
【新人】Though we are parallel_伏哈吧_百度贴吧
【新人】Though we are parallel
救世主被黑魔王囚禁的消息不胫而走,许多人都慌了。 而目前在庄园里晒着太阳喝着茶的救世主看着对面笑得温和的伏地魔王,挑了挑眉,指着预言家日报上大大的【救世主被囚禁!】的标题问道,“怎么回事?我记得我只在这里喝了一下午茶而已。”
哈利在一星期前收到一封装饰华丽的信件,信上邀请他在一星期后的今天去庄园……喝茶。 哈利登时就紧张起来了。 谁会信真的邀请他的死对头去喝茶! 哈利犹豫着要不要告诉。眼睛却瞄到了信件后面的附注,【如果救世主先生有这个胆量,你可以一个人前来。不要告诉任何人。这是我们两个之间的决斗。】 哈利几乎可以从那华丽的花体字中看到了嘲笑的样子。 可是哈利不再是那个鲁莽的小伙子,他宁愿承认自己没胆量。 他的确没胆量将整个巫师界做赌注。 他告诉了。 收到消息后立刻通知的骨干们。他慈祥地对哈利说,“哈利,这是我们将消灭的一次重要机会,你愿意……” 不等校长说完,哈利毫不犹豫地说道,“我愿意去。” 有些愧疚,毕竟这可是性命攸关的事情,可是……这也是一次使巫师界彻底和平的一次契机。他心中坚定起来。 他们的计划是先让哈利去庄园,然后成员们埋伏在四周,待哈利的魔杖发出信号,他们就会进去援助哈利——谁会相信里面一个食死徒都没有呢? 全部人都感到热血沸腾。 只有哈利忐忑不安。 他觉得事情没那么简单。 于是便出现了开头的一幕。
当哈利真的坐在花园中和喝茶时,他的直觉就告诉他,这不对劲! 但他沉住气,依旧和拉家常。 既然对方并没有攻击他的意思,他也乐得清闲不去动手。 但是在喝了第21杯令他感到肚子饱胀的红茶时,他实在忍不住了。 “你究竟想怎样?”哈利。 笑得温和,却沉默不语。 哈利只觉得惊悚,任谁看到笑得温和而不是笑得阴险都会有种毛骨悚然的感觉的! 他并不知道是如何将自己那张恶心的蛇脸变回原来的【】的脸的,即使那的确十分赏心悦目,但哈利宁愿他面对的是那张蛇脸。
突然一只猫头鹰从天上扔下了一份预言家日报。 “看看吧,看看就知道了。”伏地魔不怀好意地说道。 哈利顿时有一种不祥的预感。 于是便出现了开头的一幕。
“如果你想知道为什么,我可以告诉你……”伏地魔慢吞吞地说道,“不过,会有条件。” 哈利怒目而视。 “相信我,并不是什么难以实现的条件。”伏地魔笑得阴险。 哈利莫名其妙地松了一口气,‘还是这样子的伏地魔比较顺眼。’然后被自己吓了一跳,他在想什么! 哈利权衡了一下,决定豁出去了。 “好,我答应你。” “其实也没什么,只是我在这里下了时间魔法,你以为你只过了一个下午,实际上外面已经过了一个星期了。”伏地魔带着点得意洋洋的表情说。他等待着对面可爱的小救世主的反应。 “什么!”哈利跳了起来,不可置信地说道。 那外面的凤凰社同伴们……他简直不敢想象,他们肯定以为自己真的被囚禁了!然后联想到预言家日报上的新闻,他不用想都知道,肯定是凤凰社的人不小心走漏了风声…… 他们的确战斗力强悍,但是口风不严!天哪,外面该乱成什么样了,罗恩和赫敏肯定十分焦急了……他们都以为自己被囚禁了,但实际上他只在这里喝了21杯红茶!
