Dirt Road Anthemroad是什么意思思?

reports that the publicity blurb for this southern rap-inclined tune “suggests Aldean has listened to a little
in his time.” An amused Jason Aldean responded to The Boot: “I don’t know why all these nasty rumors about rap songs keep coming up. It’s not a rap song. I never say never but I will say that I’m a country singer. I am definitely not a rapper. So if I was to do anything like that, it’s not going to be
-style or anything.”
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Yeah, I'm chilling on a dirt roadLaid back swerving like I'm George JonesSmoke rolling out the windowAn ice cold beer
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country music with rap. Love it.
Good song and I like being able to see the video or the words
“ PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1. say your name 10 times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this to 4 other songs. if you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. but if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 SONGS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORK ”
February 2013
Spank! :-) I love Jason and George Jones! :-)
Reminds me of the Brazos River. Loved it.
I LOVE THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is the most talented guy!!! this is real country
Spank! I love this Country! Funny thing is I used to live in the Country Northern California and moved down South for the Ocean! I love them both, but I do miss me my Country!
raping country
See You Soon,Jason.MAY 18th!!!!! :)
I can't get enough of country music I love you all you country singers and
“ PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1. say your name 10 times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this to 4 other songs. if you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. but if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 SONGS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORK ”
Play the version with Ludicris!
I don't think so.
Brantley Gilbert's is much better than this.
Makes me think of the guy i lyk (: [2]
This is Billy Butlers song
love this song
Makes me think of the guy i lyk (:
Love Jason Aldean but don't like this.Would be good without the rap.
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Top ListenerKate Peters Fitness
Wow! I figure it is time for an update! It has been awhile since I last posted. I have been busy with work, both in the medical field and with Team Beachbody. I am also still in school and just took a summer break from blogging to spend the summer with Allie. :-)
This blog will be taking a bit of a new direction this fall. I will be focusing more on health and wellness and of course my fabulous Team Beachbody family!
I can honestly say, this is the best job ever! I get to coach people through the weight loss and fitness journey and it feels amazing! I love to see other people flourish! Anyhow, there will be a lot more on that later!
Well, welcome June! Just when did you get here? Oh, yesterday you say...hmmm :-)
I know, I know, every year seems to fly by faster than the last. And here we are, in June. Staring down the end of the school year, the beginning of the mosquitoes, and all of the fun summer runs!
As you can see, post to the left, is a list of this months goals. I am proud to say today was a success! I know, only two days into the month, but so what. It's one day at a time, right? Just like one pound at a time :-)
Anywho, to check them off my list...
&~ I was happy today, even though the electronics were doing everything in their power to make me cry! :-)
~ I did reach over 10,000 steps today!
~ I made my lunch today!
~ I started T-25...again! I really love it, so when I got really sick and was thrown off, it made me sad. Even worse was how long it has taken me to get back to it.
~ I have the Y scheduled for tomorrow night! :-)
What are your plans for June? Anything exciting and new? Or just getting back in the healthy routine of things?
&That's right folks...10 weeks until the Warrior Dash! That means I have time to squeeze in one more round of T-25 Alpha AND Beta! This means I will be at my strongest yet!
T-25 is the best workout I have ever done! &I am so in love with this product! It is an intense 25 minutes of a workout, but the benefits are amazing! I have yet to get through one of the workouts without sweating my tush off! I LOVE it!
If you are interested in learning more about Focus T-25, please send me an email at
Also looking forward to some of the mudding action in July! I am doing this race with my sis, the hubs, and the hubs' bro. And anyone else I can get to do this with us! Should be a good time! Anyone out there ever done a Warrior Dash before? I have done Hell Run a few times and I gather this is quite similar. Looking forward to a great time!
Ever have one of those days when it seems as though everything is stacked against you to fit your workout in? Of course you do! We have all day those days! Below is a snippet of my day :-)
Today was a loooong day...first day back at work after vacation (so busy)...then it was church skate night (so fun)...then we visited with friends (so needed)...then we came home and I wanted to just lounge...but I didn't...because I am doing this for me...and I can share 25 minutes of my day to make myself healthier and happier...so I did&
And I feel great! I am so happy now that the workout is over! Nothing feels as good as having a workout behind you!
