were ofall the samee hu...

--&|&-----------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal20%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal113%sorted by: newI used one of these at Jack In The Box while I was in the US because they had 3 of them with nobody using them, and a line 6 deep of people ordering from the counter. I was out by the time the 2nd customer got their food.
Sigh, goodbye free time.
My family orders fish and chips, while my nan rebuts anyone trying to order anything with red meat in it. No religious link, its just tradition in our family for some reason.
I couldn't believe we were getting the images of 2 cars stopped during the formation lap, but they were still prattling on about Masterchef. The cross promotion during the coverage has been ridiculous, how about some in-depth talk about the cars/race. For crying out loud, they were ON the starting grid and the only person they could talk to was some cooking wanker that had no idea what he was doing on the grid?
Australians are sick and tired of being preached to about facts.
Got screamed at by the office for taking so long to do a puncture. Handed the salesman the Allen key and told him to find a faster way. Very quickly had a quiet workshop after that.
That's a spoof interview. I'm not discounting how much a douchebag he may be, but that interview is just for the laughs.
Bunch of quality devs that have something to prove have become recently unemployed? That's a good start. A very good start.
Unfortunately, due to the wooden construction, it looks like these cars are beyond repair, as the frames have sustained significant damage.
Fortunately, due to the area being a rail workshop for over 100 years, the soil has been contaminated with all sorts of fantastic things, making it harder to convert the place to developed land.
In no way am I speaking on behalf of the group, but I do volunteer for Elecrail, who have lost a significant part of their rolling-stock in the fire. This is a heartbreaking event, the Clarke brothers had worked tirelessly on these cars, hand painting all the decals, doing all the pinstripe work themselves, the interiors of these carriages were immaculate, all the brass work had been polished, seats reupholstered using the same methods and materials from when they were new. The wheels were also very much in motion to have the train certified by Metro to run on the suburban network, with all the final touches to bring it up to safety standards being added over the past few months. Melbourne may not truly realise it, but a very very large chunk of our history as a burgeoning city in the 1900s has been lost here.
I know, I've been slack as fuck. I might do something soon. Just bought a new car so the rep game has taken a back seat.
I'm size 12, biggest mags they had were 11s. Thank fuck they fit big.
Mine are gorgeous. They get comments everywhere I've worn them. The glow works really well on my pair too. I was going to do a review but life has been hectic lately.
Nobody watches because Foxtel, someone complains about dwindling viewership.
For a series complaining about a dropping viewership, this seems like the stupidest move anyone could have thought up. Goodbye V8 Supercars, may your memory rest as they scatter your ashes at the base of Mt Panorama, to be broadcast on free to air as highlights a few days after.
I'm pretty sure they played a &cunt& in a Seth Sentry song not that long ago though.
Please explain exactly how Tom Tilley is the cause of this, and not the fact that these people knowingly committed a crime punishable by death in the country they committed it in.
We have a guy at work that does this. Every time a car comes in he doesn't like he calls it a shit box, we're always quick to remind him that he's 21 without a licence though.
Yeah, they fit comfy at 11. Everything else I own is a 12 and these are probably just a little more snug than those
These are actually a size 11, they didn't have any 12s, but they still fit really nicely, no cramped toes or anything. I went to a gig in them the other day and had no issue standing in them for hours on end
You're sitting in a room with a boner, with a bunch of other dudes that have boners. Think about that.
Yet whiter than mayonnaise tattooed boy over here always gets searched. Australian customs always bomb swabs me.
I'll give them a good sit in the sun and try to get some decent shots tomorrow.
Dude, have you seen it live yet? They just keep hitting it on the head man. I'm actually at a Harms Way show at the moment too haha.
Definitely shot, they're far from shit man hahaha.
helpapps & tools&3Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our  and . & 2015 reddit inc. All rights reserved.REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hu? Massacre (: Th?m sát t?i Hu? T?t M?u Th?n, or Th?m sát T?t M?u Th?n ? Hu?, lit. translation: " Massacre in Hu?") is the name given to the
perpetrated by the
during their capture,
and later withdrawal from the city of
during the , considered one of the longest and bloodiest
During the months and years that followed the , which began on January 31, 1968, and lasted a total of 26 days, dozens of
were discovered in and around Hu?. Victims included women, men, children, and infants. The estimated death toll was between 2,800 and 6,000
released a list of 4,062 victims identified as having been either murdered or abducted. Victims were found bound, tortured, and sometimes . Many victims were also clubbed to death.
