
  2 必有问句:这是本题的最大特点,原因很简单。两个人说话,各说各的,互不相问,对话是很难进行下去的。一般会有2-4个问句,个别篇甚至五句全是问句。这个特点对于写出正确的句子极其有用。
  3 问答相随:就是“问什么答什么,答什么问什么”,在答句中找出问句的依据,在问句中找出答句的内容或方向。比如:A:--------------?B:There are three people in my family.那么根据下句答语,上句问题应该是问家有多少人的-How many people are there in your family?
  4 紧接话茬:没有问答的句子好似比问答句难了一些,实则不然,因为这样的句子更有灵活性,发挥的空间更大,标准答案往往有十几个,甚至更多。只要符合语境,语法正确即可得分。
  5 积累话题:中招的补全对话的话题是有范围的,河南省的复习提要上都有明确的范围,只要学生对这些对话熟悉,看到一篇对话,就能够快速找到对应的话题,然后写出最标准的句子。
  7可用短句:有些句子是在想不出怎么写的,或者没有把握把完整的句子写对,就可以用一些省略句表达,一般是不会扣分的,比如:Why? What? How many? How much? 等句子。
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A: Hi, Bill! You&re reading the novel again.
B: Yes, Tom. I&ll never be tired of it.
A: 1____________________________________?
B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.
A: Really? 2__________________________________________________?
B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you?
A: 3__________________________________________. He is also my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.
B: OK, here you are! What do you think of this novel?
A: 4__________________________________. I haven&t seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it?
B: In the Rose Bookshop.
A: I don&t know where it is. 5______________________________________?
B: No. Only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the People&s Cinema.
A: Oh, I see. I&m going there to get one, too. Thank you!
B: You&re welcome
(Li Meng and John have just finished swimming.)
Li Meng: How nice and cool the water is! But I&m feeling a bit hungry now.
1______________________________________________ ?
John: Sounds good.
Li Meng: Do you know 2_____________________________ ?
John: Yes, there is.
Li Meng: 3____________________________________________?
John: It&s only five minutes& walk. Let&s go.
Li Meng: Yeah, let&s go. Oh, I almost forgot my CD player.
John: 4______________________________________________ ?
Li Meng: Pop music. I often listen when I&m not busy. How about you?
John: Light music. I think it can relax myself. 5________________________?
Li Meng: Sure.
John: OK. I can lend you some CDs. I&ll bring them to our school tomorrow.
Paul: 1____________________________________________?
Fred: No, I don&t. But I have to
this evening.
Paul: 2____________________________________________?
Fred: Because my mother is going out on business. I&ll have to cook myself.
Paul: 3_____________________________________________?
Fred: My mother does. She can cook very well.
Paul: Can your father cook?
Fred: No, he can&t.
Paul: 4______________________________________________?
Fred: I&ll cook Italian noodles.
Paul: 5______________________________________________!
Fred: Thank you.
Mrs Lee: Hello. .
David: Hello.1_______________________________?
Mrs Lee: Sorry. 2_______________________. Can I take a message?
David: Yes. This is David, Bruce&s friend. I want to ask him for some Chinese
coins. He told me he had got some . 3__________________________________. I don&t care if they were made of different . I just want to
some more coins in my collection.
Mrs Lee: OK. I&ll tell him. Would you like him to ring you back later?
David: Well, I won&t be at home later this day. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?
Mrs Lee: Sure. 4______________________________?
David: Oh, sorry. 5___________________________________. The new number is .
Mrs Lee: OK. I&ll write a message for him.
David: It&s really nice of you, Madam. Thank you very much. Goodbye!
Mrs Lee: Bye!
A: Excuse me, I want to go to the library. 1__________________________ ?
B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Go up the road to the end, you&ll find it.
A: 2______________________________?
B: It&s about 1,000 metres away from here.
A: Oh. That&s quite a long way.
B: Yes. You&d better take a bus.
A: 3__________________________________?
B: You can take the No.5 bus. It&ll take you there.
A: 4__________________________________?
B: It takes about fifteen minutes.