And as you can see, I keep my workouts in my planner. And I am nuts about checking everything off my lists (shall we say, OCD) and so by having it scheduled on my calendar I have to do it to check it off my list. :-)
&It may be quiet over here, but it has been hoppin' on the facebook and instagram pages. :-) Sometimes squeezing in the workout means no time for a blog update. :-( But life has been good!
Really enjoying T-25! It's been awhile since I have been this excited about a workout program! It is intense, but the time flys by and Shaun T does a great job at connecting with you through the DVD. I am already starting to feel little changes in my body.
And I am super excited to now be a
coach! I absolutely love it! I get to coach others for FREE and get paid by Beachbody. There is no better deal than that!
It is my absolute passion to be able to help others on their fitness journey! I will be starting a squat challenge group soon on Facebook. I hope you will all join me! It will be FUN and FREE! :-) With prizes, of course!
Hope all of you are doing well and working your way toward fit and healthy.
One thing I love about blogging is all the amazing people I meet! And I also love all of the opportunities I get to try new products! :-) &A friend I met through the fitness world is a . She graciously sent me a sample of the chocolate . I am always a bit hesitant when it comes to these shakes. What makes them any different from any other shake out there? Here is what the website says:
& & &"More than 70 super-nutritious ingredients.&
& & & - proteins, vitamins, and mineral - to help reduce hunger and food cravings.
& & & - antioxidants and phytonutrients - to help detoxify and prtect the body against free radical damage.
& & & - adaptogen herbs - to help increase energy and combat stress.
& & & - prebiotics, probiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes - to aid digestion and promote regularity."
All I know is that it was super easy, quick, and I felt great! I mixed the powder with almond milk, peanut butter, a banana, and ice cubes. It took all of two minutes to make and I felt full ALL morning! Which is unheard of for me! I usually need a mid-morning snack to help maintain my blood sugar, but this shake took care of it for me. To say the least, I am impressed. I am pondering giving it a 30-day trial and seeing how I feel! Allie really liked it, too, which may make morning around here a little smoother :-)
*Have you tried Shakeology before? What are your thoughts on the products?*
*As always, the thoughts and opinions of this post are my own. I was not paid for my review, nor was I asked to do one. I am not a physician or&nutritionist&and I do not have any connection to Beach Body other than as as a customer.*
Yup! We did it! All registered for another fun time at ! This is such a special&race for Allie and I. It was her very
(at the age of 8!) which was also the first year of this run! And we have done it every year since.
And the best part...I paid attention to registration and was able to get the $27 price instead of waiting until later when it was more expensive!
I always look forward to this race and get to see my local&running buddies! It's always fun! Plus, this was the race I talked 23&people into joining me! :-)
And as you can see...the ticker has been added for the race! Bring it on! :-)
What have you recently registered for?
Are you serious?!? We are over halfway through February?!? Gah! I swear, this year is flying&by! Yes, I know I say that every year. :-)
Things have been busy, but good! Between work, school, motherhood, marriage, exercising, running, and everything in between...I have to say Life is Good!
I am rekindling my love of running, even if it is through the treadmill for now. Thankful it has been staying lighter longer, so I may be back outside before too long!
And for those of you who have been following along with the blender story, you can see a picture of the new one up above. :-) This is one happy runner! It is the same brand as our old one, but has much more power and is prettier&(because that is important, ya know!). It is loud as all get out (like all the reviews said), but has so far been working wonderfully!
Be sure and follow along the workouts and such on instagram - &and on Facebook - &:-)
Alrighty...things have sure livened up around here! We are on an active roll!
Here are a few highlights...
&- I joined another &run by Chris and Heidi Powell. very excited by this and I am on a roll to be in on the $158,000+ dietbet! :-) 22 more days and 8 pounds left...whoop whoop!
