all the food_____ready but there is junk food_____no drink

114网址导航Welcome to the meat and veggies of the Paleo Diet. While I encourage you to stick to the basics as much as possible, I’m a realist. Chances are you’ve probably survived your whole life consuming a lot of stuff on the “no-no” list, and you’re not likely to give everything up, and that’s alright. In fact, I even encourage it. The 80/20 rule states you are bound to experience 99% of the benefits from this way of eating by just following the guidelines 80% of the time. I myself have refused to give up two staples that make life worth living: Tex-Mex and Blue Bell Ice Cream. So feel free to let loose every now and then, as long as the line you draw is relatively close to 80/20 and not more like 65/35.
Let’s start with the stuff you are free to eat in abundance:
lots of leafy greens, including romaine, spinach, arugula, kale,
chard, mixed baby greens/spring mix (my favorite) and even iceberg
different colored fruits and veggies-variety is good- don’t be
afraid to try funky veggies like beets, butternut squash, spaghetti squash and
rudabaga to name a few
lean meats-high quality beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb,
goat, wild game, etc. The more natural the better, i.e.
grass fed/ free range/ wild caught. Some fatty meats are ok, they are
just indicators that the animal is grain fed/more processed than a natural one. I
love bacon, chorizo, and fatty brisket, just try to limit these types of
meats , unless you can find them organic and uncured (which you can at
Whole Foods, but for a pretty penny)
Seafood-shrimp, oysters, scallops, eel, octopus, crawdads, and of course, fish. Coldwater fish such as salmon and mackerel are usually the best. Warm water is fine too though. Avoid farm raised seafood if possible
Lots of eggs! Don’t buy into the
. Eating lots of eggs can actually lower your LDL (bad Cholesterol)
levels. Also, don’t be afraid to try them raw. In healthy individuals,
the threat of salmonella poisoning is nearly non existent. Just make
sure the eggs you are eating are from healthy chickens, i.e. cage free,
organic, etc. Raw eggs are extra tasty in fruit and protein shakes. Check out the
section for tips on raising your own Chickens.
plant/monounsaturated fats and oils- nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, coconut
oil, toasted sesame seed oil, nut oils, and even real butter to name a
few. Avoid the following oils: Canola, Cottonseed, Margarine,
Safflower/sunflower, soybean oil, corn oil, partially hydrogenated oils, trans fat, and
vegetable shortening. For a full description of good vs. bad oils,
reference the , pg. 132
Berries-this can be grouped with fruits, but berries in particular are fantastic for you. Think blueberries, goji berries, acai berries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, huckleberries, etc.
Enjoy in Moderation:
Dark Chocolate. At a minimum, find chocolate that is at least 70%
Cocoa. I prefer 85-90%. I can find
bars at my grocers for less
than $2.50. Cocoa beans are almost solid plant fat and contain lots of
Alcohol-No more than 1-2 glasses of beer or wine a day, preferably red wine for its
Caffeine-A lot of the die hard Paleo Diet freaks will tell you to stay away from caffeine. If it’s in the form of a soda or over the top energy drink, yes you should. If we’re just talking about tea or coffee, I feel its ok-so long as you don’t use the caffeine as a crutch for waking up in the morning or staying up at night (unless you’re a college student-I did 5 years of architecture school so I know fully well the necessity of coffee for such things!). If you’re doing most everything else Paleo, your energy levels should be balanced and you should wake up refreshed anyways. If you’re like me and really just enjoy coffee, go ahead and have a cup or two each day!
Dairy-You will note below that milk is prohibited. From a purists point of view, anything with milk is prohibited. Most Paleo supporters feel that dairy products like cheese, yogurt, butter, sour cream, and heavy cream fall into a gray area that make them ok to use occasionally. My personal take is that such products are tasty and nutritious. Some kind of process has removed the sugars (lactose) and left behind the protein and fat (the tasty stuff!) I cover dairy in depth in an advanced article.
