
Multiline macros in C - GeeksforGeeks
In this article, we will discuss how to write a multi-line macro. We can write multi-line macro same like function, but each statement ends with “\”. Let us see with example. Below is simple macro, which accepts input number from user, and prints whether entered number is even or odd.
#include &stdio.h&
#define MACRO(num, str) {\
printf(&%d&, num);\
printf(& is&);\
printf(& %s number&, str);\
int main(void)
printf(&Enter a number: &);
scanf(&%d&, &num);
if (num & 1)
MACRO(num, &Odd&);
MACRO(num, &Even&);
At first look, the code looks OK, but when we try to compile this code, it gives compilation error.
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ make macro
macro.c: In function ‘main’:
macro.c:19:2: error: ‘else’ without a previous ‘if’
make: *** [macro] Error 1
Let us see what mistake we did while writing macro. We have enclosed macro in curly braces. According to C-language rule, each C-statement should end with semicolon. That’s why we have ended MACRO with semicolon. Here is a mistake. Let us see how compile expands this macro.
if (num & 1)
---- Macro expansion ----
/* Semicolon at the end of MACRO, and here is ERROR */
---- Macro expansion ----
We have ended macro with semicolon. When compiler expands macro, it puts semicolon after “if” statement.
Because of semicolon between “if and else statement” compiler gives compilation error. Above program will work fine, if we ignore “else” part.
To overcome this limitation, we can enclose our macro in “do-while(0)” statement. Our modified macro will look like this.
#include &stdio.h&
#define MACRO(num, str) do {\
printf(&%d&, num);\
printf(& is&);\
printf(& %s number&, str);\
} while(0)
int main(void)
printf(&Enter a number: &);
scanf(&%d&, &num);
if (num & 1)
MACRO(num, &Odd&);
MACRO(num, &Even&);
Compile and run above code, now this code will work fine.
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ make macro
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./macro
Enter a number: 9
9 is Odd number
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./macro
Enter a number: 10
10 is Even number
We have enclosed macro in “do – while(0)” loop and at the end of while, we have put condition as “while(0)”, that’s why this loop will execute only one time.
Similarly, instead of “do – while(0)” loop we can enclose multi-line macro in parenthesis. We can achieve the same result by using this trick. Let us see example.
#include &stdio.h&
#define MACRO(num, str) ({\
printf(&%d&, num);\
printf(& is&);\
printf(& %s number&, str);\
int main(void)
printf(&Enter a number: &);
scanf(&%d&, &num);
if (num & 1)
MACRO(num, &Odd&);
MACRO(num, &Even&);
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ make macro
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./macro
Enter a number: 10
10 is Even number
[narendra@/media/partition/GFG]$ ./macro
Enter a number: 15
15 is Odd number
This article is compiled by Narendra Kangralkar. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.
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3.1. More detailed explanation of basic sed
Sed takes a script of editing commands and applies each command, in
order, to each line of input. After all the commands have been
applied to the first line of input, that line is output. A second
input line is taken for processing, and the cycle repeats. Sed
scripts can address a single line by line number or by matching a
/RE pattern/ on the line. An exclamation mark '!' after a regex
('/RE/!') or line number will select all lines that do NOT match
that address. Sed can also address a range of lines in the same
manner, using a comma to separate the 2 addresses.
# delete the last line of the file
# print lines with 3 consecutive digits
# except on line 5, replace 'ham' with 'cheese'
# unless 'awk' is found, replace 'aaa' with 'bb'
# delete all lines from line 17 up to 'foo'
Following an address or address range, sed accepts curly braces
'{...}' so several commands may be applied to that line or to the
lines matched by the address range. On the command line, semicolons
';' separate each instruction and must precede the closing brace.
sed '/Owner:/{s/yours/mine/g;s/your/my/g;s/you/me/g;}' file
Range addresses operate differently depending on which version of
sed is used (see , below). For further information on
using sed, consult the references in , above.
3.1.1. Regular expressions on the left side of "s///"
All versions of sed support Basic Regular Expressions (BREs). For
the syntax of BREs, enter "man ed" at a Unix shell prompt. A
technical description of BREs from IEEE POSIX 1 and the
Single UNIX Specification Version 3 is available online at:
Sed normally supports BREs plus '\n' to match a newline in the
pattern space, plus '\xREx' as equivalent to '/RE/', where 'x' is any
character other than a newline or another backslash.
