He buys much breadtalk.

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【原创新课堂】2016秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks综合水平测试 (.
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【原创新课堂】2016秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much
vt. & vi. 购买,购得 obtain sth by giving money
vt. & vi. 作出牺牲以获得 obtain sth by sacrifice
[C]买卖,交易 sth bought
[C]便宜货 a good buy, is a useful purchase or a bargain
buys&:&买, 贿赂,
buys&:&买进 ...
buys&:&买 ...
buys&:&买 ...
"she got a bargain at the auction"
"the stock was a real buy at that price"
acquire by means of a f
"The family purchased a new car"
"The conglomerate acquired a new company"
"She buys for the big department store"
make illegal payments to in exchange for
"This judge can be bought"
be worth or
"This sum will buy you a ride on the train"
acquire by trade or s
"She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work"
"I can't buy this story"
用作及物动词 (vt.)
Money can't buy happiness.
I bought him a drink in return for his help.
I'd like to buy a strong household bleach.
Don't buy a used car from that rogue.
They bought peace with their freedom.
She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk.
It's nice to know that some people can't be bought.
用作不及物动词 (vi.)
A lot of people just come into the shop without buying.
用作名词 (n.)
It's a good buy at that price.
That shirt was a really great buy.
用作动词 (v.)
H it's a good time to buy.
A pound today buys much less than it did a year ago.
I' I don't want to buy.
All governments tend to buy at home.
Prices are low— buy now!
She never buys freely.
Unable to find the book in this bookstore, he bought elsewhere.
S+~+ n./pron.
Who bought that house?
I'll buy the drinks.
On the way to the station,I bought some cigarettes.
We mustn't buy things we don't need.
They bought as much food as could last the winter.
I bought a New English-Chinese Dictionary yesterday.
I used to buy my suits at Macy's.
I bought this car from him.
I bought this car at a reasonable price.
I will not buy the cloth expensive.
She bought it very cheap.
Money can't buy time.
Money cannot buy the best things in life.
I bought the flat in 2003.
It is three years since I bought the flat.
He bought fame at the expense of his health and happiness.
In our country, it is considered disgraceful to buy favour with flattery.
He tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking.
I don't buy that nonsense.
No one will buy that excuse.
It seemed to me she was buying my story.
I don't buy the burglary story.
The police will never buy that story.
用于be ~ed结构
Our victory was dearly bought.
Honest politicians cannot be bought, but they are becoming fewer.
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
I bought a pencil-sharpener to save time.
I bought permission to stay by telling a lie.
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
Father bought me a new pen.
We bought her a book.
He bought her a new hat.
I will buy him some new clothes tomorrow morning.
We've already bought him a train ticket.
My son always asked me to buy him some toys.
He bought me a dictionary at a street-stall for £5.
That's the house where you're going to buy me a sandwich.
He had not even bought himself a new suit since coming to Beijing.
She bought herself a hoe and a sickle.
用于be ~ed结构
Mary was bought a new dictionary by John.
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
She bought a tie for me.
My father bought a dictionary for me yesterday.
“Here's a good shop, shall we try to buy a gift for mother?”
用于be ~ed结构
A new dictionary was bought for Mary by John.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
I bought it ready-made.
He bought that car new.
用作名词 (n.)
He made a buy of wheat last week.
This is the world's best buy in motor trucks.
I think it was a good buy, don't you?
This watch wasn't a very good buy; it loses three minutes a day.
These shoes were an excellent buy.
That was a sensible buy.
There are some good buys at the sale.
The coat was a real buy at that price.
Other good buys include cameras and toys.
Best buys of the week are carrots and cabbages, which are plentiful and cheap.
He was an expensive buy and the manager and the trainer are still wondering whether he was worth it.
用作动词 (v.)
buy back (v.+adv.)
买回(原有之物) buy (sth that has owned) from the person to whom it was sold
He will buy back his property.他将把自己的财产买回来。
I've bought the car back I sold last week.我把上星期卖掉的车又买了回来。
The company is usually prepared to buy the house back when you leave.当你离开时,公司会把房子从你手上买回来。
He changed his mind about moving, but was unable to buy the house back.他改变了搬家的主意,但没能把自己的房子买回来。
She sold her house and bought it back again later.她把房子卖了,后来又买了回来。
They bought the cottage back at the original price.他们以原价买回了这幢小别墅。
buy in (v.+adv.)
