Novice camp翻译成菜鸟是什么意思营可以...

英语翻译I went to summer camp.They went to NewYorkCity.He stayed at home.She visited her uncle.
adj. 夸张的,可笑的n. 营地;度假营;军营;阵营v. 露营,(使)扎营
The patrol led by Lieutenant Andrews attacked an enemy camp.
International aid agencies entered the refugee camp.
2,500 foreign prisoners-of-war, including Americans, had been held in camps near Tambov.
Most holidaymakers travelled to the camp by train.
The Dutch scouts had set up their camp.
Tonight the camp gathered around a fire and sang songs.
The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats.
A close colleague had sided with the opposite camp in an office dispute.
an irresistible mix of kitsch, camp and homoeroticism
adj /kaemp/
搭配:[+ person, performance, style]
He turns in a delightfully camp performance.
some of the campest song-and-dance routines you're likely to see
a camp lounge bar
The classic camp ornament is the pink plastic flamingo.
搭配:[+ person]
vi /kaemp/
We camped down for the night.
That night I camped in the hills.
The men are camping on the pavement in sleeping bags.
vt /kaemp/
We were camped with the Red Cross workers behind a fence of barbed wire.
The British cast overact and camp it up outrageously.
He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes.
The song's central character started camping it up for a laugh.
If you want to see people camping it up, walk down Canal Street on a Saturday night.
comp /kaemp/
She sleeps on a camp mattress.
They set up camp tables.
The refugees were provided with camp stretchers and blankets.
1.providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities
they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect
Campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's
1.temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers
wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling
2.a group of people living together in a camp
the whole camp laughed at his mistake
3.temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers
level ground is best for parking and camp areas exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
5.a prison for forced laborers
China has many work camps for political prisoners
6.something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality
the living room was pure camp
7.shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs
8.a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months
city kids get to see the country at a summer camp in or as if in a tent
Can we go camping again this summer?
The circus tented near the town
The houseguests had to camp in the living room
2.establish or set up a camp
3.give an artificially banal or sexual quality to
1.James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance.
2.The raccoons rifled all the food in the camp.
3.The commanding officer made a circuit of the camp.
4.She wrote about the summer [camp].
5.He hit upon the good idea of spend the weekend in the nearby holiday camp
1.& to camp down
八年级几道英语句子的不解1.sports camp 翻译 2.go camping 能否用 go to camp 3.go camping何意 4.what's it like there?何意 5.局子he is leaving the first week in june 中的the first week 前面不加on?6.on能用来表示具体的一些天吗【就是多于一天,但是是具体的天】 如 the first week 7.have a relaxing vacation 何意 8.句子 there are many people there who speak french 能变成 there are many people there sperking french 9.where are you leaving from 回答时,是回答去某地,还是回答从某地离开【即这个句子询问的是何意?】 10.take the plan 何意 long does it take 是何意 it take about 25 minutes to walk 中的 it takes 又是何意?12.bicycle 与bike 有何区别 13.the early bus如何翻译 14.the bus takes about 25 minutes 是否等于the bus ride takes about 25 minutes 15.bus stop 与bus station 区别 与 as 都表示‘像’时的区别 17.that must be a lot more fun than taking a bus 中的 more 前加a lot 表示什么 18.although others 何意 19.句子 in places where there are rivers and lakes 能否改下成in places of there are rivers and lakes 20.united states何意 21.a small number of 与 a large number of 是何意 22.go to the baseball game 是指去参加baseball game 还是指看baseball game report 何意
1.sports camp 运动野营2.&3.不能用go to camp,这是固定搭配,表示“去野营”.go+动词的ing形式表示“去做...”,类似的表达还有好多,比如go swimming(去游泳),go shopping(去购物),go fishing(去钓鱼)等等.go camping 去野营4.what's it like there?它在那儿像什么?5.&6.不能用on.on只能用来表示具体的某一天,不能是某些天.7.have a relaxing vacation 假期过得很轻松8.可以这么改.前一句是由who引导的从句,而后一句正好就是省略who之后动词变成ing形式表主动,也算是个从句.9.Where are you leaving from 你从哪里离开的?如果回答是去哪里的话,应该是Where are you leaving to?(你要离开去哪儿?)10.take the plan 按计划行事 long does it take 需要花多长的时间?it takes about 25 minutes to walk 中的 it takes 和上一句一样的意思,意思是花费(时间、金钱等)12.bicycle 与bike 没有区别,都是自行车的意思,bike算是bicycle的简写吧.13.the early bus 早班车14.两者意思一样的,都是“乘公交车需要花25分钟的时间”,但是我们一般都不在bus 后面加ride.15.bus stop 与bus station没什么区别,如果非要钻牛角尖的话可能就是stop小一点而station感觉要大一点 与 as 都表示‘像’时的区别:as作连接词.它引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句,而且这两种从句通常为省略句.例如:She is a fine singer,as her mother used to be.There is as much water in this cupas in that one.like作介词.例如:My sister isn''t much like me.The robot can''t work like man.如果需要加强语气,再这两个词之前加上just之类的词即可.例如:All the plants and animals need air just as they need water.Mary goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother.17.that must be a lot more fun than taking a bus 中的 more 前加a lot 只是为了加强语气,表示比more还要多,用来修饰more fun这个比较级的.18.although others “尽管其他”,但是这两个单词不是固定搭配.19.不能.20.United States 美国21.a small number of 小部分/小数量/少量的a large number of 大部分/大数量/大量的22.go to the baseball game 去看棒球赛 report 科学报道/报告
1 运动营 2 可以 3 去野营 4那边的是什么? 5 他会在六月的第一个礼拜离开 这里没有具体指明哪一天 不用加on
6 不可以 7 度一个轻松的假期 8 不可以 there who speak french 是一个宾语从句 要么改成 there speak french 省略连接词who 9 是问你将从哪里离开 10 采纳这个计划 11 (做这个事情)花了多长时间
it takes 表示花...
