2011朝阳初三一模初三英语完形填空 谁会翻译啊

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Copyright & 2004-网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-跪求翻译2012年初三英语一模西城区试卷的完型和CD篇!!! 好的加分_百度知道
翻译的很辛苦啊!我还有一堆作业没写呢.......= = 完形填空:几年前,我有一个扮演麦当劳叔叔的角色。我们拜访了一些小的社区医院,带去了一些欢乐。我很喜欢这项活动,而且我很高兴有机会做些“down time”(上网查是停机工作的意思,不太懂)不过有规定说不能与医院里的人有肢体触碰,我知道为啥但我不喜欢这个规则。我相信触碰是最诚实的方式去交流。我被警告说,坏了规则我就会失去工作。一天我路过过道,我听见一个小小声音“麦当劳叔叔”我停下来。那是五岁的billy,他躺在爸爸的怀里。我曾经做过一些小戏法给他看。我退后跟他说拜拜,他问“麦当劳叔叔,你抱我可以吗”虽然只是小要求,但我知道我如果做了我就没有工作。所以我告诉他我不能现在抱他,不过我建议我们可以一起画一幅画,完成一幅漂亮的画后,他又问我可不可以抱他。这次我尖叫说“可以” 不过无心理却叫的更大声“不,你会丢掉工作的!”“抱我。”我开始寻找东西可以让我走,可是我不能发现一个。这让我发现丢掉工作也不会太坏。只不过也许会丢掉车子丢掉房子......不过我发现在我最后的生命中,房子和车也许没那么重要。我开始想我在这里真正的原因是因为我可以给这里带来快乐。我知道我不会面对冒险.....所以我决定抱他。我们笑,讨论让她困扰的事。我离开后,billy对她妈妈说“我不再期望圣诞老人近年来了,因为我刚刚和麦当劳叔叔拥抱了”不到两天,billy就死了。有时候我们应该做我们应该做的事,无论有多大风险!
虽然已经晚了。而且还不全。。。。但是~还是谢谢了哈~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2011年北京市中考一模英语试题分类汇编之【完型填空 】
2011年北京市中考一模英语试题分类汇编之【完型填空】【北京市昌平区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。"We make a living with what we get, but we make a life with what we give."-Winston ChurchillI believe this saying.I have been
at the Boston Children's Hospital every year since I was thirteen.At the beginning,I only wanted to go
I would make fun with children at the hospital.After giving my time for 40 months,my life has been changed
.When I first
into the waiting room on the ground floor,I was very
that I would be spending my whole summer with kids.As I got used to showing up every day at 8 a.m.,many kids began to
me.To my surprise,I began looking forward to seeing their happy faces as well.They were always excited about
.My heart warmed every time I heard their excited voices asking me for a story or an answer to a question.I felt
and no one could take my place. I look back,I see the influence that these special children have had on me.It is because of them that I have
a strong wish to become a psychologist,a person who studies the science of children's mind.Recently,I have been asked to help out on many different floors
the waiting room where I started.The kids on the floors above are usually there for a longer time.With their worries and wishes to get better and go home,they always offer me a
smile.I feel all the tiredness has gone after spending a day with them because I realize that there is much more to
than money.It is much more important to love and to be loved.36.A.1iving
C.immediately D.completely39.A.1ooked
D.playing43.A.independent B.surprised
B.remembered C.worked
D.family【答案】五.36- 40 DCD BA
41-45 BCDAC
46-47 BA【北京市朝阳区2011年中考一模英语试题】  As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 200l, when I rode in a hot air balloon on my birthday. I thought it would be exciting, but the
turned out to be uninteresting. We went up directly high in the air and right back down, moving around very
. During that time, I hoped I could skydive(延缓张伞跳伞)some day and my husband encouraged me. So when I heard there was a chance to let my dream come true, I decided to
it.  However, my children were very nervous about it. They
me to talk things over with my doctor before that. When I told him what I was planning to do, he said, "You could break bones(骨头)during the
at the age of 84!" Hearing that, I had to stop myself from laughing. But that was not going to
me on the ground.  On June 11, 2009, my family and friends got together in the area close to where I would land while I headed
in an airplane. When we reached 13,000 feet, Jay, my instructor(教练)told me it was time. I followed his
to get myself out of the plane. When we first
the air, the wind was very strong. But a few seconds later, it became better. We were in a
fall for about a minute before Jay pulled the parachute's cord(降落伞绳索).Then we just floated(飘浮)downward for about four minutes. Being up
the sky and looking at the view(景色)below was unlike anything I have ever felt, much better than the hot air balloon.  "Just keep
" is what I like to say. If there's something you want to experience, search for it. If it's something that is possible, make it happen.36. A. program
B. progress
C. exercise
D. experience37. A. little
D. low38. A. get
D. accept39. A. ordered
B. allowed
D. wished40. A. flying
B. floating
C. jumping
D. landing41. A. put
D. leave42. A. up
D. forward43. A. introduction
B. decision
C. instruction
D. direction44. A. hit
B. touched
D. breathed45. A. hard
C. straight
D. free46. A. over
D. beside47. A. doing
D. fighting【答案】五、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)36D37A38B39C40D41B42A43C44A45D46B47C【北京市大兴区2011年中考一模英语试题】I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula, Uklan. From the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail(钉子) I