A number of
authorities as well a number of journalists who investigated the events took the discoveries, along with other evidence, as proof that a large-scale
had been carried out in and around Hu? during its four-week occupation. The killings were perceived as part of a large-scale
of a whole social stratum, including anyone friendly to American forces in the region. The Massacre at Hu? came under increasing press scrutiny later, when press reports exposed that South Vietnamese "revenge squads" had also been at work in the aftermath of the battle, searching out and executing citizens that had supported the communist occupation.
set up provisional authorities shortly after capturing Hu? in the early hours of January 31, 1968. They were charged with removing the existing
from power within the city and replacing it with a " administration." Working from lists of "cruel
elements" previously developed by
, many people were to be rounded up following the initial hours of the attack. These included the Army of the
soldiers, ,
members, local
leaders, schoolteachers,
civilians and other international people. Cadres called out the names on their lists over loudspeakers, ordering them to report to a local school. Those not reporting voluntarily were hunted down.
Burial of 300 unidentified victims
The communists' actions were based on a series of orders issued by the High Command and the . In a 3500-page document issued on Jan 26th, 1968 by the -- Political Directorate, the political cadres were given specific instructions::28 'Operating in close support of the regular military and guerrilla elements, the political cadre were to: destroy and disorganize the Republic of Viet Nam's ('s) administrative machinery "from province and district levels to the city wards, streets,” motivate the people of Hue to take up arms, pursue the enemy, seize power, and establish a revo motivate (recruit) local citizens for military and "security” forces .. transportation and supply activities, and to serve wounded soldiers . . . ;" "pursue to the end (and) punish spies, reactionaries, and "tyrants" and "maintain order and security in the city".
Another section, dealing with Target Area 1 ("the Phu Ninh ward") read: "“Annihilate all spies, reactionaries, and foreign teachers (such as Americans and Germans) in the area. Break open prisons. Investigate cadre, soldiers and receptive civilians imprisoned by the enemy. Search for tyrants and reactionaries who are receiving treatment in hospitals":29–30 The orders for Target Area 2 ("the Phu Vinh ward") "Annihilate the enemy in the area...Rally the Buddhist force to advance the isolation of reactionaries who exploit the Catholics of Phu Cam".:30 The orders for Target Area 3 ("the wharves along the An Cuu River and from Truong Sung to the Kho Ren Bridge") follo "Search for and pursue spies, tyrants and reactionaries hiding near the wharf...Motivate the people in the areas along the River to annihilate the enemy.":30 For Target Area 4 (the district including Phu Cam and the Binh Anh, Truong Giang, Truong Cuu and An Lang sections) "Search for and pursue spies and reactionaries in the area...Destroy the power and influence of reactionary leaders...":31 For Area 1, Cell 3 was assigned the job of "Annihilation of tyrants and the elimination of traitors.":32
In June 1968 American 1st Cavalry troops captured
documents that included a directive written two days before the battle began. It included the following instructions: "For the purpose of a lengthy occupation of Hue, we should immediately liberate the rural areas and annihilate the wicked GVN administrative personnel.
Specific Mission .... We must attack the enemy key agencies, economic installations, and lines of communications. We must also annihilate the enemy mobile troops, reactionary elements and tyrants.”:113
On Feb 1st, the provincial administration, having taken control of Hue, issued a directive that ordered the troops, in part,:193 “To wipe out all puppet administrative organs of the puppet Thi?u-K? (President , Vice President ) clique at all levels in the province, city and town down to every single hamlet.”
On the same day, the Liberation Front radio announced, “We tell our compatriots that we are determined to topple the regime of the traitorous Thi?u-K? clique and to punish and annihilate those who have been massacring and oppressing our compatriots...we ask our compatriots to...help us arrest all the U.S.-puppet cruel henchmen.”:195
wrote that, according to Viet Cong documents captured during and after the siege, members of the provincial administration were to be taken out of the city, held and punished for their . The disposition of those who were previously in control of the city was carefully laid out, and the lists were detailed and extensive. Those in the Saigon-based-state
apparatus at all levels were to be rounded up and held outside the city. High civilian and military
were also removed from the city, both to await study of their individual cases.:33
who worked for "the Saigon enemy" out of necessity, but did not oppose the communists, were destined for
and later employment. Low-level civil servants who had at some point been involved in
activities were to be held for reeducation, but not employed. There are documented cases of individuals who were executed by the
when they tried to hide or otherwise resisted during the early stages of Hu?'s occupation.