“你怎么可以这样!”哈利开始口不择言了,“原来这就是你的阴谋吗,让他们以为我已经被你囚禁了?呸!” 伏地魔慢条斯理地说着,“我以为我的所作所为的确很符合我的称号。我的确很想知道我这么做有什么不可以。” “你……”哈利瞪大眼睛说不出话来。 “好了我的小救世主,我想你该兑现你的承诺了。”伏地魔好不得意地说。 “你做梦!” “原来格兰芬多就是这样标榜自己的正义的?反悔?真是让人失望。”伏地魔挑眉。他有信心让他的小宝贝兑现他的承诺。 “你……我……”哈利涨红了脸说不出话。 “那你要什么就赶紧说!”哈利觉得自己实在丢脸。 为什么在对上伏地魔时自己被战争训练出来的镇静就完全不起作用了!完全回到以前一年级不懂事的时候了! “我要……”伏地魔的声音逐渐变得低哑,带着丝丝魅惑,他舔了舔唇,“……你。” “什么……唔!”哈利甚至还没来得及大惊失色,便被对方用嘴堵住了自己的。 伏地魔忘情地吮吸着对方嘴里的甜蜜,感受着他逐渐虚软下来的身子以及无力抵抗的城墙。 他深吮一下,抽离死敌的嘴,扯出了一条银丝。 还没等哈利反应过来推开他,嘴唇再一次被进攻。 哈利从刚开始的反抗到现在的驯服,他自暴自弃地想,算了,反正自己是答应他的了,这样就两……情……了……喂!你的手往哪里摸! 哈利的神智瞬间清醒,他用力推开压在他身上的躯体,用力擦了擦嘴唇,底气不足地大声说,“现在我答应你的条件做到了,你应该放我走了……喂!” 在他说话的时候伏地魔又欺身上前了。 “我可爱的哈利,难道你不知道……的时候是有前戏的吗?” 那可疑的停顿是怎么回事!
梁玉玺洗地机特价优惠 全国连锁 7天无理由退换货
哈利的脸刷得红了。 他已经不是未经情/事的小伙子了。他知道这是什么意思。 “可是……可是你……”哈利语无伦次地想表达什么。 “没有可是。”伏地魔再一次强势地掠夺。 天空不再是下午的晴朗,开始慢慢变暗了。 夜晚足够的长,伏地魔相信。
却甘愿沉沦 明知道这一切都将在第二天消逝
即使我们永远是平行线 我也会竭尽全力 让我们相交
Though we are parallel 【完】
甜蜜的小短篇~话说下次写个长篇吧亲【话说我昨天的回复被吞了= =
这句中的“though”怎么理解?Instead of following though on the Bowie-esque glam stomps of their debut,Suede concentrated on...请问这句中的though怎么理解?虽然?尽管?即使?可是?不过?……好像都说不通啊?还请顺便把这个句子翻译一下,以便于理解.翻译器请勿留,麻烦
Instead of following though on the Bowie-esque glam stomps of their debut, Suede concentrated on their darker, more melodramatic tendencies on their ambitious second album, Dog Man Star.
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go though是什么意思 go though在线翻译 go though什么意思 go though的意思 go though的翻译 go though的解释 go though的发音 go though的同义词
go thoughgo though 双语例句1. Maquiladoras are often owned and operated by foreign companies, who, even though they bring their equipment from the United States, pay for assembly, operating and labor costs in pesos, which allows their dollars to go much further.&&&&化妆品企业往往拥有和由外国公司,谁,即使他们带来来自美国的设备,支付组装,操作和劳动力成本比索,这使得他们的美元走得更远经营。2. 2. I want to go though I am sick.&&&&虽然我生病了但是我想去。3. I want to go back to last winter when we loved each other, but I realize that too much time has gone by Time flows by so fast A world of separation will approach me now The pictures inside the memories that grow faint The hot tears that flow down both cheeks Even though they are memories that cannot come back, cherish them Our beautiful recollections that I gave you head towards towards another world oh oh oh&&&&我希望回到我们深爱着彼此的去年冬天,但我意识到太多的时光已经远去;光阴似箭,现在分离的时刻即将临近;记忆中的一幕幕渐渐淡去,热泪从两颊流下;即使它们是无法恢复的回忆,它们仍然是我的珍爱;我给于你的美丽的回忆,将领着我走向另一个世界oh oh oh4. Though Odelia knew that it was good for Cecil to go to the Class, she didn't want to let go.&&&&Odelia虽然认为Cecil能上竞赛班很好,但她也不想放手。5. But I learn to bear up and stand up bravely, though I go through innumerable tumbles.&&&&但我学着坚强,勇敢地站起来,即便是无数次的跌倒。6. Even though 1000 has 10, 000 want to, but you still go, you have to back yourself, after all, home, their schools, their own lives.&&&&纵使有一千个一万个舍不得,但是你还是要走,你毕竟还要回到你自己的家,自己的学校,自己的生活。7. I had found a perspective glass or two in one of theseamen's chests, which I saved out of our ship, but I and this was so remote that I could not tell what to makeof it, though I looked at it till my eyes were not able to ho whether it was a boat or not I do not know, but asI descended from the hill I could see no more of it, so I only I resolved to go no more out without a perspective glassin my pocket.