
九&:&neun ...
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九&:&九。ここの ...
九&:&nove ...
258 个回答
我这里提供一种新的思路,不列出具体的表达技巧,而是告诉你应该如何判断以及寻找这些高级的表达,写出地道的文章。在接触英美人士的过程中,有时候你会发现这种所谓的表达差异性:同样是在说明一件事情,native speaker 的表达给人的感觉要灵活简洁很多,比如要表达“他参加了竞赛”,一般人想到的可能是 "He took part in the competition ",但老外的说法可能是"He entered for the competition", “他肯定要60岁了”很可能不是"He must be nearly 60 years old" 而是"He must be going on for 60",类似的情况还有很多,为了更好地说明问题,我找了一个例子。下面这篇短文是一名外教写的自我介绍,发表在国内某英语杂志上:上面的短文是不是读起来挺舒服,给人的感觉很地道?这是什么原因?我们可以仔细分析一下,注意下面加粗的部分:Being "The New Guy" at Crazy English is something I take pride in. I've been "The New Guy" many times in my life: at new schools(after being kicked out of a few for insubordination),in new shows (over 30 live stage productions),and in new homes(I end up moving every year or so).I used to hate being " The New Guy" in town, having to adjust to a new way of life at the drop of a hat,but that is no longer the case. I've only been here a few weeks,but I am already starting to find my place here at CE Magazine HQ. I even drew a mini-map to help me find my new colleagues' cubicles.My colleagues are all easy-going and enjoyable to be around. On a daily basis,they all seem eager to share their knowledge and experience, especially through my new QQ group. The work environment here is neither fast-paced nor stressful( as opposed to when I waited tables on Manhattan's upper west side),and my superiors are a far cry from the whip-cracking-slave drivers I grew accustomed to working under back in the States.All in all,I am having a blast!你应该注意到了,文章中并没有出现很多大词和难词(除了一个insubordination),但小词和短语的应用非常灵活且恰到好处。比如“对某事感到骄傲”,我们一般用"be proud of ",但文中用了"take pride in",“最终处于…”,作者用了"end up doing sth"(这个表达很常见), 表示差别很大用的是"a far cry from sth"(这个也很常见),“每一天”不说"Every day " 而是 "On a daily basis",表示“随时,马上”不是用"in a hurry",而是"at the drop of a hat"...正是这些灵活的短语和小词让整篇文章显得很地道,读起来有节奏感。从上面的分析我们可以得到的启发是:要写出地道文章的第一步并不是一味追求所谓的大词难词,而是要先把最简单的小词和短语给学好用好。我们有必要回头去重新学习我们曾经“熟视无睹”的单词。比如"see"这个单词看起来似乎人畜无害?但如果你去翻翻朗文词典的话会发现它有几十条释义,有些搭配你可能见都没见过,更别说用了,比如see through,see over sth ,see about sth,see sb/sth out 等,而这些我们认为陌生的短语和表达,可能会在母语人士的文章中被大量应用。这些“看起来很简单但我就是写不出来”的东西,才是我们需要积累的东西。应该怎样去积累这些表达?大量阅读是一个方法,通过阅读,发现好的表达,然后一步步积累下来,这是最正常的做法。但在这里我想说的是一种比较“极端”的方法:读词典。词典确实是可以拿来读的,类似于上面提到的"see,go,enter,pride" 这类简单词,我们完全可以把词条通读一遍,留意一下有哪些新鲜的搭配和用法,有些可能会让你大开眼界“居然还能这样用”,比如我之前在朗文词典中发现了"a match made in heaven" 这个说法,跟汉语中的“天作之合”完美对应。当然这里并不是要叫你拿一部大砖头词典一个个单词去翻去查,这样下来谁都会崩溃的。我用技术手段做了一点微小的工作,用一种更加巧妙的方式来读词典。具体思路是这样的:1.确定有多少值得注意并认真掌握的单词2.把这些单词在词典中对应的释义导出来对于第一个问题,我参考了目前比较流行的柯林斯五星词频理念,将柯林斯五星,四星以及三星共计1000多个单词提取出来,做成词汇表,这些单词就是值得我们重点掌握的小词。有了词汇表之后,我们还需要把这些单词在词典中的释义提取出来。在这里我采用的词典是朗文英英5(因为这本词典的单词短语搭配非常丰富,例句也很棒,极具学习价值),将词汇表中每一个单词在朗文词典中的解释都导出来后形成html文档,并调整了一下布局,最后导出来的文件长这样子:文件中包含了每一个单词在朗文词典中的完整释义,换句话说,其实这是一本词汇书,而且还是定制版的。怎么使用?你可以将它放到手机平板或者电脑上,使用浏览器打开,建议把词汇书通读一遍,碰到好的表达就截图或者做标记,方便日后复习。词汇书的下载链接我放在文末,如果你想自己制作词汇书的话也可以参考这篇文章:除了读词典之外,大量阅读“地道”的英文材料也是一个好方法。这里我给“地道”下的定义是:话题贴近日常生活(比如日常衣食住行,生活感悟等),实用性较高。但这种材料并不好找。《经济学人》这类外刊并不一定合适,因为他们是严肃的政经材料,用来准备雅思托福作文肯定没问题,但当涉及到与日常生活相关话题时却并不一定管用,假如现在让你用英文写一下自我介绍,你总不能用《经济学人》那种君临天下指点江山的文风来写吧,而应该参考一下上面那篇外教文章的风格。在这里推荐一些比较好的材料:贴近生活的原版畅销书以及电影剧本。之所以要强调是“贴近生活的原版畅销书”,是因为原版书也分很多类,比如经典名著(像 1984, The Great Gatsby ),商业读物,名人传记,青春文学小说等。年代过于久远的经典以及专业性太强的读物并不适合,我们需要的读物应该是话题喜闻乐见,用词鲜活地道的作品。从这个标准来看,不少畅销小说可以满足这个特点,比如 Gone Girl, The Time Traveler's Wife ,具体的书单可以参见美国亚马逊的畅销书排行榜以及书评。另外一个需要着重介绍的材料是电影剧本。电影字幕相信很多人都听说过,但了解电影剧本的就比较少了。剧本除了包含台词(字幕)之外,还带有人物动作的说明,剧情背景以及剧情进度的说明等。比起看电影学英语,我更加推荐“读剧本学英语”——因为剧本中包含了电影中所有台词,而且还带有大量背景说明,看完电影再读剧本的过程就相当于把电影场景又脑补了一遍,在这个过程中对台词的理解会大大加深,各种鲜活的表达也能更加深刻地记忆。我记得盗梦空间(Inception)在电影开头有这样一个场景:在梦境中 Nash 走到了窗边,拨开窗帘观察外面的情况。如果让你来写这个场景,你会怎么写?剧本中是这样写的 " Nash moves to the window, parts the curtains."
是的,part 在这里居然还可以当动词用,而且用得非常自然。脑补完电影中的场景之后,相信你对 part的动词用法再也忘不了了。而这样的例子在剧本中往往大量出现,一部电影的剧本读下来笔记都能写好几页了。希望通过看电影学英语的同学可以尝试下这种方式,找几部之前看过的电影,下载对应的剧本去认真读一读,并做好笔记,然后再重新看一遍电影,这样收获会比单纯看电影大很多。需要下载剧本的同学可以按 "电影关键词+movie script" 的方式搜索,比如 "Inception movie script",或者可以去IMSDb(The Internet Movie Script Database)这个网站下载,链接是 总结:要像母语人士一样写出地道的文章并不是一件简单的事情,它需要大量的素材积累,最简单的小词和短语也一定要学好用好,在这个基础上,多接触不同的英文材料,比如各种贴近生活的原版书,各种电影电视剧本,从这些材料中积累对于母语人士而言最自然的表达,才能慢慢写出地道的英文。Q&A:写得地道的文章一定是好文章吗?不一定,地道与否是衡量一篇文章好坏的重要标准,但并不是唯一标准——思想和逻辑同样重要。有兴趣的同学可以看看下面这个视频,如果让外国人来考雅思会怎样?实际情况是,对于GRE写作(甚至更简单的雅思写作)来说,即使让一名野生老外来写,也不一定能够拿高分,GRE写作同样让很多美国学生头疼。因为比起浅层次的表达,思想与逻辑才是最难掌握的东西。除了追求语言表达地道之外,文章做到逻辑严密,思想深刻,才是我们最终的目标。柯林斯词表下载:
The night before I took the IELTS test for the first time, I said to myself, “Look. If I get quadruple 8, I’ll pay it forward by reaching out to as many people as I possibly could and helping them with what I know, time and resources permitting.” Thank God we made it, and I thought what better way to share my knowledge than to write out this mini article on Zhihu, so there you have it!