Some versions of sed support supersets of BREs, or "extended
regular expressions", which offer additional metacharacters for
increased flexibility. For additional information on extended REs
in GNU sed, see sections 3.7 ("GNU/POSIX extensions to regular
expressions") and 6.7.3 ("Special syntax in REs"), below.
Though not required by BREs, some versions of sed support \t to
represent a TAB, \r for carriage return, \xHH for direct entry of
hex codes, and so forth. Other versions of sed do not.
ssed (super-sed) introduced many new features for LHS pattern
matching, too many to give here. The complete list is found in
.H ("ssed"), below.
3.1.2. Escape characters on the right side of "s///"
The right-hand side (the replacement part) in "s/find/replace/" is
almost always a string literal, with no interpolation of these
Three things are interpolated: ampersand (&), backreferences, and
options for special seds. An ampersand on the RHS is replaced by
the entire expression matched on the LHS. There is never any
reason to use grouping like this:
s/\(some-complex-regex\)/one two \1 three/
since you can do this instead:
s/some-complex-regex/one two & three/
To enter a literal ampersand on the RHS, type '\&'.
Grouping and backreferences: All versions of sed support grouping
and backreferences on the LHS and backreferences only on the RHS.
Grouping allows a series of characters to be collected in a set,
indicating the boundaries of the set with \( and \). Then the set
can be designated to be repeated a certain number of times
\(like this\)*
\(like this\)\{5,7\}.
Groups can also be nested "\(like \(this\) is here\)" and may
contain any valid RE. Backreferences repeat the contents of a
particular group, using a backslash and a digit (1-9) for each
corresponding group. In other words, "/\(pom\)\1/" is another way
of writing "/pompom/". If groups are nested, backreference numbers
are counted by matching \( in strict left to right order.
/..\(the \(word\)\) \("foo"\)../ is matched by the backreference
\3. Backreferences can be used in the LHS, the RHS, and in normal
RE addressing (see ).
# matches "bookkeeper"
# finds 6-letter palindromes
Seds differ in how they treat invalid backreferences where no
corresponding group occurs. To insert a literal ampersand or
backslash into the RHS, prefix it with a backslash: \& or \\.
ssed, sed16, and sedmod permit additional options on the RHS. They
all support changing part of the replacement string to upper case
(\u or \U), lower case (\l or \L), or to end case conversion (\E).
Both sed16 and sedmod support awk-style word references ($1, $2,
$3, ...) and $0 to insert the entire line before conversion.
echo ab ghi | sed16 "s/.*/$0 - \U$2/"
# prints "ab ghi - GHI"
*Note:* This feature of sed16 and sedmod will break sed scripts which
put a dollar sign and digit into the RHS. Though this is an unlikely
combination, it's worth remembering if you use other people's scripts.
Substitution switches
Standard versions of sed support 4 main flags or switches which may
be added to the end of an "s///" command. They are:
- Replace the Nth match of the pattern on the LHS, where
N is an integer between 1 and 512. If N is omitted,
the default is to replace the first match only.
- Global replace of all matches to the pattern.
- Print the results to stdout, even if -n switch is used.
w file - Write the pattern space to 'file' if a replacement was
done. If the file already exists when the script is
executed, it is overwritten. During script execution,
w appends to the file for each match.
GNU sed 3.02 and ssed also offer the /I switch for doing a
case-insensitive match. For example,
echo ONE TWO | gsed "s/one/unos/I"
# prints "unos TWO"
GNU sed 4.x and ssed add the /M switch, to simplify working with
multi-line patterns: when it is used, ^ or $ will match BOL or EOL.
\` and \' remain available to match the start and end of pattern
space, respectively.
ssed supports two more switches, /S and /X, when its Perl mode is
used. They are described in detail in .H, below.
3.1.4. Command-line switches
All versions of sed support two switches, -e and -n. Though sed
usually separates multiple commands with semicolons (e.g., "H;d;"),
certain commands could not accept a semicolon command separator.
These include :labels, 't', and 'b'. These commands had to occur
last in a script, separated by -e option switches. For example:
# The 'ta' means jump to label :a if last s/// returns true
sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n=/ /;ta' -e 'P;D' file
The -n switch turns off sed's default behavior of printing every
line. With -n, lines are printed only if explicitly told to. In
addition, for certain versions of sed, if an external script begins
with "#n" as its first two characters, the output is suppressed
(exactly as if -n had been entered on the command line). A list of
which versions appears in ., below.
