英语leftover stock和remains有神马区别

关注留守儿童 Show More Concern About the Leftover Children
Leftover children have become a heavy topic
nowadays because most parents of these children consider that to feed their
children well and to let them grow up health and safe in body are the most
important task.However,
as a matter of fact, in addition to provide the basic needs for their children,
parents should pay more attention to their children’s psychological needs and
their education.
For one thing, parents who cannot accompany
their children often need to pay more attention to their children’s
psychological needs. Psychological health has a great effect on children’s healthy
growth. If children’s psychological needs cannot be satisfied, they would feel
disappointed and lonely and even do some extreme matters. Therefore, when
providing the basic needs of their lives, parents also need to show more
concern about their children’s emotion and moods.
For another, education of leftover children
is also quite important. It is quite common that children in the countryside seldom
receive higher-education. The poor condition of their family is one of the reasons,
but parents’ ignorance of the education also account for it. A number of
parents in the countryside hold that children needn’t to receive education for
such a long time, especially the girls. This kind of ignorance of education
makes the whole level of education be lower in the countryside.
In my opinion, as the saying goes, “knowledge
can change our fate”, education is an effective way to change the future of
those children. Therefore, enough attention should be given to the education of
leftover children.
All in all, in order to make those leftover
children grow up in health, we need to show more concern about their
psychological needs and their education.
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英语作文网 版权所有【英语王国】是一个公益性英语学习与交流平台。点击上方【英语王国】并关注,可定期收到:(1)英语考试资料 (2)英语学习资料 (3)英语学习经验分享。欢迎读者供稿,如有意向,请加微信号.&一. “剩女”一词何时出现的&&&&&& “剩女”一词在中国第一次出现大概是在2007年。当年,“剩女”(leftover women)一词首次出现在教育部(the Ministry of Education)的正式文件中。2010年,中华妇女联合会(All-China Women's Federation)在其官方报告中也使用了“剩女”这个词。从此,“剩女”一词便在网络上像病毒一样传播开来(go viral)。二. 哪些人是“剩女”&&&&& “剩女”是个中国特色的词汇(a word with Chinese characteristics),它有着明确的官方定义:剩女是指那些年龄超过27岁或30岁但仍未结婚女性。(&Left-over women&are generally referred to those women over the age of 27 or 30 who are still single.)三. “剩女”的特征“剩女”的特征大致有三点:1. 高学历+事业有成(Highly-educated and Accomplished)&&&&This group of women have chosen to focus on themselves, their education and their personal accomplishments(个人成就). They have stepped beyond the boundary of marriage by 27, and insteand have chosen to dedicate these years to advancing themselves as an individual.2. 思想进步的现代化独立女性(Progressive, Modern and Independent)&&& While it is no secret that some women in China use marriage as a means to acquire wealth, this&group of women is different. The modern and progressive &left-over women& are generally educated, well-to-do(生活优裕的), and independent. They have less of a need than their mother or grandmother to enter a marriage for economic reasons. So rather than focusing on tradition, they decide to pursue true love on their own terms. 3. 择偶标准很高(The one with very high standards)&&& The gender imbalance(性别失衡)in China has proven to be advantageous to(对...有利的) women active in the dating scene,allowing them to be more selective(仔细挑选的)when it comes to finding a mate(伴侣). This type of women are exploring their opinions and upping their standards. 四. “剩女”为何会出现1. 性别失衡(gender imbalance)+ 官方宣传(propaganda)&&& 中国是一个有着长期性别歧视(gender discrimination)的国家。2007年的一份报告显示,截止到2020年,中国适婚男性人口将超出适婚女性人口3000万!这么多光棍(bare branches)会对社会稳定造成一定损害(cause social havoc),已经引起了政府的高度关注,官方媒体有意通过宣传(propaganda)对适婚女性(women of marriageable age) 施加一定的压力。2. ABCD理论&&&There is an opinion that A quality guys will find B quality women, B quality guys will find C quality women, and C quality men will find D quality women.The people left are A quality women and D quality men.五. “剩女”的心声有些人感到压力很大&&&&& Huang Yuanyuan is working late at her job in a Beijing radio newsroom. She's also stressing out about(对...深感压力)the fact that the next day, she'll turn 29.&& & &Scary. I'm one year older,& she says. &I'm nervous.&&&& &Why?&& & &Because I'm still single. I have no boyfriend. I'm under big pressure to get married.&&& & Huang is a confident, personable(美貌的)young woman with a good salary, her own apartment, an MA from one of China's top universities, and a wealth of friends.