初一英语重点句型句型转换There is a ...

>>>句型转换。1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句)______a rule..
1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句) &&& ______a ruler? 2. That's a box. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)&&&& —______a box? &&& —______.3. Is this his pencil sharpener? (改为陈述句)&&& ______ pencil sharpner.4. Are these his Chinese books? (作否定回答)&&& ______________________________.5. That is an eraser in English. (就画线部分提问)&&& ______ in English? 6. do, How, spell, you, it (连词成句) &&& ______________________________.
1. Is this&& 2. I Yes, it is&& 3. This is his& &4. No, they aren't&& 5. What's that&& 6. How do you spell it?
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“句型转换。1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句)______a rule..”主要考查你对&&指示代词,连词成句,疑问代词,一般疑问句&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
指示代词:是表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词,即用来指示或标识人或事物的代词。指示代词与定冠词和人称代词一样,都具有指定的含义,用来起指示作用,或用来代替前面已提到过的名词。常用的指示代词有this,that,these,those等。this(复数形式是these),是指在时间上或空间上离说话人较近的人或物。that(复数形式是those),是指在时间上或空间上离说话人较远的人或物。指示代词句法功能:指示代词在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语。1、作主语This is the way to do it.这事儿就该这样做。2、作宾语I like this better than that.我喜欢这个甚至那个。3、作介词宾语I don't say no to that. 我并未拒绝那个。There is no fear of that.那并不可怕。4、 作表语My point is this.我的观点就是如此。5、作定语This room is mine. 这间房间是我的。指示代词使用注意事项:1、指示代词在作主语时可指物也可指人,但作其他句子成分时只能指物,不能指人,例如:
(对)That is my teacher.那是我的老师。( that作主语,指人)
(对)He is going to marry this girl.他要和这个姑娘结婚。(this作限定词)
(错)He is going to marry this.(this作宾语时不能指人)
(对)I bought this.我买这个。(this指物,可作宾语)
2、That和those可作定语从句的先行词,但this和 these不能,同时,在作先行词时,只有those可指人,试比较:
(对) He admired that which looked beautiful.他赞赏外表漂亮的东西。
(对) He admired those who looked beautiful. 他赞赏那些外表漂亮的人。(those指人)
(错) He admired that who danced well.(that作宾语时不能指人)
(对) He admired those who danced well.他赞赏跳舞好的人。(those指人)
(对) He admired those which looked beautiful. 他赞赏那些外表漂亮的东西。(those指物)
3、在回答指示代词作主语的特殊问句时,如果指示代词指人,其回答中的主语仍可以用相应的指示代词,也可以用it或者但指事物时,只能用it或者they。 例如:
Who’s that? That’s/It’s Liu Dehua.那是谁?那是刘德华。
What are those? They are basketballs. 那些是什么?那些是篮球。
Is this a ruler? Yes, it is.
Are those your friends? No, they aren’t.
5、为避免重复,有时可用 that 或 those 来代替前面已提到过的人或事物;用 this 或 these 来代替下文中将要提过的人或事物。例如:
She’s very friendly, and that is why we all love her. 她很友善,这就是我们都喜欢她的原因。
You needn’t do this — It’s pretty easy. 你不必做这事,那相当容易。
6、向别人介绍某个人时,要说“ This is ….”,而不说“ That is ….”,也不能说“ He is ….”或“ She is ….”。介绍两个人时,先用“ This is ….”介绍一个人,然后用“ That is ….”介绍另一个人。如:
This is Li Ming. Li Ming, this is Wei Hua. 这是李明。李明,这是魏华。
This is my brother and that is my sister. 这是我哥哥,那是我妹妹。
7、one,that 和it的区别:
one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that与所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而it 与所指名词为同一个。
I can't find my hat. I think I must buy one.(不定)
The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought.(同类但不同个)
I can't find my hat. I don' t know where I put it.( 同一物)
