ithere had beenrarely been s...

Slow play is a frequent complaint among golfers, particularly at major events, but it's rarely enforced.
Competitors like Armstrong have stuff to prove to themselves, and to others, and it's rarely pretty.
Even with plenty of information on the package, it's rarely clear what we're eating.
But she noted that ovarian cancer has poor survival rates because it's rarely caught early.
It's rarely easy and, yet, somehow I've found a way to feed a monkey every year since I was born.
New Delhi (CNN) -- When 33-year-old Ashoo Mongia visits the supermarket it's rarely for stocking up his fridge for the week.
Guard MarShon Brooks said he hears the music, but it's rarely distracting.
Buyers tempted by the idea of owning a piece of architectural history should remember that it's rarely as straightforward as winning a bidding war.
Temporary numbness or loss of feeling at the site of the incision is fairly common in face-lifts and tummy tucks, though it's rarely permanent.
Yet it's rarely seen nowadays, and the Roundabout Theatre Company's 2008 Broadway revival was a monstrosity in which Richard Greenberg rewrote Mr. O'Hara's no-nonsense book to coy and campy effect.
But beyond the new names and the winning streak, the U.S. team played with a confidence and a style it rarely displays on the road against the world's top soccer nations.
"It's a violation of federal law, but rarely to people go to jail for it, " Turley told CNN on Wednesday.
Japan has a law similar to America's but rarely enforces it.
Saturday's second game had been billed as one of the most intriguing of the Euro 2012's group stages but it rarely failed to live up to the pre-match hype.
When you live by yourself in a house that you very rarely leave and is even more rarely visited, it's essential that you don't lose track of the time.
Stores like Best Buy typically don't garner massive profits from just selling the snazzy new LCD or LCoS televisions, but "around 50 percent" of the extended warranty's pricetag goes straight to their pocket, and rarely do consumers need the coverage until after it's up.
But leadership that is good only at saying no rarely inspires -- it's about preserving gains rather than creating ideas.
It's a luxury the Red Bulls have rarely been allowed.
Data on manager salaries is sketchy and rarely publicized, so it's difficult to say whether managers' salaries are exploding in the same way player salaries did a decade ago.
He says : Contrary to a woman's ensemble, shoes rarely make a man's outfit, but they can often break it.
Mr Ahmadinejad was often seen in the white Peugeot 504 when he served as Tehran's mayor, but has rarely used it since becoming president in 2005.
Despite a rigid, state-imposed conservatism that shuns any semblance of democracy, the aged leading princes, and the unsavoury antics of lesser princes lording it over them, Saudi Arabia's 25m inhabitants have rarely protested loudly.
"When it's a secret you want to know it more, " she says, noting that she and her colleagues rarely look at the data.
"You rarely get noticed as a goalkeeper unless it's for a mistake, " said Peter Shilton, the former England star.
The band played 23 songs including some of their rarely-played early numbers such as It's All Over Now and their cover version of the Beatles' I Wanna Be Your Man.
It rarely makes sense to hold cash at today's negligible interest rates, when you have debt at rates that are more than 2% or 3% of what the cash is earning.
It's a significant turnaround for the community in India, which rarely married Indians before 1947.
The .com suffix generally implies an American domicile, though not exclusively. (The U.S. also has a .us suffix, but it is rarely used.) Canny opportunists are registering site names .nl in the Netherlands .id in Indonesia, anticipating that Jeff Bezos or Disney will pay big bucks for the names as they move ahead with international e-commerce plans.
It was credit to Bolton's defence that their keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen was rarely called into action.
Changing managers every two years is rarely the path to a sports championship, and it's not the way to great marketing either.
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感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Challenge: I ought to use this more! - Simon Monday Challenge Blog
| Challenge: I ought to use this more!
Challenge: I ought to use this more!
You have them (we all do) – those products that don’t get used nearly enough. Perhaps it is a stamp or maybe it is a particular ink color. Whatever your particular product or technique is – this is your chance to get it used and share!
had much fun looking through her stash looking for rarely used items
I often use my favorite products and this challenge really got me to go a bit outside of my comfort zone. I rarely use
and about 6 months ago I got myself the
with the . It was time to put them both to use along with the
background stamp. Love that you can stamp with sprays this way! What works perfectly on a dark background is , also something I need to use more!
A rarely used butterfly was
starting point this week.
This gorgeous
has only been used once! It is so beautiful and delicate, I must put it to use more. Using a tone on tone effect, along with
and , these butterflies created a lovely background for this sweet page!
was inspired to create a tag using neglected fabric.
Fellow DT member Ashli was my source of inspiration to create my
based tag. Admittedly, I hoard fabric like I do cardstock! After creating the background with ripped strips of , I embellished with an foiland . I love the added texture and homespun feel that the fabric gave to my project.
decided that she ought to be creating scrapbook pages with her family photos.
