I hope which itwhich will bee sunny tomorrow 这里可以填WHICH吗。为什么。

1..Let's go shopping if it ___tomorrow,为什么用is sunny而不用will be sunny呢?2..2.His grandfather——for thirty years为什么用has been dead而不用has died呢
1.条件从句,表示未来用一般现在时.所以is sunny.,2.30年是个持续的过程,所以用has been dead,die是瞬间动词,不能加for 30 years.
if 引导的条件状语从句,主祈使句,从句用一般现在时,所以选is sunny
1.因为在if条件句中使用一般现在时表示将来时,所以用is sunny 代替will be sunny.2.因为“死”是一个瞬间动词,不可能与一段时间连用,所以用“死”的形容词“dead”来表示他祖父已将死了有三十多年的状态。
扫描下载二维码六上英语Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrow教案(湘少版)
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源 莲山 课 件 w w w.5Y k J. c oM Unit 5 It will be sunny and cool tomorrowPeriod 1一、&目标(一)&语言目标1.&词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain;能听懂、理解、会说新单词won’t;能在语境中复习与运用关于天气的旧单词sunny,rainy,cold,warm,cool,hot2.&句型:能理解、运用句型“It willMwon′t be…tomorrow.”描述不同天气;能理解、运用句型“There will Mwon′t be a…”进一步描述不同天气(二)&应用目标1.&能用英文指认将来的不同天气 2.&能向同伴介绍将来的天气情况3.&能听懂、会说课文A部分的天气预报二、&重、难点1.&重点:能听懂、会说、认读新单词forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain;能用句型“It willMwon′t be…tomorrow.”与“There will Mwon′t be a…”对不同天气做出细致描述。2.&难点:能运用名词rain,wind,snow等以及他们相对应的形容词rainy,windy,snowy等;能理解并学会运用“It willMwon′t be…”与“There will Mwon′t be a…”三、&教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等四、&教学过程Step 1& warm-up1.&Greetings2.&Sing a song: How is the weather?How is the weather?It is a fine dayHow is the weather? It is a cloudy dayHow is the weather? It is rainingHow is the weather? It is snowingStep 2 Presentation1.&New words and new sentences& (1)&Brainstorming 教师出示核心单词weather,在weather四周出示不同天气的图片,帮助学生复习已学过的天气单词sunny,rainy,windy,snowy,cold,warm,cool,hot等(2)&情境创设:教师结合实际,为学生创设秋游的情境,在情境中学习并操练新单词weather forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain,won’t等师生讨论:提到秋游,孩子们首先考虑的是什么?T:good weather is very important。Now let’s listen to a weather forecast 板书并操练新单词用课件播放声音或教师现场配音:this is CCTV。It’s time for the weather forecast.Tomorrow will be clear in…,It will be sunny and cool.T:Shall we go outtomorrow?(可播放多次后提问)Ss:Yes,because it will be sunny and coolT:So it will be clear.“clear”means “sunny”.So we will go out tomorrow.Just now,my friend Lily called me.She is a teacher ,too.Her students in Beijing will have a school outing tomorrow,too.But what about the weather there?Listen again.播放声音之前,用课件或卡片出示三个句子让学生填空:It will----in Beijing. There will be----in the morning,but there will be----in the afternoon.用课件播放声音或教师现场配音:This is CCTV. It’s time for the weather forecast. It will rain in Beijing. There will be a light rain in the morning,but there will be a heavy rain in the afternoon.学生作答,并在教师的简笔画帮助下理解light rain 与heavy rainT:What a pity!They won′t go out tomorrow(理解、操练won′t)2.&The text第一步:Listen and count不打开书,听音。听音前给出任务(1)&How many cities can you hear?(2)&What are they?第二步:Listen and find完成表格 City&Beijing&Xi’an&Shanghai&Changsha &Sanya&&&&&第三步:Read and check打开书,圈出五个城市的名称及天气,并检查自己听到的是否正确。第四步:Listen and repeat听音,跟读。引导学生正确模仿,提醒学生注意读出天气预报员的语气第五步:Read and act根据教学挂图,引导学生记忆天气预报和表演Step 3& Practice 1.&游戏:吟古诗,根据古诗的描述说出相应的天气教师出示古诗,学生朗读后说出相应的天气,可师生、生生问答.如:敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊(可复习windy,strong wind等词)碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。(可复习spring,warm,sunny等词)春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少?