*Disclaimer: This piece of work is by no means comprehensive and still leaves a lot of room for improvement, but hopefully it will shed some light on, or at least pique your interest in learning English. That said, I wish you all best of luck in the pursuit of knowledge, happiness and of course awesome English! 第一次考雅思的前一晚上,我对自己说,“嘿,我要是拿到4个8,就将正能量传递下去,在时间和资源条件允许下帮助尽可能多的人。感谢上天让我拿到了,我想没有比在知乎上写这个干货分享知识更好的方法了!所以接招吧!
*声明:这个文章并不能完全涵盖所有知识点,而且还有很多可以提高的空间。但我希望可以让你对英语学习多一点认识和兴趣。最后,祝你们在追求知识,幸福和厉害的英语路上一帆风顺! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第三次更新!1600收藏!谢过。爱过。据说看完一个超级干货答案后赞了的朋友都有好运:) 先定义:高级的英语表达技巧,私以为是地道,针对不同的场合和对象,无限接近母语,并且在生活/工作/应试中利用率和回报率高。以下答案讲从口语和写作两部分下手,并细分到不同应用。都有编号,利于翻阅。
目录:0.前言0.1 这个答案适用的人群0.2 用法0.3 小结1.口语 1.1 口语高频句式 1.2 日常生活必备礼貌语 1.3 容易犯错的表达 1.4 发音易犯错的单词 1.5 不好描述的物体 1.6 装逼(提升B格的slang,适用于和各国爱装B的年轻人交流)1.7 正式场合英语(用于演讲,presentation,职场英语等) 2.写作 2.1 核心句式 2.2 核心语法 2.3 核心写作词汇3. 干货资源---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0. 前言我先对这个答案的适用对象,用法等做一个简单解释。心急的同学可以直接跳过这部分!0.1 这个答案适用的人群:雅思/培生/托福备考,单纯想要提高英语口语/写作,中英口译/笔译交流学习,商务/工作英语,把妹/装B/和女神男神聊天。
0.2 用法:除特别指明外,这个答案中绝大部分的用法适用于任何英语国家(美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,新加坡等等)。
0.3 小结:答主语言功底和阅历有限,虚心交流学习,还请各路高手指正,共同进步!大家不要只收藏/感谢,有帮助的话请用力赞,给答主继续写下去的动力! 1.口语
1.1 口语高频句式
I'm having a bit of a problem/trouble/issue with xxxxxI'm glad/sad/disappointed/happy/excited/relieved that I haven’t had time/a chance toI think/suppose/reckon/believeIf I’m not wrong/If my memory serves me right/If I remember correctlyI hope you don’t mind but xxxxx It’s been a wonderful week/day
It’s an amazing/fabulous feeling to be able to xxx
You gotta be kidding me. Come on. Nah stop it. Don’t bluff me.
Ohhh I’m so flattered. Stop it. You are making me blush.
1.2 日常生活必备礼貌语
Just wondering if I could have a look at your assignment? I was wondering if you could give me your office hours?
I just wanted to ask whether you’ve seen my message?
Is it cool/alright/ok if I skip the lesson tomorrow?
Would it be possible to apply for an extension given the circumstances?
Do you mind sending me your C++ code tonight?
Would you like to come to my birthday party? Will you be going to the finance meeting tomorrow by any chance?If you could help me out with xxx, that would be awesome/fantastic. 1.3 容易犯错的表达
我明天要睡懒觉:I’m gonna sleep late/in tomorrow.
不是I’m gonna wake up late tomorrow. 我今早睡过了:I overslept this morning. 她已经上床了:She’s in bed already. 不是She’s on the bed already. 一比一平了!The score's one all.
或者 They drew one-one. 或者 The game was tied 1-1. 1.4 发音易犯错的单词 谢评论区的朋友们指正,有些单词发音受地域和个人习惯影响,所以有多种选择。以下尽量挑选出比较统一的,易犯错的单词。cliche: 结尾是ei音,/'kli:?e?/ 或者 /kl?'?e?/都可以,个人偏向第一种 niche :结尾两种读法我都碰到过,ch 或者 sh debut: ['de?bju:]colonel:一个发音耍流氓的单词,读作 /'k?:rn?l/,近似于kernel rendezvous (高逼格法语引进词)读为['ron day voo],会法语的也可以直接用法语读voilà (也是法语引进的)retail/retailer: 重音在前面,读作REtail/REtailer
exhibit(ik’zibit)---exhibition (’eksibition) 1.5 不好描述的物体
a flat/dead battery穿旧了的靴子
a pair of worn-out boots没气的轮胎a flat tyre
浴室的下水道 (地漏)the drain in the shower1.6 装逼(提升B格的slang,适用于和各国爱装B的年轻人交流)1.6.1 全球通用(偏北美)It's all about that SWAG. I'm so SWAGGG. (swag就是叼叼的样子/感觉/B格)You just got owned/trashed/pwned! (你被虐了)You just got punked/trolled/pranked! (你被耍了)What a legend. (大神/大牛)A big shoutout to my mom/my brother/my fellow countrymen (口语中感谢/打招呼/mention某人)Savage (bad ass) (牛/厉害的意思)Damn. That’s Legit. That's dope/sick/epic. (都是‘叼’的意思)What da f*ck/heck/hell is going on dude? (你tm搞什么鬼?!)What da f*ck did you say? You want beef with me? Real quick. (被打不负责。意思为:你tm说什么?!你找事?来吧。)My name's xxx but you can call me anytime. Roses are red. Violets are blue. You're gorgeous. Let's xxxx. (自由发挥)1.6.2 英国Fancy a cuppa? You wanker!!!Alright, mate?Bugger! Bugger all. Bloody hell. I was gobsmacked when she told me xxx.taking the pissCock-up – Screw upNicked – StolenChat Up – FlirtBob's your uncle. (有点老)1.6.3 新加坡Shiok!!! (means awesome) Walao eh. Don't talk cock lah. Every time you talk talk talk. Never do sh*t.Jialat. Forgot to bring my homework.
(It means "I'm in deep shit.")Can lah can lah. Ok lor. Like that also can?Don't be so kiasu lah. Steady steady.cb (被打不负责)1.6.4 澳洲mate. mate. mate. might. might. might. oi.oi.oiHeaps good. Fair dinkum. Bogan. Bogan. Bogan. Just chuck a sickie. She'll be right.Sweet as. No worries.Cheers/Ta. 1.7 正式场合英语(用于演讲,presentation,职场英语等) *上文1.2中提到的礼貌用法均适用于正式场合1.7.1开头概述"My presentation is in three parts.""My presentation is divided into three main sections.""Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally…""I'm going to…take a look at…talk about…examine…tell you something about the background…give you some facts and figures…fill you in on the history of…concentrate on…limit myself to the question of…"Please feel free to interrupt me if you have questions.""There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.""I'd be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation."1.7.2 呼应前文"As I said at the beginning…""This, of course, will help you (to achieve the 20% increase).""As you remember, we are concerned with…""This ties in with my original statement…""This relates directly to the question I put to you before…"1.7.3 引导听众"I'd now like to move on to…""I'd like to turn to…""That's all I have to say about…""Now I'd like to look at…""This leads me to my next point…"1.7.4 运用图表"This graph shows you…""Take a look at this…""If you look at this, you will see…""I'd like you to look at this…""This chart illustrates the figures…""This graph gives you a break down of…""As you can see…""This clearly shows …""From this, we can understand how / why…""This area of the chart is interesting…"1.7.5 总结陈词"That brings me to the end of my presentation. I've talked about…""Well, that's about it for now. We've covered…""So, that was our marketing strategy. In brief, we…""To summarise, I…""So I hope that you're a little clearer on how we can achieve xxx""To return to the original question, we can achieve…""So just to round the talk off, I want to go back to the beginning when I asked you…""I hope that my presentation today will help you with what I said at the beginning…"1.7.6 回答问题"Thank you for listening – and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them.""That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have.""Thank you. So you would like further clarification on our strategy?""Does this answer your question?""Do you follow what I am saying?""I hope this explains the situation for you.""I hope this was what you wanted to hear!"不知道如何回答的话:"That's an interesting question. I don't actually know off the top of my head, but I'll try to get back to you later with an answer.""I'm afraid I'm unable to answer that at the moment. Perhaps I can get back to you later.""Good question. I really don't know! What do you think?""That's a very good question. However, we don't have any figures on that, so I can't give you an accurate answer.""Unfortunately, I'm not the best person to answer that."1.7.7 出现口误 "Let me just say that in another way.""Perhaps I can rephrase that.""Put another way, this means…""What I mean to say is…"2.写作
2.1 核心句式 2.2 核心语法
There are fewer(不是less)/more
people in the library during summer break than semester period.
