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编辑:乐闻携尔 来源: 乐闻携尔
&&& 你认为在你的国家哪种交通方式最为高效便捷?请用具体的原因和事例来解释为什么 你认为它高效。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& In China, the most efficient type of transportation is the automobile. Although traffic is increasingly troublesome and parking can be expensive, driving a car gives the individual the& most efficiency and convenience in moving from point A to point B. Although public transit is popular, their organization is far from ideal. Oftentimes, the desired destination is extremely far from a subway station and transfers are lengthy, confusing, and tiresome especially during rush& hours. Driving a private car gives the driver complete freedom in ways to get to the final& destination and it also could protect us from the rough weather elements in many places in China.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& High speed train is the most efficient transportation in China. Recently, the railway network has been greatly upgraded. In the past, it took 16 hours to travel by train from Beijing to Shanghai, but now it takes only 5 hours. What about other types of transportation? Taking bus is even& slower. Well, Taking airplane is the fastest way of all. However, the passengers need to commute between cities and airports, which in most cases are located far away from the downtown area. By contrast, it is easier to reach the high speed train station. Therefore, I believe that taking the high speed train is the most efficient way of travelling in China.
&&& 有些人认为学习一种乐器对个人素养的提高是非常必要的。而有些人认为音乐教育并 非很重要。你同意哪种观点?请解释原因。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& I believe that it is essential to learn a musical instrument. The greatest benefit from& learning to play an instrument is the ability to read music. There are thousands of languages in& the world, but music is the one universal language that every culture and nation can& understand. If one could learn to read, write, and perform musically, he or she can gain the& ability to connect with every single human on earth. In addition, learning to play a musical instrument helps train the ability of the brain to multitask and improves brain-hand coordination. The benefits of playing a musical instrument are far too important to be left undiscovered by people.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& As far as I&m concerned, playing a musical instrument is essential for a person&s education. Some people believe education is simply to spoon-feed students with the knowledge in a certain academic field. However, education is not that simple. The real task of education is to make a student a well-rounded person. I believe that playing a particular part of the brain which people do not normally use. There are many famous great scientists who also play musical instruments, like Albert E he was also a skillful violin player. Besides, it is a good way to help a person to get relaxed.
&&& 阅读材料:校广播站的巨大变革
&&& 大学决定对校广播站实施几项大的变革,其中包括扩大广播的覆盖范围,使得邻近的一些城镇也可接收到校广播节目。这个计划的预期目标之一是吸引更多的学生申 请有关通讯的课程。另一个目标则是为校方增加额外的资金来源,学校希望通过广播 广告来招商以获得收益。
&&& 题目:对话中的女生支持文章所述的提议。请解释她认为这一提议可以达到学校预期 目标的原因。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& The female student believes that the expansion of the radio station will benefit both the& students and the school. First of all, the university wanted the expansion to boost applications for its communications program. The student thinks the expansion will allow current communication students to practice broadcasting to a larger, real- life audience and consequently these students will have better job opportunities after graduation. This should help attract more& students to apply. Furthermore, the student cites an example of a friend&s school that did the same& expansion for the on-campus radio station. It became a financial success and attracted many& business advertisers, just like what the school hopes to achieve currently. Thus, the expansion should both attract more students and increase revenue for the school.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& The university is considering expanding the broadcasting range of its radio station. The& purpose is to attract more students to the communications program and to make extra revenue for the school. The woman agrees with the proposal. For one thing, with more programs, the& radio station will& be able& to provide more professional experience for the students. So the& students can have a better shot of getting a job after graduation. As a result, more students will& be attracted to the program. For another, the whole university will benefit from it, since it can& make money out of the commercials. Then they can offer more scholarship and get funded for more advanced facilities.
&&& 阅读材料:阈下知觉
&&& 人们时时感受着各种视觉和听觉上的刺激。有时我们对这些刺激的感知是有意识的:我们意识到某一刺激并且知道我们在感知它。但是我们对某一刺激的感知也可在无意识的情况下发生:一个影像以我们无法察觉到的速度在我们眼前闪现并消失,或者一个声音极其微弱,以至于我们无法意识到它的存在。这种现象,即对于低于感知 阈值的刺激的感受就被称为阈下知觉。有证据表明,潜意识中感知到的刺激可以影响 人们的思维和态度。
&&& 题目:请描述阈下知觉的含义并解释教授所介绍的这个实验是如何证明这一现象的。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& Subliminal perception is perception of a stimulus just below the conscious level. For example, the flashing of a picture for a tenth of a second so that we never consciously remember seeing the photo can be a form of subliminal stimulus. This type of perception, although low in& traceability, can be influential on our attitudes and thought. In the psychology experiment detailed by the professor, the& subliminal stimulus of the& boy&s picture had a strong impact on how the students reacted to a third, neutral photograph. Those who saw an angry subliminal stimulus rated the third picture negatively, while those who saw a happy subliminal stimulus picture rated the picture positively.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& The subliminal perception is a perception of a stimulus below the threshold of conscious awareness. It has an impact on our thoughts and attitudes. The professor introduces a study to clarify this phenomenon. Two groups of participants were shown a picture of a boy for less& than one second while they were watching TV. The pictures, though not realized by anyone, were slightly different. The first group saw an angry boy while the& second a happy one. Later on all& the participants were shown the boy in neutral emotion for several minutes. The boy&s& personality, according to the first group, was quite negative while the second group believed him to have a positive character.