大宗购进(某物) buy a supply of (sth)
When prices are low, he buys in.当价格便宜时他买进。
Many farmers buy in ewes in autumn.许多牧场主在秋天大批买进母羊。
We have bought in an extra supply of coal for the cold winter.我们多购进了些煤以渡寒冬。
They bought in as much food as would last the winter.他们买进足够一个冬天吃的食品。
Have you bought in enough bread for the weekend?你买了足够的面包过周末了吗?
We have bought in large stocks of this material.我们购进了一大批这种材料。
We bought in plenty of coal before the strike started.我们在罢工开始前买进了大量的煤。
We must make sure to buy sugar in before the price rises again.我们必须在糖再次涨价之前多买些备用。
出价买回自己送出拍卖的东西 pay a price for (one's own goods) at an auction
用于 be ~ed 结构
An auctioneer, at the moment of non-sale, should be required to state plainly to his audience that an item has been bought in.遇到无销路时,拍卖人必须向观众明确表示他已经买回自己送去的拍卖品。
The painting failed to reach its agreed price, and was bought in at $68000.拍卖时,那张画没有达到议定的价格,结果它以68000美元的价格被物主自己买回。
(使)(通过投资、购买股票等)加入、入伙 pay for (one's entry) to sth
The company seems to be doing so well that I would like to buy in.这家公司看起来生意兴隆,我愿意入股。
He will buy in as a partner.他将入股成为股东。
buy oneself/sth in
Buying yourself in is the only way to get a vote in the company's future.花钱买个股东资格是将来在公司里取得选票的唯一途径。
If you want to become a partner in the firm, you will have to buy your way in.你要想做该公司的合伙人,你必须出钱。
buy off (v.+adv.)
贿买,收买(某人) pay (sb) money to persuade him to do or say sth, or not to do sth
He bought off those who might expose him.他把可能检举他的人收买了。
The gangster's friends bought off the police witness.那坏蛋的朋友买通了警察方面的证人。
The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.赌徒贿赂了警察,于是可以毫无顾忌地赌博。
I don't like the way they are trying to buy me off— there must be something suspicious going on.我不喜欢他们用钱那样疏通我——一定会引起人们怀疑。
It would be cheaper to buy the competitors off, rather than run the risk of losing all our business.出钱疏通竞争对手,比拼着把我们的生意全部输光更合算。
The thief tried to buy the policeman off, but he did not succeed.小偷试图收买警察,但没有成功。
His sister threatened to tell the police, so he had to buy her off.他姐姐威胁要报警,于是,他只好花钱收买她。
He was quite mistaken if he thought he could buy me off.如果他以为他可以收买我,那他就大错特错了。
There was only one opponent to their plan and they bought him off.只有一个人反对他们的计划,于是他们就把他收买了。
Unless he drops the charge, we'll have to buy him off.他若不撤销指控,我们就得收买他。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The blackmailer will have to be bought off, or he'll ruin your good name.得花些钱疏通那个敲诈者,否则他会毁坏你的声誉。
They all refused to be bought off to do anything they ought not to do.他们都拒绝被收买去做任何自己不该做的事。
The only person who they thought would contest the legality of the will was bought off by the beneficiaries.他们认为唯一会反对遗嘱的合法性的人已被受益人所收买。
buy on credit
赊购pay for goods at a later date
buy sth on credit
You can buy the furniture on credit.你可以赊购这些家具。
We bought the dishwasher on credit.那台洗碗机是我们赊购的。
buy out (v.+adv.)
买下…的全部产权 gain control of (sth) by buying the whole of it
New members can join by buying out an existing member.
Mr. Sharp has enough money to buy out the town.
Large companies can easily buy out the shareholders of small companies.
The large company expanded by buying out several smaller ones.
We bought out the owners.
When Jones decided to retire from business, his partner bought him out.
How much did it take to buy your partner out?
用于 be ~ed 结构
Eventually they were all bought out.
When he had established a flourishing business, he was bought out by a larger concern.
出钱赎回(某人) gain the freedom of (sb) (usually from the armed forces) by paying money
The boy had enlisted, but his parents were able to buy him out.
Bill's parents paid a lot of money to buy him out of the army.
He bought himself out of the army.
buy up (v.+adv.)
