My big bigfamilyy wishing you all Happy Thanksgiving!

& 编辑语:11月第四个星期的星期四是感恩节。这个节日节对于美国人和加拿大人来说,就像中国的中秋节,甚至是春节。家里的人无论身在何处,无论工作有多忙,都一定会回家,和家人一起度过这个团圆的日子。今天我们走进几个美国家庭,看看他们是如何度过这个传统节日。
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Background Reading 背景阅读 (无声资料)
The “pilgrims”, or the first colonists
settled in North America, in 1621. Many colonists came to the New World for religious freedom, because England did not allow diversity in religion. Native Americans and colonists did not always live together peacefully, but they did learn from each other by trading goods and farming methods. So many people celebrate the first successful harvest of the colonists.
Sam: Wow, looks like we made it just in time. It’s packed in there.
Jenny: Yeah, people always buy out the stores before the big holidays.
Sam: Here’re the turkeys. How big of a bird did you want to get?
Jenny: Well, we’ve got about ten people coming to dinner. So the bigger, the better.
Sam: All right,s the biggest. Are we ready to check out?
Jenny: Not so fast, big guy. We haven’t even started! I need everything on the list.
Sam: Uh, can I wait in the car?
(Hours later)
Sam: Jenny, this is the fifth store we’ve been to!
Jenny: I know, but I have to get just the right ingredients. Otherwise, things will taste wrong.
Sam: Do you always make such a big deal out of Thanksgiving?
Jenny: No, in fact, this will be my first turkey dinner. But the idea behind the holiday is a good one.
Sam: You mean about the Indians and the Pilgrims helping one another?
Jenny: Hah! No, not really. But the whole idea of giving thanks, for the things you have, the people who have helped you…
编辑语:好不容易准备好了感恩节大餐,香喷喷的火鸡令人垂涎欲滴~hold 住!先别想着开动,还有Thanksgiving pray 感恩节祈祷~我们先去听听这家人是怎么pray的吧~
Woman 1: Dear God, thank You for bringing us all together on this very special day, and for allowing our children to be happy in whatever way they choose to be. We ask that others be as understanding and as tolerant as you are.
Woman 2: And for the food we are about to receive. We thank you for allowing us to come together today and for our happiness…
Woman 3: I am thankful that the spirit of my late husband could be here with us today to celebrate your goodness.
Woman 3: No, no, please.
Woman 1: It’s the same at our house. Grace, go ahead.
Woman3 : I’m thankful for our happiness, I’m thankful for the food we are about to receive…
Child: And we pray for hope, future progress, for harmony and so that we can all get along. And please what…and please help the Raiders win the game so they can make the playoffs and please give me some Christmas presents like a telescope and please watch over my brother Jimmy in college. Amen.
All: Amen…
编辑语:这位老兄也hold 不住了,让我们一起听听他的感恩节经历吧~
My family likes to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner each year. We invite people from our extended family . We also invite close friends, especially those who don’t have family in town. When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, our motto is: The more the merrier.
Our dinner, of course, starts with a big turkey, baked in the oven. I always carve it before it’s served. Then, we have the fixings. We always have mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, cranberries, and corn on the cob. Some years, we go wild and have other vegetables and sides. And, for dessert, we have pumpkin pie. My wife is not a big fan of pumpkin pie so for her, we also have ice cream.
After we have a really big meal, we usually watch football on TV. Things usually get pretty rowdy since there are always fans on both sides rooting for their own team to win. Last year, my uncle almost got into a fistfight with my nephew. Luckily, no one, and no furniture harmed. That was a relief!
colonist ['k?l?nist] n. 殖民者
ingredient [in'ɡri:di?nt] n. 原料
playoff 复赛
telescope ['telisk?up] n. 望远镜
extended family 大家庭
carve [kɑ:v] v. 切开
fixings ['fiksi?z] n. 配菜
yam [jaem] n. 甘薯
cranberry ['kraenberi] n. 蔓越橘
cob [k?b] n.[美国英语]玉米棒子芯
fistfight ['fist,fait] n. 互殴
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Happy Thanksgiving Day from PhoneArena to all our valued readers!