There is less/more enthusiasm among students after the exam.
Fewer/more candidates will appear in the upcoming elections.
Less and less/more and more time is spent on reading books.
They became less and less willing to spend money.
(倒装句和虚拟语气)2.3 核心写作词汇3. 干货资源据说看完一个干货长答案后赞了的朋友都有好运:)
准备好好答一下这道题~非词汇类技巧已更新,评论里有人问presentation 不紧张的技巧,随手写~1.Notecard (不和ppt矛盾)这个是演讲神器,把内容用point by point 的形式写下来 拿在手里,忘词的时候真的很管用2.在preseen的时候如果紧张可以双手交叉,握住一只手的食指,这样很管用,据说是因为十指连心。3.还是紧张的话,可以死死盯住一个人的眼睛 比如你的一个熟人,这样就不会在意别人的目光了4,最后,这是我妈告诉我的,把观众们都想成蔬菜!----------------------------------------------------------啦啦啦啦啦----------------------------------------------先说我答题的资格;在澳洲生活5年,雅思的口语 A类 8.0分 阅读,听力8.5 口语8.0 写作7.5审题得出的重点 :高级, 表达, 地道,听说读写四项里,属于表达 output 的是说和写,也就是口语和写作。我打算先写口语, 写作的话可以给大家看我写的两篇文章,一个是大一creative writing 的作业,得了学院论文奖的2等奖(其他都是老外) 还有一个是一篇短篇小说投稿给澳洲某文学奖。1.口语 (所有内容皆为本人原创)提高英语口语最好还是要置身在那个环境中,英语不仅仅是一门语言,也代表了一种文化一个国家的思维方式。如果有条件的话,最好是跟native speaker多说多练,人都会下意识模仿对方的语音语调,与其自己琢磨不如直接跟外教学效果来的好。其实现在网络这么发达,在线教学很多的,有兴趣的可以试试 更重要的是他们也会提供免费的体验课,你可以看看自己适不适合这种方式。在国外这几年,我遇到的口语表达的场合基本上可以分成三类:1.presentation用,打工/实习面试用
这是最正式的一类2.在大学里和教授,老师(tutor),沟通用,在银行,移民局,警察局,医院办重要的事(比如被拘留)时用,3.和日常生活中说英语的同学,室友,朋友们交流用,和服务业人员交流时用,这一类是最随意的。请注意,在这三个场合,老外眼中的”地道“的意思是不一样的,所以你的用词,说话的模式都应该是不一样的,就像”见什么人说什么话“一样,“在什么场合说什么话”也是很重要的。然后技巧,又大概可以分为两类,一类是”词汇类“的,就是你可以用到一些”高级"的单词和高级“的句式,长从句,连词之类。第二类就是“和你说的内容无关的”,比如你的连读,浊辅音和爆破音是否清晰,你的语调(升or降),断句和停顿 语速 等等....先说词汇类1. presentation 类。经常在国外大学做preseantation的同学就会知道,想得高分(一般情况下)你中间都说了什么其实并不重要,重要的是你的开头和结尾是不是印象深刻;有自信的气场,还有就是你的ppt。 中间说的内容不重要,重要的是 结构清晰 和 流畅(这真的是答主的血泪经验)既然是结构清晰和流畅·,我认为重要的技巧就是引导词和连词。先说连词,连词最好准备在你忘词或者这一段已经油尽灯枯说不下去的时候用。我觉得连词中”高级“的有,但是并不高级的那么明显,重要的是,你能在紧张到忘掉演讲词的时候想起来用个高级的连词。所以我建议你在presen开始前就要想好,比如对自己说”我今天一定要用"however" 和“as long as"下面说”高级“ :地道”的词1.However. however用在句首的效果和but基本一样,而且强调了转折,比起but是一个更好的选择。听过很多外国人做presen的表示,母语者使用的频率比非母语者高很多2. so that,在表顺承(仅限表顺承)的时候是一个比"and:高级很多的词3,since 和 as 表原因,比 because 高级很多,重要的是用了这两个词你可以说出很长的从句4. both and
either or, neither nor 这三兄弟谁用谁知道,是很提气的。用这三组的时候,说了第一个词就会强迫你思考后半句要说什么,虽然不高级,但是很神奇。引导词引导词的道理和连词差不多,只不过引导词更强调 “结构”,是提醒听众你接下来要说什么的关键推荐开头用1.First, we're going to ...2.I'd like to begin by outlining our present situation.3.You may not know that ...中间用Let's take a look at some of the implications of this.Taking into consideration what we have said about X, we can see that Y ...The main reason for these actions is ...We have to keep in mind that ... when we consider ...As you can see from this graph representing ...If you could just take a look at ...Looking at X we can see that ..There are a number of alternatives in this case. We can ...If we had ... , we would ...Had we ... , we could have ... Do we need to X or Y?I think we can clearly see that we can either ... or ...We have been considering ...结尾用We've discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:I'd like to quickly go over the main points of today's topic:Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.I think that's about it. I'd like to thank you all for coming in today. Do you have any questions?1.2 面试类国外的面试的特点我觉得是 假 大 空,不管是餐馆打工还是公司的intern.面试的很多问题会问类似“what kind of value could you bring to us"这样的。这个经验我没有 presen多,只提供几个大方向1.重要的是让面试官感到你的自信,或者说:确定性” 因此用词上,你可以It is sure/very certain that....it is very obvious that I am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxxI have certain confidence in xxxx2.要有中心,要在几个问题内让面试官知道你最明显的特点 因此 你可以As I mentioned before, I am a very xxx person and this could also apply to xxxx as wellIf you remember what I said in last question, I could xxxxxas I said before..........3.面试的时候,你通常不会有太多思考时间,因此为了给自己更多时间,你可以用 well, er等词拖延时间(这是可以接受的) 你也可以用一些打太极的招式,比如I am very confident that I can bring certain things to the firm/help the firm in many ways...in my understanding of the culture of this company.....I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and hence(争取时间的大招!)4.关于工资 你不能太直白地说 My expected salary ....你至少要委婉地加上你要求某个数字的原因IN reference to my xx years of working experience in the industry, I am expecting a payment like xxxxxIn regard of the average salary in the industry............ considering the industry.....二. 和大学教授或者助教(tutor)交流用&其他公共场合用2.1在国外的大学里,如果你要向教授或者助教问问题的话,请牢牢记住一点,他们都是很忙的,有自己的timetable, 所以给你的时间是极其有限的。在这种情况下,所需要的技巧就是“快速表达你的目的” 换而言之 就是 "action message"—— 你要干啥。我见过太多留学生一见面要先和教授谈这节课难不难,天气不好什么的。。。说一些老外们和教授沟通的技巧1.如果你在undergradute,那你基本可以直接叫教授们的名字(请先在课程介绍里记住他们的名字!!) hi, john这样就可以但是如果你在读研究生,那你可能需要加敬称 比如 professor xx 或者 miss/mrs xxx 读博士就是 boss了 。。2.为了开门见山的表达你的目的,你可以1,Hi John, just about the efffcient frontier you mentioned in the leture,没错,你甚至都不需要加疑问词!相信我,教授们不会怪你的2. Can I ask about xxx in xx part of the textbook/ lecture?3.HI, john, in regearding of the issue of xxxxxx后面两种都算是比较正式的4.如果你是要问关于作业 assignment 的问题, 就需要先向老师们表明“你在做xx作业,这样他们才能提出具体建议。你可以HI, John, I am working on xx assignment, Can I get a few thoughts on xxx?Hi, john, in regarding of xx part of xxx