买下…的全部产权; 买光,全部买下(某物) gain control of (sth) by bu buy all the supplies of (sth)
They've bought up all available land.他们已将现有的土地全部买下。
A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.一家信贷公司出价全部买下了这家公司。
He bought up a bankrupt textile company.他买下一家破了产的纺织公司。
The company bought up all the other cinemas and so became free of competition.那家公司买下了其他各家电影院,清除了竞争者。
Housewives, afraid of running short, have bought up all the sugar in the shops.由于害怕糖供应紧张,家庭妇女把商店里的糖抢购一空。
The food monopolies bought up the small farmers' products at pressed prices.食品垄断商以低价格大量收购小农场主的农产品。
The government bought up the whole domestic rubber crop.政府买进国产的全部橡胶。
The state bought up all the cotton from the farmers.国家从农民手中买下了全部棉花。
He bought up all the spare building land in the district and can now charge what he wants for it.他把这个地区的所有的闲置建筑地全部买下了,现在他可以随心所欲地要价了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
All the new rice transplanters were quickly bought up the day they were offered for sale.所有的新水稻插秧机在上市当天就很快被买光了。
All supplies of this material have been bought up by the chemical industry— there's none available to private householders.这种原料的存货全部被化学工业部门收购了,无货供应私家独户。
The price of coal is advancing, for all the coal in market has been bought up by speculators.煤价正在上涨,因为市场上所有的煤已被投机商人所囤积。
All the apples in the shop have been bought up by that woman.店里所有的苹果都被那位妇女买去了。
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
He's gone into Smithfield to buy your worship a horse.
出自:2 Henry IV,Shakespeare
Water grew scarce, water was to be bought, five cents, ten cents, fifteen cents a gallon.
出自:J. Steinbeck
表示“在某商店买”可接介词 表示“从某处买”可接介词from, of, 表示“花多少钱买”可接介词for, at;表示“给某人买”可说buy sb sth,也可说buy sth for sb,不能说buy sth to sb。
buy偶尔可用于进行时,此时常具有特殊意义,如“抢购”“以分期付款的方式购买”等。例如:Everybody's buying the Trumpet .人们在抢购《号角》报。I was hard up last year because I was buying a colour TV set.去年我的手头比较紧,因为我在偿还买一台彩电的分期付款。
buy在作“把…信以为真”解时,可以表示真信,也可以表示权宜之举。例如:Yet it seemed she was buying my story.然而,她好像真的相信我的话。You tell me the committee wants me to be its secretary next year. All right,I'll buy it.你说委员会要我明年当它的秘书。那好,我暂且相信它吧。
buy的宾语后可接cheap, expensive, new等形容词,表示宾语的性质或状态。对于这种结构,有人认为是宾语补足语,也有人认为是状语,还有人认为是后置定语。
buy作名词时的意思有二:一是“买卖”,指用于商品交换间的交易; 二是“便宜货”,指价格上略低的货物。
buy sb sth, buy sth for sb
buy接双宾语时可采用上面这两种语序,但并非任何情况下都可以互换。当直接宾语是名词时,这两种语序均可使用,但直接宾语是代词时,只能用buy sth for sb。例如:
[误] He bought me it.
[正] He bought it for me.
buy, afford
afford和buy都有“买”的意思,但afford侧重“有无经济能力买”,而buy则侧重“购买的行为”,表示“我买不起”可以说I can't afford,但不可说I can't buy.因为后者的意思是“即使有钱也不准买”。另外, buy常可用在afford后作宾语。
buy, purchase
buy是普通用词,通常用于买菜、买肉、买房子、买珠宝等; purchase是正式用语,表示经过周密计划以后才买,或是由于业务上的需要大规模地购买,所以在许多用purchase的场合都可以用buy,但许多用buy的场合却不一定能用purchase。例如:
You can buy anything in that store for less than ten dollars.在这家商店里,花上不到10美元你就可以买上任何东西。
They purchased〔bought〕 a new house.他们买了一栋新房子。
He bought me a book from one of his colleagues for £5.
He bought me a book of one of his colleagues for £5.
He bought me a book off one of his colleagues for £5.
他花了5英镑从他一个大学同学那里 给我买了一本书。〖JB)〗
误 I have bought the bike for years.
正 I bought the bike years ago.
正 I've had the bike for years.
析 buy是非延续性动词,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。
误 I'll buy this one.
正 I'll take this one.
析 在商店里说“买这件”时,习惯用take而不用buy。
误 They used to go out to buy things on Sunday.
正 They used to go out shopping on Sunday.
析 “去买东西”习惯说go shopping,不说go to buy things。
误 He bought these books at 30 yuan .
正 He bought these books for 30 yuan .
析 表示“购买…一共花掉多少钱”时应该用介词for,而用介词at则表示“所购货物中每件的单价”。
误 The boy was kidnapped, but his rich father was able to buy him out.
正 The boy was kidnapped, but his rich father was able to buy him off.