翻译 Youth Camp
Youth Camp 青少年夏令营
youth camp = 青年营
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Translation: phantokki@icarus-walk s . n e tThanks for their sharing!
P.S.icarus-walk这个网站是我找到的一个国际型的EH英文fan-site,我是看到了管理员的围脖才发现它的。这个网站里头的high skool都非常活跃,之前EH十周年活动时那个饭制视频就是他们做的,还把tablo给看哭了。有兴趣的童鞋可以搜搜看!
开场Tablo: I thought my life was over. They called me a swindler, a cheater, a fake. They asked how could they trust me if I was that kind of person. I wondered if the events that happened to my family were because I worked in this field. I had to accept the truth, but I was scared.Lee Kyung Gyu: This person has really needed healing.Han Hye Jin: He really needed itLee Kyung Gyu: Icon of hateLee Kyung Gyu: Icon of sufferingLee Kyung Gyu: Icon of tearsHan Hye Jin: Please come out!Lee Kyung Gyu: It's Tablo!Lee Kyung Gyu: Why did you carry this out?Tablo: Well, this phrase relates to me. To making a new start: Don't Hate Me.
Han Hye Jin: It appeals to your emotions.Lee Kyung Gyu: What % of the public do you think hates you?Tablo: I don't even know. 50% probably hate me, while the other 50% don't care.Lee Kyung Gyu: Well you can’t always receive love. Because there are people who don’t like you, there are those people who like you all the more. Ladies and G 3, 2, 1, Don’t Hate Me~
关于新专辑和anti Lee Kyung Gyu: So a new album came out and you’re promoting. What is your title song?Tablo: Don't Hate Me, Up, and It's Cold. The three songs.Lee Kyung Gyu: Why are you getting cold after you’ve gotten UP?Tablo: We actually started with It's Cold. Because, as you was cold.Lee Kyung Gyu: How many years has it been since you’ve last promoted?Tablo: My solo album came out last year, but my first broadcast was also my last...I started at Inkigayo, and it was my last. Yes, this is the first true promotion period in quite a while. About 3 years. I came out on a variety show a while ago, but I didn’t know it’d be my last appearance…Han Hye Jin: Well the program was cancelled anyways
Tablo: Yeah, the program disappeared and I disappeared as wellHan Hye Jin: You were in a shopping cart some time ago in your performance. I was slightly shocked.Lee Kyung Gyu: What concept is it?Tablo: Well...if you say it like it...I seem like some moron. I wanted to ride a cart. I wanted to start again, like a little kid, so I wanted to ride the cart. But...a lot of people said I was trying too hard to be happy. So hard, in fact, I seemed pitiful.Lee Kyung Gyu: In their thoughts, they thought you were forcefully trying to be happy.Tablo: They must be uncomfortable that I'm laughing (because he's had that sad image for a while now). I went to Jung Joon Ha's wedding (famous Korean comedian) a while ago, and to congratulate him, Epik High went together as a whole. We greeted his parents, and his father must not have known what job I had, because when he asked, his wife introduced me as "Tablo, the man who suffered emotionally." So I thought "I see...this has become my job." Therefore I decided I wanted to start anew with a bright image.