GNU sed 4.x and ssed support additional switches. -l (lowercase L),
followed by a number, lets you adjust the default length of the 'l'
and 'L' commands (note that these implementations of sed also
support an argument to these commands, to tailor the length
separately of each occurrence of the command).
-i activates in-place editing (see , below). -s
treats each file as a separate stream: sed by default joins all the
files, so $ represents the last l 15 means the
and /abc/,/def/ might match across
When -s is used, however all addresses refer to single files. For
example, $ represents the last lin 15 means
the 15th lin and /abc/,/def/ will be "reset"
(in other words, sed will not execute the commands and start
looking for /abc/ again) if a file ends before /def/ has been
matched. Note that -i automatically activates this interpretation
of addresses.
3.2. Common one-line sed scripts
A separate document of over 70 handy "one-line" sed commands is
available at
Here are several common sed commands for one-line use. MS-DOS users
should replace single quotes ('...') with double quotes ("...") in
these examples. A specific filename usually follows the script,
though the input may also come via piping or redirection.
# Double space a file
sed G file
# Triple space a file
sed 'G;G' file
# Under UNIX: convert DOS newlines (CR/LF) to Unix format
sed 's/.$//' file
# assumes that all lines end with CR/LF
sed 's/^M$// file
# in bash/tcsh, press Ctrl-V then Ctrl-M
# Under DOS: convert Unix newlines (LF) to DOS format
sed 's/$//' file
# method 1
sed -n p file
# method 2
# Delete leading whitespace (spaces/tabs) from front of each line
# (this aligns all text flush left). '^t' represents a true tab
# character. Under bash or tcsh, press Ctrl-V then Ctrl-I.
sed 's/^[ ^t]*//' file
# Delete trailing whitespace (spaces/tabs) from end of each line
sed 's/[ ^t]*$//' file
# see note on '^t', above
# Delete BOTH leading and trailing whitespace from each line
sed 's/^[ ^t]*//;s/[ ^]*$//' file
# see note on '^t', above
# Substitute "foo" with "bar" on each line
sed 's/foo/bar/' file
# replaces only 1st instance in a line
sed 's/foo/bar/4' file
# replaces only 4th instance in a line
sed 's/foo/bar/g' file
# replaces ALL instances within a line
# Substitute "foo" with "bar" ONLY for lines which contain "baz"
sed '/baz/s/foo/bar/g' file
# Delete all CONSECUTIVE blank lines from file except the first.
# This method also deletes all blank lines from top and end of file.
# (emulates "cat -s")
sed '/./,/^$/!d' file
# this allows 0 blanks at top, 1 at EOF
sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D' file
# this allows 1 blank at top, 0 at EOF
# Delete all leading blank lines at top of file (only).
sed '/./,$!d' file
# Delete all trailing blank lines at end of file (only).
sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' file
# If a line ends with a backslash, join the next line to it.
sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta' file
# If a line begins with an equal sign, append it to the previous
# line (and replace the "=" with a single space).
sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n=/ /;ta' -e 'P;D' file
3.3. Addressing and address ranges
Sed commands may have an optional "address" or "address range"
prefix. If there is no address or address range given, then the
command is applied to all the lines of the input file or text
stream. Three commands cannot take an address prefix:
labels, used to branch or jump within the script
the close brace, '}', which ends the '{' "command"
the '#' comment character, also technically a "command"
An address can be a line number (such as 1, 5, 37, etc.), a regular
expression (written in the form /RE/ or \xREx where 'x' is any
character other than '\' and RE is the regular expression), or the
dollar sign ($), representing the last line of the file. An
exclamation mark (!) after an address or address range will apply
the command to every line EXCEPT the ones named by the address. A
null regex ("//") will be replaced by the last regex which was
used. Also, some seds do not support \xREx as regex delimiters.
# delete line 5 only
# delete every line except line 5
# substitute only if RE occurs on the line
/^$/b label
# if the line is blank, branch to ':label'
/./!b label
# ... another way to write the same command
\%.%!b label
# ... yet another way to write this command
# on all lines but the last, get the Next line
Note that an embedded newline can be represented in an address by
the symbol \n, but this syntax is needed only if the script puts 2
or more lines into the pattern space via the N, G, or other
commands. The \n symbol does not match the newline at an
end-of-line because when sed reads each line into the pattern space
for processing, it strips off the trailing newline, processes the
line, and adds a newline back when printing the line to standard
output. To match the end-of-line, use the '$' metacharacter, as
# matches the word 'tape' at the end of a line
# matches the word 'tape$deck' with a literal '$'
# matches 'tape' and 'deck' with a newline between
The following sed commands usually accept only a single address.
