all of these people teach us that there are other ways of being and thinkingrock and relating to the

第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。There are a lot of things said about opportunity. Some people say it comes along once in a blue moon(罕见). Some people say opportunity only knocks once. So-called “once in a lifetime” opportunities do exist, but some say they only favour those lucky dogs.All these sayings or ways of thinking seem to leave one powerless. They suggest that opportunity is something that just happens now and then and you have no control over it. What this does is leave us blind to what is out there every single day, and it leaves us too weak to make our own new opportunities. If you believe in a life where you really can make a dream come true and achieve your goals, you must also believe in the ability to create new opportunities.OK, so how do you create opportunity? Well, from my very own experience, I can honestly say that it all about who you are being and what you are thinking. Notice that whenever you are being negative, such as anxious, angry, critical, resentful(厌世的), bitter etc., you very rarely, if ever, see the golden opportunities that surround you. And because you don’t see them, you believe they do not exist.However, you may also notice that when you are being positive, open, loving, relaxed, peaceful, creative, trusting, and all those things we think of as positive, possibilities just seem to open up all around you. [写作内容]1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2. 然后以约120个词就 “如何发现和抓住机遇”进行议论,内容包括:(1)你是否赞同作者的观点;(2)为什么有的人抓住机遇成功了,有的人却没有;(3)你认为应该怎样才能抓住机遇创造成功。[写作要求]1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 - 跟谁学
在线咨询您好,告诉我您想学什么,15分钟为您匹配优质老师哦马上咨询&&&分类:第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。There are a lot of things said about opportunity. Some people say it comes along once in a blue moon(罕见). Some people say opportunity only knocks once. So-called “once in a lifetime” opportunities do exist, but some say they only favour those lucky dogs.All these sayings or ways of thinking seem to leave one powerless. They suggest that opportunity is something that just happens now and then and you have no control over it. What this does is leave us blind to what is out there every single day, and it leaves us too weak to make our own new opportunities. If you believe in a life where you really can make a dream come true and achieve your goals, you must also believe in the ability to create new opportunities.OK, so how do you create opportunity? Well, from my very own experience, I can honestly say that it all about who you are being and what you are thinking. Notice that whenever you are being negative, such as anxious, angry, critical, resentful(厌世的), bitter etc., you very rarely, if ever, see the golden opportunities that surround you. And because you don’t see them, you believe they do not exist.However, you may also notice that when you are being positive, open, loving, relaxed, peaceful, creative, trusting, and all those things we think of as positive, possibilities just seem to open up all around you. [写作内容]1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2. 然后以约120个词就 “如何发现和抓住机遇”进行议论,内容包括:(1)你是否赞同作者的观点;(2)为什么有的人抓住机遇成功了,有的人却没有;(3)你认为应该怎样才能抓住机遇创造成功。[写作要求]1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。第二节读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。There are a lot of things said about opportunity. Some people say it comes along once in a blue moon(罕见). Some people say opportunity only knocks once. So-called “once in a lifetime” opportunities do exist, but some say they only favour those lucky dogs.All these sayings or ways of thinking seem to leave one powerless. They suggest that opportunity is something that just happens now and then and you have no control over it. What this does is leave us blind to what is out there every single day, and it leaves us too weak to make our own new opportunities. If you believe in a life where you really can make a dream come true and achieve your goals, you must also believe in the ability to create new opportunities.OK, so how do you create opportunity? Well, from my very own experience, I can honestly say that it all about who you are being and what you are thinking. Notice that whenever you are being negative, such as anxious, angry, critical, resentful(厌世的), bitter etc., you very rarely, if ever, see the golden opportunities that surround you. And because you don’t see them, you believe they do not exist.However, you may also notice that when you are being positive, open, loving, relaxed, peaceful, creative, trusting, and all those things we think of as positive, possibilities just seem to open up all around you. [写作内容]1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2. 然后以约120个词就 “如何发现和抓住机遇”进行议论,内容包括:(1)你是否赞同作者的观点;(2)为什么有的人抓住机遇成功了,有的人却没有;(3)你认为应该怎样才能抓住机遇创造成功。[写作要求]1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。科目:最佳答案One possible versionThe author believes whether opportunities can be found and created depends on one’s attutude and his ways of thinking, and that possibilities will open up all around you if you are positive. (32 words) I quite agree with the author. Just as a saying goes: Attitude is everything. It’s true that opportunities do exist among us and is also equal to everybody. However, some people are positive and wise enough to seize every opportunity and achieve their goals through hard work while others often turn a blind eye to opportunity and they make no efforts but to complain.
Then how can we seize abd create it?
Firstly, we must be ambitious and set goals in life. If we have dreams or goals, we may actively seek every possible opportunity to realize our dreams. Secondly, we must be well prepared. Only when we have made good preparations can we take advantage of any opportunity when it appears. Thirdly, we must work hard. Only those who are hardworking are likely to create success. Last but not the least, we must never give up. Even if you are not sure whether you will be successful, still you can make a try.解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心What a fantastic
about the FACT that kids are SAFER today than…ever. First of all, there’s the decline in child mortality that we almost take for granted: In 1935 there 450 deaths for every 100,000 kids age 1-4. Today? Less than 30.
Our jaws should drop. But it’s not like we have to look THAT far back to see gains. Among children of all ages, he writes, mortality rates have fallen by nearly half since 1990 and —
Part of that decline is a drop in child homicides. As of 2008, the homicide rate for kids under the age of 14 stood at a near-record low 1.5 cases per 100,000, according to the . And the homicide rate for teens ages 14 to 17 plummeted from 12 homicides per 100,000 in 1993 to just 5.1 in 2008, another near-record low.