Enjoy Sparingly:
Natural Sweeteners. Honey existed during Caveman times, and I’m sure they didn’t hesitate to enjoy it if the opportunity presented itself, but I doubt with their technology this was very often. That said, using local raw honey can help with allergies and boost your immune system.
Some other sweeteners such as agave nectar have health benefits and a relatively low glycemic index, but are expensive. Real Maple Syrup is delicious. It also has a very high GI index. Hopefully since you aren’t eating pancakes anymore you won’t have a need for syrup.
Some natural grain/starchy carbs- This mostly includes sweet potatoes since these are so high in nutrients, but I can also think of teff, quinao, and lentils.
You ever notice how dogs only drink when they really want to? The same should apply to you. Despite all the advice from doctors and coaches to hydrate, hydrate, hydarate and that age-old adage to drink 8 glasses of water a day, it’s really ok to just drink when you’re thirsty. Sisson points out that there is no conclusive scientific data to validate that 8 glass a day recommendation. Furthermore, we get quite a bit of water from the food we eat. Your body will tell you when it’s thirsty, listen to it.
Now, for the food you should AVOID:
Processed Carbs:
Sugar, anything with high fructose corn syrup, bread, tortillas, pasta,
muffins, pastries, pancakes. anything with wheat or flour. Just about any food that comes packaged in a box.
Natural carbs:
Potatoes (except for yams or sweet potatoes, see above)
Peanuts (technically a legume, not a nut!)
Corn (technically a grain, not a vegetable).
Milk and non-European yogurts (yogurts that have added sweetening or
other stuff, like “Fruit on the Bottom”)
The “Non-Rules” of Eating
To me, one of the most beautiful things about the Paleo Diet, is that other than what you shouldn’t eat, there are no
1. You do not have to limit portions, because your body will do it
for you once you get all the junk out of your system. Your body will be
getting all the nutrients it needs, thus sending the proper hormonal
messengers to your brain signaling satiety. Even if you willfully try to
eat too much, as long as what you’re eating isn’t triggering a large
insulin response, your body has other mechanisms in place to regulate
itself. Still, practice eating until you are no longer hungry, not until
you are “full”.
2. You do not have to eat 3 square or 6 small meals evenly spaced throughout the day as society or trendy diets dictate.
3. You don’t have to eat certain types of food for any given meal.
It’s interesting how Americans have come to view cereals, eggs, bacon,
pancakes, biscuits etc. as only “breakfast” foods. We also consider a
sandwich to be a universal “lunch” food, and for “dinner” we usually
have some type of meat with vegetable and bread sides. Try eating fish for breakfast and eggs/fruit for dinner sometime!
4. Adding to #3, you don’t have to combine foods to balance a meal or
for that matter worry about combining too many different foods.
Cavemen hardly ever had a secure supply of food for such eating
habits, so his genes evolved to adapt to this. Maybe he would wake up
and happen to kill a rabbit or be next to a grove of fruit and nut
trees, so he would fill up on these foods while he had the chance. He
might go the rest of the day without finding anymore food, until right
before dark, when he discovered a bird’s nest with some tasty eggs. He
might go another two days eating only wild berries he found along his
journey before reaching a river that had bountiful fish! We obviously
don’t live in times of food insecurity like they did, but, we have
modern stresses that can simulate those conditions: a deadline at work
forcing one to skip lunch, an early morning meeting that leaves no time
for breakfast, an urgent home repair forces dad to skip dinner. You get
the point. Just east the right things, and eat until you are no longer
hungry (as opposed to eating until you are full-see the difference?) and
you’ll be just fine. After a few weeks of being on the Paleo diet,
your body will be relying more on fat as an energy source rather than
carbs. Unless you have completely depleted your blood and muscle
glycogen stores ( intense physical exercise 2 hours or more), your
hormones will not be signaling extreme hunger pangs, so the discomfort
of hunger should not be as great as before when your body relied mostly
upon carbohydrates for energy. Glucose can run out quickly. Fat, you
have quite a large reserve of it, even those of us who are very lean. At
about 6% body fat and 165lbs, that means I have about 10 lbs of body
fat. 1 lb of fat is equal to 3500 calories worth of energy, so you can
see that this would last me quite some time!
