
I have a dream?
外语领域专家”良伴同行路不遥“ 谁帮我写一篇简短的文章啊?我自己用英语翻译,(就一篇英语演讲稿长度,2分钟左右..)_百度知道
”良伴同行路不遥“ 谁帮我写一篇简短的文章啊?我自己用英语翻译,(就一篇英语演讲稿长度,2分钟左右..)
Good BanTong journey not away, in ancient times WangBo said &but a little place, after all浮梗蹿凰讷好寸瞳丹困.& To far, had a friend will become very near.
你在看大话西游的时候,如果笑得腹背抽筋,龇牙咧嘴,那么你很有幽默感。 如果你看完了大话西游,你还笑得满地打滚,那么你其实什么都没看懂。 如果你看完了大话,你忽然发现脸上不知什么时候已经有泪水,你总算看懂了大话的第一层了。 如果你看完大话,笑也笑过了,泪也流过了,忽然怔在那里,忽然觉得不知是该哭还是该笑,那么你看懂第二层了。 如果你看完了大话,默默的坐在那里,你感到无处可去,你感到一种深入骨髓的悲哀和无奈,你看懂第三层了。 大话西游是个寓言,躲在古老神话的背壳里似乎很搞笑很爱情很世俗很感伤地讲述一个因为时间的渺茫和个体的彷徨所构筑的问题和它不确定的答案。 &那个人样子好怪。& &我也看到了,他好像一条狗。& 大话西游的最后一句对白你还记得么。其实这一句,就是整个电影的主题。用男人的思想就是:一个男人的无奈。 你喜欢至尊宝,还是喜欢孙悟空?答案不言自明。至尊宝放荡不羁,无拘无绊,但敢爱敢恨,纯真可爱。那么你又仰慕谁?谁是英雄? 其实从至尊宝到孙悟空的蜕变,正是反应了一个从男孩到男人的心路历程。 &等你明白了舍生取义的道理,你自然会回来和我唱这首歌的。& 唐僧是谁?我们是不是想起了我们的父母,我们的老师,我们的前辈。哪一个男人没有经历过他们的谆谆教导,又有哪一个人没有产生过一种强烈的逆反心理,没有反抗。但是,当每一个人成熟起来后,成为了男人,都会由衷地感谢他们的教诲,或者后悔没有听他们的话。 &我知道有一天他会在一个万众瞩目的情况下出现,身披金甲圣衣,脚踏七色云彩来娶我。&紫霞仙子是那种令每一个男孩子倾心的女性,她对自己的意中人要求不高,仅此而已,但是试问,你能做到吗?至尊宝做到了吗?他做到了,不过代价却是......其实,紫霞仙子就是我们心目中的女性形象,她的要求就代表了女性对男人的要求。 牛魔王又是谁?他代表了这世界上一种无形的力量,他夺走了紫霞,夺走了晶晶,也夺走了至尊宝的快乐。这种力量使至尊宝和他代表的男孩子们失去了往日的伊甸园,要想找回昔日的快乐,就必须战胜它。 说到这里,先整理一下思路,看看我们发现了什么。随着牛魔王的出现,至尊宝再也不能享受往日无忧的时光。他要找回心爱的晶晶,也要夺回更加深爱的紫霞。他曾一度寄望于月光宝盒转自,是的,月光宝盒。它有一种神奇的力量,可以使至尊宝避开同牛魔王直接交锋而获得自己想要的东东。其实,每一个男孩子在成长的过程中都曾经有过这样的幻想,但是,面对无情的现实,幻想一次又一次地破灭。直到最后的关头,至尊宝终于醒悟,靠月光宝盒不行,至尊宝更是没有那个本事,只有成为孙悟空,只有戴上那个金刚圈,他才有能力同牛魔王一较高下。 这真是一个极大的讽刺。你想要得到吗?那么好吧,你先放弃吧。你必须做出选择,作至尊宝,那么快乐总是很短暂,作孙悟空,你就要忍受无尽的痛苦。这个世界的规则好象是牛魔王制定的,那么恶毒,在它面前,那段经典的台词显得多么的苍白无力,只能成为一个男孩子蜕变成男人的时候留在心底最深的伤痛。 唐僧说话的方式从来就没有变过,只是在至尊宝醒悟的前后听来有完全不同的感受。那么至尊宝是自觉自愿的醒悟吗?不,他并不愿意,但是他必须拯救紫霞,必须化解人间的恨,他别无选择。虽然成为了孙悟空,成了大英雄,但他对自己的生存状态极度不满。片子的最后,孙悟空将他心中残存的至尊宝的影子幻化作一位夕阳武士,在对现实世界彻底失望后,只能构造一个虚幻的想象来了却这桩心愿,并借武士的口中表达了对自己生存状态的不满,活得好象是一条狗一样。唉,一个男人的悲怆和无奈。 &生又何哀,死又何苦。& 很早就听说过,如果你能理解大话中,&他好象一条狗&那么你才是真正理解了《大话》 也许我还不能完全明白..............喜欢大话喜欢那种明明相爱却又不能死守终生的遗憾和悲哀。我只能这样骗自己,也许他也有他的苦衷。发现自己真的&安家,安置完美的家&的接近于疯狂。大概是太过于同情怜悯自己了,才深深地喜欢着这个故事。
Journey to the West you see the time, if you smile front and cramp, grimace in pain, then you have great sense of humor.If you read the Odyssey, you rolling on the floor laughing, then what did you actually read.If you read the big, you do not know when suddenly found his face has tears, you finally understand the lying of the first layer.If you read the big, laugh and laugh, the tears are flowing, and suddenly startled, where, suddenly felt that I do not know whether to laugh or cry, then you read the second layer.If you read the big, quietly sitting there, you feel nowhere to go, you feel a deep sorrow and frustration of bone marrow, you read the third layer.Odyssey is an allegory, hiding in the back shell of the old myth seems very funny very very secular love to tell a very sad and because of the uncertain and anxious individuals constrained by the problem and its uncertain answers.&That man looks like a good strange.& &I have seen, he seemed a dog.& Westward Journey of the last sentence of the dialogue you remember what. In fact, this one is the theme of the film. The idea is to use a man: a man's frustration.Do you like Monkey King, or like the Monkey King? The answer is self-evident. Monkey King indulgent, no arrests without stumbling, but Ganaiganhen, lovely. Who you and admire? Who is a hero?In fact, the transformation from the Monkey King to the Monkey King, is the reaction from the boy to a man's mentality.&When you understand the meaning of sacrifice the truth, you will naturally come back and I sing this song.&Monk who is? We are not reminded of our parents, our teachers, our predecessors. Which man did not experience their earnest instructions, which have not produced a strong personal rebellious, did not resist. However, when mature, after everyone has become a man, will be sincerely thank them for their teachings, or regret not listening to their words.&I know that one day he will be in the case of a much-anticipated appearance wearing a Full Metal Jacket Cloth, foot Rainbow clouds to marry me.& Zijin fairy is a boy that so attracted to each woman, her own loved one ask for much, and nothing more, but how can you do that? Monkey King to do it? He did, but the price is ...... In fact, Daisy Fairy is the image of women in our minds, her request on behalf of women to men's demands.Bull Demon King Who? He represents this world, an invisible force, he took Daisy, claiming Jingjing, also took Monkey King's pleasure. This forces the Monkey King and his boys represented the Garden of Eden and lost, in order to retrieve the old happiness, we must overcome it.Here, first sort out ideas and see what we found. With the emergence of cattle devil, Monkey King can no longer enjoy a worry-free time past. He loved to get back Jingjing, but also to regain a more beloved Daisy. He hopes to fight with switched once, yes, fight with. It has a magic power, which can make the Monkey King to avoid a direct confrontation with the devil to obtain cattle they want stuff. In fact, every boy growing up in the process have all had this fantasy, but the face of harsh reality, fantasy, time and again shattered. Until the last moment, Monkey King finally wake up, not by Moonlight, Monkey King is not that ability, only to become the Monkey King, and only wear that diamond ring, he can afford with the devil under a high cattle.This is a great irony. You want to get it? Well, then, before you give it. You have to make choices for Monkey