&- Also, I am in the middle of a week long 50 squats-a-day challenge! So far, so good! AND I am still walking! :-)
Things are looking up this year to be a very healthy and active year! Back to juicing tomorrow! Super excited to get back to my favorite juice...Rainbow Bright Green! :-)
Also...I broke my blender and am looking at new ones. Debating on a Vitamix (then I can clear out the juicer as this will do both). Anyone have one of these or have any opinions on them?
Now that we are finally&getting over the flu, it's time to start adding miles to our days. Ya know, as soon as climbing the stairs doesn't make me winded. ;-) I feel like I have never run a day in my life! This flu has knocked our whole family for a loop and has taken a good two weeks to get even this far.
I just have my fingers crossed that we are now over being sick for the winter season! Anyone else down with this nasty bug? It has been awful! If you have it, I wish you a quick recovery!
Been trying to find some races to do this year. I have been unmotivated to look when I feel so under the weather. Plus, we seem to be traveling a bit and all the races I really&want to do are while we are gone :-/ Go figure!
I will&figure out some races...soon! :-)
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Bloggy Buddies贾斯汀比伯在2012年美国公告牌音乐大奖颁奖礼时穿的银色的鞋是哪款 知道的亲请详细的回答一下 谢啦~!_百度知道
2012美国公告牌音乐大奖颁奖礼  2012年度公告牌音乐奖(Billboard Music Awards)颁奖礼于美国当地时间5月20日在美国拉斯维加斯米高梅大酒店举行,阿黛尔(Adele)、蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、Lady Gaga等都获得了多项提名。公告牌音乐奖以每年的排行榜榜单为依据,其中包括实体唱片和下载销量、单曲销量、电台点播量以及巡演票房收入等等。   据外国媒体报道,2012年公告牌音乐大奖(Billboard Music Awards)于美国当地时间20日晚在拉斯维加斯揭晓,英国灵歌天后阿黛尔(Adele)一人捧得12项大奖,成为本届公告牌音乐奖的最大赢家。此外,另类人气组合LMFAO和英国摇滚乐队酷玩(Clodplay)表现也相当不俗,分别收获7项和4项大奖紧随其后。   据了解,超人气歌手阿黛尔继续在今年的公告牌音乐奖力压各路好手,一共获得12项大奖,当之无愧成为当晚颁奖礼的最大赢家。而阿黛尔所获得的奖项分别是最佳艺人、最佳公告牌200艺人、最佳Hot 100艺人、最佳女歌手、最佳数字媒介歌手、最佳流行歌手、最佳数字媒介歌手、最佳数字歌曲歌手以及最佳电台歌曲歌手共12项大奖。   而当晚,加拿大人气歌手贾斯汀?比伯(Justin Bieber)先拔头筹击败了百变天后Lady Gaga、说唱天王艾米纳姆(Eminem)、蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、拉丁小天后夏奇拉(Shakira)拿下当晚首个奖项最佳社会艺人奖。而比伯在领奖时说道:“首先,我要感谢过去这些年一直支持和鼓励我的所有人,特别是我的乐迷。因为你们,我才会站在这里,还有我要感谢我的恩师Usher,过去他一直对我非常照顾。”   至于负责主持的人气另类乐队LMFAO在颁奖礼当晚同样表现不俗,凭借代表作品《Party Rock Anthem》击败阿黛尔的《Rolling in the Deep》以及凯蒂?佩里的《E.T.》等大热作品拿下最佳Hot 100歌曲。