
从他们记事以来,Emily 和George 彼此就住在隔壁,当他们还是小孩子的时候,他们经常一起玩,他们是好朋友,尽管有时候他们可能会为了玩具或者该玩什么游戏吵架。当他们一点点长大了,他们在一起玩得越来越少了。Emily 喜欢和女孩子待一起,George喜欢和男孩子一起玩。当他们大约15岁的时候,他们基本上不和对方说话了,并不是因为他们反对对方什么,仅仅因为他们属于不同的圈子。就是这件事,Emil...
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翻译的不好不要怪我哦!Today, the conflict between nations gets worse day by day, and this conflict, looking down at its root, is a conflict between people's mortality. We all know, the first step to develop a good personality is family, therefore, from a different view, a conflict on how to develop one's mortality is a battle of how parent's teach their children. Because of that, different nations in the world,
when training new century experts, they focus on family teaching. Although family teaching in China has risen awareness in the society, but our country still has many flaws in it. It can even affect teenager's good personality's development. Looking at other country's in the realm's succ穿长扁短壮的憋痊铂花ess can help raise awareness and promote people in our country to help solve this problem. In the conflicts in the community, it isn't just a comparison between knowledge and wisdom, but a battle between the conditions and thoughts within the mind. Because of the various cultural backgrounds and customs, how Western and Eastern families teach their children are very different. From these differences, we can find many places where Chinese parents should learn. We can't say the people taught by American families are the beings from our dreams, but the logical parts of their teachings matches the flaws that exists in our teachings. Therefore, American family teachings provide a way for our country to change and evolute.
Today, The international competition day by day is today intense, but this kind of competition is person's quality competition in the final analysis, is the personnel training competition. We knew that personnel training's most important position is a family, therefore, in a sense, talented person's competition is the parents mothering ability competition. Therefore, various countries in raises in the new century talented person's education project, very much takes home education this link. Although the home education had already caused the community in our country, specially educational circles' enormous attention, but at this point, our country many family's educations still have the erroneous zone, it even becomes one kind of stubborn illness, is affecting a young people generation of good quality formation seriously. Therefore, profits from other countries in the home education the valuable practice, to will go out our country home education the erroneous zone to have the very good inspiration and to sleep lightly the function. Society's competition, is merely in no way the knowledge and the intelligent contest, what are more is the will, the psychology and personhood's ratio spells. As a result of the historic tradition, the society cultural context's difference, the West home education idea has the huge difference, from these differences, we may discover many are worth the idea which and the procedure the Chinese guardians study. We c......
Trees' being cut down and farmlands' being occupie...
在1685,查尔斯二世死了,因为他没有合法的孩子, 杰姆斯二世作为国王的弟弟,他成功了。杰姆斯表现出...
从他们记事以来,Emily 和George 彼此就住在隔壁,当他们还是小孩子的时候,他们经常一起玩,他们是好朋友,尽管有时候他们可能会为了玩具或者该玩什么游戏吵架。当他们一点点长大了,他们在一起玩得越来越少了。Emily 喜欢和女孩子待一起,George喜欢和男孩子一起玩。当他们大约15岁的时候,他们基本上不和对方说话了,并不是因为他们反对对方什么,仅仅因为他们属于不同的圈子。就是这件事,Emily 逐步变成一个好学生,而George对运动则更感兴趣。Emily 开始学法语,她非常喜欢法语以致她开始写法语短剧,她也喜欢电视节目,因为某些原因,她非常喜欢看足球,她妈妈经常说“Emily,我从来没听说过一个女孩子谁像你这么喜欢足球的”,她妈妈不赞同她女儿的爱好。对于她妈妈来说,她觉得,足球是针对那些男人和...


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