A: 5_________________________________.
B: It&s a pleasure.
Kate: Hello! 1______________________?
Mrs Read: I&m sorry Ann isn&t here right now. 2____________________________?
Kate: This is Kate.
Mrs Read: She isn&t back yet. 3_______________________________________?
Kate: That&s very kind of you. I&m calling to ask her if she is free tomorrow. It&s March 12th, Tree Planting Day tomorrow. And 4___________________.
Mrs Read: I think she&ll be very glad to join you.
Kate: We&ll meet at the school gate at 7:00. 5_________________________.
Mrs Read: OK. I&ll let her know.
Kate: Many thanks. Goodbye.
Mrs Read: Goodbye.
A:Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
B:I&d like to buy a washing machine.
A:Well,1___________________________________.Some are made in China, and some are made in other countries.?
B:This one looks very nice. 2____________________________?
A:In Germany.
A:Sure. You put the clothes in the machine, close the door and press this button.?
B:It&s easy. How much is it?
A:4,000 yuan.
B:Wow, that&s too expensive!4 _____________________.?
Do you have a cheaper one?
A:How about this one?
B:Oh,this one looks very good. And the price is OK.
(Two friends meet each other after May Day.)
A:Nice to see you.
A:How did you spend May Day?
A:Did you go to any other places?
B:No. What about you?
A: 3________________________________________________ I felt a bit sick then.
B:Oh, what a pity!
我想下载 咋下不了呢
靠时尚征服英国政坛 英国第2任女首相潮爆了
法国尼斯国庆日遇恐袭 至少80人死亡
听说鲍里斯被任命外交大臣 外国段子手已开火
修改的建议:你现在的位置: & >
A: Hello. Could I speak to John?
B: 1.___________________.
A: Oh! Hi, John. This is Cindy. We met at Jim&s party.
B: How are you, Cindy?
A: Great. Would you like to see Titanic on Thursday night?
B: 2. ___________, Cindy, I have to work late this Thursday.
A: That&s too bad. 3.___________________?
B: I&m free on Saturday night
A: OK. How about meeting at about seven?
B: No problem. 4.__________________?
A: At the Garden Cinema. 5. ____________.
B: See you then.
1. This is John
2. I&m sorry
3. Are you free on Saturday night
4. Where shall we meet
5. See you then
A: Hello! May I speak to Lily?
B: 1._____________________.
C: Hello! 2.____________________.
A: Hi, Lily. This is Ann. Would you like to go to the park with me tonight?
C: Great! 3.____________________?
A: At the gate of our school.
C: 4._____________________?
A: How about six o&clock.
C: OK! 5.___________________?
A: See you then.
1. Hold on , please
2. This is Lily
3. Where shall we meet
4. When shall we meet
5. See you then
Fred: Hello! May I speak to Alice, please?
Kate: 1._______________. Alice, it&s for you.
Alice: Hello.
Fred: Hi, Alice. 2.____________. Would you like to go to my uncle&s farm tomorrow?
Alice: 3.__________________.
Fred: Good. I&ll pick you up at about seven o&clock.
Alice: Fine. I&ll be ready.
Fred: Great! I&m sure we&ll have a good time on the farm.
Alice: 4.______________. See you tomorrow.
Fred: 5.________________.
1. Hold on, please
2. This is Fred
3. Yes ,I&d love to .
4. I think so
5. See you tomorrow
2016年中考辅导课程:福建 hot
2016年中考辅导机构:福建 hot
闽ICP备号-2 增值电信业务经营许可证:闽B2-
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y k J.Co m 初中英语专项复习 ----补全对话佳化学校张洁 收集情景运用从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。1.A: hello! May I speak to Jack please?B: This is Jack speaking。(1)_______________________A:This is Sam. I called you last night, but there was no reply.B: (2)__________________________& I bought something for my& trip to Guangzhou.A: Guangzhou? That’ where the 16th Asian Games was held. How lucky you are! B: So I am.(3)____________________________A: I’ll have a birthday party next Thursday. Would you like to come?B: I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t come!(4)_____________________________ A: What a pity that you can’t come!(5)___________________________________B: thank you very much. Bye! A: Bye!