(可说句子It was rainy and windy last night,but maybe it will be sunnyM…)独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲.遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。(可复习autumn,cool等词) 千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷.莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君?(可复习winter,snowy,heavy snow等词)2.&情境创设:周末块到了,和朋友一起讨论周末活动的计划如:S1:Hello,Jim,nice to meet youS2:Peter,nice to meet you,too.Tomorrow is Saturday.What are you going to do on Saturday?S1:I’m going to play basketball with my fatherS2: Did you watch the weather forecast?S1:Yes.it will be sunny and warm.what about you?S2:I will go to the bookstoreStep 4 Homework 1.&听一听,读一读:认真听、有感情地朗读A部分内容2.&背一背,记一记:和好朋友比一比,看谁能更快更好地背出A部分内容与默出B部分单词Period 2一、教学目标(一)语言目标1.词汇:进一步巩固、运用新单词forecast,clear,heavy,light,rain;能听懂、理解、会说新单词safe,storm。2.句型:能在语境中运用新句型“It willMwon′t be…tomorrow.”与 “There will Mwon′t be a…”描述明天或将来的天气3.语法:能理解willMwon′t表示将来的含义;能理解“It willMwon′t be…tomorrow.”与 “There will Mwon′t be a…”中be的用法(二)应用目标1.能描述明天或将来的天气2.能理解课文D部分的短文3.能运用有效的阅读策略,阅读D部分的文章,回答问题&二.教学重、难点1.重点:能在语境中运用新句型“It willMwon′t be…”与“There will Mwon′t be a…”描述明天或将来的天气;能运用合适的阅读技巧进行阅读。2.难点:对名词rain,wind,snow等以及他们相对应的形容词rainy,windy,snowy等的正确运用;对“It willMwon′t be…”与“There will Mwon′t be a…”的运用三.教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等四、教学过程Step 1& WarmCup 1.GreetingsT:what date is it today?T:what day is it today?T:what’s the weather like today?2.Revision:教师利用单词卡片或课件,复习本课新单词与新句型Step 2 Presentation1.Part C:Let’s practise(1)游戏操练:穿项链。教师将句子内的各单词打乱顺序,让学生在一定时间内将打乱的单词穿成完整的句子项链,最快穿好的获胜①sunny it tomorrow be will②it snowy will be Changchun in ③be there wind strong Changsha in will a④next there rain a heavy Monday will be(2)情境创设:为十一黄金周设计理想的天气学生分组讨论理想的国庆出游计划,然后交流S1:I will go to beijing…S2:I will visit my grandparents in the countryside…T:I like& your plans。But good weather is very important。Can you design your weather forecast?(3)&Pair work:为十一黄金周设计理想的天气并进行描述(4)&Show time:两人一组分工合作,一人绘图,一人写句子。再一起表演,共同完成任务2.Part D:Let’s& read& 第一步:Read and find请学生快速阅读文章,然后圈出文中提到的两个城市第二步:Read and answer再次快速阅读文章,填空(1)&There will be ――――in Guangzhou (2)&There will be a――――and ________tomorrow(3)&All students in Guangzhou will not________(4)&It will be ________and ________in Beijing第三步:Read and write(1)&What will people do in Guangzhou?(2)&What will people do in Beijing?第四步:Give some advice学生给教师提出建议:根据天气,提议教师去其中某个城市。或教师出示句子,学生填空:Emily,I think you should go to________,because it will be ________in________,and there will be a________。People will________. So ________is betterStep 3& Practice1.&听力操练:Weather in& New York&听力材料:weather forecast for New York 。Tomorrow is Sunday。It will rain all day,but it won’t be heavy。Please go out with an umbrella。It will be cloudy on Monday。There willbe a light wind。It’s cool。Then on Tuesday,it will be sunny and cool。On Wednesday,it will be clear,too。On Thursday,there will be a big storm。There will be a strong wind and heavy rain,so please stay in safe places。On Friday,it will rain,but there will be a light rain。You can go to the park on Saturday,because it will be sunny and warm。Remember to wear a thin coat!Bye!完成表格。根据不同学情,教师可增减表格内信息,如果学生层次较高,则可由学生自主听写出单词;如果有必要,教师可在最上面的表格增添一行,提供相关天气单词,然后由学生画“√”即可。Sunday&Monday&Tuesday&Wednesday&Thursday&Friday&Saturday&2.&游戏操练:天气预报员&&&& 教师出示听力材料原文,学生分组扮演天气预报员角色,可一人做动作,一人朗读,注意语音,语调与语速。读得最好的获得“最佳天气预报员”奖。Step 4 Homework& 1.&看一看,记一记:请和家人一起观看CCTV-1晚上7:30的天气预报,并记录你喜欢的五个城市明天的天气情况2.&想一想,说一说:根据十一黄金周的天气预报或预测情况,向父母提议去某地的方案,并利用学过的句型陈述理由。