out of old boards.I got my first real job, at JM's Restaurant in town when I was 12. My main responsibilities were clearing up tables and washing dishes, but
I helped cook.Every day after school I would
to JM's and work until ten. Even on Saturdays, I worked from two until eleven. At that age it was difficult going to
and watching my friends run off to swim or play. I didn't really like work, but I loved what work allowed me to have. Because of my
I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local(当地的) Tastee Freez. This made me feel
.Word that I was hardworking and trustworthy(讲诚信)
around the town. A local clothing store offered me a credit card
I was only in seventh grade. I immediately bought a $68 sport coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was
only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed(欠) the store-keeper $90! So I learned gradually the danger of easy credit. I paid
as soon as I could.  My first job taught me self-control responsibility and brought me a level of personal satisfaction that
of my friends experienced. As my father, who worked three jobs, once told me, "If you
responsibility, there are not many things in life you can't have." How right he was!36.
D. pressed37.
B. usually
C. sometimes
D. often38.
D. move39.
D. travel40.
B. friendly
D. hopeful42.
D. carried43.
C. since  
D. although44.
A. keeping
D. taking45.
D. back46.
D. understand【答案】[来源:学*科*网]五、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)36. B 37. C 38. A
39. C 40. D 41. A
42. B 43. D 44. B
47. A【北京市东城区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。In college, I wanted to be a math teacher. After completing four years of math courses, it was time to find a
. I wanted to teach in a big city at a nice school. But I quickly discovered there was a lot of
for teaching jobs. Finally my father suggested that I interview at a school in a very small town. The position there was for an English teacher! I went to the interview to
my dad. To my surprise, the headmaster offered me the job immediately. I accepted it because I needed a job.When I arrived at the school in the fall, there was a new headmaster. He didn't know
I was! Then I learned that I had to create a curriculum(课程)for each of my five classes. I didn't know where to start. I was also asked to coach basketball and be the school drama(戏剧)director. And I had
taken a drama class! This was a little school, but it was a
job.During my first year, I almost lived at school. I worked hard creating lesson plans and holding basketball and play practices. Many students came from single-parent families. A lot of them didn't
about school. Some of them were at our school because they had been kicked out of other schools. I felt very young and inexperienced.Even though I didn't have much experience, I was full of encouragement and
love. And that's what I gave my students. I tried to make my classes fun and interesting. Once my students knew that I
teaching them, they behaved better. My students became so dear to me that I couldn't imagine teaching
else. I remember one student couldn't
breakfast. So I always gave him some bread on his way out of my class. He
all of his classes but mine. I think it was because I took the time to show him I
cared.Now when I think of my first teaching job, I have many pleasant stories. And even though the job took a lot out of me, it was really an unforgettable experience in my life.36. A. friend
D. house37. A. development B. competition
C. agreement
D. information38. A. thank
C. welcome
D. praise39. A. who
D. how40. A. just
D. already41. A. BIG
D. PROUD42. A. learn
D. care43. A. loved
B. considered
C. finished
D. suggested44. A. anyone
B. anytime
C. anything
D. anywhere45. A. earn
B. provide
D. find46. A. finished
C. remembered
D. visited47. A. still
C. finally
D. truly【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)36. C 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C 41. A 42. D 43. A 44. D45. C 46. B 47. D【北京市房山区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。  Dear Laura,  I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You don't know whether it is true that such unselfish love would happen in today's world. Well, I'm here to give you
.  I wanted to do something very
for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it
it looked almost new. I was so proud of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet(头盔)and a riding outfit(全套装备).  I could
wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I couldn't sleep the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to
the coffee, tea, and morning dishes. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a