析 buy out只表示“用钱使某人免去…”,而要表示“出钱疏通或行贿”,则应用buy off。
误 He bought a bicycle to me.
正 He bought a bicycle for me.
析 buy接双宾语时,其间接宾语只能转化成介词for的宾语,而不能转化为介词to的宾语。
☆ 直接源自古英语的byen,意为买。
buys&:&购买,获得 ...
buys:buy v. 买n. 购买, 买卖习惯用语a bad buy 吃亏货, 吃亏的买卖a best buy 最合算的货; 最上算的买卖a good buy 便宜货, 上算的买卖dearly bought…
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/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.Manybuildingsinthecityneedrepairing,buttheone______firstisthelibrary.A.repairedB.beingrepairedC.repairingD.toberepairedD山西省太原五中2014届高三10月月考英语试题答案Despite my insistence that the MMM family eats outlandishly well these days, I take a fair amount of flak from certain readers on the subject of food:
“Food is not something I take shortcuts on, and thus our food bill will always be higher than that of the MMM Family. They are cheaping out on something we should all spend MORE on!”
Other people pick up a different vibe, saying
“Mr. Money Mustache, you seem to eat a good [Nutritious/Primal/Paleo] diet. How can you do this, and feed a family well on less than $1000 per day?”
I welcome the idea that food is important: since about age fifteen I have tended to experiment with my own eating in an attempt to optimize nutrition. Far from seeking out the cheapest calories, I often put nutrition ahead of even tastiness, over the years shoveling things like raw brewers yeast, oddly colored concoctions from the blender, and raw vegetables galore into the belly. Some experiments have worked and some have failed, but these days, after sufficient reading and learning, I’m finally starting to get some things right.
The biggest helpful shift for me has been the realization that “fat” (also known as “oil”) is not a taboo toxin that immediately sticks itself atop your nearest existing reserve of stored bodyfat if you accidentally ingest it. Quite the opposite, it is a pure and clean-burning fuel that your body will happily run on for great distances, much like an old Mercedes Diesel will burn unprocessed vegetable oil while creating only pleasant french-fry-scented tailpipe emissions. Fat is not fattening. Eating when you don’t yet need refueling is what makes you fat, and high-carbohydrate eating is what causes the craving to eat too often.
This change in dietary philosophy can be unintuitive to those who still eat according to the USDA’s grain-intensive food pyramid. At a recent breakfast at a friend’s house, someone noticed me cooking a pan of eggs for myself. I started by heating an obscene lake of olive oil, then added the eggs and grated on a thick layer of full-fat cheddar cheese and another of spicy curry powder. After this delicious smelling treat was sizzled properly, I served it onto a plate, added some almonds on the side, and sliced on an entire avocado over top to add even more Good Fat.
“Why are you adding so much fat to your breakfast?”, asked the friend.
“Because it adds more calories”, I replied.
“But don’t you want LESS calories rather than MORE?”
“No. If I eat fewer calories at breakfast, I’ll just need to eat again sooner in the day. A meal like this will keep me going until 2PM. But if I eat bread, juice, or other simple carbohydrates at breakfast, I’ll be hungry in just an hour or two.”
“This blows my mind.”
“Good! Maybe you should try it!”
The Triple M High Energy Breakfast Omelette:
2TBSP olive oil (240 calories, 27g fat, $0.36)
3 Eggs (21g protein, 240 calories, 18g fat, $0.60)
1/2 cup shredded cheese (14g protein, 18g fat, 225 calories, $0.31)
1/2 TSP Curry powder, pepper and garlic to taste (0 cals, $0.10)
Diced Mushrooms and Onions (optional) (10 cals, $0.25)
1 Avocado (1g protein,
27g fat, 300 calories, $1.00)
Fry the vegetables in the oil, then add the eggs and cheese. Sizzle and flip. Put on your plate, and slice on that Avo.
Total Power: 1015 calories, 90 grams fat, 36 grams protein, $2.62
Carbohydrates: almost none
Calories per Dollar: 387
Bicycle miles fueled at 18MPH: 17.2
Hours of outdoor work fueled at moderate intensity: 4-6
This is a big meal designed to start an active day. If you’re just planning on writing some software after breakfast, you might scale down the ingredients accordingly. But the principle remains the same: a low-carb meal like this works better than one with juice, toast, bagels and other sugar-spiking ingredients. And it’s still relatively inexpensive, because there is no meat.
But won’t it give me a heart attack?
