
Thank you for inviting me. =Thanks for asking 谢谢你邀请我. 翻译:谢谢你的帮助. 感谢你照顾我妹妹. ——精英家教网——
Thank you for inviting me. =Thanks for asking 谢谢你邀请我. 翻译:谢谢你的帮助. 感谢你照顾我妹妹. 上周日他邀请我参加他的生日聚会. 他没有邀请她同他们一起就餐. 谢谢你们来看我. 【】
用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空可以填一词或多词,请同学们视情况而定。(每题1分,共10分)1.Doingmorning exercises _____________ (be) good for your health.2.He is much better than others at &&&&&&&&&(find)the most interesting roles.3.Dumpling House is &&&&&&&&&(cheap)restaurant in the city.4.Johnplaysfootball as____________ (good)as his brother jack.5.Saying is much _______ (easy) than doing.6.Linda’s car is ___________ (expensive) than Lucy’s.7.However, not everybody enjoys &&&&&&&&(watch)these shows.8.The people who watch the show usually play a role in&&&&&&&&(decide) the winner.9.Thank you for ______ (tell) me the information.10.Which city is ______________ (beautiful), Shanghaior Hangzhou?&
Thank you for joining CCTV’sAround The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful,&1& day! There are many people here& 2& vacation. Someare taking photos.& 3& are lying on the beach. Look at thisgroup of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised theycan play &&4& &this heat. This is a very interestingplace. The people are really very& 5& !1. A. sun.&&&&&& B.sunny.&&&&&& C.raining.&&&&& D. rain.2. A. of.&&&&&&& B.in.&&&&&&&&& C.on.&&&&&&&&& D. at.3.A. Other.&&&&& B. Theother.&&& C. Others.&&&&&& D.another.4.A. in.&&&&&&& B.with.&&&&&&& C.on.&&&&&&&&&&&& D.at.5. A. relax.&&&&& B.relaxing.&&&&& C.relaxed.&&&&&& D. relaxes.&
In Britain you may often hear “Drop in any time” or “Come to see me soon”, but you can’t really do that. People just say those things to make you feel welcome. It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home. If you receive a written invitation to an event that says “RSVP”, you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go. You should never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, “Thank you for inviting me, but I will not be able to come.” If, after accepting, you are unable to go, be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will not be there. Although it is not necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so, especially if you have been invited for a meal. Flowers, chocolate, or a small gift are all appropriate(合适的). A thank-you note or telephone call after the visit is also considered polite and is an appropriate way to express your appreciation for the invitation.【小题1】What can you do when a British friend says, “Drop in anytime”?A.Visit him or her at any time.B.Say no time to him or her seriously.C.Telephone him or her before visiting.D.Visit him or her soon.【小题2】What does the underlined word “RSVP” probably mean in Chinese?A.请自便B.请回复C.请审阅D.请来访【小题3】What should you do if your British friend sends you an invitation but you do not want to go?A.Do not give him or her an answer. B.Tell another friend to go instead of you.C.Tell him or her that you can’t be there for some reason.D.Tell him or her that you don’t want to go there.【小题4】Which of the following is considered impolite in Britain?A.Buy small presents when invited. B.Refuse the invitation without telling anyone.C.Write a thank-you note after a visit.D.Give a telephone call after a visit.【小题5】Where would you probably see this passage?A.In an invitation.B.In a guidebook.C.On a poster.D.In a newspaper.
你校组织一次与澳大利亚交流生的交流活动,主题为 “My Dream School ”.请根据表中的提示词,用英语写一篇发言稿,描述你理想中的高中学校。要求:(1)词数:80~100。(2)文中不得出现真实姓名或校名。(3)开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。
Campus (校园)
teachers & classmates&
After class.
large, beautiful, …
kind, friendly,
free to choose subjects, a lot of practice …
clubs and sports, a little homework. …
&My Dream School Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to share with you my dream school ._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.That’s all. Thank you for listening . &
根据中文意思完成英语句子,每空所填写的词数不限。【小题1】谢谢您帮助我。Thank you for______________________________.【小题2】晚饭后为什么不出去散步?______________________________ go out for a walk after supper?【小题3】在北京每天有数以千计的游客。There are ______________________________in Beijing every day.【小题4】令他惊奇的是,他妈妈的电话改变了他的生活。______________________________,his mother’s phone call changed his life.【小题5】学习英语的最好方法是运用英语。______________________________to learn English is to use English.
Thank you for caring my house.Thank you for taking care of my house.
您的位置: →
第一篇:英汉句子翻译练习汉英句子翻译练习 汉英翻译技巧:合并(Combination) Title: 汉英翻译技巧:合并(Combination)
C-E (A) in terms of simple sentences (1) 天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It was so cold that the river froze. (2) 理论必须密切联系实际, 这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. (3) 他在战斗中表现突出,受到连长的表扬。He was commended by the company commander for his distinguished performance in the battle. (4) 年满十八岁的公民, 都有选举权和被选举权。citizens who have reached All the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election. (5) 当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors. (B) in terms of compound sentences (6) 她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She is justifiably proud of her achievements.
(7) 这家小工厂经过技术改造, 发展很快, 使人感到惊讶不已。This small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with surprising speed. (8) 只要看一眼这封信,你就会明白你上当了。A glance at this letter will convince you that you have been taken in. (9) 看门人惊呆了, 喘着粗气, 摇摇晃晃地走下楼梯。The janitor staggered down the stairway, stunned and gasping. (10) 还是热,心里可镇定多了。凉风,即使是一点点,给了人们许多希望。(老 舍&骆驼祥子&)It was still hot but everyone felt much better, for the breeze, though slight, brought them hope.
汉英翻译技巧:补偿(Compensation) Title: 汉英翻译技巧:补偿(Compensation)
C-E. 1. 九州 Jiuzhou -- a poetic name for China 2. 八股文 Eighth-part essay prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations-- known for its rigidity of form and poverty of ideas 3. 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心 Like the dog that bit Lu Tungpin--you bite the hand
that feeds you.
4. 猫哭老鼠--假慈悲 The cat weeping over the dead mouse--shed crocodile tears.
5. 苏轼: Su Shi (formerly translated as Su Shih, ),alias Su Dongpo, writer and calligrapher of the Song Dynasty.
6. 秀才 Xiucai, one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
7. 牛郎织女 the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver-two figures in ancient Chinese fairy tale (Later it also refers to husband and wife who live far apart.)