:" To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son."  I was so surprised. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could
lessons. "Learn to play the piano, and I'll get you one" was my husband's
promise.  I stood there shocked(震惊的), crying a river, asking myself how my son could
this expensive gift.[来源:]  Of course, the house awoke, and my son was very pleased with my reaction(反应). Many kisses were exchanged, and I immediately wanted him to
my gift.  As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not exactly what I was expecting. Then I
that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.  Of course I was the proudest mother ever on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.  So I wanted you to know, that kind of love is
present and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!  I thought you'd love to
this story.                   Yours,                     Hilary36. A. hope
D. courage37. A. strange
B. similar
C. special
D. private38. A. after
D. until39. A. perhaps
D. hardly40. A. start
D. serve41. A. sign
D. note42. A. give
D. teach43. A. present
D. order44. A. tear
D. receive[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K]45. A. realized
B. remembered
C. imagined
D. supposed[来源:]46. A. only
D. even47. A. send
B. publish
D. write【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)  36.A
43.C  44.B
47.C【北京市丰台区2011年中考一模英语试题】  阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。    Joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father. Since then, he has had to depend on the
of his younger sister Ella. In order to take care of him, Ella became his shadow, never leaving him
for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do anything in his life.  As they grew up together, they had their share of
and they would often quarrel. Then one day, Ella wanted to separate from Joe, living
own life. So Joe was heart-broken and didn't know what to do.  A
misfortune (不幸) struck Rosa, too. One night her mother, who suffered(受苦) from mental illness,
. So her father went out looking for her mother. She tried to cook meals for her parents, only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove, resulting in a fire which took her hands away.  Though her elder sister Susan showed her willingness to take care of her, Rosa decided to be
independent. And most of all she learned to do things on her own. Once she wrote the following in her composition: "I'm lucky. Though I lost my arms, I still have legs. Though my wings are broken, my heart can still
."  One day,Joe and Rosa were both invited to a television interview program. Joe told the TV host about his
future at being left on his own, while Rosa was full of hope for her life. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. Joe wrote:My younger sister'
Rosa wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.  They had both stood the same sufferings, but their different
determined(决定) the nature of their lives. It is true that life is unpredictable. How you deal with misfortune is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and run away from the suffering,it will always
you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will arise.36. A. legs
D. hands37. A. sad
C. worried
D. alone38. A. questions
B. accidents
C. problems
D. business39. A. his
D. their40. A. serious
C. terrible
D. similar41. A. returned
B. disappeared
D. left42. A. completely
B. directly
C. seriously
D. immediately43. A. break
D. jump44. A. unfair
B. uncertain
D. undoubted45. A. and
D. or46. A. opinions
D. attitudes47. A. follow
C. disturb
D. hurt  【答案】五、完形填空(共12小题,每小题1分)36.A
47.A【北京市怀柔区2011年中考一模英语试题】阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here's a true story of an American girl, Sarah. After Sarah left university, 36
began to live in New York City on her own. She
a job in a publishing house, but the salary was less than $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah could live on her _38
and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that 39
in one of the most expensive cities in the world?Cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost small.For most people, that means housing. So Sarah chose to 40__ a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was 41 . When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants. 42 she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then 43_ the chicken bones(骨头)home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often
a lot of money on entertainment(娱乐). But Sarah said, "I enjoy walking 45 in New York City. I love going to museums and parks."