King, so happy is always short, as the Monkey King, you have to endure endless pain. Rules of this world as if the devil is the development of cattle, then evil, in front of it, that part of the classic lines look how pale and weak, can only be transformed into a boy when the man left the deepest pain in my heart.Monk in speech has never been changed before, just wake up in the Monkey King before and after listening to a completely different experience. Monkey King is voluntarily then you wake up? No, he did not, but he must save Daisy, have to resolve the world of hate, he had no choice. Although as the Monkey King, became a hero, but he was extremely dissatisfied with his existence. The final film, Monkey King Monkey King will be the remnants of his mind as a setting sun turned the shadow warrior, completely disappointed in the real world, it can only construct a fantasy of the imagination to the wish was awful, and expressed by the warrior's mouth dissatisfaction with their own existence, to live as seems to be a dog. Well, a man of tragedy and helplessness.&Health how grief, death and why bother.&It had heard, if you can understand lying in, &he seems to dog,& then you truly understand the &lies&Maybe I still do not fully understand .............. like lying like the kind of love but obviously can not hang on a lifetime of regret and sorrow. I can only lie to myself, maybe he has his difficulties. Found myself really &settle down, placed the perfect home&'s close to madness. Compassion about himself too, was struck by the love of the story.
I think my daily work is just to sort out files and interview related personnel then compile the articles though this is my first practical training.
CEO Swap: The $79 billion planSecret meetings. A binder full of top talent. Behind the scenes at Procter & Gamble, where A.G. Lafley and protégé Bob McDonald are navigating the sweet science of succession.
By Jennifer Reingold, senior writer
Last Updated: November 20,
(Fortune magazine) -- On July 1, A.G. Lafley woke up at 6 a.m., worked out, showered, and headed to the office in downtown Cincinnati, just as he had for nearly a decade. But this was the first morning in more than 3,000 days that he was no longer the chief executive of Procter & Gamble.
He walked through the main entrance, passed by the café in the lobby, pressed his key card against the metal scanner, and ... nothing. Lafley felt a momentary shiver. He'd stepped down as CEO the night before, turning the reins over to longtime P&G-er Robert &Bob& McDonald, 56, but he still had a job as an active chairman -- didn't he?
It turned out to be just a technology glitch, but once Lafley, 62, talked his way inside, he went not to the 11th floor -- an open-air suite of offices he had created to encourage more interaction among the top executive team -- but instead to the second floor, into a musty, oak-paneled office that was a vestige of the pre-Lafley P&G.
The previous evening he had unobtrusively moved his belongings downstairs. It was a symbolic gesture, but an important one: Lafley wanted to be sure that on day one, McDonald could walk in and sit at the CEO's desk.
A few days later, at the Global Leadership Council meeting (a weekly session for the top 42 execs), Lafley arrived early and chose a chair far from the one he'd sat in for the past decade. He was now a supporting cast member, and his physical location underscored the point: All eyes, he says, turned to McDonald as soon as he sat down. &It felt exactly like it was intended to,& he told me later. &The king is dead. Long live the king!&
It is something strange in this era of failed leadership, abysmal succession planning, and dueling egos: a transition atop one of the world's largest and most successful companies that is notable for what's gone right.
Like just a handful of other companies, including PepsiCo (PEP, Fortune 500) and General Electric (GE, Fortune 500), P&G (PG, Fortune 500) has seen its ability to groom top talent as a competitive advantage -- as much of one as its trademark on Tide or patent on Pampers. Although the company is 172 years old, it has had only 12 chief executives, all insiders, and among them two family members.
Most companies that take succession seriously shroud their process in secrecy. Some, such as GE under Jack Welch, publicize the horse race itself, believing that it will spur the candidates to work harder. Others, such as Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), whose board was forced to convene an &emergency succession committee& when CEO Ken Lewis said he was leaving, seem to deal with it only under duress.
But now that P&G's transition is complete, the company has allowed Fortune a rare look inside the process, unveiling everything from the top-secret blue binder that tracks every high-level prospect, to a whirlwind tour of Moscow with McDonald, to the board's deliberations. The result is an unusual picture of a company where leadership development and succession planning permeate not just the corner office but the entire company.
P&G's openness is particularly surprising because the hand-over comes at a precarious time. Yes, in his near decade as CEO, Lafley transformed P&G from an unfocused collection of famous brands into an innovation machine that got most of its ideas not from the eggheads in R&D but rather from the consumer.