Caveman might not have gotten all his required nutrients in a single
day, but let’s say over the course of 4 days he did. The body is good at
averaging out in a situation like this. So, if you feel like eating
fish for breakfast and eggs for dinner, or only feel like eating meat
one day and only vegetables the next, or just feel like eating one huge
meal at breakfast or lunch and being content for the rest of the day, go
for it! There are no rules! Our ancestors went through a lot of
hardship to develop these abilities, so I suggest you take full
advantage of them.
Here is the kicker though. Those first two weeks of transition might
be tough. You will probably feel weak, tired, maybe even light headed.
Be patient and have faith that your body will soon adapt to the food it
was meant to eat. If you are an athlete in the midst of training or
racing, you must be willing to sacrifice your results in a race or two
and some of your training intensity during that time, but trust me,
subduing short term pleasure is well worth the results you’ll see long
5. one of my favorites- you get to eat with the best eating utenstils ever invented-your hands! I love eating with my hands. They are more efficient than silverware. Instead of my brain telling my fingers telling the fork what to do, I just let my hands have right at it! There are social occasions where a fork and knife are still proper, but when I’m at home I’m using my hands. Don’t be afraid to indulge your inner Caveman and give this a try.
One last thing to add involves how you prepare and eat your food,
i.e. cooked versus raw. In almost all instances, food closest to its
natural state will be healthier for you. Please check out my post on raw