Did Sarah feel poor by cheap living? Not really. She
46 managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, the other to Portland."Don't think of saving money as something 47 . It's a kind of game," said Sarah.36. A. he
D. they37. A. found
C. asked for
D. looked for38. A. salary
D. idea39. A. difficult
B. possible
D. different40. A. buy
D. share41. A. food
C. studying
D. playing42. A. Soon
B. Finally
D. Again43. A. prepared
D. picked44. A. pay
D. save45. A. along
D. around46. A. even
D. never47. A. hard
B. interesting
D. great【答案】363738394041424344454647BAABDACBCDAA【北京市密云县2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)   阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。  A couple of years ago, I went to a lady's house to buy some medicine. Upon entering the house, I
that there was a piano in the living room beside the wall.Being a piano music lover and player, I asked if the woman played. She said "Yes" and
that she had been taking lessons-at the age of 54!  "I have been
for 8 years now." I said, after hearing her words.[来源:]  "Then you must play a song for me before you leave," she requested(请求).  I thought she was kidding and I
smiled. When I had bought the medicine, she asked me to play some music. I thought for a moment and 40
to play David Lanz's Return to the Heart,
she had so much passion(热情)for and interest in music, and it's one of my favourite songs.  I played the song to the best of my ability(能力), putting as much emotion into it as possible. She
it. As I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling, "Young man!"  I
, and saw an old lady taking one little step at a time with the help of another woman. "I wanted to come out to thank you for the
song that you played. I have been very sick, and it's very hard for me to get out of bed, but I really wanted to thank you for the song. It made me feel good." she said. With that, she turned around and walked slowly back to her room.  I was deeply touched by her
and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It was
to its name, returning to one's heart to
and joy.36. A. noticed
C. learned
D. knew37. A. explained
C. dreamed
D. wished38. A. waiting
B. writing
C. practising
D. playing39. A. simply
B. proudly
D. happily40. A. promised
C. decided
D. hoped41. A. since
C. because
D. if42. A. hated
B. remembered C. heard
D. loved43. A. turned around B. looked up
C. ran away
D. went on44. A. valuable
C. beautiful
D. popular[来源:]45. A. kindness
B. experience C. appreciation D. condition46. A. correct
D. real47. A. sadness
B. happiness
D. honesty【答案】五、完型填空(共12分, 每小题1分)  36. A
41. A[来源:ZXXK]  42. D
47. C【北京市平谷区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。  Twelve-year-old Kitty O'Neil asked her coach, "Let me try." She was already on the swim team, but this was different. One of the divers had not arrived, and Kitty needed much help. Her coach looked
at her. She had been practicing dives, but could she really stand up to the competition? Besides, 37
was completely deaf. Many people thought a person who was deaf wouldn't be able to dive well. However, Kitty 38
, and she won first place at that swimming meet and went on to win the Junior Olympics in the area.  Kitty began diving with Dr. Sammy Lee, a famous coach and former Olympic diving champion. The teenager went to school in the morning and then spent most afternoons diving. It was
work, and Kitty often hit the water the wrong way. However, she was able to 40
practicing. While she was diving , Kitty won many gold medals, but she wanted 41
. Perhaps she learned something from her 42
. Kitty lost her hearing at the age of four months. Because she wanted Kitty to lead a normal life, Kitty's mother went to college to 43
about teaching people who are deaf. Kitty's mother finally started a school for those who are deaf.  Kitty's life was 44
but normal, and as an athlete, Kitty was much bettter than others. When she gave up diving, she wanted danger and adventure. She raced cars, boats, and motorcycles. Many of these 45
usually require at least some hearing. For example many racers judge their speed by the sound of the engine. Kitty did it by
46 .  In 1972 she began to learn doing dangerous action for movies and television. Soon she became one of the
women in Hollywood. In 1976 Kitty O'Neil also became the fastest woman in the world in a rocket-powered car that went more than 512 miles per hour.36. A. up
C. carefully
D. closely37.A. she
D. it [来源:ZXXK]38. A. worked
C. practiced
came39A. easy
C. pleasant
D. hard40. A. like
D. begin41.A. fewer
D. many42.A. father
D. teacher [来源:Z.]43.A. learn
D.listen44.A. something