With his relaxed demeanor, Lafley projected an image antithetical to the charismatic command-and-control CEO so in vogue in his time. And with huge acquisitions, including the $57 billion deal for Gillette, he gave P&G a global reach that goes beyond most governments.
Yet the company has fared worse than others in the massive market meltdown, in part because of the decision, despite $4 billion in negative currency fluctuations, to stick to its relatively high pricing while competitors cut theirs.
And Lafley had pushed hard to introduce premium-priced products such as high-end versions of Tide and Bounty, which worked in a boom but not so well in a bust. In the past two years the stock has lagged behind rivals such as Colgate-Palmolive (CL, Fortune 500), falling 14% compared with Colgate's 6% rise.
While the timing may not be ideal, what Lafley and McDonald have going for them is a bond that is very hard to find in corporate America. In a joint interview they finish each other's sentences, rip each other about the military, and say things like, &Remember that time we were together in the Egyptian delta?&
Lafley is still working at the company as executive chairman, speaking at least weekly with McDonald, chairing the board, and offering advice. That might be threatening to some new bosses, but not McDonald. &A.G. is a giant,& he says. &And I'm thrilled to stand on his shoulders.&
A rocky start
The two first met 29 years ago at a beer garden in Cincinnati, when Lafley, a 33-year-old brand manager for Dawn and former Navy officer, was asked to help recruit a hotshot Army Ranger named Bob McDonald. The two men hit it off, but midway through their meal McDonald became annoyed when he noticed a bunch of P&G-ers getting rowdy at the other end of the room. It was the values of the company that had attracted him to the place, but he was getting a distinct frat-boy vibe.
&I almost left that dinner,& says McDonald. &I was outraged.& (This is a guy who fired his own platoon sergeant for faking a parachute jump.) But Lafley, legendary even then for his ability to inspire, convinced McDonald that those folks were not representative of P&G.
It helps that grooming talent is in Lafley's DNA -- his father, Alan Lafley, was an HR executive at GE who specialized in succession (and a man who Lafley says Jack Welch once told him was the &only honest son of a bitch at corporate&). But his motivations go deeper.
&I'm an accidental CEO,& Lafley says. With no warning, Lafley received a call from ex-CEO John Pepper on June 6, 2000, telling him that CEO Durk Jager had been ousted and asking him to step in. &My transition was arguably the poorest in the history of this company,& he says.
Although Lafley adapted and thrived, on his office wall he kept a screen shot of himself during his first CNBC interview, staring wide-eyed into the abyss, as a reminder of just how tough it was. He didn't want anyone else to ever have to go through that chaos.
Top secret talent rankings
I am sitting in the office of Moheet Nagrath, P&G's global human resources officer, which -- for those who enjoy office Kremlinology -- is directly next to that of the CEO.
We are looking at a blue binder that would probably be worth millions on the open market. Called the Talent Portfolio, it contains the names of P&G's up-and-coming leaders, compared against one another over the past six years in both financial performance and the ability to lead and help others do the same.
&Today I could show you the next generation of successors to current leaders, the generation after that, and the generation after that,& says Nagrath. Those at the upper-left-hand side of one particular page are the people who have consistently outperformed. The people at the lower right are considered &at risk.&
There are also lists of who is ready to be promoted next, who will be ready after the current assignment, and who will need more time. There are at least three possible candidates for each major job -- bench strength most companies would kill for.
Most of those who reach general manager status -- 120 of P&G's 135,000 employees -- are part of this leadership bible. Although the process that culminates in the blue binder has been decades in the making -- way back in 1947, CEO Richard &Red& Deupree said, &If you leave us our buildings and our brands but take away our people, the company will fail& -- the system in its current format dates from 2001. That's when Lafley, less than two years into his tenure, began to look forward and asked the question, &Are we hiring the right people?&
0:00 /4:46P&G doesn't fear generics
Today all executives who become general managers are evaluated every six months with what is called a GM Performance Scorecard. It is a two-page document, with one page of relevant financial measures and a second, equally important, assessing leadership and team-building abilities.
All managers are reviewed not only by their bosses but also by lateral managers who have worked with them, as well as their own direct reports. All this sharing isn't for everyone. &We're perfect for Derek Jeter,& says Lafley, &but A-Rod would not work out here.&
Lafley also focused on succession at the CEO level. Every February one entire board meeting is devoted to reviewing the high-level executives, with the goal of coming up with at least three potential candidates for each of the top 35 to 40 jobs.
In the early part of the decade the list of Lafley's potential replacements was eight to 10 people, but it was whittled down as time went on. Up-and-comers are regularly asked to make presentations to the board, and directors also take an annual trip abroad, hosted by top candidates.
&It is a much more focused process than in many companies,& says James McNerney, CEO of Boeing and head of the board's compensation and leadership-development committee.
Lafley and the board, along with Bill Conaty, the longtime head of HR at GE, whom Lafley hired as a consultant in 2008, also developed a 10-point list of qualities that a new CEO needed to possess.
