郑州哪有特服enjoy my game 专...

发布时间: 16:34:12
在我努力成为最棒的游戏设计师这条路上,我读到了由Susan Weinschenk所著的《 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People》这本 书,它列出了关于人的视觉等身体特性,以及社交互动和情感状态的模式等许多事实。该书着眼于网站设计,但其中有许多事实也同游戏设计密切相关,所以我认为有必要与各位分享其中的心得。
100_things(from nothingsacredgames)
Weinschenk还提供了一些帮助设计师考虑色盲玩家(其人口比例将近5%!)需求的工具。Colorblind Web Page Filter可以你通过一个色盲用户的眼光查看网页(开发者可以将游戏中的图片输入该网页,并同时查看其色彩)。
color_blind(from nothingsacredgames)
goal_motivation_graph(from nothingsacredgames)
从几乎所有含纸牌或骰子的现代游戏中都可以看出这一点,但也可以在游戏中添加一些随机性,因为这可以让人们感觉良好。但除了随机性,还要考虑游戏之外的意外元素。例如,玩家在《Risk Legacy》中玩的次数越多,就越能发现新东西,而像《Dominion》这种含大量扩展内容的游戏则可让玩家去猜测下一步会出现什么情况。
事实证明人们并不喜欢无所事事地闲坐着。我曾经说过,让玩家持续投入其中是游戏设计师最重要的职责之一。你应该努力确保玩家在游戏中不会无所事事,给他们分配些事情打发时间。要提前计划好他们的下一步操作(但也别指望他们真的会去做这件事),但根据我个人经验,让玩家去做一些事情(游戏邦注:例如《Settlers of Catan》中的道路和殖民地)就是挺好的策略。
10 Things Every Game Designer Needs to Know about 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People
On my quest to become the best game designer I can possibly be, I recently read 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People, a quick but interesting book by Susan Weinschenk. The book is a list of facts about people, ranging from physical specifics about vision to patterns of social interaction and emotional states. The book is written with a focus on website design, but many of the facts are very relevant for game design, which is why I thought I’d share some of them with you today. And in keeping with the style of the book, I’ll just be going down the list.
1) 11. 9% of Men and .5% of Women are Color-Blind
Different colorings of a card from Corporate America made using Colorblind Web Page Filter. (Top: full color vision, middle: red-green color-blind, bottom: blue-yellow color-blind.)
If you’re like me, you’ve known that designing for color-blind people is important, but you’ve never been terribly sure how to do it. Weinschenk specifies how people are color-blind: almost all are red-green color blind, meaning they have trouble differentiating reds, greens, and yellows, though some have trouble with blues and yellows or seeing any color at all.
Weinschenk also provides a tool to assist designers interested in accommodating color blind players (almost 5% of the population!). The Colorblind Web Page Filter lets you view a web page through the eyes of a color-blind person (great if you want to throw a bunch of images from your game on a webpage and check them all at once).
So, you’re a successful game designer and can afford to pay an actual graphic designer to worry about the appearance of your game? I still recommend understanding issues such as color-blindness. This not only allows you to communicate better with your graphic designer and give him or her better instructions and plans, it lets you double check to make sure your game is as color-blind friendly as it needs to be.
2) 20. People Remember Only Four Items At Once
It turns out that people get much worse at recalling more than four things, so keep that limit in mind when you’re designing your game. It’s alright to reward players who can remember more than four things, but you should never require players to remember more than four things.
The one exception is that people can “chunk” information together. Using this strategy, people combine like items into a single item for the purposes of the memory limit (maybe remembering “two blue cards, three red cards” rather than each card individually). It’s always a good idea to make your game pieces chunkable, even if players won’t need to remember more than four.
3) 33. People Process Information Best in Story Form and 34. People Learn Best From Examples
I’m combining these two because I think they’re very closely related. Stories are one of the primordial ways people experience the world, and examples are a way to turn rules or systems into stories people can easily process.
I think these can help game designers in two ways. First, it emphasizes the importance of theme for games. At the end of the day, games are just systems, but themes help people understand the systems in part because they help turn games into stories.
Second, you should always include examples in your rules. I’m personally quite bad about this, but I’ll definitely be working on it in the future. Some people can handle lists of rules, but most people can’t, and even those who can digest pure rules would probably benefit from having examples thrown in.