&&& 对话中,学生们针对这个女生的问题讨论了两种可行的解决方案。请简要总结这个问 题,并陈述你倾向于哪种解决方案及其原因。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& The& student has trouble with the scheduling of an award ceremony and a philosophy exam. She has won an award and must attend the award ceremony. However, her philosophy exam is scheduled to end right as the ceremony starts. She worries that if she takes the test she might miss out on parts of the ceremony. However, if she reschedules the exam the teacher would be very likely to make her take it a few days in advance, which means she will have less& studying time. I would recommend her to talk to the teacher and reschedule the exam time just half an hour or an hour earlier. Thus, she will finish the exam and make it to the award ceremony just fine.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& The girl has a time conflict. She is excited to receive an award on a ceremony but she has an exam to take in her philosophy class. The problem is, the exam is scheduled to end right at the& time when the ceremony begins. So she can either ask the teacher to reschedule the exam so that she can manage to attend the ceremony or she has to let the ceremony go. Under such& circumstances, I would choose to ask the professor to reschedule the exam. If not, he may miss& the announcement of her name. The girl has worked so hard for it and she deserves to enjoy the ceremony. Plus, she can talk to the teacher to postpone the exam so that she can have more& time to prepare. I think the teacher will understand that.
&&& 请用叙述中的观点和事例来解释替代商品和互补商品是如何影响某一产品的市场需求的。
&&& response 1 by native
&&& Price is not the only factor that influences demand, since complement and substitute goods also impact the demand of a product. A substitute product is a product that is identical to another product. These two products can be replaced by each other with no problem. For example, butter and margarine are substitute goods in that they have very similar usage. If the& price of one goes up, people will generally choose the substitute. Complement goods are& another example that has been given. These goods cannot be used without each other. For instance, CD and CD players are complement goods. If CDs increase in price, the demand for CD Players will decrease. Complement and substitute goods are good examples of when price of one product can impact the demand of another.
&&& response 2& by non-native
&&& The professor introduces an economic phenomenon concerning demand and price. She& points out that the demand for a certain product can be affected by the price of other related products. She mentions two ways of it. Firstly, the demand can be affected by the price of substitute goods. For example, if the price of butter increases, fewer people will buy it. Instead, they will choose to buy margarine, a product that can replace butter. Secondly, the price of complement goods has some influence on the demand. For example, when the price of compact disc& goes& up,& the& demand for& both& will drop.
&&& 版权声明:本文摘自刘文勇、张颖所著《新托福真题详解-口语分卷》,中国人民大学出版社出版,如需转载,请注明出处。
&&& 《新托福真题详解-口语分卷》
本站版权归 深圳美联国际教育科技有限公司 所有
  Task 2
  Do you agree or disagree it is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generation.
  Task 1
  【主题】About vitrified stone
  Reading:说了 three theory。(1)religious ceremonial and ritual。因为苏格兰地区的vitrified stone,有super natural power,可以bring benefit,然后提到了glass。(2)是forts,敌人用带火的箭去射它,里面的起支撑作用的木头就燃烧了,然后就让石头vitrified了(3)修forts的人专门弄成某个样子,为了让它更加strengthen。
  Listening:(1)因为这些forts 是BC.900 years建造的,然而基督教没有认为玻璃很重要, 所以不是宗教原因;2. 因为vitrified要1000℃ 的高温,而且要持续的fire,然而那些火器烧木头达不到这个temperature。而且不能持续 ,所以不行;(3)因为glass虽然硬,但是很脆,所以不行,证实得到 flexible的其实更好。比如说loosen的石头堆得堡垒更牢固,因为他们可以bend a little,所以说可以reduce attack,所以不是用来故意strengthen的。
  Task 1重复NA
  Listening:反驳:(1)可燃气体是不动的,但是人们看见的鬼火却是(2)electric spark是在wetland下面的rock中生成的,不会跑到上面来; (3)这种蘑菇的发光物质在体内,要Broken into pieces才游泳,但是这种物质不sticky,所以会从鸟身上掉下来。
  Task 2 重复NA
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives has already taken place.
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