What's feeling of dying是什么意思?

Michele Ferrero, maker of Nutella, dies on Valentine's Day
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ROME& Michele Ferrero, the world's richest candy maker whose Nutella chocolate and hazlenut spread helped raise generations of Europeans and defined Italian sweets, died on Valentine's Day, the company said. The company was one of Italy's most successful, a prime example of the &Made in Italy& brand of food and luxury goods that have defined the private sector in...
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Trend graph:Midfield mastermind Walsh's death to be felt across AFL
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Phil Walsh's death will be felt far and wide across the AFL after coaching careers across the country and helping mastermind Port Adelaide's 2004 premiership.
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Trend graph:Lenny Kravitz Mourns Friend & Mentor Prince: 'I Really Feel Like a Piece of Me Died'
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Lenny Kravitz and Prince's friendship goes back more than two decades, ever since the two musical legends met for the first time in 1990. Thus, when Prince met his untimely death on April 21, Kravitz lost both a good friend and a musical influence and is grieving the death of both.
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