我找不到我的帽子。我不知道我把它放在哪了。指示代词的用法;1、this和these指在时间或空间上较近的人或者事物,that和those指在时间或空间上较远的人或者事物。例如:This is a pen and that’s an eraser. 这是一支笔,那是块橡皮擦。This is a boy and those are girls. 这是个男孩,那些是女孩。2、指示代词所指的对象取决于说话者和听话者共同熟悉的语境。如:I liked this movie today better than that concert last night.我喜欢今天的这个电影,胜过昨晚的那个音乐会。3、指示代词具有名词和形容词性质,既可指人也可指物。但是在相当于名词时一般指物多于指人。如:I found this wallet. I found this.我找到了这只皮夹子。我找到了这个。(this 等于 this wallet)Is she going to marry that man?她打算跟那人结婚吗?(that man不得用that代替,否则有轻蔑之意)4、相当于名词的指示代词在句中作主语时,则指物指人均可。如:What are these? 那些是什么?(指物)This is Bill. Is that George? 我是比尔。你是乔治吗?(电话用语)(指人)5、打电话过程中,介绍自己时通常用this指代“我”,不用代词I;询问对方时用that指代“你”,不用代词you。例如:----Hello. This is Mary. Who’s that? 喂,我是玛丽。你是谁?----This is Tom. 我是汤姆。6、当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词则用it或they代替。如:This (suit) is expensive, isn't it? 这套衣服昂贵,不是吗?"Are those yours?" "Yes, they are." “那些是你的吗?”“是的,它们是我的。”指示代词:
those&知识拓展:a. 指示代词所指的事物第二次提到时,通常要用it或they. 例:----What is this? 这是什么? ----It is a bird. 是鸟。 ----Is that your cap? 那是你的帽子吗? ----No, it isn't. 不是。
b. this, that, those和 these加名词构成一些常用短语,作时间状语,指现在或过去。 例:this morning 今天早晨 this spring 今年春天 that morning 那天早晨 that spring 那年春天 these days 这些天 to this day 至今 in these days 这些日子里 this evening 今天晚上 this winter 今年冬天 that evening (/night) 那天晚上 that winter 那年冬天 these years 这些年 this time 这一次(这个时候) in those years 那些年月里连词成句:即是把错乱排列的词语根据语法或句法特点排列组合成为句式整齐,内容恰当,语气流畅的句子的方法。他基本的要求是句子完整和流畅没有语法错误,更不要有语病。连词成句题做题技巧:首先强调第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,其次句子的最后要有标点符号。然后分句型来做: 1. 陈述句的时候,先找主语,然后找动词,再找其他,记得时间和地点是放在后面的。 2. 疑问句时,有疑问词的情况下找疑问词,然后找助动词,找主语,找其他。没有疑问词的情况下,就找助动词/be动词,再找主语,找其他。 3. 做这一类型的题目时,学生要有一定的基础,会认读单词,熟悉基本句型。 具体可以分一下几步来完成:一、看清标点符号1.如果是句号,则是陈述语句。陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。2.如果是问号,则是疑问语句。要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。①如果有where 、what、how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、 what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、are三个单词。②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have& I& a& may& new& bike (?)” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“May I& have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“May I have a new bike ?”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗?)。同样其他的句子,例如:由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法可以完成。③如果题目中没有任何的特殊疑问词,也没有任何情态动词,那么它就是我们最最熟悉的一般疑问句了。例如:“you& a& are student(?)”。很显然是一个疑问句,而且没有任何特殊疑问词。所以这是一句一般疑问句,一般疑问句的基本准则就是疑问词是be动词(am /is/are),而且要把它们放在句子的最前面。通过观察我们看到题目中有一个be动词(are),所以这句话就很容易连到“Are you a student ?”(你是一个学生吗?)。这样的题目还可以先将它当作一般陈述句来做,然后再由陈述句改成一般疑问句。例如“you& a& are student(?)”这题还可以先将它写成一般陈述句的形式“You are a student.”。然后将它写成一般疑问句,即是将这句话的主语和谓语(be动词)对调,得到“Are you a student?”,这样这句话也就完成了。3.如果是感叹号,则是感叹语句。①由what引导的感叹句。我们知道有what引导的感叹句,其基本结构是What + a + adj. + n.。例如:“What a nice book !”(多漂亮的一本书啊!)② 由how引导的感叹句。与what引导的感叹句相似,how引导的感叹句的结构是“How + adj.( +n. /名词短语 + be动词 )!”。