&&&&因此,我毫不怀疑,那些旧帆布早已烂掉了。事实上,大部分也确实烂掉了。可是,从这些烂帆布中间,我还是找到了两块帆布,看上去还不错,于是就动手用来做船帆。因为没有针,缝制起来就十分费力费时。花了不少力气,才勉强做成一块三角形的东西,样子丑陋不堪。那船帆的样子像我们英国的三角帆;用的时候,帆杆底下装一根横木,船篷上再装一根横木,就像我们大船的救生艇上装的帆一样。8. 8. Though you go to art class to learn skills and perfect your ability, Brother Wanda spent an entire two weeks of the end of the year focusing on creativity.&&&&罔达修士花了两个星期的时间,让我们明白什么是创造力。9. And I am so upset that I miss the first snowing of my life, but as I go down to check therats, though the windows, I see it is still snowing.&&&&思念我很想他,他还好吗?当我一个人走在路上,想起当初和他同行,坐爆自行车的轮胎10. 10. Though the destination of our journey is the same, sometimes we have to go on our own way, and then tell each other what we have seen. I hope we keep such a relationship.&&&&虽然我们旅行的目的地相同,可是我们偶尔会走各自的路,然后再告诉对方彼此看到的风景,我希望我们是这种关系。11. In order to go from 5 to 13 wpm, you have to start over again, even though you may not realize that while you're doing it.&&&&&&为了去5日至13每分钟,你必须重新开始,即使你可能没有意识到,当你这样做。12. 12. Another day has gone I'm still all alone How could this be You're not here with me You never said goodbye Someone tell me why Did you have to go And leave my world so cold Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay But you are not alone For I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart But you are not alone'Lone, 'lone Why, 'lone Just the other night I thought I heard you cry Asking me to come And hold you in my arms I can hear your prayers Your burdens I will bear But first I need your hand Then forever can begin Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay For you are not alone I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart For you are not alone Oh...&&&&&&还有一天,我已经独自还是怎么会这样你不支持我在这里你永远不说再见有人告诉我,为什么你要离开我去世界上最寒冷每天我坐下来问我怎么爱支路在我耳边低声东西离开,并说你并不孤单因为我与你同在,虽然你远我在这里逗留,但你并不孤单因为我与你同在,虽然我们相距遥远,你永远在我心中,但你并不孤单'龙'孤独为什么,'孤独就在前一天晚上,我想我听到你哭要我来召开在我的怀里,我可以听到你的祈祷你的负担,我会承担,但首先你我需要你的手,然后永远可以开始每天我坐下来问自己是怎么溜走的爱在我耳边低声东西,说你并不孤单因为我与你同在,虽然你远我在这里逗留你并不孤单,我与你同在,虽然我们相距遥远,你在我对你的心总是并不孤单啊。。。13. Another day has go I' How could this beYou' You never said go S Did you have to go; And leave my world so coldEveryday I How did love slip awaySomething whisper That you are not aloneFor I Though you' I am here to stayB For I am here with youThough we're far apartYou'r But you are not alone'Lone, ' Why, 'loneJ I thought I Asking me to comeAnd I c Your burdens I But first I Then forever can beginEveryday I How did love slip awaySomething whisper That you are not aloneFor I Though you're far awayI F For I am here with youThough we' You'r F Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'And girl you know that I' I'll be thereY For I Though you're far awayI F For I am here with youThough we' You're always in my heartF For I am here with youThough you' I am here to stayF For I am here with youThough we' You're always in my heartFor you are not alone...