Within days of the capture,
(USMC) and
as well as
units were dispatched to
and recaptured the city after weeks of fierce fighting, during which the city and its outlying areas were exposed to repeated shelling from
ships off the coast and numerous bombing runs by U.S. . It was reported that during the USMC and
attack, North Vietnam's forces had rounded up those individuals whose names it had previously collected and had them executed or sent North for "".
A large number of people had taken sanctuary from the battle in a local church. Several hundred of these people were ordered out to undergo
in the "liberated area" and told afterwards they would be allowed to return home. After marching the group south 9 kilometers, 20 of the people were separated, tried in a , found guilty, executed and buried. The others were taken across the river and turned over to a local Communist unit in an exchange that even included written receipts.
notes that, while “It is probable that the
intended that their prisoners should be reeducated and returned, but with the turnover, matters passed from his control.” Sometime within the following several weeks, the communists decided to kill the individuals under their control.:49
Searching – Bits of tattered clothing, sandals and slippers are examined by South Vietnamese women who lost relatives in the 1968 Tet massacre. The latest mass grave discovered in Hue yielded remains of 250 victims
Nguy?n C?ng Minh, daughter of the Deputy Mayor of Hu? at the time, reported that her father, who was of old age, was arrested at his home in the beginning of the Communist occupation, 3 days after he ordered his children (incl. Nguy?n C?ng Minh) and wife to flee via the back of their house when Communist troops first came knocking at their home. Upon telling the troops that he was Deputy Mayor of Hu? who was set to retire in one year (1969), he was ordered to report to , and pack clothing and food sufficient for 10 days. He was never seen again, nor was his remains recovered. She recalled that in the search of her father's remains, she witnessed that many of the bodies she came across in the mass graves were found to be in a fetal position, with their hands tied behind their backs, and the back of the heads/skulls were smashed, indicating that they knelt on the ground prior to their deaths and they died due to
to their heads.
In 1971, journalist Don Oberdorfer's book, Tet!, documented some eyewitness accounts of what happened in Hu? during the
occupation. Pham Van Tuong, a part-time janitor for the Hu? government information office who made it on the Viet Cong list of "reactionaries" for working there, was hiding with his family as the
hunted for him. When he was found with his 3-year-old daughter, 5-year-old son and 2 nephews, the Viet Cong immediately gunned them all down, leaving their bodies on the street for the rest of the family to see.
spent five days in late 1969 with Paul Vogle, an American English professor at Hu? University, going through Hu? interviewing witnesses of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong occupation. Oberdorfer classified all the killings into two categories: the planned execution of government officials and their families,
and civil servants, and
with A and those civilians not connected to the government who ran from questioning, who spoke harshly about the occupation, or who the occupiers believed “displayed a bad attitude” towards the occupiers.
Oberdorfer reported that on the 5th day of the Viet Cong occupation in the
district of Hu?, Ph? Cam, all
males over age 15, approximately 400 boys and men, who took refuge in
were taken away and killed . Some had been on the 's blacklist, some were of military age and some just looked prosperous. Oberdorfer interviewed Ho Ty, a
commander who took part in the advanced planning of a general uprising. He reported that Ty recounted that the Communist party "was particularly anxious to get those people at Ph? Cam... The Catholics were considered particular enemies of ours." It was apparently this group whose remains were later found in the Da Mai Creek bed. The murders of 500 people at Da Mai were authorized by
command "on grounds that the victims had been traitors to the revolution.”:85
Three professors, Professor Horst-Günther Krainick, Dr. Alois Altek?ster, and , who taught at the 's Faculty of Medicine and were members of the
Cultural Mission, along with Mrs. Horst-Günther Krainick, were arrested and executed by North Vietnamese troops during their invasion of Hu? in February 1968. On April 5, 1968, the bodies of the executed professors along with many Vietnamese civilians also executed, were discovered in mass graves near Hu?.
