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下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思口语第二部分的得分要诀,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。雅思口语考试的第二部分Part 2要发挥好必须注意以下几个要点:1. 充分利用一分钟的准备时间。考生在一分钟的准备时间里要尽量多地写下关键词。因为大多数考生在口语考试第二部分经常会由于紧张而突然没有思路,在60秒之内写下8~10个关键词有助于考生在答题过程中理清思路。2. 完全回答答题卡上的四个问题,说满两分钟的答题时间。考官看一个考生的思路主要是看这个考生能否遵照考试指令完成问题,并且有条理、有逻辑地回答完这些问题。大家来看一个考生应考Part 2的时候所做的笔记就可以看出他是如何做出完美的笔记并且完整回答4个指令问题的。雅思口语考试真题Describe your favorite gift.You should say:What the gift was.When and where you got it.What it was like.And explain why it was your favorite gift.考生笔记Gift purseWhen/ where last month, birthdayWhat it was like color C greymaterial C fine, soft leatherbrand C Guccipockets on outsidedeep pocket insideFeeling amazed, excitedWhy favorite needed a new purse, so beautiful如果所有考生都能够做笔记做到以上表格中的程度,那么两分钟的答题时间完全可以撑满,甚至会超过。因此,雅思口语考试第二部分的高分与否是取决于考生回答的内容的!3. 跟Part 1一样,Part 2也是有固定的话题题库的,但是第二部分的话题总量达到180个之多!考生不可能把这些话题都一一准备,所以我把口语考试Part 2的话题归为以下五类:Describing People (描述人物)Describing Places (描述地点)Describing Objects (描述具体物件)Describing Events & Moments (描述事件)Describing Activities (描述活动)每个类别分别准备三到四个相关主题就足以应付雅思口语考试Part 2的所有话题了。比如说描述人物的话题中,以下这些就可以同时准备,甚至可以说同一个人!A Person Who Has Visited Your Home 一个来过你家做客的人A Person Who Is Good at His/Her Job 一个工作得心应手的人A Person Who Likes to Help Others 一个喜欢帮助他人的人A Person Who Took Care of You in Your Childhood 一个在你儿时照顾过你的人A Person You Enjoy Talking With 一个你乐于和他聊天的人A Person You Live with 一个和你一起住的人A Person You Visited 一个你看望过的人A Person You Would Like to Be Similar to 一个你希望能和他很像的人雅思口语考试的第二部分的话题可归类的特点可以为考生备考雅思口语考试Part 2 节省大量时间。以上就是新东方网雅思频道为大家整理的雅思口语第二部分的得分要诀,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在新东方网雅思频道。最后,新东方网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!更多雅思口语辅导》》 更多雅思资讯请访问》》》新东方网IELTS频道 (责任编辑:张梦璇)
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  雅思口语考试一直是中国考生难题,除了要有要有实力外,还需要我们能突破心理防线,大声的说出来,这样我们的口语能力才能有大的提升哦~前程百利雅思小编今天为大家准备了雅思考试口语范文:描述一个家庭,正在雅思备考的你可千万别错过哟~  What is Family? How do you define a family?  People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect 。  I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air!  People who you hate most of the time, but are forced to love unconditionally :  Bunch of people who will make you sometimes happy, sometimes sad but are always there when you need them, when you are going through good times and bad.  The ones that are there for you all your life through good and bad. they love and care for you even if you are the most hated person in the world, and always have a shoulder to lean on.  Some words to describe Family !  fun, loving, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, wonderful  exciting, joyful, protective, loving, functional  togetherness, lovable, trustworthy, funny, adventuress,  spontanious, fun filled, halarious, god‘s angelsm, comforting  Say something about your Family!  My maternal grandfather’s ancestor came from.。.  My family is big and hectic, but we‘re always there for each other. definately protective.  Unconventional, free-spirited, slightly bonkers, and occasionally irritating. But compassionate, well-meaning and generally pretty great.  We’re not wealthy in assets, but we are richest in unity and support.  Mostly we just get together for major family events.  My immediately family is kind of large and I would not consider us close, though many outsiders do. I guess we are at least rather involved in each other‘s lives for people to say that. However, each of us is an individual and independent of the others, so that’s what makes me say that we are not close. We get along, in general, though. That is the important thing.  And even within the immediate family, we‘re not especially close, we just kind of sit around and have meaningless conversations, and the closest we ever come to actual ’family time‘ anymore is maybe sitting down to play a few argument-filled hands of Gin Rummy.  以上就是前程百利雅思小编为大家介绍的雅思考试口语范文描述一个家庭的内容,相信对你们的雅思口语会有很多的帮助,
你可能喜欢英语范文 描述一个街道 雅思口语 最喜欢的街道_百度作业帮
英语范文 描述一个街道 雅思口语 最喜欢的街道
英语范文 描述一个街道 雅思口语 最喜欢的街道
A rainy weekend afternoon on Clinton Street.Cafe windows are fogged white.The grayness is dappled,here and there,with neon lights.Occasional families towing children in bright rain slickers and Technicolor galoshes,brave the rain for a walk around the neighborhood.Bicyclists pass with hissing tires,their faces bright and unconcerned despite the damp journey.It's all so idyllic and serene.Even the hipsters seem subdued as they shuffle out of the bars on their way towards Saturday night.It would be easy to think that someone made up this entire scene,that some director yelled action and set his imagination in motion.Several summers ago,I found myself at the corner of S.E.26th and Clinton streets for the first time.I felt as if I had stumbled onto some movie studio's back lot representation of small town Main Street.The cluster of shops and restaurants were like a village square,plopped down in the middle of a quiet neighborhood.The trees were full and green,people sat outside in the warmth eating and chatting.Music played from doorways.It was a bit shocking,really.I mean,there was even amovie theater.I