couchsurfing.com注册问题~~~What city do you live in? *这一项要怎么填啊?我在上海~~

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文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&what city do you come from 还是which city 是说what city do you come from 还是which city do you come from?
Which city do you come from?what和which两个疑问词后面都可以跟名词提问,区别在于what问的没有范围,which则有范围.比如说:What colour do you like?你喜欢什么颜色?(颜色很多,没有范围)Among blue,yellow,red and purple,which colour do you like?蓝色、黄色、红色、紫色中,你喜欢哪个颜色?
什么意思 宣传吗?我应该怎么做?你真的不记得我了!我们来自同一个城市!
which city 翻译为:你来自那个城市?
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No longer relegated to crashing at a friend's place, couch surfing is now an organized system where you can crash with a total stranger. Yep, you sleep on someone's couch that you just met. You know, NBD.When we heard one girl open up about her experiences, well—we were 90 percent sure she was going to be killed by an axe murderer. But after five years of couch surfing and hosting, Sammy Witness, 24, hasn't had a shady run-in yet.
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Her first experience with "professional" couch surfing happened when she was in college. She heard about, a site that lets you find people to crash with and offer up your couch to others, and decided to give it a go. (Reddit also offers up a similar service, btw.)
The site, which has profiles for each member, is similar to a dating site. You can list everything from how long you allow people to stay with you, whether they have to be a certain age or gender, smoking or non-smoking, and then when someone contacts you for a "couch request" you can read their references from past hosts."To me, it sounded perfect. I was still in college so I couldn't travel at the time—but since I had a place I could host other people. It seemed like a good way to make friends and learn about other people," she says.Her first request was from two girls who were visiting from Russia. At the time, Sammy was living in a one bedroom cottage, so the girls set up camp on a futon in her living room and stayed for about five days. During their time together, the girls took Sammy and her boyfriend out for dinner and drinks. They made up the futon every morning and used the toiletries they'd brought with them. All in all, it wasn't very disruptive.As of today, she's hosted over a hundred couch surfers.Okay, so how can she be sure her guests won't murder her in her sleep or steal her things? "I can usually tell what kind of person they are just from the couch request," she says. She also points out that has a referral system, where people can leave comments—good and bad—about a guest."People look out for each other, so if they've stayed with a host that weirded them out, they'll warn others," she says."I had friends in Australia who hosted couch surfers from Malaysia who were in some kind of cult. They were like really into it and were trying to get them to join. So they posted a reference saying: "Hey—Just so you know, their motive for staying with you is to get you to join them."
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When Sammy was interested in moving to Seattle, she figured couch surfing was the best way to see the city and meet new people along the way."My host, Morgan, was in her mid-20s. She picked me up at the airport and put me at ease immediately. She was really welcoming, really excited that I was there for the first time and that she was going to be able to show me around the city," she says.Sammy had such a great experience she decided to stay in Seattle for good, and ended up crashing with other couch surfers on and off while she searched for an apartment.She and Morgan remained close friends and a year later, when Sammy's parents came to visit, Morgan invited them all to join her at her mom and dad's Thanksgiving dinner. "It's a very unique bond," Sammy says, "And as long as you're respectful and gracious, you end up having friends all over the country."So what are some rules for being a good guest? "Common decency helps," she says. "The basics are: don't make a mess, and if you do? Clean it up. Don't expect anything from your host, other than their kindness and a place to stay. Sometimes people are just offering you a situation—a floor to sleep on, or an air mattress. Sometimes people will list their work schedules and say, 'I have a nine to five job, so be respectful if you come in at two in the morning. Don't wake me up. Be respectful of the fact that I have to sleep and understand that I'm on a raw food diet and my blender will be going off at 6 a.m. in the living room you're sleeping in.'"Both Morgan and the Russians had been around her age, but she's crashed with people from all different backgrounds and situations."I've stayed with people in their 70s who just have extra rooms in their house. They always have great stories—I've stayed with scientists, philosophers, and anthropologists—soccer moms, recently-divorced women…you'd be surprised, but they're not all just college-aged kids in their 20s."Yeah, she's had some weird experiences here and there, but Sammy swears she'll keep her couch free to anyone who needs it as long as she has one.
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