英语小作文作文A Busy morning

新视野大学英语读写教程第一册unit2-a A Busy Weekday Morning
Pre-reading Activities
First Listening
You are about to read an early morning exchange between a daughter and her parents.
Second Listening
Discuss the following questions after the second listening.
1. What are some of the things you think the daughter and her parents might have different ideas about?
2. How can the older and the younger generation have real communication with and understand each other?
A Busy Weekday Morning
The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. She it was 6:15 A.M. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station.
&Sandy,& shouted her father. &Sandy, turn that music off!& Steve Finch burst into her room. &Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff? It's the same thing over and over. I'm not sure it is really music though it does have rhythm. Hmmm. No, it isn't really music. It's weird. It is definitely horrible stuff.&
&I like that music, D it's my favorite group & Green Waves. L I'm sure you'll like it. It has a really powerful message. Didn't you ever listen to music like this when you were a youngster?& Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder.
&No, no, don't do that. I can't stand it. The music I listened to had a message, too, but the words were clear and the musicians didn't use such offensive language. Turn that radio down so your mother and I can't hear it. I'm sure that music is hurting your ears as well as your brain. Now, would you please hurry up and turn it off? Get ready for school or you'll be late!&
Sandy walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. At first, the water felt cold. It helped her wake up. Then, as the water got hotter, she thought, &This shower feels great and in here I can be alone and sing. No one disturbs me in here.& She grabbed the soap and washed thoroughly, including her hair. If she stayed in the shower too long, her mom or dad usually banged on the door to rush her so she grabbed a towel and dried off.
After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair, put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans and wrapped her sweater around her shoulders. Then she put on her makeup, grabbed her books and went to the kitchen.
She looke it was late. As usual, she didn't know what to have for breakfast, so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the sink. Just then, her mother, Jane, entered the kitchen.
&Sandy, why don't you sit down and eat your breakfast? It isn't healthy to eat standing up.&
&I know. Mom, but I'm already late for school. I don't have time to sit down and eat.&
&Did you finish your homework, dear?&
&Do you have your instrument?&
&And your lunch?&
&Did you brush your teeth?&
&Mom, I haven't finished eating breakfast yet. I'll brush my teeth when I'm done.&
&You should brush your teeth when you wake up and then brush them again after breakfast. Sandy, why are you wearing that old T-shirt? It's disgusting. I know you have some nice blouses in your closet.&
&Mom, please stop.&
&Stop what, dear?&
&Stop bugging me.&
&Sandy, are you wearing eye-liner?&
&Yes, Mom, I've been wearing eye-liner for months. Isn't it pretty? It's called French Lilac Blue. I just love it.& Sandy pretended not to notice that her mother was a little annoyed.
&Sandy Finch, you're too young to wear that much makeup. Please go upstairs and wash it off.&
&Mom, I'm fifteen. I'm old enough to wear makeup. Believe me, all the girls at school wear makeup. Some have tattoos and pierced ears, and noses and tongues, too. Mom, I don't have time to talk about this now & I'm late. I've got to go. See you later.& Sandy kissed her mother quickly on the cheek, picked up her books, and bolted out of the house.
As she ran to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her older brother Bill who was away at college. He phoned her often so they could talk and share their problems, but she hadn't heard from him for a while. She missed him. Since Bill had gone to college, her mother bugged Sandy much more than before, and she was arguing with her mother a lot more than usual, too.
Words: 694
n. any day except Sunday and Saturday 工作日(星期六、日以外的日子)
vi. make a short, sharp sound 发出&嘟&、&咔嗒&等轻微响声
n. a short, sharp sound 咔嗒声
v. 1. make a sudden, loud sound 发出猛烈响声
2. break up by explosion 爆破
3. attack with explosives 以炸药攻击