二、注意特殊句型还有一些连词成句的题目看上去似乎是无规律可循。有这样一个题目:“to&& time& to&& go&& it’s& school (.)” 这样的题目就要求学生对有些句型的熟练掌握。这条题目考的是学生对句型“it’s& time to do sth.” 的运用和词组“go to school(去上学)”,这是一条交际运用题。很显然,这条题目的答案应该是:“It’s& time to go to shool.”(该到上学的时候了。)还有一类句型叫做祈使句。这样的句型往往没有主语。例如:“Go to the playground& ,please.”(请去操场。)这样的句子就省略了主语,完整的应该是“我请你去操场。”所以这样的句型也是学生所需要掌握。有这样一条题目,“breakfast , have& Mike(。)”。很显然这是一句祈使句。拿到这条题目时,如果对句子的意思不明白也许就无法下手。但是如果明白是“让迈克吃早饭。”这条题目也就很好做了,这是一条省略句,所以很快就能得到答案:“Have breakfast,Mike.”。有很多像这样的题目,没有明确的主语、谓语等。这就需要学生对所要完成题目的句子意思的了解,对一些固定结构的掌握。三、注意句子是否完整往往学生在做完一条题目以后,经常会出现句子还没有写完整,单词抄写错的现象。在做这样的题目时容易出现漏字、错字的毛病。这就需要我们在平时的训练中养成认真仔细的习惯。在做题目时加强对“难题”的训练,在“找错误”中增强细心意识。&&& 四、注意字母的大小写在英语中经常需要大写的有:每句话的开头字母、人名、专有名词等。例如:“thank you,liutao.”这句话中有三个字母没有大写,应该将它改成:“Thank you,Liu Tao.”这样这句话也就很明白了。与中文不同,在英文中字母的大小写有时也就决定了一句话的意义。Doctor 和doctor就是因为一字之差其意思也就大大不同,前者是博士而后者则是医生。所以在平时,应该注意这类题型的解答。疑问代词:疑问代词在句中起名词的作用,用来构成疑问句。常用的疑问代词有:  &what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever    疑问代词在句中应位于谓语动词之前,没有词性和数的变化,除who之外也没有格的变化。&what, which, whose还可作限定词。 Whose books are these on the desk?桌上的书是谁的?What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion?美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的?What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States? 哪些事件使密西西比河以东的大部分土地归属于美国?疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有下列几个:指 人: who, whom, whose指 物: what既可指人又可指物: which疑问代词说明:一、无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和 what 所指的范围不同。what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如:Which girls do you like best?你喜欢哪几个姑娘?What girls do you like best?你喜欢什么样的姑娘?
二、Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如:Who(m) did you meet on the street?你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语)Who(m) are you taking the book to?你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首)To whom did you speak on the campus?你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词 后,不能用who取代。)
三、疑问代词用于对介词宾语提问时,过去的文体中介词和疑问代词通常一起放在句首,现代英语中,疑问代词在句首,介词在句未,例如:For what do most people live and work?大部分人生活和工作的目的是什么?(旧文体)What are you looking for?你在找什么?(现代英语)
四、疑问代词还可引导名词性从句,例如:I can't make out what he is driving at.我不知道他用意何在。Can you tell me whose is the blue shirt on the bed?你能告诉我床上的蓝衬衣是谁的吗?Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的我大部分同意,但并不完全赞同。疑问代词用法:1. 疑问代词有who, whom, whose, which和what, 都是用来构成疑问句的:Who is calling? 谁打电话来?Whom do you want to speak to? 你想找谁接电话?作主语时用who,作宾语时用whom,在口语中用who作宾语时也不少:Who did you mean? 你指的是谁?Who are you talking about? 你们在讲谁?直接跟在介词后时只能用whom:With whom did you come? 你和谁一道来的?(口语中说“Who did you come with?时更多一些。)2. 其他三个疑问代词可用作:1)主语:What’s your address? 你的地址怎样写?Whose is better? 谁的好一些?Which of these is yours? 哪一本是你的?2)宾语:What do you mean? 你是什么意思?Which do you like better? 哪一个你更喜欢一些?Whose have you chosen? 你选了谁的?3)表语:What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?Whose is it? 这是谁的?4)定语(这样用时有些字典标作形容词):What time does the train leave? 这列火车什么时候离开?Which room shall we stay in? 我们住哪间房?Whose passport is this? 这是谁的护照?一般疑问句:是疑问句的一种。通常用yes,no来回答的疑问句叫做一般疑问句。口语中若无特殊含义,句末用升调。 其结构是:系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分?  