
旺盛的生命力是什么意思 旺盛的生命力在线翻译 旺盛的生命力什么意思 旺盛的生命力的意思 旺盛的生命力的翻译
旺盛的生命力 双语例句1. 本文充分体现了物理学,计算机等科学在分子生物学和高分子物理研究中的意义,显示了交*学科旺盛的生命力。&&&&The significance of physics and computer in molecular biology and polymer is represented in this paper, which reveals the bloomy vitality of cross subjects.2. 这种植物有旺盛的生命力。不适合&&&&This kind of plant has exuberant vitality.3. 人体在12岁时是生命力最旺盛的时期。&&&&At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous.4. 4. 在飞速发展的通信中,码分多址技术已确立了自己的地位,并显示出旺盛的生命力。&&&&ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of communication, CDMA has got its position, and shows great potential.5. 每一桩生意都呈现出自己旺盛的生命力。&&&&Each of these businesses took on a life of its own.6. 6. 现代篮球运动的迅速发展和旺盛的生命力,来自于篮球战术的不断创新。&&&&College of Sport and Art, North Uniersity of China, Taiyuan 030051, China<p class="p1查询·英语单词7. 作为卫生改革新事物,经过十几年的实践,它已呈现出旺盛的生命力和广阔的前景。&&&&As a new health reform, after 10 years of practice, it has shown great vitality and bright prospects.8. 竞技体操之所以有非常旺盛的生命力,就是因为它蕴含人体美的神韵。&&&&Difficulty and beauty are the most notable characteristics of athletical gymnastics.9. 首先,我注意到本次论坛的主办单位,增加了中国国家发改委和海南省。这预示着论坛旺盛的生命力和凝聚力,也预示着泛北部湾经济合作乃至整个中国与东盟合作的良好前景。&&&&First of all, I notice that the hosts of the Forum have been added with China`s National Development and Reform Commission and Hainan Province, which predicts that the Forum has strong vitality and cohesion, as well as the bright prospect of the Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation and the cooperation between China and ASEAN..10. 这说明华逸雄人的勤劳、智慧与务实,更体现公司旺盛的生命力。&&&&This shows that the Rambler Garden-the diligence, wisdom and a pragmatic, more exuberant vitality of the company.11. 在她那旺盛的精神中,有着丰富的生命力。&&&&&&In her animal spirits there was an affluence of life.12. 后现代主义广告设计,以幽默、叛逆和奇思妙想极大地充实和丰富了我们的生活,展现给我们一个充满了旺盛的生命力和创造性的乐观年代。&&&&&&The Postmodern advertisement design, with the humours, rebel against, and thinking of wonderful wanting to substantiate strangly greatly and abundant our life, represent and give us one and is full of vigorous vitality and creative optimistic times.13. 13. 今天我们更需具有改革创新的思想,进一步挖掘出档案工作的潜力,赋予档案文献以更加旺盛的生命力。&&&&&&Nowadays innovation is still significant for us to develop the business of archive.14. 只有与时俱进,不断创新,先行先试,科学发展,才能使广东发展模式始终保持旺盛的生命力。&&&&&&Only by advancing with the times, continuously innovating, daring to try and foretasting, and developing scientifically, can Guangdong always maintain its development mode with thriving vitality.15. 旺盛的生命力15. 海马是如同人参一样的补品,象征着健康长寿,这位背北向南的姑娘,她手持一颗夜明珠,仰卧在一条大鱼上,似乎刚从海底采珠归来,她象征珍珠神女,要把着美丽的珍珠献给大家,还有一个精力旺盛,体魄健壮的汉子,脚跨神龟,口吹海螺,一副阳刚气,正容光焕发地召唤着美好的前程,他象征着大海之子,海龟是鱼家的一种吉祥物,生命力强,象征年青人坚强不屈,吃苦耐劳。&&&&&&Sea horse likes Renshen, standed by healty, longervity. There is a Night Pearl, in the girl`s hand. She is lying on a big fish, looking like to look for the peal from the sea bed. She stands by the pearl godly and wants to give the pearl to people. He calls the beautiful future. He stands the sun of sea. The Turtle is a propitions in fishing family. It`s live very strong, standed for youngers griming, stoughing.16. 16. 一方面,青春是热情的象征,是生命力旺盛的有效载体;另一方面,青春单一而冲动,缺乏成熟的曲折,容易成为简单化的象征。&&&&&&On the one hand, youth is a symbol of enthusiasm and effective carrier of vitality in life. On the other hand, youth is simple and impulsive, lacking mature twists and turns, easy to become a simplified symbol.17. 经历了冬天,经受住了冬天,才会具有旺盛的生命力和战斗力。&&&&&&You will get an active vitality and exuberant battle effectiveness when you underwent the winter.18. 我们为珍稀鸟类设立自然保护区,旨在确保所有物种的绝对安全;然而我们可能发现,一些生命力旺盛的普通鸟类就漫无限制地繁殖而那些我们特别感兴趣的珍稀品种却被驱逐了。&&&&&&We make a nature sanctuary for rare birds, prescribing absolute secu and we may find that some common and hardy kind of bird multiplies beyond measure and ousts the rare kinds in whichwe were particularly interested.19. 从事该行业具有广阔的前景和旺盛的生命力,欢迎有志之志加盟,华音人愿同各界人士真诚合作,共创辉煌,总经理郭呈真愿您的事业梦想成真。&&&&&&Engaged in the trade has broad prospects and great vitality, who welcomed the ambition to join, wah sound person is willing to cooperate in good faith from all walks of life, create glory, the general manager Guo you were really willing to the cause of a dream come true.20. 第一,随着IT产业由PC时代走向互联网时代,信息科技让传统工业焕发了全新的、旺盛的生命力。&&&&&&First, as the IT industry by the PC era to the Internet era of information technology to traditional industries created a new, exuberant vitality.旺盛的生命力是什么意思,旺盛的生命力在线翻译,旺盛的生命力什么意思,旺盛的生命力的意思,旺盛的生命力的翻译,旺盛的生命力的解释,旺盛的生命力的发音,旺盛的生命力的同义词,旺盛的生命力的反义词,旺盛的生命力的例句,旺盛的生命力的相关词组,旺盛的生命力意思是什么,旺盛的生命力怎么翻译,单词旺盛的生命力是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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