Happy Thanksgiving Day from PhoneArena to all our valued readers!
It's that time of the year again, the fourth Thursday of November, which marks one of the most important holidays of the year - Thanksgiving Day.&We want to express our deepest gratitude for the endless support that you, our numerous followers and loyal readers, have provided us throughout the year that is about to end in about a month's time. You, dear readers, are the main pillar upon which PhoneArena is built and it is as clear as day that we wouldn't have been where we currently are if it weren't for you and your endless support. May love, joy, and happiness be yours in abundance this holiday season.Here goes a big and hearty "Thank you!" from the whole PhoneArena team to all of our readers who commemorate this cherished holiday! Happy Thanksgiving Day, folks! Enjoy the time spent with your families, and go easy on that pecan pie!&In the meantime, if you become curious about what's happening in the vast world of mobile gadgetry, don't hesitate to stop by, as we'll never cease to prove you with the latest news regarding it!
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Thanks phonearena to you also..
I wish we celebrated thanksgiving in Finland...
No reason why you can't gather your family together for an evening and share your appreciation for all that life has blessed you with. Doesn't have to be affiliated with the American Holiday, all that matters is that you spend time with loved ones, and wake up the next morning regretting how much you ate the night before. lol
But no matter what I still have to go to school :(( I want the vacation too lol
Oh yeah... that part sucks. Sorry buddy.
Mate, you're in Finland... that rocks. Trying being in Oz where it's hot and sucky and we have no proper aurora.
Happy Thanksgiving to all American readers, and a happy day to all others. I can't wait to dig in to the turkey!
I'm Thankful for the life I live. 3 beautiful daughters, and wife couldn't ask for more. Happy thanksgiving everybody, even Windows Phone fans....Lol.
Same here bro, minus the 3 Daughters, and plus one well behaved son lol.
Even Windows fans??? Are you sure you want to go that far? lol. I'm thankful for my wife, daughter, indoor plumbing, and the heated seats in my car that make the commute to work in the winter nice and comfortable.
Yeah...thanks for everything except Micro$oft buying Nokia D&S...
Happy turkey day PA, and all the users. Enjoy!!!
Thank you PA :) Have a nice holiday...
What is thanksgiving?
It's a nice holiday in Americas when they eat loads of turkey and get vacation. I want that too lol :)
Meal #1 is down, and a few more to go. No workouts till Monday morning.
Meal #1? Now I'm jealous.
The wife started cooking last night. I tried having some for breakfast, but was told no lol. Desert was yellow cake/chocolate icing, and cheese cake. I'm now in couch potato mode, watching football bro lol. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family b
Happy Thanksgiving PA!
Happy thanksgiving....... PA.
Enjoy your tofurkey.
"HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY" to all the writers and staff at Phonearena back... Thanks for the well wishes.
This naturally goes to all the members of this site, and readers in general. The Turkey looks good. But I'm soooo full at the moment, hahaha.
Enjoy the food and family bro. That's what it's all about man, I'll be eating again in a few lol. Screw a cheat meal, this is cheat week.
happy thanksgiving
to PA and members...
To all those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!
To those that don't celebrate, may you have a wonderful day as well!
To all of Phonearena, may the holidays and the rest of the year bring you health, wealth, and happiness!
Happy Thanksgiving to phonearena and users. You'all have a good one.
Thanks PA and wish you all and fellow readers the same.
Happy Thankgiving! :)
happy Thanksgiving... your website...keep working hard
Happy thanksgiving everyone. Kinda sucks that I still have to work on thanksgiving day and black Friday :@. So my day won't be so happy.
I'm kind of late since in on a cruise for Thanksgiving, but Happy Thanksgiving to my friends, family, and to all of you on PA. We may sometimes agree or sometimes disagree on what phones we like, but we should be thankful that we are blessed
financially to own these cool gadgets and debate about them.
Be safe, and enjoy the cruise bro. Have a good one.
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Happy Thanksgiving Day from PhoneArena to all our valued readers!