I am always inspired by my fellow team member’s scrapbooking layouts and decided that I ought to be capturing more memories. I started with a sweet photo of my dad with my youngest at one of his annual sledding outings. Because of the yellow sweatshirt my dad is wearing I pulled out my yellow Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists to create a back splash. To create a swirling motion to reflect the snowflakes the
with a touch of
was stenciled randomly in the background.
loved using a technique and colour that she doesn’t use often enough.
Purple is a colour that I really should use a lot more of in my work and with this in mind, and inspired by , I used the colour purple and a faux batik technique, that I haven’t used in a while to create this week’s card project. I added a
chipboard covered with
and crinkle ribbon dyed with
to complete my card.
paid homage to her fury friend Mitzi this week in a rustic wall hanging.
I have many items in my crafting arsenal that are a little neglected at the moment, but this week was a simple decision, I opted to use
stamp. Over the last 8 weeks I have been reorganising my craft space and this stamp kept catching my eye and this challenge gave me the perfect opportunity to use it. As a dog owner, I think I was drawn to the image in that my fury friend is also my best friend, and this image reflects that perfectly for me. Combined with a backdrop of
to add the all important texture, I feel I have captured just exactly how I feel about my little dog Mitzi!
altered a configurations shadow box that she always loves but has never created any project with it before.
I have collected many different sized
and they are perfect for storing and sorting my craft embellishments and jewelry accessories. This week, I decided to alter one of the boxes, and create some textures using
and colors using
made a mixed-media canvas panel using two products she should reach for more often.
I sometimes neglect the wonderful pads of patterned papers that I have, and decided to remedy that in this piece, using Prima
and pads both to create the background and for transfers. Even though I love stencils and use them all the time, my 12 x 12 stencils don’t see as much action as the smaller sizes. was smeared through to create the flowers, sentiments and dot texture. I had fun building up many layers of papers, , paste and .
has been distracted by shiny things.
I’ve been drawn to metallic lately. Gold, Bronze, Silver…all of them are wonderful! With my , I can add a touch of sparkle and shine everywhere with a simple swipe! What a great way to add a glow to the raised pattern in the darling ! These easy-to-use chalky pans even added deeper color and radiance to the . Now everything can shimmer on my vintage inspired tag. I ought to use those PanPastels more often!
The product that
feels he should really use more is his art journal.
I love my , it’s the perfect size, has a beautifully decorated front cover (if I say so myself) and it has a handy envelope to hold elements for works in progress. My mission to use it more starts today, with a page devoted to some of my favourite stamps. Among the stamps I used were ,
and , the perfect Polaroid stamp.
I () really ought to create ombre die cuts more often.
This Simon is the perfect thing to do it too! All you need is some , a , and get tapping! You can create shading, ombre effects, or just fun color variations and it is both fun and easy. I love how this butterfly filled tag turned out – and I’m off to find my next die cut to color!
remembered how much she loves to use Glossy Accents when she made this trio of house pendants.
is such a versatile substance, yet I don’t use it nearly as often as I should. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in fancy new products that I forget the reliable stand-bys. I love how Glossy Accents can serve as a faux resin for jewelry. Pour this magical liquid over some fabulous paper, like this
and you’ve got the perfect base for all sorts of whimsical pendants.
For more inspiration click on our design team’s blog links so you can see more photos (and full supply lists) for their projects. Leave them a little comment love while you’re there so they know how they’ve inspired you too, if you’re so inclined.
As always,
is giving away a $50 gift voucher that will go to a random entry chosen by random generator. To qualify all you need to do is create a new project that ties in (in any way!) with our theme and post it, along with a link back to this challenge, and add a link here. This challenge will end at 11:59pm on Sunday June 29th Eastern time. We will also be choosing some of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.
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Have A Question?DesignersI had a very disturbing nightmare last night...
Posted by a hidden member.
That I was eating lots and lots of chocolate! I couldn't stop and I was becoming fatter and fatter and fatter, it's the strangest nightmare I have ever had, I wouldn't even have considered it a nightmare had I not awoken with a panicking feeling afterwards.Do any of you guys have body image worries/paranoia when following a strict diet?In the dream the chocolate was SOOOOO sweet and good, I miss gorging on as much as I want.
Posted by a hidden member.
Seriously? I've had nightmares where I'm being murdered. And you dream of chocolate and call it a nightmare. You can always lose the weight afterwards.
Posted by a hidden member.
Oh God that sounds horrible. I have had dreams like that where it's like im still as fat as I used to be. It's like having PTSD. It's traumatic. Sometimes I dream of buffets and sometimes I dream that people keep making fun of me because im fat That's when I tend to go without eating for a while.
Posted by a hidden member.
Posted by a hidden member.
I hate chocolate. . . Yeah, we all have body worries in some way or another. just try and stick to your goals.
