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【翻译】Tizen Sample Web App官方文档说明 - weimingtom的待宵草 - ITeye技术网站
Sample Web App: Hang On Man
示例Web应用:Hang On Man
This is an implementation of the classic word guessing game. Features of this game, that may be of interest to web application developers, are:
Internationalization using either the chromium API (if present) or a JavaScript implementation
使用chromium API(如果存在)或一个JavaScript实现的国际化
Determining the computed style property value of an object, as opposed to the CSS value
Using document fragments for DOM manipulation, without costly re-rendering
Using local storage to save state
Reading data from local JSON files
CSS transforms, transitions, and animations
Serializing animation with the "transitionEnd" event
Using a body class to change the appearance of the entire app at once (see the "Night colors" image below)
Tricks with images: image masks, border images, linear and radial gradients, SVGs
Screen Shots
Title screen
Game screen
Night colors
In js/getMessages.js, there is code that provides a function window.getMessage(), with the same API as the window.chrome.i18n.getMessage() function. If the chromium function exists (such as running as an extension within chromium or Google Chrome), the implementation simply uses that function. If not, there is a simple implementation that provides most of the chromium functionality (but with some simplifications on message argument handling).
在js/getMessages.js中,有一段代码提供一个函数window.getMessage(),使用和window.chrome.i18n.getMessage()函数相同的API。如果chromium函数存在(诸如运行作为chromium或Google Chrome内的一个扩展),那么实现简单地使用那个函数。如果不是,则有一个简单实现,它提供大部分chromium的功能(但在消息参数处理上有一些简化)
Computed Style
For each style property, there is a CSS value explicitly provided in a .css document. This is the value you will get if you check a HTMLElement's style object. In many cases, the value will be en empty string (""), if there is no explicit mention of the property in any CSS file.
In some cases, you need to know the "computed value", which is the value computed by the rendering engine based on current window size, etc. In js/hangonman.js, we calculate the computed value with the following code (this does not work on all browsers in exactly the same way):
Document fragments
Whenever you change the DOM (add an element, change a class, etc), some or all of the view is re-rendered. In Hang On Man, we create divs dynamically for each alphabet letter, to support languages with a different number of letters. One approach is to wait until the DOM content is ready, then append a series of letter divs to the document, each with its own collection of classes and style values. This is works, but would require many rendering passes, delaying the final appearance of the application.
每当你改变DOM(添加一个元素,改变一个类,等等),一些或所有视图被重新渲染。在Hang On Man中。我们为每个字母表字符动态地创建div,以支持使用不同数量字符的语言。一种方法是等待直至DOM内容准备好,然后尾加一系列字符div到文档中,每个带有它自己的class集合和style值。这是可行的,但将需要许多渲染传递,拖延应用程序的最终出现。
In Hang on Man, we use the concept of document fragments to create a DOM subtree outside of the document and add the whole thing at one time, incurring only one render pass. The fragment can be constructed even before the DOM is ready, allowing computation to start once the script is loaded.
在Hang on Man中,我们使用文档片段的概念在文档的外面创建一个DOM子树,并一次性地添加全部东西,仅导致一次渲染传递。片段甚至可以在DOM准备好之前被构造,允许一旦脚本被加载时就马上开始计算。
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (i = 0; i & ++i) {
var child = document.createElement("div");
Once the DOM is loaded:
var parent = document.getElementById("parent");
With this, all the children of the fragment are now direct children of the parent (the fragment is never actually part of the DOM).
Local Storage
We save game state persistently with the localStorage object. In js/hangonman.js, there are functions, initGameState(), restoreGameState(), and saveGameState(), that write to and read from this object. Since localStorage information is not sandboxed per application, we preface each datum with "com.intel.hom." (hom == Hang On Man) to avoid clashes.
我们用localStorage对象持久地保存游戏状态。在js/hangonman.js中,有一些函数initGameState(),restoreGameState(),和saveGameState(),它们写入和读取这个对象。因为在每个应用程序中localStorage的信息不被沙箱,所以我们对每个基准前面加上“com.intel.hom.”(hom是Hang On Man的缩写)以避免冲突。
Note that arrays and other complex data structures can be stored in local storage by marshalling to and from strings, using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse(). See restoreSettings() for an example usage.