Period 3一、教学目标(一)语言目标1.词汇:进一步巩固、运用已经学过的天气单词sunny,rainy,cool,warm,cold,clear,heavy,light等来描述天气。2.句型:能在语篇中运用新句型“It willMwon′t be…”与 “There will Mwon′t be a…”描述明天或将来的天气3.语篇:能尝试将E部分句子整合成语篇。(二)应用目标1.能运用所学天气单词与句型构建语篇2.能在唱英文歌Itsy& Bitsy Spider的过程中感受到学习英语的快乐3.能在出行前关注天气变化,进一步了解全球气候变暖的问题,树立保护环境的意识。二.教学重、难点1.重点:掌握、运用学过的天气单词与句型;能综合运用天气单词和句型创设情境并介绍将来的天气2.难点:学唱Itsy& Bitsy Spider;能运用天气单词与句型向他人介绍将来的天气三.教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等四、教学过程Step 1& WarmCup& 1.&Greetings2.&Revision:学生汇报国庆节某地天气情况,并试着运用已学句型陈述想去该地的理由Step 2 Presentation1.&PartE:Let’s& write(1)&Free talk教师和学生自由交换,讨论自己去过的城市或地方,并谈论天气,地理位置等具体信息S1:I went to Shanghai。It’s a big city。It’s hot in summerS2:I went to Sanya . It’s near the sea。It’s hot in summer。It’s warm in winter。…….(2)&情境创设:match these photos教师述说自己也去过很多地方,并出示冰雕、海滨、黄河、橘子洲头的照片,打乱顺序,让学生帮助自己,分别把她们与哈尔滨,海口,兰州,长沙配对。(3)&Free talk根据图片,谈论哈尔滨、海口、兰州、长沙的天气情况,复习并运用已学过的天气单词与句型,并陈述自己想去其中某个城市的理由T:which city do you want to go?Why?S1:I want to go to Harbin,because it’s snowy,and I like snow very much。I can skate…(4)&Think and writeT:yesterday I watched the weather forecast for these cities,and I took Notes。Please look at the weather forecast。第一步:学生浏览E部分图片与关键词,准备完成句子第二步:学生完成句子并朗读第三步:分组讨论并完成表格City&Weather&What will people do?Harbin&&Lanzhou&&Changsha&&Haikou&&2.&Part F:Let’s have fun听磁带,学唱歌曲Itsy& Bitsy Spider(1)&听歌曲,学说itsy& bitsy, spider, spout等词(2)&学生跟唱歌曲,教师同时教授F部分右边的①~⑤手指图,教学生用手指模仿蜘蛛往上爬的动作(3)&学生配合动作唱歌(4)&男女生分组PKStep 3& Practice1.&视频M图片欣赏 &&& 教师向学生出示全球极端天气与温室效应的视频或图片,看完后,师生讨论感受,并表达人类应该保护环境的想法2.&group work:学生还可以讨论,为了环保,为了减少温室效应,我们能干做什么?Step 4 Homework1.&听一听,唱一唱,听录音,演唱F部分的歌曲给家人听2.&画一画,比一比,用A4纸制作一张国庆旅游指南,绘制某地风景,并运用相关句型列出天气及可去游玩的原因,在全年级进行展览。&3.&文 章来源 莲山 课 件 w w w.5Y k J. c oM
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?which drink will be served是什么意思
扫描下载二维码I hope which it will be sunny tomorrow 这里可以填WHICH吗.为什么.
I hope that it will be sunny tomorrow 这里不用which,这是一个宾语从句,从句中不缺任何成分,只能用that引导宾语从句.由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,例如:He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.他已经告诉我他明天要去上海.which 基本释义:pron.哪/那一个;哪/那一些adj.哪一个;哪一些
如:I don't know which bike belongs to my father.
I wonder which is better ,this one or that one?
He asked me which I liked best.
I don't know which book is yours.我不知道那本书是你的
He asked which books were his
in this/that case 在这种情况下跟前面构成定语从句关系所以用in which case 据报道将有一场大雨,要是那样的话远足就取消 in case 是在情况下
扫描下载二维码I hope it _____(be)sunny tomorrow ,because I ____(visit)the Great Wall
答案:I hope it will be sunny tomorrow ,because I will visit the Great Wall .译文;我希望明天天气晴朗,因为我将要去长城.解析:从 tomorrow 【明天】可以知道事情还没有发生也就是将要发生.所以要用一般将来时
Someone went to school just for____(好玩)
will visit
Someone went to school just for____(好玩)
I hope it will be sunny tomorrow ,because I will visit the Great Wall 我希望明天天气晴朗,因为我要去游览长城。
Someone went to school just for____(好玩)
Someone went to school just for (fun).


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