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我喜欢用日历,不用月历。为什么? 厚厚一本日历是整整一年的日子。每扯下一页,它新的一页——光亮而开阔的一天便笑嘻嘻地等着我去填满。我喜欢日历每一页后边的“明天”的未知,还隐含着一种希望。“明天”乃是人生中最富魅力的字眼儿。生命的定义就是拥有明天。它不像“未来”那么过于遥远与空洞。它就守候在门外。走出了今天便进入了全新的明天。白天和黑夜的界线是灯光;明天与今天的界线还是灯光。每一个明天都是从灯光熄灭时开始的。那么明天会怎样呢?当然,多半还要看你自己的。你快乐它就是快乐的一天,你无聊它就是无聊的一天,你匆忙它就是匆忙的一天。如果你静下心来就会发现,你不能改变昨天,但你可以决定明天。有时看起来你很被动,你被生活所选择,其实你也在选择生活,是不是? 每年元月元日,我都把一本新日历挂在墙上。随手一翻,光溜溜的纸页花花绿绿滑过手心,散着油墨的芬芳。这一刹那我心头十分快活。我居然有这么大把大把的日子!我可以做多少事情!前边的日子就像一个个空间,生机勃勃,宽阔无边,迎面而来。我发现时间也是一种空间。历史不是一种空间吗?人的一生不是一个漫长又巨大的空间吗?一个个明天,不就像是一间间空屋子吗?那就要看你把什么东西搬进来。可是,时间的空间是无形的,触摸不到的。凡是使用过的日子,立即就会消失,抓也抓不住,而且了无痕迹。也许正是这样,我们便会感受到岁月的匆匆与虚无。 时针是从来不会逆转的。倒行逆施的只有人类自己的社会与历史。于是,光阴岁月,就像一阵阵呼呼的风或是闪闪烁烁的流光。它最终留给你的只有是无奈而频生的白发和消耗中日见衰弱的身躯。为此,你每扯去一页用过的日历时,是不是觉得有点像扯掉一个生命的页码? 我不能天天都从容地扯下一页。特别是忙碌起来,或者从什么地方开会、活动、考察、访问归来,看见几页或十几页过往的日子挂在那里,黯淡、沉寂和没用,被时间掀过的日历好似废纸。可是当我把这一叠用过的日子扯下来,往往不忍丢掉,而把它们塞在书架的缝隙或夹在画册中间,就像从地上拾起的落叶。它们是我生命的落叶! 别忘了,我们的每一天都曾经生活在这一页一页的日历上。 记得1976年唐山大地震那天,我在长沙路思治里12号那个顶层上的亭子间被彻底摇散,震毁。我一家三口像老鼠那样找一个洞爬了出来。当我双腿血淋淋地,站在洞外,那感觉真像从死神的指缝里侥幸地逃脱出来。转过两天,我向朋友借了一架方形铁盒子般的海鸥牌相机,爬上我那座狼咬狗啃废墟般的破楼,钻进我的房间——实际上已经没有屋顶。我将自己命运所遭遇的惨状拍摄下来。我要记下这一切。我清楚地知道这是我个人独有的经历。这时,突然发现一堵残墙上居然还挂着日历——那蒙满灰土的日历的日子正是地震那一天:日,星期三,丙辰年七月初二。我伸手把它小心地扯下来。如今,它和我当时拍下的照片,已经成了我个人生命史_______________的珍藏了。 由此,我懂得了日历的意义。它原是我们生命忠实的记录。从“隐形写作”的含义上说,日历是一本日记。它无形地记载我每一天遭遇的、面临的、经受的,以及我本人应对与所作所为,还有改变我的和被我改变的。 然而人生的大部分日子是重复的——重复的工作与人际关系。重复的事物与相同的事物都很难被记忆,所以我们的日历大多页码都是黯淡无光。过后想起来,好似空洞无物。于是,我们就碰到一个非常重要的关于人本话题——记忆。人因为记忆而变得厚重、智慧和理智。更重要的是,记忆使人变得独特。因为记忆排斥平庸。记忆的事物都是纯粹而深刻个人化的。所有个人都是一个独特的“个案”。记忆很像艺术家,潜在心中,专事刻画我们自己的独特性。你是否把自己这个“独特”看得很重要?广义地说,精神事物的真正价值正是它的独特性。无论是一个人,还是一种文化。记忆依靠载体。一个城市的记忆留在它历史的街区与建筑上,一个人的记忆在他的照片上、物品里、老歌老曲中,也在日历上。 然而,人不能只是被动地被记忆,我们还要用行为去创造记忆。我们要用情感、忠诚、爱心、责任感,以及创造性的劳动去书写每一天的日历。把这一天深深嵌入记忆里。我们不是有能力使自己的人生丰富、充实以及具有深度和分量吗? 所以我写过: “生活就是创造每一天。” 我还在一次艺术家的聚会中说: “我们今天为之努力的,都是为了明天的回忆。” 为此,每每到了一年最后的几天,我都是不肯再去扯日历。我总把这最后几页保存下来,这可能出于生命的本能。我不愿意把日子花得净光。你一定会笑我,并问我这样就能保存住日子吗? 正像保存葡萄最好的方式是把葡萄变为酒;保存岁月最好的方式是致力把岁月变为永存的诗篇或画卷。 现在我来回答文章开始时那个问题:为什么我喜欢日历?因为日历具有生命感。或者说日历叫我随时感知自己的生命并叫我思考如何珍惜它。小题1:通读全文,你认为作者“喜欢用日历,不用月历”的原因是什么?(2分)小题2:根据上下文,给划线的字注音,根据拼音写出相应的词语。(2分)(1)一刹(
(2)kègǔ míng xīn
小题3:根据具体语言环境,说说文章第②段中用“笑嘻嘻地等着”形容新的一天的到来有什么好处。(3分小题4:文章第⑦段详细记下“日。星期三,丙辰年七月初二”,有何用意? (3分)
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