Happy Thanksgiving Day from PhoneArena to all our valued readers!
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All content (phone reviews, news, specs, info), design and layouts are Copyright 2001-. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part or in any form or medium without written permission is prohibited!Posts from Thanksgiving
Remember the
of a Thanksgiving dish to represent every state? Regardless of how you feel about grape salad, you can now own the print that illustrated the piece, from talented artist Lisel Jane Ashlock.
You know what's even better than creamed spinach? Creamed kale. Why? Read
for branching out beyond spinach in your greens. But do you know what makes a plate of creamed kale even better? A pinch of smoke, that's what. Meet smoky creamed kale, the modern answer to creamed spinach.
Last week, we hosted our first-ever, real-adult-people Thanksgiving.
Of course, I've acted as the second-in-command to my mother at many a Turkey Day before, and even hosted twice previously in my New York apartment. This year was monumental though, as it was the first time my fiancée and I hosted jointly for a group of family and friends in our home. Did the turkey burn? Was the stuffing dry? Nope, it all turned out perfectly. So perfect in fact, there's not a very good close-up shot of the whole spread to share.
To celebrate, I'm adding one more thing to the long list of things I'm thankful for: Thanksgiving itself!
We ended up with a much smaller Thanksgiving this year due to the unexpected injury of our host and main cook.
A cozy, thrown-together meal was served up on the kitchen table which had been moved into the living room to be closer to The Patient who was convalescing on the couch.
Brined heritage turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, honey and thyme carrots, and cream roasted fennel.
And cranberry sauce.
And two pies (sweet potato and pecan) which were each delivered to the front door by their respective bakers.
Every Thanksgiving I forget how much I like pumpkin pie. I take it for granted, neglect to bake a pie of my own, then swoon over my one measly slice at the holiday gathering. Are you in the same boat? Wishing for just one more slice, or maybe three?
It may be too late for that Friday morning breakfast slice, but there's plenty of time this weekend to remedy any cravings. From a classic pumpkin pie to more creative ways to pumpkin nirvana, here are 13 recipes to get your pumpkin pie fix.
Having the dinner table covered with more food than you can possibly eat in one sitting is the hallmark of Thanksgiving, and it's hard to imagine scaling back for this once-a-year feast. The next day, though, the mountain of leftovers can seem a bit overwhelming, especially if you don't think you'll eat through everything any time soon.
The freezer can come to your rescue and help with preventing food waste! Here's a list of what can (and can't) freeze well, plus how long each item will last in the freezer, so you can wisely deal with your Thanksgiving leftovers.
What do you like to do with your Thanksgiving leftovers?
There are lots of solutions that will use up some of the meal — turkey soup, a Dagwood-style sandwich — but as delicious as they are, they don't use everything that was on the table.
(Unless you put gravy and cranberry relish on your turkey sandwich?)
My favorite post-Turkey Day, clean-out-the-refrigerator dish uses up everything and is delicious to boot.
Introducing the Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie!
Bubble and squeak, with its cutesy name, is a classic British
day-after-holiday dish. It is incredibly versatile, as you can throw in any leftover vegetables or mashed potatoes into this comforting recipe — perfect for a relaxing meal after a hectic Thanksgiving.
I look forward to Thanksgiving all year long, so it feels totally wrong to only enjoy that wonderful food, the great company, and those festive cocktails for just one afternoon. I like to keep the party going all weekend long by using the Thanksgiving leftovers in as many different ways as I can.
This simple grilled cheese sandwich is a great way to use up any leftover cranberry sauce and cheese from your Thanksgiving spread. It makes a great lunch, but is also hearty enough to enjoy as a light dinner with leftover Brussels sprouts or green beans.
Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving! Or should I say, Leftovers-for-Breakfast Day? Some might go for a cold slice of pumpkin pie straight from the tin (you know who you are), but for me, it’s all about the savory sides.
This post-Thanksgiving morning, give your stuffing a royal redux. Bake it into a breakfast strata, complete with crunchy toasted corners and sunny eggs cracked right on top.
The Kitchn Cookbook
Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see?
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