Long story short: for a kid between the ages of 5 and 14 today, the chances of premature death by any means are roughly 1 in 10,000, or 0.01 percent.
But parents typically aren’t thinking about disease or general morality when they fret over unattended kids — we’re worried about all the terrible things that could theoretically happen to a child out on his own. Chief among them is the threat of abduction, or of the child simply disappearing without a trace.
The FBI has several decades of
now, and those numbers show that the number of missing person reports involving minors has been at record low levels in recent years. Overall, the number of these reports have fallen by 40 percent since 1997. This is more impressive when you consider that the overall U.S. population has risen by 30 percent over that same time period, meaning that the actual rate of missing person reports for children has fallen faster than 40 percent.
And of those “missing persons” (both adults and children) he adds, 96% were runaways — .1% were victims of kidnapping.
Of course, people
who are determined to be afraid will still usually default to: “Well, even if the chance is 1 in a [insert absurdly huge, unfathomable number here], it doesn’t matter if it’s YOUR kid.”
To which we must respond: That is a new way of thinking — going to the darkest dark place and dwelling there as if that is proof that you care more than anyone reasonably sanguine.
This “worst-first thinking” — thinking up the worst case scenario first and proceeding as if it’s likely to happen — is not what my mom or yours was required to do before letting her kids go out to play. She didn’t have to replay a list of terrible tragedies, the way Nancy Grace did before interviewing me, as a sort of concerned parent catechism. Worst-firsting has simply become a cultural default, brought on by maddening media and the idea that if anything bad happens to a child, it’s because an adult just wasn’t paying enough attention. (And next week I’ll post an insurance company that put that into writing.)
We must make ourselves aware of this pessimistic reflex or it takes over our lives — and laws. And pretty soon we’re investigating parents who let their kids walk home from the park in a leafy suburb of D.C. – L
Graph created by intern extraordinaire Paul Best.Posted in:
There’s a reason that you see so many photos of the same activities on this blog. Because . I want the kids to find what they are great at and focus on that. There is
to show that .
We should use this research to guide education, because nowhere in the world is well-roundedness still valuable. The last time you actually needed to be well-rounded was when the landed gentry was trying to marry off one of their daughters in the ;s. Then, it was good to find a woman who could dance, speak a bit of French, cook enough to supervise the household help, and play a bit of piano and keep up with male conversation about politics if need be. That’s well rounded.
Why does anyone still think well-roundedness is a worthy goal? Probably because . But it’s a misguided goal. Because . . And, in theory, each personality type () has special gifts, and if you have good mentoring as a child then you learn to leverage your natural speciality. Some people are great at doing things, some people are great at thinking things. Why bother forcing the doers to think? It’s not what they will be passionate about.
Elisa is a woman who sends me amazing research about homeschooling. Each day my inbox is peppered with small gifts of thoughtful analysis with links to articles that I can’t download. Like , about how kids who are gifted should be guided to a specialty.
Elisa is finding great articles from academic publications. I will have to tell you what they say, because even though the US government funds universities and makes the Ivory Tower possible, academics continue to publish in journals that are not free to the taxpayer. It’s absurd. I am not alone in thinking this is a colossal rip off.
But that article Elisa sent me? Here’s a great quote:
Our current curricula and instruction for gifted students may very well be discouraging pursuits of scholarly productivity or artistry by focusing too much on well-roundedness. Too much focus on general education during secondary school might be robbing our young people of the opportunity to explore a topic in great depth, and to develop the beginnings of expertise. The advantage of gifted children pursuing specialization in an area of interest is that they find other young people who share their interests through the internet, out-of-school programs, or school clubs. These peer support systems provide positive social supports for pursuing academic or performance careers — at least up to university level.
The article assumes that the only gifted kind of kid is intellectual. But really, each kid is gifted in something, because that’s what
are all about. We each have special strengths. Maybe not strengths worthy of Carnegie Hall, but special all the same. So if we each have gifts then we should each specialize. And this is where homeschooling really matters— it can give kids freedom to find their strengths and leverage them to specialize.
You could say early specialization is too early. But we each specialize by dint of our parents’ choices. For example, city kids learn about cities. Farm kids learn about farms. If your parents love movies, you watch them. I have taken my kids to a movie one time in their whole life. So specialties start ari why not make them relevant to the kids’ strengths?
by an anonymous professor has received. One of his arguments is about the futility of teaching most people to write. Because you have to be a reader to be a writer. I taught creative writing at Boston University, and I totally agree. I could tell after the first assignment who read books and who didn’t.
This is true of body types as well. I was a figure skater growing up. I skated three days a week at 5am and most days after school as well. But I couldn’t do double-rotation jumps. I’m simply too large. I am tall and big-boned. I am too heavy to rotate in the air twice, even as a very skinny fifth-grader. I wish someone had told me to stop focusing on figure skating because it would never work for me. I wish someone had helped me find what I’d be great at.
On my career blog there is huge discussion about , and . It makes sense, then, that education should focus more on helping people leverage the talents they have. Many, many highly capable people are left out in the cold from a well-rounded education.
And here’s something about Elisa. She wants to figure out what to do with her career. She is so so smart and capable and interesting to talk with. But no one taught her to focus on what makes her special so that she could market herself in the workforce. . There has to be more. So she’s a good example of how if someone had helped her marshal her talents as a child, she would be more able to leverage her individual gifts as an adult. She would have the confidence that you get from having done things before, as a kid.
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