All other commands (except labels, '}', and '#') accept both single
addresses and address ranges.
print to stdout the line number of the current line
after printing the current line, append "text" to stdout
before printing the current line, insert "text" to stdout
quit after the current line is matched
prints contents of "file" to stdout after line is matched
Note that we said "usually." If you need to apply the '=', 'a',
'i', or 'r' commands to each and every line within an address
range, this behavior can be coerced by the use of braces. Thus,
"1,9=" is an invalid command, but "1,9{=;}" will print each line
number followed by its line for the first 9 lines (and then print
the rest of the rest of the file normally).
Address ranges occur in the form
where the address can be a line number or a standard /regex/.
&address2& can also be a dollar sign, indicating the end of file.
Under GNU sed 3.02+, ssed, and sed15+, &address2& may also be a
notation of the form +num, indicating the next num lines after
&address1& is matched.
Address ranges are:
(1) Inclusive. The range "/From here/,/eternity/" matches all the
lines containing "From here" up to and including the line
containing "eternity". It will not stop on the line just prior to
"eternity". (If you don't like this, see .)
(2) Plenary. They always match full lines, not just parts of lines.
In other words, a command to change or delete an address range will
change o it won't stop in the middle of a
(3) Multi-linear. Address ranges normally match 2 lines or more.
The second address will never match the same line the first address
therefore a valid address range always spans at least two
lines, with these exceptions which match only one line:
if the first address matches the last line of the file
if using the syntax "/RE/,3" and /RE/ occurs only once in the file at line 3 or below
if using HHsed v1.5. See .
(4) Minimalist. In address ranges with /regex/ as &address2&, the
range "/foo/,/bar/" will stop at the first "bar" it finds, provided
that "bar" occurs on a line below "foo". If the word "bar" occurs
on several lines below the word "foo", the range will match all the
lines from the first "foo" up to the first "bar". It will not
continue hopping ahead to find more "bar"s. In other words, address
ranges are not "greedy," like regular expressions.
(5) Repeating. An address range will try to match more than one
block of lines in a file. However, the blocks cannot nest. In
addition, a second match will not "take" the last line of the
previous block.
For example, given the following text,
the sed command '/start/,/stop/d' will only delete the first two
lines. It will not delete all 3 lines.
(6) Relentless. If the address range finds a "start" match but
doesn't find a "stop", it will match every line from "start" to the
end of the file. Thus, beware of the following behaviors:
# If /RE2/ is not found, matches from /RE1/ to the
# end-of-file.
# If /RE/ is not found, matches from line 20 to the
# end-of-file.
# If /RE/ occurs any time after line 30, each
# occurrence will be matched in sed15+, sedmod, and
# GNU sed v3.02+. GNU sed v2.05 and 1.18 will match
# from the 2nd occurrence of /RE/ to the end-of-file.
If these behaviors seem strange, remember that they occur because
sed does not look "ahead" in the file. Doing so would stop sed from
being a stream editor and have adverse effects on its efficiency.
If these behaviors are undesirable, they can be circumvented or
corrected by the use of nested testing within braces. The following
scripts work under GNU sed 3.02:
# Execute your_commands on range "/RE1/,/RE2/", but if /RE2/ is
# not found, do nothing.
# Execute your_commands on range "20,/RE/", but if /RE/ is not
# found, do nothing.
As a side note, once we've used N to "slurp" lines together to test
for the ending expression, the pattern space will have gathered
many lines (possibly thousands) together and concatenated them as a
single expression, with the \n sequence marking line breaks. The
REs within the pattern space may have to be modified (e.g., you
must write '/\nStart/' instead of '/^Start/' and '/[^\n]*/' instead
of '/.*/') and other standard sed commands will be unavailable or
difficult to use.
# Execute your_commands on range "/RE/,30", but if /RE/ occurs
# on line 31 or later, do not match it.
1,30{/RE/,$ your_}
For related suggestions on using address ranges, see sections 4.2,
4.15, and 4.19 of this FAQ. Also, note the following section.
3.4. Address ranges in GNU sed and HHsed
(1) GNU sed 3.02+, ssed, and sed15+ all support address ranges like:
which match /regex/ plus the next 5 lines (or EOF, whichever comes
(2) GNU sed v3.02.80 (and above) and ssed support address ranges of:
as a special case to permit matching /regex/ if it occurs on the
first line. This syntax permits a range expression that matches
every line from the top of the file to the first instance of
/regex/, even if /regex/ is on the first line.
