
Expect clear, cost-effective, robust legal advice.
Our Expertise
and provide legal advice across a broad range of industries throughout New Zealand.
Our expertise covers a variety of ,
(, , , ), , commercial
legal services.
Our approach
We focus on excellence, efficiency and fostering long-term client relationships based on performance, integrity and respect.
Stone Lawyers provides top quality legal work quickly at a fair price. We combine technical excellence
with practical and commercial insight. Our lawyers reduce complex questions to clear answers.
Our lawyers
work with our clients to anticipate opportunites and respond to commercial and legal issues affecting their business. Stone Lawyers provides clear-cut solutions, and we give our clients succinct answers that achieve their commercial objectives.
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(C) 2012 Stone Lawyers Ltd | All rights reserved | We have traded as Stone Lawyers in New Zealand since mid-2009. Our domain names mirror our business name. They are , , , ,
(we also practise in
due to the trans-tasman nature of our work). Any other business in New Zealand or Australia that uses the words Stone and Lawyers as part of its business name or domain name is not assocated with Stone Lawyers in any way.We are commercial lawyers who specialise in intellectual property, franchising, licensing, due diligence and business services. We provide top quality legal work quickly and at a fair price to our Australian and international clients.
We combine technical excellence with substantial experience to provide our clients with practical, commercial solutions that achieve their business objectives. Expect clear, cost-effective, practical and robust legal advice.
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Specializing in Franchise Law
International and American Franchise AttorneyPurchasing a franchise is a common quick-start business opportunity for new entrepreneurs. Franchises have name brand recognition, a tried and true product that fits the needs of consumers, and an established method of doing business. As a potential franchisee, you may be tempted to jump into buying a franchise before you have identified the risks. As an experienced international and American franchise lawyer, I can help you decide if buying a franchise is the right fit for you.Are you interested in
? Do you need a lawyer's help with a franchise law issue? Please , Mario L. Herman, to arrange your consultation.Opportunity for GrowthThe opportunity for growth in international and domestic franchising is virtually limitless. Franchises market to and fulfill the needs of consumers throughout various aspects of their lives. Many consumers are loyal to brands, choosing to stay in a hotel or eat at a restaurant they have heard of or have experience with. As a franchisee, you can provide a service to consumers while fulfilling their needs for familiarity and convenience.A Full Range of Legal ServicesI help franchisees in a variety of industries. In addition to
and , I help clients get into the
as well as the
and many other types of businesses.I provide a complete line of services to prospective franchisees. My legal services include advising you on the steps to take before buying a business, as well as the legal ramifications of selling one. I also represent clients who need to resolve disputes through .Skilled Representation for International Franchise OpportunitiesAre you a U.S. franchisee currently in a franchise relationship looking abroad for franchisor opportunities?
is on the rise. Like any business deal, a thorough analysis of issues likely to arise and their effect on those involved serves either to ensure a successful venture or to spare a prospective partaker trouble and regret in the future.Contact an Experienced Franchise LawyerI have been practicing in the area of franchise law for more than 25 years. My knowledge and skill is nationally recognized, and as a result, I have been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, as well as local news and radio programs.If you are seeking an experienced franchise lawyer in Washington, D.C.,
to arrange your consultation.
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