8. 蓝田人 Lantian Man, ape-man of about 600,000 years ago whose fossil remains were found in Lantian, Shanxi Province in 1964
9. 开绿灯 turn on the green light (provide conveniences for certain affairs, so that they could proceed smoothly)
10. 梅雨季节 plum rain season (about 1-month rainy season usu. beginning in early summer when plum fruit becomes ripe in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River) or moldy season, a rainy season when everything goes moldy easily in the said area. (陈刚)
汉英翻译技巧:分译(division) Title: 汉英翻译技巧:分译(division)
(1) 不久, 她提着篮子回来了。Very soon she came back, holding a basket in her hand. (刘慎军、李洪民、杨斌、刘宝编著,&按实例学英语翻译&,北京工业大 学出版社, 2001) (2) 他拉过一把椅子放在客人背后。He drew up a chair and placed it behind the visitor. (刘慎军、李洪民、杨斌、刘宝编著,&按实例学英语翻译&,北京工业大 学出版社, 2001) (3) 周萍一个人从饭厅走上来,望望花园,冷清清的,没有一人。Zhou Ping appears from the dining room. He is alone. He peers out at the garden. It is silent and deserted.(宋天锡、袁江、袁冬娥编著,李鹏飞审校,&翻译新概念英 汉互译实用教程&,国际工业出版社)
(4) 他哼着曲子从山上走下来。He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself.(刘慎军、李洪民、杨斌、刘宝编著,&按实例学英语翻?,北京工 业大学出版社, 2001) (5) 人民的觉悟是不容易的,要去掉人民头脑中的错误思想,需要我们做很多切 切实实的工作。The political awakening of the people is not easy. It requires much earnest effort on our part to rid their minds of wrong ideas. (&英汉翻译 手册&)
(6) 我们的目的一定要达到,我们的目的一定能够达到。Our goal must be attained. Our goal will be attained.(单其昌著,杨宪益校,&汉英翻译技巧&,外 语教学与研究出版社,1999)
(7) 我们的革命已经获得全世界广大人民的同情和欢呼,我们的朋友遍于全世 界。Our revolution has won the sympathy and acclaim of the people of all countries. We have friends all over the world. (单其昌著,杨宪益校,&汉英翻 译技巧&,外语教学与研究出版社,1999)
(8) 我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:我们出口商品就是为了满足国 外客户消费方面的需要。The reason why we have restored and adopted these trade practices is very simple. Our export commodities are for the use and consumption of our foreign customers. (单其昌著,杨宪益校,&汉英翻译技巧 &,外语教学与研究出版社,1999)
(9) 这次大会充分发扬了民主,大家心情舒畅,生动活泼;真正开成了一个团结 的大会,胜利的大会。The conference has given full exp the atmosphere has been lively and the delegates have enjoyed ease of mind. Ours has indeed been a congress of unity, a congress of victory.(钟述孔著 《英汉翻译手册》 商务印书馆 1980?br& (10) 这些国家的共产党和进步党派,正促使它们的政府和我们做生意,以致建 立外交关系,这是善意的,这就是援助。The Communist Parties and progressive groups in these countries are urging their governments to established trade and even diplomatic relations with us. This is goodwill, this is help.(钟述孔著 《英汉翻译手册》 商务印书馆 1980)
汉英翻译技巧: Title: 汉英翻译技巧:形合 (Hypotaxis)
1. 让壁立的岩石,静静流着的小河,风过处便窃窃私语的树林,都作为自己的 亲密邻居。All the company she had were the steep cliffs, the gently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind. (杨莉藜&英汉互译教程&河南大学出版社) 2. 汉朝人在宫殿和墓前的石室里,多喜欢绘画或雕刻古来的帝王、孔子的弟子、 列士、列女、孝子之类的图。People of the Han Dynasty liked to have paintings or caved relief of rulers of old, disciples of Confucius, eminent scholars and ladies and filial sons in the
palaces or the stone chambers before their tombs. (杨莉藜&英汉互译教程&河 南大学出版社)
3. 不必说碧绿的菜畦,光滑的石井栏,高大的皂荚树,紫红的桑椹…… I need not speak of the green vegetable plots, the slippery stone coping round the well, the tall honey locust tree, or the purple mulberries. (杨莉藜&英汉互译 教程&河南大学出版社)
4. 尽着他的腿的力量走了一天,问了一天,没有消息。As long as his legs would move he walked on, asking, but by the end of the day he still had no news. (杨莉藜&英汉互译教程&河南大学出版社) 5. 七股大水,从水库的桥孔跃出,仿佛七幅闪光黄锦,直铺下去,碰着嶙峋的 乱石,激起一片雪白水珠,脱线一般,撒在洄漩的水面。Seven torrents were rushing through the archways of the bridge like seven glittering rolls of cloth of gold cascading on to the jagged rocks below and scattering snow-white bubbles like a string of broken beads on the swirling water. (&中国现代散文卷&外语教学与研究出版社,中国文学出版社) 6. 月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。薄薄的青雾浮起在荷塘里, 叶子和花仿佛在牛乳中洗过一样;又像笼着轻纱的梦 Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream. 。(&中国现代散文卷&外语教学与研究出版社,中国文学出版 社)
7. 另一方面,必须用上述材料进行广泛宣传,使人们认识到,自然保护区是保 护自然及文化遗产的基本单位,它们是在人类进步里程中长期斗争中形成的,对 经济建设有着重要的作用。On the other hand, it is necessary to carry on the extensive publicity, enabling the public to know that the protected areas are the basic unit of the management of the natural and cultural heritages which are formed in the struggle process against the nature by human beings and will play an important role in the economic construction. (冯志杰&汉英科技翻译指要&中国 对外翻译出版公司)
8. 为保护海洋环境,促进海洋经济发展,必须提高对海洋环境监测的认识,增 加投入,加强&热点&海域的监测,减少海洋的损失,加强海洋生物监测,避免潜 伏的海洋灾害发生。In order to promote the development of sustainable marine economy and conserve marine environment, we should pay great attention to reinforcing awareness of marine environmental monitoring, increasing investment and strengthening the monitoring in &hot spots& as well as biological monitoring to avoid marine calamity. (冯志杰&汉英科技翻译指要&中国对外翻译出版公司) 9. 饭菜虽然简单,但别有一番风味,屋外一团漆黑,穿过松林的风发出如火车 的轰鸣声,我们在摇曳不定的煤油灯下豪情与老人干杯。When we enjoyed the simple but tasty food and drank cheerful toasts with the old man under the flickering oil-lamp, darkness reigned the outside world where the wind was thundering through the pinewood like a train. (&中国现代 散文卷&外语教学与研究出版社,中国文学出版社)
10. 仍像往常一样,把晴美的阳光抹上满峡的树林,叫带露的树叶都亮得耀人的 眼睛。Just as on any other day, the morning sun spread its fine light over the wooded valley, till the dewy leaves and grass glistened with a dazzling brightness. (&中 国现代散文卷&外语教学与研究出版社,中国文学出版社)
汉英翻译技巧:音译(transliteration) Title: 汉英翻译技巧:音译(transliteration)
1. 胡同:hutong (& Beijing Weekend &, No.520) 2. 饺子:jiaozi (《音义兼译--外来语中译之首选》,《中国翻译》,2001/6) 3. 武术:wushu (同上) 4. 普通话:putonghua (同上) 5. 旗袍:qipao (同上) 6. 上海: Shanghai (以上 6 例皆可作为&标准汉音&的例子。) 7. 豆腐:tofu (《音义兼译--外来语中译之首选》,《中国翻译》,2001/6 或 p.25,《词语翻译丛谈》,中国对外翻译出版公司)/dou-fu (p.25,《词语翻译丛 谈》,中国对外翻译出版公司)
8. 功夫: gongfu (《音义兼译--外来语中译之首选》, 《中国翻译》,2001/6)
9. 乒乓:ping-pong (同上) 10.炒面:chow mien (同上) (以上例 8-10 也可作为回译 EC 部分的例子)
汉英翻译技巧:习语(Translation Title: 汉英翻译技巧:习语(Translation of Idioms)
直译 (1) 男男女女都七嘴八舌地说出他们的惦记和盼念。With seven mouths and eight tongues, all were talking together. They tried to tell how they had missed him. (张培基 习语汉译英研究) (2) 亡羊补牢 to mend the fold after a sheep is lost (同上) 直译加注 司马昭之心,已是路人皆知。This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street. (3) (Sima zhao was a prime minister of Wei(220-265)who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne. The emperor once remarked: &Sima Zhao's intention is obvious to every man in the street.& (吕瑞昌等 汉英翻译教程) (4) 你说这话,意思是要领导上三请诸葛? What you say implies that the leadership should ask you three times, like Zhuge Liang, doesn't it? (Zhuge Liang, a statesman and strategist in the State of Shu during the period
of wisdom and resourcefulness in Chinese folklore. ) (张培基 习语汉译英研究) 同义习语套用 (5) 晴天霹雳 a bolt from the blue (同上)