首席执行官互换:79亿美元的计划    秘密会议。接下来的优秀人才。在幕后,宝洁公司,在那里A.G. Lafley门生鲍勃麦当劳正在航行,甜蜜的科学。  Reingold资深作家,由詹尼弗    更新:11月20日,最后4:04时等:2009年    (财富杂志)——7月1日,A.G. Lafley醒来,在早上6点,洗了个澡,前往位于市中心辛辛那提,正如他在近十年。但是这是第一个在3000多天早晨,他不再是香港特别行政区行政长官的宝洁公司。    他穿过了大门,经过咖啡店在大堂、按他的钥匙卡对金属扫描器,……。Lafley感觉瞬间颤抖。他辞去首席执行官的前一晚,在长期的缰绳P&G-er罗伯特“鲍勃”麦当劳,56岁,但他仍然有一个工作,作为一个活跃的主席——不是吗?    这只是一个技术上的问题,但是一旦Lafley 62岁,谈他的道,他就不11楼——一个露天的办公室,他创造了鼓励更多的高级管理人员之间的相互作用,而是球队——第二层,变成一股霉味,oak-paneled办公室,那是一pre-Lafley宝洁公司的踪迹。    前一天晚上他悄悄地把他的财产下楼去。它是一种象征性,但是很重要的一件事:Lafley要确保从第一天起,麦当劳走,坐在首席执行官的桌子。    几天后,在全球领导力会议(每周会议前42高层),Lafley提早到达,并选择一张椅子远离他就坐在过去10年。他现在是一个支持成员,他的身体位置强调所有的眼睛,他说,转到麦当劳,只要他坐下来。“它感觉到它预期一样,”他告诉我。“国王死了。尼布甲尼撒王万岁!”    这是一件奇怪的时代的领导,糟糕的继任计划失败,决斗自我转变之一:在世界上最大和最成功的公司,是非常引人注目的权利。    就如同一大堆其它公司,包括百事(PEP,《财富》500强)和通用电气(GE、财富500强),宝洁(PG财富500强之一)的能力培训优秀人才作为竞争优势——尽可能多的人作为它的商标或专利在昨天在潮流。虽然公司172岁,它只有12首席执行官,所有业内人士,其中两名家庭成员。    大多数公司,其过程中认真地裹尸布连续保密。在一些国家,比如通用杰克·韦尔奇,宣传赛马,认为它将自身刺激候选人更努力地工作。其他国家,如美国银行(血液酒精浓度(BAC)、《财富》500强),其董事会被迫召开的“紧急继承委员会”在首席执行官说他正要离开肯·刘易斯,似乎处理它只被胁迫。    但是现在,宝洁公司的转型是完整的,该公司已允许财富难得的过程,看看里面的所有机密版蓝粘合剂,高级的前景,对每一个闪电旅行,莫斯科与麦当劳,董事会审议。结果是一个不寻常的地方,公司领导发展计划渗透不仅仅是转角处,但整个公司。    宝洁公司的开放是特别令人惊讶,因为将发生在一个不稳定的时间。是的,他在近十年来,Lafley转化为首席执行官从懵懂收集宝洁品牌进入一个创新的机器,让大多数的想法不是知识分子都在研发,而是来自消费者。    与他的举止,Lafley放映轻松的魅力形象command-and-control对立的首席执行官如此盛行于他的时间。与巨大的并购,包括57美元对吉列、亿美元的交易,他给了宝洁公司的全球达到超越大多数政府。    然而该公司已经表现得比其他人在巨大的市场崩溃,一部分是因为这个决定,尽管40亿美元的汇率的波动,消极坚持其相对高的价格而对手切。    Lafley曾用力推,介绍premium-priced产品如高端版本的潮流和宽大的、具有在繁荣,但不那么一个泡沫。在过去的两年里,股票已经落后于对手,如高露洁理念,《财富》500强),用高露洁的6%,14%上升。    虽然时间不是最理想的,什么Lafley和麦当劳已经准备他们的联系,很难找到在美国企业界。在一个联合采访他们完成了对方的句子,撷取对方军队,并说过“记得那时我们一起在埃及的三角洲吗?”    Lafley仍在公司作为执行主席说,每周至少跟麦当劳,主持委员会,并提供建议。这可能会威胁到一些新老板,但是没有麦当劳。“A.G.是一个巨大的,”他说。“我很高兴站在他的肩膀上。”    开局不利    这两个第一次遇见29年前在啤酒园,当Lafley辛辛那提市,一名33岁的品牌经理黎明前海军军官,被邀请来帮助招募一强人军队游侠鲍勃麦当劳。这两个人一拍即合,但是中途餐麦当劳了,这时他发现一群P&G-ers得到嚣张的房间的另一头。这是公司的价值,吸引了他,但他是截然不同的兼顾同学会的感觉。    “我差点离开,共进晚餐时,说:“麦当劳。“我感到愤慨。”(这是一个家伙解雇了他自己的排中士伪造跳伞。)但是,即使Lafley传奇对他的能力,激发学生的学习,说服麦当劳,那些人并不代表宝洁公司。    它有助于美容人才Lafley——他的父亲,DNA的阿兰Lafley,是一位高层人力资源管理人员在通用电气专业技术有限公司在继承(和一个人Lafley说杰克韦尔奇告诉他:“只有诚实的王八蛋,公司”)。但是他的动机进入更深。    “我是一个偶然的CEO,“Lafley说。没有警告,Lafley打来电话ex-CEO约翰胡椒在6月6日,2000,告诉他说,首席执行官雅格Durk被赶下台,让他进来。“我是最贫穷的过渡的该公司的历史,”他说。    虽然Lafley改编和繁荣,在他的办公室墙上,他保持着镜头的采访,在他第一次CNBC无底坑里,睁大眼睛盯着他看,提醒自己是多么的艰难。他不希望任何人曾经穿过那个混乱。    绝密的天赋的排名    我坐在办公室Nagrath Moheet,宝洁公司的全球人力资源的军官,而对于那些喜欢办公室———是直接下暗中摸索克里姆林宫行动的首席执行官。    我们正在寻找一个蓝色的粘合剂,可能是几百万可以在公开市场上。所谓的人才组合,它包含了宝洁公司的前途的领导人的名字对彼此相比,在过去的六年里,在财务绩效和领导能力,帮助他人做同样的事情。    “今天我可以带你去下一代接班人,新一代领导人之后,并代之后,“说Nagrath。那些在upper-left-hand某一页边的人始终表现。这个人在被认为是“危险”。    也有列出的那些准备推动下,他将准备转让后,目前还需要一些时间。至少有三种可能的候选人早已为每个主要的工作——板凳实力,大多数公司会杀死了。    大多数的人达到总经理地位——120名宝洁公司的员工——是13.5这个领导圣经。虽然过程,达到在蓝色的粘合剂十年在回家的路上,在1947年——“红色”Deupree总裁理查德说:“如果你把我们的建筑物和我们的品牌,但求你除掉我们的人民,本公司会失败”——这个系统在当前的格式日期从2001年。那是当Lafley,少于二年到他的任期,开始展望未来并问道:“我们聘用正确的人吗?”    4:46P&amp 0:00,克/不敬畏之列    今天所有高管成为经理每6个月进行与所谓的转基因绩效计分卡。这是一个2页纸的文件,以一个页[面]的有关金融措施和第二,同样重要的是,评估领导与团队建设能力。    所有的管理人员不仅受到了他们的老板还受侧管理者已经与它们之间的关系,以及他们自己的直接报道。所有这一切都不是为分享。“我们是完美的,Lafley帅帅队长说,“现在”,但也不离开这儿了。”    Lafley也集中在首席执行官级别。连续在每年的2月一整个董事会会议致力于回顾,以实现高级主管的到来至少有三个潜在的候选每个最高的35至40的工作。    早期的十年Lafley名单的潜在的替代品是8到10人,但它是削减随着时间的推移。新人也经常做演讲时,导演董事会也带每年出国旅行,主办的最高的候选人。    “这是一个更加专注于许多公司,“说詹姆斯McNerney执行长、波音和头部的董事会的补偿方法,并leadership-development委员会。    Lafley和董事会,随着比尔Conaty、长期的头,就是Lafley人力资源在通用雇佣为顾问,2008年的10%的列表也需要一个新的首席执行官的特质。
Among them: integrity, character, and values, which Lafley felt had to be beyond perfect to merit consideration. Another list covered the kinds of skills that would be needed in the next decade. &What you're trying to do is select the candidate that is right for the time,& Lafley says.