Philip W. Manhard, a U.S. senior advisor in Hu? province, was taken to a
() and held until 1973. Manhard recounted that during the
withdrawal from Hu?, the
summarily executed anyone in their custody who resisted being taken out of the city or who was too old, too young, or too frail to make the journey to the camp.
Two French priests, Fathers Urbain and Guy, were seen being led away and suffered a similar fate. Urbain's body was found buried alive, bound hand and foot. Guy, who was 48, was stripped of his cassock and forced to kneel down on the ground where he was shot in the back of the head. He was in the same grave with Father Urbain and 18 others.
Captured in the home of Vietnamese friends, American Stephen Miller of the
was bound and shot in a field behind a Catholic . , an American civilian working for
International, was killed during an attack by communist forces while in the presence of U.S soldiers.
, a Dutch-Canadian doctor who lived in Hue and witnessed the battle and the massacre, wrote The Viet Cong Massacre at Hue in 1976. He recounts numerous stories of inexplicable murders. A 48-year-old street vendor, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Lao, was "arrested on the main street. Her body was found at the school. Her arms had been bound and a rag st there were no wounds to the body. She was probably buried alive.":131 A 44-year-old bricklayer, Mr. Nguyen Ty, was "seized on February 2, 1968...His body was found on March 1 his hands were tied, and he had a bullet wound through his neck which had come out through the mouth.":136 At Ap Dong Gi Tay "110 b again most had their hands tied and rags stuffed in their mouth. All of them were men, among them fifteen students, several military men, and civil servants, young and old.":137 "Sometimes a whole family was eliminated, as was the case with the merchant, Mr. Nam Long, who together with his wife and five children was shot at home." "Mr. Phan Van Tuong, a laborer at the province headquarters, suffered a similar fate by being shot outside his house with four of his children.":141
Vennema listed 27 graves with a total of 2397 bodies, most of which had been executed.:129–141 He cited numerous eyewitness accounts of executions by
troops and described the condition of bodies found in the graves. Many had their hands tied behind their backs. Some were shot in the head. Some had rags stuffed in their mouths and had no evidence of wounds, apparently having been buried alive. Some had evidence of having been beaten. A few were identified as
troops killed during the battle.:129–141
Some graves were found purely by accident. A farmer working in his field tripped on a wire sticking out of the ground. He pulled on it to remove it and a skeletal hand popped out of the ground. Other graves were found when people noticed suspiciously green grass in sandy areas. The Da Mai Creek massacre was discovered after three
defected and told authorities about the murders. An ARVN soldier on patrol south of Hue noticed a wire sticking out of the ground. Thinking it was a booby trap, he very carefully worked to uncover it. He discovered the body of an old man, his hands tied together with the wire. Two days later 130 bodies had been uncovered.
In another case, “...a squad with a death order entered the home of a prominent community leader and shot him, his wife, his married son and daughter-in-law, his young unmarried daughter, a male and female servant and their baby. The fami the family dog
the goldfish scooped out of the fishbowl and tossed on the floor. When the Communists left, no life remained in the house.”
An eyewitness, Nguyen Tan Chau, recounted how he was captured by communist troops and marched south with 29 other prisoners bound together in three groups of ten. Chau managed to escape and hide in the darkness just before the others were executed. From there he witnessed what happened next. "The larger prisoners were separated into pairs, tied together back to back and shot. The others were shot singly. All were dumped into two shallow graves, including those who had been wounded but were not dead":57
Captured Viet Cong documents boasted that they "eliminated" thousands of people and "annihilated members of various reactionary political parties, henchmen, and wicked tyrants" in Hu?.:72–78 One regiment alone reported that it killed 1,000 people. Another report mentioned 2,867 killed. Yet another document boasted of over 3,000 killed. A further document listed 2,748 executions.:73–74 A captured Viet Cong enemy document, of which numerous writers cited, including
in his 1980 book America in Vietnam, and Peter Macdonald's 1993 book Giap, recorded that the Communists "eliminated 1,892 administrative personnel, 38 policemen, 790 tyrants" – 2720 politically-persecuted persons in all, during the Communist occupation of the city.