A . Have a good time!B. My plane will take off next Tuesday.C. What were you doing?D. I was shopping at that time.E. Who is that ?F. I’ll stay there for a week.G. What did you call me for?
2.A:what are you going to be in the future ?B: 1.___________ A: That sounds interesting. Maybe you will fly to the moon.B: 2___________& But my parents don’t agree with me .A: Why ?B: 3____________A: They are all right .B: And if I am an astronaut , I will be away from them for a long time . A: 4______________. So what do they want you to be ? B: A doctor.A: ______________B: Maybe, but it’s less exciting.
A. That’s trueB. I want to be an astronaut.C. Well, that’s also a good job .D. I hope so.E. I like reading and writing .F. Because they think being an astronaut is dangerous.G. I will travel all over the world .
3. A: Long time no see, Devon. I’ve been putting on a few pounds and you’re quite a thin fit guy.B: 1__________________________________A: What do you recommend ? 2____________________B: Well. I exercise a lot. I go running at least three times a week. 3_______________________ Different sports use different muscles and all of them help to lose the weight that you might have gained.A: Yeah, well, actually, one of the problems is that I exercise a lot.B: Do you ?A: Yeah.4_____________________________B: it could be.5________________________________ No potato chips. No popcorn. No candy.A: That’s pretty difficult !
A. So maybe it’s my diet.B. I don’t agree with you.C. Well, thank you.D. I eat three meals a day and I try not to snack in between.E. I eat much meat.F. What can I do to lose weight ?G.. And I enjoy playing sports .&
4.Mary: Hello, Ann! This is Mary. How was your weekend?Ann: 1_________________________.Mary: Your whole family ?Ann : Yes, all of us. 2_________________________Mary : I didn’t know that was your favorite . it’s also mine.Ann:3________________________But we started dinner late . My brother Tony’s car broke down. He and Jennifer got there after nine. We were very hungry by then . Mary: I thought his car was a new one. What was the trouble ?Ann : 4_________________ Tony says that new cars are not as good as old ones . He says their steering wheels(方向盘) are not so good .Mary: By the way, Ann., can you do me a favor ? My computer doesn’t work.& Can I use yours for several days ?Ann: Sorry, Mary, but I’ve lent it to Nancy.5______________________ I’m sure she’ll lend you hers .
A. We went to our favorite restaurant, the Golden Times.B. Nancy is now busy preparing for the examination.C. Why don’t you ask Emily ? www.D. The food was delicious as usual.E. I don’t know.F. Wonderful. We had a family dinner.G. We had a wonderful football match with the students fromGrade2.
5.A: How time flies ! 1_________________________________B: That’s right. By the way, what are you going to do after leaving school ?A: I’m not sure. 2_____________________________B: I’m different. I expect to have a new start.A: What do you mean ? 3_____________________B: Of course not. I mean I will have a better future.A: Sounds great . 4_______________________B: I wish I could go to a great high school. Then I may go to a famous college.A: However, your dream seems to have nothing special.B: Yes, it does.5______________________ So they hope I can achieve their dream.A: Oh, I get it now. You must have more duties.B: Yes. Everyone is supposed to do something meaningful in their lives.
A. Do you hate the life here?B. My parents would like to go to college,too?C. Do you know my parents never went to college ?D. Tell me more about your plan,please.E. Nearly three years has passed since we came here.F. Are you used to the life here?G. It’s hard to know what will happen in the future.
&补全对话1. www.A:Good morning,sir.1 _____________B:I’d like to buy a white shirt.. Do you have any white shirts?A:Yes. 2 _____________?B:I want Size M.A:Here you are.B:Can I try it on?A:Sure. Is it all right?B:Yes. I like it very much.3_____________?A:296& yuan.B:That’s a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one .A:What about this one? It is only 108 yuanB:OK.4_____________.Here is the money.A:5. _____________.Goodbye, sir.