JSON files
Hang On Man contains several word lists. Players can select for different kinds of words (animals, nations, win terms, common phrases, etc). Each word list is stored in a separate JSON file. We read these files using XmlHttpRequest(). In the current code, we read all lists synchronously and in series. See initWordLists(). An obvious next step in speeding the initial app load time would be to load these lists on demand and in the background, using asynchronous requests or even a webworker.
Hang On Man包含几个单词列表。玩家可以选择不同类型的单词(动物、国家、酒术语(注:应为wine terms),一般短语,等等)。每个单词列表被存储在一个单独的JSON文件中。我们使用XmlHttpRequest()读取这些文件。在当前代码中。我们同步地和依次地读取所有列表。参见initWordLists()。在加速最初应用加载时间的明显下一步将是根据需要加载这些列表并且在后台中,使用异步请求或者甚至使用一个webworker。
One point to consider, when developing applications with XHRs, is that pages loaded with the file:// uri scheme are not allowed to request files from different domains, even from localhost (local files). Ways to work around this security check are:
Start a local web server and access your app with a http:// uri rather than a file:// uri
Load your app as an extension [chromium only]
Use the --disable-web-security switch went running chromium-browser. [chromium only].
Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
A transition steps between two values of a property over time. In this case, we go from invisible (opacity is zero) to shown (opacity is one). As the div fades in, it goes from large (3x) to normal size. The transition is triggered by adding the "shown" class to the element. Note, also, that z-index changes from 0 to 20, so that when it is invisible, it is also stacked behind other divs, so it does not capture mouse events.
#letters {
z-index: 0;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: scale(3, 3);
-webkit-transition: opacity 2s ease-in, -webkit-transform 2s ease-
letters.shown {
z-index: 20;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
An example of two animations at the same time with different durations. The effect here is for the birds in the game to hover with small, apparently random movements.
@-webkit-keyframes move-horiz {
0% {left: 0
-webkit-transform: skewX(0deg);}
50% {-webkit-transform: skewX(1deg);
75% {-webkit-transform: skewX(.5deg);
100% {-webkit-transform: skewX(-.75deg);
@-webkit-keyframes move-vert {
0% {top: 0}
50% {top: 5}
100% {top: -5}
.dialog.shown .inner {
-webkit-animation: move-horiz 2.5s infinite alternate ease-in-out,
move-vert 1.6s infinite alternate ease-in-
In some cases, we need to know when a transition is complete. For the clouds scudding across the sky, once each cloud has reached the side and its movement has ended, they are destroyed with a call to destroyCloud(). Note, also, the use of the classList property to manipulate classes in a standard HTML5 way.
var cloudElem = document.createElement("div");
var classList = cloudElem.classL
cloudElem.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', destroyCloud, false);
Body classes
The term "body classes" refers to the use of a class on the body element or some outer element to control the appearance of many child elements. In Hang on Man, we can apply a nocturnal theme just by adding the "night" class to &body&. See css/hangonman.css. A simplified example:
术语“body类”是指在body元素或一些外部元素上使用一个class来控制许多子元素的外观。在Hang on Man中,我们可以只通过添加"night"类到&body&来应用一个夜晚主题。参见css/hangonman.css。一个简化示例:
&div id="sky"&
&div class="cloud"&&/div&
&div class="cloud"&&/div&
background-image: url("daysky.png");
.night #sky {
background-image: url("nightsky.png");
.night .cloud {
Tricks with images
background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial,
center bottom, 1,
center bottom, 600,
color-stop(0.60, #43c0fa),
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,
from(rgb(254, 220, 112)), to(rgb(217,86,78)));
Image masks:
#skyline {
background-color: #333;
-webkit-mask-image: url("../images/skyline.png");
Border images. These are used in several places to enable graphics to stretch to accommodate translation strings of different lengths. For example, the "New Game" dialog, which looks like a bed sheet held by two birds, is stretched to the width of the longest category. The "New Game" and "Quit" buildings, on either side of the screen, are also stretched, but use the "round" method to show an integral number of building windows across the width of the building.