had never heard of the Clinton corners before,but after seeing them for the first time,I was entranced.Less than a year later I had moved within five blocks of the corners and ever since,I have made the place my sanctuary.I have everything I all I have to do is walk a few blocks.There is so much going on along Clinton Street,and its more outgoing neighbor,Division Street,that a person could spend every day in this inner southeast enclave and never get bored.It's all just a matter of knowing what and where.Still,sometimes it's enough to just sit and watch the street life pass by on a rainy weekend afternoon.There is a certain magic in it.Sure,there are other places in the city that are as beautiful and vibrant,serene and lovely,but to me,they lack something.It might be the people who populate the neighborhood,the folks who chat with me from an adjacent barstool or smile as I pass on the sidewalk.It might be the charming,crazy-quilt aesthetic of the businesses.It might even be the cats,which emerge in the night to be stroked and to shadow the walk home.Whatever it is about this place,it has a hold on me.
多少字? 是一个2分钟的口语吧??雅思4.5吗?是的。两分钟口语。Chinese Beautiful Street ----WuZen(乌镇)
The Grand Canal sweeps through the heart of WuZen. To travel down the Canal is to be
transported back to the glory ...
Chinese Beautiful Street ----WuZen(乌镇)
The Grand Canal sweeps through the heart of WuZen. To travel down the Canal is to be
transported back to the glory days of the city. WuZen hundreds of years old, line either side of
the waterway.
Carved windows, fluted columns and capitals, and excessive
ornamentation catch the eye at every turn. Many palazzi still bear the names of the once great
families that inhabited them
it's like reading a Who's Who of Chinese emperor. The final stretch of the Canal has to be the most breathtaking.
And in the midst of such splendour,
ordinary life goes on. Fishmen can lade with tourists pass
every 10 minutes. Rust buckets, motors groaning. Water taxis - highly polished, wooden gloss gleaming. Cargo boats piled high with cardboard boxes, trolleys,
ropes and tarpaulins. A tiny blue and white craft, low in the water - the 'polizia locale'. .
During the day the Canal is a swirl of activity, a kaleidoscope of ever changing shapes, colour
and noise. At night the canal takes on a different hue
softer, quieter, and almost seductive. It's
possible to catch a glimpse into Murano chandelier lit interiors, wooden beams reflecting a warm
light and hinting at sumptuous decors. Gondoliers row silently, gliding slowly, a tiny light shining
at the prow, their warning cries of 'Oe', 'Premi' and 'Stai' echoing off dark walls and alerting others to their presence. It's almost a fairytale world.
Street Jianguo is a busy street. When it is Saturday and Sunday, many people walk on it. On both sides of it, some people sell cheap goods and many old people and young people buy wh...
the block i live in is just the normal one, like the others in the city. Altough there's a street which's pretty special to the people in the neighborhood, the one happen to be outside my front door. ...雅思口语话题范文:描述一个家庭_新东方网
& 文章正文
  What is Family? How do you define a family?
  People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect .
  I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air!
  People who you hate most of the time, but are forced to love
unconditionally :
  Bunch of people who will make you sometimes happy, sometimes sad but are
always there when you need them, when you are going through good times and
  The ones that are there for you all your life through good and bad. they
love and care for you even if you are the most hated person in the world, and
always have a shoulder to lean on.
  Some words to describe Family !
  fun, loving, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, wonderful
  exciting, joyful, protective, loving, functional
  togetherness, lovable, trustworthy, funny, adventuress,
  spontanious, fun filled, halarious, god's angelsm, comforting
  Say something about your Family!
  My maternal grandfather's ancestor came from...
  My family is big and hectic, but we're always there for each other.
definately protective.
  Unconventional, free-spirited, slightly bonkers, and occasionally
irritating. But compassionate, well-meaning and generally pretty great.
  We're not wealthy in assets, but we are richest in unity and support.
  Mostly we just get together for major family events.
  My immediately family is kind of large and I would not consider us close,
though many outsiders do. I guess we are at least rather involved in each
other's lives for people to say that. However, each of us is an individual and
independent of the others, so that's what makes me say that we are not close. We
get along, in general, though. That is the important thing.
  And even within the immediate family, we're not especially close, we just
kind of sit around and have meaningless conversations, and the closest we ever
come to actual 'family time' anymore is maybe sitting down to play a few
argument-filled hands of Gin Rummy.


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