2、A:Summer holiday is coming.1_____________?B:Yes, I’m going to my hometownA:2._&&&& ?B:For& about& a month. 3_____________?A:I want to travel to Hainan lsland.& It’s a beautiful place of interest.B:4. ____________. But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown.A:It doesn’t matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you’ll have enough time to go traveling.B:5. _____________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.A:OK! I will wait for you until you come back.B:That’s a deal! Thank you.
3、A:Hi,& Tom. You were not here& yesterday& afternoon . What was wrong ?B:I. _____________A:Sorry to hear that. 2_____________?B:Much& better. The fever is& gone . But I still cough and I feel weak.A:3. _____________?B:Yes , I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for& a few days.A:4. _____________?B:Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A:Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5_____________B:Thank you,
4、A:What a fine day today! 1. _____________ ?B:That sounds like a good idea.2. 2 _____________?A:Let’s go to the little Hill.B:Shall we take the bus there?A:3. _____________.& It’s not very far.B:That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4 _____________? B:Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A:Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B:Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A:5. _____________?B:That will be fun
5、A:Hi, Linda , I’m having a party this Saturday. I’ve just moved into a new flat.1 _____________?B:I’d love to, Thank you very much2 _____________?A:We’re starting at about five thirty,B:3 _____________?A:Oh, here’s my new address B:Thanks. Church street , Rand wick . By the way , 4 _____________?A:Bus NO.3.B:OK. I won’t forget, and I’ll be there on time.A:_____________. B:Bye.
参考答案: 情景运用答案略对话11、&Can I help you?\ What can I do for you?2、&What size do you want?3、&How much is it?4、&I will take it.5、&Thank you.
对话21、&Have you made a plan?2、&How long are you staying ?3、&What about you?4、&I want to go with you.5、&Good idea.
对话31、I had a fever.2、How are you now?3、Have you seen the doctor?4、Why do you come to school today?5、I will help you with your lesson.
对话41、&Why not go out to play?2、&Where shall we go?3、&Let’s ride our bikes.4、&Who else shall we ask?5、&What about having a picnic?
对话51、&Would you like to come to my party tomorrow?2、&What time does it start?3、&What is your new address?4、&What bus should I take?5、&Bye.
&文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y k J.Co m
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PartⅠDialogue Completion (15 points)
Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.
1. Black:Let me introduce myself. I'm Andrew Black.
A. It's a pleasure. B. Pleased to meet you. C. How are you? D. Nice meeting you.
2. Todd:Do you think it will snow this evening? Lily:______
A. I hope it not. B. I don't think so. C. Who is that? D. Who's is it?
3. Lucy:I'm Lucy. My teacher asked me to visit you.
Juliet:______ Come in and sit down, please.
A. Nice to meet you. B. That's a good idea. C. That's all right. D. Why don't they come?
4. Norma:How can I learn to cook well?
A. What a pity!
B. Why don't you follow your teacher's advice?
C. But I'm afraid it's useless.
D. Any reason for that?
5. Basil:I won't have beer any more.
A. So do I. B. So will I. C. Nor do I. D. Neither will I.
6. Harry:Do you mind my smoking here? Lynn:______
A. Yes, please do. B. No, please don't. C. No, I dislike the smell of cigarette. D. Yes, please don't.
7. Owen:May I use your phone? Ruth:______
A. It doesn't matter. B. Go ahead. C. No, I don't mind. D. No, you needn't.
8. Wendy:______?
Wayne:For about two weeks.
A. How long are you going to stay here
B. How soon will you leave this place
C. How often do you come here
D. How many times have you come here
9. Rose:Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green?
Steven:______,I will see if he is in.
A. Don't put down your phone B. Hold the line a minute
C. Please phone him in five minutes again D. This is John speaking
10. Viola: Excuse me,______?
Rite:I am sorry, I don't know. I'm new around here.
A. will you please tell me time
B. is there a train time-table
C. can you tell me the best way to the nearest hospital
D. can you show me the map of this city
11. Carol:______?
Jane:I'd like two dozen eggs.