通常回答为:    肯定:Yes+主语+提问的助动词    否定:No+主语+提问的助动词+not&例如: Are you from Japan?&& Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Do you live near your school? Yes, I do./No, I don't.&Can you speak French?  Yes, I can./No, I can't. 一般疑问句的特性:1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am/ is/ are)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。如:I'm in Class 2Grade 1. →Are you in Class 2Grade 1﹖We're watching TV. →Are you watching TV﹖2.陈述句中有情态动词(can、may、must …)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。如:He can swim now. →Can he swim now﹖The children may come with us. → May the children come with us﹖3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does主语后的实义动词用原形。如:I like these animals. →Do you like these animals﹖She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies﹖4.一般疑问句一般读升调(↑)5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答。如:Are they in town now﹖I think so.May I sit here﹖Certainly.Does he like soccer﹖Sorry I don't know.6. 一般疑问句的第一单词总是虚词,读的时候要读轻声。陈述句变为一般疑问句技巧:根据一般疑问句不同的家族,可以用不同的方法将陈述句变为相应的一般疑问句。1、第一家族:含be动词或情态动词的句子秘诀:一调二改三问号一调:即把句中的be或情态动词调到主语前;二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I\my \mines\we\our\ours等。第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称you\your\ yours等;三问号:句末的句号改为问号。如:Eg. I am an English teacher.&&& →&&& Are you an English teacher?Eg. We can speak English fluently.&& →&&& Can you speak English fluently?2、第二家族:含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的句子秘诀:一加二改三问号一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does;二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形;2、改换主语称谓(同第一家组);三问号:句末的句号改为问号。Eg. We read English every morning. → Do you read English every morning?Eg. Tom’s father listens to English on the radio every evening. →Does Tom’s father listen to English on the radio every evening?特别注意:对于第二家族一定要注意动词的还原,因为时态与数的变化已经体现在助动词上了。3、加强记忆口诀:肯变一,并不难,can 或be提在前;谓语若为行为动,do 或does句首用。
与“句型转换。1. This is a ruler. (改为一般疑问句)______a rule..”考查相似的试题有:
10920516706214909231261723050791479Copyright ? 2011- Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17教育网站 版权所有 备案号:
1. Thank you very much. &Thanks __ __ _ _.
2. Pleased to meet you.& &&______
to meet you.
are welcome.&& &_______ &OK.&&& _______
all right. &&Not &____& ______.
4.&&& They
are not in the same class.&&&& They are
in ______ ________.
5.&&& Which
film star do you like best?&&&& ________
is your ________& movie star?
6.&&& Please
give Maria the rubber.&&&&&&& Please
______ the rubber ________ Maria.
helps me find my son.&&&&&&&& She ______
me _____ find my son.
8. Could you help me study English?&& &Could
you help me ______ English?
9. What is your mother?&& &______ is your _________ iob?
What _______ your mother ________?
10. Can I help you?&&&& ______ _____ I do _____ _______?
11. I want to buy my cat some food.&&&&& I _____ _____ to _______some food _____
12. What time is it ? &&&&&&______ the ________?
13. It’s one &five.&&&
&It’s ______ ________ ________.