(6) 只有破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,还许有翻身的一天。All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you'll come out on top. 意译 (7) 我要有个三长两短,你给玉山捎个话! If anything should happen to me , let Yushan know! (吕瑞昌等 汉英翻译教程) (8) 大智若愚 A truly wise person does not show off his (her) ability. ( 张培基 习语汉译英研究) (同上)
直译加意译 (9) 瞎子点灯白费蜡 as useless as a blind man lighting a candle (张培基 习语 汉译英研究)
(10) 梅她一个单身人,无亲无故。Mei was all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her. (吕瑞昌等 汉英翻译教程) 临时变体
(11) 换汤不换药 (张培基 习语汉译英研究) old wine in new bottles ( 原有习语为 (12) 守株待兔 (同上) to wait for gains without pains ( 原有习语为 省略 (13) 这女子真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。(张培基 习语汉译英研究) The girl's beauty would put the flowers to shame. (14) 冷淡的阳关照着他们的愁眉苦脸和长发白眼。(吕瑞昌等 汉译英教程) The cold, pale sunlight fell on their gloomy faces, long hair and lusterless eyes. 增添 (15) 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 (张培基 习语汉译英研究) The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole lurking behind itself. (16) 树倒猢狲散 (同上) Once the tree falls, the monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter. 混喻的回避 (17) 让我们乘风破浪,奋勇前进。(同上) No pains, no gains ) new wine in old bottles)
Let us march forward valiantly, braving all difficulties and hardships! (如果直译成 Let us march forward valiantly, braving winds and waves 之类的 句子,其中就出现了 march 和 waves 的混喻问题。解决的办法是 1,&乘风破 浪&和&奋勇前进&在意义上本是相互重复,加以&乘风破浪&这个习语由于使用过多 实际上以不存在什么形象性,英译时可略成 Let us march forward valiantly! 2,
意译法处理习语&乘风破浪&,成 Let us march forward valiantly, braving all difficulties and hardships!) 粗俗语的回避 借用同义习语或意译等方法回避。(18) 她不满意人家说她是三枪打不出一个闷屁的落后的人。(同上) It annoyed her that people should say that she was backward and that no amount of coaxing would open her mouth to speak. 相对应的英语粗俗语来代替原文中的汉语粗俗语。(19) 混蛋!再打一个电话去!叫他马上来见我!(同上) &You blasted idiots! Go and ring him up again and tell him to come round at once!&第一篇:英汉句子翻译练习01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。
[误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.
[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.
[正] Tastes differ
[误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.
[正] He never says uncle.
[误] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much.
[正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much.
[误] The student all dislike him because he often pats the teacher’s ass.
[正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots.
[误] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend.
[正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend.
[误] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country. [正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.
[误] Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he’s standing on. They never feel satisfied with what they’ve already got.
[正] Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they've already got.
09.中华人民共和国主席 中华人民共和国主席
[误] Chairman of the People’s Republic of China 【正】President of the People's Republic of China
10.转战南北 转战南北
[误] fight south and north
[正] fight north and south
[误] That book is invaluable.
[正] That book is valueless.
12. IBM 公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。公司一直处在电脑行业的前沿。
[误] IBM is always in the front line of computer industry.
[正] IBM is always at the cutting edge of computer industry.
13. 一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌,上课时他 一位有经验的教师曾经说,上课之前他觉得如临大敌, 是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重负。是如履薄冰,只有上完课后他才会如释重负。
[误] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on ice, and only after class would he feel relieved.
[正] An experienced teacher once said that before class he felt as if faced with a formidable enemy, in class he felt like walking on eggs, and only after class would he feel relieved.
14. 我有一个舒适的家。我有一个舒适的家。
[误] I have a cozy family.
【正】I have a cozy home.
15. 每节课老是都会点名。每节课老是都会点名。
[误] The teacher will call our names in every period of class.
[正] The teacher will call the roll in every period of class.
16. 我的学习很忙。我的学习很忙。
[误] My study is very busy.
[正] I am very busy with my study.
17. 给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。
[误] I feel it worth being a second hand to him. He is so capable.
[正] I feel it worth playing second fiddle to him. He is so capable.
18. 电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。十分拥挤
[误] The tram was so crowded that there was hardly sufficient room for you.
[正] The tram was so crowded that there was scarcely sufficient room for you.
19. 他被戴上了绿帽子。他被戴上了绿帽子。
[误] He is made to wear a green hat.
[正] He is a cuckold.
20. 我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。站在总裁的身旁
[误] I saw you stand by the president in the newsreel.
[正] I saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel.
21. 车来了。您先请。车来了。您先请。
[误] Here comes the car. You go first, please.
【正】Here comes the car. After you, please.
22. 房间里有一张床、两张桌子和五把椅子。房间里有一张床、两张桌子和五把椅子。
[误] There are one bed, two desks and five chairs in the room.
[正] There is one bed, two desks and five chairs in the room.
23. 我不想听他那些空话。我不想听他那些空话。
[误] I don’t want to hear his empty words.
[正] I don't want to hear his hollow words.
24. 他是我们的死敌。他是我们的死敌。
[误] He is our dead enemy.
[正] He is our deadly enemy.
25. 奥斯本名义上是个医生,但他整天都呆在股票交易所里。奥斯本名义上是个医生,但他整天都呆在股票交易所里。
[误] Osborne is a doctor by name only, but he stays in the stock exchange all day long.
[正] Osborne is a doctor in name only, but he stays in the stock exchange all day long.
26. 我们是不信上帝的。我们是不信上帝的。是不信上帝的
[误] We do not believe God.
[正]We do not believe in God.
27. 你做这样的事难道不感到羞耻吗? 你做这样的事难道不感到羞耻吗?
[误] Aren’t you ashamed for doing such a thing?
[正] Aren't you ashamed of doing such a thing?
28. 车祸发生在十字路口。车祸发生在十字路口。
[误] The accident took place at a crossroad.
[正] The accident took place at a crossroads.
29. 要学好英语,大量的练习是必要的。要学好英语,大量的练习是必要的。
[误] To learn English well, a great deal of practice is necessary.
[正] To learn English well, one needs to have a great deal of practice.
30. ---谢谢你带我们到办公室来。谢谢你带我们到办公室来。谢谢你带我们到办公室来
[误] ---Thank you for guiding us to the office.
---Not at all, it’s my duty.
[正]---Thank you for guiding us to the office.
---Not at all, it’s my pleasure.
31. 未经允许,任何人不得入内。未经允许,任何人不得入内。
[误] Anybody can not come in without permission.
[正] Nobody can come in without permission.
32. 布衣蔬食。布衣蔬食。
[误] cotton clothes and vegetables
[正] coarse clothes and simple fare
33. 你真是红光满面。你真是红光满面。
[误] Your face is all red.
[正] You are in ruddy health
34. 你该吃晚饭了。你该吃晚饭了。
[误] It’s time to eat your dinner.
[正]It’s time to have your dinner.
35. 我们一起跟着音乐跳舞吧! 我们一起跟着音乐跳舞吧! 起跟着音乐跳舞吧
[误] Let’s dance with the music.
[正]Let’s dance to the music.
36. 他的病情好多了。他的病情好多了。
[误] His sick condition is much better.
[正] His condition is much better
37. 经常给我写信。经常给我写信。
[误] Write letters to me often.