4) 44. Sustained Attention Lasts About Ten Minutes
It turns out it’s not the internet ruining people’s attention spans… our attention spans are just inherently kind of weak. Even when something is interesting, people will only pay attention for seven to ten minutes before their minds start to wander. The good news is that giving people a break can recharge them for another ten minute burst.
Again, I have two pieces of advice based on this fact. First, make sure your players have breaks during the game, especially if the game is long. Keeping a game short and allowing players to play multiple times in an evening might be even better.
Second, keep your rules concise. Maybe it will take the game leader more than ten minutes to read the rules, but make sure the leader can explain them to new players in ten minutes or less, or you will get players who can’t pay attention to everything.
5) 50. People are More Motivated as They Get Closer to a Goal
People get more motivated as they get nearer to completing an objective, which means they get more excited and focused as they approach a goal. If you want a game with a nice dramatic arc, this means two things.
Provide sub-goals throughout the game to make sure players continue to be motivated.
First, make sure your players have sub-goals throughout the game. If you rely on players having one big goal, the beginning of the game will be less engaging, since players are so far away from accomplishing anything.
Second, make sure your game ends shortly after your players have accomplished their big goal. It’s probably ok to have a little bit of cool down time to let your players recover from their heightened state of excitement, but you definitely don’t want it to linger since the last experience they have with a game will often be one of the most defining parts of the experience.
6) 54. People are More Motivated by Intrinsic Rewards Than Extrinsic Rewards
People play games for many reasons, but accumulating victory points or pretend money generally isn’t one of them. As a game designer, you can only immediately offer your players rewards that have no inherent meaning, but the space you create with your game can imbue those fake rewards with real meaning.
As you design, remember the real reasons people play games. They play games to boost their self esteem (they like feeling smart, creative, and funny). They play games to socialize with and make new friends (they like to bond and scheme with other people and elevate their social status by showing off). They play for excitement and to feel good (people enjoy feeling surprised and in suspense). They play to experiment with different identities and feel like they’re a part of something big (stories speak to people). Whatever extrinsic rewards you’re offering in your game, make sure they support the real reasons your players are playing.
7) 70. Laughter Bonds People Together
Remember, your game isn’t just a system played by robots. Your game is played in social situations by people. People will play your game to get to know each other better and spend quality time together, even if it isn’t a party game like Apples to Apples.
Humor is a great way to enable people to bond through a game. Throw in some jokes. Better yet, set up your game so players can make their own jokes.
Even serious games can benefit from having silly interactions or names that lend themselves to playful trash talking. Whatever you do, get your players to laugh… people like to laugh, so people will like your game more if it gets them to laugh!
8) 76. People are Programmed to Enjoy Surprises
This may not come as a surprise given that almost all modern games feature cards or dice, but randomness is great to include in games because it makes people feel good (in addition to doing a bunch of other important stuff). But beyond randomness, consider surprises outside of individual games. Risk Legacy reveals new treats as players play more, and games with lots of expansions like Dominion keep players guessing what’s coming next.
9) 77. People are Happier When They’re Busy
It turns out that people don’t like to sit around doing nothing. If you keep up with my blog, you already know that I think that engaging players at all times is one of the most important things you can do as a game designer, and this fact just drives it home. You should strive to make sure your players never find themselves sitting around doing nothing, and if for some reason you can’t do that, give them something to occupy themselves. Planning their next turn generally works (though don’t rely on people actually doing it), but in my experience, including something physical for players to fiddle with (like roads and settlements in Settlers of Catan) does the trick.
10) 81. The More Difficult Something is to Achieve, the More People Like It
When people have to work to get something, they value it more. I’m guessing this is why people tend to use things more when they have to pay for them rather than when they’re given away for free.
For game players, satisfaction from overcoming a challenge is nothing new. Setting up that killer combo or struggling and finally beating the end boss leave players smiling like nothing else.
The biggest take-away from this is to not dumb your game down too much. There is a tendency in design to make things easy for your players… game design is perhaps unique among design disciplines to actively strive to throw obstacles in front of users. Even still, many game designers these days are willing to make games extremely easy to reach a larger audience. It’s always good to keep in mind that making your game easier means sacrificing these very pleasurable overcoming-a-challenge experiences.
That said, keep in mind lesson 38: People Can Be in a Flow State (definitely worth reading up on if you’re not familiar). It’s important to challenge your players, but making things too difficult will frustrate them. This is much more challenging for non-digital games, but as a game designer you should strive to make sure your game’s difficulty scales with your players’ skill levels.