The translation of an official Vietnamese campaign study of the Tet Offensive in
released by the Communists recognized that Viet Cong cadres "hunted down and captured tyrants and
military and government personnel" and that "many nests of reactionaries [...] were killed." Hundreds of others "who owed blood debts were executed." Another official history from the Communist side, "The Tri-Thien-Hue Battlefield During the Victorious Resistance War Against the Americans to Save the Nation", recognized the widespread killings but claimed they were done by civilians who armed themselves and "rose up in a flood-tide, killing enemy thugs, eliminating traitors, and hunting down the enemy... The people captured and punished many reactionaries, enemy thugs, and enemy secret agents."
When Tr??ng Nhu Tr?ng was appointed Vietcong justice minister soon after Hu?, he understood this to be a critical position because the
had, "left us with a special need to address fears among the Southern people that a revolutionary victory would bring with it a
or ." This was because, "large numbers of people had been executed" including "captured American soldiers and several other international people who were not combatants." According to Tr?ng, "discipline in Hue was seriously inadequate" and "fanatic young soldiers had indiscriminately shot people, and angry local citizens who supported the revolution had on various occasions taken justice into their own hands...." The massacre was, "one of those terrible spontaneous tragedies that inevitably accompany war."
On Feb 4th, Radio Hanoi announced, “After one hour's fighting the Revolutionary Armed Forces occupied the residence of the puppet provincial Governor (in Hue), the prison and the offices of the puppet administration . . . . The Revolutionary Armed Forces punished most cruel agents of the enemy and seized control of the streets . . . rounded up and punished dozens of cruel agents and caused the enemy organs of control and oppression to crumble.”:54 On Feb 14th, the Thua Thien-Hue People's Revolutionary Committee issued a statement that read in part, “Concerned over the country's survival and their own fate, on 31 January 1968, the Thua Thien-Hue people rose up holding weapons in their hands, smashed the puppet ruling apparatus from the provincial to the village and hamlet levels, and completely liberated the rural areas and the city of Hue. The enemy has suffered disastrous defeats. A number of ringleaders of the puppet administration have surrendered to the people or have been arrested and have been detained by the revolutionary forces. Except for some localities and scattered guard posts which have not yet been liquidated, the Thua Thien-Hue puppet administration has basically disintegrated.”:196–197 An entry in a captured communist document dated Feb 22nd stated, “Troop proselyting by the / forces was not successful because the troops had to devote themselves to combat missions. Moreover, they were afraid of being discovered by the enemy. It was very difficult for them to handle POW’s so they executed the policy of “catch and kill.”:114 A February 25 captured communist document detailed some of the successes of the Special Action Company of the
6th Regiment. “We captured and exterminated thousands of people of the revolutionary network. From province to village we broke the enemy’s administrative grip for the people to rise.”:115
A report written immediately after the battle by a political officer of the People’s Revolutionary Party listed 2,826 “administrative personnel, nationalist political party members, ‘tyrants’ and policemen that were killed by their troops.”:7
Another document, undated, written by a senior political officer and marked “ABSOLUTE SECRET”, entitled "Information On the Victory of Our Armed Forces in Hue from 31 January to 23 March 1968" was captured by the 1st US Air Cavalry Division on April 25, 1968.:212 – note 15 It reported on the results of the political operation. “We also killed one member of the Dai Viet Party Committee, one Senator of South Viet-Nam, 50 Quoc Dan Dang party members, six Dai Viet Party members, thirteen Can Lao Nhan Vi Party members, three captains, four 1st lieutenants, and liberated 35 hamlets with 32,000 people...We eliminated 1892 administrative personnel, 38 policemen, 790 tyrants, six captains, two first lieutenants, 20 second lieutenants, and many NCOs.”:74 The same document contained a passage that read “The people joined our soldiers in their search for tyrants, reactionaries and spies. For instance, Mrs. Xuan followed our soldiers to show the houses of the tyrants she knew, although she had only six days before given birth to a child.”:72
In March 1968, in the official Hanoi press, the North reported, “Actively combining their efforts with those of the People's Liberation Armed Forces and population, other self-defense and armed units of the city of Hue arrested and called to surrender the surviving functionaries of the puppet administration and officers and men of the puppet army who were skulking. Die-hard cruel agents were punished.”:191 A March 6 document written by a