A company a lot like the military
It is out of this system that Bob McDonald emerged. A son of an adman from suburban Chicago, McDonald was a clean-cut football player and wrestler who first applied to West Point when he was just 11 (he was told, gently, by his then congressman, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, to wait).
At West Point, McDonald graduated 22nd in his class as an engineering major, but rather than reporting to the Army Corps of Engineers, he decided to join the infantry, something officers trained at West Point just don't do.
&I figured -- and this is the story of my life, really,& he says, &if you're gonna be in the Army, go into the infantry. If you're going to be in marketing, work for P&G. You don't do things halfway.&
The move made sense. If there was a company like the military at the time, it was most definitely P&G, with its loyal, Midwestern, hierarchical culture and toe-the-line employees dubbed &Proctoids.&
Though McDonald had anticipated spending the rest of his career in Cincinnati, P&G was just beginning to see itself as a global company rather than an American one with offices abroad. As he aced each assignment -- his superiors recognizing his engineer's attention to detail and his love of mentoring as an unusual mix of both IQ and EQ -- he got another, tougher one.
In 1989, then-CEO John Smale asked McDonald to go to Canada to turn around the struggling laundry products division. McDonald saw being sent abroad as a sign that he wasn't on the fast track. Who'd want to be away from the central hub? &My reaction was, 'What did I do wrong?' & says McDonald, who considered resigning.
Instead, he moved his family there, joined the P&G ice hockey team, read every Canadian book he could find, and learned that &you never say, 'Here's how we do it in the U.S.'& Postings as general manager of the Philippines, as the head of beauty products in Japan, and in global fabric care in Belgium followed. The company's goal was to be sure that he could run not only a country but also a category: Every emerging executive should do both.
McDonald's first official signal that he was a CEO candidate came when he was called back to Cincinnati to run both global fabric care and home care, then was named one of four vice chairmen in 2004.
But there had been plenty of earlier hints: In 2002, Lafley announced a formal leadership development program for new general managers and, later, for experienced managers, which he chose McDonald to lead.
Teaching a module in early September in Cincinnati, McDonald was in his element, speaking without notes about how important it is for managers to inspire their employees to great things. He showed a clip from the film &Mr. Holland's Opus,& starring Richard Dreyfuss, in which his students perform the symphony he wrote. &What stories are people telling about you in the halls?& he asked.
Lafley's next step was to set up an executive group that was young enough -- but also high-powered enough -- to carry the company into the next decade. Although it is typical for a new CEO to build his own team, Lafley had a slightly different idea: To form the new lineup, he worked with both McDonald and Susan Arnold, the other top contender and head of the beauty business, as well as chief external relations officer Charlotte Otto. &Bob was involved, Susan was involved,& says Nagrath, &so that if one of them became the CEO, then they would be comfortable with the choice.&
By March, Arnold had announced her retirement, something that both Lafley and McDonald insist she had always considered doing at 55. (Arnold declined to be interviewed.) Although the board had not yet voted, the path forward appeared clear for McDonald, in part because of the outstanding job he did helping integrate Gillette, and also because of his operational skills at a time when the company is facing cost pressures.
&I'm a good operator,& says Lafley. &I think he's a great operator.& He also has the people skills, a rare combination since most executives excel at one or the other. Says McNerney: &You want to be in a foxhole with him.&
The succession team -- Lafley, Nagrath, and McDonald, with help from the board -- began the next stage of the process: how to get ready for the changeover without making people feel that Lafley was leaving the company in the lurch. Starting in the spring, the group met regularly, piecing together what the outgoing CEO's role would be.
Among his duties: reviewing businesses such as Braun, Wella, Clairol, and I serving as a Yoda-type sage to McD and mentoring some executives, such as Melanie Healey, the newly appointed head of North America, and Phil Duncan, who runs design.
Internally, everybody was on the same page. But P&G still had to tell the world that its iconic CEO was leaving in the middle of an economic crisis. The group orchestrated every bit of the announcement, from secretly pre-booking conference rooms around the world for town halls to mapping out who would call whom when the news broke. They also drafted a strategy meant to spell out what would stay the same and what would be different. They called it &continuity and change& -- a pretty unoriginal effort from a company revered for its branding.
On June 9 the board unanimously elected McDonald CEO after an all-day meeting. The next morning at 10:30, McDonald and Lafley together announced the change to employees in a global webcast. &He is the most experienced global executive who has ever served this company,& said Lafley.
As soon as it was over, they hit the airwaves, calling customers, investors, and employees. McDonald made a particular effort to reach those who hadn't worked closely with him, like Gina Drosos, president for Global Female Beauty. &He called me within two hours,& she said. &He said, 'I just wanted to say I'm excited about my new role, and I want to partner with you.' What a fantastic example! This guy just had the biggest announcement since maybe his wedding, and he's on the phone to me?&
The first town hall was in Cincinnati. From there Lafley and McDonald flew to G then McDonald went on to China, Singapore, and four cities in Central and South America over the next month. Simultaneously, McDonald met personally with every director in his or her hometown -- a move that greatly impressed the board.
Yet there were slip-ups. For starters, someone leaked the announcement to the Wall Street Journal, which printed a story anointing McDonald before the board had voted. And some outsiders were dismayed by the fact that just months after Lafley said he wasn't going anywhere, he was stepping down.