assignment, can I do like xxxxxxxHi, john ,I just want to know that wether it is alright to do xxx in xxx assignment?5.完事之后请不要忘了感谢!!2.2 在各种公共场所 比如 餐厅,银行等等1.餐厅点餐最地道的说法是 Can I have/Can I get ......?这句话万能的!!能用这个,最好不用 do you have.2.在银行或者邮局的时候,最好不要第一句话就是 ‘I want to xxxx" 你可以先问 HI, can I ask about eg. sending express mails/having a new account/bill payment然后再接你要干什么,就自然很多了。3.付款的时候 两种方式是cash and credit,请不要说 card。。嗯付款再补充一个,用卡的话他会问你是 debit
还是 credit, 我一般都选 credit,这样扣钱方便~4.饮料续杯地道的说法是top up 而不是 refill三.闲聊类(室友,朋友)这个就太多太多了,但是我想纠正一个误区,仅就我自己的经验来说,老外们,包括青少年日常聊天使用的俚语并不是很多,有几句经常听到的,但是说是俚语,不如说是表达方法 比如1. it is like.......这是老外最爱用的,几乎可以做一切句子的开头 或者可以是 ”i was like" "he/she is like....2.反问句 这也是老外很爱用的
why not go there/接名词don't you like him? don't you want to 3. i just wanted to 这个聊天的时候也很常用4.打招呼的时候最常用的是“hey what's up" 或者 ”hey bro/babe" 这个貌似都知道。。。告别的时候老外最爱用的是 "catch you later"5.老外聊天时很喜欢征求你的意见
Do you like it? 最常用(注意连读)what you think (注意不是what do you think )6.几个很酷的词。 bloody,
fucking+形容词 (嗯 只要说这个就很炫酷,就看你敢不敢说~)
stunner, beauty, pretty (这几个在夜店用) 透露一下老外约炮,作用等同于 约吗 的是
do you want to get out of here? 。。。。II 非词汇类,这个很多是不好写出来的,所以我就写成tips 形式吧1.停顿 (限于 presentation) 停顿就像七伤拳一样,在presentation 的时候,很多人不敢停顿,因为他们认为停顿时间过长,会造成忘词,或者是不自信的表现,导致他们从不停顿,一口气像跑火车一样把稿子说完完事,这才是不自信的表现。《国王的演讲》里澳洲结巴矫正师莱诺(你看是澳洲的吧!)对 bertie 说,在演讲时做长时间的停顿是严肃的象征。我用实际经验保证这是真的,我太享受我不说话,然后全场都屏住呼吸的那一瞬间了。但是有两个限制条件 (1 请不要在句与句之间停顿,要在段语段或者section之间停顿。(2.想好停顿后你第一个词说什么2. 我见过很多留学生说英语时,说一句话,前半句气势很足,声音很大,但是后半句声音就明显小了下去,为了避免这个,我建议说长句子开头时不要用升调,这样容易力竭,开头尽量声音低沉,把那种要起来的声音压下去,这样可以保证你后半句不出错。3.想在公共场合流利的表达,我有一个绝招就是多说长句子,我见过很多人发音不错,但是从来每次都只说10个单词以内。这样语言组织能力是不会得到提升的,即使你一个人自言自语的时候,也请多说长句子,这样你演讲的时候才可以边说边组织语言,不会结巴。4,演讲忘词的时候不要纠结于那一句话,如果实在想不起来,这句不要,直接开始下一局,流畅性最重要5. 连读,浊辅音 爆破音这些只能通过多说,模仿来达到很好的效果先这样
1. 最重要的就是——不要用错词!!!!!当你用 a bar of cigarettes 来表示一条烟的时候,剩下的再怎么说都是逗逼了。(一条烟是 a carton of cigarettes)搭配!搭配很重要!!!2. 扩大词汇量《中式英语之鉴》里作者明确说了,一直用动词+副词的方式是很 low 的,英语里词汇那么多,十有八九有特定动词可以表示某个普通含义动词+副词walk unsteadily 可以用 totter 代替;cry loudily 可以用 wail 代替等等。一直用各种动词+副词是文化水平不高的表现除了别老用副词之外,各种同义词的替换也很重要。以《银河系漫游指南》小说的开头为例Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded sun作者一连用了三个形容词 uncharted, unfashionable 和 unregarded 来表示偏僻的,另外还有个名词 backwaters3. 用好介词最经典的例子,林肯所说的“民有、民治、民享”,如果翻回英文,大部分人恐怕都会翻译 owned, governed and shared by people. 但是英文原文用的是 of the people by the people for the people,根本就没用动词。简洁有力4. 名词化。名词化是非常重要的,英文中一个句子只能有一个谓语动词,所以每一个动词的使用都必须小心谨慎,为了让句子简洁,把动词转换为名词是十分重要的。中国越来越多地参与地区性事务说明中国是个负责任的国家 上句如果用从句的话就累赘了 That China is increasingly participating in regional affairs shows that it is a responsible country.前面的从句改成名词就好多了 China's increasing regional involvement shows .....5.原则上就这些。但是真要应用起来,还需要大量的阅读和背诵为基础才能好好运用6. 补充一下口语的一条——千万不要把能拼读的缩写词一个字母一个字母地读!联合国教科文组织 UNESCO 不要读作 "U-N-E-S-C-O",要当作一个完整的单词读作/ju:'n?sk??/==============================================================号补充~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~沉寂了一段时间之后,这两天这个回答突然又多了好几个赞。所以再补充几点吧关于3用好介词的。再给一个很有典型意义的例子他正绝食抗议,声称对他犯有谋杀罪的判决不公正如果让中国人来翻译,首先的反应差不多是这样的句子: He is on hunger strike claiming his conviction for murder is unjust(我自己翻译的句子)这样的翻译其实已经不错了,不过还可以做到更好He is on hunger strike in protest at his wrongful conviction for murder(某部英英字典给的例句。每次读到这种多个介词连用的句子都特别爽快……)7.语序/逻辑的调整(这个不像上面是词层面的,本条是句子层面的。再往上段落、修辞层面的就心有余而力不足了)中文的特点是经常用语言的内容表达逻辑性,而不是用表示逻辑关系的关联词来表达。例如这道题目的问题 “有哪些高级的英语表达技巧,让人一听就很地道?”,完整的表达应该是 “有哪些英语表达技巧很高级,高级到让人一听就很地道?”(不知道这个例子够不够好……),这个题目翻译成英文,就算不用 so ... that ... 这样的句式,最起码也要加个 and 表达句子之间的关联(看到 and 不要觉得只能翻译成和)这就造成一个问题,那就是中文的句子顺序比较固定,在不使用连接词的情况下,必须遵守先因后果,先时间再事件等顺序,否则逻辑关系就表达不出来(当然你要是用了关联词,顺序就比较自由了)。但是写英文的时候,就不能总是遵循这样的顺序(不是不可以遵循,也不是说不遵循这个顺序就一定特别地道,只是说大家写文章要有意识的调整语序,让句子读起来更灵活,而不是始终差不多)比方说“你定罪后会被判处五年”(请大家试试自己翻译这个句子,“定罪”是 convict sb 或 sb is convicted,判五年是 five years' imprisonment,不需要纠结具体的词,重点是句式)==============================================================学渣(最普通的版本): When you are convicted, you will face five years' imprisonment. (如果是写作,也许还有人能够注意到可以把 when 从句放到句尾,但是如果是口语,恐怕很少有人能够做到,因为先因后果,先时间后事件的逻辑关系已经深深印入我们的语言习惯中。)学霸(准确来说是简洁一点,不过能把英文写简洁,对于很多人来说就已经算是学霸了):When convicted, you will face five years' imprisonment学酥(表面上看起来很高端,但是实际上是错误的版本):After being convicted, five years' imprisonment is inevitable(提示一下,是语法错误,而不是翻译地不精确之类的问题。请大家努力找哦~~~)学神(这个句子当然也不至于到学神的地步,只是说以中国人的标准而言算是一个好句子):you will face five years' imprisonment on conviction当然,这个例子也是介词用法的一个例子。但是更重要的是这个句子的顺序是先果后因,先事件后时间8. 主从句关系(这个是小问题)Busy as my father is, he never seems in a hurry这样的一个句子,其实问题不是特别大。不过,习惯上,主句在句子中比较重要,因此应该把代词所代替的主语分配给主句,从句不太重要,可以用代词所以最好把 my father 和 he 的顺序换一下Busy as he is, my father never seems in a hurry(大家读英文的时候可以注意一下,有良好写作风格的作者,是不会把代词所指代的名词放在句首的从句中,而是会放在主句中)其实这个问题和 7 中的中文语言习惯也有关系,因为中文中,就算先说的句子不重要,按照逻辑顺序,也会先把关键信息放到先说的句子中,后说的句子,哪怕更重要,也只会放置代词。但是英语不一样。主从句之间是有重要性区别的,这个区别同时也会反映到遣词造句上
补充:不编情景了,我决定把以前看外国电影时记下来的地道用法搬上来~ (继续待补充)..My dissertation is killing me. 【友情篇】1. I'll always have your back .