此外,LMFAO也随后击败黑眼豆豆乐队(Black Eyed Peas)、酷玩(Coldplay)、乡村三人组合Lady Antebellum以及魔力红(Maroon 5)拿下最佳流行组合大奖。对此,成员之一的SkyBlu激动说道:“我爱死这个了,我爱你们,所有的爱音乐的乐迷和现场的各位。”   而美国人气天后凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)凭借热门专辑《Teenage Dream》成为公告牌19年以来第一张有五首歌曲获得公告牌热门单曲榜冠军的佳绩,当晚被大会授予公告牌星光璀璨大奖(Billboard Spotlight Award)。而乡村天后泰勒?斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)和传奇盲人唱作人史蒂夫?旺德(Steve Wonder)分别被颁发公告牌年度女歌手和本年度公告牌音乐标签大奖。   此外,李尔?韦恩当晚击败贾斯汀?比伯、克里斯?布朗、Drake以及火星哥布鲁诺?马斯(Bruno Mars)拿下最佳男歌手奖项。而克里斯?布朗则在最佳R&B歌手角逐中,大胜乐坛天后碧昂斯、Cee-Lo Green、知名音乐人Miguel以及前女友蕾哈娜包揽最佳R&B歌手大奖。而克里斯?布朗在登台发表获奖感言时激动地说道:“现在必须要感谢所有的乐迷,因为你们的支持我才有今天的成绩”。   颁奖礼当日设立致敬环节,向今年去世的美国流行天后惠特尼·休斯顿(Whitney Houston)、美国说唱团体野兽男孩(Beastie Boys)成员亚当?约克(Adam &#39;MCA&#39; Yauch)以及美国传奇女歌手唐娜?莎曼(Donna Summer)致意。至于有份参与出演惠特尼传记电影中角色的《美国偶像》第六季冠军乔丁?帕斯克斯(Jordin Sparks)也联手R&B歌手约翰?传奇(John Legend)、说唱红星Wiz Khalifa在颁奖礼舞台上向这些不幸离开我们的传奇歌手致敬。   另外,大会授予了惠特尼·休斯顿公告牌大奖最高奖项-千禧大奖(Millennium Award)。对此,惠特尼的女儿鲍比?克里斯蒂娜(Bobbi Kristina)在领奖台上说道:“我要对那些无论是遇到困境还是顺境都一直支持我们的朋友表示感激,我的母亲过去感受到你们给予的关怀,她在我心中是一位伟大的歌手,这里我再次要感谢在座的各位、亲友以及乐迷,非常感谢你们。”   除了以上几位得奖的大腕,其他在本次音乐奖中有收获的艺人还包括酷玩、人气乐队Foster The People、Lady Antebellum、凯丽?克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson)、杰森?阿尔丁(Jason Aldean)等等。今晚的颁奖礼在现场表演的音乐人还包括美国著名说唱明星Cee-Lo Green、凯莉?安德伍德、贾斯汀?比伯、林肯公园(Linkin Park)、LMFAO、亚瑟小子、凯蒂·佩里、克里斯?布朗以及英国偶像团体The Wanted等等。   值得一提的是,凯蒂?佩里当晚将首次公开演绎新专辑《Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection》中的单曲《Wide Awake》。至于今年公告牌颁奖礼则于美国时间5月20日在拉斯维加斯的米高梅大酒店(MGM Grand)举行,人气剧集《摩登家庭》主演泰?布利尔(Ty Burrell)及朱莉?鲍温(Julie Bowen)当晚携手主持了这场颁奖典礼。   2012年度公告牌音乐奖颁奖礼综合类获奖名单:   最佳艺人(Top Artist):Adele   最佳新人(Top New Artist): Wiz Khalifa   最佳男歌手(Top Male Artist): Lil Wayne   最佳女歌手(Top Female Artist): Adele   最佳组合(Top Duo/Group): LMFAO   最佳公告牌200艺人(Top Billboard 200 Artist): Adele   最佳Hot 100艺人(Top Hot 100 Artist): Adele   最佳数字歌曲歌手(Top Digital Song Artist): Adele   最佳电台歌曲歌手(Top Radio Songs Artist): Adele   最佳巡演歌手(Top Touring Artist): U2   最佳社交艺人(Top Social Artist): Justin Bieber   最佳线上串流艺人(Top Streaming Artist): Rihanna   最佳数字媒介歌手(Top Digital Media Artist): Adele   最佳流行歌手(Top Pop Artist):Adele   最佳R&B歌手(Top R&B Artist): Chris Brown   最佳说唱歌手(Top Rap Artist): Lil Wayne   最佳乡村歌手(Top Country Artist): Lady Antebellum   最佳摇滚歌手(Top Rock Artist): Coldplay   最佳另类歌手(Top Alternative