[正] Write to me often.
38. 挑战者以 0 比 4 的比分输了与冠军队的那场比赛。的比分输了与冠军队的那场比赛。队的那场比赛
[误] The challengers lost the game by zero to four to the champion.
[正] The challengers lost the game by nil to four to the champion.
39. 在一次具有历史意义的表决中,北京羸得了申办奥运会的机会。在一次具有历史意义的表决中,北京羸得了申办奥运会的机会。
[误] In a historical vote, Beijing won the bid for the Olympics.
[正] In a historic vote, Beijing won the bid for the Olympics.
40. 你读没读过菲尔丁的经典长篇小说《汤姆.琼斯》? 你读没读过菲尔丁的经典长篇小说《汤姆 琼斯 琼斯》?
[误] Have you ever read Fielding’s classical novel Tom Jones?
[正] Have you ever read Fielding's classic novel Tom Jones?
41. 由于街道的扩建,道路两旁矮小的房屋全部被拆除了。由于街道的扩建,道路两旁矮小的房屋全部被拆除了。
[误] The short and small houses on both sides of the road have been demolished due to its widening.
[正] The low and small houses on both sides of the road have been demolished due to its widening.
42. 听到这个消息,没有一个人不感到兴奋。听到这个消息,没有一个人不感到兴奋。
[误] Having heard the news, nobody did not feel excited.
[正] Having heard the news, everybody felt excited.
43. 我是一个中国人。我是一个中国人。
[误] I am a Chinese.
[正]I am Chinese.
44. 母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。
[误] The female wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her whelps.
[正] The she wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her whelps.
45. 使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知一二。使我高兴的是,我儿子对意大利语也略知一二。
[误] To my joy, my son know a thing or two about Italian.
【正】To my joy, my son knows something about Italian.
46. 你希望什么时候成家呢? 你希望什么时候成家呢?
[误] When do you want to start a family?
【正】When do you want to get married?
47. 宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。宁做鸡头,不做凤尾。
[误] Better be the head of a cock than the tail of a phoenix.
[正] Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
48. 海伦就像一只骄傲的公鸡,从来不爱搭理别人。海伦就像一只骄傲的公鸡,从来不爱搭理别人。
[误] Helen is proud as a cock, and she never talks to others.
[正] Helen is proud as a peacock, and she never talks to others.
49. 因为没有吃的,那个索马里的小男孩瘦得像猴子。因为没有吃的,那个索马里的小男孩瘦得像猴子。
[误] That Somali boy is as thin as a monkey because of the lack of food.
[正] That Somali boy is as thin as a shadow because of the lack of food.
50. 索菲娅望子成龙心切,给儿子报名参加了许多补习班。索菲娅望子成龙心切,给儿子报名参加了许多补习班。了许多补习班
[误] Sophia hopes to see her son become a dragon, therefore she enters his name for many classes of supplementary schooling.
[正] Sophia hopes that her son will have a bright future, therefore she enters his name for many classes of supplementary schooling.
51. 正如中国的一句俗话:“笨鸟先飞 。正如中国的一句俗话: 笨鸟先飞”。笨鸟先飞
[误] As an old Chinese saying goes, &Stupid birds have to start flying early.&
[正] As an old Chinese saying goes,&Clumsy birds have to start flying early.&
52. 爸爸总爱发脾气。爸爸总爱发脾气。
[误] Dad always likes losing his temper.
[正] Dad is apt to lose his temper
53. 欧文按捺不住激动的心情,大声喊道:“我中奖了!” 欧文按捺不住激动的心情,大声喊道: 我中奖了 我中奖了!
[误] Owen couldn’t hold back his exciting feeling, and he shouted, &I’ve got the winning number in the bond!&
[正] Owen couldn't hold back his excitement, and he shouted, &I've got the winning number in the bond!&
54. 丹尼斯自己不努力,还老是眼红别人的成就。丹尼斯自己不努力,还老是眼红别人的成就。
[误] Denis himself doesn’t work hard, however, he is always red-eyed of other people’s achievements.
[ 正 ] Denis himself doesn't work hard, however, he is always green-eyed of other people's achievements.
55. 夏天要多喝白开水。夏天要多喝白开水。
[误] You should drink more white boiled water in summer.
[正] You should drink more plain boiled water in summer. 56. 这个教授教得很烂。这个教授教得很烂。
[误] The professor teaches badly. [正] The professor is so terrible. 57. 北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾。北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾。[误] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes our blood boil. [正] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes us excited. 58. 别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。[误] Don't listen to their babbling. Nothing of the sort. [正] Don't be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort. 59. 我们这儿的人都觉得他有婚外恋。我们这儿的人都觉得他有婚外恋。人都觉得他有婚外恋 [误] People around here all feel that he has affairs outside his own marriage. [正] People around here all feel that he is leading a double life. 60. 别看别人不把她当回事,在家里她可是父亲的掌上明珠。别看别人不把她当回事,在家里她可是父亲的掌上明珠。[误] Although other people never take her seriously, she is the pearl on her father's hand at home. [正] Although other people never take her seriously, she is the apple of
her father's eye at home. 61. 都十点钟了。起床了,懒虫! 都十点钟了。起床了,懒虫! [误] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy worm! [正] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy bones! 62. 我唯一的资本就是勤奋。我唯一的资本就是勤奋。[误] My only capital is diligence. [正] My only means to success is diligence. 63. 这家商店开辟了休息处,受到顾客的称赞。这家商店开辟了休息处,受到顾客的称赞。[误] This department store has set up a resting-place, much to the customers' appreciation. [正] This department store has set up a lounge, much to the customers' appreciation. 64. 大家都怀疑汤姆是个间谍。大家都怀疑汤姆是个间谍。[误] Everyone doubts that Tom is a spy. [正] Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy. 65. 我们俩关系最好,他经常来我这儿蹲饭吃。我们俩关系最好,他经常来我这儿蹲饭吃。
[误] We are best friends. He always comes here to have meals for free. [正] We are best friends. He always comes here to bum meals off me. 66. 最近的人口统计显示中国人口已超过 12 亿。[误] The latest census shows that China's population has surpassed 1.2 billion. [正]The latest statistics show that the population of China exceeds 1.2 billion. 67. 我希望你不要拖我的后腿。我希望你不要拖我的后腿。[误] I hope that you won't pull my leg. [正]I hope that you won’t hold me back. 68. 学校里,那些长得人高马大的家伙常来找我的麻烦。学校里,那些长得人高马大的家伙常来找我的麻烦。[误] At school, those big and strong guys always come to find my trouble. [正] At school, those big and strong guys always come to pick on me. 69. 原来如此。一经你解释我就明白了。原来如此。一经你解释我就明白了。[误] So it is. I understand soon after your explanation.
[正]I see.I got it with your explanation. 70. 我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。我没料到这个无耻的女人居然同她好友的丈夫调情。[误] I had not expected that this shameful woman should flirt with her best friend's husband. [正]I had not expected that this shameless woman should flirt with her best friend's husband. 71. 我每天都要在网吧里呆上 10 个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。[误] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug. [正] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a netter. 72. 东施效颦。东施效颦。[误] Doingshi imitates Xishi. [正] The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse. 73. 你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。这可真是个不切实际的幻想 你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。哟! [误] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an impractical illusion!