90 More Things!
And there you have it. Ten (or so) things every game designer needs to know about people. I hope these are useful for you, but the book doesn’t stop there! 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People has a bunch more interesting and useful facts, and while I think I chose the most useful for game designers, I could easily be wrong. The book is a quick read and very user friendly (as if the author knows something about designing easy to use artifacts…). I highly recommend it.()
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同期刊文献Jason TEPOORTEN | LinkedIn
, other, , via Coursera.org, Corporate Financial Essentials, IESE, University of Navarra, Barcelona, SpainRecommendations8 people have recommended JasonWebsites293connectionsJoin LinkedIn & access Jason's full profileJoin LinkedIn & access Jason's full profile. It's free!As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.See who you know in commonGet introducedContact Jason directly293connectionsSMS Management & TechnologyConsultantJune 2007 – Present
BackgroundDiverse | Adaptive | Objective | &Hit The Ground Running& | Information Technology Consultant & Practitioner
I am a diverse, adaptive, and objective consultant and practitioner that is able to &hit the ground running& in roles I undertake. This is underpinned by my diversity in business areas, government, variety of roles, and variety of technologies achieved through my commercial experience since 1996.
Underpinning my diverse business and government knowledge, adaptive work attitude, and objective solutions to requirements, are my core competencies in day-to-day operation support, data analysis, data migration, systems analysis and design, database design, implementation and support.
Offering solutions with a short and long-term focus is underpinned by my experience working in project and emergency response environments.
I've also had five years in the hospitality industry that laid the foundations to my abilities to understand the importance of client relations, efficient and consistent processes, and a commitment to delivery excellence.
In 2001 and 2002, I've undertaken freelance information technology roles working with small businesses, developing web sites and applications, and utilities. I learnt the importance of working in an agile manner with local, interstate, and international clients. Working on fixed-price projects as a freelancer, I also learnt the important skills of requirements clarification, scope management, work packaging, and clear w leading to minimise rework and maximise profitability on fixed-price work reverse-auctioned to a globalised freelance audience.
Since 2011, I have co-design and developed unsuccessful mobile apps for the Apple iPhone and the iPod Touch that has exposed me to developing products for a very competitive high-expectation low unit price globalised market.
As much as I enjoy my career since 1996, I enjoy the time with my son and family, and pursue my hobbies in photography and cycling.ExperienceConsultantRefer to the following work I have undertaken during my employment at SMS Management & Technology since June 2007, starting from the most current assignment:
- Systems Support & Business Analysis, Electoral Commission Q
- Customer Service & Billing Solution Data Migration Reconciliation Reporting Analyst, U
- Data Analyst, MyHR WH&S Project, Department of Education and Training Q
- Deployment & Data Conversion, Department of Environment and Resource Management Q
- Business Analysis and Hardware Replacement Implementation Planning, Department of Environment and Resource Management Q
- Data Analyst, Equine Influenza Emergency Response Program, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Q
- Microsoft Enterprise Project Management Solution Experimental Environment Deployment, SMS Management & T
- Developer, Water Management Systems, Department of Environment and Resource Management Q
- Developer, Investa Property G and
- Developer, Home Waterwise Rebate Scheme, Department of Environment and Resource Management Queensland.Systems Support & Business AnalysisThis role has two responsibilities:
1) Business Analysis - rede and
2) Support and Maintenance - existing Election Systems.otherotherVarious things - focused on self-developmentCustomer Service & Billing Solution Data Migration Reconciliation Reporting AnalystThe role’s primary deliverable was a set of reconciliation reports designed to provide confidence to the business and the data migration team that the data migration process covered the intended data. The reconciliation reports’ intention was to compliment the data migration testing process. The primary clients of the reports were the personnel in the areas of finance and billing management and focussed on customer balances an thus the reports needed to demonstrate the quantity downloaded from the source systems, intentionally omitted, migrated, migrated in error, and omitted in error.
The technologies used to develop the reports were Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, Microsoft SQL Server T SQL, Microsoft SQL Server Stored Procedures and Views, and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. Experience in developing reconciliation reports from the previous role on the LTL Project at DERM assisted in the development of the reconciliation reports.Data Analyst, MyHR WH&S ProjectThe project’s primary deliverable was a solution containing a central database that recorded workplace health & safety records, ranging from incidents through to meetings, emergency drills, and audits and administered first aid.