关于ta真要Lee Kyung Gyu:, 2010’s scandal. Tajinyo.Tablo: I don’t really think of it as a scandal.Lee Kyung Gyu: Well, those 9 main members are now under the police. Hasn’t everything been settled?Tablo: Yes, everything’s settled. But personally, the results aren’t really that important to me, because I know what the truth is.Lee Kyung Gyu: Did you feel that the truth would eventually come out?Tablo: But even if the truth wasn't revealed, I thought it was something I needed to accept. If it wasn’t revealed, yes it’d be unfortunate, but-Han Hye Jin: Didn't you feel falsely accused?Tablo: Um...just for a short time. Of course I was sad.Lee Kyung Gyu: But you did go to Stanford, right?Tablo: I will send you the evidence (dry humor)Lee Kyung Gyu: Did anyone you know become a part of TaJinYo?Tablo: I learned how to regret. Even amongst the people I trusted, there were a lot of people who suspected me. But I think that was inevitable. I put myself in their shoes, and I asked myself, if I were in that situation, would I have trusted Tablo? I would have suspected myself too.Lee Kyung Gyu: People who don’t know your past may think what the heck? It’s complicated.Han Hye Jin: When did you first know [about TaJinYo]?Tablo: I feel very complicated too. A lot of confounding situations arose. In November 2009, a netizen uploaded some suspicions.Han Hye Jin: Like what?Tablo: Like how there wasn't my name in the Stanford database. However, there was a different name I my real name, Daniel Sunwoong Lee, and my other name, Daniel Armand Lee. I changed it, so I could seem like I had something to my name, some status. But they had searched for the former name, so of course they wouldn’t find anything. As I encountered a lot of rumors before, I thought it wouldn't turn into anything big. My and company and I both thought it would pass. But somebody must have reported me to the police, because one day, a lot of articles began to come out. Then that issue began to attract more and more attention. But even then, because Hyejung was pregnant, I didn't pay much attention to the news. When the baby was finally born, I was ecstatic. It's such a happy event. I wanted to brag and I tweeted, but when I looked at the mentions, they weren't the congratulations I was expecting. There were so many that contained hate towards me, saying I was a swindler. I wondered what it was. Then I began to take it seriously.
继续Han Hye Jin: I heard that Tajinyo once had 200,000 members. But when you think that 200,000 people suspect you, if it were me, I would be scared.Tablo: Truthfully, it even had more members than our fancafe.Lee Kyung Gyu: How many are in your fancafe?Tablo: Oh, they all left. But, of course, even when I looked at the numbers, I didn't even know the faces behind them. When I went outside...even in the hospital, I worried. I looked at the nurses...doctors...they had to put shots into the baby, and I was nervous.Would those people suspect me too?Tablo: Yes, at first I was like that. I was very uncomfortable. I was scared of food poisoning… I gathered so much hate. I was scared. I couldn’t go outside for 3 years, because there was gossip that I could hear with my ears.Han Hye Jin: Like what?Tablo: One time, I was at the hospital. There was a mother with her daughter and they were going up the stairs, and I was going down. When we passed, she looked at my face, and said, "Isn't that the man who faked his education?" I didn't know how to react to that.Kim Jae Dong: Didn't you think you should explain it?Tablo: People don't know this, but after that incident, I left my company. I lost my manager and there were no people to support me. It was such an unbelievable situation to happen to one person. Immediately after, I searched for evidence. In July 2010, I provided my graduation certificate, my records, my teachers' acknowledgments. I thought that was all I needed. For a while, a bunch of articles came out, but after about 2 days, they went back to their accusations, saying even those were fake. Before they even listened to me, they listened to the news. I felt that if they’d rather trust the news than me, then they must have thought I wasn't a likeable person, much less one to be trusted. I thought "I guess I was living in peoples' hate all this time. That must be why they don't trust me. I must not have a right to be a celebrity. I should probably not do this work anymore.” But my friend, Bong Tae Gyu must have been worried about me, because he constantly came over to my house and stayed there, watching over me even as I slept. Then one day he cautiously told me to fight back. But I didn’t even know how to, didn’t know what to do. Then he told me he knew someone and he introduced me. I went to meet the professional, but when I met him, even he suspected me and told me he needed some proof – proof that I wasn’t fake. he went here and there, looking for everything. Afterwards, he called me and asked me why I was hiding it. And I told him he should’ve trusted me in the first place! So August 2010, all my evidence was gathered.
- -度娘什么都吞了
&三&Lee Kyung Gyu: You even went to America to get your evidence right?
