
英语翻译 求专业高手帮忙_百度知道 英语翻译 求专业高手帮忙 这段话译成英文;冬季银装素裹、休闲避暑:哈尔滨的气候属中温带大陆性季风气候,特点是四季分明;夏季清凉宜人、满城丁香,春季山野披绿、雪韵冰情;秋季秋高气爽、层林尽染 软件翻译的勿扰!求专业高手帮忙 ,万分感谢! 提问者采纳 he climate of Harbin is in the middle latitude temperate continental monsoon zone with the characteristics of four distinct seasons, trees and forests are colourful with clear sky and fresh air, mountains and plains are green with lila in summer, where in spring, the land is fully in white with charming snow and passionate ice, it is comfortably cool and refreshing for a casual holiday to avoid summer heat 提问者评价 来自团队: 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 其他1条回答 characterized by clear four seasons, CengLinJinRan, the city cloves,Autumn autumn, XueYSummer cool and refWinter snow mountains, summer, spring cover with green mountainsHarbin climate in the temperate zone continental monsoon climate 英语翻译的相关知识 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁英文翻译四个职称:拓展总监、拓展专员、拓展经理、助理策划师!求专业人士帮忙! 如题,英文翻译四个职称:拓展总监、拓展专员、拓展经理、助理策划师!求专业人士帮忙! Directorof(Market)Development
AssistantPlanner 拓展总监:GeneralSupervisorDevelopment
我的意见,供商榷,有问题再讨论。“专业的事交给专业的人”英文怎么说?不能直译,因为要放在logo里,所以单词不能太多。急求大虾帮忙! Leave it to the Professionals. 翻译成“安心的交给专业人士”。间接上‘专业人士’是指‘我们。希望有用。 Leave it to the experts ! leave it to the pros. Professionals be professionals!考虑到这句话要用于logo, 所以我觉得要醒目,用两个professionals就是要突出这点,表达的意思也恰当:让专业人员成为(名符其实的)专业人员。希望对你有用。 为您推荐: 扫描下载二维码求专业的人帮我翻译_百度知道 求专业的人帮我翻译 This transaction is more complex, the extent of Chinese holdings in U.S, China has become the largest single holder of U. The budget defi, it is not a matter of U. dollars and in U.S.S.S. dollar strong and do anything it can to ensure that U, and hybrids of the two, representing the market for its goods more than anywhere else.S. budget defi, this has to be qualificit, but part of the debt includes private enterprise. Treasury securities. So as the U;cits.S. By the end of 2004, China has taken steps. Treasury securities. By considering China a single economy. Acit requires continuation of the debt-based consumer buying on the part of the American public, the Chinese central banking system (primarily.S.S. consumer continues to fi. Investors may think of U;nancing the incredible growth in transportation. (Again. debt may reside primarily in China’s cecit and trade defi, and manufacturing in China since 1970, with other China-based interests) fi, fi.S, very close to the annual trade defi. currency remains strong, approximating the value of goods the United States purchases from China and in excess of goods the United States exports to China. consumerism as working for Chinese expansion. Federal Reserve identifi.S, we ignore the multilayered economy of China. The investment in U;cits are largely responsible for China’s growth.S;nances the ever-growing U. The United States buys manufactured goods from China. interests lending money to China, while the U.S, SOEs. Hcit requires investors to continue buying trillions of dollars’ worth of U, so it is in China’s interest to keep the U. debt continues to support the U;nance manufacturing growth in China, the textbook version of how one entity invests in another, funded increasingly by mortgage and credit card debt (the mortgage and credit bubble). It recognizes that the United States is a major consumer of China’ed, and the trade defi, China was holding $120 billion in U. debt is directly related to its desire to maintain strong demand for its own ever-growincit between the United States and China.S. Tes ongoing consumerism as productivity even though it involves little or no infrastructure investment within the United States. This number is, not coincidentally. consumers continue buying its wares, urban development.S.) However. So the Chinese investment in UTo ensure that the U.S. These twin defi. As long as this partnership jor player—the euro—struggles to keep its piece of the pie.S. twin defi 软件翻译或劣质翻译会给您的工作与学习带来不可挽回的后果(温馨提示,品质保证,价位合理。QQ!专业译员 来自团队: 为您推荐: 其他1条回答 确保美国货币保持强势,中国已经采取步骤。它承认美国是一个主要的消费中国制成品,所以在中国的利益保持美元强大的并会尽其所能,以确保美国消费者继续购买其产品。作为一个结果,中国已经成为美国最大的单一持有国债。(同样,这必须是合格的。考虑到中国经济,我们忽略了一个多层的中国经济。投资主要是美国国债可以住在中国中央银行系统,但是部分债务包括国有企业、私营企业、混合动力车的一个。)然而,中国持有的程度和在美国美元债务会继续支持美国的双赤字。预算赤字需要投资者继续购买美元的美国国债,和贸易赤字需要延续的消费者购买债券的一部分,美国政府。 截至2004年底,中国持有1200亿美元的美国国债。这个号码是,并非巧合的是,非常接近年度贸易赤字,美国和中国之间的货物价值,相当于美国从中国采购商品,超过... 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁}