&It was done rather abruptly,& says Ali Dibadj of Sanford C. Bernstein. &We had been saying A.G. had committed to deliver the decade, and the decade was one more year.&
Lafley admits that the move came quickly, but says he wanted a new head in place before the recession ended. &I agonized. I obsessed,& he says, &but I thought it would not be helpful for me to stay another year or two, ride the recovery, and then hand it over.&
Lafley also seems ready to move to the next stage of life. After going through a divorce, he chats about doing triathlons with his girlfriend, wears funky purple shirts, and says he has no interest in further board work.
Yet for all the immediate confusion, things calmed down quickly. It helps that McDonald by nature is rock-steady: He gets up every morning at 4:30 to work out for two hours and make his calls to A he weighs what h he has been married to the same woman, Diane, for 32 years and has two
he starts meetings exactly on time -- a change from the previous regime.
Still, colleagues have seen a shift. &What's fascinating has been the switch,& says Nagrath. &A few months back A.G. was doing this, and Bob was on the side.& Even McDonald's voice has a deeper timbre, he says. &I think he was preparing for it in private, all his life, and he suddenly unveiled himself.&麻烦你继续翻一下
 其中:正直,性格和,Lafley感到必须超越完美的考虑。另一个列表覆盖了各种技能,就需要在未来十年。“你要做的就是选择了合适的人选,时间,”Lafley说。    公司有许多相似的军队    这是出于这个系统,鲍勃·。一个儿子从郊区的一个小伙子,是一个鲜明的,谁先应用到,当时他只是11(有人告诉他,轻,然后议员,前国防部长·,等)。    在西点军校毕业,麦当劳在班上22作为工程专业,但是比起汇报给的工程师,他决定加入步兵,一些官员在西点军校干脆不要做。    “我认为这是我一生的故事,真的,”他说,“如果你要在军队,进入步兵。如果你打算在营销、为工作。你不做事半途而废。”    此举是值得的。如果有公司像军队,这是绝对宝洁公司,以其忠诚,中西部,层次的文化和toe-the-line雇员被称为“Proctoids。”    尽管麦当劳预期支出结束他的职业生涯在,宝洁公司刚开始看到本身作为一种全球性的公司,而不是美国海外分公司和办事处。他还为每个任务——他的上司认识到他的工程师的注意细节和他的导师作为一种不寻常的爱的混合两者智商和双高——他换了,更能吃苦耐劳。    在1989年,当时约翰·斯梅尔要求麦当劳去加拿大掉头挣扎的洗衣产品部。麦当劳看到被派出国作为一个信号,表明他并不顺利。谁想要离开的枢纽吗?“我的反应是,“我做错什么了吗?”“说,他认为麦当劳宣布辞职。    相反,他搬到他的家人,加入了宝洁公司的队,阅读每一个加拿大的书他能找到,得知“你从来没有说,“这是如何做到这一点的在美国的&公告为总经理、头的在日本,并在全球织物在的关怀。公司的目标是要确保他能跑不仅是一个国家,但也是一个类别:每一个新兴的行政机关应当做这两件事。    麦当劳第一次正式的信号,他是一名CEO候选人来到时,他被称为回到辛辛那提两者全球织物护理和,然后被评为四副董事长在2004年。    但是有足够的早些时候提示:在2002年,Lafley宣布正式的发展新的总经理,之后,他对经验的管理人员选择麦当劳领先。    教学模块在9月初在辛辛那提,麦当劳在他的元素,不用笔记有多么重要,它是为经理激励员工,伟大的事情。他从影片剪辑”的杰作,they荷兰主演的·德雷弗斯,”,他的同学表演他写的交响曲。“什么是人的故事讲述你在大厅吗?”他。    Lafley的下一步就是建立行政组,足够年轻——而且大功率——把公司建设成为未来十年。虽然这是典型的新建立自己的球队,Lafley稍有不同的想法:形成新阵容,他曾与麦当劳和苏珊,其他顶尖和头部的务,以及主要外部关系主任。“鲍勃参加,苏珊是Nagrath表示:“如果”,使他们成为CEO之一,然后他们会感到舒适的选择。”    三月份,已经宣布退役,这两Lafley和麦当劳坚持她一直被认为是在55岁了。(阿诺德拒绝采访。)虽然论坛还没有投票,出现了明显的前进道路的麦当劳,部分是由于他杰出的工作帮助整合、也必因他的操作技能的时候,公司正面临成本的压力。    “我是一个不错的接线员,说:“Lafley。“我认为他是一个伟大的操作员。”他还在,十分罕见,因为大多数高层擅长一方或另一方。McNerney说:“你想和他。”    Lafley演替,Nagrath团队——,麦当劳的帮助下,董事会——开始下一阶段的过程:如何准备转换不让人觉得Lafley正要离开这司。在春天,开始定期会面,拼凑出什麽卸任首席执行官的角色。    在他的职责:回顾等业务,Clairol Wella、、I作为Yoda-type圣人去麦当劳、活动,比如一些高层的新任命,妮·希利的北美,菲尔·,谁跑的设计。    对内,人人都在相同的页面上。但宝洁公司还告诉世人,其标志性的CEO正要离开处于。这个集团联手每一点的公告,从偷偷pre-booking城镇大厅,绘制出谁会打电话给谁的消息的时候了。他们还起草了一份策略注定拼出什么会保持不变的,什么是不一样的。他们称之为“连续性和改变”——一个漂亮的原创的努力从一家公司为其品牌的崇敬。    6月9日董事会一致推选麦当劳首席执行官之后一个全天会议。第二天早上10:30在一起,麦当劳和Lafley宣布了这一变化,在全球直播员工。“他是最有经验的全球从来Lafley说:“这个公司。    一旦它结束的时候,他们就击中电波,客户、雇员、投资者。麦当劳做了一个特别的努力达到那些没有工作,像吉娜Drosos全球女性美,总统。“他叫我在两小时,”她说。&他说道,“我只想说我很兴奋,我的新角色,我想与。”多么美妙的例子!这家伙刚刚宣布自也许他最大的婚礼,他正在打电话给我吗?”    第一次在辛辛那提。从那里飞往,麦当劳L然后麦当劳去中国、和四个城市在和在下个月。同时,麦当劳和每位董事亲自会面在他或她的故乡——此举极大地给人留下了深刻的印象。    尚未有起伏。首先,有人泄露了公告的的故事之前,印刷膏麦当劳的董事会已经投票。和一些外来者惊愕的事实,一个月后Lafley说他不去,他下台。    “这是相当突然说,“Dibadj桑福德c·的。“我们已经说A.G.已经承诺要救了十年,十年,是一年。”    Lafley承认转会,但是他说他很快就想要一个新头之前衰退结束。“我忍受痛苦。我迷上,”他说,“但我认为这会不会帮助我保持一到两年,骑康复,然后把它结束了。”    Lafley也似乎准备移动到下一个阶段的生活。经过离婚,他聊关于做和他的女朋友,穿少年时期比赛时髦的紫色衣服,而且说他没有兴趣进一步板的工作。    然而,尽管人们正在大混乱,立即下来很快。它帮助,麦当劳生来是rock-steady:他每天早上起床4:30想出了两个小时,让他的呼吁亚洲;他举起他所做的事情在高中的时候,他已经结婚了,女人,黛安娜,32年,有两个孩子,他宠爱的;他开始会议准时——从先前的政权。    仍然,同事已经看到了转变。“什么是迷人的开关,已经说Nagrath。“几个月前A.G.是这样,鲍勃。”即使麦当劳的声音有更深的音色,他说。“我认为他准备在私底下,他所有的生命,他突然公布了自己。”
A long way from the Cold War
Bob McDonald and I are walking through the middle of Moscow's Red Square. Well-heeled tourists stroll where soldiers once goose- the onion-dome basilica of Saint Basil's beckons, and festive lights festoon the GUM department store, where Dior and Gucci have replaced the Soviet goods once available only to apparatchiks. Lenin's tomb sits quietly in the center.
