.
I slipped the $50 Safeway gift card under the door and cycled off.
I pondered my bountiful lot in life and the inequality of the universe as I rode my $3,000 bicycle home to my $2,000 a month apartment and hoped that Michael and Alicia’s fridge would be full for a few days.
In the darkness of dusk, a rag picker walks past our home to a garbage dump. Battling the street dogs with a stick in one hand, and hunting for scraps he walks the dark streets, hoping to find something of value before the sun rises and someone else take it all away. He is the early bird looking for the worm. Like Santa in reverse, he fills the huge sack on his back with discarded bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, and the-oh-so precious scrap metal. He trades these pickings at a recycling center to earn enough to feed himself the next day. The following morning sees him back with the sack. I see him when i wake up to meditate.
Last night, i filled one bag with clothes, and another with shoes. Some in good condition, some worth trading. Close to midnight, long after all traffic had ceased and there was little chance of anyone else finding the bags on the street, I walked up to the garbage dump- the very spot that the ragpicker scoured every morning- and left the bags as a gift for him.
On my way, the dogs that welcomed him with snarls, rushed up to me. Finding little use for the clothes and shoes, they too left the bags as a Diwali gift for the rag picker.
A few days ago, I found out that a new mother (I have never met her, but she is a member of a “new mom’s group” in the area) was having some trouble.
She is someone who feels quite strongly about breastfeeding and before giving birth, she felt quite strongly about nursing for the entirety of her child’s first year.
Her son, who is now 2.5 weeks old, has been losing weight (more than what would be normally expected).
It turned out that the mother had not been producing enough breastmilk.
The mother and father are extremely scared and stressed, and their son (who is constantly hungry) is also constantly crying.
It’s been a very rough start to parenthood.
When I heard about this, I started pumping extra milk and then dropped off a supply of frozen breastmilk to her (the bags I have been saving and storing in our freezer and the new milk that I was recently pumping).
I made sure to not eat anything with soy or dairy in the event that her son has food allergies.
I included some ground fenugreek for her to take to help boost her supply.
In the meanwhile, I’ve appealed to other new mothers in the area to donate milk while she boosts her supply.
It’s been really special to see the outpouring of support to help this new family get through a tough time.
I let the car behind me park in the parking spot I had been waiting for.
A family in a van, stranded at the airport, needed a jump for their car. I lent my jumper cables and gave them a jump for a safe journey back home.
As I was rounding the corner en route home from a long day of classes I spotted a little girl no more than three years old riding her small bike on the sidewalk.
Because she was wearing a helmet I thought an adult must be close by, however on closer inspection I saw no such thing.
My conscience would not allow me to drive further as I watched in my rearview mirror that this small child was approaching the end of the sidewalk where I thought that she may attempt to ride her bike into the street.
Without further adieu, I made a 365 degree turn in order to further investigate.
I rolled down my window and asked the child if there was an adult with her.
She smiled and promptly said no.
I asked her if there was an adult at home.
She said no mommy and daddy.
My mother bear instincts heightened as I asked her where her house was.
She pointed straight ahead.
By this time she had turned the corner and was riding her bike along side of my car.
I told her that I thought an adult should be with her when she is riding her bike away from her house.
She smiled again.
I told her I would watch her until she reached her house.
She looked back at me with a look that I interpreted as gratitude for looking out for her safety.
I stepped out of my car and walked up to the adult at the house she was aiming for and told the gentleman who looked like he could be her grandfather that I had been concerned when I saw the child riding her bike without any adults present.
We shook hands and he thanked me for my concern emanating a felt-sense of gratitude in his presence.
I baked a batch of vegan cookies, sealed them into ziploc bags with Smile Cards, and gifted them to a friend to gift to random strangers.
A chicken randomly flew into our yard and started hanging out there.
We went to a local feed store and bought a big bag of chicken food.
Now we’re her best friends!
She’s living in our back yard under a shrub.
Go figure!
I anonymously dropped off
some Tibetan incense to a husband & wife couple who are friends of mine.
The husband has helped me with issues at my job, the wife has helped with issues around my health, and together they seem like they embody the highest values of Tibetan culture in their wisdom, generosity and compassion.
It helps that they love incense too!
I gave almonds to my mama and papa. ?
I helped a limited English speaking Chinese student on the train.