(3) HHsed (sed15) has an exceptional way of implementing
If /RE1/ and /RE2/ both occur on the same line, HHsed will match
that single line. In other words, an address range block can
consist of just one line. HHsed will then look for the next
occurrence of /regex1/ to begin the block again.
Every other version of sed (including sed16) requires 2 lines to
match an address range, and thus /regex1/ and /regex2/ cannot
successfully match just one line. See also the comments at
(4) BEGIN~STEP selection: ssed and GNU sed (v2.05 and above) offer
a form of addressing called "BEGIN~STEP selection". This is not a
range address, which selects an inclusive block of consecutive
lines from /start/ to /finish/. But I think it seems to belong here.
Given an expression of the form "M~N", where M and N are integers,
GNU sed and ssed will select every Nth line, beginning at line M.
(With gsed v2.05, M had to be less than N, but this restriction is
no longer necessary). Both M and N may equal 0 ("0~0" selects every
line). These examples illustrate the syntax:
sed '1~3d' file
# delete every 3d line, starting with line 1
# deletes lines 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, ...
sed '0~3d' file
# deletes lines 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, ...
sed -n '2~5p' file
# print every 5th line, starting with line 2
# prints lines 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, ...
(5) Finally, GNU sed v2.05 has a bug in range addressing (see
), which was fixed in the higher versions.
3.5. Debugging sed scripts
The following two debuggers should make it easier to understand how
sed scripts operate. They can save hours of grief when trying to
determine the problems with a sed script.
(1) sd (sed debugger), by Brian Hiles
This debugger runs under a Unix shell, is powerful, and is easy to
use. sd has conditional breakpoints and spypoints of the pattern
space and hold space, on any scope defined by regex match and/or
script line number. It can be semi-automated, can save diagnostic
reports, and shows potential problems with a sed script before it
tries to execute it. The script is robust and requires the Unix
shell utilities plus the Bourne shell or Korn shell to execute.
(2) sedsed, by Aurelio Jargas
This debugger requires Python to run it, and it uses your own
version of sed, whatever that may be. It displays the current input
line, the pattern space, and the hold space, before and after each
sed command is executed.
3.6. Notes about s2p, the sed-to-perl translator
s2p (sed to perl) is a Perl program to convert sed scripts into the
it is included with many versions of
Perl. These problems have been found when using s2p:
(1) Doesn't recognize the semicolon properly after s/// commands.
(2) Doesn't trim trailing whitespace after s/// commands. Even lone
trailing spaces, without comments, produce an error.
(3) Doesn't handle multiple commands within braces. E.g.,
will produce perl code with missing braces, and miss the second "G"
command as well. In fact, any commands after the first one are
missed in the perl output script, and the output perl script will
also contain mismatched braces.
3.7. GNU/POSIX extensions to regular expressions
GNU sed supports "character classes" in addition to regular
character sets, such as [0-9A-F]. Like regular character sets,
character classes represent any single character within a set.
"Character classes are a new feature introduced in the POSIX
standard. A character class is a special notation for describing
lists of characters that have a specific attribute, but where the
actual characters themselves can vary from country to country
and/or from character set to character set. For example, the notion
of what is an alphabetic character differs in the USA and in
France." [quoted from the docs for GNU awk v3.1.0.]
Though character classes don't generally conserve space on the
line, they help make scripts portable for international use. The
equivalent character sets for U.S. users follows:
- [A-Za-z0-9]
Alphanumeric characters
- [A-Za-z]
Alphabetic characters
Space or tab characters only
- [\x00-\x19\x7F] Control characters
Numeric characters
Printable and visible characters
Lower-case alphabetic characters
Printable (non-Control) characters
- [!-/:-@[-`{-~]
Punctuation characters
- [ \t\v\f]
All whitespace chars
Upper-case alphabetic characters
[[:xdigit:]] - [0-9a-fA-F]
Hexadecimal digit characters
Note that [[:graph:]] does not match the space " ", but [[:print:]]
does. Some character classes may (or may not) match characters in
the high ASCII range (ASCII 128-255 or 0x80-0xFF), depending on
which C library was used to compile sed. For non-English languages,
[[:alpha:]] and other classes may also match high ASCII characters.}


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