B. anything
C. nothing
D. everything45.A. classes
B. meetings
C. activities
D. parties46.A. listening
B. learning
C. speaking
D. feeling47.A. latest
B. fastest
C. prettiest
D. busiest【答案】五、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)  36. B
45. C  46. D
47. D【北京市石景山2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)  阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。    Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own. My mom was one of those people.  My father died when I was nine months old, making my mom a single mother at the age of eighteen. While I was growing up, we lived a very
life. We had little money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would
my life, "Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it."  At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never
again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voice, telling me that no matter what those doctors said, I could walk again if I didn't want to be bad enough. She
that message so deep into my heart that I finally believed her. A year later, I returned to school-walking on my own!  When the Great Depression(大萧条)
, my mom lost her job. Then I left school to support(支撑) both of us. At that moment, I decided never to be
again.  Over the years, I experienced various levels of business success. But the real
point happened on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1916. I was dissatisfied with the second-class hotels for families and was angry that they charged(收费)an extra $2 for each child. That was too
for most American families. I told my wife that I was going to open a hotel for families that would never charge extra for
. There were plenty of doubters at that time.  Not
, mom was one of my strongest supporters. She worked behind the desk and even designed the room style. As in any business, we experienced a lot of hard time. But with my mother's words deeply rooted in my heart, I
doubted we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the world - Holiday Inn. In 1979 my company had 1,759 inns in more than fifty countries with an income of $1 billion a year.  You may not have started out life in the best situations. But if you can find a
in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you. [来源:]  36. A. quiet
D. strange  37. A. accept
C. disturb
D. check  38. A. study
D. walk  39. A. drove
B. expected
C. explained
D. covered  40. A. did
D. fit  41. A. excited
C. patient
D. poor  42. A. leading
B. breaking
C. turning
D. celebrating  43. A. expensive
B. fantastic
C. different
D. special  44. A. husband
B. parents
C. children
D. wife  45. A. successfully
B. surprisingly
C. interestingly
D. importantly  46. A. always
B. sometimes
D. never  47. A. task
C. company
D. word【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)  36. C
41.D  42. C
47. A【北京市燕  【北京市燕山区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空。 (共12分,每小题1分)  阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项,将其代号填在答题卡相应的题号后。Doctors and other scientists study the human mind and now they have proved that stress can have an influence on the health of your body.Stress is
whenever there is a problem or change in your life. Of course, everybody has stress more or less and nobody's life is
. In fact, stress is necessary. Without
, we would never learn anything or grow or change. We would
be bored to death. But too much stress can
you.Today you have different kinds of stress. Problems like endless homework or troubles with your family are the kinds of things you can't fight against
run away from.42
can you do about stress? First, you can try to find ways to change things so you aren't under so much stress. You can
a plan to finish homework, go to a doctor or try to work things out with your family or friends. But sometimes you can't
a stressful situation. Sometimes you don't even want to.The link between your body and brain
in two ways. Your body can help your mind deal with stress. If you are
stress, you need to take especially good care of your body. It's important to get enough sleep and have nutritious meals. Another thing that you can do is daily
. Anyone with a continuing physical problem should check with a doctor before starting any exercise programs.36. A. produced
C. suggested
D. influenced37. A. wonderful
C. perfect
D. helpful38. A. change
C. problem
D. stress39. A. always
B. probably
D. never40. A. hurt
D. influence41. A. or
D. so [来源:学+科+网]42. A. When
D. How43. A. start
B. look up
D. go on44. A. make
D. think45. A. meets
D. works46. A. in
C. between
D. on47. A. exercise
D. practice