&It is so incredible to stand here,& says McDonald. He's referring to the fact that he was a soldier of the Cold War, someone who for decades believed the only way he'd ever arrive in Moscow was via parachute. It is equally incredible that he is standing in Red Square on behalf of a $79 billion global company -- and that Russia is currently one of its top 10 markets, with a leading share in everything from diapers to razors.
But McDonald is convinced that Russia can do better. That's why he is taking a rickety elevator to the seventh floor of a 29-year-old Russian woman's minuscule but immaculate living room. He's here to see for himself why she uses the products she does. Although he's done it hundreds of times before, he still looks fascinated as she pulls out her beauty and cleaning potions from a cabinet, explaining why she uses Mr. Muscle (Mr. Clean) but not Pantene or Secret. He nods enthusiastically when she mentions that since the crisis, she has started buying larger sizes of detergent -- an insight that other P&G research supports.
It is this need to truly understand the consumer that is probably Lafley's biggest legacy -- and one that McDonald is actively continuing. But McDonald has moved beyond Lafley's famous line &The customer is boss& to a more messianic -- and even more ambitious -- statement that sounds as much like a political ideology as it does a business strategy. P&G's new purpose, he says, is to &touch and improve more people's lives, in more parts of the world, more completely.&
In a mature market like the U.S., it's hard to argue that another brand of shaving cream can have any life-altering impact. But abroad it's a different story: McDonald becomes emotional when he tells the story of how feminine napkins are helping girls in sub-Saharan Africa get educated. Before they had access to them, girls were banned from school one week a month.
Indeed, the line both articulates a growth plan and a motivational call to arms. Developing markets, which now make up 30% of P&G's sales, are the core of McDonald's strategy -- an important differentiator from Lafley, who emphasized higher-priced products designed for a consumer with more disposable income.
Not all of McDonald's plans center on hearts and minds. He is ruthless when it comes to ferreting out waste, and he wants to take full advantage of P&G's scale -- something that was not as much of a focus for Lafley, who was busy growing in a booming economy.
Dibadj notes that SG&A as a percentage of sales, at 30.4%, is down less than two percentage points in nine years despite the company's having doubled in size. (He says these costs should have fallen further.)
Technology is another focus. McDonald wants P&G to be the first global company to operate in real time and has provided managers with a &dashboard& showing the relevant financial metrics. On a tour of McDonald's new office, decorated with elegant Asian art, he is thrilled to show me a completely barren desk. He throws open his file drawers to show indeed, there is no paper anywhere in the office. &What I need is right here,& he says, tapping his computer and BlackBerry.
In the end, despite joking in Russia that the company is a &tandemocracy& like that of Putin and Medvedev, neither McDonald nor Lafley ever put much faith in the concept of dual leaders. 'You can have only one operating leader, and that's the chief executive,& says Lafley.
Fortunately, McDonald already seems comfortable. He's committed to the company's plan to build 20 new plants in the next five years and has articulated an bold strategy to take share -- including making some of the price cuts eschewed last year and testing lower-end versions of products that may boost volume -- even though that may also put pressure on margins.