Artist): Coldplay   最佳拉丁歌手(Top Latin Artist): Shakira   最佳舞蹈/电子歌手:(Top Dance Artist):Lady GaGa   最佳基督乐歌手(Top Christian Artist): Casting Crowns   2012年度公告牌音乐奖颁奖礼专辑类获奖名单:   最佳公告牌200专辑(Top Billboard 200 Album): Adele《21》   最佳流行专辑(Top Pop Album): Adele《21》   最佳R&B专辑(Top R&B Album): Beyoncé《4》   最佳说唱专辑(Top Rap Album): Lil Wayne《Tha Carter IV》   最佳乡村专辑(Top Country Album): Jason Aldean 《 My Kinda Party》   最佳摇滚专辑(Top Rock Album): Coldplay《 Mylo Xyloto》   最佳另类专辑(Top Alternative Album): Coldplay《 Mylo Xyloto》   最佳拉丁专辑(Top Latin Album): Romeo Santos 《Formula: Vol. 1》   最佳舞蹈/电子专辑(Top Dance/Electronic/Electronic Album): Lady Gaga 《Born This Way》   最佳基督乐专辑(Top Christian Album): Casting Crowns 《Come To The Well》   2012年度公告牌音乐奖颁奖礼歌曲类获奖名单:   最佳Hot 100歌曲(Top Hot 100 Song): LMFAO 《Party Rock Anthem》   最佳电子歌曲(Top Digital Song): LMFAO 《Party Rock Anthem》   最佳电台歌曲(Top Radio Song): Pitbull Feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack &Nayer 《Give Me Everything》   最佳线上串流歌曲(音频类)(Top Streaming Song (Audio)): Nicki Minaj 《Super Bass》   最佳线上串流歌曲(录音带类)(Top Streaming Song (Video)): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris 《Baby》   最佳流行歌曲(Top Pop Song): LMFAO 《Party Rock Anthem》   最佳R&B 歌曲(Top R&B Song): Kelly Rowland ft.Lil Wayne 《Motivation》   最佳说唱歌曲(Top Rap Song): LMFAO 《Party Rock Anthem》   最佳乡村歌曲(Top Country Song): Jason Aldean《Dirt Road Anthem》   最佳摇滚歌曲(Top Rock Song): Foster The People 《Pumped Up Kicks》   最佳另类歌曲(Top Alternative Song): Adele《Rolling in the Deep》   最佳拉丁歌曲(Top Latin Song): Don Omar &Lucenzo 《Danza Kuduro》   最佳舞蹈/电子歌曲(Top Dance/Electronic Song): LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett &GoonRock 《Party Rock Anthem》   最佳基督乐歌曲(Top Christian Song): Laura Story 《Blessings》   2012年度公告牌音乐奖颁奖礼特别奖项:   千禧大奖(Millennium Award): Whitney Houston   标签大奖(Icon Award): Stevie Wonder   公告牌璀璨大奖(Billboard Spotlight Award): Katy Perry   公告牌年度女歌手奖(Billboard Woman of the Year Award): Taylor Swift(编译/may)
supra啦应该是 至于哪款么,那就不太好说了。。个人觉得supra高帮很好看的,有款紫色豹纹的我很喜欢~~~可以去淘宝搜搜看,不过大多都是仿的。。
出门在外也不愁美国乡村音乐电视奖揭晓 斯威夫特谢尔顿获大奖_影音娱乐_新浪网
美国乡村音乐电视奖揭晓 斯威夫特谢尔顿获大奖
  新浪娱乐讯 北京时间6月9日消息,据国外媒体报道,2011年度美国乡村音乐电视奖(CMT awards)刚刚揭晓,泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)依靠《Mine》获得了当晚最重要的“年度音乐录影带奖”,此外,米兰达-兰伯特(Miranda Lambert)和老公布莱克-谢尔顿(Blake Shelton)也都拿到了主要的奖项。