BA【北京市通州区2011年中考一模英语试题】  阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb(哑的). This is because, as he is deaf, he cannot __36__ other people, and therefore has nothing to imitate(模仿). He may try to make sounds himself, but he cannot hear his own voice. However, even though he finds it __37__ to speak and cannot hear, he can see. He can therefore learn to read. Nowadays he can also be taught to speak __38__ we have modern methods and equipment(设备), but we did not have these when Helen Keller was born.Even with modern methods and equipment, however, it is not easy for deaf children to learn to speak, though most of them are __39__. When a child is deaf and blind as well, it becomes much more difficult, though even then it is possible. Helen Keller was a __40__ child at birth in 1880, but she became very ill at the age of nineteen months. Medical knowledge was not as great then as it is now. She did not __41__ but lost her sight and hearing. As a __42__ she became dumb as well. In spite of (尽管) her parent's efforts to teach her, at the age of six she could not speak.Then, in 1887, a teacher, Miss Sullivan, came to live with her. Miss Sullivan herself had been blind, she had been partly cured(治愈), and although she could not see very well, she was not __43__. Helen was a __44__ pupil at first, but in a month Helen had learned how to __45__ signs and how to make them herself. In time in spite of her great difficulties, Helen learned to read, write and speak, even though she was deaf and blind. She even went to college and had full __46__. She wrote many books, and though other people have written books about her, her own books are the ones that best explain how it feels to be deaf, dumb and blind. Her best book is "The Story of My Life". Perhaps you have read it. __47__ it was written in 1902, it still is a very interesting book. Even if you have not read it, you may have heard of Helen Keller.36. A. hear
D. touch37. A. easy
B. difficult
C. interesting
D. boring38. A. when
D. because39. A. brave
C. successful
D. worried40. A. sick
D. happy41. A. wake
D. appear42. A. result
D. doctor43. A. weak
D. blind44. A. difficult
D. careful45. A. draw
C. understand
D. tell46. A. experience
B. treatment
C. vacation
D. education47. A. Since
C. However
D. Unless【答案】五、完形填空36. A
47. B【北京市西城区2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。  Every night after dinner, my mother and I would sit at the kitchen table. She would present new tests, taking her
from stories of amazing children she had read in newspapers and magazines.  The first night she brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew the capitals of all the states in our country and
most of the European countries. A teacher also said the little boy could also pronounce the names of the foreign cities correctly.  "What's the capital of Finland?" my mother asked me, looking at the magazine story.  All I knew was the capital of California. "Nairobi!" I guessed, saying the most
word I could think of. She checked to see if that was possibly one way to
"Helsinki" before showing me the answer.  The tests got
. One night I had to look at a page from the Bible (圣经) for three minutes and then report everything I could remember. I said all I remembered. And
I saw my mother's disappointed (失望的) face once again, something inside of me began to
. I hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations. Before going to bed that night, I looked in the mirror in the bathroom and when I saw only my face looking back - and that it would always be this
face - I began to cry. I made loud noises like a mad animal.  And then I saw what seemed to be the prodigy (奇才) side of me - because I have never seen that face before. I looked at myself in the mirror, blinking (眨眼) so I could see more
. The girl looking back at me was angry, strong. This girl and I were the same. I had new thoughts. I won't let her
me. I won't be what I'm not.So the following nights when my mother presented
tests, I performed listlessly, my head on one arm. I pretended (假装) to be bored. And I was. I started to
other things. Soon, she noticed I was absent-minded. We had a talk and I told her what I thought and how I felt about the tests. Then the whole evening, she seemed to be thinking.The next day, she presented me some easier tests. I found my pleasure and confidence back again, and we started to be on the way to make me a prodigy I could be.36. A. examples
B. lessons
D. ideas37. A. perhaps
D. still38. A. surprising
B. foreign
C. interesting
D. special39. A. pronounce
B. express
D. read40. A. longer
D. harder[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]41. A. before
