the family manman there____lo...

Lo-Pro的《Fuel》 歌词_百度知道举一反三(巩固练习,成绩显著提升,去)
试题“There once was a farmer who lo...”,相似的试题还有:
Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches。 However, this country didn’t
invent the watch。It
was the British who did it。 Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland。Many years ago , an Englishman was
travelling to Italy 。 On his way he stopped in a small town in South Switzerland。 This Englishman travelled in a
carriage(马车) inside
which there was a carriage watch。 This was the earliest kind of watch。 A native shop assistant (售货员) happened to see the watch 。 He wondered what it was and
asked the Englishman about it。 “ It is a carriage watch 。” said the man 。 This machine tells the time but now it isn’t working 。At once the shop assistant offered to try
to repair it 。 So
the traveller handed him the watch。 The assistant was a very wise man 。 So it was not surprising that he managed to
repair it 。 He even
remembered how it was made。 As soon as the traveller had gone on his way , he made a watch
exactly the same type。Thus the watch-making was started in
Switzerland。 Today
Swiss watches are sold in stores all over the world。50 Switzerland is famous for ____________。A 。making watches
B selling watches
inventing watches
D the carriage watch51。It was ______who brought a watch to Switzerland earliest 。A
C an Englishman
shop assistant52。 The earlist watches were made in __________。A Switzerland
D a small town53 The first Swiss watch was
by ___________。A an Italian shop assistantB an English shop assistantC a man who came from SwitzerlandD。 a man who was travelling to Italy。54。 The carriage watch was a machine which __________。A was put in the
B wasn’t workingC told people
had to be repaired
There was once a farmer who lived
near a road. It was not a busy road,but from time to time,cars passed the farm.Near
the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. this hole was always full of
water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They
thought it was probably not deep.So when they drove into the hole, they could
not drive out because it was so deep.The
farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most time watching
the hole. Whenever a car drove into it, he would pull the car out with his
tractor and he would charge the drivers for much more money than they had
day, a driver of a car said to him, &You must have made a lot of money
pulling cars out of this hole night and day.&&Oh
no,& the farmer said, &I don’t pull cars out of the hole at night. At
night I fill the hole with water.&1.Many cars went into the hole because the
drivers_____.A.were going too fast to stop their carsB.did not see the hole ahead of themC.did not know the hole was very deepD.liked very much driving through water2.The drivers were _____ to pay the farmer
for pulling their cars out of the hole.A.gladB.forcedC.readyD.anxious3.Why did the farmer fill the hole with
water at night?A.He was busy working on the farm during the day.B.He spent much time watching the hole by day.C.Some cars had driven into the hole at night.D.Nobody would be able to find the secret out.4.What did the writer think of the farmer?A.He was selfish(自私).B.He was clever.C.He was foolish.D.He was kind.
There was once a farmer who lived near a road. It was not a busy road,but from time to time,cars passed the farm.  Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. this hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They thought it was probably not deep.So when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep.   The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most time watching the hole. Whenever a car drove into it, he would pull the car out with his tractor and he would charge the drivers for much more money than they had expected.  One day, a driver of a car said to him, "You must have made a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day."  "Oh no," the farmer said, "I don’t pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water."【小题1】Many cars went into the hole because the drivers_____.A.were going too fast to stop their carsB.did not see the hole ahead of themC.did not know the hole was very deepD.liked very much driving through water【小题2】The drivers were _____ to pay the farmer for pulling their cars out of the hole.A.gladB.forcedC.readyD.anxious【小题3】Why did the farmer fill the hole with water at night?A.He was busy working on the farm during the day.B.He spent much time watching the hole by day.C.Some cars had driven into the hole at night.D.Nobody would be able to find the secret out.【小题4】What did the writer think of the farmer?A.He was selfish(自私).B.He was clever.C.He was foolish.D.He was kind.定语从句中He is the man who wants to see you. 这个who为什么是指代the man 而不是_百度知道帮我看下这句啥意思the man has his hand on the doorknob half the time that I'm there.
当我在那里的时候这个男人经常把手放在门把上.half the time:一半时间;经常
当我在那的时候 那个男人经常把手放在门把手上!
扫描下载二维码歌词有lo~lo~lo~lo~love me的歌名是什么_百度知道}


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