[正] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an illusion! 74. 想让他答应这样的要求恐怕不大可能。想让他答应这样的要求恐怕不大可能。[误] I'm afraid it is impossible for him to agree to such a request. [正] I'm afraid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request. 75. 一群蚂蚁 [误] a group of ants 【正】a colony of ants 6. 她和男朋友吵了一架,冒着大雨跑了出去。她和男朋友吵了一架,冒着大雨跑了出去。了出去 [误] She quarreled with his boyfriend and ran out in the big rain. [正] She quarreled with his boyfriedn and ran out in the heavy rain. 77. 我每天都要在网吧里呆上 10 个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。个小时,是个不折不扣的网虫。[误] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a net bug. [正] I spend 10 hours in the net bar every day, and I am indeed a netter. 78. 每次考试来临的时候,约翰就变成了一只夜猫子,但这并不是一 每次考试来临的时候,约翰就变成了一只夜猫子, 个好的学习方法。个好的学习方法。
[误] John becomes a night cat every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn. [正] John becomes a night owl every time the examination is coming. However, this is not a good way to learn. 79. 现如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多,“海龟(归)派”也不像原 现如今,由于出国深造的人越来越多, 海龟 海龟( 也不像原 来那样吃香了。来那样吃香了。[误] Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the overseas students are not so popular as before. [正] Nowadays as more and more people study abroad, the returnees are not so popular as before. 80. 在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。[误] The playboy whispered love words to my ear with a bright moon in the sky. [正] The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moon in the sky. 81. 比尔 盖茨平均每天工作 15 个小时,他简直就是一个工作狂。比尔.盖茨平均每天工作 小时,他简直就是一个工作狂。[误] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is crazy about his work.
[正] Bill Gates works 15 hours a day on average, and he is a workaholic. 82. 给这们女士来杯威士忌,记在我的账上。给这们女士来杯威士忌,记在我的账上。[误] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my bill. [正] Whisky for this lady, and put it on my tab. 83. 哈罗得挥金如土,没有一点积蓄。哈罗得挥金如土,没有一点积蓄。[误] Harold spends money like dirt, and has no savings. [正] Harold spends money like water, and has no savings. 84. 这只表的价钱很贵。这只表的价钱很贵。[误] The price of the watch is dear. [正] The watch is dear. /The price of the watch is high. 85. 昨天晚上我们玩得很愉快。昨天晚上我们玩得很愉快。[误] We played very pleasantly last night. [正] We enjoyed ourselves very much last night./ We had a good time last night. 86. 嘿,小伙子,千万别灰心。[误] Hey, lad, don't lose your heart.
[正]Hey, lad, don’t lose heart. 87. 歌迷们冲进演员休息室,抢着同凯莉.米纳合影。歌迷们冲进演员休息室,抢着同凯莉 米纳合影 米纳合影。[误] The fans rushed into the rest room trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue. [正] The fans rushed into the greenroom trying to take photos with Kylie Minogue. 88. 我感到很痛。我感到很痛。[误] I am painful. [正] I fell hurt 89. 亚洲四小龙。亚洲四小龙。
[误] the Four Little Dragons of Asia 【正】the Four Little Tigers of Asia 90. 百里挑一。百里挑一。[误] one in a hundred [正]one in a thousand
91. 周末许多人睡得很晚。周末许多人睡得很晚。[误] Many people sleep late at weekends. [正] Many people go to bed very late at weekends 92. 干杯!要一饮而尽。干杯!要一饮而尽。[误] ---Cheers! Bottom up. [正] ---Cheers! Bottoms up. 93. 这个任务很危险,但总得有人去冒险。这个任务很危险,但总得有人去冒险。[误] The task is really dangerous. But someone has to take the adventure. [正] The task is really dangerous. But someone has to bell the cat.
94. 一辆白色轿车前来接新郎新娘去教堂。一辆白色轿车前来接新郎新娘去教堂。[误] A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church. [正] A white car turned up to take the bride and the groom to the church. 95. 你去弄些水来。你去弄些水来。[误] Go and bring some water.
[正] Go and fetch some water. 96. 对不起,我把课本忘在家里了。对不起,我把课本忘在家里了。[误] Sorry, I forgot my textbook at home. [正] Sorry, I left my textbook at home. 97. 中国足球队击败了日本队,从而取得了参加半决赛的资格。中国足球队击败了日本队,从而取得了参加半决赛的资格。[误] The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and is qualified to play in the half-finals. [正] The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and is qualified to play in the semifinals. 98. 在自然灾害期间,绝大多数人都过着半饥半饱的生活。在自然灾害期间,绝大多数人都过着半饥半饱的生活。[误] During the natural calamity, most people were half hungry, half full. [正] During the natural calamity, most people were underfed. 99. 汉语是我们的母语。汉语是我们的母语。[误] Chinese is our mother language. [正] Chinese is our mother tongue. 100. 我爷爷是奔 75 的人了。的人了。
[误] My grandpa is running for seventy-five. [正] My grandpa is getting on for seventy-five.第一篇:英汉句子翻译练习英汉单句互译练习
1. His house is very large and close to his school.
他的收音机很小,但是很好看。His radio is very small but very nice to look at. 2. It usually takes some time to make friends with them. 跟他们交朋友通常需要一些时间。他每天早上赶到学校通常需要二十分钟。It usually takes him twenty minutes to get to school every morning. 3. Is your father still working in that computer company? 你父亲还在那间电脑公司工作吗? 你的兄弟还在房间里做作业吗?
Is your brother still doing his homework in his room?
4. My teacher promised to talk to my father about it.
He promised to give her a nice present for her birthday. 5. I was so angry that I told him to his face what I thought of him. 我非常生气,就当面告诉了他我对他的看法。不要相信那些当面赞扬你的人。Don’t believe in those who praise you to your face.
6. The chairman of the meeting is an old man over sixty. 会议的主席是一位六十多岁的老人。
The manager of the company is a young man about thirty.
7. We still have a long way to go to catch up with the advanced
我们要赶上先进国家还有很长的路要走。你要跟上班还有很长的路要走。You still have a long way to go to catch up with the class. 8. I don’t know why they refused to accept her invitation. 我不知道他们为什么拒绝接受她的邀请。他不知道她为什么不愿意跟他一起去。He didn’t know why she was unwilling to go with him. 9. It’s a good chance to get some useful advice from the famous artist. 这是一个从那位著名的艺术家那里得到有用指教的好机会。
It’s really a good chance for you to practice your spoken English.
10. You have no right to criticize your parents like that. 你没有权力像那样批评你的父母。你没有权力让他们离开。You have no right to let them leave. 11. There was only one dollar in his pocket then. 当时他的口袋里只有一美元。那间村办学校只有一百个学生和四个老师。There are only one hundred pupils and four teachers in the village school. 12. The old man and his grandson would go fishing on Sundays. 那位老人和他的孙子星期天总是去钓鱼。我和我的兄弟夏天总是在那条小河里游泳。
My brother and I would go swimming in the small river in summer.
13. Do you mean you are willing to help them if they ask you? 你的意思是说如果他们请你,你是愿意帮助他们的,是吗? 你的意思是说即使他请求你,你也不会借给他钱的,是吗? Do you mean you will not lend him the money even though he asks
14. They are always having a lot of meetings to attend, so they are very busy. 他们总是有很多会议要参加,所以他们很忙。他的头脑里总是有很多奇怪的想法。
He is always having a lot of strange ideas in his mind.
15. More skilled workers are badly needed in my uncle’s factory. 我叔叔的工厂急需更多的熟练工人。那个山村急需老师。Teachers are badly needed in the mountain village.
16. It is said that he has already gone to Australia.
据说他已经去了澳大利亚。据报道,那位著名的歌手将在那里呆两个星期。It is reported that the famous singer will stay there for two weeks. 17. The present he gave me is right in the school bag.