Posts: 21366
That makes sense if you're on a diet. It's a sign of addiction. You would likely have stressful smoking dreams if you were quitting smoking. Being on a diet or fasting can feel like trying to quit a drug.
Posts: 911
No, the only nightmares I really have anymore are those where you go to school and remember you haven't read any text or done any of your assignments and it's the end of the semester.
Posted by a hidden member.
Matiz saidAnd bacon?
Posted by a hidden member.
I had a nightmare where I was sleeping with a female prostitue... does that make me a straight sex addict?
Posted by a hidden member.
Steduo saidI had a nightmare where I was sleeping with a female prostitue... does that make me a straight sex addict? you are entirely missing the point,I was dreaming of a means to an end, the end being becoming a big lardo, I wasn't dreaming of an objective fear or unpleasentness.
Posted by a hidden member.
Rhi_Bran saidNo, the only nightmares I really have anymore are those where you go to school and remember you haven't read any text or done any of your assignments and it's the end of the semester.I used to have this sort of nightmare frequently. In it I remembered late in the semester a class I had signed up for and never attended. It's been awhile since I had that nightmare. I'll probably have it again now.(EDIT: I have never dreamed that I was sabotaging my fitness goals. Maybe I should take them more seriously.)
Posts: 5205
turbobilly saidMatiz saidAnd bacon?no bacon
Posts: 11421
If it was Dark unsweetened Chocolate ... no worries ... it's healthy
Posted by a hidden member.
I have the actor's nightmare at least once or twice a week. A fast costume change with
not being able to
find the right (black!) pants (and socks!)
ready to go on but not knowing what I am supposed to say or what show we are doing.
Posts: 411
I actually try and stuff my face with all cookies, pop, cakes, pies, icecream etc. For some reason my bodyfat level just doesn't increase much. Although I've always gained muscle really really easily.Then again you're talking to someone that started to bodybuild after being nearly hospitalized over annorexia.
Posts: 118
Whenever I try dieting I ALWAYS have dreams of eating the foods I cant have. That's actually why I've stopped dieting haha. I figure if my body is going to those lengths to indulge itself, its not worth it lol.
Posted by a hidden member.
Montague saidturbobilly saidMatiz saidAnd bacon?no baconYes bacon.
Posted by a hidden member.
Posts: 239
It was pretty freaky when I could feel the knife as it was slitting through my throat in one of those (nightmare?) I had.
Posted by a hidden member.
This thread made me realize that I NEVER have dreams about food or eating, nor drinking, either, by me or anyone else. Is that considered unusual?I rarely have real nightmares, though sometimes the dream isn't developing the way I'd like. So I just rewind it to the point where it started going badly, then let it run forward with the improved storyline.
Posted by a hidden member.
ART_DECO saidThis thread made me realize that I NEVER have dreams about food or eating, nor drinking, either, by me or anyone else. Is that considered unusual?I rarely have real nightmares, though sometimes the dream isn't developing the way I'd like. So I just rewind it to the point where it started going badly, then let it run forward with the improved storyline.I have lucid dreaming, I often become self aware, but I always ruin the dreams storyline because I forget where it was going and it doesn't take it's natural course.It's like all the actors stop and look at me to add a road or a new villain to the plot but I just can't conjure it, I should start a new thread about lucid dreaming, see if anyone else knows how to control their dreams.
I had that dream last night that my two upper front teeth started migrating and then they fell off. It was scared and woke up immediately.
Posts: 3866
i had a sexual dream bout my manager.but dat booty thoDAT BOOTY GOT ME SPRUNG
Posted by a hidden member.
I don't have nightmares about getting fat because I DO get fat - it's inevitable less due to a lack of discipline and more to health issues, medications and injuries.
Plus once medically cleared to train and diet the weight comes off at three times the speed it took to put on and I hit new personal bests.
For example, I recently gained 35 lbs over several months of forced inactivity, began training exactly one month ago and lost 12 lbs.
I'll hit goal weight in another two months with no worries - except how the skin on my midsection and jowls are gonna look this go-round.
I mean, I'm over 50 - it's been a great ride but it's not gonna last much longer.
That's legit body image worry and paranoia.As for disturbing nightmares, I journaled one starring myself and "RJ Royalty" Art Deco, CuriousJockAZ and Ariodante/Matiz, a twisted, perverse tale of autoerotic asphyxiation and cosmetic surgery.
If you want to read how that went down you can find that documented dream, titled "The Boys Next Door," here:
Posts: 1484
I never have dreams about food. Most of my dreams are fairly benign, but there is the occasional nightmare, like of a shark nibbling away at me while I'm underwater after a surfing wipeout, or being gunned down with heavy machine guns when I can't even see where the fire is coming from. Fortunately, no worries about getting fat and accumulating blubber for the sharks.}


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