&&&&&&其它天有去我仍然是所有单独怎麼能这是您不在这里以我您从未说再见某人告诉我为什麼您必须去留下我的世界很冷每天我坐和问自己怎麼爱滑动某事耳语在我的耳朵里和认为您不是单独为我在这里以您您虽则是很远我在这里停留但您不是单独为我在这里以您虽然我们是远单独您总是在我的心脏但您不是单独'孤立,'孤立为什麼,'孤立另一夜I 认为我听见您哭泣要求我来拿著您在我能听见您的祷告您的重荷我负的我的胳膊里但我首先需要您的手能永远然后开始每天我坐和问自己怎麼爱滑动某事耳语在我的耳朵里和认为您不是单独为我在这里以您您虽则是很远我在这里停留为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然我们是远单独您是在我的心脏为您总不是单独耳语三个词并且我将来runnin '并且女孩您知道我将是那里我将在那里您不是单独为我在这里以您虽然您是很远我在这里停留为您不是单独为我在这里以您我们虽则是远单独您总是在我的心脏为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然您是很远我在这里停留为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然我们是远单独您总是在我的心脏为您不要是单独。。。14. Relax's time, I would hope use favorite way to spent it, The end of the morning's course, When my partner Jane said to me, It so happened have two movie tickets, At 19:00, Whether with me together go to watch movie, After my heart feel delight, Though we have been reached before the consensus, Prepare to look at 19:10 the movie, 《Red Cliff》, Actually, I hope to watch a local movie in china, I franked told she i have not seen the movie of the first half, But she said that will not affect, The pm 7:00, I already in the cinema At the door of wait for a long time, Has yet to see my companions, Maybe i in the kill of time, I watch of the film table, Screening of the it seem chinese movie, 《Red Cliff》and《Madagascar》2 Some less the introduction of the movies, Despite I would not be surprise, But I would watch the 《Red Cliff》 should the good choice, I saw Jane, She let me wait a full 15 minutes, I think he will find for themselves better reason, To avoid being late forpsychological, Her own apology for being late because of traffic congestion on the road, Although I am a taxi to the, I feel Chengdu Crowded is Traffic, The sky already dark, The streets are constantly whistle sound, Finally, I can not on forgive her, We enter the cinemas, Cinema is no Imagine as spacious, But is a very delicate environment, The film should have been broadcast, I think we are 10 minutes late, So we quietly went to the location, To watch the movie, I feel to have chinese classical music, To surround the movie, Aslo let me fusion of the atmosphere in China, Maybe the movie has some humorous language, But sometimes have small number of comments Voice, At least that let me feel sick discomfort, We are seriously watch to the movie, Cinema is about to go out, Maybe this is for me is breath of fresh air, The best, But is the helpless's choose, Very fond three kingdoms of my friend, In U. S, They are very fond the Japanese game 《Dynasty Warriors》, They say he is cool, No have complex plot, Can let you full of crazy and direct, These maybe can to me as a reference, Because I do not know three kingdoms of lot, Jane asked in how I feel when, I told her I like Zhou Yu, ,WHich have a scene, When he performed the sword dance when, In front of Xiao Qiao, I feel the ancients are the comfort and fine and smooth, And has a strong China atmosphere, Although in my thoughts, Zhuge Liang is the wisdom, And Cao Cao more are poetry and brutality, Maybe They are contrary, But i not longing the latter, In the movie has a Cao Cao poetry recitation, I ever for that memory, Is clearlr, It makes me feel he to near for me, My favorite watch movie, Maybe