他们上星期买的那台仪器就在桌子上。The instrument that they bought last week is right on the table. 18. They will try their best to improve their working conditions. 他们将尽力改善工作条件。她将尽力改进她的英语口语水平。She will try her best to improve her spoken English.
19. They invited him to make a speech at the meeting. 他们邀请他在会上作个发言。
你为什么没有邀请她参加我们的讨论呢? Why didn’t you invite her to join our discussion? 20. We don’t believe the story he told us. 我们不相信他给我们讲的故事。他们不相信我能够把这些数学题解出来。They didn’t believe that I could work out the maths problems. 21. He is fond of pop music while his parents prefer folk songs. 他喜欢流行音乐,而他的父母却偏爱民歌。他的母亲忙着准备晚饭,而他却在房间里看电视。His mother is busy preparing supper while he is watching TV in the room.
22. At last he bought a new house of his own.
最后他终于买了一幢属于自己的新房子。最后他还是设法把他的儿子送进了附近的一所中学。At last he managed to send his son to a middle school nearby. 23. The doctor advised him to give up smoking. 医生劝他戒烟。那小姑娘要她父亲带她去公园。The little girl asked her father to take her to the park. 24. He wanted very much to finish his homework, but he couldn’t keep his eyes open. 他很想做完作业,可他连眼睛都睁不开了。他非常想给他母亲买一件礼物,可他没有钱。He wanted very much to buy his mother a present, but he hadn’t any money.
25. It is important for the college students to master a foreign language. 大学生掌握一门外语是很重要的 你有必要向李教授求教。It is necessary for you to ask Professor Li for some advice. 26. I remembered having met him before. 我记得以前曾经见过他。他记得临走之前把门锁上了。He remembered having locked the door before he left. 27. After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher began to hand out the examination papers. 所有的学生就座之后,老师开始分发试卷。所有的同学离开教室之后,他开始做作业。After all his classmates had left the classroom, he began to do his homework.
28. They lived in a big house surrounded by green trees.
我们参观了一座两千年前建的庙宇。We visited an old temple built two thousand years ago. 29. The teacher often encouraged Tom to study maths well.
The old woman expected her son to become a doctor.
30. His parents died when he was only a boy of five. 他的父母死了,那时他还只是一个五岁的孩子。当他还是一个小孩子的时候,他家搬到了一个小山村。
His family moved to a mountain village when he was a small boy.
31. The old man said that we could stop to have a rest. 那位老人说,我们可以停下来休息一下。老师说,我们不能离开教室,除非我们做完作业。The teacher said that we couldn’t leave the room unless we finished our homework. 32. In order to improve the listening ability, they decided to listen to the tape every evening. 为了改进听力,他们决定每天晚上听录音(磁带)。为了做好工作,他们决定在周五之前做准备。In order to do the work well, they decided to make preparations before Friday. 33. With the help of my classmates, I did very well in all the exams. 在同学们的帮助下,我各门考试都考得很好。在老师们得帮助下,我在本学期取得了很大得进步。
With the help of the teachers, I have made a lot of progress this term.
34. She agreed to stay with me for a couple of days. 她同意跟我在一起呆几天。他同意尽快来帮助我们。He agreed to come to our help as soon as possible. 35. We are very much surprised that he should have set the prisoners free. 他竟然把那些犯人放走了,我们感到非常吃惊。她竟然写出这么好的作文,我们感到非常高兴。We are very glad that she should have written so good a composition.
36. What he said at the meeting surprised everybody present. 他在会上所说的话使在场的每个人都感到吃惊。
他在学校所做的事使他父母非常生气。What he did at school made his parents very angry.
37. John told me that he was brought up by his uncle. 约翰告诉我他是由他叔叔抚养大的。杰克告诉我他因为迟到而受到了老师的惩罚。Jack told us that he was punished by his teacher for being late. 38. Jack asked me to buy him some envelopes on my way home. 杰克要我在回家的路上给他买一些信封。汤姆要他兄弟在去看电影的路上帮他寄封信。Tom asked his brother to post a letter for him on his way to the cinema. 39. Last Sunday morning, I went to the station to meet my uncle. 上个星期天的上午,我去车站接我叔叔。昨天下午,他去邮局寄了一封信。Yesterday afternoon, he went to the post office to post a letter.
40. The teacher gave him a piece of paper and asked him to write a composition. 老师给他一张纸,让他写一篇作文。
他父亲递给他一把铁锹,让他挖一个坑。His father handed him a spade and asked him to dig a hole.
41. Frankly speaking, I don’t quite agree with what he just said. 坦率的说,我不太同意他刚才说的话。一般说来,孩子们对一切都很好奇。Generally speaking, children are always curious about everything.
42. As far as I am concerned, I don’t like this kind of music. 就我而言,我不喜欢这种音乐。就我所知,她有一个兄弟在上海工作。
As far as I know, she has got a brother working in Shanghai.
43. If you don’t work hard, how can you expect to pass all the exams? 如果你不努力学习,你怎么指望通过所有这些考试呢? 如果你不尊敬他们,你怎么能指望他们尊重你呢?
If you don’t respect them, how can you expect them to respect you? 44. One evening, I went out for a walk with my mother. 有一天晚上,我和母亲一起出去散步。
有一天早上,我和爷爷一起去钓鱼。One morning, I went fishing with my grandpa. 45. The photos reminded him of his happy childhood. 这些照片使他想起了他快乐的童年。这本旧书使我想起了那段悲痛的经历。The old book reminded me of the sad experience.
46. Mr White agreed to look into the matter himself. 怀特先生同意亲自调查此事。
史密斯先生没有同意亲自照顾这个婴儿。Mr Smith didn’t agree to look after the baby himself. 47. Watching too much TV will do harm to your eyes. 看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。早锻炼对你的健康有好处。
Doing exercise in the morning will do good to your health. 48. It is reported that lots of people are worried about the result. 据报道,很多人对这个结果担忧。据说,校长对你的工作很满意。It is said that the headmaster is satisfied with your work.
49. The book is made up of fifteen chapters. 这本书由十五个章节组成。这个委员会由九位成员组成,七男两女。The committee is made up of nine members, seven man and two women. 50. He left his hometown at the age of twelve and has never been heard of ever since. 他十二岁时离开家乡,此后再无音讯。她是去年夏天去那里的,已经在那里呆了好几个月了。She went there last summer and has stayed there for several months.
51. It looked as if there were no more fish left in the lake. 看起来这湖里没剩下什么鱼了。
It looks as if the water in the lake has become seriously polluted.
52. Doctor Li often uses some advanced instruments to treat his
李医生经常使用一些先进的仪器治疗他的病人。杰克很少使用先进的仪器做实验。Jack seldom uses the advanced instruments to do his experiments. 53. Once you show any fear, the dog will attack you.
一旦你见到他,你就会永远忘不了他。Once you see him, you will never forget him.
54. To buy these gifts, I think, is really a waste of money. 我想,买这些礼品确实是浪费钱。我想,试图说服他确实是浪费时间。
To try to persuade him, I think, is really a waste of time.
55. No matter what she is, she must pay for her meals.
不管他住的离这里有多远,他上学从不迟到。No matter how far he lives away from here, he is never late for school.
56. In this way, you can find out how many people are using the machine. 以这种方式,你就可以查出来有多少人在使用这台机器。以这种方式,你就可以很容易地解决这个问题。In this way, you can solve the problem easily. 57. He made a telephone call to Jack and told him what to do. 他给杰克打了个电话,告诉他该做什么。
他给我留了个条子,告诉我如何解决这个问题。He left me a note and told me how to solve the problem.