  在全部由歌迷投票选出的各个奖项中,乐迷们把“年度最佳录影带奖”又给了近两年风光无限的斯威夫特,但正在巡演途中的斯威夫特并没有来到现场,她通过直播视频发表了感言,“我希望我能在现场,但此刻我正在与15000名好朋友一起在密尔沃基,”在斯威夫特说这番话的时候,在场的乐迷都以尖叫表示支持。在提前录制好的视频片段中,斯威夫特与仙妮娅-唐恩(Shania Twain)合作翻唱了《Thelma & Louise》,Donald Trump和肯尼-罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)也都客串献声。
  与此同时,米兰达-兰伯特依靠她那首改变自己星路历程的《The House That Built Me》拿到“年度最佳女歌手录影带奖”,在此之前,兰伯特已经凭借这首歌获得了奖和其他乡村颁奖礼的奖项。此外,兰伯特的新婚丈夫布莱克-谢尔顿依靠《Who Are You When I'm Not Looking》获得了最佳男歌手录影带奖,与此同时,他的《Kiss My Country Ass》还获得“最佳网络录影带奖”。此外,在本届CMT奖揭晓的第一个奖项中,Sugarland组合凭借《Stuck like Glue》拿到了“最佳二人组录影带奖”。
  流行乡村三人组Lady Antebellum依靠《Hello World》获得了“最佳组合录影带奖”,The Band Perry的《If I Die Young》被评为“最具突破录影带”。老牌男歌手吉米-布菲特(Jimmy Buffett)与扎克-布朗(Zac Brown)依靠两人合作的《Margaritaville》摘得CMT年度最佳表演录影带奖,而当红童星(Justin Bieber)在去年获得一系列奖杯之后,在今年的CMT奖中又依靠与Rascal Flatts组合合作的《That Should Be Me》把最佳合作奖杯捧回了家。&
  在最佳导演奖的争夺中,特雷-范乔伊(Trey Fanjoy)最终胜出,米兰达-兰伯特的《The House That Built Me》和布莱克-谢尔顿的《Who Are You When I'm Not Looking》都是由特雷指导拍摄。
  在当晚的表演环节,Lady Antebellum为在场观众献上了当晚最有趣的演出,首先,Lady A演唱了他们创纪录的单曲《Just a Kiss》,随后,在乐队转而翻唱王子(Prince)的《Kiss》的时候,主唱查尔斯-凯丽(Charles Kelley)跳到了鼓上,将场内的气氛带到了高潮。
  此前获得四项提名的杰森-阿尔丁(Jason Aldean)最终空手而归,他现场与说唱歌手鲁达克里斯(Ludacris)合作演唱了一首带有hip-hop风格的《Dirt Road Anthem》。第二年主持CMT颁奖礼的Kid Rock认为,这首歌很好的预示着乡村音乐的发展方向。“我以前曾经说过,如果你没有偏见的话,乡村音乐和Hip-Hop音乐在精神上离的并不远,”Kid Rock在颁奖礼之后说,“它们都是布鲁斯音乐。”
  年度最佳录影带(Video of the year): Taylor Swift, "Mine."
  年度最佳男歌手录影带(Male video of the year): Blake Shelton, "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking."
  年度最佳女歌手录影带(Female video of the year): Miranda Lambert, "The House That Built Me."
  年度最佳组合录影带(Group video of the year): Lady Antebellum, "Hello World."
  年度最佳二人组录影带(Duo video of the year): Sugarland, "Stuck Like Glue."
  年度最具突破录影带(Breakthrough video of the year): The Band Perry, "If I Die Young."
  年度最佳合作录影带(Collaborative video of the year): Justin Bieber and Rascal Flatts, "That Should Be Me."
  CMT年度现场表演录影带(CMT performance video of the year): Jimmy Buffett and Zac Brown Band, "Margaritaville."
  最佳网络录影带(Best web video of the year): Blake Shelton, "Kiss My Country Ass."
  最佳导演(Video director of the year): Trey Fanjoy, "The House That Built Me" and "Who Are You When I'm Not Looking."
  (KFC MAN/编译)
(责编: Soul Food)
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