A.What are you doing B. What would you like to do C. What can I do for you D. What would you like to eat
12. Helen:______Sir, I didn't quite hear you.
David:I said that nobody but one had got a full mark in the tests.
A. May I ask you a question? B. I am sorry, C. I beg your Pardon, D. I must say &no& to you,
13. Jimmy:______ May I speak to John?
Tony:John! You are wanted on the telephone.
A. I am Mary. B. My name is Mary. C. Do you know Mary? D. This is Mary speaking.
14. Rob:How could you say that?
Bert:______, I didn't mean to hurt you.
A. That's all right B. I won't regret C. I'm really sorry D. Excuse me
15. June:Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend?
A. I don't believe B. I don't believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not
1. [答案]B【精析】在别人介绍自己以后,应该说&见到你很高兴。&选项B符合题意。D也有此意,但只用于两人初次见面交谈后即将分别时。
2. [答案]B【精析】&Do you think it will snow this evening?&的意思是:&你认为今晚会下雪吗?&选项B(我认为不会下雪)符合题意。选项A(我希望不会)不符合题意。选项C、D都是特殊疑问句,很明显不符合题意。
3. [答案]A【精析】&I'm Lucy. My teacher asked me to visit you.&是自我介绍,与第1题同,因而只有选项A正确,其他选项都不符合题意。
4. [答案]B【精析】&How can I learn to cook well?&的意思是:&我怎么样才能学好做饭呢?&&Why don&t you&&是一种给别人提建议的方式,选项B(为什么不照老师说的去做呢?)符合题意。选项A(真可惜)、选项C(我担心着可能没用)、选项D(有原因吗?)都不符合题意。
5. [答案]D【精析】&I won't have beer any more.&的意思是&我不会再喝啤酒了。&题中为情态动词will的否定形式,那么与之相对应的应该是选项D(我也不会)。选项A用于肯定句中。
6. [答案]D【精析】&Do you mind my smoking here?&的意思是:&你介意我在这里抽烟吗?&选项D(是的,我介意,请不要在这里吸烟)与题意相符,其他选项都自相矛盾。
7. [答案]B【精析】Owen说:&我可以用你的电话吗?&Ruth说:&好,用吧。&只有B项符合。而选项A(没关系),选项C(不,我不介意),选项D(不,你不需要)均不符合题意。
8. [答案]A【精析】选项A&你准备在这里待多久?&;选项B&你什么时候离开这里?&;选项C&你多久来这里一次?&;选项D&你来过这里多少次了?&。根据题意应选A.
9. [答案]B【精析】电话用语。Rose想和Mr. Green说话,Steven让她不要挂断。&不要挂断,等一下&的表达方式是&Hold the line a minute&或&Hold the line, please&,因而选B.
10. [答案]C【精析】选项A问的是时间,选项B问的是列车时刻表,选项C是问路,选项D也是一般疑问句。由答句可以看出只有选项C符合题意。
11. [答案]C【精析】从答语中可知是某顾客在购物,只有选项C(我能帮你做点什么吗?)习惯用于店员对顾客的招呼语。选项A(你在干什么?)、选项B(你想干什么?)、选项D(你想吃什么?)都过于直接。
12. [答案]C【精析】&I didn't quite hear you.&意为:&我没有听清楚你说的话。&&I beg your pardon&在请求别人原谅或没听清楚对方所说的话时使用,选项A(我可以问你一个问题吗?)、选项B(对不起)、选项D(我绝不同意)都不合题意。
13. [答案]D【精析】电话用语。在电话中介绍自己时,不用&I am&或&my name is&,而用&this is&&,故选D.
14. [答案]C【精析】回答中说:&我原不想伤害你。&说明前面一句应该是表达抱歉的用语,因而选择C.而选项A(没关系)用于回答别人的道歉或感谢;选项D用于打扰别人时。
15. [答案]D 【精析】表达&我相信不会&&&时,not不能提前,如&I am afraid not&,因而排除选项A.B,选项C中的&so&多余,因此只能选D.
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学员 xinkulala:
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