58. I think we should fix a date for the next meeting now. 我想我们现在应该为下一次会议定个日期。我想我们应该在做任何其他事情之前认真考虑此事。I think we ought to consider the matter carefully before we do anything else. 59. Almost all the newspapers carried this important news.
Almost all the students agreed to help the disabled boy. 60. He expressed his satisfaction with the result and added he would work harder. 他对结果表示满意,并补充说他将更加努力地工作。校长对我们的工作表示满意,并补充说他将在下次会上表扬我们。The headmaster expressed his satisfaction with our work and added he would praise us at the next meeting.
61. It was the old lady who attended his wife when she was ill. 正是那位老太太在他妻子生病时照顾她。我不在家时正是那位老人照看我的孩子。It was the old man who looked after my children while I was away. 62. I don’t care whether he quarreled with my brother. 我不在乎他是否跟我的兄弟吵过架。我不在乎他是不是通过了驾驶测试。I don’t care whether he passed the driving test or not. 63. His father was fired by a company one month ago. 一个月前,他父亲被一家公司解雇了。上个星期一他妹妹受到了老师的惩罚。His sister was punished by her teacher last Monday.
64. They often kill time by playing cards and chess on Sundays. 每逢星期天,他们经常是打牌、下棋来消磨时间。
We shouldn’t kill time by watching TV or listening to music. 65. At the foot of the mountain, there flowed a small river.
山脚下有 (流淌着) 一条小河。小山的脚下有(耸立着)一座五百年前建的古庙。
At the foot of the hill, there stood an old temple built five years ago. 66. If you don’t like the house, I can try and find another for you.
如果你不喜欢这个包,我可以说服你父亲再给你另买一个。If you don’t like the bag, I can persuade your father to buy you another one.
67. We’d better put off the plan till next year because we can’t get enough money at present. 我们最好把这个计划推迟到明年,因为我们目前弄不到足够的钱。
我们最好把这个会议推迟到下周,因为太多的人缺席。We’d better put off the meeting till next week because so many people are absent. 68. As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by a group of journalists. 他一从车里出来就被一群记者包围住了。那位著名的歌手一进入大厅就被一群激动的歌迷围住了。As soon as the famous singer entered the hall, he was surrounded by a group of excited fans. 69. The city where I live is an old city set up two thousand years ago. 我住的那座城市是一座两千年前建的古城。我昨天读的那本书是老舍写的一部小说。
The book I read yesterday was a novel written by Lao She.
70. My grandma always tells us never to waste any food.
老师要你别浪费水。The teacher told you not to waste any water. 71. Finally I realized that the letter was not intended for me. 最后我意识到,那封信不是写给我的。最后他意识到他父母挣钱是不容易的。Finally he realized that it was no easy job for his parents to make money. 72. What she should do is to help them to help themselves. 她应该做的事情是帮助他们自助。
你应该做的事情是鼓励学生(开口)讲。What you should do is to encourage the students to speak.
73. The question is whether the price is worth paying. 问题在于是否值得付出这样的代价。问题在于您是否应当在课堂上表扬他。
The question is whether you should praise him in class. 74. The book is cheap and at the same time informative.
你昨天看的电影很有趣,同时又具有教育意义。The film you saw last night is interesting and at the same time instructive. 75. At that time she was waiting for a long distance call. 那时她正在等一个长途电话。那时他正在和父母一起吃晚饭。At that time he was having supper with his parents.
76. The teacher encouraged me to make up my mind to catch up with the rest of the class. 老师鼓励我下定决心赶上班里的其他同学。
总统号召人民全力以赴赶上发达国家。The president called on the people to go all out to catch up with the developed countries. 77. As long as we rely on the masses, I’m sure the task will be finished on time. 只要我们依靠群众,我相信,任务就一定会按时完成。只要我们坚持这项计划,我们就一定能成功。As long as we stick to this plan, we are sure to succeed. 78. As far as I know, Jack is now in charge of an important department. 据我所知,杰克现在负责一个重要部门。据我所知,三班现在由怀特先生负责。As far as I know, Class Three is now in the charge of Mr. White.
79. Tom was very disappointed when he heard the disappointing news. 汤姆听到这个令人失望的消息非常失望。我听到这个令人激动的消息非常激动。I was very excited when I heard the exciting news. 80. It’s nearly ten years since we moved into the small village. 自从我们搬到这个小村庄已经将近十年了。自从他来我市学习已经五年多了。It is more than five years since he came to study in our city. 81. The population of the city will be decreased by 10% by the end of 2008. 到2008年年底为止这个城市的人口将增加百分之十。到明年年底为止这个工厂的产量将增加百分之十五。The production of the factory will be increased by 15% by the end of next year.
82. Do you plan to attend the meeting to be held next week? 你打算参加下周召开的会议吗?
Has she decided to take part in the sports meet to be held next month? 83. It is said that he made an exciting speech at the meeting.
据说他在会上作了一个令人激动的演讲。据说他拒绝在会上发言。It is said that he refused to speak at the meeting. 84. You should try your best to get the students to practice by themselves.
我们应当尽力在工作中帮助他们。We should try our best to help them with the work.
85. The teacher doesn’t allow the students to enter the teachers’ office without permission. 老师不允许学生未经许可进入教师办公室。他父亲不允许他不经许可使用他的电脑。His father doesn’t allow him to use his computer without permission. 86. I insist that you should talk to your father about it. 我坚持要你跟你父亲谈谈此事。
我建议你邀请他参加我们小组。I suggest that you should invite him to join our group. 87. He often encourages me to do better in my English studies. 他经常鼓励我把英语学习搞得更好。
他的同学都鼓励他改掉这些坏习惯。All his classmates encourage him to get rid of the bad habits.
88. What happened proved that he hadn’t given us any help.
所发生的事情证明了他并没有给我们任何帮助。所发生的事情说明他并不愿意帮助我们。What happened shows that he is unwilling to help us. 89. We requested that he tell us a story about the Long March. 我们要求他给我们讲一个长征的故事。他们建议你要求那位老教授参加我们的讨论。They suggested that you invite the old professor to join in our discussion. 90. Frankly speaking, we are very much worried about their safety. 坦率的说,我们非常担心他们的安全。就我所知,他们根本不担心实验的结果。As far as I know, they are not worried about the result of the experiment at all.
91. A new hospital is being built near our school. 我们学校附近正在建一个新医院。
我的家乡正在建设一条新铁路。A new railway is being built in my hometown. 92. Although the computer is small, it can store a lot of information. 尽管这台电脑很小,它可以储存大量的信息。尽管他很疲劳,他也不愿停下来休息一下。Although he was very tired, he would not stop to have a rest.
93. It’s impossible for us to avoid meeting this kind of people. 我们想避免碰到这种人是不可能的。
It’s impossible for you to avoid coming across a lot of difficulties.
94. Then we decided to organize a trip to Qingdao. 接着,他们决定组织一次旅游去青岛。
接着,他们决定停止向那个地区提供食品。Then they decided to stop providing food to that area. 95. What will you say if someone praises you for your good English? 如果有人夸你英语很好,你会说什么? 如果他要你借给他一些钱你会怎么办? What will you do if he asks you to lend him some money? 96. He suggests that we review our lessons by asking each other
他建议,我们(可以)通过彼此提问来复习功课。她建议我们通过定期写信的方式来保持联系。She suggests that we keep in touch with each other by writing letters regularly.