P&G watchers also hear a new, tougher tone. &My feeling is that Bob is starting out a lot more aggressively than A.G. did,& says Citigroup Global's Wendy Nicholson, who cites recent speeches peppered with references to taking share and beating rivals. But that competitive streak disappears when McDonald talks about Lafley.During one interview McDonald paraphrases a scene in a book by Bill Bennett about Thomas Jefferson's replacing Benjamin Franklin as ambassador to France. &Jefferson turned to George Washington and said, 'I can't replace Mr. Franklin, but I will succeed him.' I can't replace Mr. Lafley,& he says, &but I will succeed him.&
从冷战开始的很长一段路    鲍勃·和我一起走过了的红场中间。有钱的游客散步军人曾goose-onion-dome的圣母的召唤,节日灯饰festoon百货公司,和已经取代了前苏联货物一旦只有官员。坐在中心。    “它是如此不可思议地站在这里,&说,。他指的是,他是一名士兵的冷战,有人经过几十年的发展,相信他唯一曾抵达莫斯科,是通过。它同样是不可思议的,他是站在红场代表了79亿美元的全球性公司——俄罗斯目前是它的十大在领先的份额从,剃刀。    但麦克唐纳坚信这是俄罗斯可以做得更好。那就是为什么他正在搭乘电梯到了七楼29岁的俄罗斯女子极小但无瑕的。他是来看看自己为什么她使用的产品。虽然他是做上百次,他看起来还是着迷之前她掏出她的美貌和清洗药剂,从一个小巧,解释了她为什么使用先生的肌肉(先生。干净的),但不是已成为或秘密。他点头热情当她提到从危机中,她已经开始购买较大尺寸的洗涤剂——一个洞察,其他的研究支持。    这是需要真正的理解,或许是消费者Lafley最大的遗产——一个麦当劳正积极地继续进行。但是麦当劳已经超越了Lafley著名的行”的客户是老板”——甚至更多更有雄心的救世主——听起来就象声明政治意识形态一样的商业策略。宝洁公司的新目标,他说,是&接触和提高人民的生活,在更多更多的世界上,更完全。”    在一个成熟的市场,比如美国,很难辩称,另一个品牌的能有任何改变生活的影响。但这是一个不同的故事,国外时,他变得情绪化:麦当劳的故事是如何帮助女孩子纸巾女性在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,得到教育。他们已经进入到他们之前,女孩被禁止学校一星期一个月。    事实上,阐明了,都把一个激励。发展中国家的市场,现占30%的宝洁公司的销售,为核心的麦当劳战略的重要内在从Lafley强调产品专为消费者魏传虔指出更多的。    并不是所有的麦当劳计划中心在心上。他的到来时,寻找浪费,并且他想充分利用宝洁公司的规模——这是不一样的,他们正忙着为Lafley蓬勃发展的经济增长。    Dibadj指出管理销售百分比,是小于30.4%、下降两个百分点,尽管在九年的公司有双倍大。他说,这些成本(应该有所下降。)    技术是另一个焦点。麦当劳希望宝洁公司是全球第一个公司的运作,在和所提供的经理人”仪表盘上的“显示相关的。在麦当劳的新办公室,装饰典雅的亚洲艺术,他把我完全贫瘠的桌子。他投打开他的文件的来显示他们是空的;事实上,没有纸都在办公室。“我所需要的是在这里,”他说,他的计算机和。    最后,尽管在俄罗斯公司开玩笑是一个“tandemocracy”一样,和也Lafley曾经把多麦当劳信心”概念的。“你只能有一个操作领袖,那就是香港特别行政区行政长官说,“Lafley。    幸运的是,麦当劳已经看起来舒服。他致力于公司的计划建造新工厂20在未来的五年里,一个大胆的策略、折腰去分享——包括制作一些价格和去年避开测试版本的产品,低端,提量—尽管也施压的利润。    宝洁观察家也听到一种新的、更严格的。“我的感觉是鲍勃开始了很多积极的A.G.并说道:“比花旗环球的温迪·,引用,夹杂着一些最近的演说以殴打对手分享,。但是,有竞争力的条纹消失在麦当劳谈论Lafley。    在一次面试时麦当劳在一本书通过意译重述关键词进行关键词转换由比尔·班纳特关于的更换作为法国大使。“杰佛逊转到,说:“我不能取代先生,但我将成功罢。我不能取代先生Lafley,”他说,“但是我将接替他。”
其他回答 (1)
总裁交换:在七百九十〇点零零亿美元计划秘密的会议。捆绑充分的高级人才。背后的宝洁公司的场景,雷富礼先生及门徒鲍伯麦克唐纳是航行在继承甜的科学。路透资深作家最后更新莱因戈尔德:11月20,2009:日下午04:04东部(财富杂志) - 7月1,官拉夫雷醒来上午6时,制定了,洗澡,并前往在辛辛那提市中心的办公室,就像他将近10年。但这是在3000多个日子,他已不再是宝洁公司的首席执行官第一天。他穿过大门,通过在大堂咖啡厅通过,紧紧贴在他的主要金属扫描器卡和。 ..无。雷富礼认为,一时的颤抖。他会辞去了总裁的前一天晚上,把缰绳交给了长期宝洁耳罗伯特“鲍勃”麦当劳,56岁,但是他仍然积极作为主席的工作-不是吗?它被证明是只是一个技术故障,但一旦雷富礼先生,62,里面谈到途中,他又不是在11楼-一个开放的,他创造了鼓励更多的中高层管理人员团队互动办公室空气套件-而是对二楼到发霉,橡木镶板办事处,是前遗迹,礼宝洁的前一天晚上,他悄悄地提出他的财物楼下。这是一个象征性的姿态,但一个重要的:礼想肯定第一天,麦当劳可以走在与坐在总裁的办公桌。几天后举行的全球领导委员会会议,(最高为每周会议42高层),礼来早,选择了远离椅子上一坐,他想在过去十年英寸他现在是一个配角成员,他的身体位置,强调这一点:所有的目光,他说,转向麦当劳当他坐了下来。 “这感觉完全一样的目的,”他后来告诉我。 “国王死了。国王万岁!”这事在这个失败的领导的时代,深不可测继任规划奇怪,决斗自我:1之上世界上最大和最成功的公司之一的过渡,值得注意的是什么了权利。一样只是其他公司,包括百事可乐(PEP,财富500强)和通用电气(GE,财富500强),宝洁(中央社,财富500强)被视为少数具有竞争优势的能力,培养高级人才-高达一个及其对潮帮宝适的专利或商标。虽然公司是172岁,它只有12个行政总裁,所有的内部,而其中两名家庭成员。多数公司采取认真寿衣继承他们的保密程序。有的,在杰克韦尔奇,如GE,宣传赛马本身,认为它能够刺激候选人努力工作。如银行美国银行(BAC,财富500强),其董事会或其他机构被迫召开“紧急继承委员会”,当时,首席执行官肯刘易斯说,他离开,似乎只处理它在胁迫下。但是现在,宝洁的过渡完成后,公司允许财富的过程中内部罕见的外观,一切从公布的绝密蓝色的粘合剂,跟踪与麦当劳每一个高层的前景,在莫斯科的旋风式访问,对董事会的审议。其结果是一个不寻常的图片公司在领导力发展和继任规划的渗透不仅角落办公室的,但整个公司。宝洁公司的开放尤其令人惊讶,因为移交在岌岌可危的时刻到来。是的,在他担任首席执行官近10年,雷富礼转变从一个知名品牌的重点不突出,宝洁收集到一个创新的机器,得到的多数观点不是在R&D的张开双臂,而是从消费者在他的求学环境。,雷富礼预测图像对立的魅力指挥和控制流行的CEO如此他的时间。与巨大的收购,包括吉列五百七十万点零零零万美元交易,他给


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