in U. S, Many people will because leisure watch movie, In U. S, Movie ticket prices low, That let me feel the can more depth and perfect sound quality, In U. S, I only know the Chinese movie is 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》, This is my ever for China's thought, Martial arts and essence's experience, I like the director Ang Lee, He's movie has the ease, And sometimes, In heart was very heavy, Without violence, I feel that the oriental atmosphere, And bamboo's quiet, Maybe and 《Red Cliff》It is different, 《Red Cliff》's scenes let me feel endless grand, Although i have not seen the upper part, Many Hollywood great's works, Filled more is behind the emotional and caring, They are usually war deep to aware of human nature, China's ancient war, Full of alertness, Also is the wisdom of the struggle, Even if I am fell, It still is a beautiful works, But I believe, It will become my forever memory, I like the memory, Chinese movie memory, Although it will never be able to replace the first&&&&&&轻松的时间,我会选择用喜欢的方式度过它,结束了上午的课程,当我的工作伙伴珍对我说,刚好有两张电影票,下午7点,是否一起去看电影,我内心已经为此感到愉快,尽管我们之前已经达成了想法,准备看19点10分的电影《赤壁》,实际上我希望能够在中国看一部中国电影,我坦诚地告诉她并没有看过它的上部,但她说着并没有影响,下午7点,我已经在电影院门口等候多时,很迟没有看见我的同伴,也许在利用时间,我看着电影表,放映着似乎中国的电影《赤壁》,和《马达加斯加》2一些为数不多的引进电影,尽管我并不会感到惊奇,但是我想看《赤壁》,应该是不错的选择,我等到了珍,她让我等了足足有15分钟,我想她会为自己的找到更好的理由,来逃避迟到的心理,她道歉自己因为路上塞车而迟到,尽管我是计程车来的,我感到了成都交通很拥挤,天空已经黑了,街道不断是鸣笛声音,终于我无法不原谅了她,我们进入了电影院内,电影院不是想象那样宽敞,却是一个精致的环境,电影应该已经开始了播放,我想我们已经迟到了10分钟,所以我们安静走到位置,观看影片,我感到浓厚的中国古典音乐,包围着这部电影,也让我在中国气氛中间融合,也许是影片中有着幽默的语言,但有时会出现少量的评论声音,至少这让我感到不适,我们认真观赏完了这部电影,即将走出电影院,也许这是对我是呼吸新鲜空气,最佳的,可是无奈选择,我的朋友很喜欢三国,在美国,他们很喜欢日本的游戏《三国无双》,他们说他很酷,并没有复杂的剧情,可以让你充满疯狂和直接,这也许可以给我作为参考,因为我并知道三国的很多,在珍问我觉得怎么样的时候,我告诉她我很喜欢周瑜,其中有一个场景,他舞剑的时候,在小乔面前,我感到中国古人的舒适和细致,并有着浓厚的中国气氛,尽管在我的想法中,诸葛亮是智慧的,而曹操更多是诗歌和残忍,我不渴望后者,影片有一首曹操诗歌的朗诵,我曾经对那一首的记忆很清晰,它让我感到了他的靠近,我很喜欢看电影,也许在美国,很多人会因为闲暇看电影,美国的电影票价很低,这却让我感到了更加深入和完美的音质,在美国,我只知道的中国电影是《卧虎藏龙》,这是我对中国曾经的想法,武打和精华的观点,我很喜欢李安这位导演,他的电影有着缓和,和有时心里很沉重,没有暴力,《卧虎藏龙》让我感到了那段东方的气息,和竹子的舒适,也许它和《赤壁》的不同,《赤壁》的场面让我无尽感到宏伟,尽管我没有看到它的上部,很多好莱坞伟大的作品,充满更多的是背后的情感和关怀,他们往往是在战争深处而察觉人性,而中国古代的战争,充满着机警,也是智慧的斗争,即使我感到,它仍然是一部美丽的作品,但是我相信,它将成为我永远的记忆,我很喜欢这种记忆,中国电影的记忆,尽管它永远无法取代第部15. As soon as he does though, it'll be sexual harrassment and he'll go to jail.&&&&&&他一这么做,就是性骚扰,会被抓去坐牢的。16. Dream suddenly look into the sky like a daytime Choi Wan, and then view the mountains, busy wood, Zen Nai Ho, night dreams go, though, such as spring water gurgling, leisurely around the home without putting too much does not lament the worldly Nan Ke.&&&&&&梦,有如白日里忽睹天际彩云,再观山中闲木,怎奈何,一夜梦归,虽如春水潺潺,悠悠绕故乡,却无不感叹这世间太多的南柯。17. 17. We don't have time to go though
let's cut through the red tape and take your request right to the director.&&&&&&我们没有时间例行公事,让我们摒弃官僚作风,把你的要求直接反映给主任。18. Arrived LAYON, We firstly went into the supermarket, such as Lotus, Big C, and so on. Even though the outside was very hot, you could enjoy the cool air and took a rest now. After bought something for eating, such as food, water, beer, cola, then took a bus go to the beach. It spent your 20 Baht(about 4 RMB), you could find a good beach to enjoy the sunlight and the wind from sea. Laid or sit down on the sands. The sands are white, the water is blue. The cloud flowed in the deep blue sky, took a deep breathe, the feeling was so fine. continiuing&&&&&&到达LAYON后,我们首先去超市,好像一个莲花,尽管外面非常热,但在这里休息的同时并且享受这里的凉气,之后买一些吃的东西,食品、水、啤酒、可乐,再乘公交车去海滩,要花20泰币(折4元人民币),你可以找一个好一点的海滩享受太阳浴和海的气息,你可以躺或坐在沙上,白色的沙,蓝色的水,云在深蓝色的天空飘舞,做个深呼吸,感觉特别的爽。