14. It’s six forty- five.&&&& It’s _____ _______ _______ seven.
15. Who is your favorite star ?&& Who ______ you like ______?
16. Thank you for your help.& __________for _______ me.
17. Her English is not good.&&& Her English &______ _________.
18. What is the price() of the dress?&&& &______ _______ is the dress?
19. What is the boy’s name?&&& What is _____ ______ of the boy?
20. Who is he?&&&& ________ __________ &name?
21. My favorite food is chicken.&&&& ______ is my ________ food.
22.&& Spell
it ,please.& _______ _______ spell it, &please ?&&&&
________ ______ you spell it ?
doesn’t have an apple.&&& He __________
___________ apple.
24.&& Nancy eats lunch at
school. ()&&&& Nancy _______ ______ at school.
class begins at 8:00 a.m. ().&&& Our class begins at 8:00
_____ _______ ________.
is Jones.& ______& ________&
skin is yellow.& ______ &&______&
_____ her skin?
3. Zhou Lan likes dogs. &_____& &______ dogs?
4 The letter is from Tom.&&& _________ is the letter__________?
5.&&& They
have a TV. &______ _____ they
6.&&& These
red pants are ten dollars.&& _______
_______&& are these red pants?
has breakfast at six o’clock&&& _______
______ _______Tom ______ breakfast?
mother is 39 years old.&& _________
________ is your mother?
children are at home today.&& _____
&______ the children today?
10. Those are apples &&_____ &&_______ those?
11. Her name is Amy.& &______
&______ her name?
12. I am twelve years old .&& ___&&
____ are you
13.&& This
is a toy.& __________ is this?
14. They are from Cuba.
_____& _____ they from?
15. This is Mr. Zhang.&& _________ this?&
16. Nanjing
is in Jiangshu. _________ is Nanjing?
17.&& Mary
comes from London.
&&&_______& ______ Mary ______from?
18. It’s from my pen pal, Lucy. &&____ is it ______?
19.&& They
are oranges &&&&&________ ________
telephone number is .& &&&&&______ is your telephone number?
21.&& I’d
like some apple juice. &&&_____& _____ you ______ _____ ______?
22. I like monkeys because they are
clever.&&& _____ _____ you like
23. His uncle works in a hospital.&&& _____ _____ his uncle work?
24. He needs two kilos of apples.&&&&& _____ _____ he _______?
25. My father is an office worker.&&&&& _____ _____ your father ______?
26. Linda lives in America.&& _______ does Linda _____?
27. My English is good.&&& _____ ______ your English?
28. We can see the monkey show at 10
o’clock.&&& &_____ _____ we see at 10 o’clock?
1. She is from America.&& &&&&&&______
she _______ America?
2. I’m in Class Eight, Grade Nine. &&&____ ______ in Class Eight, Grade Nine?
3. These are my photos. &&_____ these ____ ____?
4. Mary has an eraser. &&&&_____ Mary _______ an eraser?
5. My favorite food is Jiaozi. &&&&____ your _____ food Jiaozi? Yes, _____
6. I can help you with English&&& ____ you _____ _____ with English?
7. Kangkang can play the guitar.&&&&& _____ &Kangkang _____ the guitar?
8. He has some color pencils.&&&&&& _____ he ______ ______ color pencils?
9. He would like to fly a kite.&&&&&& &_____ he _____ to fly a kite?
1.&&& These
men often play in their rooms.&&&&&&& ____
____ often ____ in______ room.
2.&&& They
are women docters&&&&&&&& _____ is ______
______ _______.
This baby is a boy. ()&&&&&& &_______ ______ ______ ______.
Is that your knife? ()&&&&& &_____ _____ your ______?
5. They have long noses. ()&&& &It
_____ ______ long _______.
6. Thosere apples. ()&&&& &&&&_______ _______ _______.
7. Are those men old?______& ______&
______ old?
8.&&& Does
he like an orange ?______& _____ like ______?
9.&&& This
is my watch. () &&&& _______ _______ our __________
10.&& Whats this in English? _________& _________ in English?
11&&& They
are buses. _________
_________ _________.
1. Jean is a teacher.& &&Jean
_______ a teacher.
2. Miss Li can find her son. &&&&Miss
Li ____ _____ her son.
3. He has a gray cap. &&&&He _______ ________ a grey cap.
will give her a call. &&&I _______
________ give her a call.
5. I like English very much.&&& I ______ like English _____ ______.
6. He likes singing some English songs.&& He _______ _____ singing some songs.
think it is right. &&&I _______ think it
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&


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