The central database was hosted on the SAI Global Cintellate platform that was built on a J2EE architecture consisting of Apache Tomcat and connected to a Microsoft SQL Server database hosted in a Windows 2008 platform.
The solution required daily imports of referential data representing government staff, non government staff, students, and login accounts. During the early part of the project, the daily imports had to be undertaken on a weekend basis only because of their long running time that finished during business hours. During this period, Jason assisted the analysis into the development of an alternative solution to load this data using the Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services and Stored Procedures implementation that enabled the daily imports to be reinstated.
The role was responsible for maintaining logical data models, data profiling and reporting source data issues, developing a data scrambling process to prevent production data being visible in the non production environments and in data sets provided to the vendor. Ad hoc activities that could not be undertaken through the interface involved analysing the vendor’s physical data model using the vendor’s object online dictionary and developing SQL scripts to undertake operations, such as changing an item for many rows based on given criteria. Documentation of the process to query and update data in the vendor’s physical data model was developed to assist maintenance and support activities. Given the cryptic nature of the vendor’s data model via the use of serial numbers used in their database objects, the documentation provides a rapid jump-start into manipulating data in the database, including the ability to develop future interfaces.Deployment and Data ConversionThe project’s primary deliverable was a replacement system for the current Lands Tenure Ledger billing system. This system was developed as a Java web application that can run on a Microsoft Windows, Sun Solaris, and Linux operating system using the Ingres database management system via the JDBC protocol. This system interacted with the database via the Hibernate Object Relational Mapping I thus it had the ability to generate its data dictionary in an XML format that allowed the development of a database schema generator for the data conversion programs running on Microsoft Access and a database schema generator for the application using an Ingres hosted database. In this project, the development team were the creators of the database schema and distributed its definition to the data conversion team via the generated data dictionary.
This role involved the continuation of the development and maintenance of the data conversion programs and the development and maintenance of tools to deploy the database schema and application, technical support of the project development environment including the collaboration documentation environment, database performance tuning analysis, and the development environment capacity planning and general housekeeping.
The deliverables required from this role were the database schema generator for the data conversion database and the application environments, the data conversion programs and the converted test and production data from the existing system’s test and production environments, the system technical deployment procedure, the system environment deployment design, the upgrade and maintenance of the collaboration documentation environment, and the development and maintenance of the date shift test environments running on virtual machines.Business Analysis and Hardware Replacement Implementation PlanningDepartment of Environment and Resource ManagementThe project’s primary deliverables were the multi system hosting hardware replacement implementation plan, the analysis and reporting on the feasibility of merging application systems based on their asset register component, and the development of a proposal for a solution to decommission a replacement system allowing its primary data to be searched and accessed in a read only format.
This role involved the creation of an inventory register of the hosted systems’ software architecture components, researching the software architecture components’ end of life and possible replacements, researching the compatibility of the software architecture components with the new hardware and its operating system and supported Ingres database management system version, creating an inventory of the interfaces between the hosted systems and systems hosted not on the hardware to be replaced, developing implementation procedure templates for the hosted systems to be used by the hosted systems’ technical support team, conducting formal reviews of the implementation procedures development by the technical support team, and handing over the primary implementation inventory, plans, and procedures to the technical support team to carry out the implementation. Analysis and a report advising the systems with an asset register component cannot be merged was developed and handed to the business unit’s management. A proposal of a solution to decommission a replaced system and retaining its data for read only used in a searchable format was handed to the business unit’s management.
The deliverables required from this role were the project’s deliverable.
This role required technical awareness in the used technologies that include UNIX, MS-Windows, C, C++, Java, MS-VB5 and VB6, MS-ASP, MS-VSS, CVS, SSH, Ingres Applications Development Technologies, Ingres DBMS, MS-SQL Server DBMS, Apache Tomcat and BEA Weblogic application servers, BEA Tuxedo, ELAN EROFF typesetting system.Data Analyst, Equine Influenza Emergency Response ProgramThis role required the ability to produce ad hoc reports to the business in very short time frames, such as a one to two hour turn around time. The reports were produced from data across various source systems internal to the department and from source systems maintained by the Department of Environment and Resources Management.