Han Hye Jin: What was the reaction after it was released?Tablo: Even after it was released, they said it was fake.Lee Kyung Gyu: Didn’t your teachers provide evidence for you?Tablo: Yes, even my teachers came out and talked, but they were accused to be actors.Han Hye Jin: Wow. There was really no end to it.Lee Kyung Gyu: How many times did you try to prove yourself?Tablo: I think I showed the same evidence…I can’t count the number of times.Lee Kyung Gyu: Why didn’t you copy the documents?Han Hye Jin: Of course he’d gather even more suspicion if it wasn’t the original.Tablo: They asked the police to prove my evidence. But even when they proved it, TaJinYo didn’t believe it.Lee Kyung Gyu: Didn’t they even do some research on your name?Tablo: Yes. N they also dug up my childhood pictures. They said I wasn’t myself, and that I lived a lie. My English name is Daniel, but in America, it’s very common.Lee Kyung Gyu: Like Michael.Tablo: And Daniel Henney. There was a student there whose name was Daniel Lee. They said I stole his name and education and lived a lie.
&四&Lee Kyung Gyu: This is something you see in a movie, or drama. In Stanford, didn’t your colleagues come out to prove your legitimacy?Tablo: They did. After they were informed, they gathered, and made a lot of pages on Facebook. They posted lots of old pictures. But again, of course, TaJinYo bothered them and made my colleagues prove themselves as well. After that, I thought, the people close to me should not be involved in this. I felt too sorry to ask for help. For the documentary, the PD must have asked numerous celebrities to say some words for me, but they apparently rejected in fear of receiving backlash. For a second, I was a bit sad, but after another second, I realized I would have said no anyways, because it would most likely be in vain.Lee Kyung Gyu: When they didn’t believe you like that, did you feel any sort of anger?Tablo: The strongest feeling I first felt was sadness. CDs my fans bought – they broke them and sent me pictures. They said they were disappointed in me. I was so sad. I wasn’t able to show them enough of my true self. I couldn’t show them my true actions. I began to hate myself. But even after those feelings, I still thought I should support my family. There was no time to get angry.Lee Kyung Gyu: I heard there were many accusations towards your family as well.Tablo: Yes…a lot of accusations went towards my family, of course.Han Hye Jin: How..?Tablo: They started with me, and went one by one. My mom had a salon, but her customers slowly decreased. In truth, they went and searched them out a lot too. They lied and said they were the police to get them to come out. There were lots of phone calls, lots of threats to everybody, telling us to leave quickly.
&五&谈到过去的形象Han Hye Jin: What did they want? For you to leave from broadcasting?Tablo: Well I already stopped broadcasting by then…Lee Kyung Gyu: I can’t not ask you this question, but why? Why you? Why Tablo?Not us. But why you? Because you were smart? Because you seemed like you had everything? Jealousy? You were an UmChinAh (mom’s friend’s son). You went to Stanford, and debuted as a successful hip hop artist. You had an arrogant image as a hip hop artist on variety, a sort of hateful character.Tablo: Of course, I did.Kim Jae Dong: I still remember when he came out on YaShimManMan.Tablo: That was my first variety.Kim Jae Dong: It’s like fate. First broadcast with me, last broadcast with him.Lee Kyung Gyu: And your comeback broadcast is with us. What did you think of him?Kim Jae Dong: Truthfully, he has a pretty look. He went to a prestigious school. He was successful as an artist. I didn’t feel good about myself. Jealousy came to mind.Tablo: When I was in variety, to those of you who remember, I was blunt and truthful. I didn’t hide myself very well. Because Hyejung and I had a shotgun wedding, I declared to the public myself: we’re getting married. I’m the sort of person who speaks without thinking. Because Epik High was doing well, we had a lot of confidence. That kind of confidence and arrogance you f they saw me as arrogant. I understand that. I talked in a way that was easy to hate.
已经做了一点了,楼主我们三个人可以一人翻译一部分,你把完整的发到我邮箱里,@ ,今天就可以开始翻。
Tablo: I was originally…if I liked someone, I really liked them. If I hated someone, I hated them. When I was little, I pretty much only liked two teachers. I hated everyone else. But I liked them because they respected me too. My personality was like that. And the way I looked at the world – I believe that the way I act towards the world, I will get it back. Now, I’m more neutral. Again, back then, when I was in variety, I had that sort of character: suspicious. Nowadays, I’m not like that. Back then, I used to
I’m watching you.Tablo: In my Internet profile, my hobby was listed as conspiracy theories.Lee Kyung Gyu: Usually hobbies are listed as fishing.Tablo: Because
I didn’t know what to do. And I lack obedience. This is all old news though. As soon as I met someone who seemed commanding, I’d feel rebellious. I’d want to challenge them. However, nowadays, I give up quickly. Looking back, I wonder why I was like that.Lee Kyung Gyu: Nowadays, what is your hobby?Tablo: After marrying….obedience.Kim Jae Dong: So you do something when your wife asks you to?Tablo: Well I have to do it before she asks me.


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