我会一直支持你。 = I stand behind you .
I got your back .
2. I know how you feel .
我明白你的感受。3. keep an eye on each other 相互照应4. You have to stay strong .
你要坚强。5. He didn't wanna tell on her.
他不想打她的小报告。 snitch 告密者,打小报告者6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。7. You want to bet on it ?
你想打个赌?8. keep her company
I'll pick you up tomorrow .
made your favorite dinner . 我做了你最爱吃的菜。11. It has been a long time .
好久不见。【爱情篇】 1. Never,ever,ever.
永远永远不。2. I take this seriously .
I'm with him . 我和他在一起。 (既可以指那个在一起又可以指那个在一起)
I'm with somebody else now . 我现在和别人在一起了。4. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。5. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。6.
got a tongue bath from sb 和谁谁舌吻。。额7.
I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。8. move in together
搬到一起9. He asked me to marry him . 他向我求婚。10. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together
你和我永远不可能在一起。11. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。12. Their marriage is going downhill . 他们的婚姻在走下坡路。13. You're so caring . It's touching . 你这么关心我,我好感动。14. the
girl is too good for you 你配不上那个女孩= you are not good enough for that girl15.
pop the lock on the closet
and come out
承认自己是同性恋16. I'm getting married .
You had an affair .
你出轨了。18. I will always love you .
我会一直爱你。19. I'll never leave you .
我再也不会离开你。20. He doesn't hover .
他不缠人。21. I dreamt of him .
我梦见他。 22. I dream about being with you forever .
我想永远和你在一起。23. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him .
(嘿嘿)24. Let's just give her some space .
给她一点空间。25. I can take care of you . 我能照顾你。 25. I miss you so bad .
我真的好想你。26. change my mind
改变心意27. He is a bad kisser .
他吻技超烂。28.You guys make a really cute couple . 你俩真是天造地设的一对。29.
I hope one day , I can love you the way that you love me .
我希望有一天,能像你爱我一样爱你。31. Are you seeing anyone ?
你在和谁交往?32. Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting . "
It was Shakespeare who also said, "Love is blind ." 莎士比亚也说过,爱情是盲目的。33. unrequited love 单相思
fall in love alone34. He cheated on you , but you stayed friends ?
head over heels
疯狂爱上某人,神魂颠倒She was head over heels
她是神魂颠倒了。36. do his laundry
37. swear on my life
用我的生命发誓38. —
I would never cheat on you , not under any conditions .我永远不会背叛你,无论在任何情况下。— Neither would I . 我也不会。39. In the world of love , cheating is not acceptable .
出轨去死。40. You are a knockout. 你太迷人了。41. We hardly know each other . 我们几乎不了解对方。42. Can I offer you a lift home ?
我能送你回家么?43. My palms are starting to sweat . 我的手心开始出汗了。44. He is a one-woman-at-a-time kind of guy. 他用情专一45. She push every guy away .
她拒绝每个男人。46. Do you want some company ? 想要有人陪么?【花痴男女篇】1. Heis in great shape .
他身材很好。2. a man of good taste 有品位的男人3.
insanely good-looking 极帅无比【学校篇】1. straight-A student 全优生2. no phones
no texting
不准发短信3. postpone the match 推迟比赛4. Play big .
好好表现。5. return the favor 还人情
open old wound 揭老伤疤【职场篇】 1. I got off work early .
我下班早。2.Is that a good living
你那份工作好么?3. It was tough starting out . 开始很难。(指创业等等)4. I subbing for her .
我顶替她。5. His contract is up .
他的合同到期了。6. Appreciate it .
v. 兼职 I moonlight as an adult-phone entertainer .
我兼职接听成人电话。8. I am on the paper .
我是报社的9. (对长辈说)I don't meant to be disrespectful , but .........
我无意冒犯,但是。。。。10. pay you the big bucks 付你很多薪水11. Severe stress makes women age prematurely .
How do I reach you ?
我怎么和你联系?【生活篇】1. How is going ?
怎么样?(打招呼时用)2. Let's reschedule .
我们改时间。3. Can I get a little help ? 能帮我个小忙么 ? 大忙可以说 Can
you do me a favor?4. This is kind of personal . 这有点私人。5. How you holding up?
(不知怎么翻译,一般用于去参加葬礼时候跟主人说的,大概意思是你没事吧)6. We'll take the check .
我们买单。7. I'm stuck .
8. The door is jammed. 门卡住打不开了9. I'm begging you . 求求你了。10.
I'm looking for sb .
(打电话时) 我找谁谁11.
She is not answering her phone .= She's not picking up the phone. 12.
unwrap the present 拆礼物13. Don't be mean . 别那么刻薄。14. It's the least we cando .
这是至少我们可以做的。15. door handles 门把手
door knobs 门把(圆的那种) I'm running out of time . 我就快没时间了。16. Go ahead .
继续。17. —What about battery life ? 电池电量如何?
—It's just less than half . 不到一半。18. How much does the phone have left ?
手机还能维持多长时间?19. You have conserve that battery . 你必须省着用电池。20. Is the ringer set on a sound or vibrate ? 铃声是设置在响铃还是震动?21. We are doing the best we can . 我们正在尽最大的努力。22.
I'm gonna throw up .
我要吐了。23. We'll blow-dry it.
我们把它吹干。24. Can I use the bathroom ? 我们用下厕所么?25. What's that suppose to mean ?
你说那是什么意思?(有点生气地问)26. We didn't mean anything .
我们没别的意思。27. It's not worth it .
这不值当的。28. I don't follow you .
我听不懂你说什么。29. He's making fun of you . 他在取笑你。30. You are up .
31. The clock is 3 minutes fast .
表快3分钟。32. cell phone reception
手机信号33. put it on their tab
记在他们账上34. two adjoining rooms 两个相邻的房间35. steaming tea
热气腾腾的茶36 put seat belt on
系上安全带 37. We ran into each other .
我们遇上了。38. now and forever 永永远远39. We'll always find the way back to each other .40. I hope you don't mind .
我希望你别介意。41. neat freak 洁癖42. We should get the bill .
我们该买单了。【人物评价篇】1. He is kind of temperamental . 他有点喜怒无常。2. You're so right .
你说的太对了。3. You look pale .
你看起来脸色苍白。4. I am really kind of suffer-in-silent type . 我是沉默寡言型的。5. your mood swings
你的情绪变化(你忽冷忽热)6. You have impressive power of observation .
你的洞察力还挺强。7. Clumsy me .
我真是笨手笨脚的8. She is so sure of herself . 她很自信。【个人感受篇】1. I feel sorry for you .
我为你感到遗憾。(当听到别人说不好的事情时用于安慰)2. yuck !
3. I'm so dead .
I'm scared . 我很害怕。5. It doesn't matter .
无所谓/不重要6. I'm freaked out . 吓死我了 = You're freaking me out. 7.
It is so excruciating . 太痛苦了。8. I'll be fine . 我没事。. 9
It's unbearable.
太难以忍受了。10. I regretted it very much .
我非常后悔。11. It's so funny and you will fall off your chair . 哈哈哈哈太有意思了哈哈哈。【其他篇】1. That's my stuff . 那是我的东西。2. I got caught .
我被抓住了。3. I got in trouble .
我碰上麻烦。4. That makes sense .
有道理。5. a starry night 满天繁星的夜晚6.
He blew it . 他搞砸了。7. I shouldn't have done that .
There you are .9. There is no way that happening .
weirdo 怪人
pervert 变态
11. We are even .
我们扯平了。12. Let's proceed .
我们继续。13. funeral home
殡仪馆14. Forget it .
算了。15. It's an absolute emergency .
I blacked out .