97. He just wanted to know how to write an English composition.
他只是想知道怎么样写一篇英语作文。老师只是想弄清楚谁打破了窗子。The teacher just wanted to find out who broke the window. 98. The professor simply doesn’t understand why the boy has so many strange ideas. 那位教授简直不明白那个孩子为什么有那么多奇怪的想法。他简直不明白他爷爷怎么会在回家的路上迷了路。He simply doesn’t understand how his grandpa got lost on the way home. 99. He told the girl that he wanted to send a letter to Singapore. 他告诉那姑娘他想往新加坡寄封信。她告诉我说她想给她母亲挑一件礼物。She told me that she wanted to choose a present for her mother.
100. The next day he asked me to go to his office for an interview. 第二天,他要我去他办公室面试/见面。第二天,他们邀请我去那个学院参观一个艺术展览。
The next day they invited me to visit an art exhibition in that college. 101. What you should do is to choose a topic and write a composition. 你所要做的事情就是选一个题目,写一篇作文。
你现在所要做的事情就是给她写封信表示道歉。What you should do now is to write her a letter and make an apology. 102. When we got there, we found the hall already filled with people.
当我们到达那个村庄时,我们发现太阳已经下山了。When we arrived at the village, we found the sun already set down behind the hills.
103. He immediately took off his clothes and jumped into the lake. 他立刻脱掉衣服跳进湖里。
He put down his pen at once and rushed out of the room. 104. Two hours passed, but he still didn’t turn up. 两个小时过去了。可他还没有露面。两个星期过去了,那个小村庄仍然被敌人的士兵包围着。Two weeks passed, but the small village was still surrounded by the enemy soldiers.
105. She has already made up her mind to go to the south with him.
我们已经打定注意帮助他摆脱困境。We have already made up our mind to help him out of trouble.
106. He asked the boss to give him a chance to try this method. 他要求老板给他一个机会来试一试这种方法。他们要求我借给他们一些钱来购买这种材料。
They asked me to lend them some money to buy this material. 107. As soon as they got there, they began to climb the mountains.
他们一到那里就开始爬山了。我们一到那里就开始为那位老太太打扫房子。As soon as we got there, we began to clean the house for the old lady. 108. I gave him a telephone call at once and advised him to give up
smoking. 我立即给他打了个电话劝他戒烟。我立即给他写了一封信鼓励他更加努力工作。I wrote him a letter at once and encourage him to work harder.
109. I like my grandma, for she is good at telling stories. 我喜欢我的奶奶,因为她会讲故事。我不喜欢我的小弟弟,因为他老是撒谎。I don’t like my little brother, for he is always telling lies. 110. I was about to leave home when a neighbour came to borrow my bike. 我正要离开家,这时一位邻居来借我的自行车。我们正要进入大厅,这时一群孩子冲了出来。We were about to enter the hall when a group of children rushed out. 111. There are five buildings in our school, three of which were set up last year. 我们学校有五座大楼,其中三座是去年建的。我们学习小组有六名成员,其中四位已经受到了老师的表扬。There are six members in our study group, four of whom have been praised by the teacher.
112. Alice is always the first to come to school. 爱丽丝总是第一个来学校。
我们的物理老师总是最后一个离开实验室。Our physics teacher is always the last to leave the lab. 113. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some in case. 我想我不需要钱,不过我还是带一点以防万一。我想我们不需要这种材料,不过我们还是买一点以防万一。I don’t think we’ll need this kind of material now but we’ll buy some in case. 114. This is the book I I borrowed it from Professor Li yesterday.
这就是我跟你说过的那个手提箱;我是上个星期在公园拣到的。This is the suitcase I I found it in the park last week.
115. The teacher suggested that each student have an EnglishEnglish dictionary. 老师建议每个学生备一本英-英词典。数学老师建议学生课后多做练习。The maths teacher suggested the students do more exercises after class. 116. There is a newly opened supermarket nearby, where you can get what you want. 附近有一家新开张的超市,在那里你可以买到你想要的东西。我们区有一个大的图书馆,在那里你可以借到你想要的书。There is a big library in our district, where you can borrow the books you want. 117. Do you still remember the place where we first met? 你还记得我们初次见面的地方吗?
你还记得高一时教我们的英语老师吗? Do you still remember the English teacher who taught us in Senior One?
118. Don’t forget to return the magazine to the reading room when
you finish reading it.
你看完这本杂志以后别忘了还给阅览室。你做完实验以后别忘了把灯关上。Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you finish doing your experiment. 119. Did you remember to pay the money back to Jack? 你有没有记住把钱还给杰克? 你离开实验室时有没有记住锁门? Did you remember to lock the door when you left the lab? 120. He had promised to get a ticket for you, but he didn’t. 他答应给您弄张票的,可他没有弄到。他们答应帮我们进行工作的,可他们并没有帮忙。They had promised to help us in the work, but they didn’t.
121. He wanted to join the army but was turned down because he was not old enough.
I wanted to join his club but was turned down because I was too young. 122. Why did you throw the bottle out of the window? 你为什么把瓶子扔出窗外? 你为什么藏在门后面? Why did you hide yourself behind the door? 123. Would you rather watch TV or go out for a walk?
您是愿意打的还是想乘公共汽车? Would you rather take a taxi or go by bus?
124. Do you think it possible for us to visit the small town again? 你觉得我们有可能再次参观这个小镇吗? 你觉得她有可能再有一次机会试一试运气吗? Do you think it possible for her to have another chance to try her luck? 125. I don’t know what he bought some cigarettes for. 我不知道他买香烟干什么用。
Do you know what our teacher brought a big bag for?
126. You should have well prepared for the speech.
We should have brought several porters to help us.
127. All their time has been devoted to helping the patients to improve their health. 他们所有的时间都花在帮助病人康复上了。他所有的业余时间都花在通过收音机学习英语上了。All his spare time has been devoted to learning English over the radio. 128. Do you have any idea what Jack does all day? 你知不知道杰克整天在做什么? 你知不知道她脑子里在想什么? Do you have any idea what she has in her mind? 129. The village where my grandparents live is twenty kilometers away from here. 我祖父母居住的村庄离这里有二十公里远。我哥哥上学的那个城市在江苏省的北部。The city where my brother studies is in the northern part of Jiangsu Province.
130. When and where we will hold the sports meet is not decided yet.
我们何时何地召开运动会还没有决定。何时何地建设这个新工厂仍然在讨论之中。When and where to build the new factory is still under discussion. 131. It’s no wonder he always gets the first place in any examination. 难怪他无论什么考试总是得第一名。难怪他每天总是第一个到学校。It’s no wonder he is always the first one to get to school every day. 132. By this time next year, we will have graduated from this senior
middle school.
到了明年这个时候我们已经从这所高级中学毕业了。到了明天下午这个时候,他们就将在老师的帮助下完成了任务。By this time tomorrow afternoon, they will have finished the task with the help of the teachers.
133. Judging from his appearance, he must be from Africa.
Judging from his accent, he must be from Henan Province.
134. I don’t like the idea that we three share a room.
我可不喜欢两个组一块去露营这个建议。I don’t like the suggestion that the two groups go camping together. 135. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. 如果我能帮上忙,就告诉我,别犹豫。一旦你打定注意要去,别忘了通知我。Don’t forget to let me know once you have made up your mind to go.
136. Do you find it hard to pick up BBC programmes? 你觉得很难收听到BBC的节目吗? 你觉得看这些短篇小说很有趣吗? Do you find it interesting to read these short stories? 137. Richard bought the walkman for Robbie’s birthday. 理查德给露比买了一个随身听作为生日礼物。
What are you going to buy for your mother’s birthday? 138. The old man wanted to borrow a bike to visit his friends in town.
我们班长想开个会讨论一下这件事。Our monitor wanted to have a meeting to discuss the matter.
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