sapper unit commander recounted that his unit "participated in the killing of tyrants and the digging of trenches":112 A March 13, 1968 entry in captured documents reviewed the successes of the attack on Hue. “Enormous victory: We annihilated more than 3,000 tyrannical puppet army and government administrative personnel, including the Deputy Province Chief of Thua Thien.”:115–116 A report written by the commander of the 6th Regiment on March 30 stated that they had captured thousands of “local administrative personnel, puppet troops, and cruel tyrants” and successfully “annihilated members of various reactionary political parties, henchmen, and wicked tyrants.” It also stated that they had “killed 1,000 local administrative personnel, spies and cruel tyrants.”:73
On April 26, 1968, Hanoi, reacting to the discovery of graves in Hue, announced that the people murdered by their troops were, "hooligan lackeys who had incurred blood debts of the Hue compatriots and who were annihilated by the Front's Armed Forces in the early spring of 1968.":191 On April 27, 1969, Radio Hanoi criticized authorities in Hue and South Vietnam, stating, "In order to cover up their cruel acts, the puppet administration in Hue recently played the farce of setting up a so-called committee for the search for burial sites of the hooligan lackeys who had owed blood debts to the Tri-Thien-Hue compatriots and who were annihilated by the Southern Armed Forces and people in early Mau Than spring.":191–192
A cadre diary captured by 1st US Air Cavalry Division troops contained an entry that read "The entire puppet administrative system from hamlet to province was destroyed or disintegrated. More than 3,000 persons were killed. The enemy could never reorganize or make up for his failure. Although he could immediately use inexperienced elements as replacements, they were good for nothing.":73
In December 1968 the Hue City People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee released a summary of the Party’s accomplishments during Tet. The summary included the following statement: “Thousands of tyrants were killed. Many reactionary factions and organizations were exterminated.”:7
That same month, Don Oberdorfer reported, "Ho Ty was arrested by the government police on Sept. 4 this year. At the time of his arrest, he was party secretary for a section of Hue city...Ho Ty reported that the part of the plan from higher headquarters was to destroy the government machinery of Hue and the people who made it work.....He said the killings were planned and executed by a separate group in charge of security."
In 1987, at a Hanoi conference to discuss the history of the Tet offensive, Colonel General , one of the commanders of the Hue operation, assessed the strengths and weaknesses of his forces, citing as one of their strengths: “We resolutely carried out the orders and fulfilled the requirements set out for us by the High Command. We motivated our cadre, soldiers, and the civilian population through the use of the slogans, ‘Tri-Thien fights for Tri-Thien and for the entire nation,’ and ‘Heroically and resolutely conduct attacks and uprisings.’”
In February 1988 Vietnamese Communist leaders admitted "mistakes" were made in Hue. , commander of part of the forces that took over Hue stated that "There was no case of killing civilians purposefully.....Those civilians who were killed were killed accidentally, in cross fire." But he admitted "some rank and file soldiers may have committed individual mistakes."
Label on the shrouded remains of a Tet Offensive victim describing teeth, color of hair, foot wear, and other possessions found with the body.
A first summary was published for the U.S. Mission in Vietnam by , then working as a
in 1970. Pike identified three distinct phases for the executions in Hu?. In a report published in 1970, The Viet Cong Strategy of Terror, the U.S. Information Agency analyst Douglas Pike wrote that at least half of the bodies unearthed in Hu? revealed clear evidence of "atrocity killings: to include hands wired behind backs, rags stuffed in mouths, bodies contorted but without wounds (indicating burial alive).":47 Pike concluded that the killings were done by local
cadres and were the result of "a decision rational and justifiable in the Communist mind.".:52 The three phases are as follows:
Phase one was a series of
trials of local
officials. The highly publicized trials lasted anywhere from 5 – 10 minutes and the accused were always found guilty of “crimes against the people”.:54–55
Phase two was implemented when the communists thought that they could hold the city long-term, and consisted of a campaign of “social reconstruction” along
dogmatic lines. Those who the communists believed to be
were singled out in this phase. Catholics, , prominent , and other “ lackeys” were targeted in order to “build a new social order”.:55–58
The last phase began when it became evident that the communists could not hold the city and was designed to “leave no witnesses”. Anyone who could identify individual
members who participated in the occupation was to be killed and their bodies hidden.:58–60
After the , between 1968 and 1969 a total of almost 2,800 bodies were recovered from mass graves, with 4 major mass grave finds.