我昏迷了。 17. fan the flames 火上浇油18. I'm warning you .
我警告你。19. follow-up reports 后续报道
20. fly around everywhere
(空中飞人呢)到处飞21. I half-remember that .
我对那有点印象。22. vending machine 自动售货机23. Please every one form a single-file line . 请大家排成一队。24.
stop bickering
别吵了25. Your turn . 该你了。
加粗的是比较地道的用法~情景1: 学霸与学渣学渣: I've been studying like crazy for final exams. I think my brain is going to explode !!
我一直在为期末考试疯狂学习, 啊啊啊我的大脑要炸裂了!!学霸: Give me a break ! You've been binge eating Ferrero Rocher like a baby dinosaur the
whole time.
你一直在像个恐龙宝宝一样狂吃费列罗!!!学渣: I'm exhausted and I need a pick-me-up.
我都累瘫了,需要费列罗提神。学霸:Alright. Take a brain break and watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory with me. I
heard that Sheldon is gonna kiss Amy in this new episode.
好啦好啦,换换脑子跟我看一集生活大爆炸吧! 我听说这集谢耳朵会亲亲Amy噢!学渣: Spoil Alert !!!
啊啊啊讨厌不准剧透!!!学霸: My apologies. (Sheldon's voice)
(用谢耳朵的声音说) 我错啦!情景2: 八卦小姐妹Lucy and Lily 的下午茶Lucy: Did you know that Jimmy dumped Emily and came out of the closet ?
你知道Jimmy甩了Emily,出柜了么!!Lily:Oh my god !!! But Jimmy looks so straight !!
额滴神呀!但是Jimmy看起来很直呀!Lucy: I know !!
But to be honest, I always thought that Emily is out of Jimmy's league. It
seems like she is just his cover.
我也觉得!!不过实话说,我一直觉得Emily配不上Jimmy, 现在看她只是个挡箭牌。Lily:
Really? I think they are so made for each other .
Emily is pretty, she just didin't
photography well.
真的啊? 我觉得他俩挺般配呢!Emily挺好看的呀,她只是不上相。Lucy: I heard Emily was totally furious and threw drinks in Jimmy's face.
She has every right to be mad, but it's better to be grown ups about this .
她完全有理由生气,但最好还是成熟对待吧!Lucy: Oh...oh... 嗷嗷~Lily: What ? 咋啦? Lucy: I think I just got my period, do you have tampons right now ?
我好想大姨妈来了~ 你带卫生棉了么?Lily: Oh, we are in complete sync !!
哎呀,咱俩大姨妈完全同步呀!拿去!Lucy: You are my life savior .
【知乎上我已经明确标出了禁止转载,请不要擅自发表,随意改变原文,并且还打软广!我很生气!】让我来!天了噜这不就是我从高中时候开始就一直整理到现在的体系吗!我一直在想,英文表达中会不会有和数学公式一样的,可以快速完成两个语言转换的东西!!我们的广告词就是【不背单词不学语法,拒绝Chinglish,包教包会童叟无欺!简单粗暴,只有干货!】目录:1.为什么中式英语听上去那么奇怪2.其实只有两个基本句型3.看到这四种标志放在句首就对了4.怎么看标志转为英语名词5.连接常用动词6.形容词化的三种方法7.中文不行反着来的三种情况8.所有复杂句型都是基本句型加东西而来9.置于前和补充——————————————————————————————————————————————1.为什么中式英语听上去那么奇怪中式英语,或者谷歌英语,或者china daily英语。直接上例子。Eg1.
作为各位长辈的英语陪练,姐夫有一次想表达:我认识一个人,这个人和我有相同的职业。I know a person who has the same job as me.……这个句子吧,你不能说它哪里错,可是它听上去就是这么奇怪怎么破!问题出在哪里呢!……问题就是:姐夫实在是太实诚了I我 know认识 a一个 person人 who这个人 has有 the same相同的 job职业 as和 me我.……你太实诚了!就不能偷点懒吗!I know someone with the same career.问题1:多余成分太多Eg2.
我爸送我回学校,路上超级堵,他喃喃自语:这设计的有点问题啊。the design has some problems.……估计他自己也觉着不对了,看向我。于是我的答案:there's something wrong with the design.问题2:句式不调整Eg3.
我考我爸刺激就业怎么说,他沉默了一分多钟,我问他是不是在想:“刺激这个词儿英语怎么说来着?”他点点头。“就业的单词还记得吗?”我爸又摇摇头。其实不用非得想到stimulate和employment:刺激就业it brings more jobs.问题3:找英文一对一的对应单词2.其实只有两个基本句型99%的句子,用这两个小学生都会的句型就可以表达:主语+动词+宾语(不及物没有宾语)主语(it)+be+形容词3.看到这四种标志放在句首就对了(1)修饰以下形容词的名词:好坏、喜恶、早晚;特定、需要、不同etc首选黑白照片。(黑白……我们要的就是这种特定的照片,提前提前!)Black or white photos are preffered.【第一句型】作业交晚了要扣百分之50的分作为惩罚。(噩梦般的博弈论作业==)(晚了……提前)Late homework will get 50% penalty.【第一句型】(2)结果、原因类全世界都受到了全球变暖的影响。(全球变暖是结果,提前)The effects of climate change is felt around the world.看故事看的我鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。(故事是我起鸡皮疙瘩的原因,提前)The story gives me gooseflesh.(3)有特殊句式特征举例来说,早些时候有一个很火的“‘越来越多的人开始骑自行车。’的学霸学渣翻译版”。学渣版:more and more people begin to ride bikes.没错同学们,这是一个实诚的学渣。你谷歌下来的啊!虽然承认学霸版的Cycling gains its popularity. 很妙,但是伪学霸版的Cycling is attracting more and more people.也不错啊!而且更容易让我们掌握学习……学霸版的可能更多的要靠灵光一现吧。(好吧我承认我当年就是伪学霸ORZ不过所有的版本中,只有我们实诚的学渣把people放在了主语上,其他的全是Cycling(再次为学渣默哀Eg. 我把工资中的一大部分都用来交学费了。(一大部分……程度词)Much of my income goes on tuition fees.(4)数字、时间、地点等Eg. 我们结婚都有20年了。20 years have gone by since we got married.(大家可以比较一下和 we have been married for 20 years 的区别。)Eg. 西雅图的降水量很大。Seattle gets a lot of rain.但是当我刚才打下中文的时候,我的第一反应却是 It rains a lot in Seattle.正好,以这个作为结尾。那如果一个句子中同时出现好几个标志,我应该把哪个放在前面呢?答案就是……哪个都可以。因为,掌握了这四个标志,是为了让大家能在最短的时间内,最快地找到第一个说出口的词。我们不能够依靠偶尔的灵光乍现,来进行大量的、变化无穷的语言输出。4.怎么看标志转为英语名词a.句子中出现第二个动词时:直接去掉动词,保留名词同学们!别的都可以不会,这个一定要会啊!直接一招秒杀所有奇形怪状的Chinglish!直接上例子:Eg. 做一个男人就意味着承担更多的责任。没错我们实诚的Chinglish就会说成Being a man means carryingmore burden.一个句子中尽量只有一个动词。知道了方法大家可以自己试着改一下。很简单吧!直接就是把第二个单词carrying去掉嘛!Being a man means moreburden.Eg.我们会考虑做出改善的。Chinglish版: We will considermaking an improvement.修改版:We will consideran improvement.b.一个单个的形容词“好坏”“快慢”“加减”“长短”“重要”……修饰的动词:拟人化=直接+erEg. 如果这东西不挣钱……Chinglish版:if it doesn’t make money…修改版:if it isnot a money maker…是吧?直接把动词找到,加er。当然,这个拟人化也可以本身就是个人,只是把动词加上er,比如:Eg.他们的学习速度很快。普通版: theylearn very fast.修改版: they arefast learners.这种例子太多,我感觉我可以练一宿!
