list two other6.39 prob8...

帮我写英语作文What problems do you have in learning English?●Make a note about your problems or difficulties.●Share your problems with your friends and discuss how you can solve them.●List your solutions to two your problems.●Decide a title and draft your compostiton.
Nowadays,people can get almost any information from the internet,but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society.The following essay discusses whether there should be censorship of information in society or not.To begin with,some information is harmful for children,therefore we should protect children from some information.By this I mean,children are easily influenced and they cannot distinguish what is right or real and what is wrong or unreal,as they are immature,and hey probably imitate what they have seen.As a consequence,we should protect children from some information such as excessive violence or obscene material,so that they can grow up to be valuable members of society.Another point to bear in mind is that some information which could be harmful to society should be censored.For example,some material that encourages racism,violence or terrorism threatens social security,and it might lead to some serious social problems,such as crimes.Therefore,the government should ban this kind of information in films,books or on the internet.However,people do have the right to choose what they what to know,and they should be allowed access to most information.Further more,most adults are good people and will not be influenced in a negative way easily,thus they should have the freedom to decide what they want to know,and the government should not censor all information,as the government is only a group of people after all.In conclusion,parents should strictly control what their children watch or read,and the government should censor such information in children’s books,films or websites.In addition,the government should ban some information which encourages racism,violence and terrorism,as it is harmful to society.However,on the other hand,since it is people’s right to choose what they want to know,the government should not censor most information.
It seems that there is a tendency that English is more and more important in our life.some students think making a note is no necessary in our English study. however others don't think so. In own...
扫描下载二维码& “阅读下面的短文 I was pushed...”习题详情
阅读下面的短文 I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school program, where I had the opportunity to interact with many teenagers. Each conversation was only adding one more item to the list of problems.
About two thirds of girls in Grades Nine to Twelve "worry about their appearance." While there were no gender differences in worries about school, girls worry about getting along with parents and what to do when they are older. Girls are proven to worry more about personal problems, romantic relationships, being liked by other kids and being concerned about what kind of person they are. In fact, the only thing boys worry about more than girls is succeeding in their physical activities.
What parents need is to look at ways to help teens and take responsibility for what we are exposing our teens to right now. We cannot afford to ignore the parental duties of bringing them up well from the time they are little. Televisions, computers and other gadgets that they spend most of the time on cannot give them the nurturing that only parents can.【写作内容】以约30词概括上文的主要内容。&
习题“阅读下面的短文 I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school program...”的分析与解答如下所示:
本文属于读写任务写作,给了一段材料:先要求以约30个词概括上文的主要内容,要求有很高的概括提炼的能力,要抓住文章的主题,动笔前,一定要认真阅读原文,并理解内容。对学生的概括能力要求很高,认真看清题目要求,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。【亮点说明】范文很精确的归纳了原文,而且在短短的30个字中,包含了词组play their part in 在…方面起着作用,和get away from远离,以及橘子: When interacting with teenagers, the writer found teenagers, especially young girls, have different worries. 这句话用了省略句,The author suggests that parents should play their part in helping teens get away from worries.这句话用了虚拟语气。
阅读下面的短文 I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school pr...
“阅读下面的短文 I was pushed...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“阅读下面的短文 I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school program, where I had the opportunity to interact with many teenagers. Each conversation was only adding one more item to the list of problems.
About two thirds of girls in Grades Nine to Twelve "worry about their appearance." While there were no gender differences in worries about school, girls worry about getting along with parents and what to do when they are older. Girls are proven to worry more about personal problems, romantic relationships, being liked by other kids and being concerned about what kind of person they are. In fact, the only thing boys worry about more than girls is succeeding in their physical activities.
What parents need is to look at ways to help teens and take responsibility for what we are exposing our teens to right now. We cannot afford to ignore the parental duties of bringing them up well from the time they are little. Televisions, computers and other gadgets that they spend most of the time on cannot give them the nurturing that only parents can.【写作内容】以约30词概括上文的主要内容。”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“阅读下面的短文 I was pushed into writing the "Top ten problems teenagers face" after I attended a school program, where I had the opportunity to interact with many teenagers. Each conversation was only adding one more item to the list of problems.
About two thirds of girls in Grades Nine to Twelve "worry about their appearance." While there were no gender differences in worries about school, girls worry about getting along with parents and what to do when they are older. Girls are proven to worry more about personal problems, romantic relationships, being liked by other kids and being concerned about what kind of person they are. In fact, the only thing boys worry about more than girls is succeeding in their physical activities.
What parents need is to look at ways to help teens and take responsibility for what we are exposing our teens to right now. We cannot afford to ignore the parental duties of bringing them up well from the time they are little. Televisions, computers and other gadgets that they spend most of the time on cannot give them the nurturing that only parents can.【写作内容】以约30词概括上文的主要内容。”相似的习题。}


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