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lady gaga的一系列、艾薇儿的
No 417 ,village of Jinxian ,Huihe station,Dongling district,Shen yang
日,日本以从中国山东一家企业对日出口的一批鸭肉中分离出两例禽流感病毒为由,突然宣布停止进口中国所有的禽肉蛋产品。日至8日期间日本家畜卫生专家在华进行了实地调查。日本农水省称其确认中国国内90天以上没有发生该疫情、并采取了其他清洁性措施,因此屠宰日期为8月1 7日以后的鸡肉等的暂停进口措施予以解除。但日本农水省同时称,关于鸡肉以外的禽肉等,需要中国国内加强家畜卫生条件,目前继续执行暂停进口措施。根据WTO/SPS协议的规定,各成员采取的技术措施不得“构成对国际贸易的变相限制”,并且“仅在为保护人类、动物或植物生命或健康所必需的限度内实施,并根据科学原理”。该案例中,日本所制定的技术标准明显高于通常的水平,就这一方面,中国企业可以通过正常的渠道要求日本对此做出合理的解释。若中国企业对日方的解释不满意,可以通过WTO的争端解决程序来解决。对欧盟也是一样。 世界动物卫生组织动物卫生法典明确规定了区域化的原则。日本对待不同的国家却实行不同的标准。其他国家发生禽流感后,日本只对其一个州封关,其他州产品均被视为安全产品,可正常进入日本市场。日方仅凭山东一个企业生产的一批鸭肉被病毒污染而全面禁止进口中国的禽肉蛋,采取了过激的双重标准,显然是不公正的。    通过上述事件,再结合实际情况,我们可以把国外的技术性贸易措施大体分为以下3类:(1)国外的技术性贸易措施的要求是合理的,我国企业具有达到该要求的生产技术;(2)国外要求合理,但我国大多数企业目前还不具备达到国外要求的生产水平;(3)国外实施的措施不合理,具有歧视性,或违反了《TBT协定》的相关规定。    本文认为,对于由第一类技术性贸易措施造成的负面影响,相关生产企业和出口企业应负全责。随着人类生活水平的提高,对产品质量和安全提出新的合理要求代表了社会的进步,对相关产品提出更高的合理要求是必然的。企业应积极获取这方面的信息,调整生产工艺,生产出符合进口国要求的产品。企业因这类技术性贸易措施受到损失,实属可惜,这些措施不应被视为技术性贸易壁垒。    对于由第二类技术性贸易措施造成负面影响的,又要分两种情况:(1)国外要求超前,没有考虑大多数国家的情况;(2)我国企业的生产水平确实落后于大多数国家。在此情况下,企业无论如何都应首先向这种先进的要求看齐,然后从企业自身寻找差距,提出问题,寻找对策。为避免上述情况发生,一方面,企业应及时了解进口国(地区)对产品标准和质量要求的变化,落实“以质取胜”战略,变被动受限为主动调整;另一方面,企业也可以求助于政府有关部门,提出自己在符合这些先进的技术性要求方面的差距和具体问题、难点,请有关部门利用各种方式,与措施实施国政府进行沟通,寻求合理的过渡期,帮助企业减少损失的发生。由于此类技术性贸易措施是基于合理的目的制定的,所以,即使其对我国出口产生不利影响也不能一概加以否定,不能笼统地将之称为“技术性贸易壁垒”,要区别对待。无论如何,绝对不能简单以“多年来我一直生产、销售、出口这样的产品也没有出现问题”,或者“为什么其他国家没有这样的要求”等理由与措施实施国辩解。这样就等于对外宣称,我们国家的产品一直不合格,我们的消费者就是一直使用这些不合格产品等等,反而引起他国对我国出口产品更多的关注和设限。 第三类技术性贸易措施与上述两类有质的区别。由于这类措施的内容、实施方法等违反了世贸组织的相关规定、或不符合国际惯例、或未遵守双边协定,从而造成对我国出口企业或出口产品的歧视性待遇,导致企业合法利益受损,可以将其称为“技术性贸易壁垒”,所以,企业特别是政府主管部门应十分关注。实践中,使我国食品出口企业受损的大多数技术性贸易措施是属于上述前两类。
09-02-25 &匿名提问
guarantee period: only the expected delivery times, when the delivery delay, may lead to bond the period july 19, 2009 unable to meet three months from the date the original bill of lading requirements. delete this sentence to ensure that bond is valid according to the actual delivery date to project.