首先,你至少要保证用词正确哦。但是这可没有大多数人想象的那么容易,比如:- a group of bees 一群蜜蜂- break the myth 打破神话看起来没有问题哈,可是我告诉你这些用法都!是!错!的!这是受到中文思维影响的错误的英文用法,从“一群”想到“a group of”,从“打破神话”想到“break”。这种自作主张就是overgeneralisation,外国人看了要笑掉大牙哦。想要“地道”的用英文,首先记单词的时候就要知道正确的搭配(collocations)是什么,常用的搭配是什么。针对这个问题,请见我的另一个回答:下面分享一些技巧:1,用好动词。和中文相比,英语的动词非常丰富。每一个地道的句子,核心往往是一个准确无比的动词,简单有力,比如。(初级版)The dog bit the boy.(地道版)The dog tore through the boy's flesh.另外,减少程度副词的使用,比如“really”,“very”,"extremely"等等,这背后的核心还是动词的使用。比如:She was very scared,写成She was terrified更加好些。 “So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”
- N.H.Kleinbaum比如:really bad - terriblevery dirty - filthyreally tired - exhaustedvery happy -
thrilledShe's not very smart - She' ignorant.一些简单的例子,可以参考下表:一些描述感情的单词总结:一些描述感情的单词总结:一些同义词总结,写作的时候也可以借鉴哦:Amazing — incredible, unbelievable, improbable, fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, astonishing, astounding, extraordinaryAnger — enrage, infuriate, arouse, nettle, exasperate, inflame, maddenAngry — mad, furious, enraged, excited, wrathful, indignant, exasperated, aroused, inflamedAnswer — reply, respond, retort, acknowledgeAsk- — question, inquire of, seek information from, put a question to, demand, request, expect, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quizAwful — dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasantBad — evil, immoral, wicked, corrupt, sinful, depraved, rotten, contaminated, spoiled, tainted, harmful, injurious, unfavorable, defective, inferior, imperfect, substandard, faulty, improper, inappropriate, unsuitable, disagreeable, unpleasant, cross, nasty, unfriendly, irascible, horrible, atrocious, outrageous, scandalous, infamous, wrong, noxious, sinister, putrid, snide, deplorable, dismal, gross, heinous, nefarious, base, obnoxious, detestable, despicable, contemptible, foul, rank, ghastly, execrableBeautiful — pretty, lovely, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, dazzling, splendid, magnificent, comely, fair, ravishing, graceful, elegant, fine, exquisite, aesthetic, pleasing, shapely, delicate, stunning, glorious, heavenly, resplendent, radiant, glowing, blooming, sparklingBegin — start, open, launch, initiate, commence, inaugurate, originateBig — enormous, huge, immense, gigantic, vast, colossal, gargantuan, large, sizable, grand, great, tall, substantial, mammoth, astronomical, ample, broad, expansive, spacious, stout, tremendous, titanic, mountainousBrave — courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesomeBreak — fracture, rupture, shatter, smash, wreck, crash, demolish, atomizeBright — shining, shiny, gleaming, brilliant, sparkling, shimmering, radiant, vivid, colorful, lustrous, luminous, incandescent, intelligent, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectualCalm — quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloofCome — approach, advance, near, arrive, reachCool — chilly, cold, frosty, wintry, icy, frigidCrooked — bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzagCry — shout, yell, yowl, scream, roar, bellow, weep, wail, sob, bawlCut — gash, slash, prick, nick, sever, slice, carve, cleave, slit, chop, crop, lop, reduceDangerous — perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafeDark — shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sadDecide — determine, settle, choose, resolveDefinite — certain, sure, positive, determined, clear, distinct, obviousDelicious — savory, delectable, appetizing, luscious, scrumptious, palatable, delightful, enjoyable, toothsome, exquisiteDescribe — portray, characterize, picture, narrate, relate, recount, represent, report, recordDestroy — ruin, demolish, raze, waste, kill, slay, end, extinguishDifference — disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibilityDo — execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attainDull — boring, tiring,, tiresome, uninteresting, slow, dumb, stupid, unimaginative, lifeless, dead, insensible, tedious, wearisome, listless, expressionless, plain, monotonous, humdrum, drearyEager — keen, fervent, enthusiastic, involved, interested, alive toEnd — stop, finish, terminate, conclude, close, halt, cessation, discontinuanceEnjoy — appreciate, delight in, be pleased, indulge in, luxuriate in, bask in, relish, devour, savor, likeExplain — elaborate, clarify, define, interpret, justify, account forFair — just, impartial, unbiased, objective, unprejudiced, honestFall — drop, descend, plunge, topple, tumbleFalse — fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, spurious, untrue, unfounded, erroneous, deceptive, groundless, fallaciousFamous — well-known, renowned, celebrated, famed, eminent, illustrious, distinguished, noted, notoriousFast — quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, hasty, snappy, mercurial, swiftly, rapidly, quickly, snappily, speedily, lickety-split, posthaste, hastily, expeditiously, like a flashFat — stout, corpulent, fleshy, beefy, paunchy, plump, full, rotund, tubby, pudgy, chubby, chunky, burly, bulky, elephantineFear — fright, dread, terror, alarm, dismay, anxiety, scare, awe, horror, panic, apprehensionFly — soar, hover, flit, wing, flee, waft, glide, coast, skim, sail, cruiseFunny — humorous, amusing, droll, comic, comical, laughable, sillyGet — acquire, obtain, secure, procure, gain, fetch, find, score, accumulate, win, earn, rep, catch, net, bag, derive, collect, gather, glean, pick up, accept, come by, regain, salvageGo — recede, depart, fade, disappear, move, travel, proceedGood — excellent, fine, superior, wonderful, marvelous, qualified, suited, suitable, apt, proper, capable, generous, kindly, friendly, gracious, obliging, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, satisfactory, well-behaved, obedient, honorable, reliable, trustworthy, safe, favorable, profitable, advantageous, righteous, expedient, helpful, valid, genuine, ample, salubrious, estimable, beneficial, splendid, great, noble, worthy, first-rate, top-notch, grand, sterling, superb, respectable, edifyingGreat — noteworthy, worthy, distinguished, remarkable, grand, considerable, powerful, much, mightyGross — improper, rude, coarse, indecent, crude, vulgar, outrageous, extreme, grievous, shameful, uncouth, obscene, lowHappy — pleased, contented, satisfied, delighted, elated, joyful, cheerful, ecstatic, jubilant, gay, tickled, gratified, glad, blissful, overjoyedHate — despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominateHave — hold, possess, own, contain, acquire, gain, maintain, believe, bear, beget, occupy, absorb, fill, enjoyHelp — aid, assist, support, encourage, back, wait on, attend, serve, relieve, succor, benefit, befriend, abetHide — conceal, cover, mask, cloak, camouflage, screen, shroud, veilHurry — rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustleHurt — damage, harm, injure, wound, distress, afflict, painIdea — thought, concept, conception, notion, understanding, opinion, plan, view, beliefImportant — necessary, vital, critical, indispensable, valuable, essential, significant, primary, principal, considerable, famous, distinguished, notable, well-knownInteresting — fascinating, engaging, sharp, keen, bright, intelligent, animated, spirited, attractive, inviting, intriguing, provocative, though-provoking, challenging, inspiring, involving, moving, titillating, tantalizing, exciting, entertaining, piquant, lively, racy, spicy, engrossing, absorbing, consuming, gripping, arresting, enthralling, spellbinding, curious, captivating, enchanting, bewitching, appealingKeep — hold, retain, withhold, preserve, maintain, sustain, supportKill — slay, execute, assassinate, murder, destroy, cancel, abolishLazy — indolent, slothful, idle, inactive, sluggishLittle — tiny, small, diminutive, shrimp, runt, miniature, puny, exiguous, dinky, cramped, limited, itsy-bitsy, microscopic, slight, petite, minuteLook — gaze, see, glance, watch, survey, study, seek, search