In addition to providing reports, the role was responsible for the improvement in the quality of data in the department’s source systems. Primarily, the data quality activity focused on data such as addresses, cadastral property data, and horse property registrations. This data quality activity assisted in validating horse event data to determine horses that posed a risk to horse events. This role was responsible for identifying data quality issues in the source data. Data Quality Acceptance Criteria was established and reports were developed to report on the data that did not meet those quality acceptance criteria.
The ability to provide reports in a short turn around time was supported by the establishment of an ad hoc data warehouse that was built from source systems and structured to support efficient reporting. The role required the familiarisation with data models from the many source systems maintained by the department.
This role required technical knowledge in the Microsoft SQL Server database management system, SQL, CSV and Microsoft Excel VBA, and the IQ Intech Address Look up software.
The role also required the coordination of other data quality and data analyst team members to ensure the team were meeting the immediate reporting needs of the business in an emergency response situation.Microsoft Enterprise Project Management Solution Experimental Environment DeploymentThis role had the responsibility of building an experimental Microsoft Enterprise Management Solution environment on a virtual host for the purposes of demonstration to Sensis.
This role’s deliverables were the technical deployment procedure that can be adapted for client use and the environment for demonstration and experimental usage.
This role required technical knowledge in / exposure to the VMware Server 2 virtualisation platform, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Microsoft SQL Report Server, Microsoft Office Project Server 207 with Microsoft SharePoint Server 3.0, and Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007.Developer, Water Management SystemsThis role had two responsibilities: develop a data cleanser and fix the reporting system’s user interface to conform to the Queensland Government Common User Experience standard. The reporting system was a Java web application system consisting of JSP pages that directly interacted with the database via JDBC. The data cleanser was required to apply a fixed column alignment in the CSV file to adhere to the strict CSV import rules of the reporting system’s import process.DeveloperThis role had the responsibility of maintaining and enhancing the building stack reporting system that generates building stacks and other reports for SUNCORP Leases. The primary source of information was the HR and Phonebook Data Exports that were loaded into this system. This system was developed in Microsoft Access 2003 using tables, views, macros, and VBA modules and produced its reports as Microsoft Excel worksheets. The tables had referential integrity constraints defined to maintain data referential integrity between them.
Enhancements included converting multiple window presentation into a tabbed view, developing a data backup and restore feature that worked with the tables having defined referential integrity, form presentation standardisation, improving dialog boxes format, modularising duplicated code for ease of maintenance, more data imports and exports for reference data, additional reports, setting cell protection on nominated generated Excel Spreadsheets, and setting page layouts for generated Excel Spreadsheet reports to simplify printing.Developer, Home Waterwise Rebate SchemeThis role had the responsibility of developing an uptake predictor tool for the Home Waterwise Rebate Scheme up to the year 2007. The tool was developed in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft VBA. The predictions were for the number of rebate applications and the estimated payouts to the applicants by the Queensland Government. The tool provided the predictions in the form of tables and graphs in a Microsoft Excel Workbook. The tool allowed base and scenario parameter to be set in a simple interface for each rebate item offered by the Home Waterwise Rebate Scheme. Liaison with the Local Government Infrastructure Services and the Queensland Government Department of Treasury’s Office of Economic and Statistical Research team was required to validate the tool’s predictions.Release and Configuration Manager, ITS-SLAM BLO, ITS-SLAM Service DeliveryeLVAS at Department of Environment and Resource ManagementThis role focussed on providing technical and support coordination services for the State Land Asset Management systems support team.
This assignment's role involves the following components in evolutionary order:
· Providing technical support and application technical management to a single system
· Providing team leadership for a database warehouse, job tracking, and timesheet recording system
· Assisting the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework deployment into the support teams processes focussing on service improvement and standardising processes across the various systems
· Providing release and configuration management services to a Java / UNIX / Ingres development project and moving into the technical support team
· Providing coordination and liaison services between the business system representatives and various information technology support services
The skills required by this assignment are:
· Technical
o Building continuous build integration environments on Linux environments
o Building code-base management tools around CVS
o Code-base repository baseline and branch management using CVS
o Data Conversion
o Database Upgrade Deployment Strategies (alongside primary Development DBA)
o Developing technical support tools and environment infrastructure to support development, testing, design, and support teams to undertake their work in developing a new system
· Non-technical
o Aligning local team processes into organisational processes via ITIL that are in progress in being deployed across the organization's information technology support structure
o Business Liaison
o Communication Coordination
o Coordinating releases from the various system teams in the support unit to minimise release conflicts and adequate availability of testing resources
o Developing Short and Long-term strategies
o Process Coordination
o Team LeadershipDevelopervWorkerFreelance Software Development of small systems ...Freelance CodervWorkerSoftware Development of small systems ...DevelopervWorkerI did various small system development projects using the Microsoft VB6, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft ASP Classic technologies. Other technologies used were PERL and Linux.DeveloperJason TEPOORTENFreelance Software Development & Maintenance of small systems ...