19. It was not a traditional celebration, though, as we decided to go around the city this year.&&&&&&但我们并没有以传统的方式来欢度这个节日,我们决定今年在城市里逛一圈。20. go though20. You give your hand to me Then you say hello I can hardly speak My heart is beating so And anyone can tell You think you know me well But you don't know me No, you don't know the one Who dreams of you at night And longs to kiss your lips And longs to hold you tight Oh I'm just a friend That's all I've ever been'Cause you don't know me For I never knew The art of making love Though my heart aches With love for you Afraid and shy I've let my chance to go by The chance that you might Love me, too You give your hand to me And then you say good-byeI watch you walk away Beside the lucky guy You'll never never know The one who loves you so Well, you don't know me You give your hand to me, baby Then you say good-byeI watch you walk away Beside the lucky guy No, no, you'll never ever know The one who loves you so Well, you don't know me&&&&&&你让你的手给我,然后你打一声招呼,我差点说不出话来,我的心跳等,并任何人都可以告诉你,你想知道我的好,但你不知道我没有,你不知道一个人的梦想,你在夜间渴望亲吻你的嘴唇和渴望你拥有紧哦,我只是一个朋友,那都是我所见过been'cause你不知道我,我从来知道艺术做爱,我虽然心痛,爱你害怕和害羞,我已经让我的有机会去的机会,也许你爱我,你太让你的手给我,然后你说好byei看你走,旁边的幸运儿你永远都不知道谁爱着你这么好,哟美国不知道我,你给你的手给我,英航届时,你说好byei看你走,旁边的幸运儿不,不,青 u'll永远知道谁爱着你这么好,你不知道我go though 单语例句1. Aristide hasn't ventured out into the teeming streets, though officials say he is free to come and go.2. Though coveted brands may come and go, jeans are forever fashionable.3. Cream of mushroom soup is served by the thimbleful at RMB 25, though taste and presentation go some way in compensating for the petite portions.4. Very often we administrators face complaints from teachers about internationalization of the student mix, though we all understand that this is the correct path to go.5. Police were forced to detain Shi for questioning for five days before letting him go, without his fake ID though.6. Though Duff doesn't go into details, she admits the song " Gypsy Woman " was in part inspired by the family drama.7. Some compare Shanghai with New York, some with Paris - though don't go expecting either or you may be disappointed.8. Even then the planes had to go through a third place, though they did not need to land.9. Singer Gwen Stefani's Malaysia gig will go on as planned, though a Muslim students group raised objections to her sexy publicity video for the tour.10. We need to go at the task as though we are mobilizing for war.go though是什么意思,go though在线翻译,go though什么意思,go though的意思,go though的翻译,go though的解释,go though的发音,go though的同义词,go though的反义词,go though的例句,go though的相关词组,go though意思是什么,go though怎么翻译,单词go though是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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