&&& Still, she knows that these days, single, urban, educated women like her in China are called &sheng nu& or &leftover women& - and it stings(这种称呼很虐心).Huang Yuanyuan (front) and her colleague Wang Tingting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& She feels pressure from her friends and her family, and the message gets hammered in(反复灌输;反复出现)by China's state-run media too.(来源:BBC News)2. 有些人比较洒脱&&&& Lan Fang, a 32-year-old client relations manager for a financial company in Shanghai, similarly embraces(拥抱;欣然接受;信奉)her single lifestyle. She enjoys a relatively high income of 20,000 RMB a month (around US$3,200) and often goes out with friends to dinners, movies and concerts.&&& &Where I grew up in Nanjing, I saw so many couples getting into big fights, and most of them seemed unhappy. Plus, so many men have affairs(有外遇),& Lan said. &My life in Shanghai now is very rich, why would I want to change it?&&&&&Zhang and Lan are in the minority, but their attitudes reflect the reality that marriage in today's China does little to protect women's rights.(来源:CNN)3. 有些人为此与父母吵翻了脸&&&& After years of being badgered(纠缠;困扰)by her parents to get married, 26-year-old Zhang Yu finally had enough(受够了).&&& &I have decided never to marry or have a child,& said Zhang, a university graduate from Changsha, Hunan province, who moved to Shanghai earlier this year to escape her family and jumpstart(迅速开启)her career.&&&& Zhang's vow to never marry is rare in a country where educated women are constantly told by their families, friends and the state media that they will be lonely and miserable(痛苦的)if they do not find a husband quickly.&&&& Yet some women are fighting back by rejecting marriage altogether.&img alt=&Leta Hong Fincher is a scholar on Chinese women issues at Tsinghua University.& class=&media__image& src=&http://i2./cnnnext/dam/assets/-on-china-leta-hong-fincher-story-top.jpg&&amp&&&& Zhang had been living with her parents in Hunan to save money after obtaining her college degree, and for a time, fell sway to(受...的影响)her parents' worries that she would become a &leftover woman& (or &shengnv& in Chinese,) officially defined as an urban, educated woman over age 27 who is single.But upon reading feminist websites, she came to believe the term existed to make women return to the home.She then took a risk by moving to Shanghai without a job and leaving the comforts of home for a dorm room shared with nine other roommates. But she loves her new friends and sense of freedom.&Men are still thinking in the old ways, but women's values have evolved. I feel very relaxed now,& said Zhang, who just received a sales job offer.六. 对“剩女”现象的反思&&&&&&&从现实来讲,男性的人数超过女性2000多万,“剩男”现象普遍。但为什么偏偏“剩女”一词在媒体上泛滥?这是植根于我们骨子里的性别歧视在作祟。&&&&&& 看看2010年中华妇女联合会亮出的“建议”:&&&&&&&Perhaps the saddest thing is that, the Chinese government and other establishments seem to encourage the concept of “leftover women”. For example, China's All-China Women’s Federation, a group founded in 1949 by the Communist Party to protect women's rights, has this great advice on its website:Pretty girls don’t need a lot of education to marry into a rich and powerful family, but girls with an average or ugly appearance will find it difficult. These kinds of girls hope to further their education in order to increase their competitiveness. The tragedy is, they don’t realize that as women age, they are worth less and less, so by the time they get their M.A. or Ph.D., they are already old, like yellowed pearls.翻译一下:漂亮女孩儿嫁入豪门权贵不需要接受太多教育,但这对于长相平平或其貌不扬的女孩儿来说非常难。这些女孩希望通过进一步接受教育来提高她们的竞争力。但悲剧的是,她们没有意识到女人随着年龄增长而贬值。所以,当她们获得了硕士学位或博士学位的时候,她们已经是人老珠黄了。赤裸裸的性别歧视!之后,由于受到多方谴责,中华妇女联合会放弃了“剩女”一词的说法:In the last few months, it has dropped the term from its website, and now refers to &old& unmarried women (which it classes as over 27, or sometimes over 30), but the expression remains widely used elsewhere.谴责方之一的观点:&It's caught on like a fad(一时流行起来), but it belittles(贬低)older, unmarried women - so the media should stop using this term, and should instead respect women's human rights,& says Fan Aiguo, secretary general of the China Association of Marriage and Family Studies, an independent group that is part of the All-China Federation of Women.但是,对“剩女”的歧视不会立刻消失,这是多种因素综合作用的结果,看看网站对“剩女”现象未来的评论:注释:persist 持续decades-old 几十年的pull out all the stops 使出浑身解数;尝遍各种方法blind date 相亲ultimatum 最后通牒rest assured 放心&&&&& “剩女”现象的出现是多种社会、历史、政治等原因综合作用的结果,没有进行过系统的研究,不敢妄言。但在众多原因中,非常关键的一个便是性别歧视。除了制度改善和法律完善,愚以为更重要的是思想的解放,男性应该给予女性更多的尊重,女性自身也应该解放思想、追逐自己的梦想。【英语王国】是一个公益性英语学习与交流平台。点击上方【英语王国】并关注,可定期收到:(1)英语考试资料 (2)英语学习资料 (3)英语学习经验分享。欢迎读者供稿,如有意向,请加微信号.&&&英语王国(gh_66202eaf68ad) 
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英音 [ 'left?uv? ] ; 美音 [ 'l?ftov? ]
adj.【仅用于名词前】剩余的,未用完的,未吃完的n. 1.[leftovers]剩下的饭菜2.[Singular]遗留物(过去留下的东西、习惯、方法等)
Dinner leftovers
She threw the leftovers in the garbage.