Few months after the Battle, about 1,200 civilian bodies were found in 18 hastily concealed mass graves.
A second major group of graves were discovered In the first 7 months of 1969. In February 1968, a list of 428 names of people identified from the recovered bones was released by local authorities.
In September 1969, three Communist defectors confessed to the 101st Airborne Division intelligence officers that they witnessed several hundred people being killed in a 100-yard area at Da Mai Creek bed (~ 10 miles south of Hu?).
In November 1969, another major mass grave were fount at Phu Thu Salt Flats, near the fishing village of L??ng Vi?n, Vinh H?ng commune, Phú L?c provincial district, 10 miles east of Hu? and half-way between the cities of Hu? and .
Many later authors relied on Pike's account, e.g.,
in Vietnam, A History and
in The Ten Thousand Day War. Other early sources include
reporters serving under a code of reporting conduct imposed by U.S. forces and agencies.
In 's 2002 memoir, From Enemy to Friend: a North Vietnamese perspective on the war, the former
Colonel acknowledged that executions of civilians did occur in Hu?. However, he added that under the intensity of the American bombardment, discipline of the troops disintergrated. The "units from the north" had been "told that Hue was the stronghold of feudalism, a bed of reactionaries, the breeding ground of C?n Lao Party loyalists who remained true to the memory of former South Vietnamese president
and of 's Democracy Party." Tin explained that over 10,000 prisoners were taken at Hu?, with the most important of them sent to
launched their counterattack to retake the city, Communist troops were instructed to move the prisoners with the retreating troops. According to Tín, in the "panic of retreat," the company and battalion commanders shot their prisoners "to ensure the safety of the retreat."
disputes the "official figures" of executions at Hu?. While acknowledging that there were executions, she cites freelance journalist Len Ackland, who was at Hue, who estimated the number to be somewhere between 300 and 400.
Ngo Vinh Long claims that 710 people were killed by the communists. In an interview he stated, "Yeah, there was a total of 710 persons killed in the Hue area, from my research, not as many as five thousand, six thousand, or whatever the Americans claimed at that time, and not as few as four hundred as people like some of the people in the peace movement here claim...."
The Italian journalist , citing a French priest she spoke to in Hu?, claimed that the death toll of between 5,000 and 8,000 included the deaths due to American bombardment, and at least 200 people, and perhaps as many as 1,100, who were killed following the liberation of Hu? by the US and .
wrote that the bodies of those executed by South Vietnamese teams were thrown into common graves. Some reports exposed that South Vietnamese "revenge squads" had also been at work in the aftermath of the battle, searching out and executing citizens that had supported the communist occupation.
posited that 's study for the U.S Mission was, "by any definition, a work of ". In 1988 Pike said that he had earlier been engaged in a conscious "effort to discredit the Vietcong".
Historian James Willbanks concluded that "We may never know what really happened at Hue, but it is clear that mass executions did occur".
Reports of the Massacre had a profound impact on the South Vietnamese for many years after the Offensive, with an anticipation of a bloodbath following any North Vietnamese takeover, like the one in Hu?. Novelist James Jones, in a New York Times article wrote, "Whatever else they accomplished, the Hue massacres effectively turned the bulk of the South Vietnamese against the Northern Communists. In South Vietnam, wherever one went, from Can Tho in the delta to Tay Ninh to Kontum in the north, and of course in Hue, the 1968 Tet massacres were still being talked about in 1973."
Anticipation of a bloodbath was a major factor in the widespread panic and chaos across South Vietnam when North Vietnam executed their , and the panic culminated in the disintegration and defeat of South Vietnamese military forces, and the
on April 30, 1975. Today, the Massacre remains unrecognized and entirely ignored in the Vietnamese communist government's
in . Many in the American populace have very little to no knowledge about the Hue Massacre, in comparison to .
Jackson, Gerald (16–22 February 1998). . The New Australian 2014.
Anderson, David L. The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War. 2004, page 98-9
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(PDF). RVN 2014.
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by James H. Willbanks
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