She usually rides the Amtrak train but just found out that Metrolink is less expensive.
She boarded my train and struggled to ask how to buy Metrolink tickets.
I tried to explain that it was through a vending machine but the process is complicated even to explain to an English speaking person.
I only had a short time between connections when arriving at Union Station in Los Angeles, but I walked her down from the platform into the station, stood in line with her at the vending machine and taught her how to buy a Metrolink ticket.
She was thankful & I was just able to make my connecting train.
We recently had employee reviews at my office, where each of us spent some time with our superiors to evaluate performance, gauge progress, and understand goals.
Being a manager, I sat in a few reviews with my own boss and some of the newer associates to provide input. My office is filled with very smart and capable people, so most of the reviews were quite positive, but we had a new associate start about 3 months ago who hasn’t been as quick of a learner as her peers.
It was a tough review session, but I felt assured that all of her feedback was constructive, that she was in a safe environment to continue learning, and we would check in with her at the 6 month mark to gauge her progress.
Maybe needless to say, she left the review feeling a bit down about her performance, and approached me on a Friday evening when everyone else had left to ask for advice.
I had made plans to have dinner with my husband and some friends about a half an hour before I was approached, but something told me that what she needed most in that moment was not so much my advice, as my attention.
So I forgot about my plans, and spent the next hour with her answering questions about my own experiences starting out with this company, some of the challenges I faced and how I overcame them.
I don’t feel like I said anything particularly ground-breaking that would be directly relevant to her as she continues to navigate through this industry and understand what kind of role she will have, but I could tell that she felt both grateful for my time and much more at ease regarding her plans towards her own progress here.
And I, on the other hand, definitely appreciated the unplanned blip in my Friday night schedule.
Because instead of feeling rushed to get to the next place, appointment, meeting or event – I felt present enough to the opportunities I have right in front of me to serve.
In New York City, my friend and I distributed about a dozen hand-written cards of gratitude to public servants in the city for their tireless work to recover from Hurricane Sandy.
These notes were written on the tail-end of a day-long meditation gathering the week prior, and were infused with the good wishes of each participant.
My friend and I were only two anonymous links in that chain of kindness, but hope that the ripples of that chain will start another chain in each person touched – including ourselves!
Just over a year ago, a community came together to celebrate the imminent arrival of its newest member.
Last weekend, we celebrated her first trip around the sun, and premiered the video shot on that day along with an animation that imagined the subtler, behind-the-scenes story.
Today, on Mother’s Day, that labor of love animation and video is unveiled to the world.
While such a production obviously takes many hands and hearts to pull together, it also points to the love and care that John Silliphant and Loveleen Dhillon invest into everything they do and every friendship they cultivate.
What else could motivate Jonathan Bhuvanesh Mason to put in the hundreds of
hours and many all-nighters needed to animate the opening sequences?
How else would
and Vicki Virk of
conceive every dance step and then train a small army of love warriors to execute them?
Why would the Scott &
cook vegan,
for one hundred in a park?
Why else would body artist Alvin Petty wakeup at 5am on a Sunday to paint a belly for 4 hours straight?
May all beings live in such blessings.
photo courtesy of Steve Goldsmith (fm lt to rt: Valerio, me, Kalyan, Jyotsana, Rahul, Mira)
On Monday, I gave a talk at Cal State Long Beach’s South Asia day called The
which traced the journey of Friends Without Borders’ friendship efforts in South Asia between 2005-7. The true message was about practicing the process of placing empathy and love at the center of what you do in the world. Many of the students who attended were doing so for extra credit, and so the energy level in the room wasn’t so high when I started. Of course, one of the methods of practice I shared were smile cards, and some of the ripples that have radiated from this. While it felt great to rouse some enthusiasm around this and see all my smile cards disappear with at least a dozen personal requests on how to get more :-), it was more gratifying to learn that the Indian Student Union of CSULB sent links to
tickets to their member lists. The best part were these 9 & 10 year old kids of faculty who came up afterwards to ask for my autograph ? I made them give me theirs first, and the sweet notes they wrote are pinned up at my office. Priceless little joys!
We’re Sendin’ Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)
The Planets Are Linin’ Up
We’re Bringin’ Brighter Days
They’re All In Line
Waitin’ For You
Can’t You See . . .?
You’re Just Another Part Of Me . .
-Michael Jackson, ““}


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