She bagged all the leftovers.
Warmed the leftovers clear through
Refrigerate any leftovers.
He hashed the leftover pot roast.
Of food left-overs is often used
She cleared the leftovers from the table.
They pieced out a meal from leftovers.
We wrap the leftovers with saran wrap.
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
not used up
a. 最左边的
n. 左倾份子
n. 左翼的人,左派,急进派
a. 左派的,急进派的
n. 左翼主义,急进主义
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
"leftover meatloaf"
"she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"
"some odd dollars left"
"saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"
"unexpended provisions"
用作名词 (n.)
She threw the leftovers in the garbage.
Give the leftovers to the dog.
He's a leftover from the hippies in the 1960s.
用作形容词 (adj.)
The leftover food began to smell bad.
Do you want to eat this leftover pizza for dinner?
leftover&:&剩余的;未 ...
在 ... 的上方...
留下, 剩下, 推迟处理...
leftover:leftover n. 剩余物, 残留物, 剩菜adj. 剩余的…
n. 残留物;吃剩的饭菜;剩余物
adj. 残余的;吃剩的
人教版高中英语词汇选修六——十 ...
dry out (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透
△leftover n. 剩余物;残留物;剩饭
△evil adj. 邪恶的 ...
题目状况 ...
邪恶的 ...
高三的英语单词表_dsds_百度空间 ...
unsold adj 未销售的
leftover adj 剩余的;剩下的
rubber n 橡胶;合成橡胶 ...
成份:CF3-CH2F(四氟乙烷纯度(PURITY)99.9%以上蒸发残留物(LEFTOVER) 0.01%以下水份(WATER CONTENT)0.005%以下酸度(ACIDITY)0.0001%以下
[ 'left,?uv? ]
a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
not used up
&leftover meatloaf&
You can refer to food that has not been eaten after a meal as leftovers. 剩余食物
Refrigerate any leftovers.
You use leftover to describe an amount of something that remains after the rest of it has been used or eaten. 剩余的
...leftover pieces of wallpaper.
n. 残留物;吃剩的饭菜;剩余物
adj. 残余的;吃剩的
Rusty, empty beer cans lay about and some broken glass bottles made me mad. I was worried to see unhealthy leftover snacks being eaten by sea gulls.
Fourth generation reactors have better ways of dealing with "afterheat, " heat created by leftover radioactivity in a reactor, and could circumvent the problem completely.
第四代核反应堆采用更为先进的方法处理“残热”,且能彻底绕开此问题。 残热产生自反应堆中残余的放射能。
Leftovers : Leftover tinned food can be kept in the fridge for a short while but must be transferred to a clean, airtight container.
剩菜 :吃剩的罐头食品可以放在冰箱内保存一段短的时间,但一定要把食物转移到干净密封的容器中。
Obviously with this sort of partitioning of behavior, and activities, and effort, there's not a lot of time leftover for leisure, for development of new technologies and things like this.
Once the copy is done, Connerty looks to buy leftover advertising inventory on the cheap.
From that point of view, of course, if they are leftover embryos, you should adopt them.
This has resulted in restaurants offering half portions and free take home bags for leftover food.
- 来自原声例句


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