#newGame.control {
border-width: 94px 20px 5px 20
-webkit-border-image: url("../images/building1.svg") 94 20 5 20
.dialog .inner {
border-width: 145px 95px 35px 75
-webkit-border-image: url("../images/sheet2.png") 145 95 35 75
Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
#myElement {
background-image: url("../images/cloud.svg");
Sample Web App: Annex
The Annex application is a good example of how to design a person-against-person or person-against-machine web application. The UI was created using HTML and CSS and the AI engine is implemented completely in JavaScript.
The Annex application doesn't use any Tizen specific API calls, so it can be run in many popular browsers which support HTML5. The application consists of a view layer, written by HTML5, and a control layer, which contains the AI engine and the game process control module, written in JavaScript. It also uses the JQuery, a fast and concise JavaScript Library for rapid web development.
The Annex game demonstrates some interesting features:
Javascript implementation of a game AI engine
Control DOM object dynamically with Javascript & CSS
Screen Shots
Welcome Screen
The AI engine is based on the Minimax Game(Adversarial) Tree algorithm. In game tree theory, searching depth and accuracy of the chessboard evaluation method are the most important aspects related to game AI ability. In Annex, the default searching depth is 3, implying the difficulty level of game, and can be increased to a higher value, like 4 or 5. The higher searching depth means higher difficulty, more CPU time and memory consumption, and slower computer player response. In the js/annex.js file, this is mapped to the "level" property:
For the evaluation method, Annex integrates three aspects: mobility, number of pieces, and position value.
Mobility is how many places the current player could possibly set a stone.
Number of pieces is how many of each player's markers are on the board.
Position value means how favorable each position is on the reversi board.
In a reversi game, occupying gainful places is very important. In the js/annex.js file, the evaluation function is:
evaluate: function(place, _color, _board, _level, _heap)
The parameters:
"place" means where to set the stone
"_color" is the stone color
"_board" is the chessboard before setting the stone
"_heap" is the game tree data structures
"_level" is a flag pointing out whether to stop searching the game tree.
At first, the function will set the stone on the board to get a new chessboard, and then, evaluate the new board by mobility and pieces value. The pieces value is made up of the value of the place where the pieces are set, as well as the number of pieces.
Then, the AI engine can evaluate each move and choose the best one. In js/annex.js, the function bestPlace(possible) does this:
ret = possible[0];
var value = this.evaluate(ret);
for (var p=1; p&possible. p++) {
var v = this.evaluate(possible[p]);
if (v & value){
ret = possible[p];
Here, the variable "possible" means a collection of possible setting places for a player, according to the Reversi rules.
Control DOM object dynamically
In some cases, we need to make some DOM objects visible/invisible. For Annex, it used a css swither named "display_none":
.display_none {
We can use this to control whether DOM objects display on screen (with the Jquery Javascript library) like this:
我们可以使用它来控制DOM对象是否显示在屏幕上(使用Jquery Javascript库),像这样:
In Annex, this is used in many places, for example, in js/annex.js, when controlling the help panel:
showHelp: function() {
exitHelp: function() {
When you need to show the help panel, the showHelp() function makes the DOM object with the id attribute value "help" visible on screen. The exitHelp() function is called to disable it.
Sample Web App: Counting Beads
Counting Beads is a simple web application built using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, and JQuery. It targets young kids, teaching them counting up to 50.
The game starts off showing the home screen, where you can either start the game directly or learn how to play. The game screen has 5 bars with 10 fruity beads each. 3 questions are randomly generated and the user needs to move the many corresponding fruit beads. On a correct answer, the game reinforces the child's confidence with positive phrases. If all 3 answers are correct, the game transitions to the "good job" screen, after a 7s delay, to allow the user to look through their answer or start over.
Counting Beads showcases:
the dynamic creation of the DOM elements: document.createElement()
CSS3: -webkit- and -webkit-
JQuery Animations: .animate(), .delay(), .fadeIn(), fadeOut() and .queue()/.dequeue()
The app also demonstrsate manipulation of CSS3 properties from javascript, such as manipulation of backgroundImage, element's height, width, positions, just to name a few. The app is internationalized according to Chrome i18n guidelines (usage of chrome.i18n.getMessage("messagename") ). For more details, refer to: /chrome/extensions/i18n.html
Screen Shots
Home Screen
How To Play
Appreciation screen
Good job screen
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