ad. forward 出来;向前
a. shocking, unpleasant 可怕的;令人不悦的
n. material 东西;材料
n. regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏; 韵律
a. unusual 古怪的;离奇的
ad. with no doubt 当然;无疑地
a. 1. full of force 有力的,强壮的
2. having a strong effect 功效大的
n. a young person 青少年;青年
n. a person who is able in music 音乐师
a. 1. very unpleasant 极讨厌的,令人作呕的
2. for attacking 攻击性的
vt. 1. interrupt, trouble or bother 打扰,妨碍
2. make sb. worry or unhappy 使&&不安,使&&烦恼
vt. take suddenly and roughly 抓取,攫取
a. 1. complete in every way 彻底的
2. careful about details 认真的
ad. carefully彻底地;仔细地
v. (cause to) hit hard and with loud noises (使)撞击;(使)猛击, 使劲敲
n. a piece of cloth for drying things 毛巾
n. an informal, cotton article of clothing 圆领衫
n. strong cotton trousers 牛仔裤
vt. cover in material folded over 包,裹
n. (woolen) clothing for the top part of the body (羊)毛衣
n. paint, powder, etc., worn on the face 化妆品
n. bread made brown by heating 烤面包
n. 1. an object for producing musical sounds 乐器
2. a tool 工具
interj. (informal/slang) yes 用于表示讨厌、嘲笑、无耐心等发出的惊叹语
vt. cause not to like 使厌恶,使反感
a. very unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人作呕的
n. woman's shirt 女衬衫
n. a box built into the wall to store things 壁柜
vt. (informal/slang) trouble 令人生气;使人烦;纠缠
n. dark make-up lines around the lashes or the pencil for making lines around the eyes or in the eye-brows 眼线笔(液)
n. make a little angry 使生气;使恼怒
n. patterns made by putting paint into the skin 纹身
v. make a hole in 穿洞;刺穿,刺破
vi. suddenly start to run or break away 冲出去,逃跑
vt. 闩,拴住
blast forth
(sounds) come out suddenly (声音)突然响起来
along with
together with 一道
change to off 关
burst into
1. enter hurriedly, often with force 匆匆进入
2. start suddenly 突然爆发
over and over
regularly 一次次
move one's hand so as to touch or hold sth. 伸手去抓
increase the volume/size of (sound, flame, etc.) 增大(声音、火焰等)
reduce (sound, flame, etc.) usually by moving a switch 减小(声音、火焰等)
as well as
in addition to 和,以及,还有
change to on, cause to flow or operate 开,打开
as has happened before 与往常一样
(informal) to such a degree 那么&&
leave in a sudden or unexpected hurry 匆匆离开
Steve Finch
Green Waves
French Lilac Blue
&&& 一个繁忙的早晨
&&& 收音机 &嘟&地一声,摇滚乐就 &哗啦&地响开了。 音乐像枪声似的将桑迪吵醒。 她看了一下钟,6点一刻。 她躺在床上,听着她喜欢的电台广播,嘴里哼着歌词。
&&& &桑迪,& 她父亲叫嚷了起来, &桑迪,把音乐关了! & 史蒂夫&芬奇冲进她的卧室。 &你为什么一定要听这么糟糕的音乐?一样的东西,听了一遍又一遍。虽然有节奏,可恐怕不是真正的音乐。 哼,根本不是真正的音乐。 这音乐怪透了,绝对糟糕透顶。&
&&& &我喜欢这音乐,爸爸。这是我喜欢的乐队,叫 '绿浪'。 您听一下吧,肯定您会喜欢的。 它的含义丰富,很有感染力。 您年轻时就没听过这样的音乐?& 桑迪伸手把音乐开得更响。
&&& &别,别开那么响,我受不了。 我那时听的音乐也有丰富的含义,可它的歌词明明白白,作者不用这么令人讨厌的歌词。 关掉收音机,这样我和你妈妈就听不到了。 我敢肯定,那音乐既伤你的耳朵,也伤你的大脑。 好了,请快点,把它关了。准备上学,不然就迟到了。&
&&& 桑迪走进浴室,打开淋浴喷头。 开始水有点冷,不过这倒可以帮她清醒清醒。 过了一会儿,水就越来越热。她想:&淋浴的感觉就是好,我可以一个人在这里唱歌,没人打扰我。& 她抓起香皂,浑身上下洗个遍,连头发也洗了。 要是她在浴室待得太久,她爸爸或妈妈就会砰砰地敲门催她快点。她赶紧抓了条浴巾,把身子擦干。
&&& 淋浴后,桑迪梳了梳头发,穿上一件旧的绿色圆领衫和一条牛仔裤,肩头上披了件毛衣。 接着她画上妆,然后抓起书本走进厨房。
&&& 她又看了看表;很晚了。 和往常一样,她不知道早餐该吃什么,便抓了杯牛奶,站在洗菜池旁吃了一块烤面包。就在此时,她妈妈简走进了厨房。
&&& &桑迪,你怎么不坐下吃饭? 站着吃对身体不好。&
&&& &我知道,妈妈,可我上学快迟到了,没时间坐着吃。&
&&& &昨天做作业了吧,宝贝?&
&&& &做了。&
&&& &带乐器了吧?&
&&& &嗯哼。&
&&& &午餐也带了?&
&&& &带啦。&
&&& &刷过牙了?&
&&& &妈,我还没吃完饭呢。 吃完了再刷。&
&&& &你该起来后就刷牙,吃完早饭后再刷次牙。桑迪呀, 你怎么穿起那件旧圆领衫了? 恶心死了。 我知道你壁柜里还有几件好看的衬衫。&
&&& &妈,请别这样。&
&&& &别怎么样?&
&&& &别这样烦我。&
&&& &桑迪,你怎么描起眼线来了?&
&&& &我是描了,妈妈。我都描了几个月了。 难道不漂亮? 这可是法国紫蓝眼线。我就是喜欢它。 &她妈妈有点生气,可桑迪装着没看见。
&&& &桑迪&芬奇,你还太小,还不能化这么浓的妆。 上楼去,把它洗掉。&
&&& &妈,我都15岁了,到了可以化妆的年龄了。 给您说实话吧,学校的女孩子都化妆, 有些还纹身,还在耳朵、鼻子、舌头上穿洞呢。 妈,我现在没时间给您说,我快迟到了,得走了。再见。& 桑迪匆匆吻了一下她妈妈的脸颊,拿起书冲出了屋子。
&&& 去赶校车的路上,桑迪想起了在外面上大学的哥哥比尔。 他常常给她打电话聊天,交流各自碰到的问题。可她有好些天没有他的消息了。 她想念哥哥。 自从哥哥去上大学,妈妈比以前更烦她了,她和妈妈的争吵也比往常更多了。
内容来自 听力课堂网:
A Busy Morning
             A Busy Morning     Last Monday morning , after I finished combing , Mum was still asleep . SO I said “Got up” loudly. She opened her eyes and asked ,“What’s the time ?” “It’s 6:30. You must get up quickly !”   After that , I had my breakfast . Twenty minutes later , she was still in her pajamas and hid in the washroom . So I shouted to her , “It’s nearly 7:00. I don’t want to be late !” She finally finished all the things and sent me to school at fantastic speed . Though I wasn’t late ,I thought I was selfish and I must say sorry to her .  
热门课程推荐 您现在的位置:&&>>&&>>&&>>&正文
A busy morning
A busy morning
  []A busy morning.l get up at six o'clock.First,I put on my clothes.Then,I brush my teeth
with toothpaste and toothbrush.I wash face with towel and water .At last ,I eat breakfast .Oh ,a busy morning
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