May 12, 2003, Japan from Shandong, China exports to Japan, a business group of duck isolated two cases of avian influenza virus, citing the sudden announcement to stop all imports of Chinese poultry egg products. August 4, 2003 to 8 Japanese animal health experts in China carried out a field survey. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan said it confirmed the province for more than 90 days in China without the occurrence of the epidemic, and to take other measures to clean, so the slaughter date for August 17 after a moratorium on the import of chicken and other measures to be lifted. However, the Japanese Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said the province at the same time, on chicken and other poultry meat other than the need for China to strengthen the animal health conditionsAt present, continue to implement measures to suspend imports. According to WTO / SPS agreement stipulates that the members of the technical measures taken shall not &constitute a disguised restriction on international trade& and that &only in order to protect human, animal or plant life or health within the limits necessary for the implementation of, and in accordance with scientific principles . & The case, Japan has developed technical standards for the level was significantly higher than usual, on this regard, Chinese enterprises can be requested through the normal channels to make Japan a reasonable explanation. If Chinese enterprises are not satisfied with the explanation of the Japanese side through WTO dispute settlement procedures to resolve. The same is true of the European Union.World Organization for Animal Health Animal Health Code clearly defines the principle of regionalization. Japan's treatment of different countries apply different standards. Outbreak of avian flu in other countries, Japan is only a state of their customs, and other products are considered to be state security products can be normal to enter the Japanese market. Japanese production of a business in Shandong alone a group of duck virus contamination of a total ban on imports of Chinese poultry eggs, take the extreme double standards, is clearly unjust.Through this incident, combined with the actual situation, we can foreign technical trade measures roughly divided into the following 3 categories:(1) foreign technical trade measures the request is reasonable, with China's enterprises to meet the requirements of p(2) foreign demand for reasonable, but the majority of Chinese enterprises do not yet have reached the level of foreign pro(3) measures abroad unreasonable, discriminatory, or in violation of the &TBT Agreement& the relevant provisions.This article holds that the first category from the technical trade measures the adverse impact of manufacturing enterprises and export-related enterprises should take full responsibility. Along with the improvement of living standards of product quality and safety in the reasonable demands of the new representative of the social progress and related products to the reasonable demands of higher is inevitable. Enterprises should be actively to obtain this information and adjust production processes to produce in line with the requirements of importing countries products. Enterprises due to technical trade measures such losses, it is very regrettable that these measures should not be seen as technical barriers to trade.The second category from the technical trade measures have a negative impact, but also points to two situations:(1) foreign requested in advance, did not take the situati(2) the production level of Chinese enterprises is indeed lagging behind most countries. In this case, first of all enterprises in any case should be advanced to the requirements of this line, and then find a gap from the enterprises themselves, ask questions, find countermeasures. In order to avoid the occurrence of such deaths, on the one hand, enterprises should keep abreast of the importing country (region) of product standards and quality requirements change, implementation of the &quality& strategy, change from passive to active co On the other hand, enterprises can also be recourse to the relevant government departments, in line with its own technical requirements of these advanced gaps and specific problems, difficulties, please use the relevant departments in various ways,And measures to communicate the implementation of the Government to seek a reasonable transition period to help companies to reduce the occurrence of losses. Trade as a result of such technical measures are based on reasonable purpose, so that even if their have a negative impact on China's exports can not all be negative, can not generally be called &technical barriers to trade&, to be treated differently. In any case, absolutely can not be simply to &Over the years I have been the production, sale, export of such products, no problems have arisen,& or &Why do other countries do not have such a request& and measures such as reasons to justify the implementation of the country. This is equivalent to claims,Products of our country has failed, is that our consumers have been using these standard products, etc., but caused by other countries on China's export products more attention and restrictions.The third type of technical trade measures with the above-mentioned two types of qualitative difference. As a result of such measures, the implementation of methods in violation of the relevant provisions of the WTO, or not in conformity with international practice, or to comply with bilateral agreements, resulting in on China's export enterprises or export products of discriminatory treatment, leading to the legitimate interests of enterprises by loss, can be called &Technical Barriers to Trade,& Therefore, enterprises, especially the government departments should be very concerned about this.Practice, so that damage to China's food export enterprises of the majority of the technical trade measures are the above-mentioned pre -


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