for, peek, peep, glimpse, stare, contemplate, examine, gape, ogle, scrutinize, inspect, leer, behold, observe, view, witness, perceive, spy, sight, discover, notice, recognize, peer, eye, gawk, peruse, exploreLove — like, admire, esteem, fancy, care for, cherish, adore, treasure, worship, appreciate, savorMake — create, originate, invent, beget, form, construct, design, fabricate, manufacture, produce, build, develop, do, effect, execute, compose, perform, accomplish, earn, gain, obtain, acquire, getMark — label, tag, price, ticket, impress, effect, trace, imprint, stamp, brand, sign, note, heed, notice, designateMischievous — prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish, sportiveMove — plod, go, creep, crawl, inch, poke, drag, toddle, shuffle, trot, dawdle, walk, traipse, mosey, jog, plug, trudge, slump, lumber, trail, lag, run, sprint, trip, bound, hotfoot, high-tail, streak, stride, tear, breeze, whisk, rush, dash, dart, bolt, fling, scamper, scurry, skedaddle, scoot, scuttle, scramble, race, chase, hasten, hurry, hump, gallop, lope, accelerate, stir, budge, travel, wander, roam, journey, trek, ride, spin, slip, glide, slide, slither, coast, flow, sail, saunter, hobble, amble, stagger, paddle, slouch, prance, straggle, meander, perambulate, waddle, wobble, pace, swagger, promenade, lungeMoody — temperamental, changeable, short-tempered, glum, morose, sullen, mopish, irritable, testy, peevish, fretful, spiteful, sulky, touchyNeat — clean, orderly, tidy, trim, dapper, natty, smart, elegant, well-organized, super, desirable, spruce, shipshape, well-kept, shapelyNew — fresh, unique, original, unusual, novel, modern, current, recentOld — feeble, frail, ancient, weak, aged, used, worn, dilapidated, ragged, faded, broken-down, former, old-fashioned, outmoded, passe, veteran, mature, venerable, primitive, traditional, archaic, conventional, customary, stale, musty, obsolete, extinctPart — portion, share, piece, allotment, section, fraction, fragmentPlace — space, area, spot, plot, region, location, situation, position, residence, dwelling, set, site, station, status, statePlan — plot, scheme, design, draw, map, diagram, procedure, arrangement, intention, device, contrivance, method, way, blueprintPopular — well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite, celebrated, common, currentPredicament — quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jamPut — place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save, set aside, effect, achieve, do, buildQuiet — silent, still, soundless, mute, tranquil, peaceful, calm, restfulRight — correct, accurate, factual, true, good, just, honest, upright, lawful, moral, proper, suitable, apt, legal, fairRun — race, speed, hurry, hasten, sprint, dash, rush, escape, elope, fleeSay/Tell — inform, notify, advise, relate, recount, narrate, explain, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, enlighten, instruct, insist, teach, train, direct, issue, remark, converse, speak, affirm, suppose, utter, negate, express, verbalize, voice, articulate, pronounce, deliver, convey, impart, assert, state, allege, mutter, mumble, whisper, sigh, exclaim, yell, sing, yelp, snarl, hiss, grunt, snort, roar, bellow, thunder, boom, scream, shriek, screech, squawk, whine, philosophize, stammer, stutter, lisp, drawl, jabber, protest, announce, swear, vow, content, assure, deny, disputeScared — afraid, frightened, alarmed, terrified, panicked, fearful, unnerved, insecure, timid, shy, skittish, jumpy, disquieted, worried, vexed, troubled, disturbed, horrified, terrorized, shocked, petrified, haunted, timorous, shrinking, tremulous, stupefied, paralyzed, stunned, apprehensiveShow — display, exhibit, present, note, point to, indicate, explain, reveal, prove, demonstrate, exposeSlow — unhurried, gradual, leisurely, late, behind, tedious, slackStop — cease, halt, stay, pause, discontinue, conclude, end, finish, quitStory — tale, myth, legend, fable, yarn, account, narrative, chronicle, epic, sage, anecdote, record, memoirStrange — odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon, queer, weird, outlandish, curious, unique, exclusive, irregularTake — hold, catch, seize, grasp, win, capture, acquire, pick, choose, select, prefer, remove, steal, lift, rob, engage, bewitch, purchase, buy, retract, recall, assume, occupy, consumeTell — disclose, reveal, show, expose, uncover, relate, narrate, inform, advise, explain, divulge, declare, command, order, bid, recount, repeatThink — judge, deem, assume, believe, consider, contemplate, reflect, mediateTrouble — distress, anguish, anxiety, worry, wretchedness, pain, danger, peril, disaster, grief, misfortune, difficulty, concern, pains, inconvenience, exertion, effortTrue — accurate, right, proper, precise, exact, valid, genuine, real, actual, trusty, steady, loyal, dependable, sincere, staunchUgly — hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible, unpleasant, monstrous, terrifying, gross, grisly, ghastly, horrid, unsightly, plain, homely, evil, repulsive, repugnant, gruesomeUnhappy — miserable, uncomfortable, wretched, heart-broken, unfortunate, poor, downhearted, sorrowful, depressed, dejected, melancholy, glum, gloomy, dismal, discouraged, sadUse — employ, utilize, exhaust, spend, expend, consume, exerciseWrong — incorrect, inaccurate, mistaken, erroneous, improper, unsuitable- 来自2,尽量少用虚词(Expletive construction)。这里所说的Expletive construction包括:it was, it is,
it takes, here is, there is, there will be等等。it,there,here一般指代句子中之后出现的主语,频繁使用让人觉得句子没有重点,比如:There are some students who seem to have books。句子的重点是some students,而不是there be,之后的who也是不必要的词。改成Some students seem to have books简洁明了。中学英语为了让学生学习从句,有很多类似的造句,实际上地道的英语很少这样说。一些例子:It's fun to sing. 改成: Singing is fun.Here are some things to have. 改成: Some things to have are:There is nothing better
than blogging. 改成: Nothing's better than blogging.There are many people who write. 改成:Many people write.当然,不是说完全不用上面的结构。某些需要指代的情况下,是可以用的:I love reading. It's great. 这里It指代之前的句子,反而句子更加简练。3,多用比喻(similes)。这些比喻多使用as 或者like。(初级版)She has a smooth voice。(高级版)Her voice was as smooth as butter。(初级版)He was moving through the room clumsily。(高级版)He was moving through the room like an enormous trained mole collecting the empty cans.The world is bitter. - The world is bitter as a tear.一些非常好的比喻句总结在下面的链接里,大家可以借鉴:4,为了彰显B格,请善用婉语euphemism。本来你只是要写:He didn't know he was to die that day.如果你写成:He didn't know that that day was his last.感觉是不是厉害好多?一些关于euphemism的总结:5,用好倒装句。(初级版)He didn't know he was about to die.(高级版)Little did he know that he was about to die.(初级版)You can solve the problem only this way.(高级版)Only in this way can you solve the problem. 6,巧用介词。由于汉语习惯,中国人往往回避英语介词的使用,因此很多时候写出来的句子汉语味比较重。When she arrives, she will pay the money.Upon arrival, she will pay the money.错:He looked at me and felt surprised.对:He looked at in surprise.错:We were informed by those who wore red uniforms.对:We were informed by those in red uniforms.Without health, happiness is impossible.先这么多,想到再补充。----------------------------------学英语,请关注我的微信号:nowenglish。我会定期分享赏析英文原文,内容从《纽约时报》等严肃新闻到展示各种英美文化的文章应有尽有,帮助你快速提升英语。扫一扫下面的二维码也可关注。
Devil is in the details.-去吃东西可以说 grab a bite,不一定是 I'm going to eat something-一起玩要走了说 i'll bounce 或者 i'm gonna head out 而不总是 I'm leaving-和人打招呼不要说 hello,学会说 what's up-学会拒绝别人,除了 No, thanks 还可以说 I'll pass 或者 I'm good-聊完天告别可以说,talk to you later 而一定不是 bye-And more
可以到这个网站去查询:包括了各种场景,比如在银行、找工作、约会等等用语都非常简单,适合初学者进阶的可以关注tumblr上这个热门博客:有很多风雅的英语段子适合爱书的清新人士比如:宙斯硬了,我好喜欢这个机灵……还有:这是一个专门学习高级表达的轻博客比如:“Blow your top” means “to become very angry”.Example: My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the car.再来一发:还有:↑这个真的是非常有趣脑洞特别大搬一些给你们看看:不过建议大家最好把学“高级表达”当成一种乐趣千万不要刻意追求高级表达表达时,最重要的还是自然、流畅、地道by 博智教育
我不知道怎樣才能地道、但建議大家不用太把「XX 意思要用 XXX、不要用 XXXX」之類的話當真。比如說廣東管出門旅遊帶回來的小禮物叫「手信」、我很大了之後跟外地朋友聊天、才發現他們都不這麼說。這時如果有學中文的外國人問我、如果我持有大廣東主義、就會跟他說講手信才地道。但事實上在北方你就用「小禮物」表達這個意思、一點也不會不地道。本版很多朋友的建議雖是好意、但跟這個例子沒有任何區別。另外 Jason He 的答案裡太多基本的英文標點錯誤、請讀者明察。