- Online Shopping Cart for Copier Parts and Toner Supplier
- Website MaintenanceData CentreTAFE IMCDG-UX and Solaris System Administration
Ingres DBMS System AdministrationJunior Database AdministratorQueensland Police ServiceI learnt database administration.Food & Beverage Attendant Grade 2Sunnybank HotelBartender
Drinks WaiterUtility and Salad Bar AttendentSizzler CarindaleDishwashing, Table Clearning, and Salad Preparation and Presentation ...SkillsSSRSSystems AnalysisDatabase DesignData MigrationProblem SolvingSoftware DevelopmentiPhone developmentJavaCIngresSQL ServerSolarisWindows ServerLinuxConfluenceHudsonHardware ImplementationVisual BasicPhotoshopTomcatIISASPPHPPerlWordpressMicrosoft AccessVisual Basic for...AntIT Service ManagementITILUNIX Korn ShelliOS Software DevelopmentObjective-CAccessKshVBAMicrosoft SQL ServerInterface BuilderiOS DesigniPhone Application...Apple DeveloperiOS developmentESXiData AnalysisUser Interface DesignProcess Modelinglike CSQLDatabasesBusiness AnalysisEducationvia Coursera.org, Corporate Financial Essentials, IESE, University of Navarra, Barcelona, SpainStatement of Accomplishment, , DistinctionCourse Syllabus was:
1. Risk and Return
2. Diversification and Correlation
3. The CAPM and the Cost of Capital
4. Estimating the Cost of Capital – An Application
5. Project Evaluation
6. Corporate Value Creation
http://www.coursera.org/course/corpfinanceStatement of Accomplishment, JSON Data, Statement of AccomplishmentOnline Course - Self-paced - http://class.stanford.edu/courses/DB/JSON/SelfPaced/infoBachelor of Information Technology, , Undergraduate (did not complete)Villanova CollegeSecondary SchoolSt Martin's Primary SchoolElementary SchoolDaniel Woodward Elementary SchoolCertificationsVolunteer Experience & CausesRegistrarMount Gravatt Little Athletics AssociationRegistry/Enrolment MaintenanceCauses Jason cares about:Civil Rights and Social ActionEducationHuman RightsPoliticsPoverty AlleviationScience and TechnologySocial ServicesProjectsI am developing iOS applications to broaden my software development technical skill set.
I am developing applications (&apps&) using a MacbookPRO running the XCode Objective C IDE.
In addition to developing the &apps&, I am learning the importance of self-marketing and increasing product exposure and to study the trends in graphic art and its importance in attracting an audience to a product. Other skills that I'll be developing is the adoption of social networking integration in my products to gain exposure and enthusiasm in the products I develop.
This project is a journey and I am gaining knowledge that will help me in my current and future professional roles, in the same way back in 2001 and 2002 when I was working in projects via .PublicationsiOS Game for iPhone and iPod TouchThe game: Fill the grey heart with purple stuff. Each set of hearts matched adds purple stuff to the grey heart. Three or more hearts make up a set. The sets require the hearts to have the same colour.
The development: The game was developed using MacOS X 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.5 on the iOS 4.2 SDK and tested on the iPod Touch 4 running iOS 5.1.iOS Game for iPhone and iPod TouchThe game: Play the traditional slide puzzle, sliding the puzzle pieces to their correct position to make up the final picture! The puzzle pieces are numbered to assist determining their correct final position on the puzzle from left to right.
The development: The game was developed using MacOS X 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.5 on the iOS 4.2 SDK and tested on the iPod Touch 4 running iOS 5.1.iOS Game for iPhone and iPod TouchThe game: Play the multi-category Quiz, answering questions at your leisure!
The development: The game was developed using MacOS X 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.5 on the iOS 4.2 SDK and tested on the iPod Touch 4 running iOS 5.1.LanguagesPatentsHonors & AwardsTest ScoresOrganizationsCourses
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