Again, quite the opposite. The most recent research on fat shows that it is not an artery-clogger or an abdomen-thickener. The proponents of this type of diet encourage you to get your own blood tested before and after the switch in order to see for yourself. I only have my most recent blood test on file, but the numbers are excellent after almost a year of eating this way. A friend of mine with past blood cholesterol problems switched to a low-carb, high-fat diet and saw immediate and complete improvement in his own blood test results – completely the opposite of his doctor’s prediction but exactly in line with the high-fat/low-carb research.
will entertain you for days if you are looking for more stories and research citations on the topic.
But perhaps even more relevant to you and me, being assembled today at this Personal Finance blog, is that this nutrient is extremely cheap. It is easy and land-efficient to grow, easy to store and ship, and easy to use in the preparation of delicious food. You can find most of the best oils (and nuts) in organic top-of-the-line form at Costco in huge quantities at great prices.
So nowadays I seek out fat rather than avoiding it. Homogenized rather than skim milk. Heavy unsweetened whipping cream instead of ‘lite’. Butter and bacon, and using bacon grease for additional cooking. Coconut and olive oils, used in cooking with no restraint. Nuts of all sorts.
But the key to all of this fat, is that it must replace, rather than supplement, your refined carb intake. I think of slices of bread as “weight gain squares”. Beer is “liquid belly expander”. A plate of pasta is “Ultra Mass-Up ;. Pizza is no longer my favorite dinner treat. I’ll still indulge in these things occasionally, but only as a tool to gain weight after a heavy workout.. not as part of a lazy vacation. And drinking sweet things is totally out – no fruit juice or soda, pretty much ever. Go for water, milk, unsweetened coconut or almond milk instead.
And while fat does the heavy lifting for me, I still eat raw and cooked vegetables freely with every meal, and plenty of fruit too. This is not the Atkins Diet or anything overly restrictive. Just a general “avoid flour and sugar” philosophy is all it takes.
Another breakfast I’ve been eating recently when I need quick calories in a lighter package:
MMM’s 1000-calorie Coconut Cream Dessert-like Breakfast
2-4 TBSP Coconut Oil, melted into a bowl
2 TBSP almonds, ground in a blender
2 TBSP ground flax seeds
1 Banana, sliced
Optional: Mixed Berries (can be thawed from a big frozen bag)
1 huge pile of unsweetened whipped cream
Cinnamon on top
It’s delicious, and rich. All the power of 3-4 bowls of cereal, but much longer lasting energy!
Triple M Salad
1 Cucumber, diced (keep the skin on, it is good for you)
2 tomatoes, diced
1 red/orange/yellow pepper, diced
green onions, snipped up
1 cup cilantro (just cut a bunch in with scissors, straight from the bunch)
1 carrot, grated over top
… mix it all into a big bowl and pour this over top:
MMM’s 3-2-1 Spicy Balsamic Soy Vinagrette dressing
3 oz olive oil
2 oz balsamic vinegar
1 oz soy sauce
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp honey or brown sugar
This makes about the right amount to fill a reused salad dressing bottle (I recommend reusing a bottle from a fancy brand like Annie’s or Newman’s Own, since you don’t want to see the KRAFT logo staring you in the face when enjoying MMM dressing).
Shake this up and serve it over salads and many other things. Delicious and rich in calories. And of course, nearly free to make.
While the ideas above are only a few very simple examples*, I feel like a food revolution is happening here at the MMM household. Maybe it’s just our gradual growing-up, but we are now actually using cookbooks, improvising, and making good meals in a way I wish we would have started ten years ago. It’s a fine and luxurious ritual to sit down at a well-stocked table after a hard day of work, and I wish the same luxury upon you as well.
*Only slightly more complicated but amazing for dinner is “Fish Molee”.
Now that I’ve mentioned it, I cannot deny you the joy of eating this amazing curry dish:
Fish Molee
Take 1/2 lb of any white fish (tilapia, cod, swai, etc)
Rub on 1/2 tsp turmeric and 1 tsp salt
Put 2 TBSP of coconut or olive oil into a big pan and start sizzling it
Dice in 1 onion
Grate in 3 garlic cloves
Grate in 1 tsp of ginger
Spoon in 1 TBSP of curry powder
Slice in 1 red pepper or other big chile pepper of your choice
Cook for 2 more minutes
Add about 14 ounces of coconut milk and cook for 5 more minutes, at a simmer
Add the seasoned fish and finish it up for 6-8 minutes
It’s relatively easy and it is good enough for a young man to impress a young lady on his first time having her over for dinner. A truly handy recipe.
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