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Hartlepool United boss Danny Wilson has made his first summer signing in the form of former Cardiff City midfielder Willie Boland.
Wilson made the move for the 31-year-old after Pools had a transfer embargo lifted as a result of last season's relegation to League Two.
The North East club were able to prove to The Football League that they had complied with the division's salary cap restrictions.
Boland arrives at Victoria Park after having trials with Swindon Town and Swansea City before training with League Two rivals Grimsby Town this week.
Wilson moved quickly to secure the services of the former Coventry City man, as the former Bristol City and Milton Keynes Dons boss tries to boost his squad before the August 31 deadline.the football pools前是用in 还是on_百度知道
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in the football pools
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出门在外也不愁Official Website of Pools - Hartlepool United FC latest news, photos and videos
Hartlepool United
16 hours 8 mins ago
We look ahead to Boxing Day to bring you a full and in-depth preview of our Sky Bet League Two visit to Mansfield Town.
17 hours 23 mins ago
17 hours 12 mins ago
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In light of recent media reports the Club would like to make the following statement.
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4 days ago
4 days ago
Ronnie Moore has made four changes to the starting line-up for his first game in charge at Victoria Park against Oxford United this afternoon.
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Fixtures & results
Mansfield Town v Pools
One Call Stadium
Pools v Morecambe
Victoria Park
The Hartlepool United Squad
Unified Player Alternative Content
Pools Poll
Will Pools win at Mansfield?
Yes, feeling confident
I would take a point
Town will get the win
Will Pools win at Mansfield?
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