D. although42. A. rise
D. run43. A. strange
B. unhappy
D. ordinary44. A. easily
B. quickly
C. clearly
D. differently45. A. trouble
D. teach46. A. her
D. their47. A. put away
B. worry about C. go over
D. think about【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)  36. A 37. B
41. B  42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B
47. D【北京市延庆县2011年中考一模英语试题】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。No More Time Out  Shawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near each other, and they both loved __36__.They played baseball, touch football, and kickball. They also liked to play soccer, shoot baskets, and skateboard.  When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his __37__ in a soccer game. He had to be on crutches for six weeks.  Shawn __38__ Thomas, but what was there to do? Shawn didn't like television or computer games. Thomas didn't like to sit and talk. After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn __39__ up. He said, "I'm out of here."  For days, Shawn __40__at home, feeling guilty for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling __41__because Shawn wasn't visiting him. After a week, Shawn's mom spoke up. "It's time for you and Thomas to get back into action! That's why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has the perfect volunteer job for you both," she said.  Shawn said __42__.  His mom continued, "The library sells used books to raise money. People are always __43__off books in bags and boxes. Someone has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to sort them into fiction (小说) and nonfiction. You and Thomas can be a team __44__." "No, we can't!" said Shawn. "He and I don't want a job." However, Shawn's mom wouldn't __45__ no for an answer.  Sure enough, __46__the boys began, things changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library. Sorting books in the storage room, Thomas felt useful again. In fact, one day Thomas said, "Between you and me, Shawn, this isn't so __47__." Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team.301 words[来源:]36. A. sports
D. arts37. A. arm
D. nose38. A. phoned
B. invited
C. visited
D. checked39. A. came
D. hurried40. A. stayed
D. talked41. A. tired
D. angry42. A. nothing
B. something
C. anything
D. everything43. A. bringing
B. dropping
C. showing
D. knocking44. A. soon
C. perhaps
D. again45. A. choose
D. allow46. A. because
D. although47. A. private
D. special【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)36.A 37.C
46.B 47.C【北京市顺义区2011年中考一模英语试题】  Shawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near each other, and they both loved
. They played baseball, touch football, and kickball. They also liked to play soccer, shoot baskets, and skateboard.  When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his
in a soccer game. He had to be on crutches(拐) for six weeks.  Shawn
Thomas, but what was there to do? Shawn didn't like television or computer games. Thomas didn't like to sit and talk. After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn
up. He said, "I'm out of here."  For days, Shawn stayed at home, feeling guilty(有罪的,犯了错误的) for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling
because Shawn wasn't visiting him. After a week, Shawn's mom spoke up. "It's time for you and Thomas to get back into
! That's why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has the perfect volunteer job for you both," she said.  Shawn said nothing.  His mom continued, "The library sells used books to raise money. People are always
off books in bags and boxes. Someone has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to
them into fiction (小说) and nonfiction. You and Thomas can be a team again."  "No, we
!" said Shawn. "He and I don't want a job." However, Shawn's mom wouldn't take no for an answer.  Sure enough,
the boys began, things changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library. Sorting books in the storage room, Thomas felt
again. In fact, one day Thomas said, "Between you and me, Shawn, this isn't so
." Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team. wake[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]36. A. books
D. arts37. A. leg
D. nose38. A. phoned
B. invited
C. visited
D. checked39. A. gave
D. hurried40. A. tired
D. angry41. A. effort
D. action42. A. dropping
B. bringing
C. showing
D. knocking43. A. pack
D. turn44. A. mustn't
C. needn't
D. shouldn't45. A. because
D. although46. A. relaxed
D. special47. A. hard
D. bad【答案】五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)36.B}


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